PRESENTATIONS & PRESENTERS Plenaries “Developing Effective

“Developing Effective Leadership Skills in English Language Education”
Type of Presentation: Plenary: 60 minutes
Presenter: MaryAnn Christison, University of Utah - Dept. of Linguistics/Urban Institute for Teacher Education
Mary Ann Christison is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and the Urban Institute for Teacher Education at the University
of Utah in Salt Lake City. She has taught in elementary, secondary, and adult education contexts. At university level she teaches
courses in both undergraduate and graduate programs for pre- and inservice teachers. She is the author of over 80 published and
refereed articles on language teaching and second language research and 17 professional books including What English Language
Teachers Need to Know I (Volumes 1 & II) and Leadership in English Language Education (co-authored with D. Murray), Multiple
Intelligences and Second Language Learning, A Handbook for Language Program Administrators (co-edited with F. Stoller), Seeking
the Heart of Teaching (co-authored with A. Palmer), Learning to Teach Language, and numerous activity and resource books for
teachers, such as Look Who's Talking, Community Spirit, Purple Cows and Potato Chips, and Drawing Out. Christison was TESOL
president 1997-98 and currently serves as a trustee for TIRF (The International Research Foundation for English Language
Education) She has been a classroom teacher for over 30 years and a teacher educator for 25 years, working with teachers in over 20
different countries.
Summary of the presentation:
If you believe that effective leaders are made and are not just born into their roles, then this is the presentation for you! The term
‘teacher leadership’ refers to more than pedagogical expertise, professionalism, enthusiasm, passion, and commitment. All schools
need these qualities in their teachers. Teacher leadership is action that enhances teaching and learning, that builds capacity and
community, and that advances the quality of life for members of the community. This workshop will focus on identifying the actions
of teacher leaders associated with bringing about the results described above. Participants will experience hands-on activities,
including the role of the personal intelligences in developing leadership skills.
“From Caterpillar to Butterfly - The Transformation of the Teacher”
Type of Presentation: Plenary
Level: Pre-Kinder / Kinder, Primary, Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: M. Celeste Grimau - STEPS- Cross-Cultural- Understanding
Prof. M. Celeste Grimau holds a degree of Profesora de Inglés from Instituto Santa Brígida. She is the director of STEPS of CrossCultural understanding and has been Head of the English Department at "Colegio Del Sol". She has contributed articles on education
to ARTESOL magazine, to the Buenos Aires Herald and has offered a number of workshops in Argentina and Chile. She has also
written articles and activities for the magazine English Teaching in Action and for E.I.M magazine. She is a storyteller and specializes
in storytelling as a teaching tool as well as games to teach languages. She has developed her own methodology based on the use of
games in the classroom. She has been a presenter at many international conferences for teachers of English in Argentina and Chile.
At the moment she is studying Drama at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Celeste is part of ARTESOL Board. She is a
passionate teacher who considers teaching as her mission, not only her job.
Summary of the presentation: Making changes is mandatory for success in this rapidly changing world. Students are no longer
passive, they need action, movement and to be leaders of their own process. In this practical presentation the presenter will show
teachers how to become the unforgettable butterfly that all teachers would like to be.
“Justifying Assessment Use in Educational Leadership”
Type of Presentation: Plenary
Presenter: Adrian Palmer - University of Utah
Adrian Palmer teaches a variety of courses in applied linguistics at the University of Utah. His areas of specialization include
language assessment, teacher training and professional development, and language teaching methodology. He regularly offers a
variety of workshops and presentations on these topics at international language conferences all over the world. Two of his recent
books include Seeking the Heart of Teaching (University of Michigan Press), 2007 and Language Assessment in Practice (Oxford
University Press), 2010.
Summary of the presentation: Leaders in education programs are frequently required to make recommendations about the
selection and use of language assessments. To convince stakeholders of the merits of these recommendations, leaders need to be
able to justify for their recommendations. Such justification has frequently been framed in terms of a set qualities of usefulness (for
example, Bachman & Palmer, 1996). However, while these qualities are a reasonable starting point, what has been lacking is a
specific structure for the argument that provides the rationale for assessment use. To provide such a structure, Bachman (2005) and
Bachman & Palmer (2010) have proposed an Assessment Use Argument. In this presentation, the overall structure of an Assessment
Use Argument will be presented. The components of an Assessment Use Argument will be introduced and examples provided to
illustrate how an Assessment Use Argument can be formulated and used by educational leaders.
Concurrent sessions (A – Z: Presenters)
“Tutoring: an Important Tool to Support First Year Students from Vulnerable Schools”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Presenter: Mary Jane Abrahams
Mary Jane Abrahams, teacher of English, MA in Education, has taught at university level for over 30 years. Her main interest is
teacher education and within that, methodology and mentoring. Lately she has been involved in training mentor trainers and
then mentors for schools in Chile, working very closely with the Ministry of Education. She is the head of Pedagogía en Inglés
at the School of Education in Universidad Alberto Hurtado, the Jesuit university in Chile. She has been the President of TESOL
Chile for the last six years.
Summary of the Presentation: Today, the percentage of first generation university students has increased dramatically so
the students we receive are not ready to become a productive group in terms of learning and professionalism. We created a
program for the 100 first year students to upgrade them and turn them into the students we expect.
“The Relation between Feedback and TEFL Students' Performance in Writing”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: University
Presenter: Loreto Aliaga Salas - Universidad Alberto Hurtado / TESOL Chile
Loreto Aliaga is a teacher of English and holds a MA in TEFL, from UMCE, Chile. Her main interest is writing for TEFL students
and teacher training.
