Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd MSC-STATUS APPLICATION BUSINESS PLAN Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section A: Executive Summary Instruction: The executive summary is an independent element of the business plan. It should contain the brief overview of the most important aspects of the business plan. In particular, it should highlight the products or services, the value to the customer, the relevant markets, management expertise, financing requirements, and possible return on investment. Maximum size of the free-text to be allowed is 8000 characters. Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section B: Company Background Section B1: Company Profile 1 Name of applying company Entry * (A max of 100 characters is allowed for the company name) Instructions: Have you registered the company with Malaysia’s Registrar of Company? If yes, please provide the registration number. 2 Company Registration number Entry (Conditional Mandatory) Instructions: A copy of ROC Form 9 or Form 13 (if applicable) must be submitted 3 Incorporation date Entry (Conditional Mandatory) Form 13 details (if name change is applicable) Name Date Entry Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd 4 Contact Details Address Entry City Entry Post code Entry State Choose Country Choose Telephone Entry Fax Entry URL Entry * (Taken from PreApplication, allow modifications) 5 Key contact personnel Designations CEO/MD* (CEO and CTO details are mandatory) CTO* CFO (Choose)Same as CEO (Choose)Same as CEO Others 1 Others 2 (Entry) (Entry) (Choose)Same as CTO Name * Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Age * Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Nationality * Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Email * Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Tel * Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry H/P Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Fax (if differ from above ) Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Rules: Client can provide any other specific designation and details in the 4 th and 5th column provided. Not mandatory Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section B2: Corporate Structure 1 Ownership Structure * 1 a. Name of individual shareholder/ company * Equity (%) * Amount (RM)* Country of origin * Entry Entry Entry Choose from list Choose Entry Entry Entry Choose from list Choose 1b. Total Bumiputera Equity Bumiputera (Yes/No) Display Rules: a. b. c. d. At least one entry is mandatory. A maximum of 20 entries would be allowed. Shareholders can be individuals or companies (A max of 100 characters are allowed) Total Equity % across shareholders should account to 100%. Amount (RM) can be a max of 12 digits Instructions: If the shareholder(s) is a corporate entity, please provide company background and latest financial statements If the majority shareholder(s) are individuals (more than 15%), please provide the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of these individual. (CV to be submitted as hardcopies) 2 Authorized Capital (RM) * Entry 3 Paid-up Capital (RM) * Entry 4 Do you have any plans to increase your paid capital? * Yes / No Option (Choose) If Yes, Proposed amount in RM (Cumulative) : Entry Year : Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Instructions: A copy of ROC form 24 and 49 must be submitted Section B3: Company Background 1. State your company’s current stage of operation (Please tick appropriate box). ** Choose option Seed – Entrepreneurs with just a business idea/concept or business plan Start-up – Have developed a product/service, but have not/just started commercialization Growth – Have successfully commercialized products/services and in an expansion Pre-IPO – Planning for Initial Public Offer within 1 year Post-IPO – Already listed in a stock exchange Please indicate the date of listing : Entry Name of Stock Exchange : Entry Multinational company or subsidiary 2. Has the company started its operations? Yes / No (Choose option) * Company’s present activities (Conditional mandatory): Entry Instructions: Explain the company business activities. If the applying company is a JV Co. describe the nature of the partnership. State major achievements if any. A copy of the past 3 years audited reports and latest management account must be submitted Roles: Max of 8000 characters to be allowed for the Activity details Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd 3. Associated companies/related companies: Holding/Sister Company name ** Nature of relationship % of shareholding Brief Activities ** ** Entry Choose from list Entry Entry Entry Choose from list Entry Entry Etc… Instructions: If the MSC applicant belongs to a corporate group, please provide the corporate structure, relationship and the roles of the applying company in the group. Org chart Hardcopy to be submitted as part of the checklist Rules: a. Name of the holding / sister company can have a max of 255 characters. Applying company can have a maximum of 10 holding/sister companies. Some of the companies may not have holding/sister companies. In such cases, associated companies section is not mandatory. b. Nature of shareholding could be one of the following: Holding Subsidiary Associate Related Sister c. % of shareholding limits Holding (Value must be greater than > 50%) Subsidiary (Value must be greater than > 50%) Associate (Value must be between 30-50%) Related (Value must be less than 30%) Sister (Common share holders – No % is captured) Rules: If nature of relationship is “Sister”, then % shareholding is not applicable d. Brief activities for each of the Holding/Sister company – can have a max of 255 characters Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd 4. Has your company or associated companies been granted any incentives/funding from Malaysian government / Private agencies ? If yes, please state (Proof of documentation is required): This section is applicable if the applying company or its associated holding/sister companies has been granted