Grant Opportunities for Not-for-Profit Community Groups January 2014 Below is a guide to a collection of current funding, sponsorship and donation programs brought to you through the Community Grants Program. Please follow the links to the Provider’s website for guidelines, more information and to check currency of information. Please note that details provided are only a brief summary of the programs available, CHDC accepts no responsibility for omissions or changes to these programs. It is the responsibility of users to check accuracy, details of eligibility, funding availability and full guidelines with the websites and relevant funding bodies. FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information NOTE: BLUE print indicates grants are new or changed from the previous edition Kestrel Aboriginal Community Development Fund RACQ Foundation - Natural Disasters (Category 1) Small Town Australia Day Event Celebration Grants Support a range of community projects that deliver positive, constructive, real and sustainable outcomes to the Aboriginal Community * Aboriginal business development * Educational Programs * Heritage & Culture conservation * Training and employment * Community Benefits projects * Sporting and community activity * Other projects agreed to by the ACDFC The RACQ Foundation’s priorities are to assist: 1. Queensland community organisations that have been significantly affected by natural disasters to help them regain their position prior to the relevant weather event 2. Deserving charities or other organisations with a charitable purpose that help Queenslanders who have been impacted by a natural disaster This year, Council is offering smaller communities in the CHRC region an opportunity to apply for $100 grants if they plan on holding a local event in their town. These grants may assist with event costs, such as providing food for a BBQ. Upon receiving written applications, Central Highlands Regional Council will issue one (a) An Aboriginal person who has resided within the project area for more than one year; (b) A person who is recognized as a Western Kangoulu person by a majority of the Western Kangoulu members of the ACDFC Eligible applicants are seen as those who: * Can demonstrate they can make effective use of the funds in accordance with the guidelines and vision * Are willing and able to measure the performance of the project, and * Can work in partnership with the Aboriginal Community Development Fund Committee (ACDFC). Your organisation must be either: a. a small to medium community organisation; or b. a charity or other organisation with a charitable purpose Project must benefit Queenslanders affected by natural disasters Projects valued above $25,000 may be asked to present their proposals in person to the Board Up to $50,000, with funding for amounts up to $200,000 considered in exceptional circumstances. 7 January 2014 /news_and_community/racq_foun dation#apply Smaller CHRC communities that do not have Council-run Australia Day celebrations who are planning to hold Australia Day events in their towns. One grant of $100 per town. If there is more than one Community group who wishes to hold an event in each town, Council recommends that 10 January 2014 Written applications can be posted to: Attn: Australia Day Committee, CHRC PO Box 21 Emerald, Q, 4720 1 Rounds closing in: January April July October Guidelines: http://www.riotintocoalaustralia.c aboriginal_community_developme nt_fund_1630.asp Contact: Ronald Saltner Aboriginal Relations Specialist T: 4984 7658 M: 0427 462 927 Central Highlands Development Corporation website: Last Updated 7 March 2016 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY Community Broadcasting Foundation Ethnic Broadcasting Special Projects Grants To encourage and support projects for the benefit of ethnic community broadcasting in Australia that • build capacity for local benefit particularly for encouraging youth participation at the station; OR • are innovative one-off or discrete projects that will assist in developing ethnic community broadcasting; OR • will produce networked programs relevant to a broad ethnic audience. If you are: • community radio station with a long-term or a temporary licence • an umbrella group (an incorporated ethnic community broadcasting association) representing one or more ethnic program groups at a particular licensed community radio station. Please contact the CBF for further information. • a state, regional or national community broadcasting association. Creative partnerships between stations and organisations whose goals are compatible with those of community broadcasting are encouraged, however the application must come from the station/sector organisation. Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast licence. A station with a temporary licence must have been on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. Additional conditions are imposed on temporary licensees with regard to ownership of assets purchased with the grant. Community Broadcasting Foundation Ethnic Development Grants - New Program Group Grants To assist the ongoing development of ethnic community broadcasting in Australia through grants to assist with program start-up costs for new language/cultural groups becoming involved in ethnic community broadcasting at a particular station for the first time. If you are: • a community radio station with a long-term or a temporary licence applying on behalf of an eligible program group • an umbrella group (an incorporated ethnic community broadcasting association) representing one or more ethnic program groups at a particular licensed community radio station. Please contact the CBF for further information. Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast grant per town. 2 $ they join together and share the grant. Up to $25,000, depending on the scope of the project. • New Language Group - Up to $1,000 • New Community Group - Up to $1,500 CLOSING DATE Website for more information 13 January 2014 nt-finder/grant-categories/ethnicgrants/ethnic-broadcasting-specialprojects-grants/ 13 January 2014 nt-finder/grant-categories/ethnicgrants/ethnic-development-grantsnew-program-group/ FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Community Broadcasting Foundation Ethnic Program Grants To assist the maintenance, with a particular focus on development, of Australian ethnic community broadcasting through grants to subsidise production of ethnic programs relevant to a local ethnic community. St George Foundation In order to help the little guys we – * partner with the smaller community organisations who attract little funding from government and who aren’t big enough to generate significant fundraising income of their own. * invest in projects that will improve the lives of Australian children who are physically, socially or economically disadvantaged. ELIGIBILITY licence. A station with a temporary licence must have been on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. Additional conditions are imposed on temporary licensees with regard to ownership of assets purchased with the grant. • A long term licensed community radio station or holder of a temporary community radio license giving time to ethnic community groups to broadcast in their own languages on an equitable basis with other station programs. • An umbrella group (an incorporated ethnic community broadcasting association) representing one or more ethnic program groups at a particular licensed community radio station. Please contact the CBF for further information. Grants are not available for stations broadcasting under a narrowcast license. To be eligible for funding your organisation will: * assist children under the age of 18 years * focus your efforts on Australian children * be endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (but not another ancillary fund). Deductible Gift Recipients must be listed with the Australian Taxation Office under Item 1 of the Table in Section 30–15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act, 1936. * have an annual gross revenue of less than $3,000,000 *receive less than 40% of your income from recurrent state or federal funding OR have an annual income of less than $1,000,000. 3 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Various - refer to guidelines 13 January 2014 nt-finder/grant-categories/ethnicgrants/ethnic-program-grants/ Up to $50,000 15 January 2014 eorgefoundation/funding.asp 4 rounds per year FUNDING PROGRAM ANZ Staff Foundation Grants FOCUS Community projects that relate to one or more of the following areas: • Education and employment – examples of suitable projects may include purchasing educational resources for communities or programs that help people prepare for employment. • Urban and rural economic and social divides – examples of suitable projects may include developing and distributing educational materials to remote communities or programs that seek to connect isolated community members. • Financial capability – examples of suitable projects may focus on improving financial literacy or money saving capability. • Urban sustainability – examples of suitable projects may include environmental education programs or revegetation programs. ELIGIBILITY Charitable organisations, gifts to which are deductible under Section 30-15 [formerly 78(4)] of the Income Tax Act. (DGR Status) $ Preferred amount up to $5,000 CLOSING DATE 15 January 2014 Website for more information ate-banktrustees/trustees/granting/grantin g-programs/small-grants/ Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Funding Program Supports locally determined professional arts, cultural and heritage development opportunities by providing one-off, short term, project based financial assistance to groups and individuals. Individual professional artists, arts workers, cultural workers or project coordinators who are based in the local council area, are permanent residents or Australian citizens and have an Australian Business Number. Incorporated organisations, based in the local council area, and unincorporated organisations, auspiced by an incorporated body, based in the local council area. Various - refer to guidelines 24 January 2014 http://www.centralhighlands.qld.g A grant program that provides funding for not-for-profit community groups and organisations to make energy conservation and electrical safety projects happen. Incorporated not-for-profit organisation Community groups: • Local government or other government entities • Educational institutions • Charities • Sporting clubs • Industry associations • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisations From $200 up to $5,000 and a total of $50,000. Ergon Energy Community Fund 4 Four rounds per year, further rounds, further rounds 25 April 2014 July 2014 November 2014 29 January 2014 FUNDING PROGRAM The Ian Potter Cultural Trust FOCUS To encourage and support the diversity and excellence of emerging Australian artists. The Trust offers grants to assist early career artists of exceptional talent to undertake professional development, usually overseas. Australia Council for the Arts Engage – Marketing and Audience Development Provides regional and remote presenters with resources to develop and implement marketing and audience development initiatives. Wesfarmers Curragh Community Contribution Program Organisations and charities who contribute to one or more of the following areas within Blackwater and the surrounding community: • Youth sports and recreation • Health • Arts and culture • Indigenous • Community Liveability • Environmental projects Community organisations and charities also have the opportunity to apply for Curragh's community resources: • The community assistance trailer is filled with marquees, trestle tables, garden chairs and other useful loan equipment. • Curragh's onsite fundraising facility, Bob's Breath café. We provide organisations and charities with the supplies and groceries they need to host a fundraising BBQ breakfast or lunch. • Curragh corporate merchandise is available for donation to support appropriate ELIGIBILITY The Trust primarily provides support for professional development overseas such as: • Postgraduate study • Mentoring or private lessons • Residencies or study tours which have a clear educational focus. The Trust will also consider supporting: • The purchase of non-standard musical instruments or equipment. • Costs of film-making for final year or post-grad film students • Professional development opportunities within Australia. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements. Applicants must use the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) to confirm their regional (inner/outer) or remote (remote/very remote) status. Organisations and charities who contribute to one or more of the areas of focus within Blackwater and the surrounding community Curragh does not support events or organisations directly linked with tobacco, alcohol or gambling promotion; religious or political activities. 5 $ Up to $7,000 CLOSING DATE 29 January 2014 Website for more information http://www.ianpotterculturaltrust. for project/travel after 9 May 2014 $30,000 30 January 2014 /grants/2014/engage Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their application. 31 January 2014 Future rounds: 2 May 2014 1 August 2014 31 October 2014 about-us/our-miningoperations/curragh/sponsorshipsand-donations FUNDING PROGRAM SITA Community Grants Program Everyone's Environment grants FOCUS fundraising activities. Local initiatives that will actively contribute to the sustainable wellbeing of Australian communities, either socially or environmentally, for the benefit of current residents and generations to come in at least one of the key focus areas: • Encourage community involvement and improve the quality of the local environment; • Develop environmental awareness and inspire participation in sustainable activities; • Contribute to improved human health and wellbeing; and/or • Support and encourage recreation and community building. Heritage Phase grants provide funding to local community groups to undertake onground activities to help tackle environmental degradation and the potential loss of important heritage places in their local areas. Support community groups and heritage owners to undertake projects that facilitate the conservation and interpretation, access and community engagement with Queensland’s heritage-listed places and historic shipwrecks located in Queensland waters. Eligible project might include: • projects that conserve original heritage features, improve access and/or continued use of a heritage place by the community • development of heritage interpretation activities and/or installations that: - enhance visitor understanding and engagement - contribute to the long-term sustainability of the heritage place - promote and build community recognition of Queensland’s cultural heritage • restoration of heritage parks and gardens • termite inspection and treatment • re-stumping and other urgent structural works. ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Australian registered charity or community organisation based in Australia. Must be a legal entity, registered in Australia, with a current ABN (or have the legal backing of one i.e. an auspice or funding partner) and bank account. Between $500 and $5,000 31 January 2014 u/apply/sita-community-grants • Non-profit incorporated groups or organisations. • Specialist bodies established to conserve or manage heritage places (e.g. historical and heritage societies). • Owners of places in the Queensland Heritage Register or a local heritage register who can demonstrate community benefit and involvement. For example, heritagelisted places open to the public, ability to improve public understanding and appreciation of Queensland’s heritage-listed places or historic shipwrecks. Two streams of Heritage Phase grants are available, smaller-scale projects ($2,000 to $10,000) and larger-scale projects ($10,001 to $40,000). 3 February 2014 g/everyonesenvironment/index.html 6 for small scale project and successful EOI’s. FUNDING PROGRAM Aussie Farmers Foundation Grants The Ian Potter Foundation Health & Disability Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Trial Funding Round 2 Australia Council for the Arts Projects – Creative Development (Dance) FOCUS Projects with rural and regional focus: · Aim to improve the health and wellbeing of Australian farmers and/or their families. · Address concerns specific to rural and regional communities such as health inadequacies. · Environmental organisations working towards the practice of sustainable development. · Seed funding for new ideas that benefit the marginalised and disadvantaged farming families. · Building the capacity of charitable organisations and the community sector ELIGIBILITY Organisations must be Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1. Organisations that are DGR Item 1 but are not Tax Concession Charities or Government Entities may not be eligible. The Foundation will favourably consider proposals that aim to: * Enhance the lives of individuals with disability or chronic illness, particularly through innovative approaches to health service delivery; * Promote research and development in public health and preventative medicine initiatives aimed at improving the health of the Australian community. Developing innovative strategies to provide sustainable living arrangements for adults with a disability who are cared for by their elderly parents. The key outcomes proposed from the trial are: * more adults with a disability in the care of their elderly parents having sustainable, long-term living arrangements established * a wider range of living arrangements and options created to provide more choice for elderly parent carers and their adult son or daughter with a disability. Support for the research and creative development of new dance works. Aim is to encourage artists to take time to develop a work through its life cycle. Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status; Endorsed Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1, or specifically named as a DGR in Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; & Government Entities. Other eligibility criteria apply. Complete 'Eligibility Quiz' on website to verify All organisations applying to the foundation must also advise their ABN so we can check your tax status. Not-for-profit organisations; for profit organisations and groups of individuals which are separately incorporated are eligible to apply for trial capital funding. Local Government Authorities are not required to provide evidence of incorporation. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements given below. This category is open to individuals, groups and organisations. Dance Key 7 $ *The Aussie Farmers Foundation will not consider applications for funding of less than $10,000. *The Foundation is currently funding grants for a duration of 1 year. It is recommended that grantees refer to the website periodically to see whether this has changed. For grants over $50,000 you are required to speak to a program manager before submitting an application. CLOSING DATE 3 February 2014 Website for more information http://www.aussiefarmersfoundati 4 February 2014 ng-objectives-hd One-off capital grants up to $1 million and smaller grants up to $50,000 are available for each project. 6 February 2014 u/disability/key-projects/elderlyparent-carer-innovation-trial 7 February 2014 /grants/2014/Projects-CreativeDevelopment-7-February-2014 for Expressions of Interest FUNDING PROGRAM Australia Council for the Arts Creative Australia – Presentation (Dance) FOCUS To support the presentation of Australian dance. The purpose of Creative Australia Presentation (Dance) initiative is to build and diversify audiences for the presentation of Australian dance works. ELIGIBILITY Organisations are not eligible to apply to this category. The Australia Council encourages artists from Indigenous backgrounds and from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to submit proposals. Proposals are also encouraged from artists with disabilities and from artists living and working in regional Australia. