June 2004 – May 2006: Classification of Hospitality and Tourism

Rob Law (Full name: Law, Chun Hung Roberts. In Chinese: įž…振雄)
School of Hotel & Tourism Management
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
17 Science Museum Road
TST East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 3400-2181
Fax: (852) 2362-9362
E-mail: hmroblaw@polyu.edu.hk
Flat H, 11/F, Tower 1
Royal Peninsula,
1 Hung Lai Road,
Hung Hom, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2503-4800
University of Regina, Canada
University of Regina, Canada
University of Lethbridge, Canada
Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science
and Economics
Certified Hospitality Educator - Awarded by Educational Institute of AHMA in 2001 (in
Orlando, U.S.A.)
Novell System Manager
- Awarded by ComputerLand Learning Center in 1990 (in
Regina, Canada).
Professor - School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong (January, 2009 – Present)
Associate Professor - School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (April, 2001 – December, 2008)
Assistant Professor - Department of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (October, 1995 – March, 2001)
Lecturer - Department of Computing and Mathematics, Hong Kong Technical College,
Chai Wan, Hong Kong (September, 1994 – September, 1995)
Member of Scientific Staff - Bell Northern Research/Northern Telecom, Ottawa, Canada
(June, 1994 - August, 1994)
Instructor - Department of Computer Information Systems, Saskatchewan Institute of
Applied Science and Technology, Palliser Institute, Moose Jaw, Canada
(August, 1990 - June, 1994)
Database Analyst - Richi Personnel, Hong Kong (July, 1993 - August, 1993)
Sessional Lecturer/Project Supervisor – Northumbria University, Newcastle Business
School, BA in Business Management and BA in Human Resource
Management. Offered through SPEED, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University (Nov. 2005 – June. 2008) – part-time
University of London, B.Sc. in Computer Information Systems.
Offered through SPEED, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Sept.
2001 – June 2006) - part-time
Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, Regina,
Canada (July - December, 1989; July - August, 1991; January April, 1994) - part-time
Research Excellence Award 2012 – (faculty/school board research award) awarded by
the School Board of School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic
Reviewer of the Year Award for the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 2012
– Awarded by the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
Best Paper Award at ENTER2012 – The 19th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism, January 23-25, 2012. Lo, A., Wu, J. & Law, R.
(2012) A Study of Hospitality and Travel-Related Deals on Hong Kong Group-buying
Websites. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. pp. 379-390.
In Fuchs, M., Ricci, F. & Cantoni, L. (Eds). ENTER 2012 Proceedings. New York:
IFITT 2012 Best Journal Article of the Year Award, 3rd Place - Fesenmaier, D.,
Xiang, X., Pan, B., & Law, R. (2001). A Framework of Search Engine Use for Travel
Planning. Journal of Travel Research. 50(6), 587-601.
ENTER2012 Most Prolific Author Award - The 19th International Conference on
Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, January 23-25, 2012, Helsingborg,
Sweden. [This is an informal award presented at the Gala Dinner].
Ranked 3rd in a list of the most prolific researchers in six leading tourism and
hospitality journals (2000 to 2009) – based on the paper: Park, K., Philips, W.J., Canter,
D.D., & Abbott, J. (2011). Hospitality and Tourism Research Rankings by Author,
University, and Country Using Six Major Journals: The First Decade of the New
Millennium. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 35(3), pp. 381-416.
Ranked seventh in a list of the most prolific researchers in three leading hospitality
journals (2000 to 2009) – based on the paper: Park, K., Philips, W.J., Canter, D.D., &
Abbott, J. (2011). Hospitality and Tourism Research Rankings by Author, University,
and Country Using Six Major Journals: The First Decade of the New Millennium.
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 35(3), pp. 381-416.
Ranked eleventh in a list of the most prolific researchers in three leading tourism
journals (2000 to 2009) – based on the paper: Park, K., Philips, W.J., Canter, D.D., &
Abbott, J. (2011). Hospitality and Tourism Research Rankings by Author, University,
and Country Using Six Major Journals: The First Decade of the New Millennium.
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 35(3), pp. 381-416.
Outstanding Reviewer Award in 2010 – Awarded by the International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management in March 2011.
Ranked 26th in a list of the most contributing authors in six leading tourism and
hospital journals on China tourism and hospitality research (1978 to 2008) – based
on the paper: Tsang, N.K.F. & Hsu, C.H.C. (2011). Thirty years of research on tourism
and hospitality management in China: A review and analysis of journal publications.
International Journal of Hospitality Management. 30(4), 886-896.
Ranked 2nd in a list of the most contributing authors in the top three tourism
journals on Tourism Research in China (1997 to 2008) – based on the paper: Andreu,
R., Claver, E., & Quer, D. (2010). Tourism in China: A Review of Research in Leading
Journals. Journal of China Tourism Research, 6(4), 343-357.
Rank 1st in a list of the most cited papers on Tourism in China (1997-2008) on Social
Science Citation Index and Scopus for the paper: Law, R. & Au, N. (1999). A neural
network model to forecast Japanese demand for travel to Hong Kong. Tourism
Management, 20(1), 89-97. - based on the paper: Andreu, R., Claver, E., & Quer, D.
(2010). Tourism in China: A Review of Research in Leading Journals. Journal of China
Tourism Research, 6(4), 343-357.
Rank 2nd in a list of the most cited papers on Tourism in China (1997-2008) on
Social Science Citation Index and Scopus for the paper: Goh, C. & Law, R. (2002).
Modeling and Forecasting Tourism Demand for Arrivals with Stochastic Nonstationary
Seasonality and Intervention. Tourism Management, 23(5), 499-510. - based on the
paper: Andreu, R., Claver, E., & Quer, D. (2010). Tourism in China: A Review of
Research in Leading Journals. Journal of China Tourism Research, 6(4), 343-357.
Reviewer of the Year Award for the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 2010
– Awarded by the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
Best Paper Award at ENTER2010 – The 17th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism, February 10-12, 2010. Fesenmaier, D.R., Xiang, Z.,
Pan, B., & Law, R. (2010). An Analysis of Search Engine Use for Travel Planning.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. pp. 381-392. In Gretzel,
U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag/Wien.
Research Excellence Award 2008 – (faculty/school board research award) awarded by
the School Board of School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic
Ranked 14th in a list of the most frequently cited tourism scholars for their
publications in 1998-2007 – based on the paper authored by McKercher, B. (2008) A
citation analysis of tourism scholars. Tourism Management, 29(6), 1226-1232.
Outstanding Reviewer for ENTER 2007. Awarded by the International Federation for
IT and Travel & Tourism.
Recognized as the 30th Most Influential Hospitality Management Education Faculty
in 2000 to 2004 – based on the paper authored by Schmidgall, R., Woods, R.H., and
Hardigree, C. (2007). Hospitality’s Most Influential Scholars: Fifteen Years of Citation
Analysis (1989-2004). Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 19(2), 32-43.
Ranked 108th in a list of the most cited scholars by hospitality management
education faculty in 1989-2004 - based on the paper authored by Schmidgall, R., Woods,
R.H., and Hardigree, C. (2007). Hospitality’s Most Influential Scholars: Fifteen Years of
Citation Analysis (1989-2004). Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 19(2), 3243.
Emerald Literati Network 2006 Awards for Excellence - Highly Commended Award
for the paper: Law, R. & Hsu, C.H.C. (2005). Customers’ perceptions on the importance
of hotel website dimensions and attributes. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 17(6), 493-503.
Ranked 6th in a worldwide list of the most prolific academics in tourism research in
January 1990 to May 2004 – based on the paper authored by Ryan, C. (2005). The
ranking and rating of academics and journals in tourism research. Tourism Management.
26(5), 657-662.
Ranked 18th in a list of leading scholars by the number of articles published in eight
tourism journals in 1985 to 2004 – based on the article coauthored by Zhao, W. and
Ritchie, J.R.B. A (2007). supplementary investigation of academic leadership in tourism
research: 1985-2004. Tourism Management. 28(2), 476-490.
Recognized as the 26th leading researcher globally in three major academic tourism
journals in 1992 to 2001 – based on the paper authored by Jogaratname, G., Chon, K.,
McCleary, K, Mena, M., and Yoo, J. (2005). An analysis of institutional contributions to
three major academic tourism journals: 1992 – 2001. Tourism Management. 26(5), 641648.
Best Paper Award for the paper: Chien, G.C.L., Hsu, C.H.C., and Law, R. (2005) The
Effect of Market Orientation on Hotel Performance. pp. 725-730. Proceedings of the
Third Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May.
Research Excellence Award 2004 – awarded by the School of Hotel & Tourism
Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Best Paper Award for the paper: Goh, C. & Law, R. (2002). Integrating the Rough Sets
Theory into Travel Demand Prediction, pp.99-109. In Chon, K. & Ogle, A. (Eds)
Conference Proceedings: First Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in
Representative Article in Emerald’s Management Information Resources 2002 for the
paper: Law, R. & Lau, M. (2000). The Computer Millennium Bug's Impact on the Hotel
Industry: A Case Study of the Kowloon Hotel. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 12(3), 170-178.
Highest Quality Rating – awarded by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence for the paper:
Law, R. & Au, N. (1998). A Rough Set Approach to Hotel Expenditure Decision Rules
Induction. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 22(4), 359-375.
Graduate research scholarship and graduate teaching fellowship: Faculty of Graduate
Studies and Research, University of Regina, Canada in January 1989 – June 1990.
Management Information Systems, Information Technology, Modeling and Forecasting,
Artificial Intelligence, Internet and E-commerce, Software Engineering, and Computer
Assisted Education.
According to Google Scholar: h-index = 31 (for all years) and 29 (since 2007), i10-index
http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=9DOs4hIAAAAJ, accessed on July 5,
Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014: Rate fences in spa revenue management and application to
Chinese customers: a fractional factorial design approach (Co-Investigator with
Project Leader: B. Guillet, Externally Funded Competitive GRF Project $271,610).
Nov. 2102 – Oct. 2013: The Influence of Online Service Recovery in Hospitality.
(Project Leader with collaborators: Q. Ye and M. Xu, Joint Supervision Scheme
with Mainland China, Taiwan and Macao Universities, Internal Competitive
Research Project funded by PolyU $150,000).
Sept. 2012 – Aug. 2014: A Model for User Satisfaction with Social Networking
Information Systems (SNIS) in Hotel Industry - An Exploratory Study (CoInvestigator with Project Leader: N. Au, Internal Interdisciplinary Competitive
ICRG Project funded by PolyU $159,154)
Sept. 2012 – Aug. 2014: Destination Recommendation based on Web User-Generated
Content and Traveller Personality Type (Corresponding Co-Project Leader, with
Co-Project Leader: D. Li, and Co-Investigator: Z. Zhang. Internal Interdisciplinary
Competitive ICRG Project funded by PolyU $317,360).
Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2014: Data-driven Learning based on Bilingual Corpora of Tourism
Texts: Theories and Practices (Co-Investigator with Project Leader: D. Li. Funded
by PolyU, $105,000. Externally Funded Competitive GRF project rated at 3.5).
Jan. 2012 – June 2013: Intelligent Data Preparation for Tourism Demand Forecasting.
(Project Leader with Co-Investigator: Li, G., Externally Funded Competitive GRF
Project $175,000)
Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2013: Rate fences in hotel revenue management theory and application
to Chinese travelers to Hong Kong: A fractional factorial design approach (CoInvestigator with Project Leader: Guillet, B., Externally Funded Competitive GRF
Project $151,000)
Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2103: An Extended Study of End User Satisfaction of Hotel Information
System in Mainland China (Co-Investigator with Project Leader: N. Au. Funded by
PolyU, $105,000. Externally Funded Competitive GRF project rated at 3.5)
Nov. 2011 – Oct. 2012: What Makes Articles Attractive? The Anatomy of Influential
Articles in Hospitality and Tourism Research. (Project Co-Investigator with Project
Leader: Lee, A., and Project Co-Investigator: Ladkin, A., Funded by School
Research Grant $38,450)
Sept. 2011 – Aug. 2013: The Association of Sensory, Graphics, and User Satisfaction on
Hotel Websites. (Project Leader with Co-Investigators: Li, G. Internal Competitive
ICRG Project funded by PolyU $210,000)
Aug. 2011 – Jul. 2013: An Extended Study for Complaints Determinants on the Echannel: The Perspective of the Mainland Chinese Hotel Customers (Co-Investigator
with Project Leader: N. Au. Funded by PolyU, $105,000. Externally Funded
Competitive GRF project rated at 3.5)
Jun. 2011- May 2013: To Initiate Data-driven Learning for Undergraduates of
Translation and Tourism Majors by using Bilingual Corpora of Tourism Texts (CoInvestigator with Project Leader: D. Li. Funded by PolyU, $105,000. Externally
Funded Competitive GRF project rated at 3.5)
May 2011 – Apr. 2013: A Financial Distress Early Warning Analysis of the Chinese
Mainland Cities’ Hotel Industry Based on Fuzzy Kernel Clustering Algorithm and
Fuzzy Wavelet Support Vector Classifier Machine (Project Leader, $624,000
funded by PolyU. Project of Internal Competitive Postdoctoral Scheme with
Postdoctoral Fellow: Wu, Q.)
Jan. 2011 – Dec. 2011: Developing an Employees' Branding Scorecard to Measure Hotel
Employees' Behaviours and Internal Branding. (Co-Investigator with Project Leader:
Cheung, C. Externally Funded Competitive GRF Project $112,500)
Nov. 2010 – Oct. 2012: The Virtual Competitive Information Space of China-Based
Hotel Brands (Project Leader with Co-Project Leader: Xiang, P. Funded by School
Research Grant, $50,000).
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2012: Mining features of travel destinations from online Chineselanguage customer reviews. (Project Leader with Co-Investigators: Ye, Q. Internal
Competitive ICRG Project funded by PolyU $126,293).
Aug. 2010 – July 2012: The Impact of User-Generated Content on Traveler Behavior.
(Project Leader with collaborators: Ye, Q. and Li, H., Joint Supervision Scheme with
Mainland China, Taiwan and Macao Universities, Internal Competitive Research
Project funded by PolyU $150,000)
June 2010 – May 2012: The Impact of Multimedia Online Privacy Practices on Perceived
Trust (Co-Investigator, with Project Leader: Lee, A. Newly Recruited Junior Staff
Competitive Research Grant, $112,648).
Apr. 2010 – Mar. 2012: Independent Component Analysis-Seasonal Auto Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (ICA-SARIMA) Models for Revenue Forecasting:
Theories and Applications to Hotels in Hong Kong ((Project Leader, $668,000
funded by PolyU. Project of Internal Competitive Postdoctoral Scheme with
Postdoctoral Fellow: Wu, E., projected ended in November 2011 after the departure
of the post-doc fellow)
Apr. 2010 – Mar. 2012: Towards a Sparse Gaussian Processes Regression for Tourism
Demand Forecasting in Hong Kong (Project Leader with Co-Investigator: Xu, X.
funded by PolyU, $105,000.00 Externally Funded Competitive GRF project rated at
Feb. 2010 – Aug. 2010: Web 2.0 (Project Leader, Part of SHTM’s Omnibus Survey with
Hong Kong residents in 2010).
Jan. 2010 – June 2011: Structural Characteristics of the Top 100 Hospitality and Tourism
Programs (Co-Investigator, with Project Leader: Lee, A. Funded by School research
grant, $48,000).
Sep. 2009 – Aug. 2012: Determinants for Complaints on e-Channels by Hotel Customers
(Co-Investigator, with Project Leader: Au, N., and Co-Investigator: Buhalis, D.
Internal Competitive ICRG Project funded by PolyU $204,550).
Sept. 2009 – Aug. 2011: Management Knowledge Construction through Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) for the Hospitality Industry (Project Leader, $736,000
funded by PolyU. Project of Internal Competitive Postdoctoral Scheme with
Postdoctoral Fellow: Li, L., and Co-Investigator: Lee, A. Project ended after July
2010 due to the post-doc fellow’s departure)
May 2009 – Apr. 2010: A Study of Information Technology Applications: The Case of
Hotels in Hong Kong (Project Leader. Funded by School research grant, $50,000).
Feb. 2009 – Dec. 2012: Developing a Search Engine Visibility Information System
(SEVIS) and Benchmarking Online Performance of Tourism Businesses and
Organizations (Co-Project Leader with External Co-Project Leaders: Pan, B., Xiang,
P., and Fesenmaier, D., Internally Funded Competitive Project for promoting
international collaborations, funded by SHTM at PolyU $309,500).
Feb. 2009 – Aug. 2009: On-line Purchase on Travel Websites (Project Leader, Part of
SHTM’s Omnibus Survey with Hong Kong residents in 2009).
Feb. 2009 – Aug. 2009: Risk-reduction Measures (Co-Investigator, Part of SHTM’s
Omnibus Survey with Hong Kong residents in 2009).
Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2011: The Impact of Employees’ Branding and Employees’ Behavior
on Hotel Service Quality. (Co-Investigator with Project Leader: Cheung, C.
Externally Funded Competitive CERG Project $409,500, including $80,000 from
Sept. 2008 – Feb. 2011: Graphical and Textual Categorization of Online Travel Reviews.
(Project Leader with Co-Investigators: Li, G. and Ye, Q. Internal Competitive ICRG
Project funded by PolyU $217,000).
Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2010: Diffusion Patterns and Knowledge Networks: A Perspective on
Interdisciplinary Tourism Research. (Co-Investigator with Project Leader: Xiao, H.
and Co-Investigators: McKercher, B., $50,000 funded by School research grant).
Aug. 2008 – Apr. 2010: Towards a Tourist Destination Recommendation System based
on Online Opinion Mining and Personality Analysis. (Project Leader with
collaborators: Li, Y. and Zhang, Z., Joint Supervision Scheme with Mainland China,
Taiwan and Macao Universities, Internal Competitive Research Project funded by
PolyU $150,000)
June 2008 – Dec. 2014: Evaluation of Tourism Websites: A Genetic Algorithm-based
Group Decision Making Approach (Project Leader with Co-Investigators: Xiao, Q.
and Ye, Q., Internal Competitive Research Project funded by PolyU – one-off
special funds $1,947,900)
May 2008 – May 2010: Is there a problem on food wastage in Hong Kong’s hotels? (CoInvestigator with Project Leader: Mackenzie, M. and Co-Investigator: Cheung, C.
$50,000 funded by School research grant)
Apr. 2008 – Oct. 2009: Environmental Awareness and Tourism (Co-Investigator with
Project Leader: McKercher, B., and Co-Investigators: Cheung, C. and Prideaux, B.,
$48,155 funded by School research grant).
Apr. 2008 – Aug. 2009: Evaluating the Performance in Downloading Time for Hong
Kong Universities’ Departmental Websites. (Co-Investigator with Project Leader:
Chan, S., $119,150.00 funded by Department of Computing at PolyU).
