Word - Binghamton


ANS Bulletin







Number 2008-1 Spring 2008

A New Look for


Volume 56, number 1

(March 2008) of Names should arrive soon, with an exciting and radical new look. Here is an image of the front cover, very different from the appearance of the last fifty-five years.

A Note from Treasurer Michael McGoff about Renewing Your ANS Membership

The Executive Council (EC) of the American

Name Society has successfully moved the publication of Names: A Journal of Onomastics to Maney Publishing, a world leader in scholarly publications which is headquartered in the United Kingdom and

Boston. We are excited about the future of the journal and are hopeful that this move to Maney will serve the interests of ANS members and Institutional subscribers for years to come. The EC hopes that you, too, will find the new format for the journal exhilarating.

Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB, UK or Maney Publishing North America, 875 Massachusetts Avenue,

7 th Floor, Cambridge MA 02139 USA.

Online through the Maney website: http://www.maney.co.uk/search?fwaction=subscripti ons&fwid=786 . A link to this site is at the ANS website: http://wtsn.binghamton.edu/ans/ .

Alison Holgate, the marketing executive at Maney, sends the following instructions for making your renewal through the website: Click on Order/Add To

Shopping Basket underneath Add Individual Subscription . On the next page select North America from the Delivery Country drop-down menu and click on Save Your Choices . This will change the amount shown in the box at the top to $40. Then click on Purchase Online Now at the top right of the screen. This will take you to the screen where you can fill in your details and go to the secure payment site. Members from other countries may use these instructions as an example for how to use the site but should click on the appropriate choices for their individual renewals.

As I have suggested, please bear with us during this changeover. WE DO NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU

AS A MEMBER! If you are having trouble, please write, e-mail, or call me.

As a part of this agreement the EC has also contracted with Maney to administer all processes involved with subscription and membership services.

This is a big step for us! We urge our members to bear with us as we work with Maney to get the bugs out of the renewal process.

Michael F. McGoff, Vice Provost

Binghamton University

Binghamton, New York 13902-6000 mmcgoff@binghamton.edu


2009 Meeting In Portland, Oregon

To renew for 2008, if you have not already, and in the future, please contact Maney in one of the following five ways:

E-mail: contact the subscriptions department using the e-mail address: subscriptions@maney.co.uk


Telephone (UK office): +44 113 243 2800

Telephone (USA office, toll free): 866-297-5154 .

Snail mail: Send a check made out to Maney Publishing , clearly indicating that you are an ANS member, to Maney Publishing, Suite 1C, Joseph's Well,

The next annual meeting of the American Name Society will be January 8–11, 2009, at the Hilton Portland and

Executive Tower. Again, ANS will meet jointly with the

Linguistic Society of America (LSA), the American Dialect Society (ADS), and other allied groups.

Paper Proposals for 2009 Meeting Due August 15

ANS invites précis and abstracts for papers and program suggestions.

Papers in any area of onomastics are appropriate, and a précis of not more than 500 words, along with a 100word abstract for publication in both the LSA and ANS


meeting programs, should be submitted as soon as convenient but no later than August 15, 2008

. In the précis, the subject of the proposed paper should be stated in a simple topic sentence, then effectively supported by substantiating information and specific examples.

The preferred way to send both the précis and accompanying abstract is by an introductory e-mail with attachment sent to ANS1stVP@verizon.net, with “ANS Proposal” in the subject line. They may also be sent by surface mail, addressed to: P. A. Ord,

414 High Earls Road, Westminster, MD 21158-

3710. If you need additional time to secure international payments and plan for travel to the United

States, you are urged to submit your précis and abstracts as soon as possible so as to make the necessary arrangements to be present in January.

All précis will be evaluated anonymously, and their authors will be notified by September 1, 2008. The abstracts for papers that are accepted will be published in the LSA Meeting Handbook . Abstracts and biographical information for each participant, which will be requested at the time the proposal is accepted, will be printed in an abbreviated ANS program.

Membership in ANS is a requirement of all presenters, who must also pay the LSA conference registration fee. This fee allows access to all LSA, ADS, and other allied organizations’ sessions; the plenary sessions; the book exhibits; and the job placement service. It also makes one eligible for a reduced rate at the conference hotel. Presenters will also be expected to pay an additional, incidental registration fee to ANS to cover expenses for any items not provided by LSA. Papers that are accepted for presentation must be read by their author or co-author. In the event that one is unable to attend the meeting, the paper will not be presented or read by another.

Further information concerning the Linguistic Society of America may be obtained from the LSA homepage at www.lsadc.org

. Additional information about the American Name Society may be accessed at www.wtsn.binghamton.edu/ANS/.

Complete information regarding the 2008 annual meeting, including all fees, will be available on the ANS website by late summer.

The LSA has created a new position, Director of

Membership and Meetings, which should make the meeting this year and in future years go more smoothly than in the last couple of years. The new

Director is David Robinson, who has worked for nearly twenty years in Georgetown University’s linguistics department, the largest enrolled linguistics department in the U. S. David joins Katha Kissman,

Interim Executive Director, and Rita Lewis, Executive Assistant at the Secretariat.


Emerging Scholar Award (ANSESA)

In 2007 the American Name Society established the ANS Emerging Scholar Award (ANSESA), funded anonymously in the amount of $250, to be awarded to the undergraduate or graduate student who submits the best paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting.

In addition to the cash prize, the student will receive a two-year membership in ANS, as well as assistance in preparing the paper for publication in

NAMES or another journal. The paper will also be designated as the prize-winning student paper in the

ANS annual meeting program. In years that no paper is deemed worthy, no award will be given.

Students whose submissions are accepted for presentation should submit, as an attachment to an email with “ANSESA Submission” in the subject line, the completed final draft of their papers by November 15, 2008.

All submissions should be sent to

Priscilla A. Ord, ANS First Vice President, at


. She will then forward all submissions to the award committee for judging.

2008 ANSESA Winner

The winner of the 2008 ANSESA was announced at the annual meeting in Chicago. The recipient was

Idowu Olusola Odobode of Redeemer’s University in Ogun State, Nigeria. He is a Ph.D. student in English and a lecturer in the department. The title of his paper is “A Lexio-Semantic Interpretation of Names and Nicknames in Soyinka’s King Baabu .”

