The Training - Thriving Youth Australia!

Training Options
Training for asset builders can be tailored to suit
specific needs. Many community organisations,
schools, churches, and young people across
Australia have already benefited from Thriving
Youth Australia’s training; available programs
Assets in Action: a 1-day introduction to community change for community groups.
Change of Heart: a 1-day retreat for school staff
and students to embed the Assets in a school
Everyone’s an Asset Builder: a 4-hour workshop to equip anyone to integrate Developmental
Assets into their life.
Introducing Developmental Assets: a 1 – 2
hour introductory presentation.
Parenting Partners: an introductory session,
or a series of 6 x 2-hour interactive sessions,
providing parents with possibilities for positive
Asset Building in School Communities: a 1day workshop designed for school staff to explore
how schools can be great places to learn, and to
Sharing the Asset Message: a 4-hour workshop
to equip asset-builders as advocates in their
The Journey to Community Change: a 4-hour
workshop providing community leaders with a
“how-to” guide to changing their community.
What’s Up With Our Kids?: a presentation of
your community’s survey data, designed as a
follow-up to survey work done with schools and
community organisations as part of Thriving
Youth Australia and Resilience Foundation’s Australian research.
For more information on bringing Thriving Youth training to your community,
complete a Training Request Form
in the Contact section at
Contacts: Steve Goldsmith, Coordinator,
Thriving Youth Australia
Phone 0404 370 907
Rod Dungan,
Director, Thriving Youth Australia,
C/- PO Box 711
Heathmont VIC 3135
in Australian
40 Developmental Assets
What is Thriving Youth Australia?
Thriving Youth Australia©, through its association with Search InstituteSM as a “Healthy
Communities, Health Youth”® initiative is authorised by Search Institute to use the 40 Developmental Assets® as the basis of training
programs to help schools, local government,
community organisations, households and
young people themselves in asset-building.
Thriving Youth Australia also works in close
partnership with the Resilience Foundation,
building on Search Institute’s Developmental
Assets data along with Australian research on
resilience to offer training, consultancy, research and resources.
The Assets
As identified by Search Institute, the 40 Developmental Assets fall into 8 categories. It is
possible the Australian context may be different
to the US experience. Thriving Youth Australia
and the Resilience Foundation are engaged in
research to ensure the Developmental Assets
are entirely applicable to Australian young
Working with Search Institute
Five critical dynamic areas of community life
must be addressed for a community to thrive:
The 40 Developmental Assets are positive experiences (external assets) and personal qualities (internal assets) that young people need to
grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Accumulating assets has been shown to promote
positive outcomes, and protect from risk. All
young people can benefit from their communities practicing asset building.
The 40 Developmental Assets have been identified over many years’ research by Search
Institute, an independent non-profit organisation based in Minneapolis, USA. Search Institute’s mission is to provide leadership,
knowledge, and resources to people, and
Community values youth, Youth as resources,
Service to others, Safety
Boundaries and Expectations
Family, School, Neighbourhood boundaries,
Adult role models, Positive peer influence, High
1. Mobilising young people
2. Engaging adults
What are Developmental Assets?
Family support, Positive family communication,
Other adult relationships, Caring neighbourhood, Caring school climate, Parent involvement in schooling
3. Activating sectors
4. Invigorating programs
5. Influencing civic decisions
Thriving Youth Australia works with assetbuilders to achieve lasting community growth.
We are building a network of asset-builders
across all sectors of the Australian community,
and maintaining close links with Search Institute to keep up-to-date with their ongoing work.
Constructive Use of Time
Creative activities, Youth programs, Faith
community, Time at home
Commitment to Learning
Achievement motivation, School engagement,
Homework, Bonding to school, Reading for
Positive Values
Caring, Equality and social justice, Integrity,
Honesty, Responsibility, Restraint
Social Competencies
Planning and decision making, Interpersonal
competence, Cultural competence, Resistance
skills, Peaceful conflict resolution
Positive Identity
Personal power, Self-esteem, Sense of purpose, Positive view of personal future