OCTOBER ISSUE - CSP Home - Concordia University, St. Paul

FACULTY BULLETIN – Volume 8, Issue 8, February 2008
Concordia University, St. Paul
(Or go to the Faculty/Staff Portal, click on “Academic
Affairs, and then click on Faculty Bulletin. The bulletin will emphasize faculty policy and business issues, upcoming events,
professional development opportunities, and DEADLINES. News items for the faculty and the Concordia community are
publicized through the weekly CSP Update. It is expected that faculty will fully read the Faculty Bulletin and respond, if
requested. Articles for publication in the Faculty Bulletin may be submitted via email to simon@csp.edu at least three working
days prior to publication. The next issue will be sent on March 3, 2008. The submission deadline for articles for the next
issue is February 25, 2008.
Prepare for the future… this opportunity is with us daily!
From the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Lent comes early this year. At Concordia there is always a bit of a relationship between the academic year and the church year.
Lent has traditionally been a time for introspection and reflection with a goal of amending lives and moving forward – with faith and
hope. From the academic perspective, we have engaged in a two year period of reflection and analysis – affectionately known as
the self study for the Higher Learning Commission! As we near the end of this process, we look to the future of our university with
anticipation and hope. All of you who contributed to either the HLC self study or the NCATE reaccreditation deserve a special word
of thanks for your service to Concordia.
Bob DeWerff
*** Special Announcement ***
The 2008-2009 Book of the Year Selection Process has begun, and your nominations are welcome!
Faculty, staff and students are welcome to submit nominations for the 2008-2009 academic year.
Selection Criteria:
o quality of the literature
o connection to classes, curriculum and the fine arts
o possible connection to Minnesota’s Sesquicentennial
o potential to involve students, faculty and staff and to generate meaningful campus-wide activities,
o connection to the fine arts, such as theatrical/musical presentations, discussions, and events
o relevance to the university’s mission, vision and strategic priorities.
o potential for convocations/presentations/discussions, i.e. bringing the author on campus.
Previous years’ Book of the Year selections:
o 2000-2001: The Greatest Generation Speaks by Tom Brokaw
o 2001-2002: Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde
o 2002-2003: Profiles in Courage For Our Time introduced and edited by Caroline Kennedy
o 2003-2004: Choice of Weapons by Gordon Parks
o 2004-2005: Growing An Inch by Stanley Gordon West
o 2005-2006: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
o 2006-2007: The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman
o 2007-2008: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nomination Process: Please include the following items:
o author name
o book title
o publication date
o publisher
o ISBN number
o list of curriculum areas that can possibly connect to the book
o rationale for nomination
o if available, professional review of book
o list price
o number of pages
o hard back and/or soft cover
o other items, i.e. is or has it been on the New York Times Best Seller list
Deadline for submissions: February 8, 2007
Send all materials electronically to vermeland@csp.edu
In this Issue:
1. Upcoming Calendar Events
2. Blessed Are You!
3. Academic Affairs
Dr. Steve Arnold
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Faculty Office Hours
Sixth Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium
College of Vocation and Ministry Dean Search Commences
Faculty Professional Activity
Submission of resumes and vitae!
Book of the Year
News from the Faculty Scholarship Center
Institutional Research – Student and Faculty Surveys
News from the Writing Center
New from the Library
News from Disability Services
The 2008-2009 Faculty Calendar http://www.csp.edu/academiccatalog/AboutUs/Calendars/index.html
News from the Help Desk
Report from the Academic Events Committee
Senior Send Off
Interview Day
2008 Academic Events Registration Form & Academic Attire Rental Form
Upcoming Calendar Events –MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
February 4-8
February 6, Wed., 12:00 pm
February 8
February 18
February 14-17
February 23 – March 2
Disability Awareness Week
- Diversity Reality Team, A Convocation celebrating Black History Month
Last Day to withdraw from a first half semester course (W)
- Theatre Production: A Hmong Tapestry – EM Pearson Theater
Spring Break (Saturday-Sunday)
March 2008
March 3, Mon.