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements given below. This initiative is open to: • individuals • groups • organisations and • companies that present programs of work – including festivals and venues. $ Up to $50,000 CLOSING DATE Website for more information 7 February 2104 /grants/2014/dance-creativeaustralia-presentation 7 February 2013 /grants/2014/Dance-ProjectsPresentation-7-February-2014 Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their application Australia Council for the Arts Projects - Presentation (Dance) To provide support for dance works with a presentation outcome. This can include final stage creative development and presentation/s and remounts of dance works. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements on the website. This category is open to individuals, groups and organisations. Bennalong Foundation Aims to enhance community wellbeing and provide opportunities for positive and lasting change in our community. The key areas of focus at present will be concentrated on: * Education, Training & Employment, * Migrant & Indigenous Community Welfare and * Community Health. Incorporated, not for profit organisations who are an income tax exempt charity and have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status Various 10 February 2014 ation/about-the-foundation E. C. White Trust Established for the general benefit of charity. The co-trustees have decided to invite applications for projects assisting disadvantaged children and families. Applicant organisations require ATO Charity Tax Concession (TCC) endorsement. Up to $20,000 with a total annual distribution of $40,000 14 February 2014 8 For expressions of Interest (EoI’s) FUNDING PROGRAM Events Queensland Regional Development Program (EQRDP) Australian Artists' Grant & Eckersley's Art Materials Prize for NAVA Members (formerly the Janet Holmes à Court Artists' Grant) Connellan Airways Trust FOCUS The program is committed to enhancing existing events in regional Queensland, as well as helping to establish new events. Events must achieve the following key objectives: * Increase local economic activity and development; * Enhance the profile and appeal of the destination in which it is held; *Encourage external visitation to the destination; *Enhance the visitor experience; and *Demonstrate future growth and sustainability. To provide financial assistance to professional artists for the public presentation of their work. This grant provides assistance towards the costs of public presentation of visual arts, craft and design. This can include, but is not limited to, framing, media releases, media photographs, advertising, space rental, installation costs, promotional printing, mail outs, documentation, freight, travel, equipment rental, insurance, technical assistance and opening costs. The objectives of the Trust are: * To promote and encourage the advancement of knowledge of people, especially younger people, living in remote parts of that area of outback Australia formerly served by Connellan Airways, and in other parts of Australia similar in remoteness. * To assist such people through facilitating air travel and the delivery of education needs, communication requisites and health related supplies. ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for funding, events must be located in regional Queensland, outside of the Brisbane City Council area. They must have been held at least once or, if in the concept stage, be at an advanced stage of development with demonstrated community support. Organisations intending to bring a one-off event to their region may also apply, with funding awarded once the event is secured. The event must be organised by a formally constituted organisation or a group which has a written agreement with a formally constituted organisation to provide an auspice. QERDP will accept an umbrella application from organisations on behalf of a number of events seeking support. * Individuals and groups are eligible to apply only once per round and if successful, cannot apply again for 12 months. * If submitting an application as a group the application must come from two artists in that group. If the application is successful, funding will be awarded to the two artists. * Indigenous artists and artists from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds are encouraged to apply. You are eligible to apply to the Trust for financial assistance if you: * Reside on stations or in small settlements in the remote parts of outback Australia or, * live in the larger outback centres of Australia and provide expertise or otherwise serve or assist remote area residents 9 $ Various CLOSING DATE 14 February 2014 For events held from 1 October 2015 – 31 March 2016. Expected announcement of successful applications in May 2014. Website for more information There are two funding rounds each year for the Regional Development Program. Each round lasts for 18 months beginning in October, for the February round, and April, for the August round. $500 + GST for individuals and $1000 + GST for groups This grant does not provide assistance towards the production of artwork (materials, studio rental, research etc). 15 February 2014 (for exhibitions in May, June, July) 15 May 15 August 15 November s/australian-artists-grant 15 February 2014 15 May 15 August 15 November http://www.connellanairwaystrust. However, as meeting dates may change, applicants are advised to confirm the closing date well in advance of each meeting. FUNDING PROGRAM Connellan Airways Trust Sponsorships Australia Council for the Arts Contemporary Music Touring Program The Ian Potter Foundation - 50th Anniversary Commemorative Grants FOCUS * To foster education of people in outback Australia, other than those living in its remote parts, who provide service or assistance to people, living in those parts. The Trust is prepared to consider sponsoring events that will spread awareness of the Trust amongst potential beneficiaries of the Trust. Supports national touring activity undertaken by Australian musicians performing original contemporary music. It provides travel support for artists and their manager undertaking tours within Australia, which include performances in regional and remote areas. To support proposals that aim to achieve transformative change with practical, sustainable results, and which will have longterm impact. There are two Commemorative Grants Themes identified that reflect areas believed have particular potential to bring about positive change and/or have the greatest need. 1. BUILDING COMMUNITIES Ideas and opportunities to bring about transformative change that will support the development of strong, cohesive and resilient Australian communities in rural, regional or remote areas and urban settings. a. Grants for organisations that can provide outstanding and sustainable leadership and implement innovative ideas to help overcome the barriers to success and build resilient and viable communities. b. Grants to organisations to trial models for collaboration designed to foster cohesive communities, with special emphasis on ELIGIBILITY $ Grants can only be made to children and adults who reside on stations or in small settlements in the remote areas of outback Australia, or to people living in the larger outback centres of Australia who provide assistance to such remote area residents. CLOSING DATE 15 February 2014 15 May 15 August 15 November Funding can be provided to performers, managers, agents, and music networks on behalf of professionals working in the Australian music industry. Up to $15,000 Organisations with BOTH Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 and Tax Concession Charity (TCC) status. Between $200,000 and $500,000. However, as meeting dates may change, applicants are advised to confirm the closing date well in advance of each meeting. 17 February 2014 for eligible projects commencing from 12 May 2014 25 February 2014 For Expressions of Interest EoI's (both hard and soft copies) NOTE: You must speak with a program manager prior to commencing the Expression of Interest process. 10 Website for more information http://www.connellanairwaystrust. /grants/2014/contemporary-musictouring-program-17-feb FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS integration of refugees and new arrivals. 2. EFFECTIVE ORGANISATIONS Ideas that bring about positive social change involving well-managed and properly resourced organisations that respond creatively and effectively to the needs of their constituents. Sustainable organisational models are vital to maintaining positive change in the long-term. a. Grants for building the capacity and increasing the sustainability of organisations. b. Grants for social enterprises that seek to scale-up their model to achieve wide-spread, sustainable impact. Central Highlands Regional Council Community Grants Program To provide assistance to local non-profit community groups/organisations who make positive contributions to the quality of life in the local government area to purchase, develop or maintain capital assets. Scanlon Foundation Innovative and creative projects, with a focus on Cultural Diversity and Social Cohesion, aimed at: A. Encouraging leadership from culturally diverse groups or individuals from culturally diverse backgrounds B. Building awareness and acceptance of the right to cultural identity and understanding of difference C. Enhancing the social development of individuals and/or groups from culturally diverse communities by improving selfawareness, self-esteem, tolerance and communication D. Fulfilling the potential of youth from multicultural backgrounds through education, mentorship and early intervention E. Supporting issues-based research that focuses on achieving cohesive social change ELIGIBILITY * Have the majority of members of the group/organisation reside in the Central Highlands Regional Council area. * Operate predominately within the Central Highlands Regional Council boundaries. * Be a properly constituted not-forprofit organisation or be sponsored by an incorporated organisation Organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status $ Up to $5,000 CLOSING DATE 28 February 2014 http://www.centralhighlands.qld.g Opens Mid-January. Further Round 31 August 2014, Opens mid-July $5,000 up to $25,000 28 February 2014 Expressions of interest received from 20 January 2014. 11 Website for more information boutcommunitygrants.html FUNDING PROGRAM Community Broadcasting Foundation - TV Content Production grants FOCUS To encourage participation in Australian community broadcasting through grants to support the production of television content for and by local communities. The TV Grants Advisory Committee aims to support a broad range of community content needs, and encourages regional diversity in community content production. ELIGIBILITY if you are: • a community television broadcaster, including Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Services (RIBS), with a long-term or temporary licence. • an incorporated non-profit organisation that has obtained an agreement from a licensed community television broadcaster to broadcast the Project that is being proposed. Community television stations may also apply on behalf of incorporated and unincorporated production groups through an auspicing arrangement. We strongly encourage you to discuss your project with the relevant CBF Grants Administrator before submitting your application. They can provide advice on the types of projects funded in this category and what information you should include in your application. $ Up to $20,000 CLOSING DATE 28 February 2014 Website for more information nt-finder/grant-categories/tvgrants/tv-content-productiongrants/ SunSmart Grant Scheme To assist organisations who have limited funds to work towards sun safety, help them improve sun protection measures and promote sun safe behaviour. The scheme aims to support skin cancer prevention and encourage all organisations to adopt a SunSmart policy. Queensland not-for-profit community based organisations and schools that cater specifically for children up to the age of 17 will be eligible to apply. This includes early childhood centres, outside school hours care, youth community groups (e.g. Scouts and Girl Guides) and primary and secondary schools. Grants of up to 50% of the total project cost are available – up to a maximum of $2,500. 28 February 2014 ention/skin_cancer/smart_grants_s cheme/ The Shane Warne Foundation (TSWF) - The Necessitous Circumstances Fund To help “enrich the lives of seriously ill and underprivileged children and teenagers in Australia”. Allows us the capacity to directly help children under 18 years of age who are in financially necessitous circumstances. Predominantly donates funds to charitable organisations in Australia (who themselves assist seriously ill or underprivileged children), the Foundation does have a limited capacity to directly help children under 18 years of age who are in financially necessitous circumstances Up to $15,000 28 February 2014 ry-centre/ 12 FUNDING PROGRAM Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) Jupiter's Casino Community Benefits Fund (JCCBF) James N. Kirby Foundation FOCUS The objective of the GCBF is to invest in the community sector, enhancing the capacity of community organisations and groups to provide services, leisure activities and opportunities to Queenslanders in their local communities. To help community organisations provide community services or activities that benefit the community. These grants are not intended to replace existing sources of support for these organisations. ELIGIBILITY The majority of Queensland not-forprofit community organisations are eligible to apply for a grant, either in their own right (if incorporated) or through a sponsor (if not incorporated). $ One-off grants of up to $35,000 inc GST unless “complex application” contact provider for details CLOSING DATE 28 February 2014 Opens mid-January Types of standard applications: * capital expenditure/fixed assets * pilot projects * community education / training * community workshops * to achieve participation by organisations which have a beneficial influence in the community * to achieve a measure of community acceptance and/or involvement in approved projects * to be attuned to the needs of the community * to approve general or specific projects providing facilities which have an obvious community benefit. The majority of not-for-profit community organisations are eligible to apply for a grant, either in their own right (if incorporated) or through a sponsor (if not incorporated). Excludes: private hospitals - public and private educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary) - parents and citizens associations - parents and friends associations/ parent community councils - playgroups, child care/minding centres, kindergartens, pre-schools, special education units - auxiliaries - service clubs making an application on behalf of another organisation i.e. Apex, Lions, Rotary, RSL. One-off grants of up to $75,000 inc GST 28 February 2014 * Provide grants to charitable, educational and technical bodies throughout Australia in the areas of health, education, technology and science, art, and literature. Additionally seeking to aid the conservation, maintenance and development of Australia's natural resources. * Particular attention is given to technical education projects to assist young Australians achieve their highest standards. Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR’s) where the "Provision for gift deductibility" is "item 2 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997" Min $3,000 Max $100,000 Average Grant $10,000 13 Website for more information /programs/community/index.shtml Future Rounds: 31 May 2014 1 August 2014 30 November 2014 NB: Unsuccessful applications No longer considered for a further round /programs/jupiters/index.shtml Opens mid-January Future Rounds: 31 May 2014 1 August 2014 30 November 2014 28 February 2014. u/registration/eligibilitycriteria.php FUNDING PROGRAM Local Sporting Champions Program FOCUS Program is designed to support young people participating in state and national level sporting competitions as either an athlete, coach, umpire or referee. ELIGIBILITY Young people must: *be between 12 and 18 years of age at the time of the nominated sporting competition *be participating as an athlete, coach, umpire or referee in an official state or national level sporting championships, endorsed by the relevant Australian Sports Commission recognised national sporting organisation (NSO) or national school sport championships endorsed by School Sport Australia *be required to travel greater than 250km (including return trip) to participate in the nominated competition *be an Australian citizen *not be the recipient of another Local Sporting Champions grant, whether as an individual or a member of a team, during the current financial year *not have received funding from other government sources for the nominated competition *not be participating in a professional competition that involves prize money *have submitted an application form prior to the competition commencing. $ Grants of $500 will be available for successful individual applicants, and $3000 for successful team applications. CLOSING DATE 28 February 2014 Future rounds: 1 March 2014 - 30 June 2014 1 July 2014 - 31 October 2014 Website for more information pating/schools_and_juniors/local_s porting_champions Applications must be received prior to the commencement of the competition. Applications will not be considered if lodged after the commencement of a competition. Australia Council for the Arts Projects with Public Outcomes Community Partnerships Provide funding for community arts and cultural development projects that have strong public presentation outcomes and involve both arts and non-arts partners. Individuals, groups and organisations are welcome to apply provided they have sought financial support and/or co-funding from other sources. From $20,000 to $35,000 7 March 2014 /grants/2014/communitypartnerships-projects-with-publicoutcomes-7-march Australia Council for the Arts Projects - Community Partnerships Provide funding for individuals, groups and organisations to develop and implement community arts and cultural development projects with a range of partners. These projects may or may not have a public outcome. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements on the website. Up to $20,000 7 March 2014 /grants/2014/communitypartnerships-projects-7-march This category is open to individuals, groups and organisations. 