Kindergarten Handbook - Middletown Elementary School

Kindergarten Handbook
Mrs. Littles – Ms. Teston
Room 103
Middletown Elementary
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Kindergarten is a very special time in a child’s life. The beginning of
school can sometimes be a little overwhelming for the children as they get
used to learning rules, routines, and being in school. Encourage them to be
patient as they learn all of the things that they need to know about the rules
and procedures of the classroom and school. Some children require more
help than others, so it often takes us a while to complete activities the first
week. Usually, by the second full week of school, students begin to catch on
to the routines and the time passes much more quickly.
The first few days can be hard for some students, but we are familiar
with tears from students (and parents ) each year. Usually, within a very
short time upon arrival, the children are engaged in activities of the class
and the tears are over. So no worries! The longer parents linger to see if
their child is alright, the longer the tears last. (Sorry, I know it’s hard!) If
you need reassurance that your child is doing fine after you leave, just call
the school, 485-8300, and someone in the office will call me to see how they
are doing. You can also e-mail me, but it might take longer for me to respond
the first few days. My e-mail address is:
Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this important time in
your child’s life. I am very excited to have your child in my class and am
ready to get the year started!
Thank you,
Brittany Littles
I hope that this handbook will be of help to you in understanding some of the
activities and procedures in our classroom. Please read through it before
the first few days and share parts of it with your child that would be helpful
for them to know. Please keep it to refer to throughout the year when you
might have a question about something.
Table of Contents:
Arrival and Dismissal.................................................................................... 4
Money and Fees.............................................................................................. 4
(folders & agendas).....................................................................
Classroom Visitation..................................................................................... 5
Lunch................................................................................................................. 6
Class Work………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Homework........................................................................................................ 7
Snack................................................................................................................ 7
Clothing............................................................................................................ 8
Student of the Week.................................................................................... 9
Special Area.................................................................................................... 9
Wellness (aka. Recess)....................................................................................... 9
Birthdays......................................................................................................... 10
Parties.............................................................................................................. 10
Books Orders.................................................................................................. 10
Arrival and Dismissal
School hours are 9:05-3:45. If your child is a car rider, and you would like
for them to eat breakfast at school, please make sure that they arrive in plenty of
time to eat and be in the classroom by 9:00. Students who ride the bus will always
be given the opportunity to eat breakfast no matter what time their bus arrives.
Kindergarten students who arrive at school before time to go to the classrooms
(8:55) will go to the library where there will be adults to supervise them from
8:30 until 8:55 when they bring them to our classroom. Please do not drop them
off earlier than 8:30. If the time presents a problem with your work schedule you
may want to contact the CEP (Child Enrichment Program). The YMCA provides
staff here at the school to care for children before and after school.
Please make sure that your child has the correct transportation tag on their
backpack. It is very important that your child keeps this tag on his/her back pack
for the school year. If your child is a car rider, please make sure that you have
your assigned carpool number ready for pick-up. Anytime that your child is going
to go home a different way, you MUST send us a note letting us know of this
change. This is a school rule, and we must notify the office of the change. You may
write the note in your child’s agenda, which is to be returned to school with them
each day. A note is also required anytime that your child is absent from school.
Please state the reason for the absence along with a doctor’s note if applicable
and send it with your child the next day.
Money and Fees
Monies will be collected throughout the year for Scholastic Weekly Readers
and Field Trips. Please make sure that anytime you send cash or a check to school
with your child that you CLEARLY state what the money is to be used for along
with your child’s name.
(Folders & Agendas)
Each child will carry a folder and agenda to and from school in his/her back
pack. Please remove everything from the folder each night and send it back to
school each day. Everything that we send home will be placed in their folder. The
folder has written on the pockets, “to be left at home” and “to bring right back to
school.” Each morning Ms. Teston looks through and checks every folder and
agenda for notes, forms, money, etc. You will receive
The agenda is a great way for us to communicate with you and for you to
send any questions/notes that you may have for us. The agenda needs to come
back and forth to school every day. Each day we will write down the level in which
your child earned each day. (Refer to the Classroom Management System Packet).
We ask that you please sign the agenda each night so we know you that you have
seen it. This year JCPS did a great job with the agendas. They have made them a
little more kid friendly this year. They still tend to be a little above kindergarten
level, but it is has great activities to read and do with your child at home. They
have detailed instructions of how to use the agenda along with Public library
locations, study strategies, and tips for parents all within the first few pages.
Please let us know of any concerns that you may have during the school year.
