International Conference on Globalization, the State, and Urban

International Conference on Globalization, the State, and Urban
Transformation in China
Lam Woo International Conference Centre
Hong Kong Baptist University
15-17 December, 2003
Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Working Group on Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of
the State in an Era of Globalization, Urban China Research Network, State
University of New York at Albany
International Center for China Development Studies, The University of Hong
Hong Kong Baptist University Research Committee
Hong Kong Society of Asia and Pacific Twenty-One
China Studies Course Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University
Working Group on Spatial Restructuring, Planning and Politics in Urban
China, UCRN
Organizing Committee
Carolyn Cartier, University of Southern California.
Si-ming Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
Christopher J Smith, State University of New York at Albany
Wing-shing Tang, Hong Kong Baptist University
Simon Xiaobin Zhao, The University of Hong Kong
Program Committee
Si-ming Li
Wing-shing Tang
Conference Secretariats
Yuk Ting Fion Law
Hoi-por Ng
Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies
Hong Kong Baptist University
Preliminary Programme
Day 1
15 December, 2003 (Monday)
08:30 Registration
09:00 Opening Ceremony
Address by President of HKBU
Address by Professor Christopher J Smith, Professor of Department of Geography
and Planning, State University of New York at Albany and Chair of the
UCRN Working Group
Address by Professor Kenneth K. K. Wong, Head of Geography Department,
Hong Kong Baptist University
Address by Professor Si-ming Li, Director of Centre for China Urban and
Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University and Co-Chair of the UCRN
Working Group
Address by Professor Carolyn Cartier, Associate Professor of Geography,
University of Southern California, and Co-Chair of the UCRN Working
09:30 Keynote Address I
Professor Neil Smith, City University of New York, “New Globalism, New
10:30 Tea Break
10:45 Keynote Address II
Professor Michael Dutton, Department of Political, Science, Asialink, University
of Melbourne, “Policing the Political: Re-Arranging the Social”
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Session 1
Plenary 1.
Governance and Scale Relations
Carolyn Cartier, Department of Geography, University of Southern California,
“Scaling the Chinese State”
Wing-Shing Tang, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University,
“State/space in China: Towards Urban Governmentality”
14:30 Session 2
Plenary 2. Applications of Scale Relations: Economic
Laurence, J. C. Ma, Department of Geography, University of Akron, “China’s
Changing Urban Administrative System: Spatial Restructuring and Local
Economic Development”
Kam Wing Chan, Department of Geography, University of Washington and Kai
Yuen Tsui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Understanding China's
Spatial Administrative System and Changes: An Exploration”
Fang Cai and Yang Du, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of
Population and Labor Economics, “The Urban Expansion in Transitional
China: Hierarchy of City, Financing Capacity, and Migration Policy”
16:00 Tea Break
16:15 Session 3
Plenary 3. Applications of Scale Relations: Socio-political
Alana, Boland, Department of Geography, University of Toronto, “Environmental
Governance in Urban China: Natural Competition and the Rescaling of the
Darrin Magee, Department of Geography, University of Washington, “The Scale
of Power: An Inquiry into Trans-border Resource Governance and the Multiscalar Chinese State”
Alan Smart, Department of Anthropology, University of Calgary, “Urban
Regimes and Rescaling Projects in the Emerging Hong Kong/Pearl River
Delta Urban Region”
18:30 Dinner: Sponsored by Hong Kong Society of Asia and Pacific Twenty-One
Address by Professor Nyaw Mee-kau, Vice President of Lingnan University
and Chairman of Hong Kong Society of Asia and Pacific Twenty-one
Day 2
16 December, 2003 (Tuesday)
Session 4
Governing the Economic and the Social
Deborah Davis, Department of Sociology, Yale University, “Marketing and
Administering the Dream of Private Space in Urban China”
Lisa Hoffman, Urban Studies Program, University of Washington, Tacoma,
“Governing Through Choice: Neo-Liberal Rule in Late Socialist Urban
Matthew Ferchen, Government Department, Cornell University, ‘“Market Order’
and the Governance of the Informal Economy in Nanjing”
Luigi Tomba, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National
University, “To Rebel is Justified! Middle-class Activism, Residential
Segregation and Community Building in Beijing”
Eric Florence, Centre for Studies on Ethnicity and Migration, University of Liege,
Belgium, “Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta: How to be a Person
From Shenzhen?”
