Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Minimizing Carbon Leakage under Open Trade: Strategies for the Allocation of Pollution Permits Carolyn Fischer Resources for the Future 1616 P Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Alan K. Fox U.S. International Trade Commission 500 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20436 Key Words: emissions trading, output-based allocation, tax interaction, carbon leakage JEL Classification Numbers: Q2, Q43, H2, D58, D61 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Minimizing Carbon Leakage under Open Trade: Strategies for the Allocation of Pollution Permits Carolyn Fischer and Alan Fox* Introduction Among US policy makers, an important criticism of the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause global climate change, is the lack of binding emissions targets for major emitters among developing countries. In particular, energy-intensive industries worry that a policy (like a cap-and-trade program for CO2) that levies a price on domestic emissions alone will distort the playing field with their competitors in nonparticipating countries. Policymakers express concern that such trade impacts will result in a partial undoing of their efforts to reduce emissions, known as “carbon leakage.” Nor is leakage strictly an international phenomenon. Distortions also can arise within the domestic economy if the environmental policy is unevenly applied, due to technical, administrative, or other concerns. Sectors covered by the policy may fear a reallocation of resources toward the uncovered sectors, which would then also require additional or more stringent regulations. Bernard et al. (2001) show that such inefficient reallocations can be prevented by taxing the unregulated sectors, according to the emissions embodied in their output. However, when unregulated sectors reside abroad, such a tax may be prohibited by WTO rules and, in any case, would only apply to imports, not to all the unregulated production. Among domestic unregulated sectors, such a tax would be as difficult to implement as a full downstream emissions trading program. Barring such a tax, they show that the next best policy is to subsidize the output of the regulated sectors. The optimal subsidy then reflects the value of the emissions crowded out by additional output in that regulated sector. One way of implementing such a subsidy in a traditional emissions cap-and-trade program is by allocating the permits to the affected sectors based on their output. The value of additional permits represents an incentive to produce more, offsetting part of the *Alan Fox is with the Office of Economics of the United States International Trade Commission, Washington, DC. The opinions and ideas expressed herein are solely those of the authors and do not represent in any way the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or any of its individual Commissioners. Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission price increase induced by the emissions regulation itself. Another way is by setting performance standards; in this case, each sector must meet an average emissions requirement. The effect is in theory identical—each firm must surrender permits according to its emissions and receives an allocation according to its output. However, in practice it is difficult to set performance standards such that marginal cost equalization is met, unless the permits are also tradable across sectors, and it is more difficult to ensure that a particular emissions target is met. These mechanisms have been of interest in researchers concerned about preexisting tax distortions. Labor taxes distort the consumption-leisure tradeoff, and environmental regulation that further raises consumer prices exacerbates those costs (a collection of the literature is available in Goulder 2002). Since the output subsidy embodied in performance standards limits those price increases, these mechanisms can outperform a system of grandfathered emissions permits (Goulder et al. 1999, Parry and Williams 1999, Fullerton and Metcalf 2001). In an international context, trade distortions can be as important as tax distortions: while all domestic sectors are covered by the emissions trading program, trade partners are not, causing carbon leakage. Fischer and Fox (2004) consider the effects of different allocation mechanisms, including output-based allocation, on the efficiency and distributional effects of a carbon emissions trading program in the US, when both tax and trade distortions are taken into account. They find that the output subsidies implicit in OBA mitigate tax interactions, which can lead to higher welfare than grandfathering. However, the rule for determining the sector allotments, which determines the effective output subsidy, matters. OBA with sectoral distributions based on value added generates effective subsidies similar to a broad-based tax reduction, performing nearly like auctioning with revenue recycling, which generates the highest welfare. OBA