GOVERNOR Key Facts Document Summer Term 2013 (DATA- up to the end of SPRING 2013) Radwinter C of E (A) Primary School Water Lane Radwinter Essex CB10 2TX Telephone: 01799 599248 Fax:01799 599028 E-mail: Website: E-Folio: DCSF number: 881 3730 Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June School Information Date: June 2013 Curriculum Leaders Staff Headteacher Inclusion Manager - SENCO Communication, Language and Literacy Mathematical Development Numeracy Knowledge Science and ICT Understanding History of the World Geography Design and Creative Technology Development Art Music Physical Development Religious Education Modern Foreign Languages Gifted and Talented PPA cover Kate Hockley Kate Hockley Sian Grey Amy Weekes Sue Powell Sian Grey } S. Powell,S. Grey,A.Weekes }S. Powell,S. Grey,A.Weekes Michelle Elilio Michelle Elilio Sian Grey Sue Powell Amy Weekes Sue Powell Kate Hockley Kate Hockley Designated Child Protection Officer Date of last trainingHeadteacher June 2013 Office manager Mrs Lynda Henderson Caretaker Mr Martin Baynes Cleaner Mrs Cathy Baynes Senior Management/Leadership Team Kate Hockley Sian Grey Health and Safety Manager Lynda Henderson Newly Qualified Teachers Michelle Elilio Consortium budget manager Mrs Sarah Smith Administrative assistant Mrs Jacqui Cardy Vacancies None at present Teachers Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Mrs A. Weekes Mrs S. Grey Mrs M. Elilio Mrs S. Powell Support staff HLTA (High level teaching assistant) P. Hibbs L. Evins Teaching Assistant L. Downes D. Hudson, J. Cory, R. Noakes B. Moldon Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Mid-day Assistant (lunchtimes per week) V. Wilmott, (4) M. Moore (2) B. Moldon (5) R. Noakes (2) N. Fenwick (2) Extended Does the school provide access Services to the full core offer? Yes If we cannot provide access onsite, we ‘sign-post’ parents If Yes Is the full core offer sustainable? Safeguarding YES 1. Does your school have an up-to-date Safeguarding Children Policy? 2. Have the Head Teacher, the Safeguarding Governor and other relevant staff completed the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Safer Recruitment Training? Does the school have an appropriate recruitment and vetting procedure in place? Carry out all appropriate checks and take up allreferences before an appointment? Record all recruitment processes & keep these records on file? Do all staff receive a safeguarding induction session when they started at the school Do all staff receive basic Safeguarding children in Education Training, repeated annually? Do all staff understand their safeguarding roles and responsibilities? Local Authority Support: Programme of Support/Universal CPD/SST/AST/LLT/LNT ESSEX CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES ATTENDED School Improvement Adviser ANNE FISHER ANNE FISHER Literacy Consultant N/A Mathematics Consultant N/A Education Welfare Officer SHARON GIPP Educational Psychologist (EP) ALAN WILLIS Other: Making Good Progress Pilot N/A Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Local Authority Materials in regular use Local Authority Staff working with school School Improvement Partner Yes NO Attainment Year 1 Reading % Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Writing Above age related Well below age relate d (SEN) Just below age relate d Age relate d Maths Above age related Well below age relate d (SEN) Just below age relate d Age relate d Above age relate d Year 1 Summer 2013 Year 1 63.6 27.3 72.7 18.2 63.6 27.3 54.5 27.3 54.5 27.3 45.5 36.4 Spring 2013 Year 1 (11) Autumn 2012 Attainment Year 2 % Reading Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Writing Above age related Well below age related (SEN) 26.3 68.4 5.3 36.8 47.4 5.3 5.3 Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Just below age related Age related Maths Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Above age related Year 2 Summer 2013 Year 2 5.3 36.8 57.9 5.3 26.3 68.4 47.4 42.1 5.3 5.3 57.9 31.6 Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related 70.6 23.5 5.9 35.3 58.8 64.7 23.5 5.9 41.2 47.1 Spring 2013 Year 2 (19) 5.3 10.5 Autumn 2012 Attainment Year 3 % Reading Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Writing Age related Maths Age related Above age related Year 3 Summer 2013 Year 3 5.9 47.1 41.2 5.9 5.9 52.9 41.2 5.9 Spring 2013 Year 3 (17) Autumn 2012 Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June 5.9 Attainment Year 4 % Reading Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Writing Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Maths Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Above age related Year 4 Summer 2013 Year 4 5.9 23.5 70.6 5.9 41.2 