Summary of the presentation: This presentation focuses on a mixed-method research carried out last year with first year
TEFL students in a reading and writing class. The main objective is to examine the influence that feedback in its various forms
has on students, through error and portfolio analysis throughout one academic semester.
“Looking for an Inclusive EFL Classroom: A Testimony of an Endeavour that Has just Begun”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary, University, Teacher Training.
Presenters: Loreto Aliaga, Constanza Araya, Nicole Osorio - Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Loreto Aliaga is a teacher of English and holds an MA in TEFL from UMCE. Her main interests are EFL writing and teaching
training. Constanza Araya is a third year TEFL student at Alberto Hurtado University. She has been participating in this project
since it began. She would be pleased to learn about how teachers can integrate different kind of students with varied skills and
specific needs. Nicole Osorio is a third year TEFL student at Alberto Hurtado University, and has been working on the project
since it began. She is very interested in students´ learning acquisition. Marcela Cabañas is a fifth year TEFL student at Alberto
Hurtado University. She has been working with children with special needs in different schools. She is happy to share some of
her experiences regarding this issue.
Summary of the Presentation: This presentation offers a testimony of a project carried out among a co-ed school, a special
needs school and TEFL students from UAH who have been able to teach English in an inclusive environment and have raised
the issue of training TEFL students on this matter.
“Improving Speaking Fluency: Foundations, Strategies, Activities”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: University, Teacher Training
Presenters: Lety Banks & & Hannah Grant-Boyajian - English Language Fellows
Lety Banks: M.A. TESOL, currently an English Language Fellow at Alberto Hurtado University. Professional interests include
teacher training, intensive academic English, and intercultural communications. Hannah Grant-Boyajian: M.A. TESOL,
currently an English Language Fellow at Universidad de Tarapacá Professional interests include ESP, academic reading &
writing, and vocabulary acquisition.
Summary of the presentation: Your students won´t speak in class? Or maybe they will but not for long? They will be making
lots of mistakes? They will say you correct them too much? Topics are too difficult? If all this sounds familiar, join us to learn
some speaking strategies and activities to keep focus on fluency. Come and speak your head off!
“The LRC Project”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: University & Teacher training
Presenter: Claudio Bastías – Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
Claudio Bastías has worked in many English pedagogy programs as a phonetics teacher, but also in the field of methodology.
Nowadays he is in charge of the general English program at Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins where he has fostered the use of
TICs in the English learning process.
Summary of the presentation: In 2011 Bernardo O´Higgins University established the Language Resource Center (LRC): a
hub for new language instruction, a catalyst to promote the widespread adoption of technology. The establishment of the LRC
allows the university to increase the number of students with an intermediate command of the language with innovative
language pedagogy.
“Using Technology to Integrate Language Skills”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary, Adult
Presenter: Jennifer Brown – Fullbright, Universidad Católica del Norte, Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.
Jennifer Brown is a visiting Fullbright Scholar at the Universidad Católica del Norte. She teaches English and coordinates the
online language learning program at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Jennifer has conducted numerous
teacher workshops on uses of instructional technology in the language classroom.
Summary of the presentation: The aim of this discussion is to explore techniques for using technology in an integrated skills
English course focused on current events. First, the presenter will introduce participants to the objectives of the course. Then,
she will show how the use of technology, such as social networking sites, PowerPoint, and video helps students accomplish
their end goal, which is to create a short documentary reflecting on a current event of their choice. Participants will leave with
ideas for how to include these online components in the courses they teach and will have access to a selection of the
presenter’s course materials.
“The Power of Music in Changing Minds”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Primary
Presenter: Claudia Carreras - Colegio Polivalente San Luis Beltrán
Claudia is an English teacher who graduated from Universidad Alberto Hurtado in 2009. She’s currently working at Colegio
San Luis Beltran from pre K to fourth grade. During 2009, as part of her university studies, she spent a semester in San
Francisco where she gained vital experience that she uses in her practice nowadays.
Summary of the presentation: Never underestimate how music can generate invaluable moments for conversation and
debate that can enrich your teaching practice and your students´ minds.
“Interactive Collaboratively Storytelling and Multimedia Group Work through Web Applications Voicethread and
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Presenters: Gerardo Ñancupán González - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Temuco.
Gerardo Ñancupán is a teacher of English at Universidad Católica de Temuco. He teaches English Phonetics to students from
the English Teaching Programme and the Translation Programme. He studied Phonetics at UCL, London, UK (2005-2006).
Summary of the presentation: Day by day the Internet gains more importance in the EFL classroom. With the help of
multimedia slide shows, interactive audio and video applications plus colorful, appealing and collaborative reading and
writing activities, visionary educators can play an important role as teacher leaders.
“Brain-Based Teaching Strategies for English Language Teachers”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Presenter: MaryAnn Christison - University of Utah - Dept. of Linguistics/Urban Institute for Teacher Education
MaryAnn Christison is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and the Urban Institute for Teacher Education at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City. She has taught in elementary, secondary, and adult education contexts. At the university
level she teaches courses in both undergraduate and graduate programs for pre- and inservice teachers. She is the author of
over 80 published and refereed articles on language teaching and second language research and 17 professional books
including What English Language Teachers Need to Know I (Volumes 1 & II) and Leadership in English Language Education (coauthored with D. Murray), Multiple Intelligences and Second Language Learning, A Handbook for Language Program
Administrators (co-edited with F. Stoller), Seeking the Heart of Teaching (co-authored with A. Palmer), Learning to Teach
Language, and numerous activity and resource books for teachers, such as Look Who's Talking, Community Spirit, Purple Cows
and Potato Chips, and Drawing Out. Christison was TESOL president 1997-98 and currently serves as a trustee for TIRF (The
International Research Foundation for English Language Education). She has been a classroom teacher for over 30 years and a
teacher educator for 25 years, working with teachers in over 20 different countries.