You can reach me through many different ways such as the free Remind texting
system, the school phone number: (502) 485-8300, my e-mail address, or through the folder and agenda. I will
also be happy to call you or meet with you before or after school if you have any
questions or concerns regarding your child. It is very difficult for me to talk/meet
with you any other time during the day due to the activities and supervision
needed in the classroom.
Classroom Visitation
The children really enjoy having parents and family members visit at school.
You are welcome to come have lunch with us any day. It is not necessary to send a
note – you may just surprise your child. Please remember, due to JCPS safety
guidelines, ALL visitors visiting JCPS buildings MUST present a photo ID, sign in
at the front desk, and wear a visitors tag/ Middletown badge at ALL times. If you
would like to volunteer in the classroom we are more than happy to put you to
work!  There are a number of things that you could do as a volunteer such as
working in small groups during our literacy centers, working one-on-one with
struggling students, changing our bulletin board, reading to the children, or even
sharing your work life experience. Please contact me if you are interested in
helping out in any way.
This year, our school was one that was chosen to participate in a new
nutrition services program. Starting this school year, EVERY student at
Middletown Elementary will receive free breakfast and lunch. There will be items
that will be sold “a la carte/extras” in which will need to be purchased if desired.
Some of these items in the past included small water bottles, Scooby snacks, fruit
juice, flavored goldfish, etc.
Our lunch will be from 12:45-1:05 each day. A menu will come home at the
beginning of every month so that you can sit down with your child and discuss with
them whether they want to bring their lunch or receive one from our nutrition
services. If a child does not bring a lunch box to school, they will automatically be
provided a lunch. Lunches provided from our nutrition services allow students to
choose the foods that they want to eat and are never forced to eat anything that
they do not like. Federal guidelines say that children must have a minimum amount
of 3 items on their trays. The lunchroom staff may ask them to add an item to
their tray if they do not fit the minimum number of items, even if they don’t plan
to eat it, in order to obey the federal guideline.
Students are allowed to take a milk, meat, and 2 sides (fruit or vegetable).
Occasionally, they provide a dessert for the children also. The lunchroom offers
“extras” sold “a la carte” that the students can purchase. If you do not want your
child to purchase extras, you will not need to provide any money for your child. If
your child has special dietary restrictions, you must inform Teresa Runner, the
lunchroom manager.
If you choose to provide your child with money in order to purchase “extras:,
PLEASE place it in a baggy specifying what the money is for along with their name
on it. Holding onto lunch money can be a real challenge for kindergarten children,
so it is very helpful to do so. Each child will be assigned a number that they will
need to learn. The students will have to punch in their number independently into
the keypad when they arrive at the register, and the cashier will then verify their
name. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you work very hard with your child to learn
their lunch number as soon as possible.
Class Work
Ms. Teston and I work closely together with the students throughout each
day. We provide help, when needed, so that they feel successful. We walk around
and monitor them as they are working and provide them with lots of positive
encouragement and help when needed. Please look over their work sent home each
night in their folder. Ask them to tell you what they were to do on each
assignment and what they learned.
The work at the beginning of the year may seem very easy for your child,
especially if they went to preschool. I do not want to overwhelm the children who
are just beginning a school experience for the first time. It is also good to review
previous knowledge for those who have been in preschool, in order to help build
self-confidence starting in a new classroom. As I learn each child’s capabilities,
more challenging work will be given. Often there is a big difference between a
child who has just turned five and one who is almost six. Even though there is a
span in the ages of children in kindergarten, they are expected to be reading
books independently at the end of the school year. If your child can already
identify many of the letters and sounds, then they will most likely be on target for
this to happen. If your child does not have many of these skills yet, I cannot
stress enough how important it is for you to work with them on letters, sounds,
and Word Wall Words every night and to see that they complete homework.
Children require lots of practice to learn new skills. With us working together it
will help your child to be successful.
Homework reinforces what we are working on in class and also teaches the
students responsibility. Our homework is given to the students in their folder on
Monday and is to be turned in on Friday. You are encouraged to assist your child,
as needed, to make homework a positive learning experience. The homework
activities can be completed on the paper provided, or paper from home. Each night
the children will also be assigned to read. Reading is kept track on a Reading Log on
located the back of the homework page.
Due to our late lunch time, we will have our snack time early in the day
around 11:30. For snack, we ask that EACH student brings in a nutritious snack
AND drink for the WHOLE CLASS which consists of 25 students at this time. The
class size may increase or decrease throughout the school year, so it is
recommended to provide enough for about 30 children each time. We only ask
that you to bring in snack ONCE A MONTH. There is not an assigned day of the
month to bring in snack, just at your convenience within the month. This is to
accommodate all families so a schedule will not be provided with specific dates.
Snack can start being brought in as early as the first few days of school.
