1 CONFIRMED SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Shire President STAFF: Councillor DC Sewell (Presided) TOWN Councillor KJ Ryan TOWN Councillor GA Romero TOWN Councillor RK Van Gelderen TOWN Councillor JM Chester SOUTH Councillor R Sheen SOUTH Councillor MM Davey CENTRAL/NORTH Councillor BJ Haywood CENTRAL/NORTH Councillor CL Kingston CENTRAL/NORTH The Chief Executive Officer (CCJ Kerp), The Finance Manager (NM Bird) was in attendance. The Shire President declared the Meeting opened at 10.19 am ORDER OF BUSINESS Casey Butt entered the meeting at 10.19 am Beverly Hamerton, WA Country Health Service entered the meeting at 10.19 am 1. QUESTION TIME - MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Casey Butt discussed with the meeting the Beauty Salon proposal at 59 Railway Terrace, Goomalling for their consideration. Casey Butt left the meeting at 10.28 am SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that standing orders be now suspended. Time 10.28 am CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Beverly Hamerton discussed with Council the future revamp works at the Goomalling Hospital. RESUMPTION OF STANDING ORDERS Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Davey that standing orders be now resumed. Time 11.18 am. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Beverly Hamerton left the meeting at 11.18 am PRESIDENT DATE 2 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE Nil 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 3.1 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY 5th FEBRUARY 2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Sheen that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 5th February 2014 as read, be confirmed as a true and correct record of proceedings. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 4. MATTERS ARISING Nil 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SHIRE PRESIDENT Cr Sheen reported on the Skelton Weed Action Group Cr Ryan Cr Sewell, David Vaughn acting Chief Executive Officer and the Finance Manager attended LEMAC Meeting Cr Ryan attended a DOAC Meeting in Northam Cr Haywood attended a presentation of the Community Risk Management for LEMAC Cr Sewell attended the opening of the new Knick Knack Building Cr Sewell. Cr Romero, Cr Chester & Cr Sheen attended the welcoming of the acting Chief Executive Officer. Cr Sewell attended a meeting the outside staff with the acting Chief Executive Officer Cr Sewell attended the Avon Midland Ward meeting the acting Chief Executive Officer Cr Sewell, Russell Beck Works Supervisor, David Vaughn acting Chief Executive Officer and Mr Robert Dew attended a meeting at the Konnongorring Tip. Cr Sewell and Finance Manager attended Wheatbelt North Road Group Meeting. Resolution: Moved Cr Kingston, seconded Cr Davey that the Reports be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 3 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN Resolution: motion. Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Haywood that Council discuss the notice of CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that Council to discuss each applicant as an individual motion. CARRIED BY ABSOLTUE MAJORITY 8/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Romero that Council bestow an Honorary Freeman to the Shire of Goomalling to Mr John Bird for his service to the community and district. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Sheen that Council bestow an Honorary Freeman to the Shire of Goomalling to Mr Harold Forward for his service to the community and district. CARRIED BY ABSOLTUE MAJORITY 6/2 DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS AND OFFICER’S INTEREST 7. Cr Davey declared an interest in the Environmental Report Item No 2.0 Cr Kingston declared an interest in the Environmental Report Item No 2.1 Cr Romero declared an interest in the Environmental Report Item No 2.0 8. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Nil 9. CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORRY MUNSON, COMMUNITY EMERGENCY SERVICES MANAGER RE: LOCAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (LEMC) MEETING MINUTES HELD 13th FEBRUARY 2014 (69-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above minutes from the LEMC Meeting held 13 February 2014 be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 4 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. HON PETER COLLIER MLC, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION RE: GOOMALLING PRIMARY SCHOOL FUNDING CUTS (162/63) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the correspondence from Hon Peter Collier regarding Government Funding Cuts to WA Schools be received. CARRIED 3. DISABILITY SERVICES COMMISSION RE: LODGEMENT OF FINALISED DISABILITY ACCESS AND INCLUSION PLAN (DAIP) (54) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Disability Services Commission regarding lodgement of Council DAIP be received. CARRIED 4. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS RE: RESERVE 8918 GOOMALLING CARAVAN PARK (39/146) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Department of Lands regarding Reserve 8918 be received. CARRIED 5. GOOMALLING HISTORICAL SOCIETY RE: THANK YOU MAL CHESTER AND TEAM FOR MAINTENANCE WORK AT THE MUSEUM (43) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Thank you from Goomalling Historical Society be received. CARRIED 6. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIES RE: AGE FRIENDLY HOME MAINTENANCE KIT (37-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Age Friendly Home Maintenance Kit from Department of Local Government and Communities be received. CARRIED 7. ANGELA ELDER, MANAGER, SOUTH WEST SETTLEMENT RE: SOUTH WEST NATIVE TITLE SETTLEMENT COMMUNITY MEETINGS (7-2) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Angela Elder regarding the South West Native Title Settlement be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 5 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. PETER GURNEY, NBN CO RE: NBN UPDATE, SHIRE OF GOOMALLING (184-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Peter Gurney regarding National Broadband Network accessibility for the Shire of Goomalling be received. CARRIED 9. GREG HADLOW RE: MATES 500 RELAY – SHIRE OF GOOMALLING (177-3) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Greg Hadlow regarding Mates 500 Relay for Prostate Cancer be received. CARRIED 10. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (WALGA) RE: BANNER IN THE TERRACE (33) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from WALGA regarding Banners on the Terrace be received. CARRIED 11. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: NEW MODEL PURCHASING POLICY: WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DISABILITY ENTERPRISES (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from WALGA regarding New Model Purchasing Policy be received. CARRIED 12. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: STATE COUNCIL SUMMARY MINUTES, MARCH 2014 (196) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Summary of Minutes from the WALGA State Council Meeting held 5 March 2014 be received. CARRIED 13. GENEVIEVE MIDDLETON, DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES RE: NORTHAM DOAC MEETING, 11 MARCH 2014 (26-6) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding the Northam DOAC Meeting on 11 March 2014 be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 6 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. GREG WILLIS, MAIN ROADS WA WHEATBELT REGION RE: 2013-14 WBN RRG FUNDING & RECOUP REGISTER (105-5) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester register from Greg Willis of Main Road WA be received. that the above Recoup CARRIED 15. GREG WILLIS, MAIN ROADS WA WHEATBELT REGION RE: WBN RRG MEETING – AGENDA 24 FEBRUARY 2014 (105-5A) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the Wheatbelt North Regional Road Group Meeting Agenda for 24 February 2014 be received. CARRIED 16. GREG WILLIS, MAIN ROADS WA WHEATBELT REGION RE: REGIONAL ROAD GROUP REPORT, ISSUE 1 FEBRUARY 2014 (105) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Regional Road Group Report for February 2014 be received. CARRIED 17. ALAN CARPENTER, EXECUTIVE GENERAL MANAGER, WESFARMERS RE: WESFARMER CENTENARY (52) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Wesfarmers regarding their upcoming Centenary be received. CARRIED 18. HON MIA DAVIES MLA, THE NATIONALS RE: MEDIA RELEASE: CENTRAL WHEATBELT AWARDED CSRFF GRANT (174-7) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Media Release regarding the Central Wheatbelt allocation of CSRFF grant funding be received. CARRIED 19. HON MIA DAVIES MLA & HON PAUL BROWN MLC, THE NATIONALS RE: DAVIES AND BROWN TOUR CENTRAL WHEATBELT GRAIN RAIL ROAD NETWORK (129) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above Media Release regarding Davies & Brown’s tour of Central Wheatbelt grain rail road network be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 7 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 20. ANN & BRIAN HENDERSON RE: KEEP THE GRAIN ON RAIL (42) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester correspondence regarding keeping grain on rail be received. that the above CARRIED 21. ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY RE:PUBLICATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO WATER CORPORATION’s WATER SERVICES OPERATING LICENCE (198) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above publication of an amendment to the Water Corporations water services operating licence be received. CARRIED 22. MELISSA PRICE MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR DURACK RE: MEMBER UPDATE (129) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester update from Melissa Price MP be received. that the above member CARRIED 23. THE NATIONAL AWARDS FOR LOCAL GOVERNEMENT TEAM RE: 2014 NATIONAL AWARDS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT (33-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding the 2014 National Awards for Local Government be received. CARRIED 24. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS AUSTRALIA (WA) RE: LGMA EVENTS & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES (95) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above LGMA Event & Professional Development Calendar be received. CARRIED 25. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS AUSTRALIA (WA) RE: OPERATION OF THE TWO YEAR GUARANTEE FOR LG EMPLOYEES (95) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding operation of the two (2) year guarantee for LG Employees be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 8 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 26. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RE: AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ICT AWARDS (33-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding the Australian Government ICT Awards be received. CARRIED 27. DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT RE; 2010-11 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL REPORT (102) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester Local Government National Report be received. that the above 2010-11 CARRIED 28. THE RURAL CLINICAL SCHOOL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA RE:IMPACT OF THE RURAL CLINICAL SCHOOL OF WA ON WORK LOCATION OF MEDICAL GRADUATES (80) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above media release regarding the impact of the Rural Clinical School of WA on work location of medical graduates be received. CARRIED 29. BELINDA BAILEY, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, RURAL HEALTH WEST RE: THANK YOU FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND INVITATION TO 25 YEAR CELEBRATIONS (80) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence from Rural Health West thanking Council for its continues support be received be received. CARRIED 30. KERRY KISTEMAKER RE: ONE PUNCH CAMPAIGN (130-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above One Punch Campaign bulletin be received. CARRIED 31. ROBERT TODD RE: WHEN SHOULD ROUNDABOUTS REPLACE TRAFFIC SIGNALS? (138) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding when roundabouts should replace traffic signals be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 9 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 