WEST AUCKLAND PARENTS CENTRE MINUTES FOR Committee Meeting Held on 20th May 2009 7.30PM – 9.30PM AT KELSTON COMMUNITY CENTRE, GREAT NORTH RD, KELSTON 7.30pm Meeting Opens EJ Attendees: Ruth Murphy, Eileen Joy, Rebecca Lamb, Alsa Kemys, Nikki Shepherd, , Andrea Taylor, Lexi Lauchlan , Hannah Eyre, Jo Kebbell EJ Apologies: Nicola Mapletoft, Daniel Mapletoft, Julie Matthews, Charlotte Whiter, Marie-Ann Lagaluga, Louise Pivac, Sarah Barry, Emma Collins Absent: Rebecca Samways, Yvette Wilson, Fiona Fraser, Lesley Standeven, Monica Silveira, , Amanda Perry, Gaylene Ward 7.35pm 7.40pm Intro & welcome of new volunteers, Birthdays, Volunteer of the Month Nobody had a birthday in the last month There are two Volunteer’s of the Month. The flowers go to Nikki Shepherd for putting together the Mothers Day gift baskets. Last year, a team of people completed this, and Nikki did it all by herself this, and did it extraordinarily well. Julie Matthews receives a box of chocolates for filling in for Eileen whilst she was on holiday - the post, answer machine, making phone calls etc Receive Committee meeting Minutes for April EJ EJ Motion to accept Committee Meeting Minutes for April Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Rebecca Lamb CARRIED Matters Arising from Minutes 7.42pm None Financial Reports for April AF Total Income for month was $4,627.55. Main sources of income were from Antenatal classes, Membership Subscriptions and Entertainment Book Sales. RM Total Expenses for month were $3,054.84. Main expenses were the CBE costs, Accountancy Fees and Entertainment Book Costs. Month ended making a Profit of $1,572.71 This is in contrast to the previous two months where we made a loss in both months. We are still down for the year and will need to fundraise and apply for grants to ensure that we do not run too much into the red. Appendices 1 – April 2009 Financial Report Motion to accept April 2009 Financial Report Moved By: Ruth Murphy Seconded By: Eileen Joy CARRIED Appendices 2 – Upcoming May Payments for Approval Motion to accept Upcoming May Payments for Approval Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Rebecca Lamb CARRIED 7.45pm Receive and approve post in and post out log AF Appendices 3 – Post Log April 2009 Motion to accept Post Log for April 2009 Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Alsa Kemys CARRIED 7.48pm Course attendee Numbers: EJ Antenatal RL Here are the enrolment figures for this month... May 12 - June 23 Class in progress - 10 couples, Full package (8), Basic Package (2) June 15 - July 27: 11 couples - Full Package (9), Basic (3) - One couple pulled out since last meeting July 7 - August 18: 12 couples - 5 not paid yet, of paid: Full Package (6), Basic Package (1) Aug 17 - September 28: 8 couples - 5 not paid yet, of paid: Full Package (2), Basic Package (1) September 8 - October 20 - 3 couples, none paid yet October 19 - November 23 - 1 couple, none paid yet Parent Ed Appendices 4 – Parent Ed Bookings as of May 20th. Brief Review Terrific Toddlers – Pauline Burt was the speaker. Feedack was no craft ideas – maybe get Julie from Playcentre. Toilet Training was alright but not great. Speaker was confused at times. Thinking of putting it into one evening, and covers transition ages too. 7.54pm Charities Commission Document Changes EJ We require 5 offices and only have 4. RL Motion to accept that we remove Arna Harris as Officer from charities commission and replace with Rebecca Lamb Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Alsa Kemys CARRIED 7.56pm AGM Plans EJ Have spot prizes – aprons, Duplo Lego, books, shirts, cook books. Eileen Joy to send out an ENews to advertise. Rebecca Lamb to put in ad to Western Leader. Lesley Standeven donating wine. Alsa Kemys and Rebecca Lamb to bring wine glasses. Suzanne Irving is bringing Sales party line items. Any items sold, profits go to WAPC. 8.01pm Receive and approve Annual Plan for 2009/10 Appendices 5 – Annual Plan for 2009 / 10 Motion to Receive and Approve Annual Plan for 2009 / 10 Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Rebecca Lamb CARRIED EJ 8.03pm Receive and approve Budget for 2009/10 Appendices 6 – Budget for 2009 / 10 RM/ AF/EJ /RL Motion to Receive and Approve Budget for 2009 / 10 Moved by: Ruth Murphy Seconded by: Eileen Joy CARRIED 8.05pm PCNZ update: 8.15pm Supper 8.40pm Grants: EJ CBE Research document. Eileen has a few copies of it available if you wish to read CBE Fiscal Review. PCNZ have responded and are going to reduce the payment to $900 per course plus a one off fee for CBE development of $900. Eileen to feedback that whilst we may benefit by about$300 per annum, smaller centers with less than 10 classes a year will lose out. Ocean Spray are now a strategic partner Board Nominations. If you want to be on the board or wish to nominate someone onto it, then please feel free to, as now is the time. Strategic Plan. Feedback to be in by June 1st. Different Parent Centers have different ways of presenting their courses, and may deliver different course content. To get more funding, Parents Centre needs to raise the bar such that the CBE role is extended and they do the other Parent Ed classes also. Centralising the admin and charging each centre an admin fee is also an aim, and would relive the volunteers of a burden and provide a consistent reporting framework across the centers. An aim is also to serve the 0 to 16 years market. We think this may be a difficult to achieve goal and should be reduced to the 0 to 5 years range. EJ Motion that WAPC apply to the Perry Foundation for $3226.75 (GST excl) for 2 TENS Machines & Pads, 3 Exersaucers, 1000 Preparing for Birth Mother Books & 1000 Preparing for Birth Father Books. Moved By: Eileen Joy Seconded By: Rebecca Lamb CARRIED Motion that WAPC apply to the The Trusts Charitable Foundation Inc & the Portage Licensing Trust for $9437.86 (GST excl) to assist with Venue Hire, Post Natal Distress Booklets, New Childbirth Education Teaching Resources, Parents Centre Folders, 1500 WAPC Brochures, 7 A1 WAPC promotional posters, 500 ‘Why Volunteer’ Brochures, Printing costs for 6 issues of our WAPC Newsletter. Moved by: Eileen Joy Seconded by: Andrea Follington CARRIED 8.45pm Parents Centre Week EJ Pram Walk with a gym (say Contours) every month, and kick start it in Parents Centre week, if anyone is interested in leading it. Parents Centre week is 8th to 14th June. Nikki Shepherd to investigate. 