14 FUNDING PROGRAM Australian Council for the Arts Career Pathways – Professional Development Australian Council for the Arts Career Pathways – Structured Mentorships FOCUS Provide funding for individual artists and arts workers to build their professional capacity as community arts and cultural development workers. For individuals to undertake opportunities that will develop their careers in community arts and cultural development. Support tailored mentorship arrangements that build the skills and capacities of practitioners at different stages of their career in identified areas that contribute to the sustainability and quality of community arts and cultural development practice. Bandanna Energy Donations, Sponsorship and Partnerships * Community: Social Inclusion, Families, Volunteering, Cultural Diversity, Youth, Older People & Heritage * Arts and Culture * Sport & Recreation * Environment * Education Australia Council for the Arts Experimental Art Grants Support artists, groups and organisations investigating emerging and experimental arts. It is an open grant category for any stage of your experimental art activity including: • art labs • workshops • residencies • research and development • creative development • presentation and production ELIGIBILITY Open to individuals only. $ Up to $12,000 CLOSING DATE 7 March 2014 Website for more information /grants/2014/communitypartnerships-career-pathwaysprofessional-development-7-march From $10,000 to $30,000 7 March 2014 /grants/2014/communitypartnerships-career-pathwaysstructured-mentorships-7-march 9 March 2014 http://www.springsurecreekproject To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements Individuals, groups and/or organisations working in, or seeking to work in, the CACD sector. To become eligible to apply to this category, applicants must first discuss their proposal with a member of the Community Partnerships team and be invited to apply. Organisations must be: • formally recognised and/or registered with appropriate government bodies; • have appropriate and effective governance structures; • have the capacity, financial stability and leadership to support the project the funds are requested for; • are willing and able to subject the donation, sponsorship or partnership performance measures. Preference given to groups who are providing services within the local or regional context of a Bandanna Project (e.g. Springsure or Dingo) or in a location where employees live (e.g. Springsure or Emerald). To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements given below. This category is open to eligible artists, groups and organisations. 15 Twice a year, in March and in September Round 2: 9 September 2014 No set amount 12 March 2014 /grants/2014/experimental-artsgrants-12-mar FUNDING PROGRAM Australia Council for the Arts Indigenous Experimental Art Fund Disability Support Funding for Kindergartens Queensland Anzac Centenary grants program FOCUS • professional development. Supports Indigenous led projects. These projects must benefit the development of contemporary Indigenous media, interdisciplinary and hybrid art practitioners. The main focus for this category is to: • support the practice of Indigenous artists working experimentally across art forms • foster new connections between artists, new projects and partnerships with institutions • facilitate the development and presentation of contemporary experimental art projects which are Indigenous led. This award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to water conservation through initiative and leadership. The Queensland Anzac Centenary grants program is designed to assist and encourage Queenslanders to commemorate the service and sacrifice of men and women during the First World War. Projects may include commemorative events, exhibitions, research, community education activities and the development or restoration of memorials and honour boards. BMA Local Development Program Includes Donations, Sponsorship, and Partnerships. Supports • Arts, Entertainment and Cultural Development • Business and Skills Training • Community Welfare • Environment and Sustainability ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Open to artists, groups and organisations. The fund is not solely for Indigenous practitioners, but projects must be led by Indigenous artists, producers and curators. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements on the website. Up to $30,000 12 March 2014 /grants/2014/indigenousexperimental-art-fund Supports kindergarten services to provide inclusive programs that reflect their community's diverse needs, including those of children with a disability. Kindergarten services can apply for funding through the Disability Support Funding to support children with a suspected or diagnosed disability to benefit from a quality early childhood education. Must be operating on a not-for-profit basis with an Australian Business Number (ABN). They must also be one of the following: • local council • tertiary institution • parents and citizens or parents and friends association • incorporated association or body (e.g. RSL, church or club). Between $2,000 and $6,000 per eligible child so kindergarten services can offer educators professional development, or employ additional staff. 14 March 2014. od/service/grants/disabilitygrant.html It is expected that the majority of grants approved will be between $15 000 and $40 000 per project or activity. Grants of up to $80 000 may be considered if the request is suitably justified. Monetary or in-kind 14 March 2014 To be eligible to receive support, applicants must provide services or benefits in one of more of the Central Highlands communities of Blackwater, Capella and Emerald. Organisations must be: • Reputable and aligned with the BHP Billiton Charter and Code of 16 Round 2 for kindergarten services with newly enrolled children or children with a recent diagnosis will open on 17 March 2014 and close on 6 June 2014 Open in February for projects completed by 30 June 2015. 14 March 2014 2nd Friday March, July and November ts-awards-honours/events/anzaccentenary/grants/ For more information on how to apply for funding, please contact a BMA Community Advisor in your area: For more information on how to apply for funding, please contact a BMA Community Advisor in your area: FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS • Safety, Health and Wellbeing • Sport and Recreation Telstra's Kids Fund Telstra's Kids Fund provides grants for notfor-profit organisations in the following areas: * Arts and culture * Disability * Education * Environment * Health * Sport and recreation * Valuing cultural diversity Artist in Residence Program (AIR) The Artist in Residence Program (AIR) is a three year partnership (2013-2015) between the Queensland Government (Arts Queensland and Education Queensland) and the Australia Council for the Arts. AIR is investing in high quality arts education programs and is kick starting cultural change in schools across Queensland. ELIGIBILITY Conduct. • Formally recognised and/or registered with the appropriate government bodies. • Have appropriate and effective governance structures. • Have the capacity, financial stability and leadership to support the project for which funds are requested. • Supported by key community stakeholders. 1. You must be a Telstra Group employee 2. The organisation must be a notfor-profit 3. The child involved in the organisation must be 18 years of age or under and part of your immediate family 4. You must only make a successful application once every three years three years Priority will be given to applications where the organisation for which funding is sought is in a community directly impacted by disaster from January 2013 to November 2013. AIR is investing in high quality arts education programs and is kickstarting cultural change in schools across Queensland. The aims of AIR are to: • invest in projects that create dynamic, innovative and collaborative creative practice between students, educators, artists and arts and cultural organisations; • explore students' creative ideas, encourage risk taking and creative problem-solving to enhance student learning opportunities grounded in purposeful and authentic artistic practice; • build evidence for the value of the arts in supporting students' learning, 17 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information • Blackwater/ Emerald/Capella Peter Dowling 0427 000 285 Mary Bulger 0429 073 361 Max $1,200 14 March 2014 http://www.kidsfund.telstrafounda kidsfund/telstraskidsfund?OpenDo cument&menu=3 Up to $20,000 per project 17 March 2014 artists-residence.html Closing date for the first round of 2 page proposals Artist in Residence Projects must occur between 14 July 2014 and 26 June 2015 Opens 27 January 2014 FUNDING PROGRAM Regional Arts Fund (RAF) Community Project Program Community Broadcasting Foundation - Indigenous Program Grants Community Broadcasting Foundation - Remote Indigenous Program Grants FOCUS The Regional Arts Fund (RAF) is a devolved Australian Government funding program from the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA). RAF supports projects by regionally based artists and arts organisations that result in arts and cultural development activity in regional, remote and isolated Queensland communities. Eligible regional organisations or individuals may submit projects that address community cultural development, artform activity, cross artform or multi-arts activity. To assist the ongoing development of Indigenous community broadcasting across Australia through grants to support the production of regular Indigenous programs to serve a defined local Indigenous community. To assist the ongoing development of Indigenous community broadcasting across Australia through grants to support the production of regular remote Indigenous programs to serve a defined local Indigenous ELIGIBILITY the development of core capabilities and the enrichment of their cultural lives; and • support the cross curriculum priorities of the Australian Curriculum. Regional Arts Fund proposals can be submitted by individual regions (refer to website for definition) or as part of a cross regional activity. Projects must be managed or auspiced by a not-for-profit, legally incorporated organisation that is registered in Queensland. You can apply for all categories of grant if you are: • an Indigenous broadcasting group or individual producing weekly programs on a non-Indigenous licensed community radio station which is currently: •incorporated as a not for profit organisation or • unincorporated but have reached an agreement with a local incorporated not for profit Indigenous organisation or nonIndigenous licensed community radio station (auspicing organisation) to receive and report on grant funds on the broadcasting group's behalf (refer to section 3 below - What is an auspicing organisation). Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast licence. You can apply for an Indigenous Program grant if you are: * a licensed Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS) * an incorporated Remote 18 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Part funding of projects minimum of $5,000 up to a maximum of $30,000. Only in special circumstances will RAF support the entire cost of a project. 17 March 2014 for projects commencing after 1 July 2014 Various - refer to guidelines 17 March 2014 nt-finder/grantcategories/indigenousgrants/indigenous-program-grants/ Opens 17 January 2014 These Round 2 2013/14 applications are for the funding period 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 Various, refer to guidelines 17 March 2014 Opens 17 January 2014 These Round 2 2013/14 nt-finder/grantcategories/indigenousgrants/remote-indigenousprogram-grants/ FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS community. Arts Queensland - Projects and Programs Fund Community Broadcasting Foundation - Transmission Support Grants - Equipment Vibrant arts and cultural experiences for Queenslanders by investing in: • performances and exhibitions • services to artists and cultural workers, and communities • new works that extend artists and art forms • community arts and cultural development • enhanced cultural infrastructure • increased skills and opportunities for Indigenous artists • new markets for Queensland arts and cultural products To assist the ongoing development of Australian community radio stations through grants to purchase and install essential transmission equipment or conduct activities that will improve their transmission facilities ELIGIBILITY Indigenous Media Organisation (RIMO) to receive and report on grant funds on behalf of one or more Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Services (RIBS) Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast license. Applicants must: • Be based in Queensland or show how the project will directly benefit Queensland arts and culture • Have satisfied the reporting requirements of any Arts Queensland funding received in the past • Not be in receipt of Arts Queensland major organisations, administered or statutory body funding • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or nominate an accountable auspice body that has an ABN • Organisations already receiving Arts Queensland investment (through the Organisations Fund) must demonstrate how this project or program differs from what they are currently funded to deliver You can apply for a Transmission Support - Equipment grant if you are: * a long term licensed community radio station * holder of a temporary community radio licence on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. Additional conditions are imposed on temporary licensees with regard to ownership of assets purchased with the grant. * a local group of community stations seeking to form partnerships, or in partnership * a licensed Remote Indigenous 19 $ Up to $60,000 per project or program. Arts Qld does not fund 100% of costs. CLOSING DATE applications are for the funding period 1 July 2014 to 31 December 2014 21 March 2014 Website for more information g/acif/project-programs-fund.html (for projects starting after 1 August 2014) 1 August 2014 (for projects starting after 1 January 2015). The 2014 Guidelines and Application Forms will be available in January 2014. 2 rounds per year The maximum grant is $50,000. 21 March 2014 Opens 20 January 2014 nt-finder/grantcategories/transmission-supportgrants/transmission-supportgrants-equipment/ FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Community Broadcasting Foundation - Transmission Support Grants - Operational Subsidy To subsidise long term and temporary licensed community radio stations with their transmission operational costs. The grants assist with the maintenance and development of general community radio broadcasting throughout Australia. Community Broadcasting Foundation - Transmission Support Grants - Special Projects Funds are available to provide support for: * projects and local partnerships that aim to increase the sustainability and selfsufficiency of community radio transmission infrastructure, and * the development and trial of innovative solutions to community radio transmission issues, including the use of new technologies. ELIGIBILITY Broadcasting Service (RIBS) * an incorporated Remote Indigenous Media Organisation (RIMO) to receive and report on grant funds on behalf of one or more RIBS You can apply for a Transmission Support - Operational Subsidy grant if you are: * a community radio station with a long-term or a temporary licence transmitting from any type of site, including Broadcast Australia, TXA, Telstra, local council, self-owned or other. Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast licence. A station with a temporary licence must have been on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. You can apply for a Transmission Support - Special Projects grant if you are: * a community radio station with a long-term licence * a local group of community stations seeking to form partnerships, or in partnership * a state, regional or national community broadcasting association * a holder of a temporary community radio licence on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. Additional conditions are imposed on temporary licensees with regard to ownership of assets purchased with the grant. * a licensed Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS) * an incorporated Remote Indigenous Media Organisation (RIMO) to receive and report on grant funds on behalf of one or more RIBS 20 $ You will receive reimbursement for a percentage of your projected transmission operational costs until the end of the current financial year, based on previously invoiced costs at the time of application. Therefore you do not apply for a particular amount. $5,000 to $50,000 CLOSING DATE 21 March 2014 Opens 20 January 2014 21 March 2014 Opens 20 January 2014 Website for more information nt-finder/grantcategories/transmission-supportgrants/transmission-supportgrants-operational-subsidy/ nt-finder/grantcategories/transmission-supportgrants/transmission-supportgrants-special-projects/ FUNDING PROGRAM Max E Grants Australia Council for the Arts Skills and Arts Development – Sector Development (Music) Australia Council for the Arts Skills and Arts Development – Sector Development (Music) FOCUS To help children get the most out of their education through better participation. A small grants program that enables education providers to nominate candidates for assistance such as funding for school activities, additional tutoring, or the supply of school uniforms and stationery. Support projects that contribute to the development of music practice in Australia and the delivery of programs to enhance the skills of others. Support projects that contribute to the development of music practice in Australia and the delivery of programs to enhance the skills of others. Activities may include: • professional development programs for musicians through workshops, forums or conferences • programs that will result in substantial benefits across the artform. Australia Council for the Arts Skills and Arts Development – Artist Development (Music) Designed to support skills development for professional artists and arts workers. Activities may include: • mentorship programs between an emerging artist/group and an established artist/group (either party may apply) • attendance at master classes, forums or conferences • exchanges between regional and metropolitan-based artists and arts workers • professional development opportunities for instrument makers, musicians or arts workers in Australia or overseas • artist-initiated residencies or attendance at other professional artist residencies ELIGIBILITY Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast licence. Supports schools and preschools/long daycare centres/kindergartens. The program supports children aged 4-18 years. NOTE: This grants program only takes applications from schools. $ Up to $5,000 per grant CLOSING DATE 24 March 2014 for projects taking place 12 May - 30 September, 2014. To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements on the website. Up to $30,000 Round 2: 1 May 2014 to 31 July 2014 for projects taking place 1 October - 30 April, 2015. 25 March 2014 Open to organisations or groups Up to $30,000 Eligible projects commence from 10 July 2014 25 March 2014 To be eligible, you must meet the general eligibility requirements and the specific eligibility requirements on the website. Open to Individuals and groups Refer to website for eligibility requirements. Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their application. 21 Eligible projects commence from 10 July 2014 Up to $10,000 25 March 2014 Eligible projects commence from 10 July 2014 Website for more information /grants/2014/music-skills-and-artsdevelopment-sector-development /grants/2014/music-skills-and-artsdevelopment-sector-development /grants/2014/music-skills-and-artsdevelopment-artist-development25-march FUNDING PROGRAM Australia Council for the Arts Promotion (Literature) Arrow Energy Brighter Futures Program Coca-Cola Foundation FOCUS • music projects that create opportunities for professional musicians to engage in specialised study or advanced skills development • other projects that foster skills development for the applicant. Supports the promotion of Australian literature and activities that foster greater awareness and appreciation of Australian creative writing Provides financial support for projects, events, and initiatives that will develop stronger communities by working in conjunction with local organisations and service providers. There are three key areas of focus for Brighter Futures: • Health and Safety: Improving the safety, healthy lifestyles and liveability of the community • Education: Building sustainable learning and employment opportunities • Environment: Increasing awareness of the environment around us. Supports organisations working to improve the lives of marginalised young Australians. Programs that target disadvantage young people aged between 12 and 25 years. ELIGIBILITY $ Accepts applications from Australian and overseas organisations for support towards airfares, fees and expenses for the participation of Australian writers at literary festivals and conferences and other promotional activities. $10,000, $25,000 or $35,000 Potential applicants are encouraged to discuss their application • Blackwater community only. • Be incorporated • Be not-for-profit • Have a project or initiative that is within Arrow Energy's communities of interest. • Your organisation must have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. • The program you are seeking funding for must be based in Australia. 