incentives/funding, to run their operations, either by the Malaysian Government or by local private agencies. Company Name 1 Display based on (3) above Type of incentives/Funding Ministry / Private Agencies Year awarded Expected Expiry date Amount (RM) Equity % Entry Choose Entry Entry Entry Entry (Applicable only if Incentive is provided by Private agencies) (Applicable only if Incentive is provided by Private agencies) Entry Entry (Applicable only if Incentive is provided by Private agencies) (Applicable only if Incentive is provided by Private agencies) If Ministry, Entry If Private agencies, Entry Max of 2 more entries Company Name 2 Display based on (3) above Entry Choose If Ministry, Entry If Private agencies, Entry Etc. Rules: Entry Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd a. There could be nil incentives for the applying company/holding/sister company. So this section is not mandatory. b. A maximum of 3 incentives would be allowed for each company. c. Company list in this section should consider “applying company” and all the holding/sister companies (as given in (3) above) d. Client to key in the name of the Ministry / Private Agency (whichever is applicable). Ministry name: Must not exceed 100 characters Private agency name: Must not exceed 100 characters e. If the incentive was provided by Private agencies, additional details such as Amount of Grant and Equity % is captured Section C: Key Management team Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director ** Name Display Age Display Nationality Display Education Background * Qualification Discipline University Year Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Name of the Certification/Award/Publication Granted /Published by Year received Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Professional certification / Awards/Publications if applicable Etc. Working experience and relevant field of expertise Year from Year to Company Designation Entry Entry Entry Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Chief Technology Officer * Name Display Age Display Nationality Display Education Background * Qualification Discipline University Year Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Name of the Certification/Award/Publication Granted /Published by Year received Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Professional certification / Awards/Publications if applicable Etc. Working experience and relevant field of expertise Year from Year to Company Designation Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Chief Financial Officer Name Display Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Age Display Nationality Display Education Background Qualification Discipline University Year Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Name of the Certification/Award/Publication Granted /Published by Year received Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Professional certification / Awards/Publications if applicable Etc. Working experience and relevant field of expertise Year from Year to Company Designation Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Others 1 Display Name Display Age Display Nationality Display Education Background Qualification Discipline University Year Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Granted /Published by Year received Etc. Professional certification / Name of the Certification/Award/Publication Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Awards/Publications if applicable Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Working experience and relevant field of expertise Year from Year to Company Designation Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Others 2 Display Name Display Age Display Nationality Display Education Background Qualification Discipline University Year Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Name of the Certification/Award/Publication Granted /Published by Year received Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Professional certification / Awards/Publications if applicable Etc. Working experience and relevant field of expertise Year from Year to Company Designation Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Rules: a. CEO and CTO details are mandatory. CFO and “Others” section is not mandatory b. Educational qualification: Minimum of one and maximum of 5 qualifications to be provided c. Professional Certification: Not mandatory. Maximum of 10 certifications/awards/publications can be provided by the client. d. Working experience: Minimum of one and maximum of 10 lines of experience details to be provided by the client e. Company Name, Designations, Qualification, Discipline, University, Name of certification and Granted/published by – Max of 100 characters Section D: Proposed activities in MSC Instructions: This is a KEY section. You should describe the nature of proposed multimedia activities, technologies, services and solutions that your company-plan to undertake R&D in the MSC in the next three years.– This section would be filled up after consultation with your Account Manager (Option) Choose Software Development (Option) Choose New Product 1. Research/Development and commercialization of the following products Product Industry/Users Country Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. (Option) Choose Enhancing Existing Product 2. Research/Development and commercialization of new versions of the following products Product Version Industry/Us ers Country Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Rules: a. If Software Development is chosen as the primary activity, user can either opt to keyin “New product” details OR “Enhancing existing product” details OR BOTH. One of the options to be mandatory. b. Client can key-in minimum of one product and maximum of 20 products c. Product Description, Industry details – Maximum of 100 characters d. Industry and Country: Non-mandatory (Option) Choose Design Activities (Option) Choose 1. Design and development of the following products Design and Development Product Industry