8.50pm Jaffa Run. Eileen Joy to send out an E News selling Jaffa, which is being run on Friday 17th July. EJ 8.55pm Doc/Midwives Mailout end June EJ 8.56pm Google Docs is becoming our central database. Eileen Joy to email the links. Ruth Murphy to put Stats Spreadsheet for hosts to update with CBE class participant info. EJ 9.00pm Training Course – Volunteer Recruitment & Retention EJ Motion that we send Eileen Joy to attend “How to get volunteers” and “How to keep volunteers” training course at a total cost of $80. Moved by: Rebecca Lamb Seconded by: Andrea Follington CARRIED 9.03pm Positives Negatives & open volunteer positions. EJ 9.20pm Positive Negatives. Hannah Eyre to take the bookings. Eileen Joy to contact Positive Negatives to book us in. Newsletter Editor position will be available soon and we desperately need a volunteer. Lending Coordinator – Nikki Shepherd has volunteered E-News Editor CPR Coordinator Pregnancy Yoga bookings – Lexi Lauchlan to take bookings. Ruth Murphy to host. Ruth Murphy to send adverts and info to Alsa Kemys and Lexi Lauchlan Music and Movement Coordinator Newsletter Andrea Follington to do address labels AGM report has to be in the newsletter 9.25pm Committee Meeting Venue hire – Andrea Follington to follow up with Community Houses True and Correct Copy Signed Title Date AK Appendices One – April 2009 Financial Report West Auckland Parents Centre PO Box 83 - 192 Edmonton Auckland Profit & Loss Statement 1/04/2009 through 30/04/2009 Income Subscriptions General Member Subscriptions Antenatal Membership Fee Total Subscriptions Parent Education Antenatal Class Fees Baby & You Fees Moving & Munching Fees Other Course Fees CPR Course Total Parent Education Fundraising Merchandise Sales F/R Entertainment Books Total Fundraising Total Income $71.11 $1,155.55 $1,226.66 $2,144.00 $344.00 $363.74 $44.44 $254.93 $3,151.11 $11.56 $238.22 $249.78 $4,627.55 Expenses Membership Expenses Levies Total Membership Expenses Parent Education Antenatal Course Expenses CBE Costs A/N Speaker's Fee A/N Venue Hire Gifts For Baby''s Parents Total Antenatal Course Expenses Baby & You Course Expenses B&Y Co-ordinator's Fee B&Y Venue Hire Total Baby & You Course Expenses Moving & Munching Expenses M&M Co-ordinator's Fee Venue Hire Total Moving & Munching Expenses $71.11 $71.11 $53.55 $1,906.00 $267.55 $86.98 $2,314.08 $40.00 $37.33 $77.33 $40.00 $45.34 $85.34 CPR Course CPR Speaker Fees Venue Hire Total CPR Course Parenting Seminars Venue Hire Total Parenting Seminars Total Parent Education Fundraising F/R Entertainment Books Total Fundraising Other Expenses Stationery Venue Hire Photocopying Telephone Expenses Audit Expenses Bank Charges Supper Box General Total Other Expenses Marketing Expenses Advertising Promotions Total Marketing Expenses $80.00 $32.00 $112.00 $26.67 $26.67 $2,615.42 $231.11 $231.11 $36.28 $22.22 $17.78 $27.95 ($160.00) $2.49 $37.81 ($15.47) $110.00 $42.67 $152.67 Total Expenses $3,054.84 Operating Profit $1,572.71 Other Income Net Profit/(Loss) $1,572.71 Appendices Two – Upcoming May Payments for Approval Appendices Three – Post Log April 2009 General RECEIVED 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 23-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 24-Apr-09 27-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 2-May-09 2-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 5-May-09 8-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 DETAILS Bays North Habour Newsletter Ebony Flowers Invoice Telecom invoice Yellow Pages Invoice Taieri Parents Centre Jaffa Run Info Jones -antenatal enrolment PCNZ - Tens hire kits & Growing Up Survey Return Mail KP - Kuhnel incorrect address label Returned mail - Collier incorrect address label Warehouse stationery invoice Parents Centre invoice Wu renewal Taylor renewal Amanda Perry expense claim Jones antenatal form + payment Flowers antenatal enrolment form Mander membership info request Nikiel - returned post incorrect address Rebecca L membership card Rebecca L posted 2 Entertainment books Flint/Gummer L Pivoc membership card Cathy Winter sent newsletter Waitakere WEA flyers Returned mail - karen James Waitakere City Council Venue invoice NZ College of Midwives magazine Antenatal forms Breeze/Strugnell/Scobie Parent Centre report Antenatal form - Morris-vette Eileen Hannah Eyre 4 antenatal packs Hannah Eyre antenatal information form John Smit Accountancy invoice Van Limburg antenatal form Warehouse stationery invoice Waitakere City council Kelston venue statement Plunket Donation request Waitakere healthlink newsletter Parents Centre invoice 13857 Meek antenatal enrolment form Le Breton antenatal form Kelston community centre booking summary Review of Toddler Day out Mead membership card Wendy Perera - contract Parents Centre Cystitis pamphlets Entertainment books invoice Baby Baby brest feeding pillow advertisment Lott Antenatal