MEMO & BA 590 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SYLLABUS Fall 2011 TO: BA 590 STUDENTS FROM: DR. PAT BORSTORFF or (256) 782-5748 SUBJECT: WELCOME Welcome to BA 590 International Business. This will be a labor-intensive class with a heavy requirement of reading and writing. Please note that you have a graded assignment for our first week. For the first week of class, you need to have read the first two chapters in the textbook: Wild and Wild and Han. International Business: the Challenges of Globalization. 6th edition. Pearson-Prentice-Hall publishing, 2012, ISBN 13-978-0-13255575-3.You will need to have read and prepared one article for the first discussion board. You may find these articles at web sites or journals of your choosing (article length should be at least 6-8 pages in a scholarly refereed journal). You will be expected to summarize your article on the first discussion board for a participation grade. Your summary should begin with your name and be: at least 12 font, short (maybe 8-10 sentences) with the name of the authors, name of article, journal, volume number, and page numbers at TOP of summary. A complete bibliographic entry is important. Without it, you will lose points on your participation grade. The quality of your article and the quality of your summary are part of your participation grade. In the summary, tell us what is important and how it relates to international business. (We want to learn from you). To find articles: Go to the JSU home page. Click on “Library;” then “Find Articles and data bases; then Full Text. There are many data bases to use. Good ones to use are: “Business Index ASAP;” Business source Premier;” “Business Full Text”; “Emerald Full Text; CQ Researcher; Wall Street Journal, and Alabama Virtual Library.” Use full text articles so you can either copy or send to your email address. Under the FAQ section is a definition of a ‘scholarly refereed article.’ The primary emphases of the course are on increasing your proficiency in international business as well as understanding successful international business practices. The course is designed to investigate the current environment in which business must operate and to develop an understanding of what we face. I expect that students will do most of the discussion on the Discussion Boards while the professor will act as a facilitator. Your syllabus follows. Please realize that your participation grade is received through your active participation on the Discussion Boards each week. If you do not read quality articles and the book, and then make insightful comments on the Discussion Boards, you may receive a zero for participation that week. Since there are few Discussion Boards (7) for your participation, you need to be prepared each week. 1 SYLLABUS Fall, 2011 BA 590 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Patricia Borstorff OFFICE: 217-E Merrill Building PHONE: (256) 782-5748; E-mail OFFICE HOURS: BY APPT Internet – virtual classroom; ** All information connected with this class is online: power point, discussion files, my comments on various topics, and material for you to read. You will upload your assignments to the appropriate place on Blackboard (ex: assignment outline would go to “outline assignment”. LIVE 24/7 Blackboard Support @ Course Objectives In the 21st century we are seeing important trends and developments which are impacting international business. For example, significant economic and political changes are taking place in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC countries). Some of the more developed countries such as the US, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and the UK are dealing with severe recessions, high unemployment, inflation worries, bankruptcies, and business closings. China has posted a 10% growth in GNP per year for 30 years ending in 2008. Then their GDP rate has been 8-9% while the US has a 1% projected growth rate this year. The credit rating agency, Standard and Poor’s, downgraded the US’s rating for the first time since the U.S. won its top rating in 1917. The economic situation in Greece, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal is abysmal. Germany is trying to bail out countries in the UE who do not want to be more fiscally responsible. These events point out our need to understand the challenges, opportunities, and risks facing multinational enterprises as they struggle to be successful. In our quest to be prepared, we will study international finance and cross cultural marketing. We will follow the foreign exchange market vis-à-vis the US$ during the semester. We will examine important trends impacting international business as well as the major and developing players in the international economy. We’ll examine the “stage” on which international business is conducted, which includes ethical, cultural, political and legal systems as a backdrop. The focus will also be on how firms develop and execute their international strategies, and how they stay ahead of competitors. At the end, we’ll study how firms can build an outstanding international workforce (which includes selecting and motivating employees as well as dealing with a host of related human resource management issues. In covering these topics, this course will: Help students evaluate theories, concepts, and cutting-edge developments in the field of international business. Help students understand how those theories, concepts, and developments can be used to help diagnose and solve problems in international business. Increase students’ awareness of the challenges associated with international business in particular countries and regions. Increase students’ self-awareness, especially about their own cultural values and perspectives as they relate to international business. 