Summary of the presentation: The teaching methods and strategies we use in the second and foreign language classrooms
can either be compatible with or antagonistic to the brain's rules for meaningful learning. This paper will focus on 10 teaching
strategies that are consistent with how the brain learns. In the process of introducing the strategies, the presenter will provide
participants with an update on the most interesting and pertinent research from the neurosciences about the bilingual brain.
“Engage the Disengaged and Maximize your Students' Learning Potential!”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary, Adult learners
Presenter: Ellen Constantis - MM Publications
Ellen Konstantis was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, has completed an Honours BA in English and a Health and Social
Sciences BA in Counselling Psychology at the University of South Africa. She has been teaching English as a foreign language
since 1995. Her particular field of interest is language development in young children and adolescents. Mrs. Konstantis is
currently involved in teacher training and travels widely in this capacity. She is a familiar figure to teachers in many countries
throughout Europe and the Middle East where she has conducted teacher training seminars. She has worked with MM
Publications as an ELT consultant and teacher trainer for many years.
Summary of the presentation: Teaching teenagers is often seen as a daunting task, whereas in fact teaching teenagers can be
a rewarding and enjoyable experience. How? The better you understand their needs, interests and abilities, the more engaging
your lessons become. That's how you maximize their learning potential! In this session you will see how Full Blast! can engage
the disengaged and help you accomplish your goals as a teacher while keeping your students happy.
“Debates: an Interesting Way to Improve your Speaking and Listening Skills”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Secondary, Adult learners, University
Presenter: Jessica Contreras - Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique Liceo Academia Iquique, Bajo Molle.
Jessica Contreras Alvarez studied in English Teaching Program at Universidad Arturo Prat between 1998 and 2003, at the
same university she got her master´s degree in Education in 2006. She then worked up until last year at the same university
for the Bilingual Program. She also lived and worked as a full time teacher at Jiao Tong University City College in Xi´an, Shaanxi
Province, Popular Republic of China from August 2009 till July 2010; there she taught different subjects such as Creative
Writing and Latin American culture and customs. She was also the debate team coach and participated in the First Annual
China Open Debate Competition, held by IDEA (International Debate Educational Association) on May 28th to 30th, 2010, as a
judge and coach. Now she works at Liceo Academia Iquique, Bajo Molle with high school students.
Summary of the presentation: The main purpose of this activity is to improve students’ speaking and listening skills as well
as their Critical Thinking skills: they have to be very quick with their thoughts and listen attentively to their opponents in
order to rebut their arguments.
“Some Deviances in EFL Advanced Learners Written Production from the Textual Coding of Referents in English
Written Discourse”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenters: Pablo Corvalán & Leandro Silva – UMCE
Pablo Corvalán Reyes: University Lecturer of English language and English Grammar. He holds the degree of EFL teacher of
UMCE and an MA in English Linguistics of the U. de Chile. He was the creator of and subsequent coordinator of the MA in TEFL
at UMCE until 2009. His research interests cover English Grammar and Corpus-linguistics. Currently, he is the Head of the
English Departament at UMCE. Leandro Silva Bravo: University lecturer of English language. He holds the degree of Bachelor of
Arts in English Language and Literature (U. de Chile) and is currently doing a Master of Arts in English Linguistics at the same
institution. His research interests cover English grammar and Applied Linguistics.
Summary of the presentation: Corpus-based study that examines the features of advanced learners' written production and
compares them to authentic English texts.
“Differentiation Meets Literature Circles in the EFL Teenage Literature Classroom”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Presenter: Guillermo Duff – US Embassy Grantee
Summary of the presentation: The workshop will invite participants to reflect critically on traditional literature teaching
practices in the EFL classroom. It will also aim at exploring how literature circles and differentiated activities can present
more attractive alternatives to boost student interest and motivation.
“Pushing Students to More Autonomous Learning with Rubrics”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Primary, Secondary, Adult learners, University
Presenter: Martha Epperson – English Language Fellow Program/ English Opens Door Program
Martha Epperson is an English Language Fellow currently working with at the Chilean Ministry of Education's English Opens
Doors Program in Santiago. Prior to her arrival in Chile, she worked as an ESL/EFL teacher, trainer, and program coordinator
in the United States, Europe, and Puerto Rico.
Summary of the presentation: Teachers recognize that rubrics are a fundamental part of any course today. However, they
often merely present rubrics to students rather than modeling how to use rubrics. Thus, this workshop will focus on the
process of teaching students how to use rubrics, ultimately pushing students to deeper, more autonomous learning.
“Training the Trainer in Chile”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Primary, Secondary, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Martha Epperson – English Language Fellow Program/ English Opens Door Program
The English Opens Doors Program principal objective is to improve the level of English of students from 5th grade to 12th
grade through the definition of learning standards, teacher training and support for English teachers inside the classroom. The
English Language Fellow Program is administered by Georgetown University and funded by the US Department of State.
Summary of the presentation: In conjunction with Mineduc´s English Opens Doors Program, English Language Fellows are
currently working with regional network coordinators. Each month, Fellows train coordinators who, in turn, train their own
networks. This panel will explain the structure of this project and provide perspectives from coordinators and Fellows.
“Analyzing the Effect of Interactive Processing and Authentic Materials in Listening Comprehension”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Secondary
Presenter: Yarella Espinoza - Universidad de los Lagos, Osorno.