22 CLOSING DATE Website for more information 27 March 2014 /grants/2014/promotion-literature27-march 30 March 2014 age/Community/Investment/ Round 2: 30 June Round 3: 30 September Up to $10,000 Contact Andrea Morris Community Officer T: 4841 2018 to discuss your project and eligibility, or email enquiries to brighterfutures@arrow or call to: The Community Information Centre, Shop 15, Town Square, Moranbah. March 2014 Round 2 July Applications will be accepted at anytime. Applications received after a round's closing date will be held on file for consideration during es/Coca-ColaFoundation.aspx FUNDING PROGRAM Sisters of Charity Foundation Mercy Foundation - Small Grants Program Hesta Community Sector Awards FOCUS The Mission of the Sisters of Charity Foundation and its Ministry Fund is to provide support for and financial assistance to community initiatives that will benefit poor and marginalised people. Small grants are provided for a range of social justice and community initiatives and are not limited to a focus on homelessness. Provides seed funding and prioritises those activities and projects which focus on addressing disadvantage in regards to women and children. The types of project areas that may be funded include: poverty, domestic violence, women’s groups and activities, activities that focus on assisting children, women and/or children with disability, mental health and addictions. However, the Small Grants Program are not limited to these areas and these are only provided as a guide. The awards recognise outstanding service provision, advocacy and leadership in improving the lives of people who rely on access to the services of this sector. Also intended to raise community awareness of the need for all members of our community to share the responsibility of ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE the next round. 31 March 2013 Website for more information Organisations that have a governing and/or advisory board with sufficient expertise and familiarity with the proposed project/program. Organisations that are not-for-profit and have "Income Tax Exempt Charity" (ITEC) status, where application is being made to the Ministry Fund, and/or "Deductible Gift Recipient" (DGR) status, where application is being made to the Foundation Fund. The Sisters of Charity Foundation favours projects that: * "fall between the cracks" of other funding sources * are not associated with wellestablished organisations with significant reserves and/or are capable of raising their own funds * are not eligible for funding from government or other sources. Priority will be given to small organisations and those groups that receive no other funding. If the organisation is a community group which is not an incorporated association, that group might seek out an ‘auspicing organisation’ that does have incorporated, company or other appropriate legal status. up to $10,000 Funding under this program would average about $2,500 per organisation and would never exceed $5,000. 31 March 2014 Once a year au/grants/index.cfm?loadref=18 3 Award categories: Social Impact - must be a not-forprofit organisation, network or individual currently operating within or engaged with the community sector. Organisation - be a not-for-profit Total prize pool of $30,000 generously provided by ME Bank 31 March 2014 http://www.communitysectorawar 23 http://www.sistersofcharityfounda Further round: 30 September 2013 March and September each year FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS working towards a more inclusive, compassionate and effective society. Australian Disability and Indigenous Peoples' Education Fund Assist indigenous and non-indigenous people with disability to participate in both formal and informal education programs through small grants. Mazda Foundation The Foundation currently has two priority areas of focus, being: 1 .Projects by community based organisations to support children with physical and/or mental disabilities or their carers, particularly projects seeking to address social isolation experienced by such children and their carers (For the avoidance of doubt, this Priority Area of Focus does not include research projects) 2. Projects by community based organisations to support elderly people suffering from mental disabilities (including dementia) or their carers, particularly projects seeking to address social isolation experienced by such elderly persons and their carers (For the avoidance of doubt, this Priority Area of Focus does not include research projects) Assist and encourage communities across Australia to undertake their own Anzac Centenary projects that commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women in the First World War. Anzac Centenary Local Grants Program ELIGIBILITY organisation or body currently operating within the community sector. Unsung Hero - must be an individual currently working in the community sector (paid or unpaid) between 1 January 2013 and 31 March 2014. People with disabilities of any age may apply for any assistance to help with both formal and informal education. $ Up to $2,500 31 March 2014 End of March and September each year Charitable entities and causes throughout Australia which qualify for income tax deductibility for gifts under Item 1 of the table in Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (“the Tax Act”) In addition, eligible recipients must now be endorsed as deductible gift recipients under the provisions of subdivision 30-BA of the Tax Act. Various • Community and ex-service organisations • Schools and other educational institutions • Museums and cultural institutions • Local government authorities • Other non-profit community organisations Individuals are not eligible to apply for funding under this program unless supported by an eligible organisation or institution. Each local MP will be responsible for $125,000 per electorate. 24 CLOSING DATE 30 September 2014 31 March 2014 Website for more information ~frankhbentick/ADIPEF/ m au/ Future round: 30 September 2014 30 May 2014. Applications are to be referred to your local MP and/or Electorate Committee in the first instance. The local MP is responsible for submitting applications to DVA by 30 May 2014. Applications will be processed in order of /grants/index.htm FUNDING PROGRAM John T Reid Charitable Trusts Gordon Darling Foundation Recognition of Prior Learning for early childhood educators FOCUS Supports creative and innovative programs and projects, research and development and capital works to further the aims of the organisation. Support may be given to an organisation in establishing projects in their early stages, expecting that they will seek and attract wider community and government partnerships for future support. Areas of interest: * Aged and Palliative care * Arts & Cultural Heritage * Community & Social Welfare * Education & Youth * Environment Support * Health Facilities & Medical Research Assists Australian Public Institutions to undertake a wide range of visual arts projects in all Australian states and territories and helps to promote Australian arts in the international arena. Funding may be provided for: * catalogues and publications * exhibition development * professional education initiatives including individual professional development * purchase or commission of artworks of unique national/local importance * research projects * symposia RPL grants as a contribution to the costs associated with undertaking an RPL assessment for Certificate III, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Children’s Services. can be used to contribute to the costs of: • an RPL assessment • travel costs for the assessor to travel to the early childhood service • early childhood educator gap training ELIGIBILITY establishing an Electorate Committee consisting of representatives from community groups interested in the Anzac Centenary. You should contact your local MP as soon as possible to obtain the contact details of your Electorate Committee. Only organisations that have been endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from the Australian Tax Office $ The Trustees always consider the amount requested in proportion to the total funding requirements of the organisation and funding provided by government, community and philanthropy. CLOSING DATE lodgment. May 2014 31 May 2014 Applications are only accepted from organisations that have Deductible Gift Recipient status. 30 September 2014 25 /index.php Enquiries will be open from 15 January 2014 The Foundation can only provide funding to Public Institutions in Australia. The early childhood service must operate as a: • Long Day Care • Family Day Care • Outside School Hours Care • Preschool or • Centre based, Budget Based Funded Services. Website for more information http://www.gordondarlingfoundati Future round closes Up to $3,500 30 June 2015 n-prior-learning-early-childhoodeducators-0 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS where additional training is required to complete a qualification • travel and accommodation for the early childhood educator to participate in the gap training ELIGIBILITY $ CONTINUE BELOW FOR FUNDING AND SPONSORSHIP AVAILABLE ON AN ONGOING BASIS. 26 CLOSING DATE Website for more information ONGOING FUNDING, DONATION AND SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMS FUNDING PROGRAM Australia Council for the Arts Grants Search Funding 2014 Australia Council for the Arts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Australia Council for the Arts Community Partnerships Australia Council for the Arts Dance FOCUS The Grants section of the website provides you with information about our 2014 funding programs and the funding application process. It also includes information about what happens after you have applied and what happens if you are successful. Search for grants in the following artforms: • Early Career Artists and Producers • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts • Community partnerships • Dance • Emerging and experimental arts • Literature • Music • Theatre • Visual arts • Market development • Arts organisations • Audience development ELIGIBILITY Individuals, Groups, organisations Refer to website for full eligibility criteria on relevant grants. $ Various - refer to guidelines for relevant grants CLOSING DATE Various - search the website by: - Artform - Grant Type - Applicant Type - Start /Closing Dates Website for more information /grants OR Download the Australia Council Arts Funding Guide 2014 The Australia Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts programs support all artforms, including music, dance, theatre and storytelling, visual arts and crafts, writing, new media, community development, international activity and arts infrastructure. Community Partnerships supports community arts and cultural development practice through a range of programs and initiatives. Community Partnerships focuses its support in a number of specific areas which include regional Australia, disability, young people, cultural diversity, emerging communities, Indigenous people, remote Indigenous communities, and specific critical social and cultural issues requiring focused attention. The Australia Council fosters the development and growth of Australian dance. It supports excellence, encourages participation, increases distribution and /artforms/aboriginal-and-torresstrait-islander-arts /artforms/community-partnerships /artforms/dance 27 Central Highlands Development Corporation website: Last Updated 7 March 2016 FUNDING PROGRAM Australia Council for the Arts Emerging and Experimental Arts Australia Council for the Arts Literature Australia Council for the Arts Music FOCUS builds artistic sustainability. Its vision is to see dance thrive. Emerging and Experimental Arts focuses on research and development, creative development and experimentation. Supports artists who are exploring new and emerging art practices through our experimental arts grant programs. The Literature Section encourages and supports the creation, publication and promotion of Australian stories. Supports the excellence, diversity and vitality of Australian stories through both print publication and digital media. Supports composers, musicians and organisations to create new music and present it to audiences Our goal is to reflect and promote the diversity, excellence and energy of contemporary Australian musical culture. ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information /artforms/experimental-arts /artforms/literature /artforms/music Australia Council for the Arts Theatre We help make Australian theatre a vibrant contemporary artform, which connects creatively with communities. The Australia Council is interested in quality and diversity in the creation and presentation of contemporary theatre including most forms of live performance including multi-disciplinary works. /artforms/theatre Australia Council for the Arts Visual Arts The visual arts panel supports the contemporary expression of art through the broadest range of visual media; including craft, design, media arts and visual arts. In providing support to living artists and arts organisations, the panel aims to encourage the engagement of people in Australia and elsewhere in innovative visual art. Support of a wide variety of initiatives, events and groups that contribute to the fabric of life in communities across Australia and New Zealand. Investing in sport, the arts and entertainment, the communities in which we operate, and a broad range of cultural and /artforms/visual-arts Lion Sponsorship Types of Sponsorship: * Brand Sponsorship * Community and Charity Partnerships * Product 28 Generally need an absolute minimum of six - twelve months lead time. onsorships-and-donations/ FUNDING PROGRAM Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund FOCUS charitable organisations. To provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate. Its focus is global and eligibility for grants will extend to all plant, animal and fungi species conservation efforts, without discrimination on the basis of region or selected species. Weedtechnics 50 In 50 community grant program Consumer Advocacy Panel (CAP) - Advocacy Grants ELIGIBILITY Anyone directly involved in species conservation can apply to the Fund for a grant. Community garden, school or Landcare groups To achieve a diverse range of outcomes, such as * Minimising price rises in a regulatory determination – Panel funding can be used to hire a consultant to provide technical expert advice, or help with travel costs so consumer advocates can attend meetings convened by regulators * Changing an energy market regulation or policy – Panel funding can support that advocacy through hiring a consultant with technical expertise to advise on the implications of a change * Securing government agreement to review Individuals and organisations with the requisite expertise 29 $ Donations $25,000 Up to $5000 or 30% off the price of a SW package! CLOSING DATE Website for more information The Fund will receive and consider applications at any time, but please note that applications will be reviewed at regular review panel and board meetings. Anticipated timetable for grants for 2014 is: application and review timetable for 2014 will be as follows: 28 February 2014 for a response in late May 2014 30 June 2014 for a response in early/midSeptember 2014 31 October 2014 for a response mid/late December 2014 To request an application form, email your name, organisation and contact phone number to 50in50@weedtechnics. com Any time during the year, and will be considered at the next Panel meeting - refer to website for dates http://www.speciesconservation.or g/grants/ /how-to-apply.html FUNDING PROGRAM Local Buying Community Foundation AAMI Sponsorship RACQ Foundation Sponsorship Outback Education Tour Subsidy Scheme FOCUS an energy market regulation or policy – Panel funding could assist with the collection of data demonstrating the adverse impact of a policy or regulation on consumers Aims to enhance the economic sustainability of communities within BMA’s operational footprint and the broader Bowen Basin region through programs targeting local business training and development, business grants, employment, scholarships and regional promotion and awareness. The Foundation has two priority focus areas. These are: 1. Building Sustainable Futures (BSF) – focusing on wider business economic and community development. This includes (but not limited to) business grants (new, growth, innovation), employment, scholarships, regional promotion and awareness. 