enrolment form Culina Antenatal enrolment form Yellow Pages Invoice SENT TO Eileen Ruth Ruth Ruth Eileen Eileen/Andrea banking Eileen/Alsa Andrea Ruth Ruth Banked/card sent Banked/card sent Ruth banked Hannah sent out hand delivered sent out sent out sent out sent out Eileen reposted Ruth Eileen Hannah Eileen Hannah sent out sent out Ruth Hannah Ruth Ruth Eileen Eileen Ruth Hannah Hannah filed Eileen sent out Rebecca Eileen Ruth filed Hannah Hannah Ruth ON DATE 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 16-Apr-09 12-May-09 12-May-09 28-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 12-May-09 6-May-09 29-Apr-09 2-May-09 7-May-09 27-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 6-May-09 20-May-09 12-May-09 6-May-09 29-Apr-09 6-May-09 6-May-09 2-May-09 2-May-09 12-May-09 6-May-09 12-May-09 12-May-09 6-May-09 6-May-09 12-May-09 6-May-09 6-May-09 5-May-09 12-May-09 5-May-09 8-May-09 12-May-09 12-May-09 10-May-09 11-May-09 11-May-09 12-May-09 RECEIVED 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 10-May-09 11-May-09 12-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 13-May-09 18-May-09 18-May-09 18-May-09 18-May-09 18-May-09 18-May-09 19-May-09 20-May-09 DETAILS Parents Centre Statement Parent Centre invoice Parent Centre week information Kit Hannah Eyre 3 antenatal packs A Plus Beauty Spa invoice Parents centre Membership cards & Letterhead Jaffa Run tickets Yvette Wilson - 2 entertainment books request & chq Best Pacific Institute of Education - flyers Winter antenatal enrolment form Warehouse Stationery invoice Kelston community Hall booking summary Sport Waitakere newsletter Jane Monro replacement membership card PCNZ - 11 Renewal letters Telecom invoice Toddler Day out Report Helen Mandor membership form & cheq Stevens antenatal enrolment form Expression of interest - sent to Newmans Own Foundation in Australia Entertainment book delivered by Rebecca L SENT TO Ruth Ruth Eileen sent out sent out Held Eileen banked/sent Eileen Hannah Held for payment Filed Eileen sent out sent out Ruth Eileen banked/sent Hannah Eileen Hannah 27-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 30-Apr-09 2-May-09 5-May-09 6-May-09 7-May-09 7-May-09 14-May-09 17-May-09 18-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 DETAILS Parents Centre week from Joan Hay Kiwiparent Order reminder - Pam Bashall Membership enquiry L Pivoc from Pam Bashall Membership enquiry Mushett from Pam Bashall Pandemic Plan for Swine flu - Joan Hay CBE Research Doc - Joan Hay Stock Order Form - Andrea Follington Board Nominations - Joan Hay Huggies Quarterly Orders from Pam Bashall Kiwiparent Order increased 150 - Andrea Parents Centre policies from Joan Hay Press Release Families Commission - Joan Hay Style guide Calibri font - Joan Hay Strategic Plan feedback form reminder - Joan Hay Parents Centre week giveaways - Joan Hay Input into strategic Plan - Joan Hay Recall Input into strategic Plan - Joan Hay Committee Input into strategic Plan - Joan Hay SENT TO Filed Bashall L Pivoc Hannah Eyre Filed Filed Bashall Filed Filed Bashall Filed Filed Filed Filed Filed Filed Filed Filed 13-May-09 20-May-09 18-May-09 19-May-09 20-May-09 20-May-09 20-May-09 20-May-09 19-May-09 20-May-09 PCNZ RECEIVED 19-Apr-09 26-Apr-09 27-Apr-09 ON DATE 12-May-09 12-May-09 12-May-09 10-May-09 11-May-09 12-May-09 13-May-09 15-May-09 20-May-09 14-May-09 ON DATE 19-Apr-09 2-May-09 27-Apr-09 27-Apr-09 28-Apr-09 30-Apr-09 2-May-09 5-May-09 6-May-09 7-May-09 7-May-09 14-May-09 17-May-09 18-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 19-May-09 Appendices Four – Parent Ed Bookings as of May 20th. Parent Education Bookings as of May 20th 2009 Baby and You Class Total booked FP Paid 8th June, 4 3 1 20th July, 1 14th September, 0 16th November 0 Unpaid 1 Moving and Munching Class Total booked FP Paid Unpaid 19th and 26th June, 6 2 1 3 21st and 28th August, 2 2 16th and 23rd October 0 4th and 11th December 0 Paid Unpaid CPR and Choking Class Total booked FP 20th June 13 8 15th August 2 19th September 0 17th 0 October 21st November 0 19th December 0 5 2 Terrific Two's Class Total booked 30th September & 7th October FP Paid 1 Unpaid 1 Special Interest ~ Early Childhood Options Class 25th June Total booked FP Paid 1 Unpaid 1 Special Interest ~ Literacy and Numeracy Class 30th July Total booked 0 FP Paid Unpaid Appendices Five - Annual Plan 2009 / 10 West Auckland Parents Centre Plan for 2009/2010 Service Provision Goals Who is responsible Funding Antenatal Convenor, Antenatal Enrolments, Antenatal Co-Ordinator Committee Tutor Funding Committee Hours and other grants to cover expenses. Volunteer hours to manage. Attendance numbers to be tracked, reported and AGM 2010 minuted at each committee meeting. Where we have full classes potential members are to be referred to other PCs with the intention of transferring back to WAPC upon completion of course Antenatal Enrolments Volunteer Hours Promotion of Parent Create West Auckland Parents Centre specific Sept 2009 Centre philosophy at information fliers to go in Child Birth Education packs – Double sided fliers, one on creation of coffee groups courses. and the second on the history of WAPC. Volunteer to be found Committee approval Issue/Goal Concerns identified/Tasks to be completed When achieved by Monitor and Evaluate Childbirth Education Successfully run 11 CBE courses in 2009 and 12 min, AGM 2010 To continue to 14 max in 2010. provide quality courses that are Continue to utilise evaluation forms as the preferred accessible to means to establish and record participate satisfaction. prospective parents. Attract enthusiastic people to run courses. Continue to