Yarella Espinoza was born in Osorno, Chile in 1987 where she concluded her primary, secondary and University education in
public institutions. She successfully obtained her minor in Pedagogy of English at the Universidad de los Lagos, where she is
still finishing the degree of Translator. During her third year at university she was awarded a scholarship that allowed her to
spend one term at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. This helped improve the level of her English and motivated her to
become a good teacher. Currently, she is undertaking research funded by a scholarship awarded by Universidad de los Lagos.
Summary of the presentation: 23 out of 30 secondary students from a public Chilean high school improved their listening
comprehension after being exposed to the interactive processing of listening comprehension and authentic audiovisual
materials in the English lessons.
“Reaching At-Risk Students through Language”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Secondary, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Bonnie Fedge - Universidad de Bio-Bio, Chillan / English Language Fellow
Bonnie is currently teaching at the Universidad de Bio-Bio in Chillan with the English Language Fellows Program. Previously,
she taught High School in the Bronx, NYC.
Summary of the presentation: Targeting students with lower academic backgrounds, lower income, or pulling them out of
abusive or criminal situations by teaching language with high-motivation, high-interest and high- importance, including lesson
examples and concepts critical to reaching At-Risk students. Most effective for students ages 12 and up.
“The Power of Puppets to Develop Communicative Language Skills”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Pre-Kinder / Kinder, Primary, Secondary
Presenter: Harvest Ficker - Ministry of Education English Opens Doors Progam
Harvest is an English Language Fellow working with the Ministry of Education to train teachers in the IV Region on classroom
management and student engagement strategies. She has 5 years´ experience teaching children and adults English and Spanish
in the United States and Turkey.
Summary of the presentation: Presenter will model five ways to enhance K-12th grade students´ communicative English
skills through the use of puppets. Participants will experience how each technique works and identify how these interactive
and motivating uses of puppets can help English learners develop speaking and listening skills, build fluency, and gain
“The English Lesson is Part of Pre-School Students’ Natural Learning”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Presenter: Georgina Gallego - Pearson ELT Consultants
Georgina was born in Chile. She studied at Colegio Compañía de María. Her professional studies were at Universidad
Metropolitana, where she graduated as an English Teacher. Some years later she received a PD in Multiple Intelligences at the
same University. She has worked as an English Teacher in Chile and the USA. (Turrentine Middle School, NC) Today she is an
ELT Consultant for Pearson.
Summary of presentation: The English lesson is not an isolated part of the pre-school student’s curriculum. This workshop is
devoted to make teachers reflect on this and discover by themselves how easy it is to teach following the same curricular
foundation as a pre-school teacher.
“It’s my Turn: An Initiative for Rural Children to Learn English”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Teacher training
Presenters: Maria Paz Gatica & Alicia Paez - English Opens Doors Program/ Ministry of Education
M.Paz Gatica: Experienced teacher and education public policy manager in the field of English as a foreign language Alicia
Paez: A teacher of English with more than twenty years of experience in the Chilean school system and at university level.
Currently working at the English Opens Doors program as a coordinator of the Teacher professional development area.
Summary of the presentation: “It’s my turn” is an educational resource in DVD format that supports the teaching and
learning of English as a foreign language in rural schools. It has been developed by specialists in the field in accordance with
the National Curriculum in order to present English in an entertaining way to students who are beginning to learn English for
the first time in 5th grade.
“How to Survive Working in Corners with all Ages”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Primary, Secondary
Presenters: Loreto Gómez Cerón, Eileen Hott, Hayley Smith - Colegio San Luis Beltrán, Pudahuel, Santiago.
Summary of the presentation: Firsthand experience of a successful corners program in a subsidized school in a high risk
area. This is about our recipe to accomplish real communication experiences.
“Generation Z: An Application of Performance Arts and Digital Technologies for English Language Learning”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Secondary, University
Presenter: Brianna Hill - Universidad de Talca
Brianna Hill graduated with honors from Yale with a degree in English. She won a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship
and has four years experience as a professor at Universidad de Talca. She has presented at international congresses such as
IDEA World Congress, Brazil 2010 (International Drama/Theater Education Association).
Summary of the presentation: This presentation will examine an application of digital technologies and performance arts in
the Universidad de Talca language program: Generation Z Global Stage. Through a series of slides and short clips, this
presentation will reflect on the role of the EFL teacher as the doorway to the global stage.
“Teaching & Learning English in Rural Areas: The Elqui Valley’s Experience”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Primary
Presenter: Yali Horta Hurtado - Fundación Educacional Oportunidad
Yali is a Spanish elementary education teacher from the Universidad Alberto Hurtado. With an M.S. in Education from the
University of Miami, Yali has taught Spanish and English to children, youth and adults in Chile and in the United States. She is
interested in teaching through the arts (music, painting, photography) to integrate the different learning subjects. Ana Miriam
Ochoa Castro is the local teachers´ coordinator and the English teacher for the six most isolated single-teacher schools in the
Elqui Valley. Ana is an English teacher and psychopedagogist, and graduated from the Universidad de Atacama. Very
committed to her community, Ana is known for her enthusiasm and love for her students.
Summary of the presentation: This presentation shows how four English teachers in the Elqui Valley engage their students
in meaningful learning experiences. The challenges and opportunities encountered by this team of English teachers is well
known by their fellows everywhere in Chile. Therefore, we want to exchange good practices that encourage the participation
of the community as a whole.
“Empowering Learner-centered Lessons Based on the ECRIF Framework”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Presenter: José Ibaceta – US Embassy Grantee
Summary of the presentation: Most Chilean students tend to be passive participants in the classroom; methodologies used
to teach English in Chile do not allow them to be the main actors of their learning experience. ECRIF is a framework intended
to change this reality by means of providing a learner-centered approach.