based on historical emissions supports the output of more polluting industries, which more effectively counteracts carbon leakage, but is more costly in welfare terms. Importantly, they also find that industry production and trade impacts among less energy-intensive sectors are also shown to be quite sensitive to allocation rules. This paper analyzes tradeoffs in choosing different allocation mechanisms in order to achieve overall emissions reductions goals while minimizing intra- and international leakage and minimizing the traditional measures of welfare loss associated with emissions reductions. It expands on the preceding literature in two important ways. First, it allows for leakage among domestic sectors, by dividing the economy into sectors that are more likely to be covered under an emissions trading program and those that 2 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission would remain uncovered. Second, it assumes the policy goal is to meet a net emissions constraint—that is, to ensure true reductions, net of leakage—rather than a simply domestic emissions constraint. This assumption helps judge the true welfare costs and sectoral impacts of reducing global emissions. To lend greater currency to the analysis, reductions will be considered in the framework outlined by the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003, co-sponsored by Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman. The goal of the paper is to uncover certain rules for identifying sectors and mechanisms for minimizing the costs of broader emissions reduction when considering the interaction of one country's emissions policies with unregulated emissions and labor market distortions in other countries. The analysis is carried out in a modified GTAP framework augmented with a labor-leisure choice. Such a framework allows for the consideration of how distortionary tax instruments may be offset by revenues generated from permit auctions or may be exacerbated by policies that raise prices. The current implementation employs the GTAP version 6 (Release Candidate) database. Description of Model The model and simulations in this paper are based on version 5 of the GTAPinGAMS package developed by Thomas Rutherford and documented for version 4 of the dataset and model in Rutherford and Paltsev (2000). The GTAP-EG model serves as the platform for the model outlined here. Fischer and Fox (2004) was based on the same model. This paper extends that model, adapting the framework to employ the latest available GTAP database, Version 6.0 Release Candidate. This allows us to update the analysis to 2001, the base year of the latest GTAP database. Two features are added to the GTAP-EG structure to allow us to model the impact of an output-based permit allocation scheme. First, the appropriate structure for simulating an output-based allocation scheme must be incorporated into the model. Next, the household is given a labor-leisure choice so that labor taxes are distorting. This distortionary tax allows us to conduct simulations recycling revenue from pollution permits to offset the distorting tax instrument. Tax instruments are also selectively incorporated into the framework of the model, so that the transport sectors may be treated differently from other heavy users of energy. This allows for a modeling approach more consistent with that proposed in the McCain-Lieberman legislation. 3 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Incorporating Output-Based Allocation Several changes need to be made to the GTAP-EG code to incorporate outputbased allocation of pollution permits. The profit function is not directly accessible in the MPSGE framework. Instead, we incorporate output-based permit allocation through the production function as a tax/subsidy, combining it with side constraints on the values of and e to duplicate the effect on the profit function above. Additionally, we create an additional composite fossil fuel nest to production. This allows us to incorporate the pollution permit as a Leontief technology, allowing us to track pollution permits through the model. In the original GTAP-EG model, the treatment of energy goods does not allow for tracking of permits by sector. In order to track pollution permits, we need to ensure that one permit is demanded for each unit of carbon that enters into production. This is accomplished by separating out the energy goods into a separate activity, a Leontief technology combining the polluting inputs with permits, into a new composite good (labeled ffi in the code for fossil fuel input). The composite of permit and energy input is then included in the production block for the output good (y). The next step is to incorporate a distortion in the form of an endogenous tax into the sector’s production function. This tax, z, will allow us to mimic the impact on the firm of an output-based subsidy. This is accomplished by including constraints to establish values for , e , and the relationship between z, , and e . The sectoral unit demand