Mar. 2008 – Feb. 2010: Semantic Structures Underlying International Travelers’ Brand
Image of Chinese Hotels. (Co-Project Leader with Co-Project Leader: Gretzel, U.
Externally Funded Competitive Project, funded by Kah Wah Group Foundation
Feb. 2008 – Aug. 2008: How do hotel consumers view the potential disintermediation of
the traditional distribution channel? (Project Leader, Part of SHTM’s Omnibus
Survey with Hong Kong residents in 2008).
Jan. 2008 – Dec. 2010: Tourism Information Network and Applications. (Co-investigator,
External Competitive Project funded by Natural Science Foundation Research Fund
in Mainland China with Project Leader: Hu, T., RMB185,000)
Mar. 2008 – Feb. 2010: Symbolic Rules Extraction from Support Vector Machines in
Tourism Demand Forecasting: An Application to the Asian Tourism Industry.
(Project Leader, funded by PolyU, $200,000 Externally Funded Competitive CERG
project rated at 3.5, with Co-Investigator: Xu, X.)
Dec. 2007 – Nov. 2009: A Retrospective Analysis of eTourism Research (Project Leader,
$50,000 funded by School research grant, with Co-Investigator: Buhalis, D.)
Dec. 2007 – Nov. 2009: How Usable are Travel Websites in China? (Co-Investigator,
$50,000 funded by School research grant, with Project Leader: Catherine Cheung,
and Co-Investigator: Hu, T.).
Sept. 2007 – Dec. 2009: Sentiment Classification of Online Reviews for Travel
Destinations. (Project Leader, $696,000 funded by PolyU. Project of Internal
Competitive Postdoctoral Scheme with Postdoctoral Fellow: Ze, Q.)
Sept. 2007 – Aug. 2009: A Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach for Journal Quality
Evaluation: Applications to Hospitality and Tourism (Project Leader; $211,930;
Internal Competitive ICRG Project with Co-Investigator: Murphy, J.)
Sept. 2007 – Aug. 2009: Design and Development of an RFID-based Multimedia
Customer Relationship Management System. (Co-Investigator; $320,000; Internal
Competitive ICRG project, with Project Leaders: Ngai, E. and Liu, J., Co-Investigator:
Tsang, K.F.).
Mar. 2007 – Feb. 2009: Representing and Communicating Tourism Experiences Through
Travel Websites: A Study of the Role of Sensory Information and Narrative Design
(Project Leader, funded by PolyU $150,000.00; Externally Funded Competitive
CERG project rated at 3.5, with Co-Investigator: Gretzel, U.).
Mar. 2007 – July 2008: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Hospitality and Tourism
Technology Management. (Project Leader, $236,000; Internal Competitive eLDSS
project, with Co-Investigator: Chan, S.)
Mar. 2007 – Feb. 2009: Contrast-Set Mining and Emerging Patterns Discovery of Group
Differences from Tourism Expenditures. (Project Leader, $50,000 funded by School
research grant, with co-investigator: G. Li).
Nov. 2006 – May 2007: How do Hong Kong residents view the successful factors of a
travel website? (Project Leader, Part of SHTM’s Omnibus Survey with Hong Kong
residents in 2006/2007 with co-investigator: Cheung, C.).
Oct. 2006 – Mar. 2009: A Neural Network Analysis for Tourism Demand Forecasting in
Asia (Project Leader [Co-investigator before July 2008], $503,000; Externally
Funded Competitive CERG project – with Co-investigator [Project Leader before
July 2008]: Mok, H.M.K.). – this project is currently in the process of transferring
from CUHK to PolyU. Prof. Henry Mok will leave CUHK after July 2008.
Oct. 2006 – Sept. 2008: An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of IT on Transaction
Costs and Service Management in Full Service Hotel Firms. (Co-investigator,
$200,000 funded by PolyU, Internal Competitive Project with Project Leader: P.
Sept. 2006 – Aug. 2008: Support Vector Machines in Tourist Expenditure Classification
(Project Leader, $50,000 funded by School research grant, with co-investigator: X.
Sept. 2006 – Aug. 2008: Usability of DMO Websites in Mainland China (Project Leader,
$50,000 funded by School research grant, with co-investigator: D. Buhalis).
Nov. 2005 – Jan. 2007: Why Journal Articles Get Rejected: A Content Analysis of
Referees’ Reports (Co-investigator, $37,800 funded by School research grant, with
Project Leader: McKercher, B., and Co-investigators: Hsu, C., Weber, K., and Song,
Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2007: A Decision Rules Based Forecasting Model for International
MICE Demand in Hong Kong (Co-investigator, $150,000 funded by PolyU. External
Competitive Fundable RGC CERG Project - with Project Leader: Bauer, T. and CoInvestigator: Tse, T. and Weber, K.)
Nov. 2005 – Oct. 2007: Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism and Hospitality:
The Perspective of University Administrators (Project Leader, HK$50,000 funded by
School research grant, with co-investigator: Chon, K.)
Sept. 2005 – Aug. 2007: Development of a Web-based Fuzzy Expert System for
Supporting Hotel Pricing Strategies (Co-investigator, $319,350 funded by PolyU,
Internal Competitive ICRG Project with Project-Leader: Ngai, E.).
August 2005 – July 2007: The Effects of Website Quality and Customer Satisfaction on
Purchase Intention. (Project Leader, HK$78,000, Internal Competitive ICRG Project
funded by PolyU, with Co-Investigator: Bai, B.).
Feb. 2005 – July 2006: An Initial Investigation of Natural Language Translation in ETourism (Project Leader, $50,000 funded by School research grant, with coinvestigator: Li, J.)
Aug. 2004 - May 2005: Travel Website Optimization. (Project Leader, Part of the HTM
Omnibus Survey with international visitors in 2004 with co-investigator: Huang, T.)
June 2004 – May 2006: Classification of Hospitality and Tourism Journals (Project
Leader, Internal Competitive ICRG Grant $75,000 funded by PolyU – with coinvestigators: Lam, T. and McKercher, B.)
Aug. 2004 – Jul. 2006: Representations of Tourism Experiences in Destination
Recommendation Systems: A Study of the Role of Sensory Information and Narrative
Design (Project Leader, $652,000, Internal Competitive Postdoctoral Project funded
by PolyU. Postdoctoral Fellow: Gretzel, U.) – project was terminated as the postdoc
fellow finally decided not to come.
April 2004 – Mar. 2006: Integrating Task-Technology Fit and Technology Acceptance
Models: A Case Study of Hotels in Chinese Mainland (Co-Investigator, $122,014,
Internal Competitive ICRG Project funded by PolyU – with Project Leader: Lam, T.)
Oct. 2003 – Apr. 2006: Fuzzy Evaluation of Hotel Websites (Project Leader, $170,000
funded by PolyU. External Competitive Fundable RGC CERG Project - with coinvestigator: Hsu, C.)
Oct. 2003 – June 2006: Hotel Website Functionality Performance Measurement: A Multicriteria Decision Making Approach (Co-investigator, $170,000 funded by PolyU.
External Competitive Fundable RGC CERG Project - with Project Leader: Cheung,
Aug. 2003 – Oct. 2005: Forecasting the Business Visitors Marketing in Hong Kong
(Project Leader: departmental research grant $53,220.00 with co-investigator: Tse, T.)
Aug. 2003 - April. 2004: Hong Kong’s Air Quality. (Co-investigator, Part of the HTM
Omnibus Survey with international visitors in 2003 with project leader: Cheung, C.)
Aug. 2003 - April. 2004: Impact of Risk on Travel Decision. (Co-investigator, Part of the
HTM Omnibus Survey with international visitors in 2003 with project leader: Wong,
July 2003 – Jan. 2006: A Study of the Impact of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
on Hotels in Hong Kong (Co-investigator: Departmental research grant $50,000 with
project leader Lo, A. and co-investigator: Cheung, C.)
Aug. 2002 – Jul. 2004: A Study of Hong Kong Hoteliers’ Perception on the Potential of
Disintermediation (Project Leader: departmental research grant $50,125.00 with coinvestigator: Lau, W.)
Aug., 2002 – Jul., 2004: The use of information technology in scanning the business
environment: A study of Hong Kong hotels (Project Leader: departmental research
grant $50,000.00 – with co-investigator: Jogaratnam, G.)
Dec., 2001 – Nov., 2003: Towards an Artificial Neural Networks Based Tourism
Demand Forecasting Approach for the Hong Kong Tourism Industry – (Project
Leader, $200,000 funded by PolyU. External Competitive Fundable RGC CERG
Project - with co-investigators: Pine, R. and Qu, H.)
Mar, 2001 – Aug, 2002: Evaluating Reservation Facilities: A Study of Travel Web Sites
(Project Leader: departmental research grant $79,075 with co-investigator: Leung, K.).
Oct., 2000-Mar., 2004: A Decision Rules Based Forecasting Model for Tourism Demand
in Hong Kong – (Project Leader, Externally Funded Competitive CERG Project
$626,757 funded by RGC – including $194,940 from PolyU - with co-investigator:
Pine, R.)
Oct. 2001 - April. 2002: How do travelers view the potential disintermediation of the
traditional tourism distribution channel? (Project Leader, Part of the HTM Omnibus
Survey with international visitors in 2001/2002 with co-investigator: Wong, J. &
Leung, K.).
Oct. 2001 - April. 2002: A study of perceived price level, security, other features, and
hotel web sites purchase intention. (Co-investigator, Part of the HTM Omnibus
Survey with Hong Kong residents in 2001/2002 with project leader: Wong, J. and coinvestigator: Leung, K.).
Dec. 2000 – Nov. 2001: An Activity Based Segmentation Analysis of the Hong Kong
Outbound Pleasure Travel Market – (Co-investigator: HTM departmental research
grant $54,120 with project leader Cheung, C. and co-investigator: Lo, A.)
Nov. 2000 – Apr. 2001: How do Hong Kong travelers view the successful factors of a
travel/tourism web site? (Project Leader, Part of the HTM Department’s Omnibus
Survey with Hong Kong residents in 2000/2001 with co-investigator: Wong, J.).
Aug. 2000 – Feb., 2001: Hong Kong as a Shopping Destination For Re-visitation (Project
Leader, Part of the HTM Department’s Omnibus Survey with international visitors in
2000/2001 with co-investigator: Wong, J.).
Aug. 2000 – Feb., 2001: Information Searching Behavior of Pleasure Travelers (Coinvestigator, Part of the HTM Department’s Omnibus Survey with international
visitors in 2000/2001 with project leader: Lo, A. and co-investigator: Cheung, C.).
Oct., 99 - Dec. 2000: A Follow-Up Study of the Y2K Impact on Hong Kong’s Travel
Industry – (Co-investigator, HTM departmental research grant $32,380 with project
leader: Au, N. and co-investigator: McKercher, B.)
Oct., 99 - Dec. 2000: A Follow-Up Study of the Y2K Impact on Hong Kong’s Hotel
Industry (Project Leader, HTM departmental research grant $29,000 with coinvestigators: McKercher, B. & Au, N.)
June, 99 – Nov., 2000: Integrating Artificial Neural Systems and Tourist Expenditures to
Forecast International Tourism Demand for Travel to Hong Kong – (Project Leader,
Internal Competitive PolyU Research Grant $200,000)
Sept. 99 – June, 2000: Hong Kong’s Air Quality (Co-investigator, Part of the HTM
Department’s Omnibus Survey in 1999/2000 with project leader: Cheung, C.).
Nov., 98 – Oct., 99: Year 2000 Problem: A Survey on the Hotels’ Coping Strategy in
China – (Co-investigator, HTM departmental research grant $50,000 with project
leader: Au, N.)
August, 98 – September, 1999: A Computer Based Accommodation Advisor (Project
Leader, Internal Competitive PolyU Research Grant $202,630 with co-investigator:
Cheung, C.)
July, 97 – Feb., 99: Information Retrieval in the Hong Kong Hotel Industry (Project
Leader, Internal Competitive PolyU Research Grant $251,253 with co-investigator:
Au, N.)
Sept., 96 – Jan., 98: Improving the User Interface for a Fault Localization Computer
System in the Hotel Industry (Project Leader, Internal Competitive PolyU Research
Grant $213,920 with co-investigator: Au, N.)
Nov., 96 – Jan. 98: A Critical Survey of Information Technology Applications to Hong
Kong’s Hotel Industry (Project Leader, HTM departmental research grant $48,650
with co-investigator: Au, N.)
April, 96 – Jan., 98: Participate in Software Genome Project with GENETIX Software
Inc., Delaware, U.S.A. (Co-investigator, Externally Funded Research Project)
June, 96 – Feb., 97: An exploratory study on factors which affect the extent of use of
computer-mediated learning (CML) techniques used on hospitality and tourism courses
in the Asia-Pacific region (Co-investigator, HTM departmental research grant $35,000
with project leader: Au, N.)
Research/Professional Bodies
External Academic Advisor for Division of Business, College of International Education,
Hong Kong Baptist University
(November 2011 – Present)
Honorary Advisor for Information Technology Division of Beijing Tourism Industry
Association (1999 – present)
Subject Specialist in Hospitality Management, Hong Kong Council for Academic
Accreditation (HKCAA) (2001 - present)
Advisory Board Member of the International Academy of Business and Economics
(2003 – present)
Member of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Association of Tourism
Technologies (2004 – present)
Member of International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism
(IFITT) (1998 – present)
Member of Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (1994 – present)
Member of Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) (1999 – present)
Elected Board member and Director of Research – International Federation of
Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (2010 – 2012)
Member of Hong Kong Software Process Improvement Network (HKSPIN) (1995 –
Professional Full Member of Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) (1995 – 2010)
Member of International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) (1996 –
Member of Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications & Technology
(HKAECT) (1996 – 2005)
Member of the International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE) (2000 –
Member of Hospitality Information Technology Association (HITA) (1996 – 1999)
Member of Academy of International Business (AIB) (1996 – 1997)
Regional Editor: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Associate Editor: Journal of Information Technology & Tourism
Editorial Advisory Board Member: Open Access academic book publishing program in
Management, Business, and Finance by Versita (12 journals on
Editorial Board Member: Tourism Management
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (previously
known as: Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing)
Editorial Board Member: Information Technology in Hospitality (previously known as:
International Journal of Hospitality Information Technology)
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Academy of Business and Economics
Editorial Board Member: Journal of International Business and Economics
Editorial Board Member: Review of Business Research
Editorial Board Member: Journal of China Tourism Research
Editorial Board Member: Asian Journal of Information Management
Editorial Board Member: European Journal of Tourism Research
Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Hospitality Management
Editorial Board Member: Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality
Editorial Board Member: Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Editorial Board Member and Internet Editor: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
Editorial Board Member: Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
Editorial Board Member: Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
Editorial Board Member: Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Advisory Board Member: Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications
Editorial Board Member: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Tourism Sciences
Member of Reviewers’ Committee: Managing Service Quality
Editorial Board Member: Service Business: An International Journal
Editorial Board Member: Tourism Management Perspectives
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Editorial Advisory Board Member: Journal of Cases on Information Technology
Editorial Board Member (2000-2006): FIU Hospitality and Tourism Review – 2000 to
2006 (previously known as FIU Hospitality Review)
Editor (2010-2012): ResearchDistil and the research section of IFITT Newsletter
Guest Editor: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing – special issue on Social Media.
On Going.
Guest Editor: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management - special
issue on Development and Progress in Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Vol. 23, No. 4, 2011.
Guest Editor: Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management – special issue on eBusiness. Vol. 18, Number 8, 2009.
Guest Editor: Information Technology & Tourism – special issue on Website
Evaluations. . Vol. 8, Number 3/4, 2006.
Guest Editor: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing – special issue on E-commerce
behavior Issues: A Hospitality and Tourism Perspective. Vol. 17, Number 2/3,
Guest Editor: Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management– special issue on
Information & Communication Technologies. Vol. 4, Number 2, 2002.
Referee: Asian Journal of Business and Information Systems
Referee: Journal of Vacation Marketing
Referee: Annals of Tourism Research
Referee: Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism
Referee: Tourism Review International
Referee: International Journal of Information Management
Referee: Tourism Analysis
Referee: International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce
Referee: Tourism and Hospitality Research
Referee: International Journal of Tourism Research
Referee: Chinese Economy
Referee: Journal of Modelling in Management
Referee: Behaviour and Information Technology
Referee: Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
Referee: Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies
Referee: Journal of Information Technology Research
Referee: Information Technology Journal
Referee: Journal of Software Engineering
Referee: Research Journal of Business Management
Referee: Journal of Applied Sciences
Referee: Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Referee: Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
Referee: International Journal of Tourism Policy
Referee: Tourism Geographies
Referee: Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (WHATT)
Referee: International Journal of Services Technology and Management
Referee: International Journal of Forecasting
Referee: Service Industries Journal
Referee: Journal of Education, Informatics and Cybernetics
Referee: Current Issues in Tourism
Referee: International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration
Referee: Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
Referee: International Journal of Physical Sciences
Referee: Educational Research and Reviews
Referee: Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Referee: Annals of Leisure Research
Referee: Computers in Human Behavior
Referee: Review of Industrial Organization
Referee: International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Referee: Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education
Referee: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Referee: Asia Pacific Management Review
Referee: Educational Research
Referee: International Journal of Library and Information Science
Referee: Service Business: An International Journal
Referee: Pattern Recognition Letters
Referee: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Referee: Kybernetes
Referee: International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
Referee: Journal of Economics and International Finance
Referee: International Research Journal of Management and Business Studies
Referee: Scientific Research and Essays
Referee: African Journal of Marketing Management
Referee: International Journal of Event and Festival Management
Referee: Pakistan Journal of Statistics
Referee: China Communications
Referee: Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism
Referee: Transportation Research Part C
Referee: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Referee: African Journal of Business Management
Referee: Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment
Referee: International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences
Referee: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Referee: Economic Research
Referee: Information Systems Frontiers
Referee: Book proposal for Sage Publications
Referee: (2005) Encyclopedia of Digital Government. (A.V. Anttiroiko and M. Malkia,
eds). Published by Idea Group, Inc.
Referee (2003): The Internet Encyclopedia. (H. Bidgoli ed.) published by John Wiley &
Referee (2002): Neural Networks for Business Forecasting. (G.P. Zhang ed.), published
by Hershey, PA: IRM Press.
Referee: ENTER 2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Travel
& Tourism. January 23-25, 2013, Innsbruck, Austria.
Co-Chair: ENTER2013 PhD Research Workshop at the International Conference on
Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, January 22, 2013, Innsbruck,
Referee: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and
Applications ICTA 2012, Nov 2012, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: 2012 ISTTE Annual Conference. October, 2012, Freiburg, Germany.
Referee: The 6th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics And Informatics:
IMSCI 2012, July, 2012, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 11th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism. May,
2012, Hong Kong.
Referee: The 6th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and
Leisure. April, 2012, Fethiye, Turkey.
Referee: ENTER 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Travel
& Tourism. January 2012, Helsingber, Sweden.
