Unit Outline (Bentley Students) - Biomedical Sciences

Unit Outline
Biochemistry 234
Semester 2 2010
Unit Details
Unit Index No:
Credit points:
Prerequisite Units:
Biochemistry 233
Online Teaching Unit
That is, unit materials and resources are available from the
unit’s Blackboard site and it is essential that students use this
site to complete the unit. The online unit site is designed to be
a significant component of the unit. It is absolutely necessary
for students to have full internet and web access.
Ownership of, or access to, recommended textbook (or
companion/supplementary textbook). Ownership of, or access
to, appropriately configured computer with internet and web
access (either on or off campus).
Unit Coordinator
Dr Steven Bottomley
School of Biomedical Sciences
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
(08) 9266 4369
(08) 9266 2342
Please read this outline carefully before commencing this unit
Hello, and welcome to Biochemistry 234.
This unit continues your comprehensive introduction to biochemistry which you received with
Biochemistry 233. Biochemistry 234 introduces you to some anabolic metabolic pathways, basic
membrane structure, the integration of metabolism, hormone action and various topics outlining
biochemistry’s role and importance in society.
Success with Biochemistry 234 is based upon your ability to remember detail, ask questions,
research, solve problems, and integrate the subject into a coherent and understandable picture. It
is important to talk about the subject with your fellow students, your demonstrators, and
Take the time to read this handout thoroughly. It explains everything you need to know about
Biochemistry 234.
I hope you will find this unit enjoyable, challenging and rewarding. I particularly hope that it
stimulates your interest in biochemistry to the extent that you go on to pursue your studies at a
higher level.
Steven Bottomley
Unit Coordinator
Biochemistry 234
First things first…What you need to do first!
• Read and understand this unit outline. You must understand what is required of you and how
the unit is structured. If you do not understand any part of this unit outline, then please ask
your lecturer or unit coordinator for further clarification.
Log on to the Biochemistry 234 Blackboard site and check for any announcements or posts to
the discussion board.
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Molecules are the principal building blocks of life. Their structure, function and organisation are
the basis of biochemistry. This unit is designed to provide you with a broad introduction to the
biochemistry that underpins courses in biology, medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences and
Unit Learning Outcomes – Thinking Skills
Learning outcomes are a useful guide for you to know what to expect from the unit and what to
expect from yourself. You may forget some of the content of biochemistry in the future, but the
thinking skills you develop in this unit will last you a lifetime. This is called ‘lifetime learning’. Both
theoretical and practical aspects of biochemistry are covered. There are six general learning
outcomes in Biochemistry 234:
Learning Outcomes
(on completion of this unit you should be
able to)
1. Remember
biochemical facts and concepts of
2. Understand
biochemical facts and concepts of
3. Apply
biochemical facts and concepts of
4. Analyse
biochemical facts, data, and concepts of
5. Evaluate
biochemical facts, data, and concepts of
6. Create
biochemistry information
Assessment of Learning Outcomes
(How you are assessed on what you learn)
Mid and End of semester exams
Mid and End of semester exams
Mid and End of semester exams
Mid and End of semester exams, PeerWise,
PeerWise, Practicals/Tutorials
At the completion of this unit you should remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate, and
create biochemical information as outlined by the syllabus. These outcomes are a hierarchy of
thinking skills. Each level in the hierarchy acts as a scaffold for your learning thus:
To understand something you have to remember it.
To apply something you should understand it.
To analyse something you should have applied it
To evaluate something you should have analysed it
To create something you must have remembered, understood, applied, analysed, and
evaluated it.
The ‘something’ in the sentences above is a biochemical fact, concept or procedure.
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The syllabus for this unit is divided into ‘common’ and ‘non-common’ core subjects. The molecular
biotechnology, human biology, and medical science students share common core subjects. Noncommon core subjects are shared by the molecular biotechnology and human biology students and
are additional to the common core syllabus for these students. Common core syllabus includes:
concepts and designs of metabolism, metabolism in the fed and fasted state., gluconeogenesis,
and amino acid metabolism. The concept of hormones and receptors in the control and integration
of metabolism. The role, and mechanism, of hormones including: pancreatic hormones, adrenal
hormones, calcium, and steroid hormones.
Non-common core syllabus includes: The role and significance of membrane structure, membrane
function, membrane composition and membrane transport. The role and significance of protein
targeting and degradation. Nutrient homeostasis. The role and significance of bioinformatics.