eliminate some of the course costs by emailing handouts, and considering cost saving measures at all times. Enrolments monitored to ensure classes are as full as possible and as many enrolees as possible enrolling in the $230 package Re-write WAPC Antenatal Co-Ordinator Folder to have Jan 2010 better introduction pieces. Committee Volunteer hours Committee Antenatal Co-Ordinator Volunteer Hours Committee Update WAPC posters so that they may be used in Jan 2010 classes and in promotional activities. Volunteer to be found Catherine Watson to be used for design & print Volunteer Hours, $$ to be sourced Committee Issue/Goal Parent Education To continue to provide quality parent education courses. Concerns identified/Tasks to be completed When achieved by Successfully run the following Parent Education 2009/10 courses in 2009 and continue with current program for 2009/10 – Course attendance figures to be monitored and reported, tracked and minuted at each committee Monthly meeting Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate Parent Ed Convenor Volunteer Hours Committee Parent Ed Convenor Volunteer confirmed to Grant already secured for some of speaking costs – otherwise all costs to be be self funding. Volunteer confirmed to be Parent Ed Convenor Baby and You – Analyse course attendance numbers in conjunction with CBE class numbers Calendar to to set calendar for 2010. be set by Aug 2009 Moving and Munching – Analyse course attendance numbers from 2009 in conjunction Calendar to with CBE class numbers to set calendar for 2010. be set by Aug 2009 Tinies to Tots – Whole course needs to be reexamined and considered for future marketing. Calendar Need to look at course Central offers and perhaps pencilled in develop for WAPC. 2010 dates – Aug 2009 Terrific Twos – 2 courses per year max. One to be held directly after TDO with big marketing push at TDO. The other to be held directly after Parent & Child show only if PCs have stand there. Otherwise course to be cancelled. Potential of holding course in conjunction with other centres. Parent Ed Convenor B&Y Host M&M Host Calendar pencilled in 2010 dates – Aug 2009 Need to find volunteer to manage this. Volunteer hrs MM, BY, TT, T2 Continue to utilise evaluation forms as the Ongoing preferred means to establish and record participate satisfaction. Volunteer to be found Attract enthusiastic people to run courses. Continue to eliminate some of the course costs by Committee Issue/Goal Concerns identified/Tasks to be completed When achieved by Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate Volunteer hrs. Grants? Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Volunteer hrs Committee emailing handouts, and considering cost saving measures at all times. Parent Ed Convenor Parenting Seminars Run Parenting Seminars over Winter 2009 & Winter 2010 and attempt to make these as self Program to funding as possible. be confirmed Mailout Co-Ordinator by Feb Promotion 2010 Actively promote Parenting Education courses at Childbirth Education courses. Create a PDF advertising P.Ed courses that can be emailed by Dec 2009 the CBE host to CBE course participants at the completion of their CBE course. E-newsletter to remind people about up and coming Parent Ed classes at least 2 weeks before each course if not full. Parenting Ed Convenor to May 2009 be given access to Constant Contact so that they can send this out when needed. Database Administrator Newsletter Editor Targetted mailout community groups. of doctors, midwives, Volunteer to be found to June 2009 co-ordinate Create new database of playgroups, daycares, Jan 2010 Plunket offices, kindergartens etc so that we can June 2010 actively market our parent Ed courses to them – from baby & You to Parenting Seminars to PWP & MM trained Parenting with Purpose. Facilitator Volunteer hrs Committee $$ from finding advertiser for brochure or from funds/fundrai sing/grants Newsletter – List of courses. Volunteer hrs Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Continue promoting and exploring free avenues to advertise courses – eg Tinies to Tots Dec 2009 Parenting with Purpose & Magic Moments Volunteer to be found to co-ordinate & run Issue/Goal Concerns identified/Tasks to be completed When achieved by Who is responsible Time permitting, investigate possibility of teaming up with SKIP programs in West Auckland, Ongoing including CYFs to offer PWP and MM courses in West Auckland Ongoing Pregnancy & Yoga Time permitting & Time & volunteer workload permitting offer workload Pregnancy & Yoga courses to members & non- permitting. members. Yoga teacher confirmed – have yet to organise a volunteer to manage. Music & Movement Time permitting & Time & volunteer workload permitting offer workload Parents Centre Music & Movement classes to permitting. members and non-members during term time. Time permitting & workload permitting. Leader found, volunteer to be found to help run & co-ordinate. Funding Monitor and Evaluate Volunteers Hours Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Grants & community partnership Self-funding Volunteer Hours Committee Self-funding Committee for ongoing costs. Grants for intial set up costs. Centre Management Goals Issue/Goal Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When Who is responsible Continue to maintain a good relationship with Ongoing Venues/Shed CoKelston Bookings manager and stay on top of all ordinator Venue bookings for 2009/10 with clear communications Provision of a through one committee member. venue for service delivery that meets Maintain Shed Ongoing Venues/Shed Coparticipant ordinator requirements. Investigate the possibility of putting a