ANS Meeting in Chicago

The annual meeting of the American Name Society was held at the Chicago Hilton January 3-6, 2008. The venue was changed from the location announced in the

Fall ANS Bulletin , The Palmer House Hilton, because remodeling at that hotel was not finished in time.

First Vice President Priscilla Ord put together a strong program, with nearly twenty-five presenters and two distinguished invited speakers, Edward Callary , and Eric Hamp .

There was, in addition, an opportunity for members to socialize. Co-Presidents Don and Alleen Nilsen hosted a reception on Thursday, the first night, to which members of the American Dialect Society

(ADS) were also invited. On Friday night, after a reception at the hotel sponsored by ADS, ANS members were bused to The Italian Village, a restaurant on Madison Street, for the annual banquet,

Earlier Friday was the voting for the Name of the

Year . The winner was Betrayus , a pun on the name

of David Petraeus, Commanding General of the International Forces in Iraq. Coming in second was

Barack Hussein Obama . That same afternoon, ADS chose its Word of the Year: subprime . Details for the

2008 Name of the Year will be announced in the Fall issue of the ANS Bulletin .

On Friday, Edward Callary made a special presentation to Edwin Lawson , the December 2007 issue of Names , a Festschrift in his honor. Callary was the guest editor. At the business meeting, the

Executive Council awarded a commemorative plaque to Ren Vasiliev , the outgoing editor of Names .

Christine DeVinne accepted the plaque on behalf of

Dr. Vasiliev, who was unable to attend.

Submitting Articles to Names: A Jour-

nal of Onomastic

Frank Nuessel , Editor of Names , is seeking scholarly articles to be considered for publication in late

2008 and early 2009.

In order to ensure the orderly review of all submissions, a few suggestions to contributors are in order.

The contribution must directly address some aspect

 of names and onomastics.

Submissions must follow the Names style sheet available at the American Name Society Website:

 http://www.wtsn.binghamton.edu/ans/ .

Contributors should ask one or two colleagues to read their submissions carefully and critically prior to sending them to the Editor of Names so that any issues of grammar and content may be addressed prior to submission.

All submissions must be submitted electronically by sending them to Professor Nuessel’s e-mail address ( fhnues01@louisville.edu

) together with an explanatory e-mail.

Once contributors receive the external evaluators’ comments, they must address all of the points raised in their revisions in order to facilitate the process. Failure to address the points raised by the external reviewers will result in substantial delays, and possible rejection.

Any revisions should be addressed within four weeks.

Frank Nuessel, Editor, Names

Dept of Classical and Modern Languages

University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292-0001

(502) 852-6686 (office), (502) 852-8885 (FAX) fhnues01@louisville.edu


Second Vice President Kemp Williams has organized two excellent sessions for the Modern Lan-

3 guage Association Convention in San Francisco (December 27–39, 2008).


Naming and Not Naming

Brandy Ryan , Univ. of Toronto, “Naming the

Dead: Elegiac Ritual and Onomastic Intervention in Hemans, Landon, Barrett, and Rossetti”

Joanie Crandall , Univ. of Saskatchewan,

“‘Making his name a name without a family’:

English Onomastic Schemes and the Cree Tradition in Three Day Road ”

Kerry M. Manders , York Univ.. “On Not Naming: Onomastic Absence in Cather’s My Antonia .”

2. Naming the Self, the Namer, and the Other

Anjanette Darrington , Southern Connecticut

State Univ., “Who are Alaska Young, Hope

Yancey and Primrose Squarp?: Names and Naming in Young Adult Literature.”

Christian Moraru , Univ. of North Carolina–

Greensboro, “Global Gogol: Patronymy, Heteronomy, and The Namesake.

Anjali Pandey , Salisbury Univ., “ What the F— was your Name?” Examining the Politics of Linguistic Denigration in 21 st Century Hollywood.”

Upcoming Meetings

ICOS 2008

The International Congress of Onomastic Sciences will be at York University, near Toronto, Canada,

August 17–22, 2008. This will be the first time ICOS has met in North America since 1985. For information, send an e-mail message to Dr. Sheila Embleton, embleton@yorku.ca

, or go to the ICOS website, h ttp://icos2008.yorku.ca



The Council of Geographic Names Authorities will meet in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 2–6,

2008. For information send an e-mail to T. Wayne

Furr, twfurr@cogna50usa.org

, or go to the COGNA website, http://cogna50usa.org/ .

Book Notice

ANS member Laurence Urdang’s latest book is now available from Omnigraphics. The Last Word–

The English Language: Opinions and Prejudices

(281 pp., $30) explores the many facets of contemporary English, including word origins, expressions, names and naming, and how language changes over time. Urdang is the author, co-author, or editor of about 125 dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other books on language and usage.

2008 ANS Officers

See list of members for mailing addresses.

Co-Presidents : Alleen Pace Nilsen and Don Nilsen,

Arizona State Univ. ( alleen.nilsen@asu.edu

; don.nilsen@asu.edu


Immediate Past President : Cleveland Kent Evans,

Bellevue Univ. ( cevans@bellevue.edu


First Vice President : Priscilla A. Ord, McDaniel College ( pannord@verizon.net


Second Vice President : Kemp Williams, IBM Global

Name Recognition ( kempw@us.ibm.com


Secretary : Thomas J. Gasque, Univ. of South Dakota

(Emeritus) ( tgasque@usd.edu


Treasurer : Michael F. McGoff, State Univ. of New

York at Binghamton ( mmcgoff@binghamton.edu


Editor : Frank Nuessel, Univ. of Louisville

( fhnues01@louisville.edu


Members of the American Name Society

Members-at-Large, with terms of office:

D. Kenneth Tucker, Carleton Univ., 2006–2008

( posthaus@igs.net


Bruce Brown, Brigham Young Univ., 2007–2009

( bruce_brown@byu.edu


Dwan Lee Shipley, Western Washington Univ.