Protein purification. Laboratory skills and procedures. Theory of buffers and their practical
preparation. Various topical subjects of biochemistry in society (topics will vary from year to year).
Unit Coordinator and Lecturers
If you have any questions or requests specifically relating to your ability to conduct Biochemistry
234, then you should contact your unit coordinator in the first instance. Your unit coordinator is Dr
Steven Bottomley. Your lecturers for this unit will be Dr Steven Bottomley, Professor Erik
Helmerhorst, Dr Cyril Mamotte, and possibly other invited lecturers or practical demonstrators.
Contact details for your unit coordinator and lecturers are shown in the table below.
Dr Steven Bottomley
(unit coordinator &
Prof Erik Helmerhorst
9266 4369 9266 2342
E.Helmerhorst@curtin.edu.au 9266 7378 9266 2342
Dr Cyril Mamotte
(Senior lecturer)
308:209b C.Mamotte@curtin.edu.au
9266 7517 9266 2342
Availability of lecturers
Biochemistry lecturers are always approachable and welcome your questions. Do not be afraid to
ask the lecturer questions. However, please be aware that the demands on a lecturer’s time are
very great and the lecturer may not be able to respond immediately to your question (either
from a personal visit, telephone call, email, or note). Generally, all biochemistry lecturers have an
‘open door’ policy. This means that the lecturers are available at most times during semester for
student consultation and questions. However, this does not mean that you can ‘barge in’ and
demand attention at any time you like. It is polite to enquire if the lecturer is available to meet
with you. If the lecturer can’t see you immediately, or you need to establish a definite time for
the meeting, then you will be required to make an appointment. There may also be times during
semester where the lecturer, for whatever reason, is unavailable for any student consultation. If
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for some reason, you feel you can’t approach the lecturers in person then please don’t hesitate
to take advantage of the other ways of communicating with lecturers such as: telephone, during
class (by asking questions), by the Blackboard bulletin board, by email, or even by an anonymous
note left in the lecturer’s mail box!
Unit Materials
Textbooks and References
The recommended text for this unit is:
Champe, P.C., Harvey, R.A., Ferrier, D.R. (2005) Biochemistry (4th ed) Lippincott, Williams, &
For those students who need a more comprehensive text then the following is recommended:
Nelson, D.L., and and Cox, M.M., (2008) Lehninger. Principles of Biochemistry 5th Edition. Worth
However, no textbook is perfect and you will need to use other textbooks, journal articles and
various resources to help you with your learning. Other good textbooks include:
• Becker et al. (2003) The World of the Cell (5th ed). Benjamin Cummings
• Berg J.M., Tymoczko, J.L., & Stryer, L. (2002) Biochemistry (5th ed). WH Freeman & Company.
New York
• Devlin, T.M. (Ed). (2002) Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations (5th ed). Wiley-Liss.
New York
Garret, R.H. & Grisham C.M. (1999). Biochemistry . (2nd ed). Saunders College Publishing.New
Gilbert, H. (2001) Basic Concepts in Biochemistry. (2nd ed). McGraw-Hill
Horton et al. (2002) Principles of Biochemistry (3rd ed). Prentice Hall
Mathews, C.W., van Holde, K.E., & Ahern, K.G. (2000) Biochemistry (3rd ed).
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company
Murray et al. (2003) Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry (26th ed). McGraw-Hill
Nelson, D.L., and and Cox, M.M., (2008) Lehninger. Principles of Biochemistry 5th Edition.
Worth Publishers
Stephenson, WK (1988) Concepts in Biochemistry 3rd Edition John Wiley & Sons
Stryer, L. (1995) Biochemistry (4th ed). WH Freeman & Company
Voet, D. Voet, J.G. & Pratt, C.W. (1999). Fundamentals of Biochemistry. John Wiley & Sons.
Wilson, K. & Walker, J. (Eds) (2000) Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry (5th ed).
Cambridge University Press.
Zubay, G.L. (1999) Biochemistry. 4th Edition WC Brown Publishers
Various other resources to help you with your study include the internet (some useful web sites
are listed below, in the study guide, and on the Blackboard site), your friends, colleagues, tutors,
lecturers, and professional people you know.
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Web-Based Resources
You should now be able to effectively explore the internet where there is a wealth of freely
available information. You may also be referred to some web sites during the course of your study.