52.9 5.9 5.9 29.4 64.7 5.9 29.4 64.7 5.9 Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Above age related Well below age related (SEN) 47.1 47.1 35.3 58.8 Spring 2013 Year 4 (17) Autumn 2012 Attainment Year 5 % Reading Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Writing Just below age related Age related Maths Just below age related Age related Above age related Year 5 Summer 2013 Year 5 33.3 66.7 83.3 16.7 41.7 58.3 83.3 16.7 25.0 41.7 33.3 66.7 33.3 Spring 2013 Year 5 (12) Autumn 2012 Attainment Year 6 % Reading Writing Just below age related 7.1 21.4 28.6 42.9 21.4 64.3 14.3 21.4 28.6 50 50 42 7.1 Age related Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Maths Well below age related (SEN) Age related Above age related Well below age related (SEN) Just below age related Age related Above age related Year 6 Summer 2013 Year 6 35.7 28.6 35.7 21.4 50 21.4 Spring 2013 Year 6 (14) Autumn 2012 Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June 7.1 Present achievement: Spring Term 2013 Each one third of a level is equivalent to a number of points; eg level 1C = 7 points level 1B = 9 points level 1A= 11 points level 2C = 13 points level 2B = 15 points level 2A = 17 points level 3C = 19 points level 3B = 21 points level 3A = 23 points level 4C = 25 points level 4B = 27 points level 4A = 29 points level 5C = 31 points level 5B = 33 points level 5A = 35 points Key Stage 2 The expectation is that the average Year 6 child achieves 27 points in reading, writing and maths by the end of the academic year and that 12 points progress (2 whole levels) is made over the whole of Key Stage 2 (years 3 to 6). Key Stage 1 The expectation is that the average Year 2 child achieves 15 points in reading, writing and maths and that 6 points progress (1 whole level) is made during year 2 . Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Present achievement: Autumn Term 2012: EYFS ENTRY DATA PRIME AREAS SPECIFIC AREAS PSED PhD CL Lit Maths UW EAD Number 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 of children % within 22-36M % within 30-50M % within 40-60M 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 15% 15% 15% 23% 8% 15% 15% 85% 85% 85% 77% 92% 85% 85% Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June 0% 0% END OF AUTUMN TERM PRIME AREAS SPECIFIC AREAS PSED Phd CL Lit Maths UW EAD 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Financial Management Standard in Schools status Accredited yes Current Budget Position Under budget Teaching staff On budget YES Assessment date Overspent Action needed YES Non teaching staff YES Supply staff YES Office staff YES Premises staff YES Curriculum YES Cleaning YES Oil YES Electricity YES Water YES Premises maintenance Inspection Date of last inspection October 2008 Inspection outcome Good with outstanding Areas identified for improvement 1. Ensure that pupils have a small number of mathematics targets, that they know their targets and that suitable work is set to enable them to achieve these. Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June 2. Strengthen school self-evaluation by - Utilising all opportunities to measure the impact of the school’s actions and - Analysing data and presenting it in such a way that governors are able to play their part in school self-evaluation. Grade Outcomes, how well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation Pupils’ attainment 1 2 3 Grade 4 2 3 4 To what extent do pupils feel safe? Quality of pupils’ learning and their progress Quality of learning for pupils with learning difficulties and their progress How well do pupils achieve and enjoy their learning? How well do pupils behave? To what extent do they adopt healthy lifestyles? To what extent do pupils contribute to the school and wider community? Pupils’ attendance and punctuality How well do pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well being? What is the extent of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development? How effective is provision? Quality of teaching Use of assessment to support learning Extent to which the curriculum meets pupils’ needs, including where relevant, through partnerships. The effectiveness of care guidance and support. How effective are leadership and management? Effectiveness of leadership and management in communicating ambition and driving improvement Promotion of equal opportunity and tackling discrimination Effectiveness of safeguarding procedures Effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the school? Effectiveness of the school’s engagement with parents and carers Effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being Promotion of community cohesion 1 Date of completion…………………………… 