submission Time & Co-Presidents & for permanent facilities to the Waitakere City Workload Treasurer Council Annual Plan for 2009 permitting Have discussion at committee level to confirm June 2009 continuing commitment to hold committee meetings at Kelston. Alternative to reduce costs to be held at committee members homes on a rotating or permanent basis. Alternatively find a free venue elsewhere in the community. Monitor and Evaluate NA, Volunteer Hrs Committee Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Volunteer hrs President Committee Volunteer hrs Wednesday 17th June 2009, Kelston Community Centre. AGM Hold AGM required. Funding achieved by as Advertise AGM in April newsletter for 2009. Advertise AGM in local newspaper Advertise in E-News Annual General Report to be prepared prior to meeting, reports to Co-Presidents by end May 2009 to be compiled. Source spot prizes, wine, cheeses, for AGM Quorum is 10 paid members. Audited Accounts to be completed. Audited accounts registered with Incorporated society Audited accounts and report sent to National office April 2009 June 2009 June 2009 May 2009 Newsletter Ed Volunteer tbc E-News Editor All committee May 2009 President June 2009 June 2009 Treasurer Treasurer June 2009 Treasurer April 2010 Newsletter Ed Volunteer Committee hrs. Main PCNZ funds for AGM costs. Committee Issue/Goal Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When Wednesday 16th June 2010 Kelston Community Centre. Advertise AGM in April newsletter for 2010. Advertise AGM in local newspaper Advertise in E-news Annual General Report to be prepared prior to meeting, reports to Co-Presidents by end May 2010 to be compiled. Source spot prizes, wine, cheeses for AGM Quorum is 10 paid members. Audited Accounts to be completed. Audited accounts registered with Incorporated society Audited accounts and report sent to National office Who is responsible Funding June 2010 June 2010 May 2010 Volunteer tbc E-News Editor All committee Volunteer PCNZ hrs. Main funds for AGM costs. May 2009 June 2010 June 2010 President achieved by Treasurer Treasurer June 2010 Treasurer Monitor and Evaluate Issue/Goal Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When Service to members Providing a quality newsletter bi-monthly. Ongoing Membership Providing Kiwi Parent Mag on bi-monthly Provide quality basis service to current Providing e-newsletter on bi-monthly and members and as needed basis encourage Offer relevant Parent Education courses renewals Provide social activities and events relevant to new parents Retention of members (renewals) Ongoing Providing a coupon for one free Parent Seminar class on renewal Ongoing Heavily reduced Parent Educations courses to members Ongoing Providing Retailer discounts ( e.g. Baby Aug 2009 Factory) Committee Source prizes/sponsorhsip for bi-monthly Ongoing renewals and advertise in the newsletter. Retiring Committee members now offered one year membership for first year of duty and then $20 voucher per year hereafter. Promoting Parents community. Centre to the Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate Committee Volunteer Hours Committee Membership Administrator Volunteer hrs Committee Parent Ed Convenor Volunteer hrs Volunteer to be found Volunteer Hrs achieved by Volunteer Hrs HR Admin General Fund wider Ongoing Attracting and Continue with core tasks and ensure strategies to maintaining negate burn out of committee members committee clarity of role and tasks within committee. members to each event/issue taken on merit/energy of continue to provide committee to commit to at the time. services. Combine and simplify roles and tasks. Dinner rosters and relief of duties for new parents Continual checking of centre workload Membership Admin Newsletter Editor Ongoing Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Co-Presidents Volunteer hrs Committee Issue/Goal Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When and referencing against core business Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate HR Admin Volunteer hrs Committee Parent Ed course leaders Volunteer hrs Committee HR Admin Membership Committee HR Admin Volunteer hrs Committee Co-Presidents, Secretary Volunteer hrs Committee achieved by December 2009 Creation of ‘Why Volunteer’ Brochure to be used at all events, within KP etc. Ongoing Target Parent Education courses and promote opportunities for joining committee. Throughout 2009/10 Maintain volunteer list and promote/encourage one-off assistance. Use Google Docs to encourage self monitoring of changes to contact Ongoing details. 2009/10 Monthly Organise regular social events for committee and family. Have a committee coffee group run on the Ongoing first Friday of every month. Hold committee meetings once a month to ensure effective communication and team building. Agendas to go out one week prior to meeting, Ongoing minutes to come out by one week after. Maintain new volunteer information folder containing new Committee understandings document, history of WAPC, structure, important March 2010 info etc. HR Admin Volunteer / Committee / Fundraising RC Co-Presidents Volunteer Hrs. Committee Volunteer Hrs Committee All Committee Creation of Presidents Role folder to ensure good Dec 2009 handover and to contain all important information about WAPC Encourage all Volunteers to write/update a manual for their role and provide a job description. Issue/Goal Fundraising Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When Rationalise and sell redundant WAPC assets to Dec 2009 raise money. Still to sell old Hammock and old library books Attract funding to cover Conference, boost Library, Products: Ongoing