2008–2010 ( Dwan.Shipley@wwu.edu


Elections for new officers will be in the fall of this year. The Nominating Committee ( Cleveland Evans , Chair ( cevans@bellevue.edu

); Margaret Lee

( margaret.lee@hamptonu.edu

) , and Edward Callary ( ecallary@niu.edu

) ) will accept suggestions through August 1, 2008. If you know of members who may be interested in these positions, or if you are interested yourself, contact one of the members of the Committee.

One new Member-at-Large must be elected. The position of Secretary will be open, since Tom Gasque has expressed his desire to step down.


Following is a list of members as of early 2008. The Executive Council voted last year to include these names, and in the Fall 2007 ANS Bulletin an opportunity was given for any member to request that his or her name be omitted. Some of the people listed below have not yet paid dues for 2008. If you are among these, please note the section on page 1 above for the several ways you may pay your dues. The journal will not be sent to anyone whose dues are not paid .

This list is intended for communication among the membership and is not to be used for solicitation or advertisement.

Abate , Mr. Frank A., 11606 Timber Ridge Lane, Apt. 4,

Sharonville, OH 45241

Abel , Prof. Ernest L., Ph.D., Mott Ctr for Human Growth & Dev.,

WSU, 275 East Hancock, Detroit, MI 48201

Abraham , Prof. Lois Ann, 2900 Calderwood Lane, Sacramento,

CA 95821

Adams , Mr. Weston, 303 Saluda Ave., Columbia, SC 29205-0303

Adams , Prof. Michael P., Dept. of English, 442 Ballantine Hall,

Indiana University, 1020 Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN


Aksu Prof. Ibrahim, Ogretim Gorevlisi, 18 Mart Universitesi,

Egitim Fakultesi, 17100 Canakkale, TURKEY

Alberts , Ms. Crystal, Dept. of English, Washington Univ.,

Campus Box 1122, One Brookings Dr., St. Louis, MO 63130

Alderman , Prof. Derek H., Dept.of Geography, Brewster 227-A,

East Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27858-4353

Algeo , Mr. John, PO Box 80206, Athens, GA 30608-0206

Algeo , Prof. Katie M., 148 Homestead Court, Scottsville, KY 42164

Alia , Dr. Valerie, 401-550 Blue Girl Way, Nanaimo, BC V9S 5T6,


Alvarez -Altman, Ms. Grace, 19 Lancet Way, Brockport, NY 14420

Antonsen , Ms. Joan M., 1026 Barrow St., Anchorage, AK 99501-


Aune , Ms. Julie, 20420 11 th Ave., West, Lynwood, WA 98036

Austin , Mr. John, 47 Sunnyside East, Queensbury, NY 12804-7325

Austin , Ms. Rebecca, 41 Albany Park, St. Mary St., St. Andrews,


Baehr , Mr. Carl W., 8628 Glencoe Circle, Milwaukee, WI 53226-


Baird , Prof. Scott J. Dept. of English, Trinity Univ., One Trinity

Place, San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

Baker , Prof. Ronald L., 3688 N. Randall St., Terre Haute, IN


Bakke , Dr. John, 3452 NEW 126 th Ave., Portland, OR 97229

Baldwin , Mr. James A., 1845 Weslynn Drive, Indianapolis, IN


Ball, Dr. C. N.

, 4960 MacArthur Blvd NW, Washington, DC


Bamrungpong , Mrs. S., 13963 Stagecoach Trail, Moorpark, CA


Bannon , Mr. R. S., 1523 Grandview Ave., Papillion, NE 68046

Barlow , Ms. R., 607 S. Grant St., Bloomington, IN 47401

Barnum , Prof. H. Gardner, 39 Berkley St., South Burlington, VT


Baron , Ms. Molly, 945 Wildflower Court, Virginia Beach, VA


Barros , Ms. Maria, 41-16 47 th Ave., Apt. 1B, Sunnyside, NY


Barry , Prof. Herbert III, 552 North Neville St. (Apt 83), Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2830

Basker , Mr. Dov, P.O. Box 2003, 76120 Rehovot, ISRAEL

Beam , Mr. C. Richard, 406 Spring Dr., Millersville, PA 17551

Behrens , Prof. Susan, 394 Sackett St., Brooklyn, NY 11231-4704

Berliner , Mr. Alan, 13 Vestry Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY


Bernard , Prof. Thomas L., 20 S Sycamore Knolls, South Hadley,

MA 01075-1112

Bernhard, Mr. Jim, 2520 Robinhood St., No. 810, Houston TX 77005


Bernhardt , Prof. Leon L., MD, P.O. Box 1746, New York, NY


Blount , Prof. Ben G., 13239 Springtun, Helotes, TX 789023-4568

Bonelli , Prof. Elena, Via Tavanti n.1 52036 Pieve S. Stefano, I-

52100 Arezzo, ITALY

Brendler , Mr. Silvio, Curtiusweg 16, D-20535 Hamburg,


Briggs , Mr. Carroll G., 228 Wehr Library, St. Norbert College,

100 Grant St., De Pere, WI 54115

Braun , Mr. Richard W., 1085 W. Morris Ave., Fresno, CA 93711-


Brown , Mr. Bruce L., Psychology Dept., Brigham Young Univ.,

1098 SWKT, Provo, UT 84602-6278

Brown , Ms. Melanie A., 228 Wehr Library, St. Norbert College,

100 Grant St., De Pere, WI 54115

Buffone, Ms. Cristina., 11 Andrus Dr., Milford, CT 06461-2402

Butler , Mr. Andrew, 2105 Creekview Dr., Round Rock, TX


Butters , Prof. Ronald R., 1000 Lamond Avenue, Durham, NC


Call , Ms. Joy S., PO Box 493, Miranda, CA 95553-0493

Callary , Prof. Edward, Dept. of English, Northern Illinois Univ.,

DeKalb, IL 60115-2863

Campbell , Mr. Jon C., 519 National Center, Reston, VA 20192

Campbell , Mr. Mike, 540 Treanor Ave., Victoria, BC V9B 3H1,


Carnevale , Ms. Charlotte, 155 Gloria Circle, Menlo Park, CA


Carroll , Prof. D. Allen, Dept of English, Univ. of Tennessee –

Knoxville, Knoxville, TN 37996-0430

Charron , Prof. Marc, 283, Boulevard Alexandre-Tache, Gatineau,

Quebec J8X 3X7, CANADA

Chen , Prof. L. 507 E. Central Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91776