Referee: World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality. December 2011, Hong
Referee: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and
Applications ICTA 2011: ICTA 2011, Nov-Dec. 2011, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The Seventh China Tourism Forum. October 2011, Haikou, Hainan, China.
Referee: The 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics:
WMSCI 2010, July, 2011, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: 2011 Conference on Social Media in Hospitality and Tourism. October, Verona,
Referee: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS’11). September 2011,
Referee: The 5th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics And Informatics:
IMSCI 2011, July, 2011, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: International I-CHRIE Conference 2011, July, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Referee: The 9th International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Application (EISTA2011), July, 2011, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Chair: Paper Review Panel of the 9th APacCHRIE conference. June, 2011, Hong Kong.
Chair: Research Track of the ENTER 2011 International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. January 2011, Innsbruck, Austria.
Referee: 16th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in
Hospitality and Tourism, January 2011, Houston, Texas, USA.
Referee: 2010 ISTTE Annual Conference. Carnival Cruise Line's Paradise from Long
Beach to CA to Ensenada Mexico, October, 2010.
Referee: The 16th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, July, 2010,
Macau, China.
Referee: The 5th World Graduate Research Conference in Tourism, Hospitality and
Leisure, May 2010. Cappadocia, Turkey.
Referee: The 8th International Conference on Education and Information Systems,
Technologies and Application: EISTA2010, June-July, 2010, Orlando, Florida,
Referee: The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics:
WMSCI 2010, June-July, 2010, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 8th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications (PISTA 2010). June-July, 2010, Orlando, Florida,
Referee: 2010 Annual TTRA Conference. June, 2010, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
Referee: International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: (ICETI2010).
April 2010, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Co-Chair: Research Track of The ENTER 2010 International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. February 2010, Lugano, Switzerland.
Referee: The 39th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC2010) June 2010,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Referee: 15th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in
Hospitality and Tourism, January 2010, Chantilly, Virginia, USA.
Referee: 2009 ISTTE Annual Conference. October, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.
Referee: International Symposium on Engineering Education and Educational
Technologies: EEET 2009. July 2009, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 7th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications (PISTA '09). July, 2009, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Referee: International Convention & Expo Summit 2009, May, 2009, Hong Kong.
Referee: The 2nd International Conference on Impact of Movie & Television on Tourism.
May, Hong Kong
Referee: International I-CHRIE Conference 2009, August, San Francesco, California,
Referee: The 17th European Conference on Information Systems, June, 2009, Verona,
Referee: The 38th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC2009) May, 2009
Nantes, France.
Referee: The 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Application (EISTA’09), July, 2009, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Program Co-Chair: The 29th International Symposium on Forecasting. June 2009, Hong
Co-Chair: Research Track of the ENTER 2009 International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism, January 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Referee: 14th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in
Hospitality and Tourism, January 2009, Las Vegas, USA.
Referee: The Fifth China Tourism Forum. December 2008, Huang Shan, China.
Referee: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS’08). October 2008,
Hammamet, Tunisia.
Referee: 2008 ISTTE Annual Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Referee: The 8th Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia July, 2008, Angers, France
Referee: International I-CHRIE Conference 2008, July-August, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Referee: The 2nd International eTourism Conference of the e-Business Forum, March
2008, Athens, Greece.
Referee: The 6th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications (PISTA '08). June-July, 2008, Orlando, Florida,
Referee: The 37th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC2008) May, 2008
University of Brighton, U.K.
Referee: The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Application (EISTA’08), June-July, 2008, Orlando, Florida,
Referee: 13th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in
Hospitality and Tourism, January 2008, Orlando, USA.
Referee: The ENTER 2008 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria.
Referee: First International Forum on Tourism Education. December 2007, Guilin,
Referee: The Fourth China Tourism Forum. December 2007, Yunnan, China.
Referee: 2007 ISTTE Annual Conference. Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.A.
Referee: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS’07). October 2007,
Venice, Italy.
Referee: The Hospitality Information Technology Association Annual Conference 2007
(HITA 2007). June, 2007, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 5th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications (PISTA '07). July, 2007, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 2007 International CHRIE Conference July, 2007 Dallas, Texas, USA.
Referee: The 5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications: EISTA2007. July 2007, Orlando, Florida.
Referee: The 15th European Conference on Information Systems, June, 2007, St. Gallen,
Referee: The 36th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC2007) May, 2007,
Reykjavik, Iceland.
Referee: Twelfth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research
Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, January 2007, Houston, USA.
Referee: The ENTER 2007 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Referee: The Third China Tourism Forum. December 2006, Hong Kong.
Referee: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. October 2006, Venice, Italy.
Referee: International Conference on Impact of Movies and Television on Tourism.
September 2006, Hong Kong.
Referee: Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS, August 2006, Acapulco,
Referee: The 4th International Conference on Politics and Information Systems,
Technologies and Applications (PISTA '06). July, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 4th International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Application (EISTA’06), July, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The 7th Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, May, 2006 Jeonju, Korea.
Referee: The 2006 International CHRIE Conference July, 2006 Arlington, USA.
Referee: Annual Conference on Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry
(HITA2006), June, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Referee: The 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC2006) June, 2006,
Athens, Greece.
Referee: The 14th European Conference on Information Systems, June, 2006, Göteborg,
Referee: The 24th EuroCHRIE International Scientific Congress, October 2006,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Referee: The ENTER 2006 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Referee: Eleventh Annual Graduate Education and Research Conference in Hospitality
and Tourism, January, 2006, Seattle, U.S.A.
Referee: Second Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, December,
2005, Pune, India.
Referee: 2005 ISTTE Annual Conference. October, 2005, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Referee: The 11th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, July, 2005,
Goyang, Korea.
Referee: Annual Conference on Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry, June,
2005, Los Angeles, California.
Referee: International I-CHRIE Conference 2005, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Referee: The Third Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference, May, 2005, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
Referee: International Symposium on Social and Organizational Informatics and
Cybernetics (SOIC 2005), July, 2005, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies
and Application (EISTA’05), July, 2005, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: 05 International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies
and Applications (PISTA’05), July 2005, Orlando, U.S.A.
Referee: The 13th European Conference on Information Systems, May, 2005, Regensburg,
Referee: Tenth Annual Graduate Education and Research Conference in Hospitality and
Tourism, January, 2005, Myrtle Beach, U.S.A.
Referee: The ENTER 2005 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2005, Innsbruck, Austria.
Advisory Board Member: International Academy of Business and Economics 2004
Annual Conference, October, 2004, Las Vegas, U.S.A.
Referee: Third Tourism Technology Futures Forum, August, 2004, Townsville,
Queensland, Australia.
Referee: International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies
and Application (EISTA’04), July, 2004, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Referee: The Tenth Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, July, 2004,
Sasebo, Japan.
Referee: The 12th European Conference on Information Systems, June, 2004, Turku,
Referee: The Second Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE) Conference, May, 2004, Phuket,
Referee: The Sixth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia, May 2004, Phuket, Thailand.
Referee: Annual Conference on Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry, June,
2004, Dallas, Texas.
Referee: The ENTER 2004 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2004, Cairo, Egypt.
Referee: Convention & Expo Summit (C & E) Conference, August, 2003, Hong Kong.
Referee: Second Tourism Technology Futures Forum, July 2003, Queensland, Australia.
Referee: The 9th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, July, 2003,
Sydney, Australia.
Referee: Annual Conference on Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry, June,
2003, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Referee: First Asia-pacific (APac-CHRIE) Conference, May, 2003, Seoul, Korea.
ENTER2003 PhD Research Workshop, January 28, 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
Referee: The ENTER 2003 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2003, Helsinki, Finland.
Referee: The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Oct. 2002, Hong
Referee: The 8th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, July, 2002, Dalian,
Referee: The Fifth Biennial Conference - Tourism in Asia: Development, Marketing &
Sustainability, May, 2002, Hong Kong.
Referee: The ENTER 2002 International Conference on Information Technology and
Travel & Tourism, January, 2002, Innsbruck, Austria.
Referee: The ENTER 2001 International Congress on Tourism and Information and
Communication Technologies, April, 2001, Montreal, Canada.
Referee: The Fifth Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference, July, 1999, Hong Kong.
Referee: Hall of Intellects (An electronic professional journal in travel & tourism)
At The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Member of School Research Committee (SHTM):
Sept. 11 - Present
Chairman of Health, Safety and Environmental Committee (SHTM): July 11 – Present
SHTM Representative at Senate, PolyU:
July 11 – Dec. 12
Member of the School Management Committee:
July 11 – Aug. 12
Member of Department Staffing Committees:
Feb. 11 – Jan. 13
Member of Faculty Staffing Committee:
Feb. 11 – Jan. 13
Member of Human Subjects Ethics Sub-committee (HSESC)
at PolyU
Sept., 09 – June, 11
Research Student Admission Officer
Aug, 09 – Present
Faculty representative of School Board (SHTM)
July, 08 – June 10
Resource Person, Student Affair Office
Sept., 98 - Present
Scholarship Assessment Board (SAO, PolyU)
Sept., 96 - Present
Mentor of SHTM academic staff
Jan., 01 - Present
Vice Chairman of Departmental Research Committee (SHTM)
Oct., 01 – Aug., 09
Departmental Academic Counseller
Sept., 98 – Aug. 06
Learning & Teaching Committee (HTM)
Mar. 01 – Aug. 06
Programme Coordinator of mixed-mode HTM MSc/PgD programme. Nov. 05 – Aug. 06
Programme Coordinator of HTM Part-time MSc/PgD Programme Jan. 02 – Aug. 06
Faculty Research Committee (FBIS, PolyU)
Nov., 01 – Aug., 03
Award Coordinator of HTM MSc/PgD in PSBM (UGC funded) Sept., 97 – July, 02
HTM Outstanding Alumni Recommendation Committee (HTM) June, 01 – June, 02
Programme Leader of MSc/PgD Programme (HTM) –
in Hong Kong and in China (self-funded)
Sept., 98 - Jan. 02
(the programme was introduced in Sept. 1998 in Hong Kong
and July 2000 in Chinese Mainland)
Departmental Research Committee (HTM)
Aug., 96 - Sept. 01
MSc Dissertation Coordinator (HTM) –
both UGC funded and self-funded
Sept., 97 – Aug., 00
Director of Studies for HTM MSc/PgD at PolyU’s Outpost
in Zhejiang University, China.
Jan., 99 – Nov., 99
Modular Postgraduate Scheme – Extra Scheme Examiner (PolyU) Sep., 97 – Jul., 99
Dept’l Teaching and Learning Development Committee (HTM) Oct., 97 – Sept, 98
Deputy Award Coordinator for MSc Programme (HTM)
Feb., 97 – Sept. 97
Area-Coordinator of Information Technology (HTM)
Oct., 95 – Sept., 97
Teaching and Learning Development Committee (PolyU)
Jan., 96 – Dec., 97
Associate Course Leader for BAC in HC Management
Budgetary Control & Finance Committee (HTM)
Department LAN Administrator (HTM)
Jan., 96 – Sept., 97
Oct., 95 – Sept., 96
Oct., 95 – Jan., 96
Law, R., Fuchs, M., & Ricci, F. (2011). Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2011. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien. ISBN: 978-37091-0502-3.
Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (2010). Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2010. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien. ISBN: 978-3211-99406-1.
Höpken, W., Gretzel, U., & Law, R. (2009). Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2009. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien. ISBN: 978-3211-93970-3.
Mills, J. & Law, R. (2004). Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism & the
Internet. New York: The Haworth Press. ISBN: 0-7890-2599-X.
Articles in Refereed Journals/Book Chapters/ Conference Proceedings
Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., & Law, R. Relative importance and combined effects of
attributes on customer satisfaction: Insights from the hospitality industry. Service
Industries Journal. Accepted.
Li, H., Ye, Q., Wang, Z., & Law, R. Determinants of customer satisfaction in the
hotel industry: An application of online review analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. Accepted.
Ayeh, J.A., Au, N., & Law, R. Predicting Travel Consumers’ Intention to Use
Consumer-Generated Media for Travel Planning. Tourism Management. Accepted.
Law, R., Leung, D., & Cheung, C. A Systematic Review, Analysis, and Evaluation
of Research Articles in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Cornell Hospitality
Quarterly. Accepted.
Lee, A., Denizci Guillet, B., Law, R, & Leung, R. Travel Motivations and Travel
Distance with Temporal Advance: A Case Study of Hong Kong Pleasure Travelers.
Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. Accepted.
Yiu, M. & Law, R. A review of hospitality internship: Different perspectives of
students, employers, and educators. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism.
Law, R., Lee, A., & Au, N. Which journal articles are uncited? The Case of the Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research and the Journal of Travel and Tourism
Marketing. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. Accepted.
Zhong, L., Leung, D., Law, R., & Wu, B. Progress and development of eTourism in
China: A review of the Chinese-language literature. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research. Accepted.
Xiang, Z. & Law, R. Online Competitive Information Space for Hotels: An
Information Search Perspective. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management.
10. Ye, Q., Li, H., Wang, Z., & Law, R. The Influence of Hotel Price on Perceived
Service Quality and Value in e-Tourism: An Empirical investigation Based on
Online Traveler Reviews. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. Accepted.
11. Leung, D. & Law, R. ENTER 2012 – The 19th International Conference on
Information Technology and Travel & Tourism: “eTourism: Present and Future
Services and Applications” Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and
Hospitality Research. In Press.
12. Law, R., Leung, D., Au, N., & Lee, H.A. Progress and Development of Information
Technology in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Cornell Hospitality
Quarterly. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Accepted.
13. Lee, H.A., Au, N., & Law, R. Presentation Formats of Policy Statements on Hotel
Websites and Privacy Concerns: A Multimedia Learning Theory Perspective.
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. Accepted.
14. Law, R. (2012). The Usefulness of Impact Factors to Tourism Journals. Annals of
Tourism Research. 39(3), 1722-1724.
15. Doong, H.S., Wang, H.C., & Law, R. (2012). An Examination of the Determinants
of In-Flight Duty-Free Shopping: Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations. International
Journal of Tourism Research. 14(3), 303-306.
16. Siu, G., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2012). Developing a Conceptual Framework for
Measuring Future Career Intention of Hotel Interns Journal of Teaching in Travel
and Tourism. 12(2), 188-215.
17. Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., Law, R. Editorial responsiveness, journal quality, and total
review time: An empirical analysis of the reviews of authors in China. Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology. Accepted.
18. Ip, C., Law, R., & Lee, H.A. (2012). The Evaluation of Hotel Website Functionality
by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.
29(3), 263-278.
19. Leung, R. & Law, R. Evaluation of Hotel Information Technologies: The
Perspective of IT Managers in Hong Kong. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
20. Siu, G., Cheung, C., & Law, R. How to Measure the Work-life Balance of Hotel
Interns? 2012 TOSOK International Tourism Conference, Ulsan, South Korea on
July 4th ~ 6th, 2012. Accepted.
21. Mak, A., Wu, E.H.C., Law, R. & Wu, Q. (2012). Assessing the E-Services of
International Airport Websites: Implications for Innovative E-Tourism Applications.
Proceedings of the 11th Int ernat i onal C onf erence on C omp ut er and
Inf ormat i on Sci ence s , May, Shanghai, China. pp. 247-252.
22. Lee, H.A., Luk, C., Law, R., & Leung, D. (2012). What do hotel and tourism
management students perceive as important for their internship and sources of
obtaining internship information? Proceedings of The 11th Asia Pacific Forum for
Graduate Students Research in Tourism. May, Hong Kong, pp. 69-79.
23. Wu, E.H.C., Jiang, B., Law, R., & Hu, Y. (2012) Identifying Outbound Tourism
Visitors by Using E-Services Behavioral and Psychological Markers. Proceedings of
the 11th Int ernat i onal C onf erence on C omput er and Inf o rmat i on
Sci ences , May, Shanghai, China. pp. 295-299.
24. Wu, Q., Law, R., & Xu, X. (2012). A Sparse Gaussian Process Regression Model
for Tourism Demand Forecasting in Hong Kong. Expert Systems with Applications.
39(5), 4769-4774.
25. Lee, A., Denizci Guillet, B., Law, R., Online Travel Agents: Hotels' Foe or Friend?
A Case Study of Choice Hotels International and Expedia.com Cornell Hospitality
Quarterly. Accepted.
26. Lee, H.S.A., Lambert, C.U., & Law, R. Customer Preferences for Social Value over
Economic Value in Restaurants. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
27. Rong, J., Vu, H.Q., Law, R., & Li, G. (2012). A behavioral analysis of web sharers
and browsers in Hong Kong using targeted association rule mining. Tourism
Management. 33(4), 731-740.
28. Lee, A. & Law, R. (2012). Diversity in Statistical Research Techniques: An
Analysis of Refereed Research Articles in the Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing between 1992 and 2010. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 29(1),
29. Lee, A., Denizci, B., Law, R., & Leung, R. Robustness of Distance Decay for
International Pleasure Travelers. International Journal of Tourism Research. In
30. Ayeh, J., Au, N., & Law, R. Critical Determinants of Travellers’ Use of UserGenerated Content for Travel Planning. 1st World Research Summit for Tourism and
Hospitality. December 2011, Hong Kong. Unpublished Article.
31. Leung, D., Law, R., & Lee, H.A. A Comparative Analysis of Hong Kong Hotel
Website Functionality Performance on Top Five Internet Browsers. 1st World
Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality. December 2011, Hong Kong.
Unpublished Article.
32. Chen, R.X.Y, Cheung, C., & Law, R. Understanding Employees' Demographic
Factors' Impacts on Organizational Culture - A study of Hainan's International
Branded Hotels. 1st World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality. December
2011, Hong Kong. Unpublished Article.
33. Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., & Law, R. (2012) The impact of submission experiences on
perceptions of journal quality and editorial support: The viewpoint of Chinese
authors. Journal of Scholarly Publishing. 43(2), 220-229.
34. Ye, Q., Tong, L., & Law, R. A Co-Authorship Network Analysis of Tourism and
Hospitality Research Collaboration. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. In
35. Law, R. (2012). Quantitative Methods in Tourism: A Handbook. Book Review for
Information Technology & Tourism. 13(2), 135-136.
36. Law, R. Everything you Need to Know about Internet Marketing. Book Review for
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. In Press.
37. Law, R. & Chen, S. (2012) Representation of Destination Cultural Factors on Hotel
Websites: Content Analysis of Beijing Hotel Websites. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 17(2), 210-229.
38. Law, R., Leung, D., & Lee, A. (2012). An Analysis of Publications in the Journal of
China Tourism Research. Journal of China Tourism Research. 8(1), 37-60.
39. Li, L., Lee, A., and Law, R. (2012) Technology-Mediated Management Learning in
Hospitality Organisations. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 31(2),
40. Law, R. (2012) Research Themes for Tourism. Book Review for Tourism
Management. 33(3), 722-723.