Classes resume
March 7, Fri.
March 7-9
March 10, Mon.
March 12, Wed.
March 18, Tues.
March 19 – 24
March 25 Tues.
April 2008
April 15, Tues., 7:30 pm
DEADLINE: Academic Events Registration Form and Academic Attire Order form
- Theatre Production: Student Directed Production - EM Pearson Theater
Midterm/end of first half semester courses
Second half semester courses begin
Last day to add or drop a second half semester course without record
Easter break (Wednesday – Monday)
Classes resume
April 23, Wed. 11:00 am
Poehler Lecture – “The Process of Christian Education: Reflections on a Journey of Faith”,
Presented by Dr. Herman Wentzel - Buenger Education Center
Academic Honors Convocation – Buetow Music Auditorium
Sixth Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium - BEC
2. Blessed Are You!
President Robert Holst was honored as part of the state-wide celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday,
January 21. He received the “Spiritual Dream Keeper’s” award for his spiritual commitment to education and social justice
educating Minnesota’s communities. The theme of this year’s gathering was “Education Every Mind a Treasure to be
Tapped” and the award focused on recognizing individuals for their contributions in the area of education. President Holst
received this award for his efforts to reach out to the community, particularly communities of color and create an all
inclusive environment at Concordia University. In his acceptance remarks, President Holst acknowledged the University
Community for making this award possible.
The first Nigerian Master of Arts in Christian Outreach (MACO) cohort met in Obot Idim, from January 7-17. Gene
Bunkowske and Mark Press traveled to Nigeria for that event. Gene taught one of the classes for the 19 new students in
the cohort (we were praying for 15). Mark met with various leaders of the seminary and the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, in
order to determine appropriate procedures for keeping current on happenings with this cohort. We are hopeful that this
venture will be a pilot that will lead to our being able to offer MACO in a variety of overseas settings in the future.
Dr. Bruce Corrie, professor of Economics and chair of Undergraduate Business, appeared on KSTP-TV’s lead story on
the federal tax rebate approved by congress. View the complete story on KSTP-TV website.
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dr. Jeffrey Burkart, associate dean of the College of Vocation and Ministry, recently has his article “Finding the Good
News in Children’s Books” published in the February 2008 edition of Professionally Speaking, a publication of the Lutheran
Education Association, River Forest, IL. Discussion and reflection questions are available on line at
www.lea.org/discussps0802.htm. And, also, his article, “Meaningful Memory Work,” was published in Teachers Interaction
by Concordia Publishing House.
Thomas R. Hanson, MBA program chair, was quoted in a Star Tribune article focused on the increasingly competitive
marketplace for local MBA programs. View the complete story on the Star Tribune website.
Dr. Lori Charron, Professor of Communication Studies, was included in an article in Minnesota Women’s Press reviewing
the new book “Earn More, Move Up,” a new book examining the workplace salary gender gap. Charron was a contributor
to the book, which was edited by Hamline University economist Dr. Jennifer Keil. View the complete story on the
Minnesota Women’s Press website.
Dr. David Bredehoft has received many awards and recognition for his work on overindulgence and again has been
recognized with his interview by Rebecca Cooper, the National Correspondent for ABC7/WJLA-TV and substitute anchor
for NewsChannel 8’s Newstalk, Washington, D.C., who is writing an article on Overindulgence for Parents Magazine.
Academic Affairs
Dr. Steve Arnold has requested that his appointment as dean of the College of Vocation and Ministry end as of June 30,
2008. He feels that his gifts would best be used as a teacher in the Director of Christian Education program and other service
to the University. Steve has been an energetic and productive dean who has provided articulate leadership for his college and
worked to develop programs of distinction. His service as dean has been a blessing to the University. Dr. David Lumpp will
continue his responsibilities as interim dean.