Cheesman , Prof. Clive E.A., College of Arms, Queen Victoria

Street, London, EC4V 4BT, ENGLAND UK

Christiansen , Mr. Alfred W., 15 Kessel Court, Apt. 38, Madison,

WI 53711-6221

Christley , Ms. Olyvia, 7259 Willow Valley Rd., Roanoke, VA


Cislo , Ms. Jennifer N., Merriam Webster Inc., 47 Federal St.,

Springfield, MA 01105-1194

Clankie , Prof. Dr. Shawn, Otaru Univ. of Commerce, 3-5-21

Midori, Otaru-shi, 047-8501, JAPAN

Coates , Prof. Richard, HLSS Room 5E26, Univ. of the West of

England, Bristol, Avon, BS16 1QY, ENGLAND UK

Cobb , Mr. Harold M., 117 Crosslands Drive, Kennett Square, PA


Cohen , Prof. Gerald L., Dept. of Arts, Lang. & Philosophy, Univ. of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-1130

Connor , Ms. Anabel, 3391 Delbert Rd., Eau Claire, WI 54703

Conover , Prof. Willis M., Dept. of History, Univ. of Scranton,

Linden & Monroe, Scranton, PA 18510-4748

Cornog , Ms. Martha, 717 Pemberton St., Philadelphia, PA 19147-


Cowell , Prof. J. Andrew, 4485 Hamilton Court, Boulder, CO 80305

Crandall , Prof. Joanie, 3-322 6th Ave N, Saskatoon,

Saskatchewan S7K 2S5, CANADA

Cullison , Mrs. Vivian, 200 Third Street, Hanover, PA 17331-2325

Daggett , Dr. Rowan Keim, 6811 N Kalorama Road, Leesburg, IN


Darrington , Ms. A., 1758 E. Hampton Ave., Mesa, AZ 85204

Daugherty , Ms. Virginia, 104 West High St., Charlottesville, VA


Davis , Mr. D. C., 201 St. Pauls Ave., #2D. Jersey City, NJ 07306-


DeGeorge , Mr. Courey A., 421 Grand St., Morgantown, WV 26501

Demsky , Prof. Aaron, Rimon 3, Efrat, 90435, ISRAEL

Detro , Mr. Randall, 202 Windsor East, Thibodaux, LA 70301


DeVinne , Prof. Christine, Dept. of English MU 340, Ursuline College,

2550 Lander Road, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH 44124-4398

Dillard , Dr. J. L., 1637 Jackson Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662-4424

Dorer , Ms. Margaret, 1358 Keston Street, St. Paul, MN 55108-1634

Douglass , Ms Sue, 925 Talbot Ave., Albany, CA 94706

Downing , Prof. Bruce T., 2411 Lake Place, Minneapolis, MN


Doyle Mr. Patrick W., PO Box 1328, Winter Park, FL 32790-1328

Drexler , Mr. Paul H., 180 Pelham Island Rd., Wayland, MA


Duchaj , Prof. Karen A., Northeastern Illinois Univ., 5500 N. St.

Louis Ave., Chicago IL, 60625-4699

Dunlap , Ms. Wendi, 2921 17 th Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98144

Elliot , Mr. Noel Montgomery, 8472 Creditview Road, Brampton,

Ontario L6Y 0G4, CANADA

Embleton , Dr. Sheila, VP Academic, South 939 Ross Building, York

Univ., 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, CANADA

Emerson , Mr. Thomas, Basis Technology Corp., 150 Cambridge

Dr., Cambridge, MA 02140

Evans , Mr. James L., Box 672, McAllen, TX 78501

Evans , Prof. Cleveland Kent, Psychology Dept., Bellevue Univ.,

1000 Gavin Road South, Bellevue, NE 68005-3098

Exner , Dr. Frank., 1227 Seaton Rd., T-63, Durham, NC 27713

Eylat , Mr. Martin, 13 Rue de Soultzmatt, F-67100 Strasbourg,


Fellows Jensen , Dr. Gillian, Casa Sana Vej 9, DK-2690

Karlslunde, DENMARK

Findley , Ms. Nell Green, PO Box 217, Canyon, TX 79015-0217

Finke , Prof. Wayne H., Modern Languages B6-280, Baruch College

CUNY, 17 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10010-5520

Forstall , Mr. Richard L., 3705 S. George Mason Dr. Apt. 2005-S,

Falls Church, VA 22041-3725

Fragasso , M. Michel, 12235 Rue Gourdeau, Quebec (QC), G2A


Francis , Sarah, 27 Tiltwood Dr., Crawley Down, Crawley, RH10


Francis , Prof. William A., 4566 Devereaux Dr., Copley, OH 44321

Garagulya , Prof. Sergey, Ulitsa Mokrousova dom 13 Kvartira 94,

Belgorod 308034, RUSSIA

Gardner , Mr. David J., 810 South 2000 East, Springville, UT


Garrison , Mr. John, 158 Noe St., San Francisco, CA 94114

Garza Randeri , Ms. Martha, 4905 Racquet Club Dr., Arlington,

TX 76017-2627

Gasque , Thomas J., 3919 Dubose Drive, Columbia, SC 29204

Ghattas-Soliman , Dr. Sonia, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of California at

San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0108

Grabowski , Mr. Ken. 6650 West Hayes, Chicago, IL 60631-1706

Greenman, Mr. R., 4272 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11229-4915