41. Wu, E.H.C., Law, R., & Zhang, C. (2012) Electronic Marketing for China Outbound
Tourism: Implications from Chinese Online Travellers.
Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. pp. 368-378. In Fuchs, M., Ricci, F.
& Cantoni, L. (Eds). ENTER 2012 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
42. Lo, A., Wu, J. & Law, R. (2012) A Study of Hospitality and Travel-Related Deals
on Hong Kong Group-buying Websites. Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2012. pp. 379-390. In Fuchs, M., Ricci, F. & Cantoni, L.
(Eds). ENTER 2012 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
43. Ip, C., Lee, H.S.A., & Law, R. (2012). Profiling the Users of Travel Websites for
Planning and Online Experience Sharing. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Research. 36(3), 418-426.
44. Leung, D., Lee, H.A., & Law, R. (2012) Examining hotel managers’ acceptance of
Web 2.0 in website development: A case study of hotels in Hong Kong. Web 2.0 in
Travel, Tourism and Hospitality: Theory, Practice and Cases. pp. 53-65. Sigala, M.
Christou, E., & Gretzel, U. (Eds). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
45. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2012). Hotel Information Exposure in Cyberspace: The Case
of Hong Kong. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. pp.
132-142. In Fuchs, M., Ricci, F. & Cantoni, L. (Eds). ENTER 2012 Proceedings.
New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
46. Ayeh, J.K., Leung, D., Au, N., & Law, R. (2012) Perceptions and strategies of
hospitality and tourism practitioners on social media: An exploratory study.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2012. pp. 1-12. In Fuchs,
M., Ricci, F. & Cantoni, L. (Eds). ENTER 2012 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag/Wien.
47. Chen, R.X.Y., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2012). A Review of Culture Literature in
Hotel Management Research: what are the implications? International Journal of
Hospitality Management. 31(1), 52-65.
48. Law, R. (2011) Data Management: Databases & Organizations. Book Review for
Information Technology & Tourism. 13(1), 52-53.
49. Qi, S., Law, R., Cheung, C., & Buhalis, D. (2011). Motivations for Visiting Hotel
Websites: Chinese versus International Consumers. Journal of Travel and Tourism
Research. Fall, 134-147.
50. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2011). Human Factors in Website Usability Measurement.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Vol. 143, pp. 501-507. In Zhang ed.
Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Future Wireless Networks and
Information Systems. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
51. Tian, E., H.A. Lee, & Law, R. (2011). A Comparison of Research Topics in Leading
Tourism Journals. International Journal of Tourism Sciences. 11(3), 108-126.
52. Fesenmaier, D., Xiang, X., Pan, B., & Law, R. (2011). A Framework of Search
Engine Use for Travel Planning. Journal of Travel Research. 50(6), 587-601.
53. Chathoth, P. & Law, R. (2011). Managerial Perceptions of Information Technology
and Their Impact from a Transaction Cost Perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 787-803.
54. Lo, A., Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2011). Segmenting leisure travelers by risk reduction
strategies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 28(8), 828-839.
55. Wu, Q. & Law, R. (2011). The complex fuzzy system forecasting model based on
fuzzy SVM with triangular fuzzy number input and output. Expert Systems with
Applications. 38(10), 12085-12093.
56. Lee, H.A., Law, R., & Murphy, J. (2011). Helpful Reviewers in TripAdvisor, an
Online Travel Community. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 28(7), 675-688.
57. Xiao, H., McKercher, B., Denizci Guillet, B., & Law, R. (2011). Perspectives on
Quality of Research in Hospitality and Tourism. 1st World Research Summit for
Tourism and Hospitality. December 2011, Hong Kong. Unpublished Article.
58. Law, R., Leung, R., Denizci Guillet, B., & Lee, H.A. (2011). TEMPORAL
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 28(6), 615-628.
59. Lee, H.S., Lambert, C.U., & Law, R. (2011). The Relationship of Perceived
Cognitive and Decisional Controls in Information Disclosure: Decomposition of
Perceived Control. International Journal of Tourism Sciences. 11(1), 53-74.
60. Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2011). Determinants of hotel room price: an
exploration of travelers’ hierarchy of accommodation needs. International Journal
of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 23(7), 972-981.
61. Denizci Guillet, B., Lee, A., Law, R. & Leung, R. (2011). Factors affecting
outbound tourists’ destination choice: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 28(5), 556-566.
62. Wu, Q. & Law, R. (2011). The forecasting model based on fuzzy novel ν-support
vector machine. Expert Systems with Applications. 38(10), 12028-12034.
63. Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2011). A Longitudinal Study of
Consumer Perceptions of Travel Websites: The Case of Hong Kong. FIU
Hospitality Review. 29(1), 48-63.
64. Leung, D., Lee, H.S.A., and Law, R. (2011). The impact of culture on hotel ratings:
Analysis of star-rated hotels in China. Journal of China Tourism Research. 7(3),
65. Pan, B., Xiang, P., R. Law, & Fesenmaier, D.R. (2011). The Dynamics of Search
Engine Marketing for Tourist Destinations. Journal of Travel Research. 50(4), 365377.
66. Mackenzie, M., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2011). The Response of Hotels to Increasing
Food Costs due to Food Shortages. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 16(4),
67. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2011). Analyzing Protection of Hotel Networks in Hong
Kong. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 5(1), 25-31.
TRAVEL PLANNING. Proceedings of the 9th APacCHRIE Conference, June, Hong
69. Li, H., Ye, Q, Wang, Z. & Law, R. (2011). WHAT FACTORS INFLUENCE
HOTEL REVIEWS. Proceedings of the 9th APacCHRIE Conference, June, Hong
70. Siu, G., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2011). A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR
of the 9th APacCHRIE Conference, June, Hong Kong.
71. Chen, R., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2011). A Conceptual Framework of Hotel Internal
Branding with Organisational Culture and Employees’ Job Satisfaction. Advancing
the Social Science of Tourism 2011 Conference. June-July, Surrey, U.K. pp. 26-27.
72. Mak, A., Law, R., Wu, E., & Wu, Q. (2011). A Study of Information Quality on
Airport Websites in Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. The International
Hospitality & Tourism Education Summit (IHTES 2011), May, Guangzhou, China.
Unpublished Conference Proceedings.
73. Buhalis, D., Leung, D., & Law, R. (2011). eTourism: Critical Information and
Communication Technologies for Tourism Destinations. Destination Marketing and
Management. pp. 205-224. Wang, R. & Pizam, A. (Eds) CAB International.
74. Law, R., & Ting, J. (2011). The Impact of Visitor Behavior on the Environmental
Protection of Tourist Farms in Guangdong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research. 16(3), 307-323.
75. Ip, C., Law, R., & Lee, H.A. (2011). A Review of Website Evaluation Studies in the
Tourism and Hospitality Fields from 1996 to 2009. International Journal of Tourism
Research. 13(3), 234-265.
76. Wu, Q., Law, R. & Wu, S. (2011). Fault diagnosis of car assembly line based on
fuzzy wavelet kernel support vector classifier machine and modified genetic
algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications. 38(8), 9096-9104.
77. Wu, Q. & Law, R. (2011). Cauchy mutation based on objective variable of Gaussian
particle swarm optimization for parameters selection of SVM. Expert Systems with
Applications. 38(6), 6405-6411.
78. Lo, A., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2011). Hong Kong Residents’ Adoption of Risk
Reduction Strategies in Leisure Travel. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.
28(3), 240-260.
79. Goh, C. & Law, R. (2011). The Methodological Progress of Tourism Demand
Forecasting: A Review of Related Literature. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 28(3), 296-317.
80. Ip, C. & Law, R. (2011) Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research,
Volume 4: Tourism-Marketing Performance Metrics and Usefulness Auditing of
Destination Websites. Book Review for International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 23(3), 410-412.
81. Lee, H.A. & Law, R. (2011). Research Productivity and Institutional Characteristics
of Hospitality and Tourism Programs. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing.
28(4), 432-450.
82. Law, R., Rong, J., Vu, H.Q., Li, G., & Lee, A. (2011). Identifying changes and
trends in Hong Kong outbound tourism. Tourism Management. 32(5), 1106-1114.
83. Leung, D., Leung, R., Bai, B., & Law, R. (2011). Asian Wave in Travel and
Tourism Research. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 28(2), 196-209
84. Leung, D., Law, R., & Lee, H.A. (2011). The Perceived Destination Image of Hong
Kong on Ctrip.com International Journal of Tourism Research. 13(2), 124-140.
85. Wu, Q., & Law, R. (2011). The forecasting model based on modified SVRM and
PSO penalizing Gaussian noise. Expert Systems with Applications. 38(3), 1887-1894.
86. Wu, Q., & Law, R. (2011). An intelligent forecasting model based on robust wavelet
ν-support vector machine. Expert Systems with Applications. 38(5), 4851-4859.
87. Hung, K. & Law, R. (2011). An overview of internet based surveys in hospitality
and tourism journals. Tourism Management. 32(4), 717-724.
88. Ip, C., Leung, R., & Law, R. (2011). Progress and Development of Information and
Communication Technologies in Hospitality. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 23(4), 533-551.
89. Lo, I.,S.T., McKercher, B., Lo, A., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2011). Tourism and
Online Photography. Tourism Management. 32(4), 725-731.
90. Law, R. & Ng, C. (2011). Marketing Strategies for Small Hotels: The Case of
Cheung Chau in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 16(1), 2138.
91. Paraskevas, A., Katsogridakis, I., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2011) Search Engine
Marketing: Transforming Search Engines into Hotel Distribution Channels. Cornell
Hospitality Quarterly. 52(2), 200-208.
92. Ye, Q., Law, R., Li, S., & Li, Y. (2011) Feature extraction of travel destinations
from online Chinese-language customer reviews. International Journal of Services
Technology and Management. 15(1/2), 106-118.
93. Ye, Q., Law, R., Gu, B., & Chen, W. (2011). The Influence of User Generated
Content on Traveler Behavior: An Empirical Investigation on the Effects of e-Wordof-Mouth to Hotel Online Bookings. Computers in Human Behavior. 27(2), 634639.
94. Leung, R., Rong, J., Li, G., & Law, R. (2011). An Analysis on Human Personality
and Hotel Web Design: a Kohonen Network Approach. Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011. pp. 573-586. In Law, R., & Fuchs,
M., & Ricci, F. (Eds). ENTER 2011 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag/Wien.
95. Leung, D., Lee, H.A., & Law, R. (2011). Adopting Web 2.0 technologies on chain
and independent hotel websites: A case study of hotels in Hong Kong. Information
and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011. pp. 229-240. In Law, R., &
Fuchs, M., & Ricci, F. (Eds). ENTER 2011 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag/Wien.
96. Ip, C., Cheung, C., Law, R. & Au, N. (2011). Travel Preferences of Overseas
Destinations by Mainland Chinese Online Users. Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2011. pp. 139-150. In Law, R., & Fuchs, M., & Ricci, F.
(Eds). ENTER 2011 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
97. Law, R. Lee, A., Denizci Guillet, B., & Leung, R. (2010). Analyzing the most
popular travel destinations in China: The case of leisure travelers from Hong Kong.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 8(2), 95-110.
98. Cheung, C., Law, R., & He, K. (2010). Essential Hotel Managerial Competencies
for Graduate Students. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. 22(4), 25-31
99. Denizci Guillet, B., Leung, R., and Law, R. (2010). Exploring Price Range for Hotel
Room Rates on Online Distribution Channels: The Case of Hong Kong. Asian
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 4(2), 28-36.
100. Law, R. (2010). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XXiI: Chinatravel.net.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 15(4), 461-463.
101. Wu, Q., & Law, R. (2010) Complex system fault diagnosis based on a fuzzy robust
wavelet support vector classifier machine and an adaptive Gaussian particle swarm
optimization. Information Sciences. 23(1), 4514-4528.
102. Li, G., Law, R., Rong, J., & Vu, H.Q. (2010). Incorporating Both Positive And
Negative Association Rules Into The Analysis Of Outbound Tourism In Hong
Kong Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 27(8), 812-828.
103. Law, R. (2010). Internet and Tourism – Part XXIX: Google Maps. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 27(6), 645-647.
104. Wong, C. & Law, R. (2010). A Study of the Provision of Hotel Spa Facilities in
Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 4(1), 16-30.
105. Ip, C. & Law, R. (2010). Outlying Islands as a Tourist Destination for Local
Residents: The Case of Cheung Chau in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 15(4), 417-430.
106. Xiang, X., Pan, B., & Law, R., Fesenmaier, D. (2010). Assessing the Visibility of
Destination Marketing Organizations in Google: A Case Study of Convention and
Visitors Bureau Websites in the United States. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 27(7), 694-707.
107. Law, R., & Cheung, S. (2010). The Perceived Destination Image of Hong Kong as
Revealed in the Travel Blogs of Mainland Chinese Tourists. International Journal of
Hospitality and Tourism Administration. 11(4), 303-327.
108. Law, R., Leung, R. & Buhalis, D. (2010). An Analysis of Academic Leadership in
Hospitality and Tourism Journals. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
34(4), 455-477.
109. Law, R. Guillet, B., & Leung, R. (2010). An analysis of the lowest fares and shortest
durations for air-tickets on travel agency websites. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 27(6), 635-644.
110. Wu, Q., & Law, R. (2010). Fuzzy support vector regression machine with penalizing
Gaussian noises on triangular fuzzy number space. Expert Systems with Applications.
37(12), 7788-7795.
111. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2010). A Review of Personality Research in the Tourism and
Hospitality Context. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 27(5), 439-459.
112. Denizci Guillet, B. & Law, R. (2010). Analyzing hotel star ratings on third-party
distribution websites. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management. 22(6), 797-918.
113. Law, R. (2010). Advances in Electronic Business, Volume II. Book Review for
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(4), 580-582.
114. Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., Law, R. & Li, Y. (2010) The Impact of E-Word-of-Mouth on the
Online Popularity of Restaurants: A Comparison of Consumer Reviews and Editor
Reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 29(4), 694-700.
115. Ismail, A.F., Qi, S.S., Law, R., & Murphy, J. (2010). Information Technology
Studies in Tourism Journals. Proceedings of the 8th APacCHRIE Conference 2010.
Aug. Phuket, Thailand, pp. 71-77.
116. Qi, S., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2010). A Comparison of Chinese and International
Online User Perceptions of the Usefulness of Hotel Websites. Information
Technology & Tourism. 11, 329-340.
117. Lee, W., Gretzel, U. & Law, R. (2010) Quasi-Trial Experiences Through Sensory
Information on Destination Web Sites. Journal of Travel Research. 49(3), 310-322.
118. Law, R., Ye, Q., & Murphy, J. (2010). AN ANALYSIS OF TOURISM
JOURNALS’ CITATION QUALITY. Proceedings of the APTA 2010 Annual
Conference. July, Macau, pp. 124-131.
119. Jiang, J., Gretzel, U.,& Law, R. (2010). Drivers of Satisfaction with Chinese Hotels.
Proceedings of the TTRA 2010 Conference. June, San Antonio, U.S.A.
120. Law, R. & Yip, R. (2010). A Study of Satisfaction Level of Hong Kong Tourists
with Hot Springs Hotels and Resorts in Guangdong, China. FIU Hospitality Review.
28(1), 83-107
121. Wu, E., Law, R. & Jiang, B. (2010). The Impact of Infectious Diseases on Hotel
Occupancy Rate based on Independent Component Analysis. International Journal
of Hospitality Management. 29(4), 751-753.
122. Wu, E., Law, R. & Jiang, B. (2010). Data Mining for the Hotel Occupancy Rate: An
Independent Component Analysis Approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 27(4), 426-438.
123. Tsang, N.KF., Lai, M., & Law, R. (2010). Measuring E-Service Quality for Online
Travel Agencies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 27(3), 306-323.
124. McKercher, B., Prideaux, B., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2010). Achieving Voluntary
Reductions in the Carbon Footprint of Tourism and Climate Change. Journal of
Sustainable Tourism. 18(3), 297-317.
125. Li, G., Law, R., & Wang, J. (2010). Analyzing International Travelers’ Profile with
Self-Organizing Maps. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 27(2), 113-131.
126. Law, R. & Wong, R. (2010). Analyzing room rates and terms and conditions for the
online booking of hotel rooms. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 15(1), 4356.
127. Leung, R., & Law, R. (2010). Protecting the Hotel Network: A Case Study of Hong
Kong. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference for Graduate Research in
Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure. May, Cappadocia, Turkey, pp. 530-539.
128. Wei, Q., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2010). Tourist Perception of Online Hotel
Bookings. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and EGovernment. May, Guangzhou, China, pp. 2273-2276.
129. Ip, C., Qi, S, Leung, R., & Law, R. (2010). Hotel Website Performance Evaluation:
A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. Proceedings of the 1st International
Conference on E-Business and E-Government. May, Guangzhou, China, pp. 78-81.
130. Qi, S., Ip, C., Leung, R., & Law, R. (2010). A new framework on website
evaluation. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business and EGovernment. May, Guangzhou, China, pp. 2443-2446.
131. Law, R., Qi, S., & Buhalis, D. (2010). Progress in tourism management: A review of
website evaluation in tourism research. Tourism Management. 31(3), 297-313.
132. Jiang, J., Gretzel, U., & Law, R. Do Negative Experiences Always Lead to
Dissatisfaction? – Testing Attribution Theory in the Context of Online Travel
Reviews. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. pp. 297308. In Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
133. Pan, B., Xiang, Z., Tierney, H., Fesenmaier, D.R., & Law, R. (2010) Assessing the
Dynamics of Search Results in Google. Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2010. pp. 405-416. In Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M.
(Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
134. Ip, C., Qi, S., Leung, R., & Law, R. (2010) Which Overseas Destinations do Chinese
Travelers Like to Visit? Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
2010. pp. 345-356. In Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010
Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
135. Fesenmaier, D.R., Xiang, Z., Pan, B., & Law, R. (2010). An Analysis of Search
Engine Use for Travel Planning. Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2010. pp. 381-392. In Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER
2010 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
136. Au, N., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2010). The Impact of Culture on eComplaints:
evidence from Chinese consumers in Hospitality Organisations. Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. pp. 285-296. In Gretzel, U., Law,
R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag/Wien.
137. Law, R. (2010). An Analysis of the Impact of Tourism Journals on Google Scholar.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010. pp. 333-343. In
Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings. New York:
138. Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2010). Hong Kong Residents’ Perception
of Travel Websites. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010.
pp. 75-86. In Gretzel, U., Law, R., & Fuchs, M. (Eds). ENTER 2010 Proceedings.
New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
139. Wang, P. & Law, R. (2009). The Perceived Importance of Attributes for Online
Hotel Reservations: The Case of Xiamen, China. Journal of Hospitality and
Tourism. 7(2), 57-84.
140. Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., Li, Y., & Law, R. (2009). Sentiment classification of online
Cantonese reviews by supervised machine learning approaches. International
Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. 5(4), 382-397.