2. Building Sustainable Business Communities (BSBC) – focusing on local business training and development. This includes (but not limited to) industry training, regional economic analysis and education for businesses. Focus is primarily on events whether they be sporting, community based or within the arts industry. Support activities that complement our business objectives, values and advocacy efforts. Supports programs aligned with: * Road Safety * Driver Education * RACQ Members and Motoring Community * Sustainable Environment Developed for Queensland students in years 5, 6 and 7 to participate in interactive ELIGIBILITY For small grant applications, preference will be given to organisations registered or operating (as primary place of business) in one of BMA’s communities of interest (Blackwater, Dysart, Emerald or Moranbah) or the broader Bowen Basin region, including Mackay, Sarina, Rockhampton and Gladstone. There are no restrictions on organisations that can submit a partnership proposal, however, all applications must align with Foundation priority areas and meet project selection criteria. $ Small grants typically up to the value of $25,000 and Partnerships typically greater than $25,000 It is unlikely AAMI would consider individual sponsorships Not-for-profit program or activity that provides a service or other benefit for the community, on eithera local or state basis Two Categories: - Up to $1,000 - More than $1,000 Schools must be recognised by Tourism Queensland as being schools Up to $130 per student according 30 CLOSING DATE February May August November Website for more information Expressions of Interest can be submitted anytime online. Allow up to 30 days for a formal response -information/sponsorship Apply anytime. For requests of less than $1,000 at least two (2) months prior to the date of the event or start of an initiative. For requests of more than $1,000 should be submitted by 1 October the year prior. However, RACQ does on occasion make exceptions for outstanding opportunities. Until funds are exhausted /news_and_community/sponsorshi ps FUNDING PROGRAM Satellite Phone Subsidy Scheme Creative Partnerships Australia Plus 1 Matched Funding Elite Indigenous Travel and Accommodation Assistance Program (EITAAP) FOCUS experiences involving the inspiring people, places and wide open spaces of Queensland's Outback. Provide a subsidy (per student) to assist financially towards their Outback school camp. To help people living or working outside of terrestrial mobile phone coverage to purchase satellite mobile phones. ELIGIBILITY that are located outside the Outback region $ to distance travelled. Refer to website for details. Individuals may apply for one subsidy. Small businesses, educational institutions and community groups may apply for two subsidies. Indigenous corporations, health and emergency service organisations may apply for more than two handset subsidies. Up to $1000 Ongoing u/mobile_services/the_satellite_ph one_subsidy_scheme To assist artists and NFP arts organisations build a more sustainable future through investing in skills and resources to enhance their ability to secure private sector support. Designed to create opportunities for artists and NFP organisations in the creative industries who wish to build or leverage greater private sector support for their activities. Projects that build their development capacity. To provide financial assistance to elite Indigenous sportspeople including coaches, managers, trainers and officials. Artists and not for profit (NFP) arts organisations Creative Partnerships will match dollar for dollar up to $50,000 in funds raised for approved projects. Ongoing https://www.creativepartnershipsa Indigenous sportspeople including athletes, coaches, managers, officials and trainers can apply if they meet all the following criteria: • they are involved or compete in a sport recognised by the ASC • they are selected in a state/territory team • or to complete and national champs or the official Australian team to complete at an international event. • they have their application sponsored by the state or national sporting organisation or relevant state/territory school sport representative body. Indigenous sportspeople cannot apply for assistance if they are: • selected in Indigenous-only teams • individuals participating in Up to $1,500 for national events and up to $4,000 for international events Ongoing pating/indigenous/get_involved/eit aap 31 CLOSING DATE Website for more information education/outbackeducation/outbackeducation_home.cfm FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Indigenous Social Enterprise Fund Provide investment and business support to Indigenous social enterprises. Supports social enterprises at two different stages in their development. Your organisation must be in either: • Start-Up stage – You are launching a social enterprise and developing the ongoing sustainability of your business. • Growth stage – You have an existing social enterprise that requires capacity building through the development of new markets or new products. Woolworths Community Support Supports quality grassroots initiatives with sustainable outcomes and does so through supporting partnerships with community organisations and charities in four core areas: * Health and Wellbeing * Sustainability and Environment * Rural and Regional communities * Education and Employment * Reconciliation Action Plan ELIGIBILITY commercial tours • attending a professional event or an event that involves prize money • individuals under the age of 12 years (exemptions may apply). Open to social enterprises that are: • Indigenous owned • Social mission: must be either a non-profit organisations or owned by a non-profit organisation • At start-up or growth stages • Have a board and management in place with the right qualifications, skills, experience and reputational standing to manage the business • Financially self-sustaining Does not provide funding for the following: * Unregistered charities or organisations. * Australian Business Number (ABN) is a mandatory for all organisations. * Charities require Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and must be authorised licensed/permitted to conduct charitable fundraising activities in the States/Territories in which they operate. Charity advertising or promotions, unless part of a Woolworths specific campaign. * Political campaigns and activities. * Organisations with religious affiliation are not excluded, so long as participation is open to the community generally. * Year end deficits. * Sponsorship of individuals, including Woolworths Limited staff (see employee specific schemes). * Overseas projects not linked to a Woolworths program. * The replacement of funds provided 32 $ Total funding pool of $1Million over 2 years. CLOSING DATE Anytime Website for more information /isef/ ps/wcm/connect/Website/Woolwo rths/About+Us/Community/Comm unity+Support/ FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY by government, which does not bring additional benefits to people or communities * Business-related conferences, awards and exhibition sponsorships. $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information The English Family Foundation Social Innovation Fund Seeking to support social entrepreneurs who are finding new and innovative solutions to tackle the most pressing issues within our communities. Development of, or investment in, a new or recently established social enterprise in Queensland. Organisations with Item 1 DGR and TCC endorsement Up to $40,000 with up to $200,000 distributed annually. We consider one-off or multi-year requests. At any time throughout the year via online expression of interest (EOI). Considered by the board on a quarterly basis. au/the-social-innovation-fund Smoke Alarm Subsidy Scheme Means that all eligible deaf and hearing impaired people can afford to keep themselves and their family’s safe with the best specialised smoke alarms. /sass Support organisations sharing our philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants empowers nonprofit organizations to promote their missions and initiatives on Anytime index.html Graham F Smith Peace Foundation To help individuals and organisations for arts projects which address the aims of the Trust - promoting peace, justice, and care for the Applicants are asked to pay a cocontribution of $50. The normal cost of a smoke alarm for a Deaf or hearing impaired person is approximately $400. 10,000 per month in in-kind AdWords™ advertising. Organisations that receive a Google Grant are awarded an in-kind online advertising account which can be used in a variety of ways, including general outreach, fundraising activities and recruitment of volunteers. Refer to website for further details Minor grants of up to $1,500 considered Ongoing Google Grants You can apply to the Smoke Alarm Subsidy Scheme if you: • are Deaf or hearing impaired • have a current Pensioner Concession Card • are a resident of Queensland • have not previously received a smoke alarm under the Smoke Alarm Subsidy Scheme Organisations must: * Hold current and valid charity status, as determined by your country; please see your country’s charity status definition below. * Acknowledge and agree to the application's required certifications regarding non-discrimination and donation receipt and use. * Have a functioning website with substantial content Ongoing Community organisations that propose art projects that can demonstrate: 33 FUNDING PROGRAM Santos Community Fund FOCUS environment. arts projects that accord with one or more of the following objects: * Promoting and educating the public on peace and justice at family, community and international level; * Promoting and educating the public on the reduction of injustice, racial tension, oppression and discrimination; * Increasing the understanding and cooperation between political, racial and ethnic groups; * Supporting the rights of indigenous peoples to economic self-determination; * Promoting and educating the public on the care of the environment; * Supporting oppressed people to control the environment for their daily needs; * Promoting and educating the public on ecological sustainable development. Supports organisations and events that are valued by our communities and which share our values, particularly in the areas of the arts and culture, community wellbeing, education and youth, the environment, health, and Aboriginal education, training and employment in the energy sector. Department of Transport and Main Roads Event Sponsorship Activities that are directly aligned to the Transport and Main Roads’ corporate plan objectives and Queensland Government priorities - refer to website for full details. Aussie Helpers Children’s Fund Provides support and resources to disadvantaged kids living in rural, remote and regional areas in Australia. Provide assistance in four categories: • Education includes support for computers, books, career assistance and scholarships • Sporting includes support for equipment, training programs and carnivals • Music includes support with musical equipment, scholarships and training • Medical includes support with medical equipment and training ELIGIBILITY * aims compatible with the Peace Trust's vision - 'Working for Peace through the Arts' * accord with one or more of the objects of the Trust - promoting peace, social justice, and care for the environment. * that funds will be used to support artists to create new work $ throughout the year. Areas in which they operate. You must be under 18 years of age and live in rural Australia. 34 Between $100 and $5,000 CLOSING DATE Website for more information Ongoing ity-at-santos/santos-communityfund.aspx Ongoing unity-andenvironment/Communityengagement/Eventsponsorship.aspx ussiehelpers/aussie-helperskids.html FUNDING PROGRAM Australian Government Skills Connect Fund FOCUS To provide individual enterprises and business clusters with access to more flexible Australian Government funding support. The co-funding of Government grants supports the cost of accredited training for employees to deliver the personal and professional development that meets an enterprise’s whole-of-workforce needs. Australian Sports Foundation – Sport Incentive Program The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) operates the Sport Incentive Program. Specifically the program aims to increase opportunities for Australians to participate in sport, and/or excel in sports performance. The program enables eligible organisations to register sport related projects to assist with their project fundraising. Regional Galleries Association of Queensland (RGAQ) Professional Development Bursaries To assist public galleries/museums to undertake organisational initiatives. These might include: *Costs towards improvements in the gallery/museum exhibition program such as touring exhibition fees and display improvements. *An appropriate consultant to work with the institution on skill development in areas such as Education and Public Programs; Exhibition Development; or Strategic Planning and Policy Development. *On-site training workshops and seminars in ELIGIBILITY Individuals and organisations eligible to access funding include: • Organisations, small, medium and large, with an Australian Business Number • Not-for-profit and charitable organisations • Business clusters, co-ordinated by a lead business, group training organisation or local association • Professional associations •Industry bodies, including Industry Skills Councils acting as a lead organisation An organisation eligible to register a sport-related project if it: • is a non-profit or a government organisation • is incorporated in Australia under appropriate legislation • is financially viable • has an ABN Eligible organisations include: • sporting clubs • sporting organisations (regional, state, national) • schools (or an organisation affiliated with an educational institution) • councils • community groups • other types of organisations Open to current RGAQ members, member galleries and their paid and volunteer staff. 35 $ Various percentages - refer to website Up to $1,500 per organisation. It is expected that the organisation will make a contribution to the initiative (can be in-kind). CLOSING DATE Proposals will be accepted on an ongoing basis and can be submitted at any time while funding remains available. Website for more information kills-connect-fund/ You can register your organisation anytime The first day of every month until funds are expended. html FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS specialist areas such as volunteer recruitment, board management and gallery/museum practice. RECOGNISE - Funded Partnership Project Looking to fund like-minded organisations that can organise an activity or series of activities to raise public awareness AND community support for constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution. Activities must meet both tests. Community Broadcasting Foundation Emergency Grants To assist stations to replace damaged or destroyed essential equipment and related immediate expenses in order to restore basic transmission following an unforeseen event such as flood, bushfire, lightning or accidental damage (but not operator failure). CBOnline Grants - Online and Resource Development To assist the development of innovative online technologies and resources for use across the Australian community broadcasting sector. ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Organisations must have an ABN, the capacity to sign a contract for the funds, an organisational bank account into which the funds can be deposited, and be prepared to provide an acquittal form back to Recognise for reporting purposes. Entities that may apply to the program include (but are not limited to): non-government organisations, associations, charities, and businesses. Please note that you do not require DGR status to be eligible for these partnerships. You can apply for an Emergency grant if you are: • a community radio station with a long-term or a temporary licence • a community television station with a long-term or trial licence Grants are not available to stations broadcasting under a narrowcast licence. A community radio station with a temporary licence must have been on air for at least two years cumulatively prior to applying. Additional conditions are imposed on temporary community radio licensees with regard to ownership of assets purchased with the grant. You can apply for an Online Development Grant if you are: • a community radio station with a long-term or a temporary licence • a community television station with a long-term or trial licence • a Remote Indigenous Media Organisation • a non-profit community broadcasting sector organisation Between $5000 and $50000 Organisations can apply at any time. Recognise will consider applications approx every 2 months. If your organisation's application misses a closing deadline, it will be considered in the next opportunity. ership-funding Up to $10,000 Anytime nt-finder/grantcategories/emergency-grants/ Open all year Applications will be assessed on submission with outcomes announced following the next CBF Board meeting held quarterly in August, November, February and May each year. Discuss your project nt-finder/grantcategories/cbonline-grants/onlineresource-development-grants/ 36 FUNDING PROGRAM The Macquarie Group Foundation Kestrel Mine Community Development Fund FOCUS Concentrating funding in the areas of * health care and research, * education, * the arts, * welfare and * the environment Priority given to programs which: * have the involvement of Macquarie staff through volunteering, fundraising, pro bono work and board/management committee involvement * support a broad community need in the areas of arts, education, the environment, health and welfare * are located in communities in which Macquarie operates * deliver long-term benefits and build community sustainability. Not-for-profit organisations around the world, predominantly in the locations in which Macquarie operates. To support projects in the following areas: * Economic: projects aimed at enhancing the economic base of the region * Social and education: projects aimed at increasing community capacity in the region * Environmental: projects aimed at increasing the quality of the regional environment. Eligible applicants are those who: * Live primarily in the Capella, Emerald and Gemfields area. * Can demonstrate the capacity to make effective use of the funds * Are willing and able to subject the project to performance measures that focus on outcomes * Can work in partnership with the fund and the business * Can demonstrate the sustainability of a project, without the need for recurrent funding The projects must benefit the communities of the Central Highlands with a focus on supporting projects that deliver outcomes for Emerald, Capella and surrounding districts. Australian Scholarships Foundation (ASF) – Scholarships for not-for-profits ELIGIBILITY Scholarships for study or a course in 2013 to help you achieve your goals. Including MBAs, Social Media 2-Day Course, Executive Leadership Certificate, Diploma in Project Management plus many more. Australian citizens Directors and staff of not-for-profit organisations 37 $ CLOSING DATE with the relevant CBF Grants Administrator before submitting your application. Contact the Foundation: Website for more information om/foundation Macquarie Group Foundation GPO Box 4294 Sydney NSW 1164 Phone: +61 2 8232 6951 Fax: +61 2 8232 0019 Email: foundation@macquarie .com Applicants with projects valued above $25,000 may be asked to present their proposals in person to the Board at a scheduled meeting. You can apply for funding at any time. Applications are considered by the Committee. Contact: Alissa Gordon Community Relations Advisor T: 4988 3505 E: alissa.gordon@riotinto. com for details of when applications will next be considered. http://www.riotintocoalaustralia.c asp Various in 2013 p FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY $ Cash 4 Clubs A sports funding scheme which gives clubs a chance to apply for grants to improve facilities, purchase new equipment, gain coaching qualifications, and generally invest in the sustainability of their club. It's a flexible way to get some help for your club or team Not-for-profit sporting clubs registered with the governing body of their respective sports who are based and operate in Australia. Up to $1,000 Veteran & Community Grants Aim to maintain and improve the independence and quality of life of members of the veteran community by providing funding for projects that support activities and services that sustain and/or enhance health and well-being. The objectives of V&C Grants are to: * promote and enhance healthy lifestyles, particularly physical activity and mental well-being * support quality independent living at home * encourage involvement in community activities * reduce social isolation * contribute to social inclusion and access to community activities * encourage supportive and safe communities * increase access to community services * address gaps in local services, and * support carers. The aim is to increase the number of touring arts productions, extend the reach of the tours and double the touring arts experiences in regional communities. An applicant must: * be an ex-service organisation, veteran representative group, community based organisation or private organisation, and * demonstrate the ability to contribute to the welfare of members of the veteran community through the proposed project. Within the range of $2,000 to $50,000. However, projects outside these amounts will be considered, subject to competing priorities. Arts Queensland - Playing Queensland Touring Fund Refer to guidelines for further eligibility requirements. Applicants must: • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or nominate an accountable auspice body; • be submitted by people over 18 years of age, or have their application co-signed by their legal guardian confirming they will take responsibility for managing any grant that may be offered to the applicant; 38 Total funding for the program is $10.6 million over four years from 2012-13 to 201516. CLOSING DATE Website for more information Accepted on an ongoing basis. When applications are received they are processed during the next decision-making session held three times a year. If you have missed the deadline applications will automatically be considered in the next round. Applications can be accepted at anytime. Funding rounds will occur on an ongoing, rolling basis. When sufficient applicants are received or a two month period has elapsed, a funding round will be processed for the Minister's decision. Applicants should contact their DVA VAN Office to discuss any project proposal before completing an application and for information about the timing of each round email letter of application to: There are no closing dates for this program. You can apply for funding at any time and will be notified of the outcome of your application within eight weeks. g/tourfundguide.html d_wellbeing/veterans_community_ grants/Pages/index.aspx FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Coopers Brewery Foundation Aims to improve and protect the quality of life of Australians in the following areas: * Medical research and health care * Educational development for the young * Aged care * Promotion of family and community support based on Christian values Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Program To fund the building of kitchen and garden infrastructure for the Kitchen Garden Program in primary schools across Australia. Provide benefits for the entire school community including: * Increasing students' knowledge, confidence and skills in cooking and gardening * Developing a greater understanding of healthy and sustainable eating among students * Increasing students' willingness to try new foods * Engaging disengaged students, particularly ‘non-academic learners' and children with challenging behaviours * Potentially improving academic learning * Supporting your school's curriculum requirements * Benefiting the family home as students share and apply their learnings outside the ELIGIBILITY and • have satisfied the reporting requirements of any previous Arts Queensland grants or subsidy. Australian charities that have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). All Australian schools with a primary enrolment or curriculum are eligible, including Government and nonGovernment schools. 