2500 Art Theory and Criticism - Cleveland State Community College

Rubric & Course Number: ART 2500
Credit Hours:
Course Title: Art Theory and Criticism
(Instructor’s name, office number, telephone number and email.)
(Schedule of office hours should be communicated to students ASAP.)
Course Overview:
Art Theory and Criticism provides the terminology and theoretical basis necessary for the
investigation and understanding of specific works of art. This class considers the theoretical
issues and related historical framework that come together in the critical interpretation of art.
Contemporary approaches to art criticism are a major focus. (Prerequisite(s): ART 1030 or
Permission of instructor.) UD
Learning Outcomes:
As a result of the activities and study in the course, students will demonstrate the
ability to:
1. Evaluate their knowledge of the visual arts;
2. Realize the themes evident in contemporary culture that are often revealed and
commented upon by visual artists— past and present;
3. Recognize the importance of art in our society;
4. Demonstrate an increased knowledge of the events and ideas that have come to
shape the history of art and its contemporary counterparts;
5. Develop their own works of art with a deeper understanding of its relationship to
the history of art and its current placement and relationship to contemporary art;
6. Develop an art vocabulary that enables them to interpret accurately and cohesively
the art world around them and their own works of art.
To be determined by individual instructors and can include tests, quizzes, homework,
projects, etc.
Evaluation and Grading Procedures
To be determined by individual instructors.
Attendance Policy (including make-up provisions):
To be determined by individual instructors.
Disability Statement:
If, because of a documented disability, you require assistance or reasonable accommodations
to complete assigned course work (such as modifications in testing, special equipment, etc.),
you must register with Disability Support Services and notify your instructor within the first
two weeks of the semester. Disability Support is located in the ACCESS Center (U118,
423-478-6217 or 423-472-7141).
Withdrawal Information:
The last day to withdraw is published in the college catalog. Students should review their
syllabus for the last day to withdraw for courses that do not meet the full semester.
Academic Integrity:
Cleveland State students are required, as a condition of good standing and continued
enrollment, to conduct themselves properly in class. Such proper behavior includes academic
honesty, civility, and respect for others and private property. Please refer to the Student
Handbook portion of the catalog for further information.