141. Law, R. (2009). Internet and Tourism – Part XXVIII: Travelzoo. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 26(7), 747-749.
142. Law, R. (2009). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XXI: Passplanet. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 14(4), 423-425.
143. Law, R. & Ye, Q., Chen, W., & Leung, R. (2009). An Analysis of the most
influential articles published in tourism journals from 2000 to 2007: A Google
Scholar approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 26, 735-746.
144. Law, R., Leung, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). Information Technology Applications in
Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of Publications from 2005 to 2007. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 26(5), 599-623.
145. Fok, A. & Law, R. (2009). Mainland Visitors’ Perception of Hong Kong Cosmetics
Retailing. Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 3(2), 1-15.
146. Law, R. & Kua, T. (2009). Analyzing the Quality of E-mail Responses of the
Leading Hotels of the World to Customer Enquiries. Journal of Quality Assurance
in Hospitality and Tourism. 10(3), 175-193.
147. Law, R. (2009). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XX: Asiatranspacific.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 14(3), 333-335.
148. Cheung, C., Law, R., & Kong, H. (2009). How Does Employees’ Branding and
Employees’ Behavior Influence Hotel Service Quality. Paper presented at ICHRIE2009, July-Aug. San Francisco, U.S.A
149. Law, R., Cheung, C., & Hu, T. (2009). Analyzing the usability of travel websites in
Hainan, China: The perspectives of e-buyers and e-lookers. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21(5), 619-626.
150. Cheung, C., Hu, T., & Law, R. (2009). Does the Usability Experienced Performance
of Travel Websites in China Meet Users’ Expectation? Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 14(3), 255-266.
151. Law, R. (2009). Disintermediation of Hotel Reservations: The Perception of
Different Groups of Online Buyers in Hong Kong. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 21(6), 766-772.
152. Hui, S., Law, R., & Ye, Q. (2009). An Analysis of the Best Online Rates for Hotels
in China. Journal of Hospitality & Marketing Management. 18(8), 829-844.
153. Ahmad, F.I, Qi, S., Law, R. & Murphy, J. (2009). Information Technology Studies
in Tourism Journals. Proceedings the Second Arab International Conference for
eTourism and eCommere, Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (JITT)
Workshop, December, El Gouna, Egypt, pp. 32-36.
154. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2009). Have the perceptions of the successful factors for
travel websites changed over time? The case of consumers in Hong Kong. Journal
of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 33(3), 438-446.
155. Chiu, C. & Law, R. (2009). The impact of a new cruise terminal and the
development of the Hong Kong cruise industry on the local community. Asian
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 3(1), 17-26.
156. Law, R. (2009). Internet and Tourism – Part XXVII: Travel Blog. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 26(3), 344-346.
157. Woo, F., Mikusauskas, R., Bartlett, D., & Law, R. (2009). Get Your Organization
Ready for the Next Generation of Information Systems Development
Methodologies. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security.
9(3), 302-311.
158. Zhang, Z., Ye, Q., Law, R. & Li, Y. (2009). Automatic Detection of Subjective
Sentences Based on Chinese Subjective Patterns. Communications in Computer and
Information Science. Vol. 35, pp. 29-36. In Shi, Y., Wang, S., Peng, Y., Li, J., &
Zeng, Y. (eds). Proceedings of MCDM2009. New York: Springer.
159. Li, S., Ye, Q., Li, Y.J., & Law, R., (2009) Mining Features of Products from
Chinese Online Reviews. 中文įŊ‘įģœåŽĸæˆˇč¯„čŽēįš„äē§å“į‰šåžæŒ–掘斚æŗ•į ”įŠļ. Journal
of Management Sciences in China. In Chinese. 12(2), 142-152.
160. Rong, J., Li, G., & Law, R. (2009). A contrast analysis of online hotel web service
purchasers and browsers. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28(3),
161. Ma, J. & Law, R. (2009). Components of Tourism Research: Evidence from Annals
of Tourism Research. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality
Research. 20(1), 62-74.
162. Chan, S., Leung, R., Law, R. & Shi, W. (2009). Exploratory Study of Download
Speed of Leading University Hospitality and Tourism Department Websites
Worldwide. FIU Hospitality Review. 27(1), 1-17.
163. Xu, X., Law, R., & Wu, T. (2009). Support Vector Machines with Manifold
Learning and Probabilistic Space Projection for Tourist Expenditure Analysis.
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2(1), 17-26.
164. Law, R. (2009). Internet and Tourism – Part XXVI: Mobissimo. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 26(1), 105-107.
165. Doong, H.S., Law, R., & Wang, C.H. (2009). An Initial Investigation of Integrating
Innovation Diffusion Models for Drawing First-time Visitors. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 26(1), 19-29.
166. Ye, Q., Zhang, Z. & Law, R. (2009). Sentiment Classification of Online Reviews to
Travel Destinations by Supervised Machine Learning Approaches. Expert Systems
with Applications. 36(3P2), 6527-6535.
167. Ye, Q., Law, R., & Gu, B. (2009). The Impact of Online User Reviews on Hotel
Room Sales. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28(1), 180-182.
168. Huh, J., Kim, T.G., & Law, R. (2009). A comparison of competing models for
understanding acceptance behaviour of information systems in upscale hotels.
International Journal of Hospitality Management. 28(1), 121-134.
169. Goh, C., Law, R. & Mok, H. (2009). Artificial Intelligence Applications in Tourism.
In Khosrow-Pour, M. (Eds). pp. 241-247. Encyclopedia of Information Science and
Technology, Second Edition. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
170. Au, N., Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2009). Complaints on the Online Environment: The
Case of Hong Kong Hotels. Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2009. pp. 73-85. In Höpken, W., Gretzel, U., & Law, R. (Eds). ENTER
2009 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
171. Qi, S., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2009). A Study of Chinese and International Online
User Perceptions of Hotel Websites’ Usefulness. Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2009. pp. 285-296. In Höpken, W., Gretzel, U., & Law, R.
(Eds). ENTER 2009 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag/Wien.
172. Law, R. (2008). Database Systems. In Pizam, A. & Holcomb, J. (Eds) International
Dictionary of Hospitality Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemman. pp. 6970.
173. Law, R. (2008). Information System. In Pizam, A. & Holcomb, J. (Eds)
International Dictionary of Hospitality Management. Oxford: ButterworthHeinemman. p. 146.
174. Law, R. (2008). Computer. In Pizam, A. (Ed) In Pizam, A. & Holcomb, J. (Eds)
International Dictionary of Hospitality Management. Oxford: ButterworthHeinemman. pp. 45-46.
175. Law, R. & Chan, S. (2008). Bandwidth. In Pizam, A. & Holcomb, J. (Eds)
International Dictionary of Hospitality Management. Oxford: ButterworthHeinemman. p. 14.
176. Law, R. & Chan, S. (2008). Executive Information Systems. In Pizam, A. &
Holcomb, J. (Eds) International Dictionary of Hospitality Management. Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinemman. p. 99.
177. Leung, R., Chan, S. & Law, R. (2008). An Interactive Tutoring System for Tourism
and Hospitality Students. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 6(1), 63-76.
178. Qi, S., Law, R., & Buhalis, D. (2008) Usability of Chinese Destination Management
Organization Websites. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 25(2). 182-198.
179. Law, R., Bai, B., & Leung, B. (2008). Travel Website Uses and Cultural Influence:
A Comparison between American and Chinese Travelers. Information Technology
& Tourism. 10(3), 215-225.
180. Law, R., Kwok, H., & Ye, Q. (2008). Where to find the lowest online airfares for
Hong Kong outbound travellers? Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality
Research. 2(2), 35-49.
181. Law, R. (2008). Principles of Information Systems Security: Texts and Cases. Book
Review for Information Technology & Tourism. 10(3), 261-262.
182. Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2008). Sentiment Classification for Chinese
Product Reviews Using an Unsupervised Internet-based Method. Proceedings of the
15th International Conference on Management Science & Engineering. September,
Long Beach, California, U.S.A., pp. 3-9.
183. Mackenzie, M., Cheung, C., and Law, R. (2008). HOW HAVE HOTELS IN HONG
SHORTAGES? Proceedings of the Fifth China Tourism Forum, December, Huang
Shan, China, pp. 131-135.
184. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2008). Analyzing China-based Hotel Websites. In Babu, S,
Mishra, S., & Parida, B.B. (Eds). Pp. 273-284. Tourism Development Revisited –
Concepts, Issues and Paradigms. New Delhi: Response.
185. Kwong, R. & Law, R. (2008). The Perceptions of Graduates and Students on Quality
of a Hospitality Management Program and Future Development: The Case of Hong
Kong. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 9(3), 257-274.
186. Murphy, J. & Law, R. (2008). Google Scholar Visibility and Tourism Journals.
Annals of Tourism Research. 35(4), 1074-1082.
187. Ngai, E.W.T., Moon, K.K.L., Liu, J.N.K, Tsang, K.F., Law, R., Suk, F.F.C. & Wong,
I.C.L. (2008). Extending CRM in the Retail Industry: An RFID-based Personal
Shopping Assistant System. Communications of Association for Information
Systems. 23(16), 277-294.
188. Law, R. (2008). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XIX: Asiarooms. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 13(4), 447-449.
189. Hu, T., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2008). A Study of the Availability of China-based
Travel Websites based on the Investigation of Haikou Citizens. Tourism Science. 我
國內地旅遊įļ˛įĢ™å¯į”¨æ€§į ”įŠļ分析. 旅遊į§‘å­¸– in Chinese. 22(4), 47-52.
190. Law, R., Qi, S. & Leung, B. (2008). Perceptions of Functionality and Usability on
Travel Websites: The Case of Chinese Travelers. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research. 13(4), 435-445.
191. Law, R. & Cheung, P. (2008). An Analysis of Publications in Leading Tourism
Journals and its Implications on China Tourism Research. Journal of China Tourism
Research. 4(1), 78-97.
192. Law, R. (2008). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XVIII: Asiatravel. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 13(3), 323-325.
193. Law, R. (2008). Tourism Business Frontiers: Consumers, Products and Industry.
Book Review for Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 13(3), 319-322.
194. Law, R. & Man, D. (2008). Online Pricing Practice of Hotel Room Rates in China:
The Case of Shanghai. FIU Hospitality and Tourism Review. 26(2), 56-62.
195. Law, R. (2008). Internet and Tourism – Part XXV: TRAVELfusion. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 25(1), 90-92.
196. Law, R. (2008). Handbook of Marketing Research Methodologies for Hospitality
and Tourism. Book Review for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 25(1), 8789.
197. Ma, A., Law, R., and Ye, Q. (2008) The functionality of the performance of
international chain hotel websites in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. Asian
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2(1), 13-24.
198. Ye, Q., Gu, B., Chen, W. & Law, R. (2008). MEASURING THE VALUE OF
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2008), December, Paris,
France. pp. 1-8.
199. Law, R. (2008). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007.
Book Review for Tourism Management. 29(5), 1048-1049.
200. Law, R. (2008). Revising publishable journal manuscripts. Journal of Quality
Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism. 8(4), 77-85.
201. Law, R. (2008). ENTER 2008 – The 15th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. Conference Report. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 13(2), 193-195.
202. Law, R. & Bai, B. (2008). How do the preferences of online buyers and browsers
differ on the design and content of travel websites? International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 20(4), 388-400.
203. Law, R. (2008). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XVII: Travelmall. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 13(2), 199-201.
204. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2008). InterContinental Hotels Group’s Central Reservation
System – HOLIDEX PLUS. eTourism Case studies: Management & Marketing
issues in eTourism. pp. 23-29. In Eggar, R. & Buhalis, D. {Eds}. eTourism Case
Studies. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
205. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2008). Sino Group of Hotels Property Management System Enterprise Version. eTourism Case studies: Management & Marketing issues in
eTourism. pp. 30-36. In Eggar, R. & Buhalis, D. {Eds}. eTourism Case Studies.
Jordan Hill, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
206. Doong, H.S., Wang, C.H. & Law, R. (2008). An Initial Investigation of the Effect of
Advertisement and Word-of-Month on First Time Visitors to Hong Kong. Journal of
Air Transportation Management. 14(3), 159-161.
207. Bai, B., Law, R., & Wan, I. (2008). The Impact of Website Development on
Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intentions: Evidence from Chinese Online
Visitors. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 27(3), 391-402.
208. Wei, X., Law, R., Zhang, L., Feng, Y., Dong, Y. & Li, Y. (2008). A Fast Coreset
Minimum Enclosing Ball Kernel Machines. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE World
Congress on Computational Intelligence. June 2008, Hong Kong. pp. 3366-3373.
209. Law, T., To, T., & Goh, C. (2008). How do mainland Chinese travelers choose
restaurants in Hong Kong? An exploratory study of Individual Visit Scheme
travelers and packaged travelers. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
27(3), 346-354.
210. Buhalis, D. & Law, R. (2008). Twenty years on and 10 years after the Internet: The
state of eTourism research. Tourism Management. 29(4), 609-623.
211. Law, R. & van der Veen, R. (2008) The Popularity of Prestigious Hospitality
Journals: A Google Scholar Approach. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 20(2), 113-125.
212. Bauer, T., Law, R., Tse, T., & Weber, K. (2008). Motivation and satisfaction of
mega-business event attendees: The case of ITU Telecom World 2006 in Hong
Kong. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 20(2), 228234.
213. Law, R. (2008). Internet and Tourism – Part XXIV: PinpointTravel. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 24(4), 327-329.
(APacCHRIE) 2008 Conference & THE-ICE Panel of Experts Forum 2008. May
2008, Perth, Australia. Abstract Published.
215. Kim, T.G., Lee, J.H., & Law, R. (2008). An empirical examination of the acceptance
behaviour of hotel front office systems: An extended technology acceptance model.
Tourism Management. 29(3), 500-513.
216. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2008). Analyzing a Hotel Website’s Access Paths.
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008. pp. 255-266. In
O’Connor P., Höpken, W. & Gretzel, U. (Eds). ENTER 2008 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
217. Qi, S., Leung, R., Law, R. & Buhalis, D. (2008). A Study of Information Richness
and Downloading Time for Hotel Websites in Hong Kong. Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008. pp. 267-278. In O’Connor P.,
Höpken, W. & Gretzel, U. (Eds). ENTER 2008 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag, Wien.
218. Law, R. & Tam, P. (2008). Employees’ Perception of Performance Appraisal: The
Case of an Upscale Hotel in Hong Kong. Journal of Human Resources in
Hospitality & Tourism. 7(1), 25-43.
219. Wong, J. & Law, R. (2007). Difference in shopping satisfaction levels: a study of
tourists in Hong Kong. pp. 558-567. Managing Tourism Firms. In Morley, C.L.
(eds.) Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. This paper was
originally published in the journal of Tourism Management in 2003.
220. Law, R. & Chan, L. (2007) Outsourcing of Check Book Printing: The Case of a
Family-Owned Bank in Hong Kong. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business. 8(4), 67-82.
221. Ye, Q., Zhang, Z., & Law, R. (2007) Automatically Measuring Subjectivity of
Chinese Sentences for Sentiment Analysis to Reviews on the Internet. China
Journal of Information Systems. 1(1), 79-91.
222. Law, R., Mok, H., & Goh, C. (2007). Data Mining in Tourism Demand Analysis: A
Retrospective Analysis. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 4632, pp. 508515. In A. Zeda, H. Gao, X. Li, J., Li, & O. R. Zaine (eds). Proceedings of
ADMA2007. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
223. Xu, X., Law, R. & Wu, T. (2007). Classification of Business Travelers Using SVMs
Combined with Kernel Principal Component Analysis. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence. Vol. 4632, pp. 524-532. In A. Zeda, H. Gao, X. Li, J., Li, & O. R.
Zaine (eds). Proceedings of ADMA2007. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
224. Law, R. & Li, G. (2007). A Causal Analysis for the Expenditure Data of Business
Travelers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 4632, pp. 545-552. In A.
Zeda, H. Gao, X. Li, J., Li, & O. R. Zaine (eds). Proceedings of ADMA2007.
Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
225. Goh, C. & Law, R. (2007). Applying the 'cloak of invisibility' technology to security
and privacy in the hotel industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management. 19(7), 600-605.
226. Law, R. (2007). Information Technology Project Management: Providing
Measurable Organizational Value. Book Review for Information Technology &
Tourism. 9(3/4), 246-247.
227. Law, R. (2007). Information Technology: Strategic Decision-Making for Managers.
Book Review for Information Technology & Tourism. 9(3/4), 245-246.
228. Law, R., Chan, I., & Goh, C. (2007). Where to find the lowest hotel room rates on
the Internet? The case of Hong Kong. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 19(6), 495-506.
229. Law, R. (2007). ENTER 2007 – The 14th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. Conference Report. Journal of Hospitality &
Tourism Research. 31(4), 551-552.
230. Law, R. (2007). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005.
Book Review for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 22(2), 91-93.
231. Kozak, M., Crotts, J.C. & Law, R. (2007). The Impact of the Perception of
Risk on International Travelers. International Journal of Tourism
Research. 9, 233-242.
232. Goh, C., Law, R., & Mok, H.M.K. (2008). Analyzing and Forecasting Tourism
Demand: A Rough Sets Approach. Journal of Travel Research. 46(3), 327-338.
233. Law, R. (2007). Internet and Tourism – Part XXIII: Search Party. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 22(1), 95-97.
234. Law, R. (2007). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XVI: eLong. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 12(4), 401-403.
235. Lau, C., Law, R., & Lo, A. (2007). A Study of Cooperation Levels on Regional
Tourism Promotion Alliances’ Websites. China Tourism Research. 3(2), 306-323.
236. McKercher, B., Law, R., Weber, K., Song, H., & Hsu, C. (2007). Why Referees
Reject Manuscripts? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 31(4), 455-470.
237. Liang, S.W.J, Li, S.C.H., Qin, D.Y., Jang, D., & Law, R. (2007). Why Studying
Aboard? – The case of overseas students in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Tourism
Association Conference 2007. May 2007, Beijing, China. Poster Presentation.
238. Law, R. (2007). Advances in Doctoral Research in Management. Book Review for
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 31(2), 263-266.
239. Law, R. & Chon, K. (2007) Evaluating Research Performance in Tourism and
Hospitality: The Perspective of University Program Heads. Tourism Management.
28(5), 1203-1211.
240. Law, R. (2007). Internet and Tourism in the Asia Pacific Region - Part XV: Galileo
Leisure. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 12(2), 161-163.
241. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2007). Information Technology Publications in Leading
Tourism Journals: A Study of 1985 to 2004. Information Technology & Tourism.
9(2), 133-144.
242. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2007). Air Quality in Hong Kong: A Study of the Perception
of International Visitors. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 15(4), 390-401.
243. Li, K.W. & Law, R. (2007). A Novel English/Chinese Information Retrieval
Approach in Hotel Website Searching. Tourism Management. 28(3), 777-787.