39 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Up to $30,000. A maximum of 15 applications will be assessed per funding round. Once this limit has been reached, all further applicants will be contacted and given the option of having their application held over for the next funding round, or withdrawn. As a guide, there usually is a waiting period of 4-5 months before applications can be considered Infrastructure grants of up to $66,000 (GST inclusive) per school will be allocated in this fourth round of national funding. Monetary applications will be considered by the Foundation’s Board of Governors on a quarterly basis, in March, June, September and December. rate/foundation February 2014 Schools can apply to join the Program from 04 September 2012 until February 2014 (unless all places fill up Sooner) http://www.kitchengardenfoundati FUNDING PROGRAM QGC - Sponsorship and Donations Australia Arts Council Funding Wide Bay Australia FOCUS Program *Helping create links between schools and the community. The Foundation provides all schools with ongoing training and support to ensure their Kitchen Garden Program is successful and sustainable in the long term. To support small, one-off donations and sponsorships (including events). To help communities to meet their priorities and needs in two areas: Donations - This is a one off contribution or it can be recurring (typically annually). We make these contributions without any expectations of a direct benefit to QGC, other than to be seen as an active and responsible corporate citizen. Sponsorship - This is an investment in a one off or recurring event or project where QGC expects public acknowledgement. Financial support may be given to projects that fall within the following broad themes: * Young people * Community safety and well-being * Environment Artforms: • Aboriginal and Islander Arts • Community Partnership Grants • Dance • Inter-arts • Literature • Music • Theatre • Visual arts • Market Development • Arts Organisations • Audience Development Plays an active part in our local communities particularly in regional areas. ■ financial support through sponsorship (where possible) of a number of community activities, organisations and events - covering a wide range of sporting, cultural and community interests and endeavours. ELIGIBILITY * In local government areas within which QGC has existing operations or planned activities - includes Central Highlands Regional Council area. * Organisation must have a legal entity * Organisation is not-for-profit * The organisation’s objectives are broadly consistent with QGC’s Business Principles (please view ‘our principles’ under ‘who we are’ on our website ) * There is no real or perceived conflict of interest due to connections between the beneficiary and a member of staff, a relative of a member of staff, a government official or a relative of a government official. Individuals, Groups, organisations Refer to website for full eligibility criteria on relevant grants. 40 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Up to $10,000 Ongoing - Applications are reviewed regularly and should be lodged at least three (3) months before assistance is required. y/apply-for-funding/sponsorshipand-donations.aspx Various - refer to guidelines for relevant grants Various - search the website by: - Artform - Grant Type - Applicant Type - Start /Closing Dates /grants Ongoing Contact your local branch orporate_information/corporate_s ocial_responsibility/ FUNDING PROGRAM BCF KFC Sponsorship Ansvar Insurance Donations Origin Community Investment or Sponsorship FOCUS ■ donations of cash to various charitable organisations (where possible) ■ provision of promotional items & vouchers (where possible) to a range of organisations to assist with their own fundraising efforts e.g. school fetes, cent sales, trivia nights, raffles etc ■ allowing availability of branches as collection points for community fundraising efforts ■ accommodating (if possible) staff acting as volunteers or office bearers in various community organisations e.g. Chambers of Commerce, Charities, Service Clubs etc BCF has chosen a variety of groups and organisations to support throughout the year with donations and sponsorships. Given our commitment to these groups, we are not always in a position to support other areas. However, should you have an event coming up that you think BCF may be able to get involved in please fill out the form on the website and submit your proposal. All proposals will be read and should we be in a position to assist you in any way one of our sponsorship team will contact you. KFC supports local Clubs and Teams with awards and merchandise. Support to charitable organisations and fundraising activities with particular emphasis on those organisations that complement our core markets of faith, education, care, community and heritage. Proposals that: * Are innovative, sustainable and show leadership * Relate to our business activities and reflect our commitments, principles and values * Deliver meaningful community benefits and help build positive relationships with our employees, customers and communities * Support our brand position as Australia’s number one green energy provider * Directly impact our customer, operational ELIGIBILITY Due to the large number of requests for donations Ansvar Insurance will only consider one donation request per organisation in each state per year. Impact on community, customers and employees in operational locations. Refer to map on website for where we are: ensland 41 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Anytime - apply online and/or approach your local store Anytime - apply online ship ons/ Submit a form at least three months before your partnership opportunity begins. 247/Partnering-with-Origin FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS and employee locations * Provide new customers the chance to join Origin * Link to existing partnerships or programs * Provide volunteering activities for our employees. ELIGIBILITY Kindergarten programs in long day care services Ensure children are able to get a flying start to their education through funding to assist long day care services to offset the cost of delivering an approved kindergarten program, delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher. PPCA Performers' Trust Foundation To promote and encourage music and the performing arts. Approved Queensland early childhood education and care services who are approved to receive Commonwealth Child Care Benefit (CCB) payments on behalf of eligible families. Refer to website and guidelines for full details. Applications must be for one or more of the following purposes: * Performances at concerts at or for charitable institutions such as hospitals or homes for the aged; * Scholarships for the promotion and encouragement of musical and theatrical education; * The promotion and encouragement of the performing arts to the general public; * The aid or assistance of any beneficiary who is unable to adequately maintain herself/himself by her/his own exertions and other income Organisations and/or events in the communities where the Rock building Society operates that meet at least one of the below categories: * Youth * Sport * Community * Community Service Groups All applicants must: • be based in Queensland; • have satisfied the requirements of any previous Arts Queensland funding; • demonstrate the ability to secure the proposed international artist or The Rock Building Society Community Support Program Focused on improving the lives and wellbeing of wide cross-section of the community through a range of sponsorships and donations, joint fundraising initiatives inkind support, and corporate partnerships. Super Star Fund The objectives of the Fund are to invest in: • the development of work that features internationally renowned artists; • performances that will be exclusive to Queensland; • the cultivation of local talent and building of local capacity; 42 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Various subsidies available. Refer to Guidelines. Applications can be lodged anytime during the Calendar year. od/service/kindy-prog-longcare.html One-off grants of $2,500 for an individual; or $5,000 for a group The trustees of the trust typically meet four times a year (approximately once every three months) to consider applications. Contact the foundation to find out the date of the next meeting of the trustees. Funding for the program is $3 million over four years, 2012-13 to 2015-16. You are encouraged to submit proposals Ongoing - apply in writing to The Rock Marketing Department (Refer to website for address) mmunity/Supporting%20Communit ies Ongoing - you may submit a project outline and budget (1 to 2 pages) at any time. g/superstarfund.html FUNDING PROGRAM Aged Care Education and Training Incentive Program FOCUS • outcomes that enhance Queensland’s reputation as an innovative and attractive arts and cultural destination; and • work that attracts national and international audiences. Program provides incentive payments to eligible aged care workers who undertake specified education and training programs to upgrade qualifications and build their career in aged care. This program builds on current workplace training programs that support people working in the aged care sector. Sunsuper Dreams Sunsuper Dreams is all about doing something positive for the community in a really meaningful way. This Sunsuper initiative gives individuals, groups and organisations the opportunity to be awarded ELIGIBILITY artists; • at least match the funding sought • have a demonstrated history of staging large-scale, high quality productions, or a production partner who has a history of staging largescale, high quality productions; and • meet the objectives of the Fund. In order to be eligible to receive an incentive payment, aged care workers must meet all the following criteria: Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident; and Be employed on a full time, part time or casual basis providing direct care in and by an eligible aged care service: * at the commencement of their training (in order to receive the commencement payment); * at the successful completion of their training and during your training (in order to receive the completion payment). * Have a commitment to working in the aged care sector; and Commence an eligible training course between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2014. Commence means the official start date of the eligible training course, not the date of enrolment. *An eligible aged care service is a Commonwealth funded residential aged care service, a service providing Commonwealth funded community care or flexible care service including CACP, EACH or EACH-D, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flexible care services. To qualify, your dream project must: • Be based in Australia • Be able to be undertaken in the next six months • Do something good for the 43 $ for investments of up to $300 000, however, exceptional proposals may attract a larger investment CLOSING DATE Website for more information Incentive payments are dependent on the level of study. Refer to website for details. Applications for the commencement payment must be made within six months of commencement of training in an eligible course. /main/publishing.nsf/Content/agei ng-rescare-aceti.htm One $5,000 each month Ongoing out FUNDING PROGRAM Gandel Philanthropy communityassist Grants Best & Less DonorTec Department of Communities – Sponsorship Funding FOCUS a $5,000 grant to help realise a dream for a better world. Aim is to support programs that are effective, that will deliver a clear and positive community outcome and that have the potential of providing longer-term benefits to the target audience in the following areas of interest: - Art & Culture - Education - Health & medical research - Community Development - Social cohesion and inclusion - Poverty & disadvantaged - Environment - Emergency response & recovery Best & Less is very proud to support a variety of local causes across Australia. It is very important for us to be a part of local communities, and wherever possible, we are happy to support community fund raising events. DonorTec provides donated and discounted technology products and services from companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Symantec, Sophos and Kaspersky to eligible income tax exempt (ITE) Australian not for profit groups and libraries. Sponsorship will be considered for initiatives, events and activities that are outside the scope of funding provided to assist eligible organisations to deliver human services, and educational and preventative activities. The department will consider proposals in all categories, except initiatives that: • include relationships with tobacco and alcohol companies • promote exploitation of children or young people • do not recognise diversity in communities, families or culture • promote relationships with organisations ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information There are no specific closing dates. Gandel Philanthropy will aim to make determinations on communityassist applications approximately four times a year. All potential applicants are encouraged to contact Gandel Philanthropy to discuss their project proposal before submitting an application. Refer to website for contact details. Anytime - submit a request for community support through the “Contact Us” link on the website Contact Gandel Philanthropy on to obtain a copy of the communityassist Grant Guidelines Non-government Australian income tax exempt (ITE) Australian not for profit groups and libraries. Ongoing - register online ortec/ Eligible organisations that deliver human services, and educational and preventative activities. Generally requests need to be received six months ahead of the activity or event. u/gateway/funding-andgrants/departmental-sponsorship community. Eligible charitable organisations that fulfill the following requirements: - are charitable at law; - have the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status - provision for gift deductibility must be under Item 1, or they must be specifically named as a DGR in Subdivision 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; - Endorsed as Tax Concession Charity (TCC). 44 Up to $40,000 bout-Us.aspx FUNDING PROGRAM Active After-school Communities program National Court Rebate Scheme Tennis Australia Multicultural Arts and Festivals Grant The Aboriginal Benefits Foundation FOCUS that are under the regulatory or licensing authority of the department • include product endorsements. Objectives of the Active After-school Communities program * To enhance the physical activity levels of Australian primary school-aged children through a nationally coordinated program. * To provide increased opportunities for inclusive participation in quality, safe and fun sport and other structured physical activities through the AASC program. * Stimulate local community involvement in sport and structured physical activity. * Facilitate linkages between schools and local clubs to encourage transition to ongoing participation in sport To assist Tennis Australia's member affiliates in the development and/or the upgrading of court surfaces and associated infrastructure. Clubs can apply for funding in base preparation and development, lighting, surface or resurfacing, fencing, water saving and ancillary items. Projects that are consistent with the objectives of the program such as those that: • encourage social cohesion and mutual understanding through the sharing of different cultural experiences • address a genuine social cohesion issue, such as tensions between groups in a community • seek to educate groups about other cultures through information sharing. To assist Aboriginal communities and individuals by providing funds to support projects which advance the aims of the Foundation, with the current focus on supporting art, health and cultural projects ELIGIBILITY $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information To assist with the implementation of the Active After-school Communities (AASC) program, participating - primary schools and - Out of School Hours Care Services (sites) are eligible to apply for a grant each funding period that they are involved in the program. This can include costs associated with: - Community coach delivery - Supervision - Venue/facility hire - Transport - Sporting equipment - Afternoon Tea (schools only) The Tennis Australia Court Rebate Program is available to all State/Territory Member Association affiliated Clubs / Centres / Associations. Refer to website for further details on requirements to qualify. Australian incorporated, not-forprofit organisations including: • schools (government school applicants need not be incorporated) • non-profit organisations • service clubs • faith groups • art organisations • sporting bodies • community organisations • youth organisations • local government authorities • universities and colleges of education. Your organisation must have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status < 15 participants $65 per session 15-30 participants $80 per session 31 - 49 participants $80 - $100 per session 50 plus participants $100 - $125 per session * In addition to this, schools only, have access to approx $40.00/session to contribute towards supervision and afternoon tea costs. A funding period for the program is the duration of a school semester. Sites are to account for funds spent across each funding period. pating/aasc/get_involved/sites Various funding levels - refer to website Applications for the 2013–14 financial year will be accepted from 1 July 2013. unding/national-court-rebatescheme Up to $5000 Applications may be lodged at any time. Organisations are encouraged to apply several months prior to their project taking place. From $500 to a limit of $5,000. Grant applications are considered by the Board of the Foundation at each directors meeting. The ts.htm 45 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists. Priority for funding is being given to the following categories: 1. Seeding grants: - to research the relevance and value of new projects with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists that may be ineligible for support from existing agencies - to facilitate schemes or projects with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists which are of benefit to Aboriginal health, welfare or education which have potential for wider application. 