Gunther , Prof. Sheila Sidlett, 50 East 79th St. (10-A), New York,

NY 10075-0232

Guy , Ms. Patricia A., 2239 West Day Island Blvd., University

Place, WA 98466-1809

Hallen , Prof. Cynthia L., 4073 JFSP, Brigham Young Univ.,

Provo, UT 84502-6278

Hametz , Prof. Maura, Dept. of History, Old Dominion Univ.,

Norfolk, VA 23529-0091

Hamp , Dr. Eric P., C/o J. H. Love, 1190 Railroad Trail, Beulah,

MI 49617-9313

Hanks Prof, Patrick, Štolcova 53, Brno – Černovice, G18 00,


Harley , Ms. L., PO Box 4271, Albuquerque, NM 87196

Harris , Ms. Marion O., 14 Oak St., Morristown, NJ 07960-5240

Hatano , Prof. Lilian Terumi, 85-2 Honen-in-cho Sishigatani

Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, 606-8421, JAPAN

Hayes , Mr. Justin, 452 Ridge Rd., Hamden, CT 06517

Head , Ms. Stefanie., English Dept., Univ. of Rhode Island,

Independence Hall, 60 Upper College Rd., Kingston, RI 02881

Helleland , Prof. Botolv, Institutt for Namnegransking, Norsk

Stadnamnarkiv Boks 1011. Blindern, Oslo 3, NORWAY

Helt, Ms. B., 1051 Douglas Rd., Mendota Heights, MN 55118

Henthorne , Prof. Thomas, English Dept., Pace Univ., One Pace

Plaza, New York, NY 10038

Herrscher , Mr. Walter, 520 Pinehurst Ave, Green Bay, WI 54302-


Hess , Prof. Steven, 4 Park Ave (4-B), New York, NY 10016-5603

Higman Mr. Barry, History Program, RSSS Coombs #9,

Australian National Univ., ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA

Hirose , Nobuaki, 4-24-11 Kataseyama, Fujiswashi, JAPAN

Hillister , Tara, 3/58 Waverly Rd., Taringa, Queensland 4068,


Hodges , Prof. Flavia, Asia-Pacific Institute for Toponymy

Division of Humanities. Macquarie Univ., Sydney, NSW 2109,


Hollett Prof. Robert, English Language Research Centre, Memorial

Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John's, NFLD A1C 5S7, CANADA

Holutiak Hallick , LTC Stephen P. Jr., 2755 Kenwood Court,

Duluth, GA 30096-3683

Huschka , Mr. Denis, German Institute for Ecomonic Research,

D1W Berlin, Pappelallee 64, B-14191 Berlin, GERMANY

Ingle , Ms. Sarah, 2767 Free Union Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901

Irvine , Mr. S., Psychology Dept., Brigham Young Univ., 1098

SWKT, Provo, UT 84602

Jackson , Ms. Donna M., 828 West Mahogany Circle, Louisville,

Colorado 89927-9574

Jackson , Ms. Sarah E., 1836 Silver Hill Rd., Stone Mountain, GA


Jacobs , Mr. George F., Jr., 510 W. Wilson St., Madison, WI


Jenkins , Mr. Michael, 110 Roosevelt, #6, Mountain Home, ID


Jernudd Mr. Bjorn Holger, Sanlitun Diplomatic Residence

Compound, Grongrentiyuchang, Beijing, CHINA

Johnson, Prof. Beth DiNatale, Ursuline College, 2550 Lander

Road, Pepper Pike, Cleveland, OH 44124-4398

Johnson , Prof. Tara, 10901 Kilworth Court, Indianapolis, IN 43235

Julyan , Mr. Robert H., 31 Avenida Almendro NE, Albuquerque,

NM 87123-9648

Kagami , Mr. Akikatsu, Kikuzonocho 5-2-2, Showa-ku, Nagoya

466-0843, JAPAN

Kaleta , Prof. Zofia, U. Zakatek 13133, 30-076 Krakow, POLAND

Kalmakoff , Mr. Jonathan, 27 Le Jeune Place, Regina,

Saskatchewan S4T 6K2, CANADA

Kato , Mr. Richard O., 3144 West 181st St, Torrance, CA 90504-


Kaufman , Prof. Eleanor, 1402 Anthony St., Columbia, MO 65201

Kenfield , Mr. Micah, 3110 County Road 179, Alvin, TX 77511-


Kennedy , Mr. Russell P., 8 Russell Ave., Apt. 306, Gaithersburgh,

MD 20877-2964

Kerfoot , Ms. Helen, 4 Tunis Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7R5,


Kliman , Ms. Bernice W., Dept. of English, Nassau Community

College, Glen Cove, NY 11530-6793

Koenen , M. Leslie, 380 North 1020 East, #321, Provo, UT 84606

Koenig , Mr. James B., 6332 Barrett Ave., El Cerrito, CA 94530

Koopman , Prof. Adrian, School of IsiZulu Studies, Univ. of

KwaZulu-Natal, P/Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, SOUTH AFRICA

Kostanski , Ms. Laura, School of Business, Univ. of Ballarat, P.O.

Box 663, Ballarat, Victoria 3353, AUSTRALIA

Kouadio , Mr. Yao Bertin, 306 Kenwood Rd., Champaign, IL


Kow Yip Cheng Prof. Karen, Deputy Dean Faculty of Lang. and

Ling., Univ. of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Kraus , Mr. Herbert M., 415 West Alding Ave., Apt. 7A, Chicago,

IL 60657


Kus , Prof. James S., 10258 E. Sierra, Clovis, CA 93619-9317

Lambert , Ms. Anne H., 4714 NW 57th Drive, Gainesville, FL


Lankford Dr. Eamon, Fan, South Douglas Road, Cork City,


Lapierre , Prof. André, Département de Linguistique, Univ. of

Ottawa, 70 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5,


Larsen, M. Cassidy , 650 North 500 West, #201, Provo, UT 84601

Larson , Prof. Ben E., 1125 East 8th Street, York, NE 68467

Laversuch , Dr. Iman Makeba, Cottbuser Strasse 11, D-56075

Koblenz, GERMANY

Law , Ms. Judy M., 5649 Lake Park Way #104, La Mesa, CA


Lawson , Dr. Edwin D., 23 Westerly Drive, Fredonia, NY 14063-


Leal , Ms. Amy R., 235 Buckingham Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210