for pollution permits, , is defined as i ,r fe,i ,r fe fe,i ,r y i ,r where fe,i ,r is the carbon coefficient for final energy good fe {coal , oil , gas} in sector i of country r. The variable fe,i ,r represents the demand of the fossil fuel input. That is, the unit demand for permits is equal to the unit demand for carbon. The allocation of pollution permits is defined simply as the baseline unit demand for carbon multiplied by the percentage cap ( r ) on emissions: ei ,r r fe,i ,r fe yi ,r 4 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Note that the parameter y i ,r does not appear in the MPSGE representation in Appendix A. This is because the baseline value of output in the program is calibrated to 1. The net demand for permits and the tax instrument in the production function are then tied together through a final constraint: zi ,r piy,r r i ,r ei ,r That is, the unit tax/subsidy on output is equal to the value of the net unit demand for pollution permits. The MPSGE representation of these equations can be found in Appendix A. Incorporating Labor-Leisure Choice The GTAP-EG model has also been extended by incorporating a labor-leisure choice into the household’s decision. The procedure is documented in Fox (2002). Incorporating a labor-leisure choice allows us to treat the labor tax as a distorting tax, hence giving us a distorting policy instrument to offset with auction permit revenues. Since we have no data on labor taxes within the GTAP-EG database, we assume a labor tax rate of 40 percent within Annex B countries and a 20 percent tax rate within all other countries and the Rest of World. Emissions Permit Program Structure To lend greater currency to the simulation results, we choose to follow the general outline of the cap-and-trade scheme found in the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003, S.139, hereafter referred to by the names of its co-sponsors, Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman.1 McCain Lieberman treats a much broader spectrum of airborne pollutants, but this paper will concern itself only with CO2 emissions. All references to pollution in this paper are to the carbon equivalent of these CO2 emissions. McCain-Lieberman foresees two classes of fossil fuel consumers who are directly affected by a cap-and-trade scheme. First, major point source emitters (those responsible for more than 10,000 metric tons of CO2 , or about 2,700 metric tons of carbon) are subject to a cap-and-trade system. We model this as a simple carbon permit requirement on the use of all final energy goods in the model—coal, refined petroleum products, or natural gas. Unfortunately, our database only provides information on the size of sectors, not on the 1 For a more complete analysis of McCain-Lieberman, see Pizer and Kopp (2003). 5 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission size of individual firms with those sectors. We therefore assume that the covered sectors are covered in their entirety. The sectors subject to the cap are petroleum and coal products (refined); natural gas; iron and steel industry; chemical industry; non-ferrous metals; non-metallic minerals; and paper, pulp, and print. This overstates somewhat the magnitude of covered pollution, depending on the distribution of firm size within each of these sectors. Carbon emissions originating from transportation fuels such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel also generate a permit liability. Our model and database lack the sectoral and commodity detail to permit analysis by fuel type. Instead, we require that major users of transportation fuels (air transport, water transport, other transport, and household demand) pay a price for refined petroleum products that reflects the cost of obtaining the necessary pollution permits. This both understates and overstates the coverage of emitters. It overstates coverage by including all consumption of petroleum and coal products, whether or not the product is a transport fuel. However, it also understates coverage, because it excludes transport fuels used by sectors that are not covered by the cap or are not transport sectors (e.g., gasoline and diesel consumed by the construction industry or agriculture). However, since final demand and the transport sectors are covered, we believe that the substantial majority of such emissions are covered. Policy Scenarios Defining the Cap To focus on the costs of leakage, we assume the emissions target is equal to a 14 percent reduction in benchmark emissions in covered sectors, 186.15 million metric tons 6 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission in the 2001 data set. This differs from Fischer and Fox (2004) in that the target reductions must be achieved net of carbon leakage to other sectors and other countries. Permit Allocation The legislation calls for gratis allocation of permits to the covered industries, while providing for the formation of a Climate Change Credit Corporation (CCCC) to receive pollution permits on behalf of final demand and the