Columbia Board Minutes 6-27-13

Minutes of the California Law Enforcement Columbia Association
Executive Board of Directors Meeting Date: June 27, 2013
On Thursday, June 27, 2013 the Executive Board of Directors Meeting of the California Law
Enforcement Columbia Association was held at the Jay’n Bee Club, 2736 20th St., San Francisco.
Meeting called to order by VP Corrales at 1810 hours.
PRESIDENT: Leo Pierini - present
EXECUTIVE VP: Steve Landi – excused
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Phil Bruccoleri – excused
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Liane Corrales – present
3rd VICE PRESIDENT: Al Casciato – present
SECRETARY: Gloria Curcio - present
SGT.-AT-ARMS: Mark Rossetti - excused
S.F. COUNTY REP: Rob Imbellino – excused
S.M. COUNTY REP: Tim Gatto - present
CHAPLAIN: Fr. Joseph Landi - not present
Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Members Victor Schiantarelli and Frank
Wood. All present signed in the Association Logbook.
Minutes from the Executive Board of Directors Meeting on 5-2-13 were read through and reviewed. VP
Casciato moved to approve the minutes, seconded by VP Corrales. Motion passed.
National Council Meeting:
The National Council of Columbia Associations held a meeting on May 16, 2013 in Brooklyn, New
York. Scheduling did not permit our attendance, however President Pierini sent a letter to President
Guagliardo of the National Council expressing CLECA’s regrets at not being able to attend, with our
congratulations to all honorees. The Council printed this letter in a full page ad in their brochure. This
annual meeting is an opportunity to meet with our fellow Columbia Associations on the East Coast.
Future CLECA funding for participation in the event is possible.
Italian Consulate Events:
President Pierini stated that the newly appointed Italian Consulate General is very active. He was
recently sworn into SFIAC, and has declared this the Year of Italian-American Culture. President Pierini
stated that he has contact with the Consulate and we are on their e-mail list. VP Casciato said he would
also get CLECA on their mailing list. We have received notification of a reception for the Italian Team
of the America’s Cup Race to be held at the Cannery this Tuesday. VP Casciato stated that the exhibits
there are excellent, and encouraged attendance. Although there is a conflict with SFIAC Stag night,
Pierini and Corrales may attend.
There will be also be an Italian Community Services Dinner on October 27, 2013 (location TBD). It
was agreed that CLECA should send representatives to these events.
Treasurer Position:
President Pierini advised that the Treasurer’s position remains vacant. We are actively looking for
someone to fill the position.
New Brochures with our new website address of are being worked on
and will be ordered in time for them to be available for Festa.
EXECUTIVE VP REPORT (Liaison with other Italian LE Groups):
Executive VP Landi and Sgt.-At-Arms Rosetti are both at SFIAC tonight attending the retirement dinner
for a CHP Officer.
1st VP REPORT (Public Information and Communications):
VP Bruccoleri was excused from this meeting, but had spoken with President Pierini and advised that
nothing is scheduled now.
2nd VP REPORT (Association and Other Events):
Festa Italiana: President Pierini also advised that the Festa Italiana will be held August 17, 2013. He
and VP Corrales spoke with Jennifer of Le Donna d’Italia. We will again be sharing a booth with them.
The cost to CLECA is $75.00 (half a booth). Our booth purpose is informational and promotional.
Pasta Party/Giants vs. Dodgers: As previously discussed, Friday, September 13, 2013 is an away
game - Giants vs. Dodgers in LA. We could host a Pasta and Vino party at SFIAC, piggybacking with
SFIAC’s regular Friday buffet. We will look at getting parking at the church for the event. President
Pierini moved to spend $100.00 to sponsor the event, seconded by VP Casciato, Motion approved. He
also suggested getting cards and/or posters printed up to promote this event at our August 17th Festa
Italiana booth.
Columbus Day/Heritage Parade: VP Corrales has the submission paperwork for the Columbus
Day/Italian Heritage Parade on October 13, 2013. She will send the application on to Tony. President
Pierini will get Tony’s number to VP Corrales.
President Pierini stated that to avoid any confusion, our submitted paperwork should note that it should
be SFPD, CLECA, and the Carabiniere with the Italian Consul General. CLECA will also need to put in
for a vehicle to be included. Our magnetic CLECA banner can be affixed to the vehicle sides. The
Parade will start at Fisherman’s Wharf and end in North Beach
SFPD Academy Presentation: VP Corrales contacted the SFPD Academy to secure a short
presentation time slot to the recruits for CLECA. This was denied, as the Academy stated that CLECA
was a Social Club and ineligible as such to make presentations to classes. She stated that POA groups
were allowed to make presentations because they offer representation.
3RD VP REPORT (Public Relations and Promotions):
Lou Pinotti , SFIAC Foundation Chairman, will need a letter requesting Scholarship donation.
Chairman Casciato will draft an official letter from the Columbia Association to the San Francisco
Italian Athletic Foundation requesting a donation of $500 for the CLECA Scholarship Fund, which
SFIAC Foundation has already approved to donate toward seeding the Fund.
Chairman Casciato stated that to chair a permanent Scholarship at SF State would require $25,000. He
stated that this amount does not need to be given away at one time. He recommended having SF State
Scholarship Staff attend our next meeting to advise on how best to approach and administer the Fund.
Various possible donors were discussed. Chairman Casciato advised that he will be in China Oct.27Nov. 4, 2013.
Chairman Landi has advised- no new changes.
Chairwoman Curcio reported on dues received for 2013. Dues from the majority of members has been
collected, however there are still outstanding dues owed by some members, although they are slowly
trickling in. An e-mail notice is included in each CLECA membership correspondence.
Chairman Bruccoleri was not present. however no new recognition events are noted.
President Pierini advised that our P.O.Box bill was paid, as was the ad in the National Council Brochure
($100). CLECA gave $100 to Community Services to sponsor a table for Casino Night. Currently we
bank at the POA/SFPD Credit Union. President Pierini is looking into moving our account to the more
conveniently accessible Bank of America.
President Pierini noted no new activity until July or so when we would start preparing for upcoming
events of Festa, the Parade, and our promotional parties (September Giants vs. Dodgers away game at
The date of the next meeting of the Executive Board is pending.
Motion to adjourn meeting made by Pierini, second by Corrales at 1840 hours.
____Original signed by_________
Secretary, G. Curcio
_______August 8, 2013__________
Date of Approval
____Original signed by_________
President, L. Pierini