Syllabus CRN 30579 30580 MAT1033C Intermediate Algebra Class time & place MTWR 11:30 am – 1:05 pm 8 - 235 MTWR 1:15 pm – 2:50 pm 8 - 235 Instructor: Lab time & place MW 1:15 pm – 2:20 pm 7 – 112D TR 3:00 pm – 4:05 pm 7 – 112D Lisa Potchen E-mail: You should check your email at least once a day, not just for information from this class but for all classes and from the college. Please include your name and class you are in when emailing. Phone numbers: Cell (best number to call): 407-702-7850 Office: 407-582-2116 Please leave a slow and clearly spoken voicemail message with your name, class you are in and a phone number. It’s always wise to follow up with an email if possible. If you do not hear back from me in a reasonable amount of time, please call back again. CRN: 30579 Lab Instructor: Adrian Richmann SL Leader: Angela Hernandez-Sens E-mail: SL Room: 4-216 SL times: ________________________________ Summer 2014 (H1) Final exam date & time Mon. 6/16 11:30 am Mon. 6/16 1:15 pm On-Campus Engagement Hours: MR: 10:00 am – 11:15 am (SPA) MW: 3:05 pm – 4:20 pm (SPA) Online/phone times: TW: 9:30 – 10:30 am Sun,T,R: 8:00 – 9:00 pm If these times are not convenient for you, please talk to me before or after class or via email or phone to set up a better time to meet with me. A copy of my daily schedule is posted on my website. Website: CRN: 30580 Lab Instructor: Natasha Whitbread SL Leader: Jennifer Bliss E-mail: SL Room: 4-216 SL times: ____________________________________ Course Description INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in MAT 0022C or MAT 0028C or appropriate score on an approved assessment. This course presents algebraic skills for MAC 1105. Topics include linear equations and inequalities in two variables and their graphs, systems of linear equations and inequalities , introductions to functions, factoring, algebraic functions, rational equations, radical and rational exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, scientific notation, applications of the above topics and the communication of mathematics. Applications emphasizing connections with disciplines and the real world will be included. For the A.A. Degree, this course carries general elective credit but does not satisfy either Gordon Rule or general education requirements. For the A.S. Degree, this course can fulfill general education mathematics requirements if a minimum grade of C is earned. Required Materials: Textbook or e-book (available with Enhanced WebAssign): Intermediate Algebra – Connecting Concepts Through Applications, by Clark and Anfinson. Access to Enhanced WebAssign: This is your online homework program which can be purchased at the bookstore or online. Comes with the e-book. Instructions can be found on the last page of this syllabus. Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI-83, 84 or 84+ are recommended and are used by the instructor in class. It is your responsibility for learning the appropriate calculator syntax for any other model. Lab Manual: Provided during the first lab meeting. No cost to students. Access to Atlas email: Check your email at least once a day. Graph paper: Any kind/size. You may want to split a pack with a classmate. You should bring your notebook and calculator, along with paper and pencil, to class every day. Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 How to be Successful in this Class: Have good attendance. Attend every class. Don’t be late. Don’t leave early Stay awake! Be prepared for class. Have a notebook dedicated to this class. Keep your notebook organized and up to date. Read over the next section before class (think of it as a movie preview). Complete your homework before the next class. Have your questions ready to ask at the beginning of class. Include the section number and problem number and the problem itself from WebAssign. Bring your notebook and extra pencils or pens with you to class. Stay on top of your assignments. Create an organized study area with all of the supplies you need. Keep a daily calendar or planner. Set aside a certain time each day that is for homework only. Know your deadlines – write them on your calendar or planner. Don’t procrastinate! If you miss a class, contact a classmate for notes and announcements right away! Keep neat and organized notes and homework. What to do if you don’t understand the material. Ask questions in class during the lecture or mark your notes and make sure to get your questions answered after class. Review your notes. Rework the examples provided in class. Read the textbook (really). The text is well written and has many examples for you to follow. Matched videos for section examples are also available at Use the videos, tutorials and chats in Enhanced WebAssign. Use the videos available on Valencia’s Math Help 24/7 website at Use Google or YouTube for help. Visit the SPA in Bldg 4 often! ASK YOUR TEACHER FOR HELP – email, call or visit during office or SPA hours! Ask other students in class to meet for study sessions. Get help as soon as you need it!!! Classmate contact info Name Phone Email 2 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 Supplemental Learning This course is enhanced by Supplemental Learning (SL) – casual, small-group study sessions led by a model student who has already passed the course with a high grade. In SL sessions, you compare notes with other students, discuss