Due to our snack being before 1:00, JCPS Nutrition Services has specific
guidelines for the snacks that they will allow. The snack guidelines are below.
No more than 30% calories from fat.
No more than 32% added sugar by weight (max: 14 grams)
No more than 300 mg per serving
Portion/pack size limits (for individuals packs):
o Chips, crackers, popcorn, trail mix, nuts, seeds, jerky= 2oz.
o Cookies= 1 ounce
o Cereal bars, granola bars, pastries, muffins, bagels, or
other pastry-type items= 2 ounces
o Non-frozen yogurt= 8 ounces
o Frozen dessert items= 4 ounces
 We have a mini-refrigerator in our classroom if
needed to keep the snacks cool.
Milk, 1 % skim, white and flavored
Non-carbonated water containing zero calories, plain or flavored
100% fruit or vegetable juice or any combination equaling 100%
Any other beverages containing no more than 10 grams of sugar
per serving
Volume limited to 17 ounces except for water
The heating and air conditioning can be adjusted somewhat in our classroom,
but in certain parts of the classroom it can become very chilly. You are welcome to
leave a sweater at school to use when they need it. Be sure to tell them that it is
ok for them to leave it. Also, PLEASE make sure to put your child’s name in all
jackets, coats, and sweaters. Sometimes they don’t remember what they wore to
school, and they often have the same clothing as other students. This year, we
have moved away from school uniforms and instead have a dress code. Copies of
this are available in the student handbook or in the office.
Student of the Week
Each student will have the honor of being recognized one week this year. We
have a bulletin board in the classroom for this purpose. They may bring in pictures,
favorite toys, or other special items to show the class during their week. We will
send home a list of questions asking their favorite things to place on the bulletin
board along with their pictures. The questions include: name, family, pets, favorite
color, food, thing to do, book, toy, and what they want to be when they grow up.
Each day of that week, the student will be able to share items with the class that
they bring. This will often take place during our snack time unless a student has a
birthday to celebrate.
Special Area
Each week your child will participate in the following activities: Art, Music,
Computer, Library, P.E. and French. It is very important that your child wear
tennis shoes for P.E. (every Tuesday) and return library books on their scheduled
library day (Friday). Our computer teacher really appreciates volunteers to help in
the lab. Any help that you might be able to give either on a weekly or occasional
basis would be great. We have Computer every Tuesday from 11:30-12:15. Our
special area time is from 10:35- 11:25 each day. Our special area schedule is below.
TuesdayP.E. & Computer
Wellness (aka. Recess)
Recess is now called “wellness” by JCPS. We will go outside on a regular
basis- weather permitting from 2:45-3:05. It is important to provide a coat,
sweater, or jacket on chilly days. Although they may not need one at the bus stop
or from carpool, we will spend 20 minutes outside and they tend to get cold. On
rainy/very cold days, we play organized games inside. On all other days we will play
on the playground. Since they do a lot of running, it is important that they wear
sturdy safe shoes. If your child has asthma or heart conditions that we should be
aware of PLEASE let us know! There is a form in the office that will need to be
filled out and returned.
On your child’s birthday they get to visit our principal, Mr. Matson, to
receive a sticker, pencil, and a book for their birthday. If you would like to send a
special treat for the whole class to celebrate your child’s birthday it is welcomed.
(Please be mindful of our nutrition guidelines.) We will share the treat during our
snack time or at the end of the school day. You may send birthday party
invitations ONLY if ALL children receive an invitation. There are too many hurt
feelings among the students otherwise.
The room parents are in charge of planning two parties during the school
year – October and February. If you would like to help out with any of these
parties, there are many opportunities. If you cannot attend the party, room
parents are always looking for help with gathering materials and snacks along with
ideas for activities. If you are interested in helping, you will need to contact the
room parent.
The PTA will also be asking for volunteers throughout the school year for
lots of activities. There are a variety of times and events for these, (even at
night or on Saturdays) so you can sign up to help even if you work during the day.
The PTA a great way to get connected, make new friends, and the children always
love seeing their parents involved.
Book Orders
Once a month we will provide students with the opportunity to purchase
books from Scholastic Book Club. A dated form will be sent home with your child.
If you wish to order, please return the completed form with a CHECK or MONEY
ORDER made payable to Scholastic Book Club. They now also have the option to
purchase books online. A specific code for our classroom will also be sent in order
to purchase online.
We hope you find this handbook informative and helpful starting off their
kindergarten year! Again, we are very excited to work with you and your child. I
sincerely hope that your child will have a great experience in kindergarten and
develop a love for learning.
Mrs. Littles & Ms. Teston