Please Note: When using the internet you must ensure that the source of information comes from
a reputable, qualified, and professional institution or person.
Useful web sites include:
 Biochemistry 233 Blackboard site. This can be accessed from your Oasis account or from
 InfoTrekk from Curtin University library at:
 InfoTrekk Plus Curtin University library at:
 StudyTrekk from Curtin University library found at:
 School of Biomedical Sciences Biochemistry web site:
 Lehninger. Principles of Biochemistry:
 If you use the Champe PC et al. (2008) Biochemistry textbook then each text has a code on
the inside of the cover to access the text book’s web site
Learning Aids
The main learning aids for this unit include:
• Biochemistry textbook
• Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files of most lectures
• ilectures of most lectures
• Internet resources listed on Blackboard
• Online ‘practice’ or self assessments available on Blackboard Testing Centre
• Formal online assessments throughout semester
• Formal assignments throughout semester
• Practical/tutorial notes and practical/tutorial sessions
• Blackboard bulletin board
• ‘Questions for learning’ on Blackboard
You should make use of these aids to complement and enhance your own learning.
PLEASE NOTE: Lecture presentations (PowerPoint slides, PDF files, or at the lecture itself) are not
meant to provide a comprehensive coverage of the syllabus. Lecture notes contain only a relatively
small portion of the syllabus and should only be used as a general guide to your learning. They
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cannot, and do not, cover everything you may need to know about the topic. You will need to read
the textbook, other reference books, and credible sources of information. You may also find that
you need to study more (or less) than other students depending upon your own knowledge and
ability. Please understand that ultimately you are responsible for your own learning!
Delivery of Unit
5 hours per week allocated as follows:
 Lecture
 Practicals/tutorials/feedback sessions
2 x 1 hour
1 x 3 hours
Attendance at all lectures is strongly recommended. Why? Well, the lecturer may cover material in
a slightly different way or have a particular emphasis on some concepts which will not always be
obvious in the handouts (printed or electronic). Lectures also give you a convenient opportunity to
ask your lecturer questions and to discuss the subject with your colleagues. It is by asking
questions that you learn. Some lectures are presently being modified, and updated, and may not
yet be available on Blackboard.
The subject of a lecture may be given earlier or later than that shown in the indicated schedule.
Some lectures may also be extended or curtailed. The content of the lectures may also change at
the ‘last minute’. You should understand that these changes are usually designed to present
recent material, aid student learning, or to adjust to the perceived progress of the student cohort.
They are not meant to be inconvenient or to confuse. These changes are at the discretion of the
lecturer and unit coordinator and may also be the result of feedback from the student cohort.
Lecture presentations are not in themselves sufficient as study material to pass this unit! It is
essential that you read the appropriate chapters in your text, in journal articles, or other reference
books. The lectures should be viewed only as an introduction and guide to each topic. Your
understanding of each topic will only be achieved satisfactorily with broader reading of your text
and other reference materials. Remember, it is your understanding of the topics that will be
assessed in this unit! Not all questions in your assessments can be answered by simple
regurgitation of lecture content. Lectures will be given at dates and times shown in the proposed
study schedule.
Please note: The first six weeks of semester covers ‘common core’ subjects in Biochemistry 234.
The remainder of semester covers the ‘non-common core’ subjects in Biochemistry 234.
Consequently, the lecture venue may change after the first six weeks of the semester. Please refer
to the lecture schedule.
Practical, Tutorial, and Feedback Classes
You will participate in one three-hour scheduled practical and tutorial class each week during
semester (except for the week-free). Some of the classes will involve ‘wet lab’ practical work and
others are designed as tutorials for group activities. The activities will vary and may include:
assessment; study activities; and discussion of lectures, practicals, and assignments.
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These sessions are designed to help you achieve the learning objectives and to both receive and
give feedback. They are an important part of your learning. Attendance at practical and tutorial
sessions is essential because they may cover aspects of the syllabus that the lectures do not. You
also need to learn the requisite laboratory skills and procedures.
The correct clothing must be worn to all laboratory sessions and the appropriate safety regulations
must be observed at all times. Practical or tutorial sessions are conducted in laboratory 310.103,
or in the MacLab, at dates and times shown in the proposed study schedule. The laboratory
officer, and demonstrator, for Biochemistry is Justine Thompson. Justine not only ensures that you
have all the materials for your practical, but also helps trial and design practical experiments.