All full time faculty are expected to keep office hours.
Please post these office hours where they are accessible to students.
Sixth Annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium
Undergraduate students will have the opportunity again to share their research and scholarship with the campus community
on Wednesday, April 23 from noon-1pm in the BEC. Please talk to students who have done research and scholarship in the
fall semester about the opportunity and keep the date in mind when planning projects for your spring courses. The
presentations can be posters, videos, or displays. Encourage (maybe even require?) your students to participate. It is a great
chance for them to share their talents. The deadline for registering for this year's symposium is March 28, 2008, and the
poster submission deadline is April 9, 2008 to allow time for printing.
Amy Gort, gort@csp.edu
College of Vocation and Ministry Dean Search Commences
The College of Vocation and Ministry will transition to new leadership after having blessed for the past six years under the
direction of Dr. Steve Arnold, who will assume his former role as a professor and mentor for DCE students. The role of a
college dean at Concordia is significant. The dean provides leadership and direction for how the college faculty will engage
the strategic priorities of the University. The dean is an advocate for faculty members and interpreter of University policy to the
members of the college. The University will conduct an internal search only for a new dean for CVM. A job description can be
found on the Academic Affairs website. Interested and qualified candidates are encouraged to submit a letter of application to
the Office of Academic Affairs by March 14, 2008. The letter should include responses to the following:
Why do you seek this appointment as dean of the College of Vocation and Ministry?
What would you contribute to CVM? The University?
How would you meet the challenge of the integration of faith and learning that we face as a Lutheran Christian university?
Describe your vision for the college.
A team will be appointed to review letters of application and evaluate the strengths of the various candidates. Input will be
sought from CVM department members and members of the Deans’ Council as the search progresses. The goal is to identify
a new dean no later than May 1, 2008, so that an orderly transition can occur.
Robert DeWerff, Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Faculty Professional Activity report is due February 1….go to http://www.csp.edu/fac_act/ Information you submit will
be stored in a database. The submissions support our compliance with accrediting agencies, our university image within the
community and for recruitment and marketing, and our goal to recognize and share our strengths and contribution. Articles for
CSP publications and reports for accreditations and grants will be drawn from these submissions. The submission process is
simple! If you have any questions, call the Office of Academic Affairs at X8730 or email simon@csp.edu.
Submission of Resumes and Vitae:
All full-time and part-time faculty are required to electronically submit a resume and vitae as attachments to Jill Simon,
simon@csp.edu annually by January 1. Please make sure that the date of your last revision is somewhere on the document.
This will enable us to have updated resumes and vitae for all faculty employees for accreditation purposes.
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Deans – please reinforce this message to members of your faculty. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted their resume/vitae.
Book of the Year
Spring 2008 Events
Film Viewing: Bonhoeffer – February 15, Graebner Memorial Chapel, 11:30 a.m.
Staged Reading: The Face at the Window March 12, 7:00 p.m., Westlund Black Box Theatre
Faculty Emeriti John Solensten has written a biographical play on Bonhoeffer’s life
Convocation: Rev. John Matthews
April 16, 12:00 p.m., BEC
Vice President of the International Bonhoeffer Society’s English Language Section leads the convocation
News from the Faculty Scholarship Center
Faculty Development Grants
The 2nd and final opportunity for this academic year to apply for the Faculty Development Grant - Funded by the QuasiEndowment is on Thursday, March 6th. Full details can be found on the Faculty Scholarship Center web page:
Upcoming Convocations
February 6: LTC218/219
Dr. Fred Bartling, Sr., "Shaped By History - Living in the Deep South during the Civil Rights Revolution. Learning to
distinguish between the American Ideal and the American Reality." A historian reflects his experiences in the Civil
Rights movement and how these events influenced his career and vocational advocation teaching Black and Women's
American history courses at Concordia University, St. Paul.
