The Management of Soil Erosion Consortium (MSEC) Publications Chaplot V. Bouahom B., Valentin C. 2009. Soil organic carbon stocks in South-east Asia: spatial variations and controlling factors. Global Change Biology. 2009. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02013.x Chaplot V., Darboux, F., Bourennane, H., Leguédois, S., Silvera, N., Phachomphon, K. 2006. On the accuracy of interpolation techniques in digital elevation models for various landscape morphologies, surface areas and sampling densities. Geomorphology. 77, 126-141. Chaplot, V., Khampaseuth, X., Valentin, C., Le Bissonais, Y. 2007. Interrill erosion in the sloping lands of northern Laos subjected to shifting cultivation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32: 415-428 Chaplot, V., Podwojewski P., Phachomphon K., Valentin C., 2009. Land use and soil erosion impacts on the spatial variability of soil organic carbon under steep slopes of the tropics. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 73(3): 769-779. Choosai C., Mathieu J., Hanboonsong Y., Jouquet P. 2009. Termite mounds and dykes as biodiversity refuges in paddy fields in north-eastern Thailand. Environmental Conservation, in press Choosai, C., Jouquet, P., Hanboonsong, Y., Hartmann, C (2010) Effects of earthworms on soil properties and rice production in the rainfed paddy fields of Northeast Thailand, Applied Soil Ecology 45 (2010)298303 Clement F., Orange D., Williams M., Mulley C., Epprecht M. 2009. Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam: Assessing local variations using geographically weighted regression. Applied Geography doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2009.01.003: 1-16. Clement, F., Amezaga, J.M., 2008. Linking reforestation policies with land use change in northern Vietnam: Why local factors matter. Geoforum 39, 265-277 Clement, F., Amezaga, J.M., 2009. Afforestation and forestry land allocation in northern Vietnam: Analysing the gap between policy intentions and outcomes. Land Use Policy, 26: 458-470 Dang, T.H., Coynel, A., Orange, D., Blanc, G., Etcheber, H. (2010) Long Term Monitoring (1960-2008) of the river-sediment transport in the Red River Watershed (Vietnam): Temporal Variability and damreservoir impact, Science of the total Environmen Dupin, B., de Rouw A., Phantahvong, K, Valentin, C., 2009. Assessment of tillage erosion rates on steep slopes in northern Laos. Soil & Tillage Research, 103:119-126. George A., Pierret A., Boonsaner A., Valentin C., Orange D., Planchon O., 2009. Potential and limitations of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) as a means to manage watershed services in mainland Southeast Asia. Intern. J. of the Commons, 3 (1), p. 16-40. Hong, Hanh Nguyen [IWMI]; Rumpel, C.; Henry des Tureaux, Thierry [IWMI]; Bardoux, G.; Billou, D.; Toan, Tran Duc [IWMI]; Jouquet, Pascal [IWMI] 2011. How do earthworms influence organic matter quantity and quality in tropical soils?. Soil Biology and Biochemistry [ISI] [IF 2.978], 43(2):223-230 Jouquet P. Botinelli N. Lata J.C., Mora P. Caquineau S. 2007 Role of the fungus-growing termite Pseudacanthotermes spiniger in the dynamic of clay and soil organic matter content. Geoderma, 139, 127-133 Jouquet P., Bernard-Reversat F., Bottinelli, N., Orange, D., Rouland-Lefèvre C., Tran Duc Toan, Podwojewski P., 2007. Influence of change in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44, 69-77. Jouquet P., Bloquel E., Van Nguyen T., Ricoy M., Tran Duc T., Rumpel C., Orange D. Does compost and vermicompost improve macronutrient retention and plant growth in degraded soils? Submitted to Applied Soil Ecology Jouquet P., Bottinelli N, Podwojewski P., Hallaire V., Tran Duc T. Chemical and physical properties of earthworm casts a compared to bulk soil under a range of different land-use systems in Vietnam. Geoderma, 146: 231-238 Jouquet P., Hartmann C., Chutinan C., Hanboonsong Y., Brunet D., Montoroi J.P. 2008. Different effects of earthworms and ants on soil properties of paddy fields in North-East Thailand. Paddy Water Environment, 6: 381-386 Jouquet P., Podwojewski P., Bottinelli N., Mathieu J., Orange D., Toan T.D., Thanh B.T.T., Valentin C., 2008 Above-ground earthworm casts affect water runoff and soil erosion in Northern Vietnam. Catena. 74: 13-21 Jouquet P., Zangerlé A., Rumpel C., Brunet D., Bottinelli N., Tran Duc T., 2009. Relevance of the biogenic and physicogenic classification. A comparison of approaches to discriminate the origin of soil aggregates. European Journal of Soil Science, in press Laossi K., Decaëns T., Jouquet P., Barot S. Can we predict how earthworm effects on plant growth vary with soil properties? Submitted to Applied and Environmental Soil Science Lestrelin, G., and Giordano, M. 2007. Upland development policy, livelihood change and land degradation: interactions from a Laotian village. Land Degradation and Development 18: 55-76 Malam Issa, O., Défarge, C., Trichet J., Valentin, C., Rajot, J.