Banking AND Finance Sciences Course Description 1- Financial Mathematics:Prerequisite (405106) (310103) The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of the Interest rates. Discounted cash flows. Assessment of projects. Analysis of loan schedules. Fixed interest and equity securities. Continuously payable cash flows. Indexation of payments, Stochastic interest rate models. Term structure of interest rates. 2- Insurance Management Prerequisite (405107) (405106) The course introduces the concept of risk, the origin of insurance its development, types of insurance contracts, calculation of insurance installment, re-insurance and installment calculation, technical methods of calculating insurance installment as a practical example in the insurance in Jordan will be given . 3- financial management (1) Prerequisite (405200) (302101) The course introduces the basics of financial Management functions, financial analysis, working capital Management, cash management, Receivable management, inventory Management, time value of money, sources of funds, risks and returns . 4- Financial information systems & Applications E Prer-equisite (405203) (300104) This course aims to explain financial Information system and its type and importance, also the use of information system in finance and banking services as well as the role of net works and internet in this regard, also to educate student of different electronic banking operations, also the use of excel in finance and banking operations. 5- Financial Institutions Prerequisite (405212) (Non) This course introduces the importance of financial system and its different institutions like:- Central bank, Islamic banks, specialized banks investment banks and companies, non-banking financial institutions, international financial institutions. 6- Investment management Prerequisite (405222) (405200) This course introduces the principles of investments, investment decisions, obstacles of investment operation, financial assets, "Daw" theory, "CAMP" model, investment returns and stock and bonds valuation . 7- Financial Management -I I Prerequisite (405300) (405200) This course is a completion to financial Management (I), it introduces modern financial management methods, decision making, its goals, financial structure formation theories, proposed investment valuation, operating leverage, a amalgamation and hire purchase finance. 8- Banking Operation Management: Prerequisite (405305) (301213) Bank performs many activities in the form of local and foreign operations, wither these activities were in the form of direct and indirect facilities, financial investments or many other banking activities. This course focuses on identifying the nature of bank sources and its uses also the scope of local as well as foreign banking operations, and the relation between sources and applications of bankَs funding also the result of these operations on bankَs financial position. 9- Financial Analysis and forecasting Prerequisite (405324) (405200) The course introduces financial statements, its analysis to assist in evaluating companies with different methods, methods of failure forecasting, budgeted financial statements, commercial banks evaluation . 10-Portfolio Management Prerequisite (405346) (405222) The course helps in identifying meaning of portfolio, its formulation, its management, balancing between risks and returns, analyzing investors behavior, methods of portfolio valuation, ideal port-folio, portfolio manager performance, international portfolio, some common indexes , international finance market. 11- Management of Islamic Banking operations (405350) Prerequisite (405305) This course introduces the meaning of Islamic banks, its origin, its characteristics, Islamic banking operations, its policies, different accounts openned by it methods affiance and investments, its relation with central bank and other banks evaluating its performance, a case study on Islamic banks in Jordan will be set as an example . 12-Field training prerequisite ( after passing 90 accredited hours ) (405398) This course is a practical training in one of the commercial banks or financial institutions in order to enable students to gain experience in the financial and banking business . 13-International Financial Management prerequisite (405400) (405300) This course introduces the meaning of international Financial Management, its nature, decision taking related to international finance, also balance of payment, interest rates, foreign exchange markets, working capital in international project, taxation and a amalgamation effect . 14-Advanced Financial Information Systems (3 Cr. Hours = 6 Hours in Lab.) Prerequisite (405405) (405203) The aim of this course is to improve the student skills and capabilities in using excel to build a financial system and simulations, also the use of different real life Programs employed in the field of banking and finance such as financial analysis, portfolio management and Broker manager. 15- Financial markets Prerequisite (405411) (405222) The course explains the meaning of financial markets its main activities tools and instruments definition of money and financial market domestic wise and international wise, foreign currency market and its tools, idexes formulation, relation between financial institutions and capital market, also summary on Amman stock exchange will be given . 16-Commercial Banks Credit Management Prerequisite (405420) (405305) This course explains the meaning of commercial credit management, its role in economic development, Its elements component of credit policy, types of credit, accepted collateral, non-performing credit, causes and indexes of financial failure . 17- Foreign currencies Management Prerequisite (405440) (405222) This course explain the meaning of foreign currencies, the importance, main markets, main currencies, exchange rates, factors affecting it, and its role in international finance market, the role of central bank in supervising and eliminating risks of exchange rate lactation. . 18- Financial Engineering Prerequisite (405442) (405222) This course introduces the concepts of financial engineering, its functions strategies, and refers to the creation and design of derivative securities regarding exposures to various source of risk (Futures, forwards, optics, and swaps) . 19- Special Topics in Banking and Finance - E Prerequisite (405445) (104101) This course aim to explain various topics of financial sciences in English, reading and writing English terminologies, reports, letters related to banking and finance, also the art of contacting financial institutions, reading various topics with the help of holding class discussion . . 20- Applied Research (405498) Prerequisite ( after passing 99 accredited hours) Each student shall be required to undertake a research after passing 99 accredited hours. The student shall first present a research proposal to an academic board who shall listen to it and give a go ahead to proceed to the field for research. 21- Micro Project Finance: Prerequisite (405205) (405200) This course aims to explain the essence of micro project finance and the role of commercial banks in financing micro projects in different fields and activities, also the course focusses on identifying the importance of small projects, its sources of finance and the risks related to its finance from the piont view of lender, moreover the condition that should be fulfilled so that micro projects can obtain a loan. 22- Financial Risk Management :Prerequisite (405228) (405222) This course explain the basic modern ideas of financial risks, its types, methods of valuation, how to eliminate its effect on returns, portfolio risks, credit risks, investment risks, foreign exchange risks . 23- Banking and finance legislations:Prerequisite (405325) (Non) This course introduces the basic knowledge of banking and finance legislations, and mainly covers in details the following:Central bank law, foreign exchange suppression law, public credit law, exchange practice law, securities commission law, investment promotion law, deposit guarantee law. 24- Investment Banks:Prerequisite (405441) (405222) This course study the essence of investment banks, origin, development, role related to investment activities, relation with financial markets and brokerage system, also the subject identify these banks functions specially in relation to underwittting primary issues of companies, also providing consultancy services to different companies. The course also illustrate the challenges that facec investment banks due to expansion of comperhensive banks locally and internationally with an indication to investment banks experience in Jordan. 25- Real Estate Finance :Prerequisite (405421) (405420) This course provides a broad introduction to real estates with a focus on financing issues. Basic project evaluation, financing strategies, and capital market issues related to real estate are covered. The course contains cases that help students to evaluate the impact of more complex financing and capital market tools used in real estates. 26- Behavioral Finance :Prerequisite (405206) (405200) This course introduces students to the concept of behavioral finance and its impact on financial markets and decision making. It introduces and investigates behavioral traits, including overconfidence, representativeness, anchoring and loss aversion and discuss how these traits can function as obstacles to the use of traditional finance tools as studied in other courses. The field of Behavioral Finance uses psychology to explain so-called anomalies that we observe in the financial markets-apparent mis-pricings and inefficiencies that are not consistent with the classical economic models of rational behavior. In behavioral models, we recognize that individuals (and markets) may behave irrationally, sometimes for extended periods of time.