1 2 3 4 Overall judgements 1 2 3 4 Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils The schools capacity for sustained improvement Overall effectiveness: how effective is the school? Notes: Indicate each judgement using OFSTED criteria Indicate security of / confidence in judgement based on strengthen of evidence at the time of assessment: Insecure Deployment of resources to achieve value for money Secure judgement How effective is the early Years Foundation Stage? Outcomes for children in EYFS Quality of provision in EYFS Effectiveness of leadership and management in EYFS Overall effectiveness of EYFS 1 3 4 Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June There will be times, in a variety of circumstances, when the judgments may be based on less evidence than may be wished for. For this reason it is prudent to record this, so that in future a fuller evidence base can be sought in those areas. The examples above show a grade judgement 3, based on insecure evidence, and a grade 1judgement based on secure evidence. School Self Evaluation Summary Documents available to governors School Improvement Plan SEF OFSTED report Head’s reports SIP reports LA visit notes Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Governor visit reports Governing body minutes and committee minutes for last year Please request copies you require Radwinter strengths Very hardworking, committed team of staff (distributed leadership) Strong Christian ethos (caring, sharing, supportive, nurturing) Forest Schools initiative in every class. Curriculum enrichment at all opportunities (Young Shakespeare. Art Week)- Enrichment file includes IMPACT. Activities planned to suit all learning styles (particularly kinaesthetic). Termly data analysis and appropriate interventions in place. Development of Worship and RE action plans (worship group assemblies and after school club). Areas for further developmentKey priorities 1. Year 2 and Year 6 targets 2. Develop distributed leadership and the role of the Governors 3. To prepare for an OFSTED inspection Other priorities 1. Website- in line with new regulations 2. Continuation of Phonics developments 3. Curriculum enrichment- track impact 4. Preparation for new Grammar test. 5. Audit and review SMCS and collect evidence. SEN REPORT 1. Gillian Mann (SEN Governor meets with HT termly) 2. Monitoring of LSA’s / HLTA’s through HT drop ins/ lesson observations. 3. Provision mapping formats being trialled. 4. Interventions (particularly pre and post assessments in place are the focus). 5. Numicon has been purchased to help children with SEN in Numeracy sessions. Numbers of SEN children School Action- 7 School Action+ 2 Statement 2 TOTAL 11 G&T Number in school (7) Children are sign posted to other organisations/clubs. Extension activities and work to suit ability is given in class. Mixed age classes help this. Staff have just completed G & T intervention proformas to ensure we can map provision and detail programmes. ATTENDANCE (2012-2013) Absence target for 2012 is 3.6%. Half termly % Authorised % unauthorised Comments Aut 1 Aut 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Sum 1 Sum 2 3.22 0 0 2 poorly, 1 holiday 2 poorly, 1 holiday, 1 return to SA 3.42 Agenda item to discuss whether to change current holiday form Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June MANAGING PERFORMANCE AND CPD Head teacher performance management (September 2012- see minutes) Class teachers (November)- all set 4 new targets (individual, class, link to SDP & church) We also meet termly – professional dialogue meetings. Learning Support Assistants and office (April) + mid year review in September CPD including the COURSES that have been attended (staff complete feedback forms after every session) Since FEBRUARY- JUNE 2013 Date 5th Feb 13 12th Feb 13 Staff Jacqui Cardy Liz Downes Sue Powell Jan Cory Amy Weekes Ran by? Consortium Course details First Aid training IMPACT First aid train every member of staff. Diocese The new SIAMS evaluation framework In house led by K. Hockley Safeguarding training 6th March 13 Jacqui Cardy Nicki Fenwick Michelle Elilio Jan Cory Martin Baynes Martin Baynes A understanding of how to complete the new evaluation document pre the SIAMS inspection. An overview of policy and procedure and what to do if an incident needs reporting HEC 7th March 13 Martin Baynes HEC Health and safety (CIEH L2) COSHH/ Manual handling 8th Amy Weekes Essex CC EYFS training Martin Baynes HEC All staff (teachers and LSA’s) Amy Weekes Private consultant Diocese Legionella testing and water Creative differentiation 27th Feb 13 28th Feb 13 March 13 12th March 13 7th May 13 15th May 13 Worship in Church schools Update training- very