Session 5
Globalization, FDI and Economic Restructuring
David R Meyer, Department of Sociology, Brown University, “China Access to
Global Capital Networks Through Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei”
Simon Xiaobin Zhao, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong,
“CEPA and Its Impact on HK-PRD-Mainland China”
Tan Wang, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong and
Donggen Wang, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University,
“The Potentials of Beijing and Shanghai to be China’s Financial Centre: An
Analysis of Their Information Hinterlands”
Zhangping Lin and Xiaopei Yan, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies,
Zhongshan University, “Temporal and Spatial Disparities of Performance and
Potential of Foreign Direct Investment in Guangdong”
11:00 Tea Break
11:15 Session 6
Regional Administrative System Reforms
Him Chung, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, “China’s
Administrative Hierarchy and Spatial Development”
Jianfa Shen, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, “Space, Scale, and the State: Re-organizing Urban
Space in China”
Andrew M Marton, Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of
Nottingham and Wei Wu, Economic and Trade Bureau, Pudong New Area,
“Institutional Reforms and Spatial Restructuring in Pudong New Area”
Yan Hu, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Zhongshan University, “A
Tale of the Zengbu Bridge: Some Reflections on Urban Governance in
Hanlong Lu, Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, “The
Neighborhood Committee Reform in Urban China: A Comparative Study
between Shanghai Model and Shenyang Model”
11:15 Session 7
Land Reform and Urbanization
Anthony Yeh, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The
University of Hong Kong, “Dual Land Market and Internal Structure of
Chinese Cities”
George C. S. Lin, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong,
“Urbanization and Non Agricultural Land Use in Post-Reform China”
Xiaopei Yan and Lihua Wei, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Zhongshan
University, “The Sustainable Urban-Rural Relation in Quickly Urbanized
Areas: A Case of Transformation of "Urban Villages" in Metropolis
Guangzhou, China”
Shi-mou Yao and Cheng-xin Wang, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, “ The Urbanization Pattern of China in the 21st
13:15 Lunch
14:45 Session 8
Changing Urban Planning Practices
Piper R. Gaubatz, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts,
“Central Business Districts,” Globalization and Urban Form in Contemporary
Chinese Cities”
Mee Kam Ng, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The
University of Hong Kong “Globalization, China’s WTO Accession and
Sustainable Development in the Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta Region”
Fulong Wu, Department of Geography, University of Southampton,
“Globalization, the State, and Planning Re-Orientation in Urban China”
Michael Leaf, School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British
Columbia “The Culture of Planning and the Culture of Governance:
Modernism and Traditionalism in the Rebuilding of China's Cities”
14:45 Session 9 Migration, Migrants and Residential Pattern in China
Cindy C. Fan, Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles,
“Interprovincial Migration, Population Redistribution, and Regional
Development in China: Data Analysis Based on the 1990 and 2000 Censuses”
Weiping Wu, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Virginia
Commonwealth University, “Migrant Residential Distribution and
Metropolitan Spatial Development in Shanghai”
Tai-Chee Wong and Xuan Zhu, and Mun-Ching Yeow, National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological University, “Building a Global City:
Negotiating the Massive Influx of Floating Population in Shanghai”
Yunyan Yang, Yanping Tian, Chengdong Yi and Xiong He, Institute for
Population and Regional Studies, Zhongnan University of Economics and
Law, “Spatial Dynamics and Intra-city Migration in Wuhan: An Empirical
Erik Mobrand, Department of Politics, Princeton University, “Residential Patterns
and Migrant Politics in International Perspective”
16:15 Tea break
16:30 Session 10
Housing Reform, Inequality and Residential Restructuring