“Feeling Overwhelmed with Large Classes? There is a Way Out!!”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Teacher training
Presenter: Suzuki Koda & Amada Lafertte - Instituto Inmaculada Concepción
Suzuki Koda is an EFL teacher with 13 years of working experience in public, semi public and rural schools. Currently head of
the English network in Valdivia and teacher at the Inmaculada Concepcion School. She will present this workshop with her
colleague Amada Lafertte.
Summary of the presentation: “Feeling overwhelmed with large classes?” This is a workshop which aims at helping teachers
try to find a way out in three simple and easy-to-follow steps.
“Getting Better and Better: Innovative Activities for Teaching Reading and Writing”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Secondary, University
Presenter: Enrique Linán Saavedra - EL CULTURAL - Centro Peruano Americano, Trujillo – Perú
Enrique Linán graduated in Education from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. He has been an EFL teacher for more than six
years. He holds international certificates such as DELF, ECCE, ECPE, and CAE. He also holds an ELT methodology certificate
from Universidad de Piura (UDEP). He currently works at Centro Peruano Americano “El Cultural”, where he is dedicated to
teaching English in the Basic-Intermediate, and Advanced Programs. He is also a part-time teacher at Universidad Privada del
Norte (UPN). He is a candidate for the Laureate English Teaching Certificate Program, offered by LIU. He has attended TESOL
conventions in Peru and the US (Boston). Mr. Linán has lectured for Peru TESOL (Tarapoto, Arequipa), and has been part of the
Training Sessions for New Teachers at El Cultural, Trujillo. He has also presented workshops at local schools, UCV language
department and UCV language Center. His main interests are adult pedagogy and methodology.
Summary of the presentation: Students might sometimes feel reluctant towards reading and writing; therefore, in this
presentation, we will share some fun yet meaningful activities that help stimulate ideas, encourage fluency, and assist the
language process. All of these activities give students opportunities to share their reading/writing techniques and be confident
in doing so.
“ESP Best Practices”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Julio Llanos - Universidad de Magallanes
Julio Llanos is an EFL teacher from Punta Arenas, Chile. He has worked in teacher training for 3 years at Universidad de
Magallanes. His main area of interest is ESP, where he combines his expertise in tourism and second language acquisition. In
2010, he completed an ESP Course at the University of Oregon and travelled to EL INVU de Peñas Blancas to participate in a
SIT course in Language Teacher Training.
Summary of the presentation: This workshop is intended for teachers interested in teaching English for Academic Purposes
(students who will study abroad) and English for Occupational Purposes (Students who will use English at their work place).
English for Specific Purposes Best Practices will provide teachers with activities that address students who need English
abroad and in Chile.
“The EFL Teacher as a Turning Point in the Classroom”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Teacher training
Presenter: Felipe Martínez – Universidad Austral de Chile & Carmen Luengo – Colegio Maria Auxiliadora
Felipe Andrés Martinez Corona is an EFL teacher at Universidad Austral de Chile from Valdivia. Former exchange British
Council Language Assistant in Northamptonshire, England. As member of a research team from Universidad Austral de Chile,
he has presented at International Conferences related to EFL and Arts. During the last years he has been collaborating with the
English Opens Doors Programme as a Monitor for the Winter and Summer Camps in the cities of Valdivia and Coyhaique.
Carmen Gloria Luengo Pereira is an EFL teacher at Colegio María Auxiliadora from Valdivia. Former exchange Language
Assistant in Worcestershire, England. As member of a research team from Universidad Austral de Chile, she has presented at
International Conferences related to EFL and Arts. During the last years she has been collaborating with the English Opens
Doors Programme as a Monitor for the Winter and Summer Camps in the cities of Valdivia, La Unión, Coyhaique and Puerto
Summary of the presentation: This presentation aims at explaining and reflecting on effective motivational strategies that
educators can apply in the Chilean EFL classroom. Different initiatives to promote the interest in the foreign language are
shared by mentioning the current trends on motivation. Similarly, the role of the teacher as a motivational agent is highlighted
based on students´ performance and affective issues that certainly have an impact on the effective language.
“Exposing Undergraduates to Online Multimedia to Achieve Reading Comprehension”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: University
Presenter: Patrick Matzler - Universidad Catolica del Maule
Born in 1972 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Attended schools in Switzerland (both in German and Italian) and in Portugal. Studied
for a BSc in Architecture at University College London, England, from 1993 - 1996. Worked at an architecture studio in
London, England, from 1996 - 1998. Arrived in Chile in 1998.Worked as English teacher from 2004 to 2009, at Universidad
Santo Tomás and Universidad Autónoma, both in Talca. Since 2010, teaches full-time at Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca.
Since 2011, is the head of department for teaching English to 20 different career paths offered at the University, overseeing a
staff of 10 English teachers.
Summary of the presentation: Instead of teaching abstract English reading comprehension, at the Universidad Católica del
Maule we have selected real-life online multimedia material specific to each of the 20 careers we offer. We believe that this
challenge makes better use of the students´ knowledge base and empowers them to improve their metacognitive skills.
“Videos, DVDs and EFL Learners”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Primary, Secondary, Adult learners
Presenter: Olga Mella - Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Olga Mella Graduated from Universidad de Chile in 1971. In 1994 was awarded TESOL Certificate, Trinitity College and in
2006 M.A. in Professional Studies in Education, Kingston University, England. In 2008, she received a Training Mentor Trainers
Diploma in Universidad Alberto Hurtado. She has worked in different institutions, such as Instituto Chileno Británico de
Cultura, Instituto Nacional (in charge of Language Laboratory giving in-training courses to teachers from Región
Metropolitana), Academia Diplomática Andrés Bello, Universidad Gabriela Mistral and the Association of British Schools
(giving classes to teachers). She has been working as teacher trainer of in-service teachers since 1978. At present she is
working at Universidad Alberto Hurtado giving Language and Methodology classes, and at UMCE as a supervisor of Teaching
Practice and teacher in the TEFL Magister. Publications: In 1978 “The Teaching of Pronunciation” for the Centro de
Perfeccionamiento, Experimentaciones e Investigaciones Pedagógicas, Santiago. In 2005 “Big Box“, a textbook for Elementary
students for Richmond Publishing. In 2005 Interacting with authentic materials, TESOL magazine in Chile.