February 20: BEC
Local ceramic artists will speak about their art work. This is in conjunction with the 2nd Biennial Concordia
Continental Clay Competition.
March 5: Bill Glauber: 2008 Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow
Bill Glauber, Journalist, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Glauber has covered four wars and eight Olympics and reported stories in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Announcing the 2008 Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow – BILL GLAUBER, Journalist, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel
Bill Glauber has covered four wars and eight Olympics and reported stories in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He spent the
first half of his career as a sports reporter before switching to news. He was the London correspondent for The Baltimore Sun
from 1995 to 2002, concentrating on Northern Ireland’s peace process, British politics, and the crisis of the Balkans. He reported
on the initial U.S. air strikes against Afghanistan as an embedded reporter with the U.S. military. He also reported widely on
European cultural and social issues. He joined The Chicago Tribune in 2002 and covered local, national, and international news—
including the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq—and wrote editorials. In 2006, he joined the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where he
covers aging and demographics.
Topics: Iraq and the Middle East; British and European politics; the Olympics; opinion writing; news and sports reporting; aging
and demographics in America.
Bill Glauber will be available to visit your classes March 3 – 5. If you would like to use his expertise and schedule a time, please
contact Cate Vermeland, vermeland@csp.edu.
Cate Vermeland, Director, Faculty Scholarship Center
Institutional Research – Student and Faculty Surveys
National Survey of Student Engagement
Samples of first-year students in traditional programs and seniors (defined for survey purposes as those expected to complete
regular course work in May or August 2008) from all four colleges will be asked to complete the National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE) during the spring semester. Students will be contacted directly via email. No class time is needed. Samples
of Concordia first-year and senior students also completed this survey in 2001, 2003, and 2006. Another administration of the
survey will allow us to further examine trends. If your students inquire, please encourage them to complete the survey. Survey
administration is expected to start in late January or early February 2008 and close at the end of May.
Faculty Survey of Student Engagement
The same organization responsible for the NSSE also provides a survey for undergraduate faculty, the Faculty Survey of Student
Engagement (FSSE). Many faculty members who are teaching undergraduate courses will be asked to take the survey. It is an
online survey that should take only 15-20 minutes to complete. Results from the NSSE and the FSSE can then be compared. The
FSSE was also completed by undergraduate faculty in 2003 and 2006, so comparisons with those results can be made. Survey
administration is expected to start in March 2008 and close in mid-May. Past FSSE-NSSE results have been used as sources of
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
evidence in the current Higher Learning Commission re-accreditation self-study, and results are also being used in assessment of
current Bush fund grant projects. If contacted, your participation would be greatly appreciated.
If you have questions about the FSSE or the NSSE, please contact David Stueber at stueber@csp.edu.
News from the Writing Center
The Writing Center invites the CSP community to an open house Valentine’s Day party on February 14, 2008, in the Writing Center
(Luther Hall 116), between 3 and 5 pm.
Come for refreshments and stay for some word-related games,
Pick up a very cool, heat-sensitive, Writing Center pencil,
Meet Writing Center staff,
Find out more about what the Writing Center has to offer, or
Simply come for some comestibles!
For further information about the party or the Writing Center, contact Lisa Whalen, director, 603-6233, whalen@csp.edu or
Charlotte Lewis, associate, 603-6218, clewis@csp.edu.
The Writing Center is a place for all students, whatever their skill level, to receive free, one-on-one help with their writing
assignments. Students may visit the Writing Center at any stage of the writing process: brainstorming, creating outlines, revising
paragraphs, adding the finishing touches, or at any point between these stages. The Writing Center is located in Luther Hall 116.
Drop-in tutoring is available any time the Writing Center is open. Students may also schedule appointments in advance by signing
up in the appointment book just outside of Luther Hall 116, by emailing writingcenter@csp.edu, or by calling 651-603-6233. More
information about Writing Center hours and policies is available at http://concordia.csp.edu/writingcenter.