transport sectors (air, water, and other). We have interpreted this as applying a tax on purchases made by households and transport sectors of petroleum and coal products, with permit revenue being rebated back to the representative agent in the model through a lump-sum tax rebate. The covered industrial sectors, listed above, are treated differently, as we describe below. Fiscal balance in the model is maintained by adjusting the labor tax rate (set at 40 percent in the benchmark). A total of four allocation mechanisms are employed to explore the implications of allocation mechanisms in a program such as the McCain-Lieberman proposal. In addition to a simulation designed to match the legislation as closely as possible, we consider several alternative scenarios with slightly different mechanisms and implications. These scenarios vary the allocation rules for the covered sectors only; in all cases, permits assigned to the CCCC are treated as in the grandfathering scheme, with revenue rebated lump-sum to the representative agent. Grandfathering: McCain-Lieberman calls for grandfathering permits to the major emitters in proportion to their historical emissions. This method implies a lump-sum rebate to firms equal to the value of the permits granted. Auctioned Industrial Permits: Permits for industrial users are auctioned, and the revenue is used to reduce the distorting labor tax. Output-Based Allocation Based on Historical Usage: Permits are allocated to firms based on output shares in covered sectors, sector shares are based on historical emissions, and government revenue is held constant through a labor tax. Output-Based Allocation Based on Value-Added: Permits are allocated to firms based on output shares in covered sectors, sector shares are based on historical shares of value added, and government revenue is held constant through a labor tax. 7 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Results Summary When maximizing welfare subject to a net emissions constraint in a situation with incomplete coverage and carbon leakage, we find a striking result: even with labor tax distortions, auctioning permits to the covered sector and recycling the revenues is not a second-best optimal strategy. Rather, output-based allocations with a value-added rule for sectoral distributions proves less costly. It minimizes changes in overall production, employment and the real wage. Table 1: Percentage Change in Summary Indicators Indicator for United States Welfare (equivalent variation) Production Employment Real wage Labor tax change (percentage points) Permit price ($/metric ton) Auction All GF Firms OBA Hist OBA VA + Ltax + Ltax + Ltax + L Tax -0.050 -0.154 -0.135 -0.046 -0.45 -0.70 -0.48 -0.40 0.12 -0.31 -0.14 0.02 0.47 -1.09 -0.47 0.10 -1.82 1.05 0.35 -0.66 59.12 57.87 80.11 62.05 Other results are consistent with Fischer and Fox (2004): Grandfathering is the most costly policy in welfare terms in these kinds of second-best situations. OBA raises the marginal cost (permit price) of emissions abatement, since fewer reductions arise from output substitution, and this effect is most striking under historical OBA. However, output substitution through trade is less cost-effective when one cares about net global emissions reductions, not just domestic ones. We find an important result that arises from imperfect coverage of domestic emissions: while Fischer and Fox (2004) found that historical OBA was more effective at combating international leakage, here it also tends to induce more domestic leakage. Furthermore, when the covered sectors are more limited limited, the implicit allocation subsidy is less well targeted to the sectors that need it: the trade-sensitive, emissions intensive ones. We explore the underlying reasons through the next set of tables. Allocations Table 2 reports the allocations by sector according to historical emissions shares and value-added shares. By historical emissions, electricity and refineries get the largest shares, whereas by value added, the pulp and paper and chemicals industries get the most. 8 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Table 2: Initial Allocation of Permits by Sector (thousands of metric tons of carbon) Carbon Permits Historical Value-Added Allocation Allocation 621,064 166,386 126,269 5,675 15,336 12,667 10,299 61,543 99,509 337,254 5,976 33,612 14,877 72,613 13,074 216,654 423,237 423,237 1,329,641 1,329,641 Sector Electricity Petroleum and coal products (refined) Natural gas Iron and steel industry Chemical industry Non-ferrous metals Non-metallic minerals Paper-pulp-print Climate Change Credit Corporation Total Prices Table 3 shows the equilibrium prices for the covered sector products according to allocation regime. Since some of these sectors, particularly electricity, represent major inputs to other sectors, their price changes help explain some of the impacts on the uncovered sectors as well. Table 3: Allocation and Price Changes for Covered Sectors Percentage Change in Price Auction GF Hist. OBA VA OBA