assignments, and develop organizational and study skills. Students who take part in SL sessions make higher grades. Course Outline This course will cover material from Chapters 1 – 4 & Chapters 7 & 8. Exact test dates will be announced in class. Course components: Homework: 10% Labs, Activities: 10% Tutoring time: 5% Tests: 60% Final Exam: 15% Grading Policy: Grades will be based upon four in-class tests, lab work, activities, SPA tutoring time, online homework and a comprehensive final exam. Your lowest test score can be dropped and replaced with the grade you receive on the final. But don’t plan for this and let one test slide on purpose - you may have to miss a test later on in the semester due to illness, family emergency, car troubles, etc. so you may need your final to replace this grade. You must NEATLY SHOW YOUR WORK on any material handed in if you want to receive full credit. This also benefits you since, if your work is shown and can be easily followed when graded, you may receive partial credit for an answer that is only partially correct. Grade Calculation: Letter grades will be assigned according to the final average using the scale: 90 to 100 is an A, 80 to 89 is a B, 70 to 79 is a C, 60-69 is a D*, 59 and below is an F*. * These grades will require you to repeat MAT1033C before continuing on in mathematics. Assistance outside of the classroom / testing center location Your Professor is interested in your success in this course. Please ask questions regularly in class or by email or phone. Be sure to also visit your professor during office hours. Supplemental Learning (SL). Your SL leader will hold 4 study sessions each week outside of class. Specialized Prep Area (SPA). The SPA is located on the first floor of building 4 in the Math Center. This is where you can receive specialized assistance. Worksheets are available, in addition to tutoring, to meet your specific mathematical needs. Note that some of your professor’s office hours are held in the SPA for your convenience. Matched videos for section examples are also available at Math Help 24/7: Online videos can be found here that were created by Valencia math professors. Search internet resources like Google and Youtube for videos on everything you will see covered in your math classes Study Groups. Many students find it extremely helpful to form study groups with their colleagues. This practice is highly recommended! Testing Center (4-123) Hours: ** Must arrive 1 hour before closing Monday – Thursday 7am – 10pm, Friday 7am – 12pm, Saturday 8am – 2pm 3 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 Homework Homework is assigned so you can learn the material. You should do homework with the goal of understanding and not just for the grade you receive on your homework. Many test questions will be similar to homework problems. To be successful in the class it is important to set aside time BETWEEN EACH CLASS MEETING to COMPLETE your homework assignment. The first part of each class period will be spent discussing students’ questions about the previous homework assignment. Your homework will be done online using Enhanced WebAssign (EWA) which can be purchased online or in the bookstore. Information on how to access the online homework is located at the end of the syllabus. Due dates are set in EWA and are used to discourage procrastination. Homework is usually due on the Thursday or Monday after a section has been completed, although this may be adjusted to fit the testing schedule. You will receive 10% extra credit for any homework problems completed 48 or more hours before the due date. If you have a question about your homework, you can send an email to your instructor from the EWA program or from Atlas. Please include the section number, problem number and a brief description of what you have tried in the problem in addition to your question. Although your solutions will be typed into EWA, most problems require calculations that you will need to work out on paper first. You need to keep an organized notebook of this work. Properly label each section’s work with the chapter and section number and of course number each problem. Be neat and organized to get good practice on how you would present a solution to a problem on the test. If you have a question about a problem, and you’ve done everything outlined in the section in this syllabus called How to be successful in this class, please bring the problem to the next class meeting. You will need to include the section and problem number. It’s best to write the details of the problem down and how you attempted to solve it. If you do not include the problem details or the section and problem number, I may not be able to help you with your question. Additional homework assignments may be assigned that must be handed in at the beginning of the class on the assigned due date. Labs This class has a scheduled lab component that meets twice each week for 65 minutes of which you are required to stay the duration. In the lab class you will be doing activities, mostly in groups, which support the material discussed in the class. There will be one or two labs assigned during each lab class. The lab assignments will count in your final class average. Attendance is mandatory for the lab class. Your lab instructor will take roll and report back to your professor any unacceptable behavior such as being late to lab, not participating in the activities or disruptive or disrespectful behavior. Negative reports will affect your grade in a negative way. You will receive a zero for any labs missed. Activities These will include other types of activities that may be assigned during the semester. 