Writing Center Policy – No Required Writing Center Appointments
Please note that Writing Center tutors no longer sign forms for students whose entire class is required to visit the Writing Center.
The reasons for this policy are that:
Concordia’s Writing Center cannot accommodate, much less provide quality one-on-one tutoring, for an entire class within a
short period of time.
In order to benefit from the process, students have to want to improve their writing skills and actively participate in the tutorial;
this doesn’t always happen during required appointments.
Required appointments foster resentment among students toward the Writing Center, the tutors, and the writing process.
If you would like to encourage your students to use the Writing Center, the Director, Lisa Whalen, is happy to talk with you about
effective ways to do so. Please contact her at whalen@csp.edu or x6233.
News from the Library
This is now available on our library page:
Expanded and updated from the Electronic Resources section of the Fifth Edition of the Publication Manual, this comprehensive
yet succinct style guide in PDF format offers up-to-date information on formatting electronic references in APA style. With more
than 40 example references, the APA Style Guide to Electronic References outlines for students and writers the key elements to
include in references to electronic sources, with numerous examples. http://kings2.csp.edu:2048/limited/APAstylegdelecref.pdf
APA Style Guide to Electronic References
Paths: Under <Help> <Research Tips> & <Facts for Faculty>
http://concordia.csp.edu/Library/help/researchtips.html Citing Sources
http://concordia.csp.edu/Library/help/index.html Facts for Faculty
Areas Covered:
Electronic Media
Elements to Include in References to Electronic Sources
Understanding a URL
Using the Archival Copy of Version of Record
Example References
Journal Articles
Electronic Books
Dissertations and Theses
Curriculum and Course Material
Book Reviews and Journal Article Commentaries
Reference Materials
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Raw Data
Computer Programs, Software, and Programming Languages
Gray Literature
General Interest Media and Alternative Presses
Undated Content on Web Site
Online Communities
Highlights Include:
Include the same elements, in the same order, as you would for a reference to a fixed-media source.
Include as much electronic information as needed for others to locate the source.
For journal articles, always include the journal issue number along with volume number, regardless of whether the journal is paginated
separately by issue or continuously by volume. This is a change in reference style from the 5th edition of the Publication Manual.
The date an electronic source was retrieved is important if the content is likely to be changed or updated.
No retrieval date is necessary for content that is not likely to be changed or updated, such as a journal article or book.
Use the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) whenever possible. (This is the unique alpha-numeric string assigned by a registration agency to
identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. If no DOI, use the persistent URL or Document URL provided
by the database.
The database name is no longer a necessary element of the reference. If you do include the database name, to not include the database
Give the home or menu page URL for works whose full text is accessible by subscription only.
Give the home or menu page URL for reference works, such as online dictionaries or encyclopedias.
Give the home or menu page URL for online material presented in frames.
Do not insert a hyphen if you need to break a URL across lines.
Do not add a period after the URL.
The Minnesota State Demographic Center gathers and disseminates an incredible amount of information that can be
invaluable for your research. Some of the information contained on their website includes:
 Trends in Minnesota births between 2005 and 2006, including births by age, race and ethnicity, place of birth and
education, December 26, 2007
 Data from 1982-2006 on country of origin for immigrants to Minnesota. (Dataset)
 People moving to Minnesota from other countries.
 Projections of labor force by county and age group, November 29, 2007
 Statistical tables providing data on projections of labor force by county and age group.
 Extrapolated future population in 5-year increments out to 2035. (Dataset)
 Information regarding the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program.
Barbara Ronningen from the Minnesota State Demographic Center will be visiting Concordia University February 14 th, 9:00 am. If
you are interested in hearing more about this resource, please join us in LTC 218.
Charlotte Knoche, Knoche@csp.edu
News from Disability Services
Disability Awareness Week is February 4-8, 2008. Each day we will have information in the tunnel from 11 am – 1 pm. Stop by
to find out about a variety of disabilities and do a quiz each day to be entered into a drawing for a gift card to Target for $25. We
look forward to seeing you. Please contact Josie Hurka or Melissa Fletcher with any questions.