useful Very useful strategies to use in class. Very useful strategies to use in collective worship. CHURCH SCHOOL Kate Hockley to attend Church Schools termly headteacher meetings. Development of worship/ethos and church schools action plan (amendments to Eucharist Service). Parental questionnaire to gain views of parents/guardians. Work on specific areas of worship/RE following Diocese training course (Feb 2012- Amy Weekes) see action plans. Success of Worship Council, and new Collective Worship routines and practices Sally Rowden to cover RE/ Collective Worship Governor role since Gillian’s retirement. Working with GOVERNORS Include optional workshop at the beginning of governors meetings. Assign governors to year groups and classes. Develop governor visit systems and records. Adapt whole school monitoring systems to actively include governors in the process (e.g. behaviour at beg/end of day). SMSC (Social moral spiritual and cultural) Amy Weekes to train all staff on SMSC (following training by Ann Fisher). Ann Fisher very pleased with the SMSC file, Mrs Weekes has collated. SMSC folder in each class to collect evidence. All Governors to have awareness of the need to monitor SMSC and how this can form part of the Governor visits (on forms). Staff to include SMSC on planning records. Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June PUPIL PREMIUM In 2011-12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium funding. Schools receive this funding based on the numbers of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). From 2012-13, it has been expanded to include all children who have been eligible for FSM within the last 6 years. This money is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially. 2011-2012- £488 per child 2012-2013- £623 per child 2011-2012- £1,952 2012- 2013- £4,952 4 last year- 2011-2012 3 children- at present (Jan 2013) Spent on:One to one tuition, booster groups, Learning support assistant one to one or small group, HLTA’s (Higher level teaching assistants), funding places on school trips, funding club activities. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PARTNER VISITS (total 4 per year) 3 PER YEAR (one per term) Plus 1 visit for Head teacher’s performance management Anne Fisher has booked half day sessions for this term and for the next academic year OFSTED FRAMEWORK September 2012 Governors attended training (January 2013) ran by governor services entitled ‘preparing your school for an inspection’ Kate Hockley attended consortium training ran by Henry Weir (Headteacher Great Chesterford Academy) on preparing for an inspection. Meeting with chair of Governors followed SIAS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican schools) Took place on Wednesday 12th June. We will be given an overall judgement and then 4 seperate judgements. See SIAMS toolkit attached in email sent Tuesday 16th June 2013. MONITORING OF GROUPS SEN G&T LAC (looked after children) Emotional needs (group the school has identified) Other considerations Planning for up to 50 houses in Radwinter and the impact this will have on the school. Meeting in the village hall 6 th July 2013. Should a group of Governors attend to make views heard? Frank is pursuing funding for replacement of demountable into a purpose built brick classroom. Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June KEY STAGE 2- DATA 9 RESULTS 2012 End of KS2 Targets for 2012 Number of children in the Y6 cohort for 2012 is: Targets 2012 Key Stage 2 Targets and RESULTS for 2012 KS2 Eng L4+ 100 100 Reading L4+ 100 100 Writing L4+ 100 100 KS2 Eng L5 28.6 100 Reading L5 37.5 Writing L5 12.5 KS2 Maths L4+ 100 100 KS2 Maths L5+ 37.5 77.8 Super results this year- very able cohort 9 children (7 started in reception) 3 Gifted and talented 0 SEN 22.2 KS2 Maths L6+ RESULTS L4+ English 100% L4+ Maths 100% 2 levels progress KS1-KS2-English 100% 2 levels progress KS1-KS2-Maths 100% Press coverage Top school in Essex in The Telegraph (value added scores) Locally in The Reporter and Observer Key Stage 2 Targets for 2013 (Governors to agree the targets that were set with the SIP) End of KS2 Targets for 2013 Number of children in the Y6 cohort for 2013 is: 14 Target 2013 (current Y6) No.of children % KS2 Eng L4+ Reading L4+ 11 11 92% 92% Writing L4+ 10 84% KS2 Eng L5 5 42% Reading L5 5 42% Writing L5 1 8% KS2 Maths L4+ 9 75% KS2 Maths L5 KS2 Science L4+ 3 11 25% 92% KS2 Science L5 5 42% Discussion about cohort for 2013- present Y6 Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June 4 pupils have joined the cohort during the academic year (2010-2011). 4 SEN children 2 children with separate Numeracy programme. 