2 To accomplish course goals, the bulk of our time will be spent on discussion of articles, chapters, and discussion questions. As a result, it’s critical that you are present, prepared and ready to participate each week. Reading the text and other assigned readings are your fundamental sources of knowledge about international business. Required Text Wild, Wild, and Han. International Business: Challenges of Globalization. 6th edition. Pearson-Prentice-Hall publishing, 2012, ISBN ISBN 13-978-0-13-255575-3. This is a paperback book. A digital book is available at You also might check the reduced priced books at Yahoo and Course Requirements 1. All reading assignments in the textbook and the articles. Please be prepared each week for our class. The class requires quality and weekly participation. Being prepared will allow you to ask better questions, offer better observations, and generally benefit from what happens in class. 2. Research paper with primary research (11-12 pages). The research paper is designed to assist you in learning how to research an international topic that will increase your understanding of the global competition facing us and how to find quality information. 3. Final Exam 4. Significant, quality participation on class discussion boards. Class Policies You are responsible for all announcements. Check the Blackboard support system for this class often. Have your email to forward JSU emails so that you are available to our class. Academic dishonesty in all forms will be dealt with swiftly and severely. That includes all forms of cheating, plagiarism, and collaboration on individual papers. Your paper will be reviewed using Safe Assign for possible plagiarism. The minimum penalty will be an “F” for the course and possible expulsion from the graduate program and JSU. Grades The grade distribution is as follows: Final Examination Class Participation/ Assignments Research Report/References/Outline Total points possible A = 300 - 270; B = 269 - 240; C = 239 - 210; F = below 210 Article summaries on the discussion board: 3 100 points 100 points 100 points 300 points Your post on the various discussion boards can be strengthened with a very short article summary (8-10 sentences). Relate your article to the questions being discussed that week. When you use an article, include the name of article, author, journal, and date. You need three (3) article summaries during the semester on three different Discussion Boards. Student discussion board participation and article quality will be evaluated by the professor. Evaluation considerations will include (but not be limited to) a demonstrated understanding of the course material through active participation in all class discussions. Class participation will constitute 33% of the final course grade. You should be fully prepared to discuss the assignments. Participate on the discussion boards. Offer your opinions to postings plus post relevant web links when you find them. When posting your analysis, please make it a coherent discussion. Don’t think posting one sentence on all discussion questions would be adequate; for example, don’t write ‘I agree” as one’s post. As you read your colleagues postings, you probably will find discussions where you would respond. Research Report (analytical, not descriptive): 11-12 pages in text of paper A major part of the course consists of writing a report following all appropriate report rules and format. The report is to contain both primary and secondary research. It must be free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors; otherwise a heavy penalty will be incurred (i.e., a minimum of 10 points for 1-2 spelling errors). It is extremely important that the report be done according to instructions. Form and format will be a major part of grading criteria as well as content and proper presentation of information according to the requirements of an analytical business report. The information provided here is cursory. Please refer to the Word file on Research Reports on Blackboard. Students are strongly encouraged to select a topic that interests them. Before students begin actual research, I must approve your report topic. Students must choose research paper topics by September 13. The report is due November 8. Papers should build toward a conclusion of managerial implications. They may describe issues and practices but must have an implication section in which the student synthesizes the literature and reaches conclusions on how to apply the results of his or her research. Use scholarly refereed journal articles for the foundation of your paper. Practitioneroriented journals and Internet sites can be used also. It is required that you also use primary sources such as a questionnaire or multiple interviews with professionals in the field. Identify your primary interview sources in the reference section (i.e., person’s title, company, telephone number). When relying on information found on the World Wide Web, be certain of its quality and value. A minimum of eight (8) professional scholarly, refereed research journals or research-based publications is required as source material. You will need 12 articles minimum; therefore, you can use several practitioner-oriented journals or web sites. 4 Papers should be properly documented according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. (This is a convenient referencing style that does not use footnotes). See APA file on Blackboard. Papers should be well written and carefully organized. The organization of papers benefits from the use of headings. Your research paper should be 11-12 double-spaced pages excluding the list of references. The reference list should be single-spaced except to double space between entries. Do NOT use books as references. Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar, and overall readability of the paper will be MAJOR factors in the grading criteria. Your paper should reflect your status as a graduate student pursuing a MBA or MPA. Do not use Wikipedia. SCHEDULE (tentative): BA 590 International Business I am choosing Tuesday as the ‘class day’. So discussion boards will open and close on Tuesdays. Aug 30 Introduction: Take time to check out the files on Blackboard. Also post something about yourself on the “Bio” discussion board (where you work, your background, your family, your hobbies, any connection to international business, etc…whatever you want). Week 1 Sept 6 Chapter 1 Global Business Environment Chapter 2 Cross-Cultural Business Post your bio to the “Bio Discussion Board.” Post your discussion of a question plus your article summary chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 1. (This covers ch 1 and ch 2 and the first two weeks of class.) This board closes Sept 13. Week 2 Sept 13 Chapter 3 Politics, Law and Business Ethics *** Research topic chosen and accepted by professor *** You need to email me your topic ideas. Please spend time to find the right topic for you. This is one-third of your grade. You will perform your best work when you choose a topic that is important to you. (Email subject line would be ‘your name and topic’). Week 3 Sept 20 Chapter 4 Economics and Emerging Markets Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 2. (This covers ch 3 and ch 4 and weeks 3 and 4 of class.) This board closes Sept 27. Week 4 Chapter 5 International Trade Sept 27 Chapter 6 Business-Government-Trade Relations Week 5 Chapter 7 Foreign Direct Investment 5 Oct 4 Articles evaluated for your research paper by professor – You will need to type your reference page. This will be used in your paper. Give complete information on your articles. Place on a ‘References” page. The articles are to be alphabetized by last name of first author. Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 3. (This covers ch 5, 6, and 7 and weeks 4 and 5 of class.) This board closes Oct 11. Week 6 Oct 11 Chapter 8 Regional Economic Integration Week 7 Oct 18 Chapter 9 International Financial Markets Outline evaluated – Email your outline with subject line “Outline of your first and last name” The outline should be as complete as you can make it. I can only give assistance if there is something for me to evaluate. So please, no outlines that are “intro, body of paper, recommendations and conclusions”! Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 4. (This covers ch 8 and ch 9 and weeks 6 and 7 of class.) This board closes Oct 25. Week 8 Oct 25 Chapter 10 International Monetary Systems Week 9 Nov 1 Chapter 12 Analyzing International Opportunities Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 5. (This covers ch 10 and 12 and weeks 8 and 9 of class.) This board closes Nov 8. Week 10 Nov 8 ***** Research paper due ***** Chapter 13 Selecting and Managing Entry Modes Week 11 Nov 15 Chapter 14 Developing and Marketing Products Final exam will be posted. Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 6. (This covers ch 13 and 14 and weeks 10 and 11 of class.) This board closes Nov 22. Week 12 Nov 22 Chapter 15 Managing International Operations 6 Nov 24 Thanksgiving Week 13 Nov 29 Chapter 16 Hiring and Managing Employees Post your discussion of various questions chosen from the Discussion Board questions file to Discussion Board 7. (This covers ch 15 and 16 and weeks 12 and 13 of class.) This board closes Dec 2. Dec 3-4 Academic Preparation Weekend Dec 6 FINAL-EXAM due by 8 p.m. Email your exam with subject line of “Your name-Final Exam” Discussion Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chapters 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10,12 13-14 15-16 Date Open Aug 26 Sept 13 Sept 27 Oct 11 Oct 25 Nov 8 Nov 22 Date Closed Sept 13 Sept 27 Oct 11 Oct 25 Nov 8 Nov 22 Dec 2 * abbreviated Research Papers When choosing a topic, choose something that would help you at your workplace or something that you are interested in. You will have much greater success with something of personal interest and benefit. Possible topics for your research paper: Financial crisis in Portugal, Ireland, Greece, or Spain Recession and international trade Choose an African country and perform a market assessment and analysis Look at Caribbean nations and investigate what is happening there…trade, political, legal Water shortfall in world and ways to solve the problem Economic situation in Cuba-Could we trade there? Movement from controlled to market economy in Russia (& American attitudes) Movement from controlled to market economy in Vietnam (& American attitudes) Movement from controlled to market economy in China (& American attitudes) China and US and global trade and problems E-learning, e-training, E-Commerce and International Business E-recruitment-differences in the international market Global Outsourcing Ethics and Trust in E-Business Virtual Teams Brazil’s government relation with business – market assessment and analysis 7 Privacy Issues and International Management Globalization and its impact on the US Dealing with the Hispanic Workforce Dual Career Couples and Relocation or Spousal Support and Relocation Religious Diversity in the Workplace-new religions, initiatives for understanding Expatriate Work Force: Problems and Solutions H1-B Visas and Recruiting Workers from Overseas (Inpats) Immigration Issues: in the US or in Other Countries Food and Water Crisis: Issues of Hunger and War Africa: Look at war/famine/dictators/oil (curse or blessing) Check out international web sites and your textbook for ideas for your paper. * Remember to chose something that interest you and will help you in your career. I am open to many topics. The above are offered to help you think of a topic. *****CASE WRITING If you are currently employed at a company, you may write a case about an international situation and how it was resolved at your company. I will furnish you a Case notes handout for guidance. *Check the file of Topics for Fall 2011 for additional suggestions.