Leblanc, Prof. B., Dept. Lettres et Communication Sociale,

Univ. du Quebec – Trois Rivieres, CP500, Trois Rivieres,

Quebec G9A 5H7, CANADA

Lee , Ms. M., 2314 W. 228th St., Torrance, CA 90501

Lee , Prof. Margaret G., 18 Pirates Cove, Hampton, VA 23669-5224

Leonovitch , Dr. Oleg, Panagurishte 8-37, Pyatigorsk, 357 532,


Leslie , Prof. Paul L., Dept of Sociology, Greensboro College, 815

W Market St, Main 207, Greensboro, NC 27401-1875

Levitt , Prof. Jesse., 485 Brooklawn Ave., Fairfield, CT 06825-1805

Li, Prof. Zhonghua, Room 501, Unit 2, Bldg. 13, 29 Eastern

Donghai Rd., Nagoya 466-8673, CHINA

Liao , Dr. Laura Chao-chih, 50-3, Alley 26, Lane 238 Tungshan Road,

Section 1, Peitun District 40663, Taichung City, TAIWAN

Lieberson , Prof. Stanley, Sociology, Wm. James Hall, Room 430,

Harvard Univ., 33 Kirkland St., Cambridge, MA 02138-2044

Lillian , Prof. Donna L., Dept. of English, Bates 2201, East

Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27858-4353

Linden , Ms. Myra J., 7572 E. 550 North Rd., McLean, IL 61754-


Linden , M Tate, 7001 Loisdale Rd, Suite C, Springfield, VA 22150

Litt , Ms. Dorothy E., 195 Sumner Street #401, Newton Center,

MA 02459-1976

Lombard , Ms. Carol, PO Box 23, Lewistown, MT 59457

Louie , Ms. Emma Woo, 620 Sand Hill Rd., Apt. 214E, Palo Alto,

CA 94304-2608

Lutwak , Ms. Ellen, 209 N. Rexford Dr., Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Lyles-Scott , 2325 SW 17 th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 32606-4369

Lynch , Ms. Teresa E., 530 S. 2 nd St., Apt. 538, Philadelphia, PA


Mackenzie , Ms. Lori, 165 Coldwell Road, Regina, Saskatchewan


Maher , Prof. John Peter, 4934 W. Winnemac Ave. (REAR),

Chicago, IL 60630

Mandel , Mr. Mark A., 502 S. Melville St., Philadelphia, PA 19143

Manders , Prof. Kerry M., 439C Parkside Drive, Toronto, Ontario


Mansoor , Mr. Erik P., 2847 Penasco, San Clemente, CA 92673-


Matthews , Dr. Philip Walter, 125 A Marine Drive Sorrento

Bay/Point Howard, Lower Hutt, NEW ZEALAND

McArthur , Mr. Lewis L., 1209 SW 6 th Ave, #802, Portland, OR


McArthur , Ms. Mary, 4336 SW Condor Ave. Portland, OR


McClive , Mr. R. Thomas III, 1818 Locust Grove Rd., Silver

Spring, MD 20910

McCord , Mr. David R., 21056 NE 117th St., Redmond, WA


McCord , Ms. E. F., Verbatim: The Language Quarterly , 5325

Christana, Chicago, IL 60625

McGoff , Dr. Michael F., 3792 Sally Piper Rd., Endwell, NY


McKean , Ms. Erin, Verbatim: The Language Quarterly , 5325 N.

Christiana, Chicago, IL 60625

McNary , Prof. Lisa D., 9401 Clubvalley Way, Raleigh, NC


Mercer , Mr. Hawes, 116 College Ave., Durham, NC 27713

Messenger , Ms. Jane, 10475 State Route E, Rolla, MO 65401-7700

Metcalf , Prof. Allan, English Dept., MacMurray College,

Jacksonville, IL 62650-2590

Miller , Ms. Mary Rita, 2825 29th Place NW, Washington, DC


Miller , Prof. Edmund, English Dept. C. W. Post Campus, Long

Island Univ., 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale, NY 11548-1300

Minkel , Dr. C. W., 5704 Crestwood Dr., Knoxville, TN 37914

Moraru , Prof. Christian, Dept. of English, UNC – Greensboro, PO

Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170

Moss Ms. Jennifer A., c/o Babynames.Com., 17038 Paulette Place,

Grenada Hills, CA 91344

Murphy Prof. Michael Dean, Dept of Anthropology, Univ. of

Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0210

Mutsukawa , Prof. Masahiko, Dept. of Japanese Studies, Nanzan

Univ., 18 Yamazato-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8673, JAPAN

Neethling, Prof. Bertie, Xhosa Dept., Univ. of the Western Cape,

Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535, SOUTH AFRICA

Nes , Dr. Oddvar. Namn og Nemne. Nordisk Institute. Synes plass

9, N-5007 Bergen, NORWAY

Nestor , Ms. Sandra, 2763 Tahitian Avenue, Medford, OR 97504-


Nevis , Mr. Joel, 649 2 nd Ave, 4H, New York, NY 10016-4244

Nguessen , Prof. M., 17535 Sandalwood Dr., Tinley Park, IL 60477

Nguyen , Mr. Phong. M., 4840 N. Shoreland Ave., Whitefish Bay,

WI 53217

Nicholas , Prof. Robert A., PO Box 1991, Hillsboro, OR 97123-1918

Nicolaisen , Prof. W. F. H., School of Language and Literature,

Univ. of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 2UB, SCOTLAND (UK)

Nilsen , Prof. Alleen Pace, 1884 E. Alameda, Tempe, AZ 85282-


Nilsen , Prof. Don L. F., English Dept., Arizona State Univ.,

Tempe, AZ 85282-0302

Noel , Mr. Robert, Lancaster Herald, The College of Arms, Queen

Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4BT, ENGLAND UK

Ntihirageza, Prof., Northeastern Illinois Univ., 5500 N. St.

Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625-4699

Nuessel , Prof. Frank, Linguistics, Classical & Mod Lang, Univ. of

Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292-0001

Nussbaum , Dr. Daniel II, 48 Hawthorn Street, New Bedford, MA


Oaks , Prof. Dallin D., Linguistics Dept. 2129, JKHB, Brigham

Young Univ., Provo, UT 84602-6278

Odebode, Prof. I. O., Dept. of English, Redeemers Univ. Room 46,

Lagos Ibadan Expressway, Ogun State 234./02, NIGERIA

Ohanian , Ms Susan, PO Box 26, Charlotte, VT 05445

Oishi , Prof. Itsuo, 7 Saruhashi-machi Otsuki-shi, Yamanashi-ken,

409 06, JAPAN

Oluga , Prof. Samson O., Dept. of General Studies, Federal

Polytechnic EDE, PMB 231 E DE Osun State, NIGERIA


, Ms. H. M., Talking Business, 620 Newport Center Dr.,

Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Ord , Ms. Priscilla A. 414 High Earls Rd., Westminster, MD


Orth , Mr. Donald J., 3421 Rusticway Lane, Falls Church, VA


Paraskevas , Ms. Cornelia C., 1707 Berndt Hill Drive S., Salem,

OR 97302-2789

Parianou , Prof. Anastasia, Agias Theodoras 21, Corfu 49100,


Payne , Mr. Roger L., 1462 Gleasons Landing Dr., St. Helena


Island, SC 29920

Pecanha Ms. Karina, Rua Edson Luiz Rizzo, 697 JD

CEREJEIRAS, Atibaia, SP, 12951-560, BRAZIL

Pence , Mr. Ellsworth D., PO Box 705, Blue Lake, CA 95525-0705

Peters , Mr. M., 515 Briar Place, Chicago, IL 60657

Peterson , Dr. Charles B., 1030 31st St. NW, Washington, DC


Peterson , Mr. James M., 503 Poplar Ave., Vermillion, SD 57069-


Petit , Prof, Susan Y., 777-64 San Antonio Ave., #64, Palo Alto,

CA 94303-4843

Petrie , Prof. Helen L., Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of York,

Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, ENGLAND UK

Pfukwa , Prof. Charles, Midland State Univ., P.O. Box 9055

Gweru, Harare, ZIMBABWE

Pizzola , Ms. Gail C. 211 Caladium Drive, San Antonio, TX


Plasquy , Prof, Eddy, Univ. of Leuven, Keizer Karellaan 14, 1982

Elewyt-Zemst, B-1982, BELGIUM

Popik , Mr. Barry, Attorney at Law, 10523 Indigo Broom Loop,

Austin, TX 78733

Potter , Prof. Terrence M., 3824 Usher Court, Alexandria, VA


Powell , Ms. Margaret S., 314 Reed Road, Wooster, OH 44691-2138

Prange , Ms. Diane, Strategic Name Development, 1650 West

82nd Street, Suite 1000, Minneapolis, MN 55431-1462

Provaas , M. Indra, Duifkruid 141, Tiel, 4007 SW, THE


Prucher , Mr. J., 691 18 th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94121

Quinn , Ms. Carolyn, 8871 18 th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11214-6001

Randall , C., 3-322 6 th Ave. North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2S5,


Randall , Dr. Richard R., 3514 Quebec St. NW, Washington, DC


Raper , Dr. Peter E., Names Research Institute, PO Box 26582,


Raup , Prof. Henry A., 910 Farrell Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49006-


Rayburn , Mr. Alan, 5 Solva Drive, Nepean, Ontario, K2H 5R4,


Reilein , Mr. Dean R., 50 Mountain Rd., Mansfield Center, CT


Rennick , Mr. Robert, 586 Riverside Drive, Prestonsburg, KY


Rhude , Mr. John H., 7350 Huckleberry Lane, Cincinnati, OH


Rich , Prof. John Stanley, 1209-9 Monte Sano Ave., Augusta, GA


Robbins , Prof. Dorothy Dodge, 1504 Elizabeth Avenue, Ruston,

LA 71270-0001

Robertson Prof. Ben P., 100 E. Collegedale Street, Apt. 206, Troy,

AL 36081-4017

Robertson , Prof. David, N, 4208 Callipel, Spokane, WA 99205-1023


, Dr. R., Mount St. Mary’s College, Doheney Campus, 10

Chester Place, Los Angeles, CA 90007

Room , Mr. Adrian R. W., 12 High Street St Martin's, Stamford,

Lincolnshire, PE9 2LF, ENGLAND UK

Rosen , J. R., 201 E. 83 rd St., Apt. 15F, New York, NY 10028-2851

Rosen , Prof. Karl, Classics, 2099 Wescoe Hall, Univ. of Kansas,

1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045-7590

Rosenbacher , Ms. Elaine G., 911 Cinnamon Dr., Durham, NC


Ruffini , Dr. Giovanni, 1925 Eastchester Road, #20B, Bronx, NY


Ruffner , Mr. Frederick G. Jr., Omnigraphics, Inc., 615 Griswold

STE 1400, Detroit, MI 48226

Runyon , Ms. Jennifer E., 20798 Fenwick Dr., Ashburn, VA


Ryan , Prof. J. S., Dept. of English, Univ. of New England,

Armidale, NSW 2351, AUSTRALIA

Safire , Mr. William, Washington Bureau, The New York Times ,

1627 I St., Washington, DC 20006

Salaberri , Prof. Patxi, Dpto. De Filologia y Didactica de la Lengua,

Universidad Publica de Navarra, Campus de Arrosadia s/n,

Pamplona/Irunea 31006, SPAIN

Saunders , Prof. Judith, School of Liberal Arts, Marist College,

3399 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387

Scheuble , Ms. Laurie K., 1228 Sandpiper Drive., State College,

PA 16801-7717

Schwartz , Dr. Adolf W., 3252 Mulberry Dr., Bakersfield, CA


Schweitzer , Prof. Peter, P.O. Box 750158, Fairbanks, AK 99775-


Scott , Ms. Jessica, 726 East 1720 South, Orem, UT 84097

Scott , Dr. Margaret, Scottish Language Dictionaries, 27 George

Square, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH8 9LD, SCOTLAND UK

Seggar , Ms. Claudia, 43 Alumbre, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA


Seibicke , Dr. Wilfried, Karolingerweg, 20, D-69123 Heidelberg,


Senif , Ms. Clara J., 11031 Clemmons Ct., Las Vegas, NV 89135-


Shamray, Abby , San Marino, CA 91108

Shane, Ms. N.