4 children have had 1: 1 tuition. Key Stage 2 targets for 2014 Trajectory for 2014 Key Stage 2 Current Year 5 Number in cohort English and Mathematics English- progressing 2 or more levels from KS1 Mathematics- progressing 2 or more levels from KS1 L4 + Number overall 12 12 12 11 % overall 100 100 91.7 KEY STAGE 1- DATA Key Stage 1 Targets for 2013 and previous years 2011 Target 2011 Result Reading Writing Maths Reading Writing Maths Reading Writing Maths 100 100 87.5 100 87.5 75 25 0 25 100 85 100 85 85 77 23 0 15 % Level 3+ % Level 2B+ % Level 2+ No. of children in the Yr2 2013 cohort is18 2012 Target 2012 Result 2013 Target 79 71 71 50 57 50 14 14 21 93.3 80 73.3 66.7 73.3 73.3 20 6.7 20 84.8 90.1 90.1 58.3 68.7 74.2 21.2 10.6 5.3 2013 Result Discussion The school has set challenging targets for the current Year 2 pupils using the end of EYFS outcomes and Year 1 teacher assessment information. The school has effective pupil tracking processes in place to monitor the progress of all individuals and these targets may be adjusted slightly in light of on-going assessment data. Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June EVENTS IN THE DIARY Summer 2013 Every term seems to get busier and we feel there is so much to fit in. I am so pleased that the children at Radwinter School experience such a wide and varied curriculum packed with so much fun and learning. The sun is starting to shine and we look forward to the summer term. Here is a summary of some of the key events from the spring term:Young Voices This, for me, was one of the best and most memorable events to date. Our Young Voices choir, led by Mrs Grey and Mrs Hibbs, sung in the O2 arena with 23,000 other children from across the country, including one school from Germany. The children performed many songs that they had been rehearsing for over 4 months. The Year 4/5 and 6 children had a fabulous experience. We were thrilled that so many parents also made the trip to London to watch the performance. Clay Day – whole school We welcomed Gayle Mawson into school to help each child create a painted clay tile. The children all designed four different pictures with our Rector, Gillian, in mind. The idea was that all the tiles would be put together to create a leaving present for Gillian. The paintings ranged from images of flowers, trees, butterflies and crosses. Gayle Mawson fired all the tiles in her kiln and then Mrs Henderson set about the task of putting all the tiles together. Yoga Emma Stevens, our yoga teacher, is scheduled into school at least half termly. She teaches the children in their classes and links the yoga to elements of the curriculum. It always includes relaxation and the children all love the peace and tranquillity of the sessions. It would be an idea for the future to have parents somehow involved in the yoga sessions too! Forest Schools We are keen to ensure all children benefit from Forest Schools. It has become a routine in Class 1 take part in Forest Schools on a weekly basis. Classes 2, 3 and 4 will take part in whole-day sessions this year. We hope this will mean the children can become really engrossed in their play and enjoy spending a large chunk of time outside. This will include snack and lunchtime. Mrs Henderson plays a vital role in Forest Schools and we would be lost without her. I am pleased Mrs Hibbs has taken a very active role in Forest Schools and will be completing her Level 3 Forest Leader training course in June. We wish her the best of luck with the training, especially with the essay writing!! We know she will be great! Faith Week Mrs Weekes organised a fabulous faith week in which the whole school took part. We had a prayer space which the children could access where a series of activities and tasks helped the children consider different aspects of prayer. Many of the children enjoyed spending time in the prayer space. The pebble and weaving activities were very popular. We welcomed Henry Wilson into assembly who spoke of his work with the Haverhill Food Bank and how he became a Christian through his work in the local community including his work as a photographer. Mr Saja, (parent to Yousef in Y6, Heytham in Y4 and Majid in Y2) talked of his own Muslim faith and gave an insight into the religion and culture. The children found it very interesting and Class 4 had an extra informative session with a Powerpoint presentation. Book week During Book Week, the children took part in many book related/reading activities. We were very pleased to welcome many parents to read aloud with the children. Thursday, 7th March was World Book Day and every child came into school dressed as their favourite book character. We have been focussing on encouraging children to practise reading as much as possible at home and have been very pleased with the support of parents. Learning is very much a three-way triangle between child, home and school. Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June Red Nose Day The children came into school in various outfits - from garish hair to pyjamas – anything goes!! was the theme. A very keen group of Year 5 children manned stalls including nail painting, face paints and homemade lemonade. They raised over £40.00 and as a school we made £263.50 which will go to a very worthy cause. School Council A group of children (a boy and a girl from each year group) were elected via a democratic vote to represent their year group. They discuss different school issues and matters of interest. We ask a school Governor to attend and for the next year, Sally Rowden will be the Governor representative. The last meeting in April discussed playtimes, lunchtimes, ideas for a school pet and whole school fundraising projects. I am always very impressed with how seriously the children take their roles and the innovative ideas they come up with. I look forward to the next meeting that is scheduled just before half term. Eco champions A group of children who have a keen interest in conserving our environment work together as eco champions. They meet halftermly and plan various projects. The children are currently working on planning an eco day to raise awareness of green issues and to allow the opportunity for everyone to take part in green themed creative activities. Class 2 - History Off the Page Class 2 became Egyptians for the day on 18th April! They took part in various activities including making ink, bread and canopic jars, mummies and olive oil (for a lamp). In the meantime, the slaves worked hard serving the pharaohs. This is an absolute must for the future and we hope to see some Romans soon visiting Radwinter School! Gillian – Tea Party On 21st March, we had a lovely retirement tea party for Rev Gillian Mann. Young Voices choir sang musical memories and the whole school performed the millennium version of the Lord’s Prayer. We had a traditional afternoon tea with sandwiches, cakes and jelly. It was fun! Gillian loved her planter and tray which were covered with the children’s decorated clay tiles. We ended with a performance poem that the children had created as follows: Dear Gillian dear friend of ours Although you are leaving We treasure your assemblies, Plants and flowers you adore you’ll stay in our hearts stories, songs and prayers reading, family and friends Your smile and kind words Our door is always open tell us that you care for you our fondness never ends You are kind and caring Dear Gillian Dear Gillian towards everyone dear friend of ours dear friend of ours Although you are leaving Although you are leaving you’ll stay in our hearts you’ll stay in our hearts You are all of our values combined into one Dear Gillian dear friend of ours Although you are leaving you’ll stay in our hearts Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June We wish Rev Gillian and her husband Dave a very happy retirement. We would like to thank them for their hard work and commitment to the school over many years including their role as school governors. Best of luck to them both for a happy future. Indian runner ducklings Ms Goodey (Esme Ward’s mum) and Esme brought their Indian runner ducklings into school. The children loved watching the ducklings eat and paddle and asked some very interesting questions. Breakfast Club We have introduced a breakfast club since February half term and this has been very successful. Thirteen families use this service. The children can be dropped at school at 7.45am daily or on an ad hoc basis. Mrs Henderson runs breakfast club and the children enjoy eating their breakfast with fruit juice. They have a range of activities, including crafts. Inter-village Tournament We have a tournament arranged with Wimbish, Great Sampford and Ashdon. Mrs Powell does a superb job of organising this and Mick, our sports’ coach, is an asset to our school. Sports’ Day and Summer Fayre To celebrate the end of the summer term, the school sports’ day and summer fayre will take place on Friday, 12th July. Everyone is welcome to see the children compete in their various sporting activities and enjoy Radwinter Primary’s annual summer fayre. If your child is due to start school or you have just moved to the area, please arrange an appointment to see our school in action. Radwinter Primary School could well be the perfect place for your child’s journey in education. Please contact the office on 01799 599248 to arrange a tour with the headteacher Governors Key Facts- Summer Term 2013- June