244. Law, R. (2007). Accounting and Financial Management: Developments in the
International Hospitality Industry. Tourism Management. 28(2), 634-635.
245. Lu, S. & Law, R. (2007). Technology Crisis Management in Mainland China: A
Study of Hotels in Hangzhou. Information Technology in Hospitality. 4(4), 153-159.
246. Law, R. & Chang, M. (2007). Online Pricing Practice of Air Tickets: The Case of
Hong Kong. pp. 513-522. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
2007. In Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (Eds) ENTER 2007 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
247. Hashim, N.H., Murphy, J. & Law, R. (2007). A Review of Hospitality Website
Design Frameworks. pp. 219-230. Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2007. In Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (Eds) ENTER 2007
Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
248. Lo, M. & Law, R. (2007). Towards a Web-based Marketing Process Framework for
City-based National Tourism Organizations. pp. 353-364. Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. In Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J.
(Eds) ENTER 2007 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
249. Law, R. (2007). Tourism in Scientific Research. Book Review for Tourism
Management. 28(2), 648-649.
250. Qi, S., Buhalis, D, & Law, R. (2007) Evaluation of the Usability on Chinese
Destination Management Organisation Websites. pp. 267-278. Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. In Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J.
(Eds) ENTER 2007 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
251. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2007). Analyzing Research Collaborations of Information
Technology Publications in Leading Hospitality and Tourism Journals: 1986-2005.
pp. 547-556. In Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (Eds) Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007. ENTER 2007 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
252. Law, R. (2007). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XIV: asia-hotels.com.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 12(1), 71-73.
253. Law, R. (2007). ENTER 2006 – The 13th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. Conference Report. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 12(1), 65-66.
254. Law, R. (2006). Internet and Tourism – Part XXII: SideStep. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 20 (3/4), 153-155.
255. Lau, C., Law, R., & Lo, A. (2006). EVALUATIONS OF COOPERATION
Proceedings of the third China Tourism Forum. December 2006, Hong Kong. pp.
256. Law, R. (2006). Tourism in Scientific Research. Book Review for Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 21(1), 89-91.
257. Law, R. and Cheung, A. (2006). A Study of Online Hotel Reservations on Asia
Pacific-based, European-based, and North American-based Travel Websites. FIU
Hospitality Review. 24(1), 32-41.
258. Tang, C. & Law, R. (2006). A COMPARISON OF THREE HOTEL AND
China Tourism Forum. December 2006, Hong Kong. pp. 185-196.
CHINA. Proceedings of the 11th Graduate Conference in Tourism. Bangkok,
Thailand. September, pp. 397-405.
RESEARCH. Proceedings of the third China Tourism Forum. December 2006,
Hong Kong. pp. 98-111.
261. Law, R. (2006). The Perceived Impact of Risks on Travel Decisions. International
Journal of Tourism Research. 8(4), 289-300.
262. Chien, G., Hsu, C., & Law, R. (2006). THE RELATIONSHIP OF MARKET
Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Knowledge-based Economy &
Global Management. Tainan, Taiwan, November, pp. 26-30
263. Law, R. (2006). E-business Applications in Tourism: Some Cases in Hong Kong.
Proceedings of the First Korean e-Tourism Forum. Sept. 2006, Seoul, South Korea,
pp. 1-14.
264. Law, R., Bauer, T., Weber, K., & Tse, T. (2006). Towards a Rough Classification of
Business Travelers. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 4093, 135-142. In X. Li,
O.R. Zaiane, & Z. Li (eds). ADMA2006. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
265. Law, R. (2006). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006.
Book Review for International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
18(7), 610.
266. Au Yeung, T. & Law, R. (2006). Evaluation of Usability: A Study of Hotel
Websites in Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 30(4), 452473.
267. Law, R. (2006). Internet and Tourism – Part XXI: TripAdvisor. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 20(1), 75-77.
268. Woo, F., Mikusauskas, R., Bartlett, D., & Law, R. (2006). Is OO the Systems
Development Technology for Your Organization? Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management &
Applications (SERA 2006). August 2006, Seattle, U.S.A. pp. 354-361.
269. Law, R. (2006). Leaner Object-Oriented Slicing. International Journal of Computer
Science & Network Security. 6(3A), 71-75.
270. Woo, F., Mikusauskas, R., Bartlett, D., & Law, R. (2006). A Framework for the
Effective Adoption of Software Development Methodologies. Proceedings of ACM
SE'06 Conference, March, Melbourne, Florida, USA. pp. 198-203.
271. Woo, F., Mikusauskas, R., Bartlett, D., & Law, R. (2006). A Framework for the
Implementation of Innovative Technologies in Systems Development: a CrossReference to ITIL. Proceedings of the 13th Scientific Conference
for Information Systems and Computer Technology. February, Cairo, Egypt.
272. Law, R. & Hsu, C. (2006). Importance of Hotel Website Dimensions and Attributes:
Perceptions of Online Browsers and Online Purchasers. Journal of Hospitality &
Tourism Research. 30(3), 295-312.
273. Chan, S. & Law, R. (2006). Automatic Website Evaluations: A Study of Hotels in
Hong Kong. Information Technology & Tourism. 8(3/4), 255-269.
274. Law, R. & Huang, T. (2006). How do travelers find their travel and hotel websites?
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 11(3), 239-246.
275. Law, R. (2006). An International Handbook of Tourism Education. Book Review
for Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 11(3), 297-299.
276. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2006). How can hotel guests be protected during the
occurrence of a tsunami? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 11(3), 289-295.
277. Law, R. (2006). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005.
Book Review for International Journal of Tourism Research. 8(1), 76.
278. Law, R. A (2007). Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Evaluating
Travel Websites. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 12(2), 147-159.
279. Jogaratnam, G. & Law, R. (2006). Environmental scanning and information source
utilization: Exploring the behavior of Hong Kong hotel and tourism executives.
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 30(2), 170-190.
280. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XX: TravelNow. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 19(4), 69-71.
281. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2006). A study of the perceived importance of the overall
website quality of different classes of hotels. International Journal of Hospitality
Management. 25(3), 525-531.
282. McKercher, B., Law, R., & Lam, T. (2006). Rating Tourism and Hospitality
Journals. Tourism Management. 27(6), 1235-1252.
283. Chan, A. & Law, R. (2006). Hotel Website Optimization: The Case of Hong Kong.
pp. 60-73. In Hitz, M., Sigala, M., & Murphy, J. (Eds). Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006. ENTER 2006 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
284. Law, R. & Bai, B. (2006). Website Development and Evaluations in Tourism: A
Retrospective Analysis. pp. 1-12. In Hitz, M., Sigala, M., & Murphy, J. (Eds).
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2006. ENTER 2006
Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
285. Leung, R. & Law, R. (2006). Analyzing the Authorship of Information Technology
Publications in Leading Hospitality and Tourism Journals. pp. 13-25. In Hitz, M.,
Sigala, M., & Murphy, J. (Eds). Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2006. ENTER 2006 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
286. Law, R. (2005). A Perspective on SARS and Education in Hospitality and Tourism.
Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism. 5(4), 53-59.
287. Leung, R. and Law, R. (2005). An Analysis of Information Technology Publications
in Leading Hospitality Journals. FIU Hospitality and Tourism Review. 23(1), 55-65.
288. Law, R. & Kwok, M. (2005). Analyzing Hospitality and Tourism Management
Students’ Usage of the Internet: A Case Study of Hong Kong. Journal of Applied
Economics & Management. 3(2), 57-67.
289. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XIX: Hotwire. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 19(1), 57-59.
290. Lo, A., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2006). The survival of hotels during disaster: a case
study of Hong Kong in 2003. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 11(1), 6579.
291. Law, R. and Lai, J. (2005). Perception of Associate Degree Students of the
Hospitality and Tourism Industry: The Case of Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality
& Tourism. 3(2), 21-36.
292. Liao, C. & Law, R. (2005). Analyzing Tourism and Hospitality Students’
Information Technology Knowledge - A Case Study of an Independent College in
Hangzhou, China. China Tourism Research. 1(4), 443-464.
293. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism in Asia Pacific - Part XIII: TravelSmart Asia.
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 10(4), 427-429.
294. Law, R. & Liang, K. (2005). A Multi-criteria Decision-Making Approach to
Compare and Contrast the Websites of China-based and US-based Hotels. FIU
Hospitality Review. 23(1), 64-82.
295. Law, R. (2005) Fuzzy Evaluation of Hotel Websites. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence. Vol. 3584, pp. 507-514. In X. Li , S. Wang, & Z.Y. Dong (eds).
ADMA2005. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
296. Law, R. & Hsu, C.H.C. (2005). Customers’ perceptions on the importance of hotel
website dimensions and attributes. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 17(6), 493-503.
297. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XII: PassionAsia. Asia Pacific Journal
of Tourism Research. 10(3), 341-343.
298. Law, R. (2005). ENTER 2005 – The 12th International Conference on Information
Technology and Travel & Tourism. Conference Report. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 10(3), 345-347.
299. Law, R. & Ngai, C. (2005). Usability of Travel Websites: A Case Study of the
Perceptions of Hong Kong Travelers. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.
13(2), 19-31.
300. Law, R. & Wong, D. (2005). How do Hospitality and Tourism Students View
Software Piracy? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 10(3), 263-273.
301. Yeung, M. & Law, R. (2005). Forecasting US Air Travelers to Europe, Caribbean,
and Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 10(2), 137-149.
302. Law, R. (2005). Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry. Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research. 10(2), 217-219.
303. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XI: Asia Voyages. Asia Pacific Journal
of Tourism Research. 10(2), 221-223.
304. Tso, A. & Law, R. (2005). Analysing the online pricing practices of hotels in Hong
Kong. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 24(2), 301-307.
305. Wong, J., & Law, R. (2005). Analyzing Purchase Intention on Hotel Web Sites: A
Study of Travelers in Hong Kong. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
24(3), 311-329.
306. Law, R. & Jogaratnam, G. (2005). A Study of Hotel Information Technology
Applications. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
17(2), 170-180.
307. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XVII: Cheap Tickets. Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 18(2), 83-85.
308. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part X: MariMari. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 10(1), 117-119.
309. Chien, G.C.L., Hsu, C.H.C., & Law, R. (2005) The Effect of Market Orientation on
Hotel Performance. pp. 725-739. Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific CHRIE
(APacCHRIE) Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May.
310. Law, R. (2005). eTourism: Information Technology for Strategic Tourism
Management. Book Review for Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 29(1),
311. Law, R. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2004.
Book Review for Information Technology & Tourism. 7(2), 137-138.
312. Law, R. (2005). International Conference on Competitive Success and Challenges in
Tourism. Conference Report. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 10(1), 121123.
313. Leung, K., Au, N., Wong, L., & Law, R. (2005) A Case Study of Hotel Information
Technology Applications in Hong Kong. pp. 35 – 40. Proceedings of the Asia
Pacific Tourism Association 11th Annual Conference, July, Goyang, Korea.
314. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2005). Benchmarking and Quantitative Evaluation of the
Functionality Performance of Hotel Websites: A Study of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region of China. China Tourism Research. 1(1), 101-115.
315. Law, R. (2005). Hotel Database Marketing in Asia: Towards an Object-Oriented
Approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 18(1), 59-66.
316. Law, R., Lam, T., & McKercher, B. (2005). Rating of hospitality and tourism
journals. pp. 610-616. Proceedings of the Third Asia Pacific CHRIE (APacCHRIE)
Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May.
317. Lo, M. & Law, R. (2005). Towards a Web-based Marketing Process Framework for
City-based National Tourism Organizations: A Study of the Websites of Hong Kong
Tourism Board and Singapore Tourism Board. International Hospitality and
Tourism Virtual Conference. Unpublished Proceedings.
318. Chien, G.C.L., Hsu, C.H.C., & Law, R. (2005) The Relationship of Market
Orientation, Knowledge Management and Hotel Performance: Evidence from Focus
Group Interviews. International Hospitality and Tourism Virtual Conference.
Unpublished Proceedings.
319. Law, R. (2005). The Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Education.
Education Today. 55(1), 30-31.
320. Tso, A. & Law, R. (2005). An Empirical Study of Online Pricing Practices for Hong
Kong Hotels. pp. 328-337. Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2005. ENTER 2005 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
321. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2005). Weighing of Hotel Website Dimensions and
Attributes. Pp. 350-359. In Frew, A. (Ed). Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2005. ENTER 2005 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag, Wien.
322. Chien, G.C.L., Hsu, C.H.C., & Law, R. (2005) An Assessment Framework of the
Implementation of Knowledge Management Strategies in Hotels. pp. 174-184.
Proceedings of 10th Annual Hospitality and Tourism Graduate Education and
Research. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, January.
323. Law, R. (2004). Internet and Tourism – Part XV: Fodors.com. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 17(4), 83-85.
324. Law, R. (2004). Tourism Statistics: International Perspectives and Current Issues.
Book Review for International Journal of Tourism Research. 6(6), 452.
325. Au Yeung, T. & Law, R. (2004). Extending the modified heuristic usability
evaluation technique to chain and independent hotel websites. International Journal
of Hospitality Management. 23(3), 307-313.
326. Law, R. & Lau, W. (2004). A Study of the Perceptions of Hong Kong Hotel
Managers on the Potential Disintermediation of Travel Agencies, {Mills, J. & Law,
R. eds.} Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism & the Internet. New York: The
Haworth Press. pp. 117-131.
327. Law, R., Cheung, C., & Lo, A., (2004). The relevance of profiling travel activities
for improving destination marketing strategies. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 16(6), 355-362.
328. Law, R. & Lau, W. (2004). A Study of the Perceptions of Hong Kong Hotel
Managers on the Potential Disintermediation of Travel Agencies, Journal of Travel
& Tourism Marketing. 17(2/3), 117-131.
329. Law, R. (2004). Initially Testing an Improved Extrapolative Hotel Room Occupancy
Rate Forecasting Technique. In Gu, Z. (Ed). Management Science Applications in
Tourism and Hospitality, pp. 71-77. New York: Haworth Press.
330. Law, R., Goh, C. & Pine, R. (2004). Modeling Tourism Demand: A Decision Rules
Based Approach. In Zhang, P. (Ed) Management Science Applications in Tourism
and Hospitality, pp. 61-69. New York: Haworth Press.
331. Law, R., Ho, D., & Cheung, C. (2004) A Study of the Functionality of the Websites
of Hotels in Mainland China and the United States. Journal of Academy of Business
and Economics. 3(1), 202-209.
332. Law, R. (2005). Internet and Tourism – Part XVI: opodo. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 18(1), 85-87.
333. Law, R. Kulendran, Nada and Witt, Stephen F. (2004). Leading indicator tourism
forecasts in Tourism Management. A review for International Journal of
Forecasting. 20(4), 733-734.
334. Law, R. (2004). Internet and Tourism – Part IX: Travel Asiadragons and
Asiatravelmart. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 9(1), 97-100.
335. Chan, S. & Law, R. (2004). Internet Security: Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms
and Protocols. Book Review for Information Technology & Tourism. 6(3), 226-227.
336. Law, R. & Chan, S. (2004). Internet and Tourism – part XIV: hotels.com. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 17(4), 79-81.
337. Lo, A., Cheung, C., & Law, R. (2004). Information Search Behavior of Mainland
Chinese Air Travelers to Hong Kong. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 16(1),
338. Law, R. (2005). Database Systems. In Pizam, A. (Ed) International Encyclopedia of
Hospitality Management. pp. 150-151. Oxford: Elsevier.
339. Law, R. (2005). Information System. In Pizam, A. (Ed) International Encyclopedia
of Hospitality Management. p. 343. Oxford: Elsevier.
340. Law, R. (2005). Computer. In Pizam, A. (Ed) International Encyclopedia of
Hospitality Management. pp. 89-90. Oxford: Elsevier.
341. Law, R. & Chan, S. (2005). Bandwidth. In Pizam, A. (Ed) International
Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. p. 31. Oxford: Elsevier.
342. Law, R. & Chan, S. (2005). Executive Information Systems. In Pizam, A. (Ed)
International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. p. 218. Oxford: Elsevier.
343. Law, R. & Tse, T. (2004). Forecasting the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and
Exhibitions Industry in Hong Kong. Review of Business Research. 3(1), 48-55.
344. Law, R. (2004). E-Commerce Applications in the Tourism Industry. pp. 64-78.
Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Competitive Success and
Challenges in Tourism. Keynote Paper.
345. Law, R. (2004). Correlating Functionality and Usability Performance Scores of
Hotel Websites. Review of Business Research. 3(1), 121-125.
346. Tse, T. & Law, R. (2004). Forecasting the MICE Industry in Hong Kong. pp. 421429. In Chon, K., Hsu, C.H.C. & Okamoto, N. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: The
8th APTA Annual Conference.
347. Law, R., Leung, K. & Wong, J., (2004). The impact of the Internet on travel
agencies. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 16(2),
348. Law, R. Goh, C. & Pine, R. (2004). Modeling Tourism Demand: A Decision Rules
Based Approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 16(2/3), 61-69.
349. Law, R. (2004). Initially Testing an Improved Extrapolative Hotel Room Occupancy
Rate Forecasting Technique. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 16(2/3), 7177.
350. Law, R. & Pine, R. (2004). Tourism Demand Forecasting for the Hong Kong
Tourism Industry: A Neural Network Approach. In Zhang, P. (Ed) Neural Networks
for Business Forecasting, pp. 121-141. Hershey, PA: IRM Press.
351. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2003). A Computer Based Accommodation Advisor.
International Journal of Hospitality Information Technology. 3(2), 1-16.
352. Law, R. (2003). Internet and Tourism – Part VIII: Asia Travel. Asia Pacific Journal
of Tourism Research. 8(2), 65-67.
353. Law, R. (2003). Convention & Expo Summit 2003. Conference Report, Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research. 8(2), 57-58.
354. Law, R. & Huang, T. (2003). Internet and Tourism – Part XIII: lastminute.com.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 15(1), 93-97.
355. Law, R. (2003). Towards a Multi-criteria Weighting Model for Travel Websites.
Review of Business Research. 1(2), 114-118.
356. Liang, K. & Law, R. (2003). A Modified Functionality Performance Evaluation
Model for Evaluating the Performance of China Based Hotel Websites. Journal of
Academy of Business and Economics. 2(2), 193-208.
357. Law, R. & Chung, T., (2003). Website Performance: Hong Kong Hotels. FIU
Hospitality Review. 21(1), 33-46.
358. Law, R. & Huang, T. (2003). Internet and Tourism – Part XII: ebookers. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 14(2), 105-109.
359. Chien, G. & Law, R., (2003). The Impact of the Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome on Hotels: A Case Study of Hong Kong. International Journal of
Hospitality Management. 22(3), 327-332
360. Law, R. (2003). Internet and Tourism – Part VII: ZUJI. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research. 8(1), 85-86.
