Alpine Transportation Company Post Office Box 100360 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-0360 Telephone 907 263 3700 Facsimile 907 263 3748 December 13, 2006 Honorable, Magalie R. Salas, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 1st Street, N.E., Room 1-A Washington, D.C. 20426 OIL PIPELINE FILING Transmittal No. 13 Dear Ms. Secretary: The accompanying schedules are sent to you for filing in compliance with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and are issued by Alpine Transportation Company with the following identification: Tariff Number: F.E.R.C. No. 11 (Issued in lieu of F.E.R.C. No. 10 which was withdrawn) Effective Date: January 1, 2007 F.E.R.C. No. 11 contains tariff rate for the Alpine Transportation Company system, bearing an effective date of January 1, 2007. We are issuing on an 18-day notice under authority of 18 CFR §341.14. This tariff publication is conditionally accepted subject to refund pending a 30-day review period. We determined that an error had occurred in the calculation; therefore, we have recalculated the tariff resulting in a reduced rate. A similar filing is being made with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska. Any questions regarding this tariff should be directed to Bernie Washington at (907) 263-3703. As outlined in 18 CFR §343.3, we request that all protests to the aforementioned Alpine Transportation Company tariff be telexed to the following contact person: Steven Reed / Steven Brose Steptoe & Johnson Fax: (202) 429-3902 Phone: (202) 429-6250 We certify that we have on or before this day notified all subscribers via email which contains the link to our tariff website that has the updated tariff posted. This filing is being hand-delivered to F.E.R.C. Please acknowledge receipt of this transmittal on the duplicate copy enclosed and our courier will pick up the date-stamped duplicate copy at the time of filing. Sincerely, John M. Christal Business Manager Enclosures cc: Tariff Subscribers Mr. David Ulevich