2. One-off grants in support of: - health and well-being of artists and their families - education through art projects which will benefit health and well-being individuals and communities, with a connection to Aboriginal art and/or artists, to meet special needs ELIGIBILITY Queensland Rail Sponsorship Through sponsorships we strive to continue making a positive contribution to the lives of Queenslanders by supporting causes, events or other activities that Queenslanders are passionate about. Must have an ABN and be registered for GST Not specified. Ongoing - applications for sponsorship support must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to an event occurring. /Community/Pages/Sponsorships.a spx Queensland Rail Community Partnering Program Provide sponsorship support for local community based initiatives. Supporting causes, events or other activities that Queenslanders are passionate about. Must have an ABN and be registered for GST Up to $5,000 /Community/Pages/QueenslandRai lCommunityPartneringProgramGui delines.aspx The Copland Foundation Grants Projects throughout Australia that fall under the umbrella of Alex Copland’s interests, namely: * The study, management, conservation, acquisition, and interpretation of collections; * The study, management, conservation, acquisition and interpretation of relevant historic architecture, * The provision of education programs, whether for staff of such museums, institutions, societies, organisations or for To be eligible for assistance a museum/institution must: a) Be recognised as a recipient institution under the Commonwealth Government’s Cultural Gifts Program b) Be open to the public c) Be seeking assistance to: • acquire, conserve or interpret an object or collection of objects or The maximum grant available will not normally exceed $50,000, though additional funds may be made available in special circumstances. Ongoing - applications for sponsorship support must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to an event occurring. Applications for acquisitions are accepted at any time, while those relating to conservation or interpretation grants close on 15 November each year. 46 $ CLOSING DATE Board currently meets approximately 6 - 8 times each year. Website for more information FUNDING PROGRAM Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) Balnaves Foundation American Express Philanthropic Program – Historical Conservation & Preservation American Express – Community Service and Engagement FOCUS the general public, * The purchase of art works and/or other artifacts, to be identified on public display by the purchaser as a gift from the Copland Foundation. ELIGIBILITY • conserve or restore features of an historic building used for cultural purposes, its garden and/or surrounds. Helps people with disability and mental health condition by providing financial assistance to purchase a range of work related modifications and services for people who are about to start a job or who are currently working, as well as those who require assistance to find and prepare for work. Supports organisations that aim to create a better Australia through education, medicine and the arts with a focus on young people, the disadvantaged and Indigenous communities. Supported projects embrace the preservation, restoration or sustainability of historic places and demonstrate their significance to the community through one or more of the following: Restoring historic places to ensure ongoing public access and interaction with the sites. Preserving historic places for future or innovative use. Sustaining historic places by creating systems to manage increased visitor activities and environmental impacts. Applications for archival projects are discouraged. Funding priorities: Historic Preservation & Conservation, Leadership and Community Service & Engagement. Aims to encourage good citizenship by supporting organisations that cultivate meaningful opportunities for civic engagement by our employees and members of the community, whether as volunteers, donors, voters or patrons. The program also aims to serve our communities by supporting immediate and long-term relief and recovery efforts to help Employers, people with disability and employment service providers. Refer to website for specific eligibility requirements. Various - refer to website Ongoing mployment-assistance-fund The Foundation is only able to provide donations to Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR’s) covered by item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Eligible organisations must: • Organisations outside the U.S. must be able to document nonprofit status. • Not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, age, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. Various Ongoing m/home Ongoing s/details.asp?ID=68 Eligible organisations must: - Organisations outside the U.S. must be able to document nonprofit status. - Not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, national origin, disability, handicap, age, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. Matching Contributions Ongoing /csr/comm_serv.aspx 47 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS victims of natural disasters. Funding also goes to support preparedness programs that allow relief agencies to be better equipped in responding to emergencies as they occur ELIGIBILITY Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program To develop Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Resource and Strategic Projects RGAQ Professional Development Bursaries - Individual Bursaries For individual gallery/museum volunteers as assistance to attend seminars, conferences or courses. Grants can be used towards conference registration fees, associated workshop fees, travel, accommodation and living expenses during the period of the conference. Enterprises (including government business enterprises) * Australian Government agencies and state/territory government departments and agencies * Representative bodies (Industry Skills Councils, employer organisations and trade unions) * Registered Training organisations Current RGAQ members, member galleries and their paid and volunteer staff. RGAQ Professional Development Bursaries - Organisational Grants Grants to assist public galleries/museums to undertake organisational initiatives. These might include: • Costs towards improvements in the gallery/museum exhibition program such as touring exhibition fees and display improvements. • An appropriate consultant to work with the institution on skill development in areas such as Education and Public Programs; Exhibition Development; or Strategic Planning and Policy Development. • On-site training workshops and seminars in specialist areas such as volunteer recruitment, board management and gallery/museum practice. Current RGAQ members, member galleries and their paid and volunteer staff. Central Highlands Toyota/Central Highlands Mitsubishi Sponsorship Supporting local community and charity organisations is a key component of our operating philosophy. We recognise the importance of giving back to the communities who assist to make our business successful. Local Community and charity organisations. 48 $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Strategic Project applications can be submitted at anytime. s/LiteracyAndNumeracy/Workplace EnglishLanguageAndLiteracy/Pages /default.aspx Up to $1,000 The first day of every month until funds are expended. html Up to $1,000 per organisation. It is expected that the organisation will make a contribution to the initiative (can be in-kind). The first day of every month until funds are expended. html Ongoing http://www.centralhighlandsauto.c FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Sponsorship for a range of groups and events throughout Central Queensland. ELIGIBILITY $ National Cultural Heritage Account To encourage organisations to buy nationally significant objects that they could not otherwise afford, with the intention that they be preserved and made accessible to the public. Australian cultural organisations such as museums, art galleries, libraries, archive, historic buildings, and have permanent and appropriately maintained/conserved collections that are accessible to the public. Depends on funds available. Funding assistance is provided on a caseby-case basis at the discretion of the Minister, generally after considering the advice of the National Cultural Heritage Committee Virgin Australia Sponsorship Our goal is to partner with organisations and events that are a strong, natural match to our brand values and positioning. We accept sponsorship applications from the following categories: - Commercial programs (including sporting requests) - Environmental opportunities - Art and cultural related events - Indigenous activities and support Queensland Country Credit Union Local Sponsorship Program Queensland Country Credit Union - Community Partnership Fundraising Program CLOSING DATE Website for more information Ongoing ccount Usually only requests located close to an airport that we operate out of are considered A minimum of six months lead time is required to effectively plan and implement sponsorship leverage activities outUs/Sponsorship/index.htm Local events that offer benefits to the community and encourage active participation in local events and get our branch staff out into the community to help positively contribute. * Financial support * on-going assistance * development of business links with Queensland Country * higher awareness for the group / event due to Queensland Country’s involvement * flow-on positive effect to the wider community due to increased stability / success of a sponsored event * assistance in-kind, such as expertise, financial or banking services Preference will be given to Not for Profit Organisations within a 50klm radius of where Qld Country Credit Union operates, i.e. Tieri, Capella. NFP organisations outside this area who have projects that benefit those in the area where QCCU operates may be considered. If you have a local event that you are seeking sponsorship for and would like to approach us for assistance, please contact your local branch manager to discuss. Assist organisations to raise funds to provide services to the community by partnering with you to help you do this. For full details on eligibility for this program simply contact your local Branch Manager Ongoing ty-partnership-program 49 For every new product taken out which has one of FUNDING PROGRAM Local Directories Sponsorship Tennis Australia - Facility Loan Scheme FOCUS Provides: * Waived monthly account service fee on the Business Cheque Account * Fundraising assistance through our unique Community Partnership Fundraising Program * Queensland Country merchandise welcome pack * Access to our online news board to promote events Local Directories™ is proud to be involved in and associated with various charities, community events and junior sporting groups throughout its regional areas. Being involved in our local communities is a major part of our sponsorship program. We pride ourselves on giving back to the community and supporting local charities and events. Financially assists affiliated Australian Tennis Clubs, Centres and Associations with upgrades, replacements and improvements on their tennis facilities, by providing low interest loans. The Tennis Australia loan is to assist in shortfalls the Club may have in funding their project after other avenues of funding have been determined. AbaF’s Australia Cultural Fund Projects that will further Australia’s cultural life SunWater Sponsorships Initiatives that play an important role in developing the cultural thread of our surrounding regional communities. ELIGIBILITY State/Territory Member Association affiliated Clubs / Centres / Associations undertaking any facility development work is advised to contact its Member Association Facilities representative to discuss the project with them. Refer to guidelines for further eligibility requirements Must be either * a bona-fide practicing artist or group of artists; or * a legally constituted not for profit body bona-fide non-profit arts organisation that does not have its own Deductible Gift Receipt (DGR) status Communities SunWater operates in. 50 $ these vouchers accompanying it, we will pay your club the following: * $50 for every Credit Card / Personal Loan * $75 for every Health Insurance policy * $125 for every Home Loan Maximum $80,000 CLOSING DATE Website for more information Ongoing. Should you wish to enquire about sponsorships, please call us on 1300 360 867 u/sponsorship Anytime. Initially via Expression of Interest form. unding/facility-loan Anytime throughout the year. To register with AbaF’s Australia Cultural Fund we recommend that you contact your local AbaF office to discuss your project and timeline. Anytime ect-with-donors/australia-culturalfund.html ainability/community/sponsorships FUNDING PROGRAM Coles - Local Community Support Program FOCUS Providing support to help with fundraisers, raffles, community days and other activities to local clubs and groups, from schools to sport clubs. Supports local charities, groups and organisations which address issues and activities relating to health, education and the environment. ELIGIBILITY Communities with a Coles supermarket; Coles do not support: • Political groups or activist organisations, • Capital fundraising, • Local Councils, • Endowment and trust funds, • Fundraising for overseas appeals, charities and travel RADF Quick Response Funding The Central Highlands Regional Council RADF Committee considers applications for professional artists to develop their skills throughout the year through a "quick response" application. • Quick Response applies to Category 1 only - "Developing Regional Skills". Refer to Guidelines for further details Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) Provides a subsidy for schools travelling more than 150 kilometres to visit the national capital as part of a civics and citizenship education excursion. Supports a range of charitable organisations and projects through Australian registered charitable organisations. These fall broadly into the areas of arts & culture, community development & advocacy, community services & welfare, disability, education, training & employment, environment, health & medical research, overseas aid & development. The rebate is available for Years 4–12 students, and is paid to schools on a per student basis at rates that vary according to the distance travelled. Only organisations with the following tax ATO endorsements may be eligible to apply: - Tax Concession Charity (TCC). - Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA). - Organisations listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations - Organisations listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations - Organisations with DGR Special Listing in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 What we will not consider • Funding for capital works Australian Communities Foundation Grant Programs Ergon Energy - Community Partnerships Ergon Energy's partnership vision is to support community and business activities 51 $ CLOSING DATE Ongoing Website for more information pport Assistance is available for up to 65 per cent of the total costs to a maximum of $1,000 for Queensland travel and $2,000 for national travel. Refer to website for applicable rebates. Ongoing - allow up to 6 weeks turn around. http://www.centralhighlands.qld.g Ongoing http://www.civicsandcitizenship.ed tion_rebate_(pacer),18103.html Various Anytime http://www.communityfoundation. Proposals for under $5,000 can be Applications should be submitted as far in Successful requests should receive their donations by way of a Coles Gift Card; our gift cards can be used in our national Coles supermarket stores (excluding the purchase of alcohol, tobacco and fuel). Unfortunately we are unable to donate goods and products. FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS that deliver: • Lasting benefits to regional Queensland communities (with an emphasis on community enrichment and the environment) • Business development/growth opportunities • Support for the network and asset activities (particularly the environment and safety issues) • Long-term partnerships • Support to our extensive network of employees. ELIGIBILITY • Individuals or representatives of sporting teams • Gambling, smoking, consumption of other addictive substances • Promotion of particular religious group or political party Young Athlete Assistance Program Provide retrospective financial assistance to young athletes and officiators in Queensland who have competed or officiated at a State or State School Championship, National or National School Championship or International Championship to assist with cost of travel and accommodation for the eligible championship. NAB Employee Volunteer Program To help community or non-profit organisations that work with NAB employees as part of the bank's Employee Volunteer Program. Overview: NAB provides two days paid Applicants eligible for support are those who: -within the last 6 months have competed or officiated at a: - Queensland State Championship - Queensland State School Championship - Australian National Championship - Australian National School Championship - International Championship; and - are under the age of 18 at the start of the championship - reside more than 200km radial distance from the championship location for the one-way trip - have their participation in the event confirmed by their local club/relevant organisation or school registrar/principal - do not hold a Queensland Academy of Sport scholarship Community Not for Profit organisations 52 $ submitted to your local regional Corporate Communications Manager as listed below. Proposals for over $5,000 must be submitted to the Community Partnerships Unit for assessment by the Partnerships Committee (note, proposals for over $20,000 require Chief Executive and/or Board approval). $200 - once every 2 years CLOSING DATE advance of the event as possible, preferably at least six months. Website for more information Each application must be endorsed by the athlete's parent or guardian and participation at the championship confirmed by the relevant organisation. t-recreation-leisure/young-athleteassistance-program/ NAB provides 16 hours of volunteer leave each year for its employees. This leave is used to Ongoing /connect/nab/nab/home/about_us /7/4/2/1/1/ FUNDING PROGRAM Register of Cultural Organisations FOCUS volunteer leave each year for its employees. Our people use this leave to carry out voluntary work for non-profit organisations in their communities. Refer to website for target activities. Assists qualifying cultural bodies to attract support by enabling them to offer donors the incentive of a tax deduction. The Register aims to strengthen private sector support for the arts and encourages Australians to contribute to the nation's vibrant cultural life. ELIGIBILITY Cultural