Summary of the presentation: Videos and DVDs are one of the best resources teachers can use to motivate and engage EFL
learners. They let them experience real feelings of accomplishment when students understand what happens in a situation
where native speakers use English in real daily life interactions.
“From Anonymous Google User to a Google Rock Star: Let students rock!”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Pre-Kinder/Kinder, Primary, Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Mauricio Miraglia - Universidad Alberto Hurtado/ TESOL Chile web developer
Mauricio Miraglia, MA Instructional Technology, Columbia University & TEFL. Expert in Educational Technology projects,
former National Coordinator for Mineduc's Talleres Comunales, and current ICT Project Coordinator for the School of
Education at Alberto Hurtado University. Main interests are curriculum-based integration of media and technologies and
technology literacy as part of 21st Century life skills.
Summary of the presentation: Teachers partner with Google technologies to trigger smart research, team collaboration,
documentation, project design, and product delivery. Participants learn how to model successful teamwork. The teacher, as a
facilitator, engenders a thinking culture while students work on making a product that reflects language learning. Participants
will implement a small project to implement back in their schools.
“Producers, not Consumers: Wikis and English Language Learning”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Secondary, Adult learners, University
Presenter: Rashid Moore - Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Rashid Moore has taught EFL and TESOL courses in Malaysia, Chile, Ecuador and the United States over the past 25 years.
Dr. Moore has a Ph.D. in Language Education from Indiana University in the United States.
Summary of the presentation: In this workshop on wikis, the presenter will discuss the basics of creating a wiki, such as
adding text, uploading files, embedding YouTube videos, and inviting and restricting wiki participants. A sample wiki created
with the input of Chilean high school students will be discussed.
“Free Online ELT Resources”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Primary, Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Lisa Morgan – RELO U.S. Embassy, Santiago
Lisa Morgan is the Regional English Language Officer at the U.S. Embassy, Santiago. She covers English language programming
in Chile Paraguay, Uruguay and Paraguay. She holds a PhD in Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Policy.
Summary of the presentation: The presenter highlights free online resources from the Office of English Language Programs
in Washington D.C. and demonstrates how teachers can utilize them in their lessons for English language and U.S. culture,
while keeping in mind learner-centeredness and active language use. Participants will have the opportunity to try out the
activities and to give feedback as to their usefulness in their own classrooms.
“Pronunciation through Web Technology, Fun and Culture”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Secondary & University
Presenter: Gerardo Ñancupán González - Universidad Católica de Temuco
Gerardo Ñancupán is a teacher of English. He also studied Phonetics at University College London (UCL), London, UK (20052006). He is currently working as a teacher of English Phonetics in the English Teaching Programme and the Translation
Programme, at Universidad Católica de Temuco.
Summary of the presentation: All-time famous sitcom “Friends” could be a friendly and appealing tool to approach the often
so-called boring subject of pronunciation. Friends provides our students with a fun context for improving their pronunciation
skills through watching, using web tools, role-playing and learning about American culture. Comedy, fun, jokes and culture are
powerful allies in our students´ learning process.
“Addressing Multiliteracies in Chilean EFL Contexts”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Presenters: Roxana Orrego, Miguel Farias, Katica Obilinovic – USACH
Roxana Orrego, Ph.D. Professor of English, Research Methods in Linguistics and Linguistics at Universidad de Santiago de
Chile. Director of the Modern Languages Center (CELEM). Her research fields are reading comprehension from multimodal
texts, academic writing and visual literacy. Miguel Farías, Ph.D.President of Sociedad Nacional de Profesores de Lenguas
Extranjeras en la Enseñanza Superior (SONAPLES). Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the School of
Humanities, USACH. His research interests include discourse analysis and multimodality in language learning. Katica
Obilinovic, Ph.D. Director and Professor in the Master´s Program in Linguistics and in the English Teaching Program at
Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Currently involved in research in multimodality and second language learning.
Summary of the presentation: This presentation will address the topic of multiliteracies in Chilean EFL contexts with special
attention to the development of a metalanguage to understand image and text relations which might allow a better
understanding of meaning making through visual literacy. These issues will be illustrated by an ongoing research university
“Self-access Center = Autonomous Language Learning?”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Adult learners, Teacher training
Presenter: Sergio Peña - Universidad Autónoma de Chile
MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, Ohio University, USA. BA in English Teaching and Education, Universidad de Los Lagos,
Chile. Diploma in TESOL Teacher Education, The University of Queensland, Australia. Diploma in Competency-based
curriculum, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile. Fulbright Scholar, 2007-2009. Becas Chile Grantee 2010.
Summary of the presentation: The present paper examines the role of self-access center (SAC) in English majors language
learning and its relationship with learning autonomy. Conditions such as an academic advisor, learning pathways and a SAC
philosophy were established. Results showed that the atmosphere, the advisor and guided tasks were fundamental for
autonomous learning.