10. The 2008-2009 Faculty Calendar – Approved by the Faculty Senate can be found at the following site:
11. News from the Help Desk
Regular Help Desk Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 9 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sunday: 1 PM – 9 PM
Spring Break (2/23 – 3/2)
Saturday: 12 PM – 5 PM
Sunday: CLOSED
Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 7 PM
Friday: 8 AM – 5PM
Saturday: 12 PM – 5 PM
Sunday: 5 PM – 9 PM
Easter Break (3/18 – 3/24)
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Tuesday - Thursday: 8 AM – 7 PM
Friday – Sunday: CLOSED
Monday: 8 AM – 9 PM
Jason DeBoer-Moran, Help Desk Coordinator, moran@csp.edu
12. Report from the Academic Events Committee - Call for dept. student honorees/Add the academic events to Outlook calendar!
Department Heads: Names of student departmental honorees and/or scholarship/award winners for the 2007 -2008 (academic
year) Academic Honors Convocation are due to Jeff Burkart, chair of the Academic Events Committee by Wednesday, February
20, 2007, burkart@csp.edu. (All names MUST be submitted electronically.) In addition to any annual departmental designated
scholarships and awards, departments may select a student or students to be honored for outstanding work in their academic
discipline; departments are encouraged to be highly selective in choosing the honoree.
Department heads are requested to notify their special departmental student honorees in writing by March 1, inviting them to the
convocation for special recognition. Individual departmental honorees and scholarship recipients will be recognized individually at
the Convocation by having them stand when their name is read. Group awards (e.g., President's Scholars, Dean's List, etc.) will be
recognized in groups.
Scholarships that are recognized in the program are those being received through the financial aid office in the current academic
year; these 2007-2008 scholarship names will come from the Financial Aid Office, Dean’s List names for Spring 2007 and Fall
2007 will come from the Registrar’s Office. Academic All Conference and Academic All American Athletes’ names come from
Department of Athletics/Student Services.
2008 Spring Academic Events – Please mark your calendars!
BEC=Buenger Education Center BMA=Buetow Music Auditorium GC=Gangelhoff Center GMC=Graebner Memorial Chapel
Academic Honors Convocation
- Wednesday, April 23, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. – BMA
Followed by the fifth annual Concordia University Research and Scholarship Symposium – BEC
Baccalaureate Service
- Thursday, May 8 at 7:30 p.m. – GMC
Service of Sending
- Friday, May 9 - GMC
Commencement Ceremonies:
Ceremony (COE, CVM and CAS)
Ceremony (CBOL and BBA)
Ceremony (MA graduates)
- Friday night, May 9, at 7:30 p.m. – GC
- Saturday morning, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. – GC
- Saturday afternoon, May 10, at 2:00 p.m. – GC
13. Senior Send Off
The class of `08 would like to invite you, our faculty, to join us in our Senior Send-off Bash on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at O'Gara's.
The Senior Send Off is replacing the senior dinner and will hopefully be a yearly event involving alumni, faculty, staff and seniors.
This is a new tradition starting this year in which the students have the opportunity to start getting into the mindset of giving back to
their alma mater since 50% of the proceeds will go toward our class gift back to CSP. Please mark your calendar and plan to
join us to celebrate the relationships we’ve built with you over our time at CSP! If you have questions or want to help
promote this event, please contact me, Josh Huber, at huberj@csp.edu.
14. Interview Day
Mark your Calendars! Alumni Relations and Career Services are partnering to bring our students an exciting networking
opportunity. All students will have the chance to practice interviewing skills with alumni from various companies on Monday, April
7th from 3:30-7 in the BEC. Please encourage your students to participate.