Sector Electricity Petroleum and coal products (refined) Natural gas Iron and steel industry Chemical industry Non-ferrous metals Non-metallic minerals Paper-pulp-print 11.63 2.96 -1.10 0.79 1.12 0.98 0.75 0.20 11.56 3.09 -0.93 1.10 1.36 1.26 1.02 0.47 -1.25 -2.41 -0.50 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.08 0.00 8.75 2.50 -0.67 -1.99 -1.98 -1.39 -2.55 -3.42 In most cases, the price increases are highest under grandfathering. With historical OBA, prices fall for the highest emitters, electricity and refining, since the allocation subsidy more than compensates for the cost increases. With value-added OBA, prices drop for the other covered sectors. Production Table 4 gives the percentage change in the value of production among the covered sectors, the transportation sectors, and the rest. Compared to grandfathering, an auction induces smaller reductions in output, due to the revenue-recycling effect that boosts the 9 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission real wage, labor supply, and demand. In fact, production expands among the uncovered sectors with auctioning, which is the source of domestic leakage. The two OBA scenarios cause smaller reductions in covered sector output, particularly value-added OBA. Notably, historical OBA causes more contraction in the transportation sectors due to the substantially higher permit price. Value-added OBA causes more contraction among the uncovered sectors—even more than grandfathering— since not only are their electricity and transportation input costs high, but their labor costs are as well, facing more competition from the covered sectors. Table 4: Percentage Change in Production Production Auction Total Covered Transportation Uncovered GF -0.45 -3.33 -4.27 0.08 Hist. OBA VA OBA -0.70 -3.49 -4.45 -0.18 -0.48 -1.23 -5.03 -0.18 -0.40 -0.19 -4.80 -0.24 Emissions Table 5 shows the distribution of carbon reductions across both the covered and uncovered sectors in the economy. We see that some of the incidence of the emissions permit policy is passed on to other sectors in the form of higher electricity and transportation prices. In our scenarios, transportation prices always rise; however, electricity prices are affected by the allocation mechanism. In scenarios where those prices rise, output and thereby emissions contract in the uncovered sectors, as well as the covered ones. In other words, the impact of the cost increase (such as compared to imports) is more important than the incentive to substitute away from covered to uncovered products. However, with historical OBA, which disproportionately rebates to electricity, many sectors actually increase output—and thereby emissions. Table 5: Change in Emissions by Sector and Baseline Emissions (Thousands of Tons of Carbon) Auction Sector Electricity Petroleum and coal products (refined) Natural gas Iron and steel industry Chemical industry Non-ferrous metals Non-metallic minerals Hist. VA OBA OBA Percentage Change -22.9 -22.8 -20.9 -21.7 -17.9 -17.8 -14.7 -18.0 -5.2 -5.4 -5.7 -4.9 -9.3 -9.2 -7.6 -7.5 -11.7 -11.6 -9.7 -7.0 -10.7 -10.7 -8.1 -7.7 -16.1 -15.9 -16.2 -12.7 Baseline 621,064 126,269 15,336 10,299 99,509 5,976 14,877 10 GF Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Paper-pulp-print Other transport Water transport Air transport Crude oil Coal Agriculture Transport equipment Trade margins Communication Other machinery Other mining Food products Wood and wood-products Construction Textiles-wearing apparel-leather Other manufacturing Commercial and public services Final Demand Total 13,074 168,972 9,881 119,663 4,982 100 12,635 4,495 17,764 426 3,934 45 12,474 2,794 2,872 3,185 3,624 31,851 260,543 1,566,642 -10.7 -11.6 -12.3 -16.5 -10.8 -25.7 -1.1 -3.2 -3.8 -3.9 -3.4 -5.5 -1.5 -3.7 -2.2 -2.8 -3.5 -3.5 -6.0 -15.5 -10.7 -11.6 -12.3 -16.4 -10.8 -25.6 -1.3 -3.2 -3.9 -4.1 -3.4 -5.5 -1.7 -3.7 -2.1 -3.0 -3.5 -3.7 -6.2 -15.4 -9.2 -12.7 -13.5 -18.9 -8.3 -25.0 0.9 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.3 1.9 0.4 0.9 1.2 0.6 0.5 -9.3 -14.9 -7.6 -11.9 -12.6 -17.7 -11.4 -25.2 -1.6 -2.7 -2.9 -3.2 -3.1 -2.9 -0.8 -3.1 -1.6 -2.1 -3.2 -2.8 -6.8 -14.8 Trade Table 6 shows the change in net exports by sector, which is an indicator of leakage (though carbon leakage also depends on the emissions rates of the foreign competitors). The OBA scenarios are better at mitigating these impacts for the covered sectors than the others; however, we see a striking difference between the two. Historical OBA actually increases net exports of electricity and refined petroleum products, due to the strong implicit subsidy for them, while value-added OBA boosts the other energyintensive sectors. Table 6: Change in Net Exports Sector Electricity Petroleum and coal products (refined) Natural gas Iron and steel industry Chemical industry Non-ferrous metals Non-metallic minerals Paper-pulp-print Other Transport Water transport Air transport Crude oil Coal Agriculture Auction -1,127 -2,435 398 -969 -10,508 -1,559 -1,261 -473 -5,401 -301 -10,247 12,701 2,832 659 GF Hist