Newsletter, Source high quality products to sell to our upgrade teaching members. resources, courses Create Products List to go in CBE packs for 2007, 2008 and Create products page on the website. beyond. Product Co-Ordinator to liaise with class hosts of each class (CBE & Parent Ed) to ensure that sales are maximised. Hirage Products: Create items for hire section on website Create items for hire section in newsletter Put items for hire sheet in CBE kits. Current items for hire include Hammock & Birthday Party Kit Put a permanent reminder on bottom of e-news that we have hire items available and click through to XXX Investigate further hiring opportunities including cake tins, exersaucers, baby swings etc. Create hirage flier to be sent to all renewing members Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate Volunteer to be found Self Funding Committee Products Co-Ordinator Self funding Committee Volunteer to be found as a Lending Co-Ordinator Self Funding Committee Volunteer needed as Grants Co-Ordinator Volunteer Committee Hours & Self funding Volunteer needed as Fundraising CoOrdinator Volunteer Committee Hours & Self funding achieved by September 2009 December 2009 December 2009 Ongoing Grants Apply for as many grants as possible to cover all possible running costs and courses as required. Ongoing Apply for grant to acquire TENS machines & to update centre resources (CBE, library books & DVDs) Who is responsible Funding Monitor and Evaluate Plan for Parents Centre Week in June 2010, Planning displays in all Waitakere libraries and try and March 2010 Plan to actively secure story in local newspaper. for June promote Parents 2010 Centre in the community. Gift baskets to all mothers in Waitakere hospital Start on Mothers Day 2010 organising March 2010 Marketing Co-ordinator – volunteer to be found Volunteer Hrs Committee Marketing Co-ordinator – volunteer to be found Volunteer hrs Redo Large WAPC posters to be clearer, more up March 2010 to date and appealing Marketing Co-ordinator – volunteer to be found Source advertiser for back of WAPC brochure Marketing Co-ordinator – volunteer to be found Issue/Goal Concerns completed identified/Tasks to be When achieved by Other Stuck on You Jaffa Run – where committee commitments allow. Positive Negatives, 2 day session in October Fishpond affiliation Source other means of passive and active fundraising. Including but not limited to selling chocolates, seeds etc. Investigate option of Market Day. Marketing March 2010 Liaise with WCC to provide council chambers as Planning Events Co-Ordinator – a venue for the 2009 latch on event. June 2009, volunteer to be found Event Aug 2009 Committee Committee Grant, Volunteer Hours Committee Volunteer Hours Committee Volunteers hrs Organise Walking presence in the Annual WCC Planning Events Co-Ordinator – White Ribbon Parade Oct 2009. volunteer to be found Event Nov 2009 Organise walking float in Henderson Santa Plan Oct Events Co-Ordinator – Parade 2009, Event volunteer to be found Dec 2009 Toddler Day Out 2010 – Continue to promote WAPC and provide breastfeeding area. Aim to sell more product in 2010 and have more activities for toddlers/pre-schoolers. Use as key marketing event for Toddler course Planning Events Co-Ordinator – Jan 2010, volunteer to be found Event Mar 2010 Dec 2009 Committee Volunteers hrs Committee Volunteer Hrs Website Co-Ordinator & President Rationalise website and reduce number of pages to make more user friendly and accessible Ongoing Marketing Co-ordinator General promotion of centre through fundraising and social activities Ongoing Marketing Co-ordinator Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Volunteer hrs Establish ongoing contact with Western Leader Newsletter All existing and new advertisers to be on the new rates. Committee Volunteers hrs Committee Volunteer hrs Oct/Nov 2009 Oct/Nov 2009 Advertising revenue funds newsletter printing and distribution costs (i.e. newsletter breaks even). Is possible if we leave paying of Kiwi Parent out of the equation. Will require ongoing analysis (allocation of revenue and costs to each issue – Dec/Jan requires setting up of newsletter cost centre in 2010 monthly accounts) Find a sponsor for Birth Journeys to encourage Sept 2009 non-committee contributions Ongoing Newsletter Editor – volunteer to be found Newsletter Editor, Advertising CoOrdinator, Treasurer Committee Volunteer Hrs & Self Funding Committee Volunteer Hrs & Self Funding Newsletter Editor & Advertising Co-Ordinator Committee Volunteer Hrs Newsletter Editor Newsletter Editor Committee Volunteer Committee Build and maintain a database of potential articles, ideas and contributors. Hrs Ongoing Plan newsletter themes, key articles contributors two issues in advance. Newsletter Editor and Produce good quality newsletters with relevant content and a consistent look and feel that our Ongoing members want to read and advertisers which to pay for. E-Newsletter Ongoing Aim to send out a bi-monthly update and eflashes where necessary. Integrate E-news as a key component to recruitment, fundraising and general Marketing & PR. E-News Editor Volunteer to be found PCNZ Maintain a healthy working relationship at a Regional and National level. National Continue to feed back to National Office where Ongoing needed regarding the needs of our local Centre. Feedback including consultation documents. Explore the meaning of PCNZ’s Strategic December Partnerships and what it means for us as a 2009 Centre. Refer to Strategic Partner Summaries provided by National Office. Ongoing Continue to work closely with other Auckland centres to share ideas and potentially costs. Volunteer Hrs E-News