-L., 2009. Microbiotic soil crusts in the Sahel of Western Niger and their influence on soil porosity and water dynamics. Catena: 77: 48-55 Mathieu J., Grimaldi M., Jouquet P., Rouland C., Lavelle P., Desjardins T., Rossi J-P. 2009. How spatial patterns of Brachiaria brizantha influence soil macrofauna biodiversity in Amazonian pastures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: 586-593. Patin J., Ribolzi O., Mugler C., Valentin C. , E. Mouche, 2009. Runoff production in a small agricultural catchment in Lao PDR: influence of slope, land-use and observation scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, in press. Pierret A., Doussan C, Capowiez Y., Bastardie F. & Pagès L. (2007). New computer models of plant roots. CSA News, July 2007, Vol. 57(07), p. 2. Pierret A., Doussan C, Capowiez Y., Bastardie F., Pagès L., 2007. Root functional architecture: an integrative framework for the Modelling of the complex interplay between roots and soil. Vadoze Zone Journal, 6(2): 269-281 Pierret A., Doussan C. and PagÄ“s L. (2006) Spatio-temporal variations in axial conductance of primary and first order lateral roots of a maize crop as predicted by a model of the hydraulic architecture of root systems. Plant and Soil, 282: 117-126 Pierret A., Latchackak K., Chathanvongsa P., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Valentin, C., 2007.Interactions between root growth and soil detachment on hill slopes depending on land use: a case study in a small mountain catchment of Northern Laos. Plant and Soil. 301:51-64. Pierret, A. 2008. Multi-spectral imaging of rhizobox systems: new perspectives for the observation and discrimination of rhizosphere components. Plant and Soil, 310(1-2):263-268 Podwojewski, P., Orange, D, Jouquet, P., Valentin C., Thiet N.V., Janeau, J.L., Toan T.D. 2008. Influence of land use changes on runoff and erosion from micro-plots and a catchment in northern Vietnam. Catena. 24: 109-118. Ribolzi, O.; Cuny, Juliette [IWMI]; Sengsoulichanh, Phonexay [IWMI]; Mousques, Claire [IWMI]; Soulileuth, Bounsamai [IWMI]; Pierret, Alain [IWMI]; Huon, S.; Sengtaheuanghoung, O. [NARS] 2010. Land use and water quality along a Mekong tributary in northern Lao P.D.R.. Environmental Management. 12p. (Online first) Rumpel C., Alexis M., Chabbi A., Chaplot V., Rasse D.P., Valentin C., Mariotti A. 2006. Black carbon contribution to soil organic matter composition in tropical sloping land under slash and burn agriculture. Geoderma. 130, 35-46, Rumpel, C., Chaplot, V., Chabbi, A., Largeau, C., Valentin, C. Stabilisation of HF soluble and HCl resistant organic matter in tropical sloping soils under slash and burn agriculture. Geoderma 145:347-354 Rumpel, C., Chaplot, V., Planchon, O., Bernadou, J., Le Bissonnais, Y, Valentin, C., Mariotti, A., 2006, Preferential erosion of black carbon on steep slopes with slash and burn agriculture. Catena, 65(1): 3040 Rumpel, C., González-Pérez, J. A., Bardoux, G., Largeau, C., and Gonzalez-Vila, F.J., Valentin, C., 2007. Composition and reactivity of morphologically distinct charred materials left after slash-and-burn practices in agricultural tropical soils. Organic Geochemistry 38: 911-920 Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Valentin, Christian; Ribolzi, Olivier; de Rouw, Anneke; Thiebaux, Jean-Pierre. 2007. Enhancing water quality through better land management of degraded upland regions in northern Laos. In Gebbie, L.; Glendinning, A.; Lefroy-Braun, R.; Victor, M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management: Linking Research to Strengthen upland Policies and Practices, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute of Lao PDR (NAFRI), Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2007. Vientiane, LAO PDR: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute of Lao PDR (NAFRI) pp.47-58. (MSEC) Subagyono K, Thiébaux J-P., Toan T., Vadari, T., 2008. Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 128:225-238 Valentin, C., Agus F., Alamban, R., Boosaner A., Bricquet, J.P., Chaplot V., de Guzman, T., de Rouw, A., JaneauJ.L., Orange, D., Phachomphonh K., Phai Do, Podwojewski P., Ribolzi. O., Silvera, N., Vigiak O., Ribolzi O., Pierret A., Oloth Sengtaheuanghoung O., Valentin, C., 2008. Trapping efficiencies of cultivated and natural riparian vegetation of northern Laos. Journal of Environmental Quality.37(3): 889897 Vigiak., Ribolzi O., Pierret A., Valentin C. , Sengtaheuanghoung O., Noble A., 2008. off-borne sediments in riparian areas: a comparison of bamboo versus native grasses in northern Laos. Unsasylva, FAO, 229, 58(4):11-16. Yajima A., Jouquet P., Dung Do Trung, Thach Dang Thi Cam, Orange D., Montresor A. 2008. High latrine coverage is not reducing the prevalence of soil transmitted helminthiasis in Hoa Binnh province, Vietnam. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 103: 237-241