1 CONFIRMED SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Shire President Councillor JH Bird (Presided) CENTRAL/NORTH Councillor KJ Ryan TOWN Councillor W Williams TOWN Councillor DC Sewell TOWN Councillor HD Forward SOUTH Councillor R Sheen (11.36 am) SOUTH Councillor MM Davey CENTRAL/NORTH Councillor BJ Haywood CENTRAL/NORTH STAFF: The Chief Executive Officer (CCJ Kerp) The Finance Manager (N M Bird) was in attendance. OBSERVER: Mrs Julie Chester The Shire President declared the Meeting opened at 10.19 am ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. QUESTION TIME - MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ______ 2. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cr Van Gelderen for non attendance at today’s meeting. Cr Sheen will be late to today’s meeting. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 3.1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 2013 Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Forward that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 18th September 2013 as read, be confirmed as a true and correct record of proceedings. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 4. MATTERS ARISING Nil 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SHIRE PRESIDENT Shire President attended the opening of the Dowerin New Sports Pavilion Mr Colin Whitman entered the meeting at 10.36 am PRESIDENT DATE 2 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Forward that standing orders be now suspended. Time 10.36 am CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 Mr Colin Whitman on behalf of the Goomal Committee gave a presentation to the Council for their appreciation for working them in the signing MOU between Council and the Goomal Committee. Colin also wished Cr Bird, Cr Forward & Cr Williams well in their retirement from Council and thanked them for their support. RESUMPTION OF STANDING ORDERS Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Williams that standing orders be now be resumed. Time 10.48 am Mr Colin Whitman left the meeting at 10.48 am Shire President attended the AROC meeting Cr Williams attended the Heartlands WA Board Meeting Cr Williams attended the Wheatbelt Health MOU Meeting Cr Williams attended the Wheatbelt GP network meeting Cr Davey attended Whitfield Celebration in Konnongorring Cr Sewell met with the Caravan Park Visitors Cr Sewell and Cr Ryan attended the Drum muster Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that the Reports be received. CARRIED 6. MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN Nil DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS AND OFFICER’S INTEREST 7. Nil 8. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Nil 9. CORRESPONDENCE 1. PRESIDENT NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 (58) DATE 3 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. WARBLER WA MENS SHED ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2013 (377) 3. GOOMALLING PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 3, 13 SEPTEMBER 2013 (162) 4. GOOMALLING PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 3, 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 (162) 5. HERITAGE MATTERS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 (81) 6. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MAGAZINE AUGUST 2013 (118) 7. DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER EDITION 9, 2013 (102/149) 8. POOL & SPA MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 (167) 9. AQUATIC MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2013 (167) 10. GROUND COVER MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 (6) 11. AUSTRALIAN BUILDING SURVEYOR MAGAZINE SPRING 2013 (23) 12. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING MAGAZINE AUSTRALIA 2013 (138) 13. ROADMARKER MAGAZINE AUGUST 2013 (138) 14. CSIRO PUBLISHING ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY FLYER (58) 15. DFES 24SEVEN MAGAZINE ISSUE 2, 2013 (69) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Williams that the above table of correspondence be received and tabled. CARRIED 16. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION LG NEWS NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 39.13 FOR 7 OCTOBER 2013 (102-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above LG newsletter for 7th October 2013 be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 4 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 17. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION LG NEWS NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 36.13 FOR 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 (102-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above LG newsletter for 16th September 2013 be received. CARRIED 18. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION LG NEWS NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 37.13 FOR 23 SEPTEMBER 2013 (102-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above LG newsletter rd for 23 September 2013 be received. CARRIED 19. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION LG NEWS NEWSLETTER ISSUE NUMBER 38.13 FOR 30 SEPTEMBER 2013 (102-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above LG newsletter for 30th September 2013 be received. CARRIED 20. WALGA RE: COUNCILLOR DIRECT NEWSLETTER ISSUE 34 (33) Resolution: received. Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter be CARRIED 21. WALGA RE: COUNCILLOR DIRECT NEWSLETTER ISSUE 35 (33) Resolution: received. Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter be CARRIED 22. WALGA RE: COUNCILLOR DIRECT NEWSLETTER ISSUE 36 (33) Resolution: received. Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter be CARRIED 23. WALGA RE: COUNCILLOR DIRECT NEWSLETTER ISSUE 37 (33) Resolution: received. Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter be CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 5 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 24. CBH GROUP RE: CBH KWINANA ZONE ROAD TRANSPORT NOTIFICATION W/C 22.9.13 (150) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Road Transport Notification for week commencing 22.9.13 be received. CARRIED 25. CBH GROUP RE: CBH KWINANA ZONE ROAD TRANSPORT NOTIFICATION W/C 29.9.13 (150) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Road Transport Notification for week commencing 29.9.13 be received. CARRIED 26. DEPARTMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIES RE: METROPOLITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM UPDATE ISSUE 18 (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Metropolitan Local Government Review Reform Update, be received. CARRIED 27. DEPARTMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIES RE: METROPOLITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM UPDATE ISSUE 19 (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Metropolitan Local Government Review Reform Update, be received. CARRIED 28. DEPARTMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIES RE: METROPOLITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM UPDATE ISSUE 21 (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Metropolitan Local Government Review Reform Update, be received. CARRIED 29. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS AUSTRALIA (WA) RE: METROPOLITAN REFORM UPDATE (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above LGMA Metropolitan Reform Update, be received. CARRIED 30. AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: NEWSLETTER 13 SEPTEMBER 2013 (102-7) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above ALGA Newsletter for 13 September 2013, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 6 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 31. TOYOTA RE: FLEET STREET NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2, 2013 (192) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter Issue 2 for 2013, be received. CARRIED 32. DISABILITY SERVICES COMMISSION RE: NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (54) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 33. WATER CORPORATION RE: MAIN STREAM NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (198) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 34. DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG RE: NEWSLETTER SPRING 2013 (184-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for Spring 2013, be received. CARRIED 35. WALGA RE: INFOPAGE: SUMMARY OF WATERWISE COUNCILS FORUM (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Infopage summarising the Waterwise Councils Forum held 6 September 2013, be received. CARRIED 36. WALGA RE: INFOPAGE: VACANCIES ON BOARDS AND COMMITTEES (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Infopage regarding vacancies on boards and committees, be received. CARRIED 37. FREIGHT AND LOGISTICS COUNCIL OF WA RE: FREIGHT AND LAND USE PLANNING BULLETINS (176) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the Councils intention to release a series of interactive bulletins, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 7 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 38. COMMUNITY HOUSING COALITION OF WA RE: NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (78-5) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 39. WASTE AUTHORITY WA RE: NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (206) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 40. MUNICIPAL WASTE ADVISORY COUNCIL RE: INFORMATION BULLETIN SEPTEMBER 2013 (206) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Information Bulletin for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 41. WHEATBELT DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RE: NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2013 (208) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for October 2013, be received. CARRIED 42. WALGA RE: PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 43. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA WHEATBELT WA RE: NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2013 (149) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 44. CCI WA RE: BUSINESS BYTES NEWSLETTER 23 SEPTEMBER 2013 (24) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for 23 September 2013, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 8 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 45. CCI WA RE: BUSINESS BYTES NEWSLETTER 7 OCTOBER 2013 (24) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Newsletter for 7 October 2013, be received. CARRIED 46. RISK WEST MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS RE: SEPTEMBER UPDATE (143) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Risk Management Update for September 2013, be received. CARRIED 47. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE RE: CONSUMER PROTECTION AWARDS (88) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence calling for nominations for 2013 Consumer Protection Awards, be received. CARRIED 48. CARAVAN INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION WA RE: VALE GEORGE DAY (39) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that correspondence regarding the passing of George Day, be received. the above CARRIED 49. WALGA RE: VACANCIES ON BOARDS AND COMMITTEES (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding vacancies on boards & committees, be received. CARRIED 50. CARDNO RE: SHIRE ROAD SAFETY AND OTHER CARDNO CONSULTANCY SERVICES (180) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence offering their services for transport related projects, be received. CARRIED 51. ECONOMIC REGULATION CORPORATION (164) AUTHORITY RE: INFORMATION: WATER Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the approval of amendment to Water Services Operating Licence No. 32, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 9 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 52. MAIN ROADS WA RE: MINUTES OF WHEATBELT NORTH REGIONAL ROAD GROUP MEETING HELD 22 JULY 2013 (105-5) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Minutes of WBN RRG Meeting held 22 July 2013, be received. CARRIED 53. AVON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION INC RE: NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD 29 OCTOBER 2013 (12) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above notice of AGM to be held 29 October 2013, be received. CARRIED 54. EXPERIENCE PERTH RE: FINAL NOTICE OF PERTH REGION TOURISM ORGANISATION INC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (186-4) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Notice of AGM to be held 24 October 2013, be received. CARRIED 55. DEPARTMENT OF MINES & PETROLEUM RE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY IN WA – COMMUNITY INFORMATION PACKAGE (113) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Community Information Package regarding the Oil & Gas Industry in WA, be received. CARRIED 56. CARAVAN, RV & ACCOMMODATION INDUSTRY OF AUSTRALIA RE: THANK YOU FOR YOUR VALUED CONTRIBUTION (39) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence thanking Council for its valued contribution to the CRVA National Marketing & Advocacy Fund made by the Goomalling Caravan Park, be received. CARRIED 57. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT REGULATION RE: LAND USE PLANNING REFERRALS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT REGULATION (58-52) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence advising that the previous letter’s last line had not printed enclosing a corrected letter, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 10 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 58. SOLIMPEKS RE: HISTORY MADE IN AUSTRALIAN ROOFTOP SOLAR INDUSTRY (56) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence advising of the first solar panel in Australia to be eligible for both Solar PV and Solar Hot Water applications in one combined product, be received. CARRIED 59. MAIN ROADS WA RE: 2013/14 RECOUP FUNDING REGISTER (105-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above 2013/14 Recoup Funding Register, be received. CARRIED 60. AVON WASTE RE: WEIGHT REPORT (151) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the 2012-2013 annual figures for the amount of general waste, be received. CARRIED 61. GREG WILLIS, MAIN ROADS WA RE: RESIGNATION OF WBNRRG CHAIR (1055) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence advising of Cr Graham Cooper’s resignation as WBN RRG Chairman, be received. CARRIED 62. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE SERVICES RE: NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF THE LGIS ONLINE CONTRACTOR OSH INDUCTION SERVICE (89) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence informing all Councils that LGIS will be discontinuing the provision of the Online Contractor OSH Induction Service from 20 November 2013, be received. CARRIED 63. WA CITIZENSHIP, DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP (32) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the issuing of Citizenship Certificates until the Cabinet is sworn in, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 11 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 64. RURAL HEALTH WEST RE: 2014 RURAL HEALTH WEST DOCTORS’ SERVICE AWARDS (80) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Haywood that the above correspondence inviting nominations for the 2014 Rural Health West Doctors’ Service Awards, be received and Council nominate Dr Nina Mcllellan for the Award for Outstanding Service to Rural and Remote Health and also the Award for Above and Beyond – Community First. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 65. RAC RE: MAKING CHANGES (89) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey correspondence regarding changes at RAC, be received. that the above CARRIED 66. WALGA RE: NEW PREFERRED SUPPLY PANELS (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the launch of two new Preferred Supplier Panels, be received. CARRIED 67. METROPOLITAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM RE: UPDATE 20, LETTER TO MAYORS (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Letter to Mayors from the Metropolitan Local Government Review, be received. CARRIED 68. KIDS HELPLINE RE: SEEKING SUPPORT (37-4) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence seeking Councils support by voting for the Kids Helpline to receive vital funding, be received. CARRIED 69. WALGA RE: MEDIA RELEASE: RAIL DECISION INCREASES ROAD SAFETY RISKS (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above Media Release regarding the abandonment of grain freight across Tier 3 Rail lines in the Wheatbelt possibly increasing road safety risks, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 12 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 70. JOHN HOLLAND GROUP RE: RAILWAY WORKS AT LEVEL CROSSING ON JENNACUBBINE EAST ROAD (177-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence regarding Level Crossing works at Jennacubbine, be received and the Chief Executive Officer’s actions be endorsed. CARRIED 71. STATE RECORDS COMMISSION RE: AMENDED RECORDKEEPING PLAN FOR SHIRE OF GOOMALLING (137) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence advising that the Shire of Goomalling amended Recordkeeping Plan has been approved, be received. CARRIED 72. BENDIGO BANK RE: REWARDING YOU FOR 10 YEARS OF LOYALTY – MERCHANT SERVICES (20) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence thanking Council for its 10 years as a Bendigo Bank EFTPOS Merchant and reducing its monthly fee, be received. CARRIED 73. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLANNING COMMISSION RE: APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION – MARIA LANG LOT 41 MAIN STREET, GOOMALLING (170) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence advising of the approval of subdivision application by Maria Lang for Lot 41 Main Street, Goomalling, be received and acknowledged. CARRIED 74. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLANNING COMMISSION RE: APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION – R & C VAN GELDEREN, LOT 503 HIGH STREET, GOOMALLING (170) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence advising of the approval of subdivision application by R & C Van Gelderen for Lot 503 High Street, Goomalling, be received and acknowledged. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 13 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 75. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLANNING COMMISSION RE: APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION – BARBARA DENTON, LOT 6, 127, 16 & 125 RAILWAY TERRACE, GOOMALLING (170) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence advising of the approval of subdivision application by Barbara Denton for Lots 6, 127, 16 & 125 Railway Terrace, Goomalling, be received and acknowledged. CARRIED 76. HON COLIN BARNETT, CR TROY PICKARD, ALL POLITICIANS IN BOTH HOUSES AND OTHER VARIOUS RE: SHIRE OF GOOMALLING STRONG OPPOSITION TO FORCED AMALGAMATIONS (157-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Ryan that the above correspondences regarding Councils strong opposition to forced amalgamations, be received and Council’s strong opposition to forced amalgamations be reiterated to the Premier and the Minister for Local Government including Parliamentarians in both Houses of State Parliament. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 77. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RE: SHIRE OF GOOMALLING ANNUAL BUDGET 2013/14 (22) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Williams that the above correspondence regarding the review of Councils 2013/14 Annual Budget, be received and noted. CARRIED 78. AVON REGIONAL ORGANISATION OF COUNCILS RE: AROC MEETING AGENDA ATTACHMENTS FOR MEETING HELD 8 OCTOBER 2013 (144) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Forward that the above Agenda Attachments for the AROC Meeting held 8 October 2013 including the Infrastructure Fund Proposal, be received and this item to be deferred to the Chief Executive Officer’s report later in the meeting. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 79. GOOMALLING GUMNUTS INC RE: RUNNING GOOMALLING GUMNUTS CHILDCARE (37-2) AND OPERATION OF Resolution: Moved Cr Williams, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence seeking Councils consideration to take over the running and operation of Goomalling Gumnuts Inc., be received and Council organise a further meeting with the Chairperson of the Goomalling Gumnuts Inc. to discuss this issue and report back to the November Ordinary Council Meeting. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 PRESIDENT DATE 14 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 80. GOOMALLING GOLF CLUB RE: ACQUISITION OF BOBCAT FOR USE ON THE GOOMALLING GOLF COURSE (165) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence seeking Councils consideration to assist the financing of purchasing a Bobcat for maintenance at the Goomalling Golf Course, be received and the request be listed for budget consideration in 2014/15 as Council Is not able to commit as expenditure and income were not budgeted for in 2013/14. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 6/0 Cr Haywood declared an interest in the above item and did not vote or participate. Cr Sheen entered the meeting at 11.36 am 81. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, REGIONAL AND METROPOLITAN SERVICES RE: PROPOSED EXTENSION OF GOOMALLING TOWNSITE BOUNDARY – SHIRE OF GOOMALLING (97-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Williams that the above correspondence regarding the proposed extension of the Goomalling Townsite Boundary, be received and Council resolved to again seek views of residents in the Special Rural Residential Zone to ascertain their affirmation or otherwise to be included in the proposed extension of the Goomalling Townsite. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 82. BARRY GOOCH, GOOMALLING TAVERN RE: OUTSTANDING RATES (142-9) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Williams that the above correspondence seeking Councils consideration to approve a suitable repayment scheme, be received and the payment of $150 per week in paying off outstanding rates for the Goomalling Tavern is hereby approved and accept subject to abiding by the agreed terms. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Cr Davey left the meeting at 12.00 Noon 83. WALGA RE: INFOPAGE: INPUT REQUIRED ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT FEES AND CHARGES (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Williams, seconded Cr Ryan that the above Infopage seeking Councils input on specific examples of difficulties caused by legislative restrictions on fees and charges, be received and Council support WALGA in its legislative restrictions on fees and charges. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 PRESIDENT DATE 15 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 84. DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES RE: LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT SCHEME (LGGS) – LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS AUDIT PROGRAM (69-4) Resolution: Moved Cr Williams, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence advising that the Shire of Goomalling has been selected for an audit of the LGGS Grants, be received and noted. CARRIED 85. MAIN ROADS WA RE: 2105/16 BRIDGE PROGRAMME FOR LGAs (105-4) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence seeking Local Government input to be finalised by 1 March 2014, be received. CARRIED 86. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RE: SOUTHERN INLAND HEALTH INITIATIVE UPDATE (79) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that the above correspondence updating Council on changes and progress of the SIHI, be received and Mr David Naughton, Project Director of SIHI be invited to attend Council’s November 2013 Ordinary Meeting to discuss Council’s proposed expansion to the Goomalling Hospital. UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED 87. AUSTRALIAN SERVICES UNION RE: CIVICA AND PRIVATISATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES (13) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence seeking Councils endorsement and support to for the ASU’s push to keep local governments local, be received. CARRIED 88. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT RE: DRAFT STATE AVIATION STRATEGY (4) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence advising that the Draft State Aviation Strategy, the first of its kind for WA, has been released for public comment, be received. CARRIED 89. AUSTRALIA DAY COUNCIL OF WA RE: PREMIER’S AUSTRALIA DAY ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP AWARDS 2014 (8-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence seeking nominations for the 2014 Citizenship Awards, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 16 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 90. NUFARM LIMITED & NUFARM GROUP RE: APPLICATION TO OGTR FOR NUSEED CANOLA FIELD TRIALS (76) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence providing more information on the application for NUseed Canola Field Trials, be received. CARRIED 91. AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: POLITICAL STRATEGISING AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT KEY TO THIS YEAR’S NATIONAL LOCAL ROADS AND TRANSPORT CONGRESS (102-7) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence requesting Councils to revisit its local roads and transport strategy and capitalise on commitments made during the federal election campaign, be received. CARRIED 92. ROBERT TODD, CAMPBELLS WHOLESALE RE: TOWARDS ZERO A BETTER SAFER WA (105/138) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence regarding the Toward Zero program for safer roads in WA, be received. CARRIED 93. RURAL HEALTH WEST RE: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (80) Resolution: Moved Cr Williams, seconded Cr Sewell that the above correspondence regarding the Rural Health West AGM to be held 23 October 2013, be received. CARRIED 94. WALGA RE: INFOPAGE: PLANNING MAKES IT HAPPEN: PHASE TWO (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Williams that the above Infopage seeking Council comments or feedback to WALGA on the proposed areas of improvement to the WA Planning system, be received. CARRIED 95. JOHN DAY, MINISTER FOR PLANNING RE: PLANNING MAKES IT HAPPEN – PHASE TWO (176) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Davey that the above correspondence seeking Council feedback through the online survey or written