OBA VA OBA -1,087 92 -947 -2,303 3,045 -2,638 428 171 50 -966 -164 1,363 -9,970 -1,408 10,706 -1,518 -194 1,038 -1,230 -224 2,938 -417 -56 5,563 -5,263 -7,202 -7,783 -295 -438 -500 -10,070 -12,320 -12,146 12,617 8,996 12,461 2,793 2,677 2,597 820 -71 -1,111 11 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Transport equipment Trade margins Communications Other machinery Mining Food products Wood and wood-products Construction Textiles-wearing apparel-leather Other manufacturing Commercial and public services Total 1,069 763 370 3,390 -108 428 205 83 169 1,793 6,912 -2,619 850 717 405 3,050 -100 602 219 67 379 1,583 6,453 -2,235 402 285 105 1,017 4 -93 -3 15 150 698 2,040 -2,475 -2,088 -685 -232 -2,685 -277 -1,151 -780 -36 -1,129 -2,492 -3,960 -3,922 Note that the allocation regime in the covered sectors also causes substantial differences in the net exports of the uncovered sectors, due to changes in their input costs. In particular, while most of these sectors gain exports in the other scenarios, they lose significantly with value-added OBA—enough to increase the total net export loss for the economy. Carbon Leakage Table 7 shows carbon leakage by trading partner, as a percentage of US reductions. It shows clearly that OBA does a better job of minimizing leakage. Somewhat surprisingly, the overall leakage difference between historical and value-added OBA is small, though the distribution is quite different. For example, historical OBA induces less leakage from Canada, presumably through electricity trade, while valueadded OBA causes less leakage from China, which trades more energy-intensive manufactured goods. Table 7: Carbon Leakage as a Percentage of US Reductions Country Canada Europe Japan Other OECD Former Soviet Union Central European Assoc. China (incl. HK & Taiwan) India Brazil Other Asia Mexico + OPEC Rest of World Total Auction GF 1.49 5.49 1.03 0.54 1.00 0.66 2.50 0.74 0.41 1.83 1.36 2.15 19.21 Hist OBA 1.46 5.42 1.02 0.54 1.00 0.65 2.47 0.74 0.41 1.81 1.35 2.13 19.00 12 0.65 4.94 0.96 0.53 0.87 0.59 2.15 0.68 0.35 1.64 0.84 1.70 15.90 VA OBA 1.01 4.93 0.85 0.48 0.81 0.58 1.85 0.62 0.33 1.43 0.97 1.92 15.79 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Welfare Table 8 shows the welfare impacts on the US and its trading partners. The world fares best when the US uses auctioning with revenue recycling. While the US experiences somewhat less of a welfare loss with value-added OBA, the rest of the world experiences the least gain in that scenario. Table 8: Change in Welfare (Equivalent Variation, Millions of 2001 $) Auction GF Hist OBA VA OBA Country Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % Quantity % United States -3,787 -0.05 -11,803 -0.15 -10,309 -0.13 -3,528 -0.05 Canada -245 -0.06 -271 -0.06 -213 -0.05 -324 -0.07 Europe 5,648 0.10 5,636 0.10 5,602 0.10 4,494 0.08 Japan 1,533 0.06 1,660 0.06 1,393 0.05 907 0.04 Other OECD -139 -0.05 -140 -0.05 -128 -0.05 -109 -0.04 Former Soviet Union -639 -0.26 -588 -0.24 -829 -0.34 -1,005 -0.41 Central European Assoc. 228 0.08 187 0.06 246 0.08 352 0.12 China (incl. HK & Taiwan) 249 0.03 436 0.05 148 0.02 -430 -0.05 India 350 0.10 349 0.10 349 0.10 350 0.10 Brazil 174 0.05 159 0.05 189 0.06 239 0.07 Other Asia 377 0.05 536 0.07 278 0.04 -230 -0.03 Mexico + OPEC -3,351 -0.36 -3,349 -0.36 -3,347 -0.36 -3,509 -0.37 Rest of World -736 -0.07 -808 -0.07 -787 -0.07 -554 -0.05 Excluding US 3,449 0.025 3,805 0.028 2,899 0.021 180 0.001 World -338 -0.002 -7,998 -0.038 -7,410 -0.035 -3,348 -0.016 Conclusion Simple economic models have produced a clear preference for using tradable emissions permits and auctioning the revenues to reduce labor taxes. However, this clear preference has not translated into the policy sphere, in which emissions permits are nearly always almost entirely given away, as in the US SO2 trading program, the Clear Skies proposals, McCain Lieberman, and in the nascent EU carbon trading program. Furthermore, the actual policy situation is rarely simple. Competition through international trade, carbon leakage, and administrative issues likely hold more sway than tax interaction problems. In the case of such multiple problems, the allocation of emissions permits can have even more important effects. Specifically, grandfathering can have even more costly effects in terms of welfare and competitiveness, though some agents will receive a windfall. Output-based allocation may then emerge as a reasonable option to combine gratis allocation with incentives that mitigate impacts on consumers and trade. However, the mechanism for determining the sector-level distributions has important consequences and tradeoffs. A value-added rule can result in higher overall 13 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission welfare and less leakage than with auctioned permits; however, its impacts on the uncovered sectors can be more deleterious. 14 Initial Draft – Please Do Not Quote Without Permission Bibliography Bernard, A., C. Fischer, and M. 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