Psychology (BS) Intended Program Outcomes Students will demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. Direct and Indirect Measures Criteria for Success Methods of Assessment Direct 1. 80% of the students enrolled in PSY2012 will show an increase in the score earned between the pre- and post-assessment. 2. 80% of the students enrolled in PSY2012 will earn a 70% or higher on the postassessment. 3. 80% of the students enrolled in CLP 4142 will earn a 70% or higher on the core principle test. 4. 80% of the students enrolled in PSY4604 will earn a 70% or higher on the core principle test. 5. 80% of the students enrolled in SOP3782 will earn a 70% or higher on the core principle test Direct 1. PSY2012 pre- and post-assessment. 2. PSY2012 post-assessment. 3. CLP 4142 faculty-designed exam. 4. PSY4604 faculty-designed exam. 5. SOP3782 faculty-designed exam. Students will understand, analyze, synthesize, and apply basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation. Indirect 1. 80% of the students completing the departmental course evaluation of the above stated courses will indicate adequate mastery of the respective course material and learning objectives. Direct 1. 80% of the students enrolled in PSY3204 will earn a 70% or higher on the core principle test. 2. 80% of the students enrolled in EXP3704 will earn a 70% or higher on faculty designed assignments and exams. Students will demonstrate the ability to express themselves in oral and written presentations and/or assignments, and correctly use the editorial style of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual. Indirect 1. 80% of the students completing the departmental course evaluation of the above stated courses will indicate adequate mastery of the respective course material and learning objectives. Direct 1. 80% of the students enrolled in EXP3704 will earn a 70% or higher on faculty designed oral presentation. 2. 80% of the students enrolled in SOP3782 will earn a 70% or higher on faculty designed written presentation. Indirect 1. 80% of the students completing the departmental course evaluation of the above stated courses will indicate adequate mastery of the respective course material and learning objectives. Indirect 1. Departmental Course Evaluation Form Direct 1. PSY3204 faculty-designed exam 2. EXP3704 faculty-designed assignment & exam Indirect 1. Departmental Course Evaluation Form Direct 1. EXP3704 faculty-designed oral assignment. 2. SOP3782 facultydesigned written assignment. Indirect 1. Departmental Course Evaluation Form Direct and Indirect Measures Intended Program Outcomes Students will demonstrate knowledge and behaviors consistent with the scientific and professional ethics of the discipline. Criteria for Success Direct 1. 80% of the students enrolled in EXP3704 will earn a 70% or higher on faculty designed assignments and exams. Methods of Assessment Direct 1. EXP3704 faculty-designed assignments & exams Indirect 1. Departmental Course Evaluation Form Indirect 1. 80% of the students completing the departmental course evaluation of the above stated courses will indicate adequate mastery of the respective course material and learning objectives. Students will recognize, understand, and demonstrate an in-depth appreciation of the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity. Direct 1. 80% of the students enrolled in SOP3782 will earn a 70% or higher on faculty designed assignments and exams. Indirect 1. 80% of the students completing the departmental course evaluation of the above stated courses will indicate adequate mastery of the respective course material and learning objectives. Direct 1. SOP3782 faculty-designed assignments & exams. Indirect 1. Departmental Course Evaluation Form