“The Use of Drama Strategies and the Teaching of English”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Pre-Kinder / Kinder, Primary, Secondary, Adult learners
Presenter: Victor Hugo Peña - Universidad de Los Lagos
Victor Hugo Peña works at Universidad de Los Lagos and is also a teacher of English at Liceo Fray Pablo de Royo. Holds a MA
in TESOL from Institute of Education, University of London.
Summary of the presentation: This report aims to unpack drama techniques used by English secondary teachers in the
development of listening and speaking skills. It analyses the interview and questionnaire´s data provided by teachers and
secondary students. The results indicate that the most used frequent drama techniques are mimicry and role-play.
“Best Teaching Practices when Using Movies in the Language Classroom”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Marcela Quintana Lara & Maria Isabel Trillo - Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique
María Isabel Trillo (M. Ed.) teaches Language Practice and Morphosyntax at Universidad Arturo Prat. She holds a PostGraduate degree in Translation Studies. Her academic interests are English-practice supervisions, methodology, and phonetics.
Marcela Quintana Lara (Ph.D.) is an instructor at Universidad Arturo Prat. She teaches Applied Linguistics, Methodology, and
Language Practice. Her research interests are related to pronunciation and applied phonetics.
Summary of the presentation: Presenters discuss and demonstrate innovative teaching practices to work effectively and
efficiently with movies by integrating the four language skills with course contents.
“Incorporating CALL, Task Based and Cooperative Learning into the Classroom”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Adult learners, University
Presenter: Angie Quintanilla – Universidad San Sebastián
Profesor de Inglés. Universidad de Concepción. Magister en Lingüística. Universidad de Concepción.
Summary of the presentation: The purpose of this presentation is to share the benefits of incorporating CALL, Task Based
and Cooperative Learning into pedagogical practices through a research project that was conducted with adult learners and
university students as a way of enhancing linguistic abilities as well as technological literacy.
“Music and Songs with the Little Ones”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Pre-Kinder / Kinder, Primary
Presenter: Ignacio Rojas - University of Dayton - UCSH- USACH
Summary of the presentation: Learning, memorizing words and phrases, and familiarizing with structures of English are
well developed by children within a "singing atmosphere". Crucial questions in this topic deal with procedures, moments,
frequency and the amount of singing. Suggested techniques are the basis of this workshop.
“Metacognition as a Tool to Improve our Teaching Practice”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary
Presenter: Viviana Rojas - Universidad Católica De Temuco
Viviana Rojas is a teacher of English and has a Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics. She has been teaching for 14 years to
different types of students: elementary, high school and university. She enjoys teaching a lot and especially likes learning
about how to improve her teaching practice.
Summary of the presentation: The importance of meta cognition in the learning process, specifically in reading, and the role
of teachers in meta cognition. This investigation is relevant since it will enable teachers to lead students´ knowledge so that
they can be autonomous and more strategic when reading.
“CCQs-Quick and Easy Ways to Check Student Comprehension”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Primary, Secondary, Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Michelle Rossman - English Language Fellow
Michelle S. Rossman is currently working in Chile as an English Language Fellow in the Programa Inglés Abre Puertas. Prior to
coming to Chile she worked as an administrator, teacher, teacher trainer, and director in various English Language Programs
throughout the United States, and also in Japan and South Korea.
Summary of the presentation: In this workshop, participants will learn how easy it is to create comprehension checking
questions (CCQs) that will result in greater student learning and smoother lessons. Participants will practice forming and
using CCQs to a) assess students´ background knowledge, b) create greater student involvement, and c) check student
“Native Speakers: Contribution to English Students' Performance?”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: University
Presenter: José Ruiz - Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Licenciado en Letras y Filología Inglesa - Diploma en Docencia Universitaria.
Summary of the presentation: This presentation deals with a Native Speaker Workshop implemented at the Universidad
Autónoma de Chile for the students of English. It involves the native speaker selection process, language level and teaching
skills required to be accepted, and it discusses the induction, contents, materials and assessment tools for the success of the
“Successful Leadership in School: Is It Possible?”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: University, Teacher training
Presenter: Sylvia Salinas - Universidad San Sebastián
Teacher of English, Universidad de Chile. Magister en Educación, Universidad Austral de Chile. Teaching experience at German
School and at University level in Valdivia. Currently, Director of English Pedagogy Universidad San Sebastián, Valdivia.
Summary of the presentation: This talk will explore the role of teachers in general and ELT teachers in particular, as leaders
in a school context in a fast-changing world. Leadership in schools is a complex practical and theoretical question. A review of
the literature on school leadership and of the conceptual framework will be presented: instructional, transactional and
transformational leadership, (the ˜concentrated” models (Kelchtermans, 2011)). An emphasis on the approach to “distributed”
leadership models will be made.
“Let’s Go Photo Crazy!”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Primary
Presenter: Patricia Sepúlveda - Seminario Padre Alberto Hurtado de Chillan
Summary of the presentation: “Let´s go photo crazy!” is a project intended to get students learning different verbal forms
and vocabulary in context. Students use their digital cameras or their cell phone cameras to elaborate photo-comics that
include study contents expressed in the correct writing of dialogues created by themselves.
“Assessing Learning, beyond Formal Testing”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: Pre-Kinder / Kinder, Primary, Secondary, Adult learners
Presenter: Pablo Silva - Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Summary of the presentation: Assessment is frequently considered as just another administrative issue we need to struggle
with. This hands-on workshop helps us appreciate assessment as an opportunity to find out of how much and how well our
students are learning. This information can make our teaching easier, faster and better.