Editor Volunteer to be found Committee Committee Volunteer Hrs, main funds to pay for subscription Continue to promote to other PCs as a way of gaining funds into our account through referral credits Regional Attend Regional Meetings and invite CAT to AGM Ongoing and other events. Provide newsletters centres in our region and CAT. Committee Volunteer Hrs President NA Committee Committee NA Committee Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Committee Volunteer hrs Committee Financials To prepare monthly Profit & Loss statements for Ongoing the committee 2008 Treasurer N/A Committee To ensure end of year financials are completed April 2010 and submitted to Auditor for 2010 AGM Treasurer N/A Committee/ NO To produce proposed Annual Budget for 2009/10 March 2010 Centre Plan Treasurer N/A Committee / NO To submit Annual accounts to Incorporated June 2009 Societies and National Office Treasurer N/A Committee/ NO Appendices Six – Budget for 2009 / 10 Account 4-0000 4-1000 4-1100 4-1110 4-1120 4-1200 4-2000 4-2100 4-3000 4-3100 4-3300 4-3400 4-3500 4-3600 4-3700 4-3800 4-3900 4-4000 4-4100 4-4200 4-4300 4-4500 4-5000 4-5200 4-5300 4-5500 4-6000 4-6100 4-6119 4-6140 4-6150 4-6155 4-6160 4-6300 4-6900 4-6905 4-6910 4-6980 Income Subscriptions General Member Subscriptions WAPC Membership (antenatal) PCNZ Membership (antenatal) Committee Member Subscriptions Advertising Newsletter Advertising Parent Education Antenatal Class Fees Baby & You Fees Moving & Munching Fees Other Course Fees CPR Course Parenting Seminars Yoga Music and Movement Other Income Other Funding Kiwi Parent Magazine Sales Book Sales Other Donations Grants Tutor Funding Hours The Trusts Charitable Foundat Other Grants Fundraising Merchandise Sales Toddler Day Out Hireage Birthday Party Kit (Income) Bubble Sales (Income) Hammock Positive Negatives F/R Entertainment Books Stuck On You Jaffa Run Other Fundraising Total Income Type Income Income Income Dr/Cr Credit Credit Credit Type Header Header Detail Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Income Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Detail Header Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Header Header Header Header Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Level 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 $10,075.00 $ 6,953.00 $ 302.00 2,049.00 $ 284.00 Budget 2009 $ $ 2,933.00 $ 2,933.00 $ 300.00 $ 2,132.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 9,336.00 $ 5,031.00 $ 756.00 $ 116.00 $ 440.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ 12,071.00 $ 2,573.00 $ 2,630.00 $ 53.00 $ 1,753.00 $ 260.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,178.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,720.00 1,991.11 1,774.22 1,799.11 853.33 - $ 777.00 12,488.00 $ 980.00 $ 7,071.00 $ 7,355.00 $ $ $ 6,000.00 - 1,515.00 - $ 1,235.00 $ 590.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 300.00 $ $ $ $ 370.00 $ 1,613.00 $ 40.00 $ 1,074.00 $ $ 50,215.00 $ 500.00 $ 150.00 $ $ 500.00 $ 1,300.00 $ $ 100.00 $ $ 41,353.78 $ $ $ $ to be split into WAPC / PCNZ lines see parenting seminars NEW NEW NEW NEW from Henderson High School - are we sure? to be confirmed NEW $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 288.00 640.00 43,813.00 NEW NEW 6-0000 6-1000 6-1100 6-1109 6-1110 6-1150 6-1250 6-1300 6-1310 Expenses Membership Expenses Stationery Postage Photocopying Kiwi Parent Magazine Newsletter Production Costs Levies Gifts Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Header Header Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 432.00 123.00 5.50 3,095.00 4,420.00 3,938.00 1,356.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 440.00 267.00 2,846.00 4,415.00 3,591.00 62.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 440.00 200.00 3,375.00 4,200.00 4,000.00 - 6-1350 6-1360 Committee Membership Retirement Committee Training Expense Expense Debit Debit Detail Detail 3 3 $ $ 60.00 - $ $ 252.00 70.00 $ $ 100.00 - 6-3000 6-3010 6-3100 6-3101 6-3102 6-3103 Parent Education Marketing - Parent Education Antenatal Course Expenses CBE Costs Antenatal Host Fee A/N Speaker's Fee Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Header Header Header Detail Detail Detail 2 3 3 4 4 4 $ 180.00 6-3104 A/N Supper Box Expense Debit Detail 6-3105 6-3106 6-3108 6-3109 6-3110 6-3112 6-3114 6-3116 6-3200 6-3205 6-3300 6-3302 6-3303 6-3304 A/N Venue Hire A/N Kits & Books Teaching Resources A/N Postage A/N Photocopying A/N Stationery A/N Enquiries Gifts For Baby''s Parents Antenatal Refresher Expenses Venue Hire Baby & You Course Expenses B&Y Host Fee B&Y Speaker's Fee B&Y Supper Box Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit 6-3305 6-3310 6-3312 6-3400 6-3402 6-3403 6-3404 B&Y Venue Hire Photocopying Other Costs Moving & Munching Expenses M&M Host Fee M&M Speaker's Fee Supper Box Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense 6-3405 Venue Hire Expense $ - $ - $ $ $ 760.00 1,735.00 6,298.00 $ $ $ 7,167.00 1,439.00 538.00 $ $ $ 10,483.00 1,540.00 - 4 $ 412.00 $ 477.00 $ - Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Header Detail Detail Detail 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,010.00 2,476.00 53.00 8.89 105.00 382.00 260.00 74.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,769.00 3,837.00 27.00 4.44 233.00 429.00 45.00 14.