, C/o P. Shane, UBC 419, Boulder, CO 80309

Shipley Mr. Dwan Lee, 5278 Drayton Harbor Road, Blaine, WA


Shreve , Prof. Jack, 1649 W. Lunt Ave., Chicago, IL 60626-2712

Silber , Prof. Patricia, English Dept., 120 N. Broadway 4D,

Irvington, NY 10533

Silverman , Prof. Jonathan, Dept. of English, 15 th Floor, Pace

Univ., 41 Park Ave, New York, NY 10038

Skidmore , Prof., Rebecca, PO Box 6296, Morgantown, WV


Skinner , Ms. Maryann Long, 2617 Lemontree Lane, Vienna, VA


Slovenko , Prof. Ralph, Law School, Wayne State Univ., 471 W.

Palmer, Detroit, MI 48202-3986

Smith , Prof. Grant W., 905 Gary Street, Cheney, WA 99004-1341

Sorvo , Mr. Paul J., 315 Shoot Flying Hill Rd., Centerville, MA


Starr , Prof. Christopher K., Dept. of Life Sciences, Univ. of the

West Indies, St. Augustine, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO

Starthearn , Helena, PO Box 131, Griffith, NSW 2680,


Stavick , Prof. Joyce, 8510 Forrester Rd., Lula, GA 30554-2300

Stegman , Prof. Dorothy L., Dept. of Modern Languages, Ball

State Univ., Muncie, IN 47306-0465

Stevens , Mr. Ted W., 6427 Chickasaw Dr., Douglasville, GA


Straubhaar , Prof. Sandra Ballif, 4190 Travis Country Circle,

Austin, TX 78735

Sumner , Mr. T. W., 105 Renfield Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH


Superanskaya , Dr. Alexandra, Institute of Linguistics, 1/12 B.

Kislivsky Lane, Moscow 125009, RUSSIA

Sutton , Ms. Laurel, 12th floor Tribune Tower, 409 13th Street,

Oakland, CA 94612-2607

Taffet , Ms. Mary D. 411 Scott Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13224-1965

Tarpley , Prof. Fred, 4540 FM 1568, Campbell, TX 75422-2266

Trigoso , Ms. Maria, Av. Alvares Cabral 84 R/C Esq., Lisboa

1250-018, PORTUGAL

Tsukada , Naoki, 3-40-4, Narusedai Machida-Shi, Tokyo, 194-

0043, JAPAN

Tucker , Prof. D. Kenneth, 1270 Royal Palm Crescent, Manotick,


Ontario K4M 1J5, CANADA

Turner , Mr. William L. Jr., 2001 North Adams St. Apt. 1003,

Arlington, VA 22201-3752

Turner , Ms. Barbara Kay, 387 Bountiful Path, Redding, CA


Urdang , Mr. Laurence, 4 Laurel Heights, Old Lyme, CT 06371-


Valentine , Ms. Anne E., 5205 Cottonwood Dr., Lothian, MD


Van Dalen Oskam , Dr. Karina H. Weidebloemenlaan 2, NL-3448


Van Langendonck , Prof. Willy, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of

Leuven, Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 P.O. Box 33, B-3000 Leuven,


Van Marle , Prof. Jaap, Open Universiteit Marle, P.O. Box 2960,


Van Vliet, Prof. Edward R., PO Box 269, 2051 Livonia Center

Rd., Lima, NY 14485

Vasiliev , Prof. Ren, PO Box 247, Bloomfield, NY 14469-0247

Veka , Mr. Olav. Rognvegen 21, N-2380 Brumunddal, NORWAY

Vogel , Ms. Johanna, 28 Rue de la Feyssine, F-69100

Villeurbanne, FRANCE

Von Reitzenstein , Dr. W.-A. Blatter f. oberdeutsche

Namenforsch, Lachnrstr 27, D-80639 Munchen, GERMANY

Wade , Dr. David, 70 Rodney Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873-2024

Waldman , Ms. Glenys A., 449 Montgomery Ave (#411),

Haverford, PA 19041-1760

Wanish , Ms. Barbara G., 302 Florene Court, Roseville, CA


Watanabe , Prof. Noriko, 14 Stephen St., Montclair, NJ 07042

Westney , Ms. Lynn C., 534 S. LaGrange Road, LaGrange, IL


Wilk , Mr. Howard J., 119 Alburger Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115-


Williams , Ms. Ashley M., 615 Malcolm Crescent, Charlottesville,

VA 22902-4719

Williams , Mr. Kemp, Language Analysis Systems, Inc., 2214

Rock Hill Rd., Suite 200, Herndon, VA 20170-4215

Wilton , Mr. David R., 1500 Park Ave., #102, Emeryville, CA


Womack , Prof. Kenneth, Penn State – Altoona, 3000 Ivyside Park,

Altoona, PA 16601-3760

Wright , Dr. Saundra K., Dept. of English, California State Univ. –

Chico, Chico, CA 95929-0830

Wuehler , Mr. James, 2088 North 940 West, Provo, UT 84604

Wyld , Dr & Mrs Lionel, 20 Countryside Drive, Cumberland, RI


Yamada , Prof. Masayoshi, 376-7 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue City,

Shimane-ken, 690-0823 JAPAN

Yarmus, Prof. Marcia D., 406 Briarcliffe Rd., Teaneck, NJ 07666-


Yost , Mr. Louis A., 24112 Log House Rd., Gaithersburgh, MD


Yu , Prof. John Zhiqiang, 37 MacNamee St., Plainsboro, NJ 08536-


Zavyalova , Ms. Zinaida S., Lebedeva 8-156, Tomsk, 634061,


Zelinsky Prof. Wilbur., Dept. of Geography, The Pennsylvania

State Univ., 302 Walker, University Park, PA 16802-5011

Zuercher , Mr. Kenneth, 407 Truman Street, Arlington, TX 76011-


Zwicky , Prof. Arnold M., 722 Ramona St., Palo Alto, CA 94301-