4 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 Tutoring time (SL and the SPA) You must complete at least 50 minutes in the SPA or attend one full SL session every week for full credit. Credit will be based on the percentage of the 50 minutes you achieve. You of course are encouraged to spend more than 50 minutes in the SPA and attend all four SL sessions each week, but only the first 50 minutes in the SPA or the first SL session of each week will be credited towards this grade. SL is a great place to reinforce class material, get questions answered and connect with other students. The SPA is a great place to do your homework because you can get help as you are working. Just raise the flag at your table or computer and a tutor will come to help you. There are many computers in the SPA and laptops can be checked out at the AV window just around the corner. Many students find it convenient to go the SPA before and after class and before and after SL. Your instructor holds some of her engagement hours in the SPA before and after class. Check the first page of this syllabus for the specific times. You must check in and check out at the SPA desk so that your instructor can receive a record of your time there. If there is no check-out time, that visit cannot be counted towards your time. You must also keep your own record of your SPA and SL attendance so that you can be sure to get your time in for full credit. The SPA nor your instructor can provide this information to you. Testing Policy There will be a review assigned in Enhanced WebAssign that counts as a homework assignment and is due before each test. You are required to show your work on all test problems. If you do not show the work you did to get an answer, it’s very possible that you may not receive full credit for a correct answer. Also, if the work is hard to follow (sloppy) or is on scrap paper that is not labeled with problem numbers, you may lose credit if I can’t follow or find your work. Makeup Policy: No makeup tests are available without explicit consent of the instructor which will only be granted in case of a documented emergency and for one test only. If a student realizes in advance that he/she has a conflict with a scheduled test, it may be possible to schedule the test for an earlier time, again, for one test only. Makeup tests and tests taken early will be taken in the testing center. You will need a Valencia ID card (which you can have made in Bldg 5) to take your test there. If a scheduled test is missed, you will receive a zero for that test and that test will be the one that gets replaced by your final exam score. Attendance Attendance is required at your assigned class time. You may be withdrawn from the class for 2 or more absences. You will be notified once via your Atlas email account if the instructor is considering withdrawing you. Being late or leaving early is a disruption to the class and is discourteous to the professor and the other students. You may be counted as absent if you miss a portion of the class which, as mentioned above, after 2 absences you are subject to being withdrawn. It is your responsibility to find out what material, announcements or assignments you miss when late or absent. You can contact classmates via email from Atlas and it is recommended that you get other contact information for at least two students in the class. If using the class email list and you haven’t met anyone in the class yet, I suggest you email the two names directly below yours and not the whole class and not the first name on the list. Then continue down the list if you do not receive a message back in a timely manner. If you need info for a second day you’ve missed, move down the list again so you aren’t asking the same students over and over again. And if you receive a request for a homework assignment or other information, please respond as soon as you can - let’s all work together to help each other. You should attempt to contact someone as soon as possible, even before the class starts if you know ahead of time you will miss class. If you do not hear back after emailing two students, please contact me to find out what material was covered. 5 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 Classroom Etiquette To be successful, it is important to pay attention in class. If you are not able to pay attention to the work going on in the class you may be asked to leave. If you need to sleep, please go home and do so. Please be respectful of our class time and turn your electronic devices off – including cell phones, they should be off and not on vibrate. If you have an emergency situation that requires your cell phone to be on, please notify your instructor at the beginning of class. You may be asked to leave class if your device makes any sound or you are seen using the device in class. This also includes laptops and any device that plays music. Headphones will not be allowed in either ear! As mentioned under the Attendance paragraph above, it is disruptive to come into the class late or depart while class is in session. Please try