Country Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. (Option) Choose 2. Establish design/development services for outsourced activities Facilities for Outsourced activities Name of the Services Details Entry Entry Entry Entry Country Etc. Rules: e. If Design activities is chosen as the primary activity, then user can either opt to keyin “Design activities” details OR “Services for outsourced activities” details OR BOTH. One of the options to be mandatory. f. Client can key-in minimum of one product and maximum of 20 products g. Product Description, Industry details, Facility details – Maximum of 100 characters h. Industry and Details: Non-mandatory Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (Option) Choose Shared Services Establish and operate a Shared Services/Outsourcing Center to undertake (Option) Choose Entry IT Services (Option) Choose Entry Business Process Services (Option) Choose Entry Knowledge Services Rules: i. j. If Shared services is chosen as the primary activity, then the client can either opt to keyin “IT Services ” details OR “BP Services” details OR “Knowledge Services” or all the three. One of the options to be mandatory. Description – Maximum of 100 characters (Option) Choose Internet Based Business Application service providers, e-commerce service providers; web-based trading platforms Product / Services Industry Country Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Etc. Rules: a. If Internet Based Business is chosen as the primary activity, then the client must keyin the Internet Based Business product details and the target industry b. At least one product must be keyed-in. Maximum of 20 products would be allowed. c. Product, Industry – Maximum of 100 characters d. Industry : Non-mandatory Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (Option) Choose Content Creation Development and commercialization (MMROPG/Mobile games), animation etc of digital content for Product / Services Industry Country Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry e-learning/games/ Etc. Rules: a. If Content Creation is chosen as the primary activity, then the client must keyin the Content development product details and the target industry b. At least one product must be keyed-in. Maximum of 20 products would be allowed. c. Product, Industry – Maximum of 100 characters d. Industry : Non-mandatory Detailed Description of the Proposed Activities * Instructions: Product or Service Description – which should include module and sub-module description The scope of development in the next 3-years and expected outcome (type of product or service). Please state current development status. State the innovativeness of proposed research/development and solution improvement or technology change vis-à-vis the products or services to be developed a. Described in the prior section. b. Intellectual property to be registered (if any). Please state the technology and/or programming/design tools that your company would be using in the proposed R&D activities as follows: Operating system (such as Linux, Microsoft etc.). Database (such as Oracle etc.). Programming languages (such as Java, C++ etc.) Any other technology tools to be used in your R&D activities Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Proposed Product / Service Development Milestone * Proposed Product/Service development milestones Planned completion of activity/milestones Year 1 (Display) Year 2 (Display) Year 3 (Display) (Choose Quarter) (Choose Quarter) (Choose Quarter) Client has to choose the respective option (1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th quarter) for 3 years. Rules: This section should have release dates for at least one product. Maximum of 20 products will be allowed Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section E: Business Model Instructions: This section should describe your company Marketing plan (in terms of positioning, marketing activities and promotional campaigns to substantiate the sales projections in your financials Marketing Strategies ** Client has to describe the marketing strategies that will be adopted by the company to achieve the objectives. Strategy (Option) Choose Exhibition (Option) Choose Materials and Primary tactics (Option) Choose Smart partnership Description Entry Entry Entry Revenue Model ** Client should describe the summary of pricing strategies for their products Instructions: Your overall pricing strategies Entry Rules: a. Size : Maximum of 4000 characters Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd 3a. Have you secured any contracts till date? (Option) Choose Yes / No Entry Rules: a. Size : Maximum of 1000 characters Instruction: If contracts are secured, please provide supporting documents Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section F: Competitor Analysis * Market Overview Entry Foreign Competitors Entry Local Competitors MSC Status Competitors Entry Companies Products/Services uniqueness – Entry Entry Instructions (For Market Overview) Please include the statistics and figures related to the market potential for the products/services to be offered. Instructions (applicable for “Products/Services Uniqueness”): Please highlight your key differentiators against your competitors Rules: a. Size of each field: Market overview: 1000 characters Foreign Competitors: 5000 characters Local Competitors: 5000 characters MSC Status companies : 5000 characters Product/Services uniqueness: 5000 chars b. All fields are mandatory Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section G: Knowledge Workers Projection* Position/Role Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (Choose) (Choose) (Choose) Local (Option) Choose CEO’s office Chief Executive Officer Secretary * Option) Choose Finance and Legal Division Chief Financial Officer Account Executive * Finance and Legal Administrative * Clerk * Local Foreign Local Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Option) Choose Operation, Human Resources & Management Division Chief Operating Officer Human Resource Manager Executives * Clerk* Option) Choose Sales & Marketing Division Chief Marketing Officer Manager Executive* Sales Administrator * Foreign Entry Entry Entry Entry Foreign Entry Entry Option) Choose Public Relations Division Public Relations Manager Customer Service Representative * Option) Choose Creative Content Editor/Sub-editor Content Developer/Researcher Animator/Courseware Designer Instructional Designer Multimedia Designer/Programmer Application Developer Web developer (Option) Choose Research & Development Chief Technology Officer Chief R&D Engineer Embedded Application Engineer Web Engineer Content Engineer Quality Engineer Security Engineer Multimedia Engineer Courseware and CBT Engineer Design Engineer Electrical Engineer Electronic Engineer Mechanical Engineer Entry Entry Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Technical Writer Project Manager Application Developer Software Engineer Network Engineer Programmer System Analyst Database Engineer System Engineer Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Option) Choose Shared Services Call Center Agent/Officer (In-bound) Telemarketers (Outbound) Call Center Team Leader Senior Call Center Officer Call Center Trainer Operations Executive Call Center Supervisor Consultants / Subject matter experts Option) Choose IT Support Training and Support Total No. of Workers (Local and Foreign) Total Workers Total Knowledge Workers % of Knowledge workers (Total KW/Total Number of workers) Average % Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Display Rules: The client chooses the respective divisions (1st Column) based on the nature of business and MSC activities For each of the chosen divisions, client would keyin the total number of local and foreign workers required for 3 years. Workers indicated with a * are not included as “Knowledge Workers” Country wise projection of foreign knowledge workers For the projected number of foreign knowledge workers, the client has to provide their country of origin for each year. Client to choose a country from the list provided and indicate the number of workers expected from that country. Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Year 1 – Display Total Foreign Knowledge Workers (FKW) Display Year 2 - Display Display Year 3 – Display Display Country No. of FKW Country No. of FKW Country No. of FKW Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Choose Entry Etc Rules: The total number of workers across each country for a year should be equal to the “Total Foreign Knowledge workers” as given in the previous section There must be at least one entry for an year, if Foreign knowledge workers are applicable for that year (as per the previous section) Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Qualification and Skills set expected from Expatriates (if applicable) Qualification and skill-set technical positions * required for Entry Job description and Minimum qualifications * Entry Proposed skills development / Technology transfer program * Entry Malaysians returning home – Details * Entry Instructions: Please provide the job description and state the min qualification and skill set required for your technical positions. Please describe your proposed skills development and/or technology transfer program that you plan to conduct in the next 3 years. Please state the agency/company/higher institution involved and your areas of collaboration. Are you attracting Malaysian’s returning home? If yes, please provide the name, designation and his/her skills of expertise. Rules: a. Maximum of 1000 characters for each field Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section H: Compliance with MSC Operational Requirements * Section H1: Relocation Requirement * Current Business Address ** Address Display City Display Post Code Display State Display Country Display (Taken from PreApplication, allow modifications) Size of current office space (sq. ft.) – Mandatory ** Entry Expiry date current tenancy. Entry of Instruction: Please submit a copy of your tenancy agreement) Proposed location after award of MSCStatus List of Cyber cities (Options) Choose one State divisions/departments that will relocate to the above mentioned MSCdesignated cyber cities ** (Option) Choose Whole company will relocate within 6 months from the date of approval Date of relocation Entry (Option) Choose of approval Only principle activities of the company will relocate within 6 months from the date Department Number of workers Entry Entry Entry Entry Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Etc. Proposed location arrangement ** Build own office building Lease of office space (Options) Choose one State estimated space requirement in chosen designated cyber cities (sq. ft.) ** Entry Rules: All fields are mandatory Proposed location after award of MSC status: “Others” – Free text. 100 chars In the case of “Divisions that will relocate to cyber cities”, if the whole company has plans to relocate to cyber cities, then division / worker details are not applicable If “Whole company will relocate” is applicable, then date of relocation to be captured Section H2: Licensing / Approval requirement * In some case, the company will have to get the required licenses from Communication and Multimedia Commission of Malaysia, Bank Negara or other Government Organizations. This section captures such details Does your company licence /approval requires any (Options) Choose Yes / No (Options) Choose one Entry Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission of Malaysia (Options) Choose Entry Bank Negara (Options) Choose Entry Others (Entry) Rules: If licensing is required, then one or more of the options are mandatory Text entry – Maximum of 255 characters Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd Section I: Conclusion * Instruction: Your ending note to the plan and/or any diagrams or attachments that you wish to include. Please state how your proposed activities would contribute to the MSC (e.g. creating new businesses or enhancing productivity, training in specialized skills etc) Entry Rules: Maximum number of characters: 4000