“Videos in the Foreign Language Classroom”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Roberto Silva - Universidad de Playa Ancha
Mr. Silva is an Assistant Professor at the department of Foreign Languages at Universidad de Playa Ancha where he teaches
applied linguistics at undergraduate and graduate programs. He is currently conducting a research project on the use of
multimedia for language learning. Co-presenters: Eric Mauricio Espinoza Peña, David Ernesto Guerra Salazar, Catalina Leslie
Vega Salgado Eric Espinoza, David Guerra and Catalina Vega are students of a Teacher training program at UPLA who are
currently working on a research project on the use of captioned videotexts for vocabulary learning as part of their thesis
Summary of the presentation: The use of technology in language education brings interesting opportunities to enhance
language learning and develop communicative competence. In this presentation, we will discuss the use of captioned videotext
to aid listening comprehension and promote incidental vocabulary learning in multimedia environments. Implications for
pedagogy will be presented.
“The Four Assumptions of Smart Coordination”
Type of Presentation: 90 minutes: Workshops
Level: University, Teacher training
Presenter: Vivian Suarez - Binational Center Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas
Vivian Suárez got her TTC Diploma from Dickens Institute. She holds a TESOL and ESOL certificates from Trinity College,
London. She was awarded the FCTBE from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and she's also a Practitioner in
NLP. She has a postgraduate in Methodology from Oxford House. She became a Teacher Educator in 2005. She was also
published by TESOL IS in 2008. She's been a teacher for 32 years and a Coordinator for 5 years. Her experience derives from
very different contexts. She has presented in different conventions in Uruguay (URUTESOL, ABS International), Argentina (ABS
International) and she's already presented in the 9th Regional Tesol Convention in Brazil (BRAZTESOL) this year. She's
currently the Academic Coordinator and Coordinator In-Company at the Binational Center Alianza Pocitos-Punta Carretas in
Summary of the presentation: This workshop will go over four assumptions developed by the presenter that help
coordinators to successfully get on the road to excellence. Sharing an array of real situations, analysing consistent actions,
modeling behaviors and empowering teacher's talents will demonstrate how to keep focused on incorporating the mentioned
“The Best Conditions to Increase L2 Listening Comprehension in EFL Learners”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Presenter: María José Suazo – US Embassy Grantee
Summary of the presentation: This presentation details a quantitative study that aims to determine the best conditions to
increase L2 listening comprehension in EFL learners. The study was conducted at a vocational public school, the study subjects
were exposed to three conditions: listening only conditions, listening and viewing conditions, and listening, viewing and
“Critical Thinking on EFL”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: University
Presenter: Elizabeth Torrico Avila – Universidad Católica del Norte
BA in TEFL - Universidad de Tarapaca. MA in Linguistics- University of Leeds-UK. MA in Tesol Universidad de Tarapacá. MA in
Translation Studies(c) University of Birmingham-UK
Summary of the presentation: Thinking Based Learning (TBL) aims at improving learners´ ability to think by using strategies
(parts of whole, compare/contrast, problem solving). These strategies can be implemented in any subject. In EFL, I have
implemented TBL in reading comprehension. Students work in groups completing graphic organizers and avoiding negative
habits of mind.
“Communities of Practice in TESOL: An opportunity for Identity Development”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Adult learners, University, Teacher training
Presenter: Candy Veas - Universidad de Playa Ancha
Candy Veas is an assistant professor at Universidad de Playa Ancha in Valparaíso, Chile. She belongs to the faculty of the ELT
program and the Master in Applied Linguistics program. Her research interests include teaching writing and teacher
development. She holds a Master of Arts in TESL and a Diploma on mentor training.
Summary of the presentation: Seeing oneself as a TESOL professional requires a process of identity formation that involves
identification and negotiation of meanings within the community of practice (Wegner, 1998). A network of mentors for novice
professionals could facilitate this process and foster teacher development in the TESOL community in Chile.
“Effectiveness of the CLIL Approach in the Teaching of Science through the Medium of English in a Sixth Grade Class at
Villa Purísima Public School in Talca”
Type of Presentation: 20 minutes: Classroom success story, original activity, or technique
Level: Primary, Teacher training
Presenters: Macarena Vidal, Karime Carrasco, Camila Gutiérrez, Sofía Herrera, Valeria Leiva – Universidad Católica del
Five students are working on an investigation about the implementation of the CLIL approach in a Science class.
Summary of the presentation: Content Language and Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach that promotes the learning
of content through a foreign language, in this case English. Teaching another subject through CLIL can be really challenging. Is
it possible to implement CLIL at school? Well, it is.
“On the Possibility of Teaching English Grammar through Visual Aids: You Will See What We Mean”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Secondary
Presenter: Margarita Villalón - Universidad Austral de Chile
Summary of the presentation: First, a description of the current EFL teaching situation in Chile is presented. Then, the
concepts of grammar, Communicative Approach, and visual aids are clarified, followed by a discussion on the impact of the
combination of the latter elements on our classrooms. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for further research are given.
“Ongoing Research on Motivation and Classroom Management Based on Drama Techniques and Games”
Type of Presentation: 45 minutes: Papers, publisher presentations, panels
Level: Primary
Presenters: Yasna Yilorm, Amalia Ortiz de Zárate & Andrea Lizasoain - Universidad Austral de Chile
Yasna Yilorm teaches the methodology courses and is in charge of the teaching practices of the English Teachers Training
program at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Amalia Ortiz de Zárate teaches drama techniques and is in charge of the literary
courses of the program. Andrea Lizasoain teaches the courses related to linguistics.
Summary of the presentation: The project ‘English: Acting Out Language II’ focuses on diagnosing the profile of English
teachers in Valdivia to propose motivational and classroom management tools in order to enhance language acquisition and
help teachers boost their teaching experience. This presentation will expose the ongoing stages of the project, highlighting the
design of interviews and questionnaires and of motivational and classroom management activities involving drama techniques
and games.