15. 2008 Academic Events Registration Form & Academic Attire Rental Form
DEADLINE: March 1 *****Return via email to simon@csp.edu*****
ALL tenure track faculty must complete the REGISTRATION SECTION of this form
NOTE: the attire order form section can be found beneath the registration form.
(This form can also be found by visiting the Faculty link on the Commencement website at www.csp.edu/commencement )
NAME: ___________________ CAMPUS PHONE: __________ EMAIL:___________________
Place X below
College- In which college do you primarily teach?
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business and Organizational Leadership
College of Education
College of Vocation and Ministry
2. Participation Notes to all faculty:
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
All tenure-track faculty are expected to participate in the Academic Honors Convocation, Baccalaureate
Service and at least two Commencement Ceremonies.
Term and adjunct faculty are welcome to participate in any or all of the below events.
NOTE: Concordia University will pay the academic attire rental fee for tenure track, term and adjunct
Please mark all that apply:
Place X in cells
to indicate you
will process.
Place X in cell/s to
indicate you will
participate, i.e. leading
music… but NOT
Spring 2008 Academic
Date and Time
Academic Honors
Buetow Auditorium
Baccalaureate Service: for
all students and families.
Graebner Memorial
Commencement ServiceCAS, CVM, COE and BA
graduates in the cohort
delivered Child
Development and Family
Life Education majors.
Commencement ServiceCBOL: Undergraduate
Gangelhoff Center
Wednesday, April 23
9:30 a.m.
(Meet in MH, 2nd floor
by 9:00 a.m.)
Thursday, May 8
7:30 p.m.
(Meet in MH, 2nd floor
by 7:00 p.m.)
Friday, May 9
7:30 p.m.
(Meet in GC, 2nd floor
by 7:00 p.m.)
Commencement Service –
Graduate Programsincludes students in CAS,
Gangelhoff Center
*Appreciation Reception
Buenger Education
Gangelhoff Center
Saturday, May 10
10:00 a.m.
(Meet in GC, 2nd floor
by 9:30 a.m.)
Saturday, May 10
2:00 p.m.
(Meet in GC 2nd floor
by 1:30 p.m.)
Saturday, May 10
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
* All faculty who process in at least one ceremony are welcome to attend this reception.
If you DO NOT PLAN TO RENT attire or currently own attire,
you DO NOT need to complete the section below.
HIGHEST DEGREE TYPE: Bachelor: ___ Master: ___ PhD: ___ Other: ___
EXACT WORDING OF EARNED DEGREE: _____________________________________
School Name: _________________________________________________________________
__________________________ City: __________________________ State: ______________
Please check the items below that apply to your situation and continue to complete this form:
I rented academic attire in August 2007 for the Festival of Beginnings. Yes:____ No:____
I returned the academic attire to Academic Affairs and will be contacting Jill Simon to use that same attire.
Yes:____ No:____
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I kept the academic attire and did not return it to Academic Affairs; I do not need to rent attire for 2008 spring academic
events. Yes:____ No:____
I lost the academic attire and need to rent again. If “yes” please complete the remaining portion of this section.
Yes:____ No:____
I will need to RENT the following academic attire: Please place X below in column on left.
Bachelor Unit (gown, cap and tassel)
Master Unit and hood (gown, hood, cap and tassel)
Doctor Unit and hood (gown, hood, cap and tassel)
Bachelor Gown only
Master Gown only
Doctor Gown only
Master hood
Doctor hood
HEIGHT: Feet_________ Inches________ WEIGHT: _______ In pounds
If you find that you need to rent after March 1 st, please contact Jill Simon, simon@csp.edu, who will assist you
with previously used academic attire stored in the Academic Affairs closet.
All order forms must be received by March 1st in order to receive your “rented” attire in time for use at the
Academic Honors Convocation.
Thank you for your submissions and for reading the Faculty Bulletin.
2007-2008 Academic Year
Theme of the Year: “A Community for Unity”
Book of the Year: Life Together
By Dietrich Bonhoeffer