Justine helps ensure that your practicals work! More details on these session will be given during
Blackboard is Curtin University’s e-learning infrastructure and is used extensively in Biochemistry
234. It is important, and your responsibility, that you check the Blackboard discussion board, and
announcements, at least twice a week. Failure to check Blackboard may mean that you miss out on
important information or details that affects your learning, your grade, or your progress in the unit.
Study Load
You will need to spend at least 4 to 5 hours a week outside of scheduled classes studying in this
unit to be successful. You may need more time if you don’t have a strong background in chemistry
or biochemistry. Those of you who are not fast readers may also need to spend more time on the
unit. Keeping up with the work is the key to being successful in this unit.
Practicals &
Laboratory notebook
Mid Semester Exam
End of Semester Exam
PeerWise assignment
IMPORTANT: In accordance with Curtin policy, students are advised that this unit is a SIGNIFICANT
UNIT in which failure twice may lead to termination of a student’s course. A minimum of 50% of
the total mark, derived from ALL of the combined assessments, is required to pass the unit. Please
note that the percent allocation of marks, or form of assessment, may be changed at the discretion
of the unit coordinator. However, you will be notified of any change. Please note that it is possible
that some of your assessments will assume, and may require you to demonstrate, knowledge from
Biochemistry 233.
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All of the syllabus including information from lectures, textbook, practicals, and any other
indicated resources are assessable.
Assessments are essentially designed to achieve four goals:
(1) provide feedback and help you learn the subject material;
(2) reward you for your biochemical knowledge and application of that knowledge;
(3) monitor your learning and your achievement of the learning outcomes;
(4) provide a formal evaluation of your achievement within your degree qualification.
Practical and Tutorial Assessment
Subject matter from practical and tutorial activities will be assessed in the mid-semester and end
of semester exams. You are also required to maintain a laboratory notebook (as detailed in
Biochemistry 233). Loose-leaf pieces of paper to record your work are not acceptable in the
laboratory and will not be accepted as evidence of your work in the laboratory.
Your laboratory notebook can be inspected anytime during the semester to help ensure that you
are on the right track. You will need to submit your completed laboratory notebook near the end
of semester for final assessment. The date of submission will be given to you during semester.
You must complete two exams worth 70% of your total mark. The exams will most likely be
conducted online (through Blackboard) and may be comprised of up to 50 questions including
multiple choice, matching, short answer, or true/false questions.
You will receive feedback from only the mid semester exam. You should take time to review this
feedback to help you learn the subject. Further details of the exams, if necessary, will be given
during semester.
PeerWise Assignment
PeerWise is a specialized web-based system that is unique, and innovative, way to learn
biochemistry and develop your thinking skills. It is said that you ‘learn by teaching’ and that is
exactly what you will do with this assignment. You will research, design, and write your own
multiple choice questions (MCQ). You will use the web-based system to write your question, the
distractors (incorrect answers), the correct answer and feedback. Your questions will then be
subject to review by your peers. You will also review other student’s questions using PeerWise.
You will write at least 4 MCQ according to the requirements and peer review 8 other questions
written by other students. Points will be awarded based upon your contributions and the
assessment of your questions by your peers. More details of the PeerWise assignment will be
provided in a separate document on Blackboard.
Penalties for late submission of assignments
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Unless there is a medical or other valid reason a penalty of at least 10% per day of the allocated
mark for the assessment will apply to late assessments. For example, if the assessment was worth
10% of the total semester mark then a penalty of 1% per day will apply.
Feedback occurs when information is exchanged between you and your lecturers. You provide
information to help the lecturers learn more about you, your knowledge, or correct any
misunderstanding. Your lecturers provide you information to help you learn, correct any
misunderstanding, or clarify what you need to do.
Feedback can occur at any time during semester either in class or out of class. In fact, there are
specific ‘Practical/Tutorial/Feedback Sessions’ during the semester. These sessions are essential
and are an excellent opportunity (in a relatively small class) for you to ask questions and both give
and receive feedback on your laboratory activities, lectures, and assessments. These sessions can
be a very useful way to receive guidance and clarification on the entire syllabus.
Feedback ‘out of class’ can occur through Curtin’s Blackboard learning management system (e.g.
Announcements and the Bulletin Board) by any other form of acceptable communication (e.g.
email or personal appointment). You can also provide more formal feedback on your perceptions
of the unit, and lecturers, through Curtin’s eValuate system.