* ACADEMIC SCHOLARLY REFEREED ACADEMIC JOURNALS JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES (#!) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF E-COMMERCE, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW, ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY BUSINESS HORIZONS, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STRATEGY, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY, JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE; JOURNAL OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, JOURNAL OF FINANCE, JOURNAL OF MARKETING; JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Watch using journals that are very narrow in focus; example: Arabian Accounting Review. Useful Web Resources & Periodicals for International Business See Word document on External Links at Blackboard site for additional URLs. Michigan State University has online global business resources and links including country profiles that outline business climate, political structure, history, and statistical data for more than 190 countries. Includes regional and country specific links in addition to a general overview of each geographic area *** You may subscribe free to this site to receive excellent international information. 8 Business Week Online Magazine with headlines on global business and international issues The Economist Online Magazine: Global Business Web: The Globalist, covers political, economic, cultural, and business issues related to globalization: Financial Times: Newsweek International Edition: International Herald Tribune: World Trade Organization: Doing business with Mexico: Sponsored by Shell International, this web site offers information for expatriates and their families around the world: World Bank: Import/Export Bank: Maquiladoras: Latin Trade Magazine: Forbes News: CIO Web Business Magazine: E-Commerce Times CIA World Fact Book Government Made Easy Global Edge Global Resources 9 Click Easy Stats Click Z Features New York Times The McKinsey Quarterly; For industry and topic specific information. INSEAD Knowledge; A more public spirited source of information than McKinsey Wharton; A favorite business source;jsessionid=J4M3NEQL0Q GD2AKRGWCB5VQBKE0YOISW?_requestid=35110 Harvard Business source Fast Company; Tech focused Euro web site 100 main web links Economic Outlook: Euro Monitor International Trade Administration site on the Internet ( U.S. Exports of Merchandise on the National Trade Data Bank U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT900) by the Department of Commerce; Annual Worldwide Industry Reviews and International Market Research Reports prepared by various U.S. embassies For Blackboard issues: 24/7/365 Phone Support: Blackboard users may call 877.216.7064 to receive technical support for Blackboard Learn version 9 and supporting software such as Respondus LockDown Browser and SafeAssign. Support Portal: Blackboard users may visit the support portal at . From the portal students and faculty may select from the following options: • Live Chat: Blackboard users may use the chat tool to contact support representatives 24/7. 10 • Submit a ticket: Blackboard users may submit a support ticket to a technical specialist whose expertise matches the support inquiry. This online tool provides an alternative to phone and e-mail and helps expedite the resolution of the issue. Users can track the status of the ticket in My Support. • Online self-help: Blackboard users may access the online knowledge base that contains more than 600 support references. The knowledge base is constantly updated, expanded, and refined to ensure that Blackboard users have access to the very latest information. Please note that the Office of Distance Education has also created faculty and student versions of Features in Focus that provide feature specific instructions for various features in Blackboard. Student version videos have also been created for select features. These reference materials are available in the Faculty Resources and/or Student Resources section of the Distance Education website: These are quite good and guide you through the various areas of Blackboard. Unethical conduct: Unethical conduct will be penalized with prejudice. I will take whatever action I deem appropriate under the circumstances. For example, a grade of zero is an appropriate score for a plagiarized assignment. The students who have received this grade are also reported to appropriate University Offices for other action that those bodies deemed necessary. To avoid confusion, unethical behavior within the academic setting is defined below. Any information that is obtained from a secondary source (including the textbooks) and used within your answers MUST BE CITED. Work that is identical to other published sources (including the Internet) or between two or more students is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is the representation of the work of others as one's own without proper acknowledgment of the source. The only exceptions to the requirement that sources be acknowledged occur when the information, ideas, etc., are common knowledge (e.g. Water freezes at 32o F). Plagiarism includes submitting someone else’s work. This includes the use of figures, graphs, charts, or other such material obtained from books, articles, or the Internet. 11