361. Goh, C. & Law, R., (2003). Incorporating the Rough Sets Theory into Travel
Demand Analysis. Tourism Management. 24(5), 511-517.
362. Law, R. (2003). Internet and Tourism – Part XI: Trip.com. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 14(1), 87-91.
363. Wong, J. & Law, R. (2003). Difference in shopping satisfaction levels: a study of
tourists in Hong Kong. Tourism Management. 24(4), 401-410.
364. Law, R. (2003). First Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in
Tourism and the Fifth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia: Development,
Marketing & Sustainability, Conference Report. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Research. 27(2), 262-264.
365. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2003). A study of on-line MICE promotion on Hong Kong
and Singapore’s web sites, In Griffin, T. & Harris, R. (Eds) pp. 82-99. Conference
Proceedings: The 9th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference.
366. Chien, G.C.L., Hsu, C.H.C., & Law, R. (2003). Knowledge Management
Application in Hotels. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change
Management. 3, 141-155.
367. Wong, A., Wong, D., & Law, R. (2003). Analyzing Hong Kong’s Convention &
Exhibition Industry. In Weber, K. (Ed), pp. 183-191. Proceedings: Convention &
Expo Summit 2003.
368. Jogaratnam, G. & Law, R. (2003). An Exploratory Study of the Environmental
Scanning Practice of Hotel and Tourism Executives, pp. 122-130. Conference
Proceedings: First Asia-CHRIE Conference.
369. Law, R. & Wong, J. (2003). Successful Factors for a Travel Web Site: Perceptions
of Online Purchasers in Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research.
27(1), 118-124.
370. Law, R. & Leung, K. (2003). Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating
for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times. Book Review for Information Technology &
Tourism. 5(3), 196-197.
371. Law, R., (2003). Multi-Channel Strategies: ENTER 2002 held in Innsbruck, Austria
in January 2002. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. 27(3), 369-371.
372. Chung, T. & Law, R. (2003). Developing a performance indicator for hotel websites.
International Journal of Hospitality Management. 22(1), 119-125.
373. Au Yeung, T. & Law, R. (2003). Usability Evaluation of Hong Kong Hotel
Websites. pp. 261-269. In Frew, A., O’Connor & Hitz, M. (Eds) Information and
Communication Technologies in Tourism 2003. ENTER 2003 Proceedings. New
York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
374. Huang, T. & Law, R. (2003). Modeling and Comparing Internet Marketing: A Study
of Mainland China and Hong Kong Based Hotel Websites. pp. 173-182. In Frew, A.,
O’Connor & Hitz, M. (Eds) Information and Communication Technologies in
Tourism 2003. ENTER 2003 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
375. Huang, T. & Law, R. (2002). Internet and Tourism – Part X: Ctrip.com. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 13(4), 109-114.
376. Law, R. (2002). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2002.
Book Review for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 13(4), 105-108.
377. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2002), Virtual MICE Promotion: A Comparison of the
Official Web Sites in Hong Kong and Singapore. Journal of Convention &
Exhibition Management. 4(2), 37-51.
378. Lo, A., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2002). Information Search Behavior of Hong Kong's
In-bound Travelers - A Comparison of Business and Leisure Travelers. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 13(3), 61-81.
379. Law, R. & Lau, M. (2002). Internet and Tourism – Part IX: Lodging.com. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing. 12(4), 123-127.
380. Law, R. (2002). Internet and Tourism – Part VI: China Travel Net. Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research. 7(2), 77-79.
381. Yip, L. & Law, R. (2002). User Preferences for Web Site Attributes: A Study of the
Hong Kong Disneyland. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 7(1), 36-44.
382. Law, R. (2002). Internet and Tourism - Part V: Starasiatravel.com. Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research, 7(1), 64-65.
383. Fong, C. & Law, R. (2002). A Study of Hong Kong Travel Agencies’ Perception of
Disintermediation, pp. 691-697. Conference Proceedings: The 8th Joint
International Computer Conference 2002.
384. Huang, T. & Law, R. (2002). Internet Marketing: A Study of the Hotel Industries in
Hong Kong and Mainland China, pp. 714-718. Conference Proceedings: The 8th
Joint International Computer Conference 2002.
385. Law, R. & Leung, K. (2002). Online Airfare Reservation Services: A Study of Asian
Based and North American Based Travel Web Sites. Information Technology &
Tourism. 5(1), 25-33.
386. Law, R., (2002). Internet and Tourism: Part VIII: Orbitz. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing. 12(2/3), 141-145.
387. Law, R. & Cheung, L. (2002). Internet and Tourism - Part VII: Excite Travel.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 12(1), 103-108.
388. Goh, C. & Law, R. (2002). Modeling and Forecasting Tourism Demand for Arrivals
with Stochastic Nonstationary Seasonality and Intervention. Tourism Management,
23(5), 499-510.
389. Law, R., (2002). Forecasting Tourism Demand: Methods and Strategies. Book
Review for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 12(2/3), 137-140.
390. Au, N. & Law, R. (2002). Categorical Classification of Tourism Dining. Annals of
Tourism Research, 29(3), 819-833.
391. Law, R. (2002). Across the C's: Commerce, Convergence, Communications and
Change. Conference Report for ENTER 2001. Journal of Travel & Tourism
Marketing. 12(1), 97-101.
392. Cheung, L. & Law, R. (2002). A study of hospitality & tourism information
technology education and industrial applications. Journal of Teaching in Travel &
Tourism, 2(2), 43-62.
393. Lo, A., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2002). The Information Search Behavior of
Mainland Chinese Travelers to Hong Kong, pp.499-504. In Chon, K. & Zhang, Q.H.
(Eds) Conference Proceedings: The 8th APTA Annual Conference.
394. Wong, J., Law, R. & Leung, K. (2002). Hotel Web Sites: A Study of Travelers’
Purchase Intention, pp. 829-936. In Chon, K. & Zhang, Q.H. (Eds) Conference
Proceedings: The 8th APTA Annual Conference.
395. Goh, C., Law, R. & Pine, R. (2002). Incorporating Non-economic factors into
Tourism Demand Analysis Using the Rough Sets Theory, pp.152-160. In Chon, K.
& Zhang, Q.H. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: The 8th APTA Annual Conference.
396. Law, R., Leung, K. & Wong, J. (2002). Tourist perception on the potential of
disintermediation of travel agencies, pp.288-295. In Chon, K., Heung, V. & Wong,
K. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: The Fifth Biennial Conference on Tourism in
397. Chung, T. & Law, R. (2002). Success Factors for Hong Kong Hotel Websites,
pp.96-104. In Chon, K., Heung, V. & Wong, K. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: The
Fifth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia.
398. Goh, C. & Law, R. (2002). Forecast US arrivals to Hong Kong after the 911 terrorist
attacks, pp.170-179. In Chon, K., Heung, V. & Wong, K. (Eds) Conference
Proceedings: The Fifth Biennial Conference on Tourism in Asia.
399. Goh, C. & Law, R. (2002). Integrating the Rough Sets Theory into Travel Demand
Prediction, pp.99-109. In Chon, K. & Ogle, A. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: First
Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism.
400. Chung, T. & Law, R. (2002). Performance of Hong Kong Hotel Websites, pp.87-98.
In Chon, K. & Ogle, A. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: First Asia Pacific Forum for
Graduate Students Research in Tourism.
401. Law, R. & Lai, Y. (2002). Internet Marketing for Your Tourism Business. Book
review for International Journal of Tourism Research, 4(1), 70-71.
402. Law, R., Leung, K. & Au, N. (2002). Evaluating Reservation Facilities for Hotels: A
Study of Asian Based and North American Based Travel Web Sites, pp.303-310. In
Wöber, K.W., Frew, A.J & Hitz, M. (Eds) Information and Communication
Technologies in Tourism 2002. ENTER 2002 Proceedings. New York: SpringerVerlag, Wien.
403. Yip, L. & Law, R. (2002). A Study of User Preference for Attributes of the Hong
Kong Disneyland Web Site, pp.470-479. In Wöber, K.W., Frew, A.J & Hitz, M.
(Eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2002. ENTER 2002
Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
404. Law, R. & Wong, S. (2002). APTA sixth Annual Conference in Phuket, Thailand,
2000: “Tourism” A Strategic Industry in Asia and Pacific: Defining Problems and
Creating Solutions. Tourism Management, 23(1), 101-102.
405. Law, R. (2001) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2001.
Book Review for Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 11(4), 90-93.
406. Mills, J. & Law, R. (2001). Internet and Tourism - Part VI: Priceline.com -
Exploring the "Name Your Own Price" Model. Journal of Travel and Tourism
Marketing, 11(4), 97-102.
407. Law, R., Law, A., & Wai, E. (2001). The Impact of the Internet on Travel Agencies
in Hong Kong. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 11(2/3), 105-126.
408. Law, R. (2001). Internet and Tourism - Part V: Yahoo! Travel. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing, 11(1), 107-111.
409. Law, R. (2001). Internet Marketing for Your Tourism Business. Book review for
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 11(1), 103-105.
410. Law, R. (2001). The impact of the Asian financial crisis on the accuracy of tourist
arrival forecasts. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 8(1/2), 5-17.
411. Suen, E. & Law, R. (2001). Application of Information Technology to the Club
Industry: A Case Study of an Estate Club in Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality &
Leisure Marketing, 8(1/2), 149-162.
412. Mills, J. & Law, R. (2001). Internet and Tourism - Part IV: From Bricks and Mortor
to Web - An Examination of Travelselect.com. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research, 6(2), 76-78.
413. Law, R. (2001). Information Technology in Hospitality Education: A Case Study of
Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 6(2), 1-8.
414. Law, R. (2001). Keeping pace with change – new frontiers for IT in tourism.
ENTER 2000 held in Barcelona, Spain in April 2000. Tourism Management, 22(5),
415. Law, R. (2001). Mix, Match & Move: Shaping the Future of Tourism. Conference
Report for the 7th APTA Annual Conference. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research, 6(2), 74-75.
416. Law, R. (2001). Internet and Tourism – Part IV: TravelWeb. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing, 10(2/3), 117-121.
417. Law, R. (2001). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000.
Book Review, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(2/3), 123-125.
418. Law, R. (2001). Internet and Tourism – Part III: GettingHere.com. Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research, 6(1), 82-84.
419. Law, R. (2001). The Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on Japanese Demand for
Travel to Hong Kong: A Study of Various Forecasting Techniques. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(2/3), 47-65.
420. Burger, C., Dohnal, M., Kathrada, M. & Law, R. (2001). A practitioners guide to
time-series methods for tourism demand Forecasting – A case study of Durban,
South Africa. Tourism Management, 22(4), 403-409.
421. Law, R. & Goh, C. (2001). Tourism Demand Modelling and Forecasting: Modern
Econometric Approaches. Book Review, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing,
10(4), 127-130.
422. Lo, A., Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2001). Information search behavior of Hong Kong
in-bound travelers, pp.373-376. Conference Proceedings: The 7th APTA Annual
423. Law, R. & Leung, K. (2001). Evaluating Reservation Facilities: A Content Analysis
of Travel Web Sites, pp.257-261. Conference Proceedings: The 7th APTA Annual
424. Goh, C., Law, R. & Pine, R. (2001). A Decision Rules Based Forecasting Model for
Tourism Demand in Hong Kong, pp.8-11. Conference Proceedings: The 7th APTA
Annual Conference.
425. Cheung, C., Lo, A. & Law, R. (2001). An Activity-based Segmentation Analysis of
the Hong Kong Pleasure Travel Market, pp.273-276. Conference Proceedings: The
7th APTA Annual Conference.
426. Suen, E. & Law, R. (2001). The Application of Information Technology to the Club
Industry: A Case Study of a Private Club in Hong Kong, pp.13-21. In Sheldon, P.,
Wober, K.W. & Fesenmaier, D.R. (Eds) Information and Communication
Technologies 2001. ENTER 2001 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
427. Law, R. (2001). Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000.
Book Review for Tourism and Hospitality Research: The Surrey Quarterly Review,
3(2), 187-188.
428. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2001). The impact of air quality on tourism: the case of
Hong Kong. Pacific Tourism Review, 5(1/2), 69-74
429. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2001). A Computer Based Accommodation Advisor,
pp.368-376. In Sheldon, P., Wober, K.W. & Fesenmaier, D.R. (Eds) Information
and Communication Technologies 2001. ENTER 2001 Proceedings. New York:
Springer-Verlag, Wien.
430. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2001). Determinants of Tourism Hotel Expenditures in
Hong Kong. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(3),
431. Law, R. & Tong, K. (2001). Internet and Tourism – Part III: Travelocity. Journal of
Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(1), 137-142.
432. Law, R. & Chen, F. (2000). Internet in Travel and Tourism – Part II: Expedia.
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(4), 83-87.
433. Law, R. (2000). Internet in Travel and Tourism – Part I. Journal of Travel &
Tourism Marketing, 9(3), 65-71.
434. Law, R. & Au, N. (2001). Marketing Hong Kong to the Taiwanese Visitors. Journal
of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(1), 51-67.
435. Law, R. & Chen, F. (2000). Internet and Tourism – Part II: TravelAsiaNet. Asia
Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 5(2), 88-90.
436. Law, R. & Leung, R. (2000). A Study of Airlines’ Online Reservation Services on
the Internet. Journal of Travel Research, 39(2), 202-211.
437. Au, N. & Law, R. (2000). The Application of Rough Sets to Sightseeing
Expenditure. Journal of Travel Research, 39(1) 70-77.
438. Cheung, L. & Law, R. (2000). Industrial Information Technology Applications:
Have Hospitality and Tourism Graduates Learnt the Needed Skills? Journal of
Hospitality & Tourism Education, 12(2), 19-23.
439. Law, R. (2000). Demand for Hotel Spending by Visitors to Hong Kong: A Study of
Various Forecasting Techniques. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 6(4),
440. Law, R., Au, N. & McKercher, B. (2000). A Study of the Perceived Readiness of
Hong Kong’s Hotel Industry for Y2K, pp.433-437. Conference Proceedings: The 6th
APTA Annual Conference.
441. Au, N., Law, R. & Mckercher, B. (2000). A Study of the Y2K Impact on Hong
Kong’s Travel Agents, pp.439-442. Conference Proceedings: The 6th APTA Annual
442. Law, R. & Chen, F. (2000). Internet and Tourism – Part I. Asia Pacific Journal of
Tourism Research, 5(1), 85-87.
443. Yu, A.K.L. & Law, R. (2000). The Application of E-Commerce to Enhance the
Competitive Advantages of Hotels in Hong Kong, pp.343-352. In Fesenmaier, D.R.,
Klein, S., & Buhalis, D. (Eds) Information and Communication Technologies 2000.
ENTER 2000 Proceedings. New York: Springer-Verlag, Wien.
444. Law, R. (2000). Back-propagation learning in improving the accuracy of neural
network-based tourism demand forecasting. Tourism Management, 21(3), 331-340.
445. Law, R. & Lau, M. (2000). The Computer Millennium Bug's Impact on the Hotel
Industry: A Case Study of the Kowloon Hotel. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12(3), 170-178.
446. Law, R. (2000). Breast-feeding in public: Should this be allowed in hotels?
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 19(1), 89-92.
447. Law, R. & Au, N. (2000). Relationship modeling in tourism shopping: a decision
rules induction approach. Tourism Management, 21(3), 241-249.
448. Cheung, L. & Law, R. (1999). Bridging the Information Technology Gap Between
Hospitality & Tourism Education and Industrial Applications: A Case Study of
Hong Kong, pp.20-34. Conference Proceedings: The International Society of Travel
and Tourism Educators Annual Conference.
449. Law, R. (1999). Y2K’s impact on education. Education Today, 49(3), 42-44.
450. Law, R. & Tang, A. (1999). Healthy Eating Western Visitors in Hong Kong.
Foodservice Research International (formerly: Journal of Foodservice Systems),
11(2), 135-145.
451. Law, R. (1999). Computer-Assisted Hospitality Education: An Intelligent Tutoring
Systems Approach. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 11(1), 50-56.
452. Lau, M. & Law, R. (1999). A Study of the Y2K’s Impact on the Kowloon Hotel,
pp.86-93. In Heung, V., Ap, J. & Wong, K. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: Asia
Pacific Tourism Association Fifth Annual Conference.
453. Au, N. & Law, R. (1999). Year 2000 Problem: A Survey on the Hotels’ Coping
Strategy in China, pp.61-69. In Heung, V., Ap, J. & Wong, K. (Eds) Conference
Proceedings: Asia Pacific Tourism Association Fifth Annual Conference.
454. Law, R. & Au, N. (1999). The Year 2000 Problem: How A Hong Kong Hotel Is
Dealing With Y2K. The Hotel Management, January, 199-204. In Japanese –
reproduced by the Cornell H.R.A. Quarterly.
455. Law, R. & Au, N. (1999). A neural network model to forecast Japanese demand for
travel to Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 20(1), 89-97.
456. Law, R. & Au, N. (1998). A Rough Set Approach to Hotel Expenditure Decision
Rules Induction. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 22(4), 359-375.
457. Law, R. & Cheung, C. (1998). Prospects of the Hong Kong Tourism Industry. FIU
Hospitality Review, 16(2), 39-51.
458. Law, R. & Au, N. (1999). The Year 2000 Problem: How A Hong Kong Hotel Is
Dealing With Y2K? Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 39(4),
459. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (1998). Hospitality Service Quality and the Role of
Performance Appraisal. Managing Service Quality, 8(6), 402-406.
460. Law, R. (1998). Room Occupancy Rate Forecasting: A Neural Network Approach.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10(6), 234-239.
461. Au, N. & Law, R. (1998). Short-term Forecasting in Hospitality Industry: A Neural
Network Approach, pp.967-974. Conference Proceedings: The Third South China
International Business Symposium.
462. Law, R. & Au, N. (1998). A Hospitality Object-Oriented Paradigm, pp.975-983.
Conference Proceedings: The Third South China International Business Symposium.
463. Law, R. & Au, N. (1998). Information Technology Applications To The Hong Kong
Hotel Industry. International Journal of Management, 15(3), 377-384.
464. Law, R. (1998). Hospitality Data Mining Myths. FIU Hospitality Review, 16(1), 5966.
465. Cheung, C. & Law, R. (1998). Hospitality Service Quality and the Role of
Performance Appraisal, pp.505-509. Conference Proceedings: The Third
International Conference on ISO 9000 & TQM.
466. Law, R. (1998). Integrating Database Marketing and Decision Support Systems: A
Study of the Hong Kong Hotel and Tourism Industry. International Journal of
Management, 15(1), 29-34.
467. Law, R. & Au, N. (1997). Hong Kong Hospitality: The Application of Information
Technology to Achieve Competitive Advantages, pp.52-56. Conference Proceedings:
The Hong Kong International Computer Conference ‘97.
468. Law, R. (1997). Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Education. Education Today, 47(3),
469. Law, R. & Au, N. (1998). Developing an Expert System for Hotel Selection in Hong
Kong. International Journal of Management, 15(2), 175-180.