submissions, be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 17 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 96. DEPARTMENT FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES, OPERATIONS RE: AFAC DVD, SAFETY AND PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS FOR FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES (69/26) Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Forward that the above correspondence regarding the production of the above DVD to provide awareness and training where solar arrays are being used either as an alternative or supplementary energy source, be received. CARRIED GOOMALLING GUMNUTS RE: USE OF THE MEMORIAL HALL FOR 10th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION TO BE HELD THURSDAY 17th OCTOBER 2013 (37-2) 97. Resolution: Moved Cr Forward, seconded Cr Sewell that the above correspondence regarding the use of the Memorial Hall for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Goomalling Gumnuts, to be held on Thursday 17th October 2013 be received and approval given is hereby approved and authorised. CARRIED 98. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INSURANCE SERVICES RE: LGIS REGIONAL RISK COORDINATOR PROGRAMME (89) Resolution: Moved Cr Forward, seconded Cr Ryan that the above correspondence regarding the LGIS Regional Risk Coordinator Programme be received. CARRIED 10. LATE CORRESPONDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 2.8 OF STANDING ORDER Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that Council now deal with Late Correspondence. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 99. GOOMALLING GUMNUTS INC RE: RATING AND ASSESSMENT (37-2) Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Haywood that at the above advising Council of their recent results in their rating and assessment on the national quality framework, be received and Council write a letter of congratulations to the Goomalling Gumnuts Inc on receiving their national accreditation. Resolution: CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 PRESIDENT DATE 18 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. REPORTS AND MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 11.1 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY 16th OCTOBER 2013 Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sheen that the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 be received and Items 1 to 6 inclusive are hereby adopted as decisions of Council and that it be reiterated that Municipal Fund Cheques number 109336 to 109336 and 109379 to 109414 and EFT 125 to EFT 155 and 9041 to 9052 and 9053 to 9095 inclusive totalling $398,083.70 be passed for payment and the items contained therein be declared as authorised expenditures. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sewell that Council do now adjourn for lunch. Time 12.37 pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 Resumed at 1.38 pm 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 12.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that the Chief Executive Officer’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.2 OPPORTUNITY TO COMMERCIALISE COUNCIL’S PROPERTY ASSETS Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Haywood that Council invite Mr Ray Davy to provide a preliminary presentation to its November 2013 meeting. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 CORRESPONDENCE ITEM NO 78 AVON REGIONAL ORGANISATION OF COUNCILS RE: AROC MEETING AGENDA ATTACHMENTS FOR MEETING HELD 8 OCTOBER 2013 (144) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sewell that the above Agenda Attachments for the AROC Meeting held 8 October 2013 including the Infrastructure Fund Proposal, be received. CARRIED 12.3 OFFICE CLOSURES DURING CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR PERIOD Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that Council Office be closed during the Christmas/New Year Period from 4.00 pm Monday 23rd December 2013 and re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2014 at 8.00 am. PRESIDENT CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 DATE 19 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.4 STAFF BONUSES Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sheen that the following re-offer of Christmas Bonuses to Council Staff be adopted and authorised: Any full time employee who does not lose a day from either sick leave or workers compensation claim in a calendar year, will received $1,000 Christmas Bonus payable on the last day prior to Christmas. For any part time employee, the bonus will be assessed in proportion to their equivalent FTE (full time equivalent). The above will again commence immediately after Christmas 2013 for a renewed period of twelve (12) months payable on Wednesday 19 December 2014. The final decision of the awarding of the bonuses will be made by Chief Executive Officer. It is hereby noted that at the Chief Executive Officer’s direction, the Chief Executive Officer is not a participant in the above scheme CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 12.5 ORDINARY MEETINGS OF COUNCIL 2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sewell that the following will be the Ordinary Council Meeting dates for 2014: Wednesday 5 February 2014 Wednesday 19 March 2014 Wednesday 16 April 2014 Wednesday 21 May 2014 (Late Start at 1.00pm) Wednesday 18 June 2014 (Late Start at 1.00pm) Wednesday 16 July 2014 Wednesday 20 August 2014 Wednesday 17 September 2014 Wednesday 15 October 2014 Wednesday 19 November 2014 (Late Start at 1.00pm) Wednesday 17 December 2014 (Late start at 1.00pm) Commencement and public question time is 10.15am. Months of May, June, November and December Meetings commencement and public question time is 1.00pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 12.6 PURCHASE OF LAND FOR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LAND Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Williams that Council start negotiation with the Goomal People to lift native title Lot 501 to be able to extend the light industrial. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 PRESIDENT DATE 20 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.7 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the Chief Executive Officer’s Report be received. CARRIED Mr Linton Thomas, Health & Building Officer Contractor entered the meeting at 2.18 pm 12.8 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/BUILDING SURVEYOR REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sheen that the Environmental Health Officer/Building Officer’s Report be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.9 DISBILITY ACCESS & INCLUSION PLAN 2013-2018 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that the Council adopts the review of the disability access and Inclusion Plan 2013-2018. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 12.10 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/BUILDING SURVEYOR REPORT Resolution; Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Ryan that the Environmental Health Officer/Building Officer’s Report be received and adopted. CARRIED Mr Linton Thomas, Health & Building Officer Contractor left the meeting at 2.37 pm Miss Joanna Buegge, Sport and Recreation Officer entered the meeting at 2.38 pm 12.11 SPORT AND RECREATION OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Sheen that the Sport and Recreation Officer’s Report be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.12 SPORT AND RECREATION OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Williams, seconded Cr Forward that the Sport and Recreation Officer’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED Miss Joanna Buegge, Sport and Recreation Officer left the meeting at 2.49 pm Mrs Andrea Hardingham, Community Development Officer entered the meeting at 2.50 pm PRESIDENT DATE 21 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Sewell, seconded Cr Haywood that the Community Development Officer’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.14 NOONGAR NEGOTIATIONS INFORMATION Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Forward that Council invite Mr Clem Rodney to an Ordinary Council Meeting for further discussion. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 5/2 12.15 OPSHOP (FOLLOW UP FROM SEPTEMBER MEETING) Resolution: Moved Cr Williams , seconded Cr Forward that the approval of pepper-corn rental to the Opportunity Shop (Knick Knack) to lease the Old Butcher Shop in Railway Terrace Goomalling is hereby endorsed and authorised, subject to reimbursement of all power and telephone charges consumed by the lessees. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 12.16 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Williams that the Community Development Officer’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED Mrs Andrea Hardingham, Community Development Officer left the meeting at 3.13 pm Mr Corry Munsum, the CESM Officer entered the meeting at 3.14 pm MR Corry Mumsum, the CESM Officer left the meeting at 3.32 pm Mr Russell Beck, the Works Supervisors entered the meeting at 3.50 pm AFTERNOON TEA ADJOURNMENT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that Council do now adjourn for afternoon tea. Time 4.02 pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 Resumed at 4.29 pm Cr Ryan did not resume after the adjournment. PRESIDENT DATE 22 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 16th October 2013 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.17 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Forward that the Works Supervisor’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED Various works items are to be followed up. 12.18 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Forward that the Works Supervisors Officer’s Report be received and adopted. CARRIED 13 NOTICE OF MOTION FOR NEXT MEETING Motion: Moved Cr Williams, that Council consider bestowing Honorary Freeman of the Shire on Cr John Bird and Cr Harold Forward for their service to the community of Goomalling in supporting and working with local organisations and representing the Shire on regional and sub-regional groups during their time in office. 14 GENERAL BUSINESS Various items to be followed up. 15 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING It was reconfirmed that the next Meeting is to be held on Wednesday 20th November 2013 in the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 1.00pm. 16 MEETING CLOSURE There being no further business, the Shire President thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the Meeting closed at 4.45 pm. PRESIDENT DATE