We +Care, We Share We Learn, We Grow Together Headteacher: Ms Anne Shedden B.Ed (Hons) NPQH High Street, Great Linford, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK14 5AX Tel: 01908 605515 E-mail: office@st-andrews.milton-keynes.sch.uk School website: www.standrewsinfantschool.co.uk Summer Term Newsletter – No 4 12th June 2014 Lots of reminders for you in this issue, plus two new articles – The Waterside Festival 21st and 22nd June Our Annual Leavers Service – 17th July R E M I N D E R Monday 16th June Reserve Day Thursday 19th June 1.30pm To be held at The Cricket Pitch High Street, Great Linford Just down the road from the school, on the other side of the road All family and friends welcome Please bring chairs or blanket to sit on. Great Linford Waterside Festival Great Linford Manor Grounds Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June The children will be performing on the stage at this year’s Waterside Festival, on Saturday 21st June at 11.30am. The children should wear school uniform and arrive by 11.15am – please meet at the front of the main stage – which will be positioned in front of the Manor House. You will need to stay for the duration of the performance, which will be approximately 15 minutes. Please could you return the slip at the end of the newsletter, to Louise, the school business manager, indicating whether or not your child will be able to attend. A Message From The Friends of St Andrew’s Traditionally The Friends run a stall, including a coconut shy, at the Great Linford Waterside festival on 21st and 22nd June. We will be looking again to seek your help in running the stall. Whatever the weather, we would be pleased to have your support at this event. There is a list on the school notice board, in the foyer area, with timings – please sign up if you are able to spend an hour helping man the stall. FREE Saturday Morning Family Workshops Milton Keynes Painter and Illustrator – Emma Wilde - is exhibiting at the Barn Gallery, Milton Keynes Arts Centre, Great Linford - from 16th June to 30th August. Throughout the duration of Emma’s exhibition there will be FREE family workshops. These will run each Saturday from 10.00 am to 12.30pm. Each session will be different, involving painting, model making and clay sculpture. This is for all 5+ year olds and their families. The Workshops are free, but booking is essential. To book ring MK 608108 REMINDER Fathers Day Celebration Friday 20th June BRING YOUR DAD TO SCHOOL DAY (or Grandad, Uncle, Godfather, other family member) REMINDER SCHOOL GROUP PHOTO Tuesday 17th June In the morning Our annual group photograph The children are invited to bring their Dad to school for the day to join in lessons and fun activities. Please bring a packed lunch REMINDER Please return the slip at the end of the newsletter to let us know who is coming. YEAR 2 CHILDREN Visit To Hazard Alley Safety Centre Thursday 26th June REMINDER RECEPTION PARENTS ASSEMBLY Parents of Reception pupils are cordially invited to join our assembly Friday 27th June 2.30pm If you have not already done so could you please use the bottom of this newsletter to indicate if you are able to attend and return it to Louise in the school office. We look forward to welcoming you. The children in Year 2 will be visiting the Hazard Alley Safety Centre. This will take place during school hours and the children will be back at school for their lunch. There is no cost to parents for this visit. The staff at the Safety Centre have requested that all pupils wear long trousers as this will be a necessity for one of the tasks they will be carrying out. If you have not already done so please could you complete and return the permission slip attached. Thank you. REMINDER Summer Concert This year’s summer performances will take place on Wednesday 9th July at 2.15pm and again at 6pm. We will be able to offer each family 2 seats at each of the performances, I would like to point out that the two performances will follow exactly the same format and will last approximately 30 minutes. The reason we have two performances is to allow both parents to attend. Whilst I appreciate that the whole family want to come and watch their brothers and sisters perform, I would urge you to consider that your children will have been working really hard and this can be interrupted by younger children crying or being noisy. In line with our successful policy please only bring younger siblings to the afternoon performance, not the evening performance. If you have not already done so please could you complete the form below to indicate which performance you will be attending, and return to Louise in the office. R E M I N D E R All Children Visit To Sherington School On 3rd July All the Year 1 and 2 children will visit Sherington School The coach will leave St Andrew’s Shortly after 9am The children will return before 3pm. They will need their lunch box as