470. Law, R. (1997). Hospitality Education: A New Computer-Assisted Teaching and
Learning Paradigm. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 9(3), 112-115.
471. Law, R. & Wong, M. (1997). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interviews as a
Selection Method in Hong Kong. Australian Journal of Hospitality Management,
4(1), 27-32.
472. Law, R. & Maguire, R.B. (1997). Extending the Knowledge Base for a Retrograde
Chess Problem Solving Expert System, pp.122-126. Conference Proceedings: The
Pacific Asia Conference in Expert Systems.
473. Au, N. & Law, R. (1997). Information Technology in the context of Hotel and
Tourism Management Education in Hong Kong, pp.1-6. Conference Proceedings:
The Fourth International Organizational Behaviour Teaching Conference.
474. Au, N. & Law, R. (1997). Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) in Hospitality and
Tourism Management Education - An Asia-Pacific’s Perspective, pp.28-33.
Conference Proceedings: The Fourth International Organizational Behaviour
Teaching Conference.
475. Law, R. (1997). Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Management Education, pp.21-25.
Conference Proceedings: The Fourth International Organizational Behaviour
Teaching Conference.
476. Choi, T. & Law, R. (1997). Multimedia Technology and Cost Savings in Hotel
Applications. Multimedia Technology and Applications (pp.491-497). In Chow,
V.W.S. (Ed.), Singapore: Springer-Verlag.
477. Law, R. & Wong, K.F. (1997). Compressing and Restoring Multiple Images Using
Variable Threshold Values. Multimedia Technology and Applications (pp. 109-112).
In Chow, V.W.S. (Ed.), Singapore: Springer-Verlag.
478. Law, R. (1997). Differential Polylines in Multi-Image Transmission. Multimedia
Technology and Applications (pp.122-126). In Chow, V.W.S. (Ed.), Singapore:
479. Law, R. & Wong, K. (1996). Reducing Reliance on Foreign Management: A
Decision Support Systems Approach to Joint Ventures in China, pp.1031-1034. In
Antonio, N.S. & Steele, H. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: Second South China
International Business Symposium on “Decision Making, Market Development,
Information and Technology: Managing International Business in the Twenty First
480. Law, R. (1996). The Development of Intelligent Software Systems in Hospitality
and Tourism Industry to Achieve Competitive Advantages, pp.1293-1297. In
Antonio, N.S. & Steele, H. (Eds) Conference Proceedings: Second South China
International Business Symposium on “Decision Making, Market Development,
Information and Technology: Managing International Business in the Twenty First
481. Law, R., Au, N. & Cho, V. (1996). Bridging the Gap between Non-technical
Managers and Technical Computing Experts in Hong Kong’s Hotels, pp.57-61.
Conference Proceedings: Hong Kong International Computer Conference ’96.
482. Law, R. (1996). An Overview of the Debugging Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Education Today, 46(3), 50-52.
483. Wong, K.F. & Law, R. (1996). An Extended Database Marketing Model for
Oceania’s Tourism Industry, p.16. Conference Proceedings: Asia Pacific Tourism
Association ‘96 Conference.
484. Law, R. & Au, N. (1996). A Distributed Expatriate Management Approach In
Bridging the Cultural Gap, pp.222-227. Conference Proceedings Vol. I: The
Conference on Cross-Cultural Management in China.
485. Law, R. & Au, N. (1996). Decision Making in Cross-Cultural Management: An
Automated Expertise Extraction Approach, pp.236-240. Conference Proceedings
Vol. I: The Conference on Cross-Cultural Management in China.
486. Law, R. & Au, N. (1996). A Training Expert System Dedicated to Cross-Cultural
Management in China, pp.228-235. Conference Proceedings Vol. I: The Conference
on Cross-Cultural Management in China.
487. Au, N. & Law, R. (1996). Distributed Decision Support System Frameworks - A
New Approach to Improve Enterprise Decision Making in China, pp.263-267.
Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Management Science & the
Economic Development of China.
488. Law, R. (1996). Risk Reduction in Joint Ventures, pp.418-420. Conference
Proceedings: International Conference on Management Science & the Economic
Development of China.
489. Law, R. (1996). Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Joint Ventures, pp.587-591.
Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Management Science & the
Economic Development of China.
490. Law, R. & Maguire, R.B. (1996). Debugging of Object-Oriented Software, pp.77-84.
Conference Proceedings: The 8th Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering.
491. Law, R. & Go, F. (1996). A Tourism Dedicated Expert System, pp.491-495.
Conference Proceedings: The Academy of International Business South East Asia
Regional Conference.
492. Law, R. & Go, F. (1996). The Application of Database Marketing to Achieve
Competitiveness in the Information Age, pp.435-438. Conference Proceedings: The
Academy of International Business South East Asia Regional Conference.
493. Law, R. (1996). An Extended Database Marketing Model for Hong Kong’s Hotel
and Tourism Industry, pp.147-152. Conference Proceedings: The First Asia Pacific
DSI Conference.
494. Law, R. (1996). Teaching Object-Oriented Programming Classes: Debugging
Training, pp.20-23. Conference on “Innovations in Quality Teaching & Learning”Unpublished conference presentation.
495. Law, R. (1996). Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Where is the Intelligence?, pp.20-23.
Conference on “Innovations in Quality Teaching & Learning”– Unpublished
conference presentation.
496. Law, R.C.H. & Maguire, R.B. (1993). A Critical Survey of Intelligent Tutoring
Systems. Congress Numerantium, 92, 55-64.
497. Law, R., Mohamed, A.S.A. & Maguire, R.B. (1992). Treatment Times for
Amersham Caesium-137 Manual Afterloading System. Journal of Computers in
Biology and Medicine, 22(5), 337-349.
498. Law, R., Maguire, R.B., & Mohamed, A.S.A. (1992). An Expert System for
Determining Treatment Times for the Amersham Caesium 137 Treatment for
Uterine Tumors. Congressus Numerantium, 87, 97-105.
499. Law, R. & Maguire, R.B. (1990). An Expert System for Solving Retrograde
Analysis Chess Problems. Computational Intelligence III (pp.229-236). In Cercone,
N. & Gardin, F. (Eds), North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
500. Mohamed, A.S.A & Law, R. (1989). A Noncausal AR Model for Breast Tissue
Image Compression, pp.590-594. Conference Proceedings: International
Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Signal Processing.
Articles in Professional Journals
Tsang, N.K.F., Lai, M.T.H., & Law, R. (2011). Functionality Critical for Online
Travel Agencies. Research Horizons, 5(1), 9-10.
Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2010). Growing Use Changing Perceptions of Travel
Websites in Hong Kong. Research Horizons, 4(1), 1-2.
Law, R. & Au Yeung, T. (2007). How Useful is Your Website? An In-depth Look at
Hong Kong Hotel Websites. Research Horizon, 1(1), 5-8.
Law, R. & Huang, T. (2005). A Study of Travel Website Optimization. The Voice of
TIC. 1, 21-24.
Law, R. & Cheung, C. (2003). Application of Yield Management in Hong Kong
Hotels. Asian Hotel and Catering Time. 28, March, 18-19.
Law, R., Wong, J., & Leung, K. (2002), A Study of Travelers’ Perception on
Disintermediation. The Voice of TIC, 4, 20-23.
Cheung, C., Lo, A., & Law, R. (2002). Activities preferred by Hong Kong outbound
travellers. The Voice of TIC, 1, 26-29.
Goh, C. & Law, R. (2001). Internet and the Travel Industry. The Voice of TIC, 1,
Cheung, C. & Law, R. (2000). Visitors’ perception of air quality in Hong Kong, The
Voice of TIC, 3, 22-24.
10. Au, N., Law, R. & McKercher, B. (1999). The Potential Effect of Y2K on Hong
Kong’s Tourism Industry. The Voice of TIC, 4, 24-26.
11. Law, R. (1998). Interacting with Object-Oriented Program Slicing. Software
Engineering Notes, 23(1), 66-67.
12. Law, R. (1998). Generalization of Leaner Object-Oriented Slicing. Software
Engineering Notes, 23(1), 59-61.
13. Law, R. (1997). An Overview of Debugging Tools. Software Engineering Notes,
22(2), 43-47.
14. Choi, T., Law, R. & Au, N. (1996). Techno Bytes - Hotels slow to adopt IT. Asian
Hotel and Catering Times, July, 10-14.
15. Law, R. (1993). Evaluating the Program Slicing Technique. SIAST TODAY, 4(6), 6.
Technical Reports/Others
1. Law, R. (1999). Impact and Myths of Y2K on Travel and Tourism, Paper prepared for
the Y2K seminar organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2. Law, R. & Maguire, R.B. (1994). A University of Regina Object-Oriented Program
Slicer, Technical Report, Canada: University of Regina.
1. Law, R. (1994). Object-Oriented Program Slicing, Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Regina, Canada.
2. Law, R. (1990). A Retrograde Analysis Chess Problem Solver, M.Sc. Thesis,
University of Regina, Canada.
Chief Supervisor of Lawrence Fong - PhD. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Perceived Luck in Games of
Chance: Determinants and Effect on Intention to Play. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Ibrahim Mohammad - PhD. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Min Xu – PhD. School of Management, Harbin Institute of
Technology. Thesis Title: The Influence of Online Service Recovery in Hospitality.
On Going.
Co-Supervisor of Jishim Jung – PhD. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Liang Wang – PhD. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Sudipta Sarkar – PhD. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Gloria Chan – MPhil. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Ongoing
Chief Supervisor of Selina Wan - DHTM School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Patrick Chan - DHTM School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Grace Siu – MPhil. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: A conceptual model for measuring the
inter-relationships of core job dimensions and work-life balance towards job
satisfaction and future career intention of hotel interns. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Jiaqi Luo – Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University and Sun Yat-sen University – Dual Award. Thesis Title:
Community Impacts of Gaming Industry: A Study in Hong Kong. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Daniel Leung – MPhil. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: An Analytic Hierarchy Process
Evaluation of Hotel Websites. Ongoing.
Co-Chief Supervisor of Brianda Jiang - Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: TBD. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Huiying Li – PhD School of Management, Harbin Institute of
Technology. Thesis Title: The Impact of User-Generated Content on Traveler
Behavior. On Going.
Co-Supervisor of Julian Ayeh - Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Web 2.0 and Contemporary Tourists:
Implications for E-Commerce. Ongoing.
Co-Chief Supervisor of Rose Chen - Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Evaluating the relationships of
employee branding, employee behaviors and service quality in China’s luxury hotel
industry. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Maria Yu – DHTM School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The impact of IT on the employment
status and training. Ongoing.
Chief Supervisor of Rosanna Leung - Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: To Be Determined. Ongoing.
Co-Supervisor of Lina Zhong – PhD. Center for Recreation and Tourism Research.
Peking University. Thesis Title: A Study of Perceptions of Chinese Tourist
Destinations Based on Complex Network Theory and the Context Analysis Methods.
Completed in June 2012.
Chief Supervisor of Crystal Ip – MPhil. School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Evaluation
of Hotel Websites. Completed in June 2011.
Chief Supervisor of Elaine Tian - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title. An Analysis of Publications in
Leading Tourism Journals. Completed in June 2011.
Chief Supervisor of ShanShan Qi – Ph.D. School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Fuzzy Hierarchical Evaluation of
the Perceived Performance of Luxury Hotel Websites. Completed in May 2011.
Host Supervisor of Kalbaska Nadzeya – visiting PhD student from University of Lugano,
Switzerland. Title: eLearning in Tourism: the use of ICT in learning practices in
hospitality and tourism. Summer 2011.
Chief Supervisor of Nabila Benchekri – M.Sc., CERAM Business School, France.
Dissertation Title: Content Analysis of Luxury Hotel Websites: Comparison among
Paris, London, and Frankfurt. Completed in September 2010.
Co-Supervisor of ZiQiong Zhang – PhD. School of Management, Harbin Institute of
Technology. Thesis Title: Research On Online Chinese Review Sentiment
Classification. Completed in August 2010.
Chief Supervisor of Sabrina Chen - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Destination Cultural Factors
Representation on Hotel Websites: A Content Analysis of Beijing Hotel Websites.
Completed in June 2010.
Chief Supervisor of Wei Liu - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Authorship Analysis of Tourism
Information Technology Research. Completed in June 2010.
Co-Supervisor of Fleming Woo – PhD, Department of Computing Science, London
Metropolitan University. Thesis Title: A framework for the effective selection and
adoption of system development methodologies in organizations. Completed in June
Co-Supervisor of Doris Lo – MPhil, School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: The Theme Park Experience: Its nature,
Antecedents and Consequences. Completed in June 2008.
Chief Supervisor of Teresa Kua– M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Exploratory Investigation of
Luxury Hotels’ E-mail Responses towards Customer Queries. Completed in June
Chief Supervisor of Peter Wang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Attributes Affecting Chinese Hotel
Customers’ Satisfaction with Online Reservation Service – An Empirical Study.
Completed in September 2007.
Chief Supervisor of Gary Wang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Hotel Central
Reservation System based in Shanghai. Completed in July 2007.
Chief Supervisor of Ingrid Yin - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The Affection of Website
Functionality and Usability to Online Booking: A Case Study of Jinling’s Website:
www.jinlinghotels.com. Completed in July 2007.
Chief Supervisor of Lisa Zheng - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study on Foreign Tourist
Recognition of Chinese Menu Translation into English Online. Completed in July
Chief Supervisor of Selina Li - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Motivations of Tea Culture
Festival’s Tourists: West Lake Longjing Tea Festival as a Case. Completed in July
Chief Supervisor of Raymond Kwong - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of the Perceptions of
Graduates and Students on Hospitality Management Curriculum and Career
Development. Completed in June 2007.
Chief Supervisor of Penny Cheung - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Authorship
and Institution Contributions in Leading Tourism Journals. Completed in June 2007.
Chief Supervisor of Emily Ma - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: What have Tourism Researchers
Previously Done? Evidence from the Annals of Tourism Research. Completed in
December 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Grace Zheng - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The effectiveness of
Performance Appraisal in Zhejiang Grand Hotel. Completed in August 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Danel Gu - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of Timesharing Hotels in
China. Completed in August 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Celia Gin - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The Impact of the Development of
Road on Hangzhou’s Tourism. Completed in August 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Ivy Chan - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Analyzing the Online Pricing
Practice of Room Rates in Hong Kong’s Hotel Industry: An Extended Study.
Completed in August 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Emily Wang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The Selection of Hotels by
Business Travelers: The Case of a Five-star Hotel in Hangzhou. Completed in May
Chief Supervisor of Grace Cai - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Analyzing Virtual Hospitality
Alliances and Public Platform. Completed in May 2006.
Co-Supervisor of Grace Chien – Ph.D., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: Integrating Knowledge Management into
Market Orientation: Impact on Hotel Performance. Completed in March 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Antony Chan - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of Hotel Website
Optimization. Completed in January 2006.
Chief Supervisor of Jessica Zhang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Analyzing Ctrip’s User
Satisfaction. Completed in May 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Ginny Zhang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Service Quality in Hotels’
Competitions. Completed in May 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Rosanna Leung - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Information
Technology Publications in Leading Hospitality and Tourism Journals. Completed in
May 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Clarke Liao - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Analyzing Tourism and Hospitality
Students’ Information Technology Knowledge - A Case Study of an Independent
College in Hang Zhou. Completed in May 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Hill He – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: How to Formulate a Job Description
Based on Job Analysis. Completed in May 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Mandy Lo – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Towards a Web-based Marketing
Process Framework for City-based National Tourism Organizations: A Study of the
Websites of Hong Kong Tourism Board and Singapore Tourism Board. Completed in
January, 2005.
Chief Supervisor of Claire Lau – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Online Evaluations on Co-operation
Levels of Regional Tourism Promotion Alliances. Completed in January, 2005.
Chief Supervisor of John Tan – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The Impact of E-tickets on Travel
Agencies. Completed in June, 2004.
Chief Supervisor of Carey Goh – Ph.D., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Thesis Title: A Decision Rule-based Forecasting Model
for Tourism Demand – An Application and Comparison. Completed in June, 2004.
Chief Supervisor of Angie Tso – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: An Analysis of Online Pricing
Practice in Hong Kong’s Hotel Industry. Completed in May, 2004.
Chief Supervisor of Andrew Ma – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Evaluating the Performance of
Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing International Hotel Websites. Completed in
January, 2004.
Chief Supervisor of Kathy Liang – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Comparing and Contrasting
China-based and US-based Hotel Websites. Completed in June, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Richard Yang – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Modeling and Comparing
China-based 5-star and World’s Best Hotel Websites Management: An Analytic
Hierarchy Process Approach. Completed in June, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Daniel Qiu – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University.
Dissertation Title: Information Technology
Applications to Human Resources Management in Ningbo’s Hotel Industry.
Completed in June, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Shelly Lu – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of Technology Crisis
Management in Hangzhou’s Hotels. Completed in June, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Patty Wu – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Improving Service Quality by CRM
in the Service Industry. Completed in June, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Tom AuYeung – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Usability Evaluation of Hotel
Websites in Hong Kong. Completed in January, 2003.
Chief Supervisor of Truman Huang - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of World Wide Web
Marketing in China’s Hotel Industry. Completed in May, 2002.
Chief Supervisor of John Le - M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management, Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of the Characteristics of
Chinese Eco-tourists. Completed in May, 2002.
Chief Supervisor of Tony Chung – M.Sc., School of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Performance Measuring
Indicator: A Study of Hong Kong Hotel Websites. Completed in January, 2002.
Chief Supervisor of Clare Fong – M.B.A., Department of Management, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Perception of Disintermediation: A Study
of Hong Kong Travel Agencies. Completed in January, 2002.
Chief Supervisor of Lily Yip – M.Sc., Department of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of User Preferences
for Attributes for the Hong Kong Disneyland Website. Completed in June, 2001.
Chief Supervisor of Clement Chu – M.Sc., Department of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of Word Processing
Skills Acquired by Students in a Hong Kong Hotel Training School. Completed in
January, 2001.
Chief Supervisor of Eunice Suen – M.Sc., Department of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: The Application of
Information Technology to the Club Industry: A Case Study of a Private Club in
Hong Kong. Completed in June, 2000.
Chief Supervisor of Lawrence Cheung – M.Sc., Department of Hotel & Tourism
Management, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Bridging the
Information Technology Gap between Hospitality & Tourism Education and
Industrial Applications: A Case Study of Hong Kong. Completed in December, 1999.
Chief Supervisor of Allen Yu – M.B.A., Department of Management, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: Enhancing the Competitive Advantages of
Hotels in Hong Kong: The Derivation of business Values from E-Commerce.
Completed in December, 1999.
Chief Supervisor of Mary Lau – M.Sc., Department of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dissertation Title: A Study of the Computer Year
2000 Problem in the Kowloon Hotel. Completed in June, 1999.
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