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 280.00 1,027.00 107.00 $ $ $ 540.00 384.00 99.00 $ $ $ 480.00 1,440.00 - Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 $ $ $ 419.00 82.00 - $ $ $ 604.00 24.00 17.30 $ $ $ 864.00 10.00 - $ $ $ 220.00 60.00 - $ $ $ 120.00 337.00 9.60 $ $ $ 200.00 750.00 - Debit Detail 4 $ 100.00 $ 241.00 $ 360.00 1,769.00 3,800.00 10.00 300.00 430.00 67.00 Remove from accounts list - see gifts and cards in committee expenses Remove from accounts list - see training in committee expenses NEW Remove from accounts list - replaced with CBE costs Remove from accounts list - replaced with Supper Box General Journal to be written from postage general Remove from account list - no longer in use Remove from account list - no longer in use Remove from accounts list - replaced with Supper Box General Remove from accounts list - replaced with Supper Box General 6-3406 6-3408 6-3409 6-3410 6-3500 6-3501 6-3503 6-3505 6-3600 6-3602 6-3603 6-3604 Kits & Books Teaching Resources Postage Photocopying Other Course Expenses CBE Costs Speaker's Fee Venue Hire CPR Course CPR Host Fee CPR Speaker Fees CPR Supper Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 $ $ $ $ 155.00 - $ $ $ $ 801.00 15.00 17.78 $ $ $ $ 700.00 20.00 10.00 $ $ $ 65.00 106.00 $ $ $ 49.74 100.00 91.00 $ $ $ 140.00 747.00 6.88 $ $ $ 220.00 640.00 38.00 $ $ $ 160.00 720.00 - 6-3605 6-3606 6-3610 6-3700 6-3702 6-3703 6-3704 Venue Hire Teaching Resources Photocopying Parenting Seminars Host Fees Speaker's Fee Supper Box Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 $ $ $ 275.00 13.00 $ $ $ 272.00 110.00 213.00 $ $ $ 320.00 168.00 $ $ $ - $ $ $ 100.00 100.00 16.55 $ $ $ 80.00 300.00 - 6-3705 6-3710 6-3712 6-3713 6-3800 6-3802 6-3803 6-3805 6-3900 6-3902 6-3903 6-3905 6-4000 6-4100 6-4150 6-4200 6-4300 6-4450 6-8100 6-8105 6-8109 6-8110 6-6000 6-6100 6-6110 6-6150 Venue Hire Photocopying Stationery Advertising Yoga Yoga Host Fees Yoga Instructor Fees Yoga Venue Hire Music and Movement Music and Movement Host Fees Music and Movement Speaker Fees Music and Movement Venue Hire Committee Expenses Functions Gifts & Cards Vouchers Training Security For Meetings Committee Stationery Committee Venue Hire Committee Postage Committee Photocopying Fundraising F/R General Merchandise Costs Freight Birthday Party Kit Costs Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Header Detail Detail Detail 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ 106.00 211.00 $ $ $ $ 144.00 10.00 150.00 Remove from account list - no longer in use Journal to be written from postage general Remove from account list - no longer in use Remove from account list - no longer in use Remove from accounts list - replaced with Supper Box General Was Books and Kits Remove from accounts list - replaced with Supper Box General Remove from account list - no longer in use NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 364.00 254.00 114.00 1.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21.00 277.00 550.00 315.00 61.00 254.00 268.00 350.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 200.00 550.00 200.00 150.00 250.00 350.00 $ $ $ 837.00 29.00 - $ $ $ 911.00 66.00 331.00 $ $ $ 2,500.00 66.00 200.00 Maybe move under Committee Expenses Maybe move under Committee Expenses Maybe move under Committee Expenses Maybe move under Committee Expenses 6-6155 6-6200 6-6900 6-6910 Bubbles Costs Positive Negatives F/R Entertainment Books Jaffa Run Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ 576.00 - $ $ $ $ 1,387.00 606.00 $ $ $ $ 135.00 150.00 1,040.00 - 6-7000 6-7100 6-7250 Other Expenses Subscriptions NZ MIDWIVES MEMBERSHIP Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Header Detail Detail 2 3 2 $ $ 80.00 - $ $ 90.00 - $ $ 100.00 - 6-7400 6-7500 6-8000 6-8103 6-8104 6-8108 6-8111 6-8112 Books Library Expenses Insurance PCNZ Annual Conference Costs AGM Costs PO Box Telephone Expenses Advertising Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 407.00 1,965.00 11.70 111.00 335.00 434.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 22.00 68.00 446.00 1,486.00 116.00 120.00 483.00 391.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 500.00 300.00 136.00 120.00 500.00 - 6-8113 6-8114 6-8116 6-8119 6-8200 6-8201 6-8202 6-8210 6-8300 6-9000 6-9106 6-9109 6-9110 6-9112 6-9114 6-9115 6-9118 6-9119 6-9120 6-9121 Audit Expenses General Admin PC Software Bank Charges Depreciation 30th Birthday Costs Storage Prepaid Envelopes Supper Box Costs Marketing Brochures Postage Photocopying Advertising Recruitment Posters PR Events Toddler Day Out Sausage Sizzle Christmas Party Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,092.00 69.00 13.88 1,030.00 391.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 158.00 398.00 36.06 947.00 320.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 460.00 40.00 850.00 360.00 650.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 56.00 84.00 151.00 79.00 126.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 900.00 535.00 486.00 905.00 1,260.00 815.00 18.00 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 900.00 530.00 500.00 130.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 330.00 100.00 6-9122 6-9123 6-9130 6-9135 Parent & Child Show Fathers Day Promotions Website E-News Total Expenses Expense Expense Expense Expense Debit Debit Debit Debit Detail Detail Detail Detail 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ 160.00 $ $ 40,576.85 Profit Was F/R Chocolate Was Library Expenses $3,236.15 $ 66.00 $ $ 145.00 $ $ 49,007.47 $1,207.53 $ $ $ 150.00 $ 250.00 $ 51,377.00 -$10,023.22 Remove from account list - merge into subscriptions Remove from account list - no longer in use Remove from account list - refer to Marketing Advertising Remove from account list - no longer in use NEW - note $2,200 already available NEW was Kits and Books Was Promotions Remove from account list - no longer in use Was supposed to delete - maybe move to Committee Expenses NEW