usual R E M I N D E R YEAR 2 PUPILS ASPIRE ATHLETICS FESTIVAL Wood End School is holding an Athletics Festival on Thursday 3rd July from 3:30pm to approximately 4:15pm as part of the ASPIRE Partnership. Teams of year 2 children from all of the ASPIRE schools will be joining in. If your child expresses an interest and is available on the above date at the time indicated we would be grateful if you could return the attached form This event will take place at Wood End School, Redbridge, Stantonbury. If your child would like to take part you will need to take them to Wood End School by 3.30pm and leave them with Ms Holt who will be in attendance. Please collect your child at 4.15pm. Please note parents are welcome to stay and watch if they would like to do so. If you have not already done so please would you complete and return the slip attached to Louise in the office. Thank you. R E M I N D E R SUMMER OUTING I am pleased to inform you that we will be taking all the children on a visit to Wicksteed Park, on Monday 14th July. The coach will leave school at 9.10am and we will return by 3pm. The children should wear their school uniform including comfortable shoes, a sunhat and suncream. Could the children bring their lunch in disposable wrappers with drinks in disposable bottles, all in a carrier bag – with their name clearly written on it – please do not send a lunch box. The total cost per pupil, including the entry fee, coach and journey insurance is £17.30 However, I am delighted to say that I am only asking for a contribution of £5.00 per child. You are not obliged to make a contribution to the cost of this day visit and pupils will not be excluded through inability or unwillingness to pay. However, the visit can only go ahead if there are sufficient contributions to cover the costs. You are therefore invited to make this voluntary contribution to cover the cost. Please make cheques payable to St Andrew’s C.E. Infant School. If paying by cash please send the exact money – as we do not have a float for change. We cannot take any children with us if we have not received signed parental permission. If you have not already done so please send payment and permission forms in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and Wickstead Park written on it, thank you. Annual Leavers Service Thursday 17th July St Andrew’s Church All Family and Friends Invited 2 pm PERMISSION SLIPS - Only Required If You Have Not Already Completed Them In The Previous Newsletter. WATERSIDE FESTIVAL - SINGING PERFORMANCE ALL CHILDREN Child’s Name ……………………………………………… will be able to attend the school performance on Saturday 21st June ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YEAR 2 CHILDREN HAZARD ALLEY VISIT Child’s Name ……………………………………………………….. My child can attend the visit to Hazard Alley on Thursday 26 th June. I do / do not give permission for my child to feature in any photographs that may be taken. I do / do not agree that if my child urgently requires medical treatment during this out of school activity and it is not possible to contact me then the teacher in charge of the party is authorised to give consent on my behalf. Name ………………………………………………… Signed ……………………………………………. Date …………………………… Emergency Contact ……………………………………………………………….. Reception Parents Assembly Child’s Name ………………………………………………………………………. I / we will / will not be able to attend the Reception Parents Assembly on Friday 27th June …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fathers Day In School Child’s Name ………………………………………………………………………. Name …………………………………… Relationship ……………………………………. Will be able to attend the Fathers Day In School on 20th June. Year 2 Children ASPIRE Athletics Festival Child’s Name ………………………………………………………………………. will / will not be able to attend the Year 2 Athletics Festival on Thursday 3rd July I confirm I will take my child to Wood End School for 3.30pm And collect them at 4.15pm Name …………………………………… Signature …………………………………. Date ………………………………… Emergency No ……………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. SUMMER CONCERTS Child’s Name ………………………………………………….. 2.15pm performance - No of adults attending ………………… No of children attending ……………… 6pm performance – No of adults attending …………………. Please remember the allocation is 2 seats per performance. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Summer Outing Child’s Name ……………………………………………………….. Year ……………………………………………………… My child can attend the Wicksteed Park visit I enclose a contribution of £5.00 I do / do not give permission for my child to feature in any photographs that may be taken. I do / do not agree that if my child urgently requires medical treatment during this out of school activity and it is not possible to contact me then the teacher in charge of the party is authorised to give consent on my behalf. Name ……………………………………………………… Emergency No ……………………………. Date …………………………….. Signature ………………………….