Yapeng Zhu and James Lee, Department of Public and Social Administration,
City University of Hong Kong, “ An Enigma Variation in China’s Housing
Reform: Reshuffling the Housing Cards in Guiyang”
Youqin Huang, Department of Geography and Planning, State University of New
York at Albany, “From Work Unit Compounds to Gated Communities:
Housing Inequality and Residential Segregation in Transitional Beijing”
Si-ming Li and Donggen Wang, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist
University, “Life Course, Residential Mobility and Urban Restructuring: The
Case of Guangzhou”
Eddie Hui and Francis Wong, Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University, “Housing Marketization in China”
16:30 Session 11
Population Mobility and the Transmission of HIV/AIDS
Xiushi Yang, Department of Sociology, Old Dominion University, “Community
Characteristics and HIV and STD Prevalence in Southwestern China”
Guomei Xia, Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,
“Growing Population Mobility and HIV Intervention Among Female Service
Workers in China”
Huasong Luo and Kai Jing, Department of Geography, Yunnan Normal
University, “Comparative Analysis of HIV Risk Behaviors Among Different
Populations in Contemporary Urban China”
Joseph T F Lau and Joe Thomas, Center for Clinical Trials & Epidemiological
Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Risk Behaviors of Hong
Kong Male Residents Travelling to Mainland China: A Potential Bridge
Population for HIV Infection”
Timothy G. Manchester and Amy Qi, The Futures Group Europe, Karen Hardee,
Futures Group International, “What we know about AIDS in China: Reports
back for Behavioral Surveillance, HIV/AIDS Knowledge in the General
Public, and Interventions with populations at risk in Yunnan and Sichuan”
18:30 Dinner: Sponsored by China Studies Course Advisory Committee, Hong Kong
Baptist University
Address by Mr. Edmund Kin On Lau, Chairman of China Studies Course
Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Baptist University
Day 3
17 December, 2003 (Wednesday)
Session 12
Housing Reform and Residential Restructuring
Peter Li, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology,
Sydney, “Modernization of Housing in China: A Long March into the 21st
Donggen Wang and Si-ming Li, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist
University, “Housing Preferences, Rising Income Differentials, and
Residential Location in Guangzhou, China: A Stated Preference Approach”
Yu Hong Pan, Francis K. W. Wong and Eddie C. M. Hui, Department of Building
and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Rodney Howes,
Construction Industry Council, “The Development of Economical Housing in
Yat-ming Siu, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University,
“Residential Mobility in Shanghai”
Session 13
The Commercial Sex Industry in Contemporary China
Christopher J Smith, Department of Geography and Planning, State University of
New York–Albany, “The Social Geography of Disease Transmission in
Contemporary China”
Sandra T Hyde, Department of Anthropology, McGill University, “Eating Spring
Rice: Transactional Sex In the Age of Epidemics”
Suiming Pan and Yingying Huang, Institute of Sexuality and Gender, Remin
University of China, “Levels of Professionalization and Organization of Sex
Service and HIV Prevention: A Comparative Study between China Northeast
3 cities and Southeast Shenzhen”
Naiqun Weng, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, The Chinese Academy
of Social Science “The Socio-Cultural Dynamics of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
in Yunnan China”
Jinling Wang, Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, “Women Sex Workers and
Male Clients: Gender Perspective”
11:00 Tea Break
11:15 Session 14
Urban Reforms
Zhiyong Hu, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong,
“Deconstructing State-owned Enterprises in Socialist China under Reform: A
Scalar Interpretation”
Dan He, Kidokoro Tetsuo and Onishi Takashi, Department of Engineering,
University of Tokyo, “Urban Regime Model and Its Application on Chinese
Urban Development Research”
Fiona F. Yang, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong,
“Services and China’s Metropolitan Development: The Case of Guangzhou”
Man Shan So and Jianfa Shen, Department of Geography and Resource
Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, “Measuring Urban
Competitiveness in China”
11:15 Session 15 Consuming the Past for the Present
Albert Wing Tai Wai, Department of Geography, National University of
Singapore, “Place Promotion and Iconography in Shanghai’s Xintiandi”
Chun Shing Chow, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University,
“Heritage Preservation and Tourism Development in the Age of
Globalization: The Case of the Great Wall of China in Beijing”
Limei Li, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, “Analysis of
Destination and Tourist Behavior from an Interaction Perspective: A Case
Study of Yangshuo, China”
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Session 16
Development of New Industrial Spaces
Roger C K Chan, Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management,
University of Hong Kong “Software Industrial Clusters in Pudong, Shanghai:
Competitiveness and Embeddedness”
Yongqing Zhang, Department of Business, University of Shanghai for Science
and Technology, “Urban Industrial Development in the Central District of
Large and Medium Cities in the Background of Globalization: The
Development of Urban Industries in Shanghai”
Zongyi Zhang, Urban Planning Department, Tongj University, “Impacts of
Development Zones on the Urban Transformation of Major Cities in Yangtze
Xiaoping Shen, Department of Geography, Central Connecticut State University,
Huaitin Yin and Zhe Zhao, Northwest University, “Industrial Restructuring
and Urban Space Changes in Xi’an”
14:00 Session 17 Mental Health, Poverty and Social Segregation in Urban China
Gina Lai, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University, “ Market
Reforms, Gender, and Mental Health in Urban Shanghia”
Li Yao and Danching Ruan, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist
University, “ Multiple Roles and Psychological Distress – A Study of Middleaged People in Urban China”
Wolfgang Taubmann, Department of Geography, The University of Bremen,
“Poverty and Unemployment in Urban China”
Chaolin, Gu, Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University,
“Beijing’s Sociospatial Restructuring”
15:30 Tea Break
15:45 Session 18 New Design Practices
Kenneth K.K. Wong, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University,
“Beijing to become a ‘Green’ Metropolis in 2008: Can the dream come true?”
Haili Zhao, College of Geographic and Environmental Science of Northwest,
Normal University “Study in the Characteristic Urbanization Road of the Arid
Zone and Regional Planning Management in the Northwest of China –
Example of Hexi Corridor”
Jie Zhang, Architecture and Urban Planning Institute, Tongji University,
“Research on Strategic Relation/ Connection Between the Central City and
New Towns During the Progress of Metropolises Development in China”
Xiaosong Wu, Department of Urban Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Baizhe
Liu, Academe of Urban Planning in Harbin and Gang Hao, Construct Bureau
in Harbin City, “Constructing the Ecotype Community and Utilizing the
Wen Chen and Wenfang Zuo, Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology,
China Academy of Sciences, “World Factory and the Greening of Industry
Firms in Cities”
15:45 Session 19 Restructuring the Chinese City
"An open 'brainstorming' session devoted to a critical assessment of the
theoretical significance of China's urban spatial restructuring in the broad contexts
of comparative urbanization, globalization and urban change, especially the
relationship between form and process. Selected individuals will make brief
statements, followed by general discussion. Organized by the “Working Group on
Spatial Restructuring Planning and Politics in Urban China, UCRN”
16:45 Working Group Private Business: Setting the Agenda for Year III
17:45 Closing Ceremony
Concluding Remarks by
Address by Professor Christopher J Smith, Professor of Department of Geography
and Planning, State University of New York at Albany and Chair of the
UCRN Working Group
Address by Professor Si-ming Li, Director of Centre for China Urban and
Regional Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University and Co-Chair of the UCRN
Working Group
Address by Professor Carolyn Cartier, Associate Professor of Geography,
University of Southern California, and Co-Chair of the UCRN Working