bodies eligible for listing on the Register are those whose principal purpose is the promotion of a cultural activity such as: literature; visual, community, performing or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts; music; crafts; design; television; video; radio; film; or movable cultural heritage. Public art galleries, museums and libraries are generally not included on the Register as they are approved by the Australian Taxation Office under another Deductible Gift Recipient category. $ carry out voluntary work for not for profit organisations in their communities. Cultural bodies listed on the Register are able to receive tax deductible donations to assist them with a wide range of activities, such as the creation of a new theatrical work, the publication of a literary magazine or the building of a community arts centre. CLOSING DATE Website for more information Ongoing Autodesk Assists nonprofit organisations, educational institutions, correctional facilities, and qualified disabled individuals with contributions of software that enhance communities and improve individual productivity. Organisations qualified for product donations must be registered with Good360 and also adhere to other eligibility guidelines. Donations include the software, supporting documentation (manuals) and authorization to use the software on two computer systems. Ongoing / Adobe’s Education and International Software Donation Programs (managed in partnership with Good360) Adobe Systems Incorporated offers an enhanced range of donated software products to schools and international nonprofit organisations. Organisations qualified for product donations must be registered with Good360 and also adhere to other eligibility guidelines. The International Software Donation program provides donations for primary and secondary schools and qualified nonprofit organisations/ NGOs located in Australia. Only schools that enable and inspire K-12 students to think creatively, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively by focusing on the use Adobe Software Ongoing 53 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY of digital technology and visual literacy may request product. $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Variety Future Kids Program The Variety Future Kids Program provides children with special needs access to a computer to positively transform not only their academic performance but also their classroom experience. We also help with sporting trips, musical equipment and therapy and other items that help children with special needs improve their potential to learn. Special education and disadvantaged schools Various Ongoing OW-WE-HELP/Variety-future-kids/ Department of Veterans‘ Affairs Saluting Their Service commemorations grants program Supports projects and activities which directly commemorate Australia’s servicemen and women who served in wars, conflicts and peace operations. The grants also promote appreciation and understanding of the role those who have served have played in shaping the nation. The program is designed to preserve our wartime heritage and to involve people throughout the nation in a wide range of activities and projects. *Community and ex-service organisations * Local government authorities * Other bodies such as museums and schools Up to $4,000 Ongoing _oawg/commemorations/grants/P ages/index.aspx Inger Rice Foundation Grants Directs grants towards parental relationships with younger children from birth to pre-birth up to primary school age (0-5 years). The foundation offers financial support for training, research and provision of material and equipment to persons and groups through approved organisations. Assistance provided includes help with costs such as fares and living expenses of attending conferences and seminars, fees for specific programs and grants for research projects, training courses and development programs. Incorporated organisations or public bodies. $500 to $5,000 Anytime - Assessment occurs every 6 - 8 weeks Contact Details: Hon. Secretary Inger Rice Foundation; Telephone: (02) 6295 7339 Ensham Resources Community Funding Program The Donations Committee criteria that applications are assessed against: • Children’s/youth group • Non mainstream activity • Locally based (Emerald, Comet, Capella, etc) Organisations locally based in Emerald, Capella, Comet etc Anytime - via letter of request Contact Community Grants Officer for Contact Details. Ph: 4982 3486 Email: 54 FUNDING PROGRAM Minerva Joint Venture - Minerva Mine Xstrata - Oaky Creek Coal FOCUS • History of sponsorship/association with Ensham • Contribute a proportion (relative to the number of coal mines in the area) • Specific items (rather than a lump sum or payment for only part of an item) • Advertising/PR for Ensham ELIGIBILITY $ To assist educational, sporting and charitable organisations or organisations that seek to provide assistance to the youth, disadvantaged and disabled members of the local community. Community Groups and individuals primarily in the Emerald and Springsure area. Support initiatives that contribute to the prosperity and the sustainable development for the communities, employees and their families associated with Oaky Creek Coal • Tieri area residents only • Must be not-for-profit • Need not be incorporated but must be able to demonstrate capacity to utilise and acquit funds in the manner intended. The following are not eligible: - Individuals - Government bodies - Political Parties - Single faith groups - Organisations with outstanding acquittals from previous grants Community organisations Generally small grants only Organisations that hold the following ATO endorsements: Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) – Item 1 Tax Concession Charity (TCC) You can apply for sponsorship if you are: * based in Australia; * an incorporated body in an Australian state or territory (you will need to give us a copy of the Suncorp Partnership Opportunity Supporting programs and initiatives. From sponsoring events to providing much-needed assistance to charities and research organisations, we’re dedicated to getting out into the community and making a real difference to people’s lives. Matana Foundation for Young People Priorities include projects which address the needs of disadvantaged young people and children. Australian Communication Exchange - Ace Sponsorship Program Projects / events / conferences that will benefit the deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired Usually small grants up to $1,000 CLOSING DATE Events - two weeks prior to the event. Other - anytime Website for more information Contact Community Grants Officer for Contact Details. Ph: 4982 3486 Email: 55 Anytime by letter of request Contact Community Grants Officer for Contact Details. Ph: 4982 3486 Email: rate/community/partnerships/appl y $1,000 to $10,000 Anytime - You can expect to receive a response from Suncorp Sponsorships within four weeks of Suncorp receiving your application. Ongoing $20,000 Ongoing hp?option=com_content&view=art icle&id=2&Itemid=9 .au/ FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Cheaperthanhotels Fundraising Program To offer an innovative fundraising program for community groups, non-profit organisations, schools, universities and sports clubs to help you in pursuit of their cause. The cause may be anything from supporting a selected charity to fundraising for new computers or sporting equipment at a school, to hold your own art exhibition or to inject funds into your small business. Caltex Australia Sponsorship A variety of organisations, events and programs in local communities from school libraries to sporting clubs, environmental projects to emergency services and surf lifesaving, John Deere - Australia Canon Australia Sponsorship and Donations ELIGIBILITY certificate of incorporation); * an individual or unincorporated organisation (as long as you are sponsored by an incorporated organisation); * an individual or group interested in, or responsible for, advocacy or services for people who are Deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired. Community groups, non-profit organisations, schools, universities and sports clubs. All your organisation or group needs to participate is your own website, and a good cause. Requests for John Deere to attend or provide support to an event can be submitted via the Request Form. In the event you are seeking a gift or donation from John Deere, the same form can be used. Opportunities for Canon Sponsorship: * Any event or activity considered for sponsorship must fit Canon's corporate image and values. * Canon Australia's concern for the environment is reflected in our sponsorship activities. * Canon Australia prefers to participate in events or activities that have a national reach, rather than a regional or metropolitan $ Each organisation will be assessed on a case by case basis and you could gain anything from $250 up to $25,000 a year in funding. CLOSING DATE Ongoing m/sponsorship/ Anytime For corporate sponsorship requests, please email Local community-based sponsorship applications should be directed to your local refinery or service station. nityAndEnvironment/SocialInvestm ent/Pages/Home.aspx om/en_AU/our_company/citizensh ip/philanthropy/ ? Anytime Ongoing 56 Website for more information FUNDING PROGRAM Caterpillar Sponsorship Program Peter Brock Foundation Grants Sidney Myer Fund & The Myer Foundation – Education Small Grants Program Sidney Myer Fund & The Myer Foundation – Poverty & Disadvantage Small Grants Program FOCUS ELIGIBILITY reach. To connect with our customers, give back to Excludes: communities, and improve the quality of life Fraternities, sororities, individuals, in a more efficient, environmentally sensitive scholarships, political action manner. committees, candidates for political Support our long-term environmental, office economic, and social commitments. Organisations that limit membership and services based on race, religion, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin Religious programs Welfare, e.g. preventative programs that help young disadvantaged people Community Programs, e.g. particularly those that emphasise a growing understanding of self-reliance and responsibility Social issues, e.g. programs that help people and the community overcome social challenges (e.g. From Harm to Calm) Aims to provide a quick response to community needs, and supports projects in educational settings that have educational goals and that address at least one of the following priority areas: Disadvantaged young people Culturally and Linguistically Diverse young people Young people in rural and regional communities Projects that benefit the Australian community, and strategies that address: Symptoms: Alleviating the negative effects of poverty and disadvantage. Capacity Building: Strengthening communities' abilities to deal with poverty and disadvantage. The current priority areas for the Poverty and Disadvantage Small Grants Program are as follows: Communities experiencing social and $ CLOSING DATE Website for more information Sponsorship requests should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the sponsorship Event/activity. Must be Incorporated Excludes: Religion and politics Normal operating costs or core funding Programs that duplicate existing Government programs Purchasing vehicles Depends on funds available. Ongoing http://www.peterbrockfoundation. Only supports small communitybased organisations that are incorporated and have been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as Tax Concession Charities (TCC). If your organisation is not endorsed as a TCC, but you are an Australian incorporated organisation, you may still be eligible to apply as long as we can be satisfied that the nature of your project is charitable. Applications will be accepted for Grants for charitable purposes from Australian incorporated organisations that have been endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as Tax Concession Charities (TCC).If you are unsure of your organisation’s tax status, check with your financial advisor or the Australian Government’s ABN Lookup website. If your organisation is not endorsed as a TCC, but you are an Australian < $10,000 Requested amount may be part of a budget up to $50,000 Ongoing u/programs/content.cfm?loadref=1 9 < $10,000 Requested amount may be part of a budget up to $50,000 Ongoing u/programs/overview.cfm?loadref =21 57 FUNDING PROGRAM The Courier-Mail Children's Fund McDonald’s – Get a Donation FOCUS economic exclusion with particular emphasis on Indigenous Australians, asylum seekers and refugees, and people living in isolated rural and remote areas of Australia. Children and young people from impoverished backgrounds whose opportunities for development and advancement are curtailed. Small, discrete projects that meet the needs of a community rather than supplementary funding for large projects. Provide financial support to charitable organisations throughout Queensland to help them meet the needs of children with special needs. The fund has provided financial assistance for: • Mobility and learning aids • Educational equipment and assistance • Recreational and respite programs • New technologies • Medical equipment ELIGIBILITY incorporated organisation, you may still be eligible to apply as long as we can be satisfied that the nature of your project is charitable. Charitable donations to support not-forprofit organisations. Organisations that are endorsed by Organisation must be a registered Australian charity endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (but not another ancillary fund). Deductible Gift Recipients must be listed with the Australian Taxation Office under Item 1of the Table in Section 30.15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act, 1936. $ Various the Australian Tax Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Projects or events that take place in the communities in which McDonald’s operate Charitable organisations that provide direct community service, specifically relating to the health and wellbeing of Australian children Programs with measurable social outcomes CLOSING DATE Website for more information Ongoing tras/children/index.htm Donation proposals accepted throughout the year and aim to respond within 30 days. McDonald’s – Get Sponsored To deliver valuable benefits to the wider community and to help children live a more balanced, active and enriched lifestyle. Sponsorships must reflect a grassroots and community focus. Bupa Sponsorship Initiatives throughout the community encouraging Australians to lead active and McDonald's do not want to be one of many sponsors in a cluttered commercial environment. Please refer any local sponsorships to your local restaurant Manager. Bupa will review your application and 58 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS ELIGIBILITY $ healthy lifestyles. CLOSING DATE endeavour to respond within 4 weeks of receiving your submission. Website for more information responsibility/sponsorshipapplications Landmark 5 Key areas: - Sport - Community - Health, Youth and Education - Arts - Industry Research and Environment If you feel that your request for support meets the criteria outlined in the sponsorship guidelines, send your request to Landmark Sponsorship Ongoing orate/our-people// Tim Fairfax Family Foundation (TFFF) To support charitable organisations within Australia and gives preference to organisations and programs which support the particular needs of communities in rural, remote and regional areas in Arts, Education and Community Programs. The TFFF does not consider applications for funding of less than $10,000. Ongoing =com_content&view=article&id=4 &Itemid=2 Anna Wearne Memorial Trust Grants Objectives: • assist young people to enable the pursuit of educational goals; • seek ways to advance the reconciliation of indigenous people through specific projects or individual assistance; • support young people to take on leadership roles that are of benefit to a community; • facilitate and uphold the rights of women and support the advancement of and respect for women in all fields; • create a network of non-financial support and encouragement whereby the trust acts as a bridge between young people and opportunities. You must be a charitable organisation with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status and must also hold tax concession endorsements from the ATO. Any organisation considering submitting an application to the TFFF should contact the Executive Officer in the first instance to ensure eligibility, as well as for advice as to relevant application deadlines. Charitable community organisations as long as they have ATO endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and Tax Concession Charity (TCC). The Anna Wearne Trust operates in two different ways: It directly makes grants of up to $500 directly to recipients. It makes recommendations to the Melbourne Community Foundation (MCF) about the making of grants from the Anna Wearne Fund, a sub-fund of the MCF. These grants are generally up to $1000 and are made to recipients via charitable entities endorsed as deductible gift Applications must be received by the 1st of each month if they are to be considered by the board the same month. u/application.html 59 FUNDING PROGRAM FOCUS Coopers Brewery Sponsorship Sports, arts, culture, and many other organisations that offer opportunities to sell and promote Coopers products. Sponsorship support can be of an event, organisation or team. Education Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment Grants and Allowances To provide recurrent and capital assistance to State, non-State Schools; parents and students and other organisations. Mercy Foundation - Partnership Activities This is a program whereby funds will be made available at the discretion of the Foundation. These activities include activities that the Mercy Foundation is directly undertaking with other organisations to develop new projects and innovations in the area of homelessness and housing. Provides funding for McGrath Breast Care Nurses nationally, with particular emphasis on rural and regional areas right across Australia. Each McGrath Breast Care Nurse is funded for a minimum of three years. The McGrath Foundation The Malain Foundation: Empowering Communities Program ELIGIBILITY $ recipients (DGRs). We will consider proposals in all categories except sponsorship of individuals. Various Organisations are welcome to contact the Mercy Foundation at any time to discuss potential partnership activities and innovations. Funding is only available for the Three years funding employment of specialist breast care nurses Top-up funding for existing positions is not generally available Rural and regional areas will be given priority status The Empowering Communities Program is our flagship program which offers products and services for non-profit organisations around the world. These products and services support our design and organisational philosophy of sharing our hopes and living our dreams. Our products and services within this program focus on the issues facing non-profit organisations in the new millennium. These issues include volunteer management, fiscal management, strategic planning and donor relations. This is not a grant program but you can register your group to get access to some of the Foundation's products and services. 60 CLOSING DATE Website for more information Anytime - We generally need a minimum of 10 weeks lead-time for requests greater than $5,000 and less for smaller requests. rate/sponsorship Ongoing s/grants/ Anytime au/grants/index.cfm?loadref=20 A proposal can be submitted at any time. Apart from exceptional circumstances all proposals will be reviewed semi-annually on the 31 January and 31 July, hence all applications will remain active to be reviewed on these dates Ongoing