Supplementary Assessments
Supplementary assessments are awarded only at the discretion of the Board of Examiners. The
aim of a supplementary assessment is to allow the student to correct minor problems /deficiencies
in the initial assessment and not to gain extra study time or correct major problems. The number
of supplementary assessments awarded will be kept to a minimum for any one examination
period and for this course of study.
Supplementary assessments, if awarded, will be indicated on the official Curtin examination result
statement posted to all students, and will also be listed on the School notice board 24 hours after
the Board of Examiners meeting. It is your responsibility to check your status. A student who does
not take a supplementary assessment has no claim to a further assessment. If you are awarded a
supplementary assessment it is imperative that you confirm the time and details of the
Deferred Assessment
Deferment of an assessment is not automatic. Students may be permitted by the unit coordinator
to defer an assessment where circumstances outside their control have arisen. However, a
student's overall performance may be taken into account in granting permission to defer an
Applications for deferment on health grounds or as a result of extenuating circumstances must be
submitted not later than seven (7) days after the end of the relevant assessment date during the
semester. Detailed medical certificates should be attached to the application where appropriate.
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Plagiarism Policy
Collaboration with other students is encouraged, but the submitted assignments, and assessments,
must be YOUR OWN WORK. Consequently, you must be careful to appropriately cite all references
you use in your answers to the assignment questions. Collusion or plagiarism will not be
tolerated. Please note that electronic checks may be made on any submitted written assignment
using specialist software that detects significant similarities and known references.
It is not acceptable to simply copy the words of other students or authors when completing any
assessment or assignment in this unit. This action constitutes plagiarism and is regarded as
academic malpractice. The penalties for plagiarism can be severe and may include termination
from your course of study. All direct quotes must be correctly attributed to the author and should
be kept to a minimum. Also, you should include a list of references to acknowledge the source(s) of
information used to produce any written work. You should also familiarize yourself with Curtin
University’s policy on academic (student) integrity and plagiarism at:
Students Rights and Responsibilities
The following is a required explanatory of student rights and responsibilities:
“It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of all relevant legislation and policies and
procedures relating to their rights and responsibilities as a student. These include: the Student
Charter; the University’s Guiding Ethical Principles; the University’s policy and statements on
plagiarism and academic integrity; copyright principles and responsibilities; the University’s
policies on appropriate use of software and computer facilities; students’
responsibility to check enrolment; deadlines, appeals and grievance resolution; and electronic
communication with students. Further information is available at:
Mobile Phones
As a courtesy to both lecturers and other students, if you have a mobile phone, please ensure that
it is turned off or on silent during lecture, tutorial and practical sessions. Students who do not
comply with this request may be asked to leave the class.
1 Teaching and Learning at Curtin 2009. Office of Teaching and Learning. Curtin University of Technology p16
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Proposed Study Schedule for Biochemistry 234 Second Semester 2010
Week number
Week Begin
Tuesday 5pm-6pm
Friday 8am-9am
A Friday 10-1pm 310.103
B Friday 2pm-5pm 310.103
Week 1
Nutrient Homeostasis [SB]
Gluconeogenesis [SB]
No Practical/Tutorial
Week 2
General Regulatory
Mechanisms [SB]
Fed/Fasted State in Tissues
Practical/Tutorial 1
Week 3
Receptors and Hormones
Pancreatic Hormones &
Insulin Action [EH]
Practical/Tutorial 2
Week 4
Glucagon, cAMP and
Hormone Action [EH]
Calcium and Hormone Action
Practical/Tutorial 3
Week 5
Week Free
Week Free
Week Free
Week 6
Lipoprotein Receptors
Steroid Hormones
Practical/Tutorial 4
Week 7
Calories and Diet
Protein Purification 1
Practical/Tutorial 5
Week 8
Protein Purification 2
Protein Targeting 1
Practical/Tutorial 6
Week 9
Week 10
Week Free
Week Free
Week Free
Protein Targeting 2
Membranes. Lipids
Practical/Tutorial 7
Week 11
Membranes. Proteins
Membranes. Transport
Practical/Tutorial 8
Week 12
Bioinformatics 1
Bioinformatics 2
Practical/Tutorial 9
Week 13
Biochemistry in Society 1
Biochemistry in Society 2
Practical/Tutorial 10
Week 14
Biochemistry in Society 3
Biochemistry in Society 4
Practical/Tutorial 11
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