to avoid these situations but if necessary, come and go as quickly and quietly as possible. Respect for others is expected in all interactions within the classroom to include speaking with the instructor and also to other students. You may be asked to leave class for the following: inattentiveness, use of electronic devices, disrespectful behavior, and any other behavior that disrupts the class. If you are asked to leave, you will be counted as absent for that day. Withdrawal Policy A student who withdraws from class before the established deadline of 11:59 pm on May 30, 2014 will receive a grade of “W”. A student is NOT permitted to withdraw after this withdrawal deadline. A faculty member MAY withdraw a student up to the last day of classes for violation of the class attendance policy (see above). A student who is withdrawn by faculty for violation of the class attendance policy will receive a grade of “W”. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F”. Before you withdraw from a course, you should be aware that course withdrawals: Will increase the cost of your education May affect your financial aid status May affect your transfer grade point average May result in your having to pay the full cost of instruction fee to retake the course May affect your anticipated graduation date May result in your being denied access to limited access programs May affect your eligibility for the Honors Program May affect your immigration status if you are attending Valencia on a nonimmigrant visa Will result in your required repayment of course fees paid by a Bright Futures scholarship. See current college catalog for additional details. Valencia I.D. Cards Valencia ID cards are required to use many of the services offered at VCC such as the testing center, SPA and Math Lab. No other form of ID at these and many other locations will be accepted. Possession and utilization of a Valencia ID is mandatory in order to obtain these services. 6 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The East Campus Office is located in Building 5, Room 216 Ph: 407-582-2229 Fax: 407-582-8908 TTY: 407-582-1222. If you have a disability which requires accommodations in this course, let’s plan for them as soon as possible. I am happy to make appropriate accommodations, provided timely notice is received. BayCare Behavioral Health Student Assistance Program (SAP) Valencia College is interested in making sure all our students have a rewarding and successful college experience. To that purpose, Valencia students can get immediate help that may assist them with psychological issues dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, adjustment difficulties, substance abuse, time management as well as relationship problems dealing with school, home or work. Students have 24 hour unlimited access to the BayCare Behavioral Health’s confidential student assistance program phone counseling services by calling (800) 878-5470. Three free confidential face-to-face counseling sessions are also available to students. Valencia Student Core Competencies The Valencia Student Core Competencies (Think, Value, Act, Communicate) are an established component of the College's curriculum development and review process. Think: Value: Act: Communicate: Think clearly, critically, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry. Make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments. Act purposefully, effectively, and responsibly. Communicate with different audiences using varied means. Academic Honesty All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia. Academic dishonesty included, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Sanctions available to the professor should a violation occur are described in the Valencia Student Handbook. See Academic Dishonesty policy: 6Hx28: 8-11 Expected Student Conduct Valencia Community College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia Community College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook. See Student Code of Conduct Policy: 6Hx28: 8-03 Disclaimer Changes in the syllabus, including schedule and evaluation procedures may be made at the discretion of the instructor. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what, if any, announcements or changes have been made. 7 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 IMPORTANT DATES Classes do not meet: Memorial Day, May 26, 2014 Withdrawal deadline: May 30, 2014 to receive a “W” Final Examination: Last day of classes, Monday, June 16, 2014 Helpful Links and Resources Enhanced WebAssign: Customer support number: 1-800-955-8275 Support hours: M-F 9 am – 10 pm, Sun 11 am – 8 pm Online Student Support info: Set up email alerts, instructions are here: htm Math SPA: Specialized Preparatory Area Location: 4-102 Phone: (407) 582-2865 Web site: Hours: M-R 8am – 10pm, F 8am – 12pm, Sat 8am – 2pm Testing Center Location: 4-123 Phone: (407) 582-2704 Web site: Summer hours: M-R 7am – 10pm, F 7am – 12pm, Sat 8am – 2pm The testing center stops admitting students one hour before closing time Internet Math Help: Videos that match the section examples from our textbook: Our own Valencia website with videos created by Valencia East Campus math professors: Math Help 24/7 at Many other videos and websites can be found by searching on YouTube and Google 8 Syllabus - MAT1033C – Intermediate Algebra – Summer 2014 H1 9