32. JACKSON MCDONALD RE: RESERVES 36820 AND 26114 – SHIRE OF GOOMALLING TO TOODYAY DISTRICTS HORSE & PONY CLUB INC. (174-9) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above Lease Document for Reserves 36820 & 26114 be received. CARRIED 33. DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT RE: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT – 2012-13 COUNTRY LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND INDIVIDUAL (129-5) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above Financial Assistance Agreement for 2012-13 CLGF Individual Allocation be received. CARRIED 34. MARIUS VAN DER MERWE, BUTLER SETTINERI RE: SHIRE OF GOOMALLING FINANCIAL AUDIT YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 (5) Resolution: Moved Cr Sheen, seconded Cr Haywood that the above correspondence regarding the completed financial audit for year ending 30 June 2012 be received and this item be deferred to the Special Council Meeting on the 31 March 2014. CARRIED 35. JENINE POWELL, RENASCENCE BEAUTY RE: BUSINESS CLOSURE AND VACATION OF PREMISE, 59 RAILWAY TERRACE (93-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above correspondence regarding Renascence Beauty business closure and vacation of premises be received. CARRIED 36. JODIE MORRIS, PREFERRED TRAINING NETWORK RE: COUNCILLOR 360 – A BEHAVIOURAL SURVEY FOR COUNCILLORS (33) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above correspondence regarding a behavioural survey for councillors be received. CARRIED 37. MARIA REBANE, SHIRE OF TOODYAY RE: MINUTES FROM MEETING OF AVON REGIONAL ORGANISATION OF COUNCIL (AROC) HELD 3 FEBRUARY 2014 (144) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above Minutes for Meeting held 3 February 2014 be received. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 10 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 38. GREG WILLIS, MAIN ROADS WESTERN AUSTRALIA WHEATBELT NORTH RE: WBN RRG – PROCESS TO MAXIMISE ROAD PROJECT EXPENDITURES CURRENT (105-5A) Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Sheen that the above correspondence regarding the process to maximise road project expenditures be received. CARRIED 39. AIREY TAYLOR CONSULTING RE: GOOMALLING TOWN HALL CEILING (77/207) Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Chester that the above structural report and quotation be received and noted. CARRIED 40. CATH MEAGHAN, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING RE: WHEATBELT REGIONAL PLANNING & INFRASTRUCTURE FRAMEWORK RELEASE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT (208) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that the above Wheatbelt Regional Planning & Infrastructure Framework Release be received and noted. CARRIED 41. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIES RE: NATIONAL ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK FOR ASSET MANAGEMENT (3-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Kingston, seconded Cr Haywood that the above correspondence regarding the National Assessment Framework for Asset Management be received and this item be deferred to the Special Council Meeting on the 31 March 2014. CARRIED 42. ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY (ERA) RE: REQUEST USE OF SHIRE OF GOOMALLING LOGO (198) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence requesting the use of Council’s logo be received and Council approve the ERA to use the Council’s Logo. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 11 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 43. AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NGA) IN CANBERRA FROM 15-18 JUNE (34) Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Kingston that the above correspondence regarding National General Assembly of Local Government in Canberra be received. CARRIED 44. AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT (NGA) CALL FOR MOTIONS (102-7/34) Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Kingston that the above correspondence calling for motions for the National General Assembly of Local Government be received. CARRIED 45. TONY NOTTLE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, SHIRE OF DANDARAGAN RE: AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION NATIONAL CONFERENCE (34) Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Kingston that the above correspondence regarding ALGA National Conference and meeting with politicians be rreceived. CARRIED 46. REBECCA WINDSOR RE: APPLICATION FOR COURSE FEE ASSISTANCE – CERTIFICATE IV FITNESS TRAINER (160) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that the above application from Rebecca Windsor to subsides her Certificate IV Fitness Trainer be received and Council refund half of the course on the proviso she continues to support the Gym staff with the relief work and produces a copy of her certificate. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 47. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LAND INFORMATION SYSTEM RE: STATE LAND INFORMATION CAPTURE PROGRAM 2013-2014 (97) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that the above correspondence regarding the State Land Information Capture Program 2013-2014 be received and Council Chief Executive Officer to investigate further and report to Council at its next meeting 16 April 2014 CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 12 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sheen that Council do now adjourn for lunch adjournment. Time 12.30 pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Resumed at 1.32 pm 48. DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITIES RE: LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM TOOLKIT (102-2A) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that the above correspondence regarding the Local Government Reform Tool Kit be received and Council write to the Minister for Local Government reiterating that there be no amalgamations in the Country Local Government. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 49. CHARLES WHITFIELD, CB & CA WHITFIELD RE: KONNONGORRING WEST ROAD (138) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Ryan that correspondence regarding Konnongorring West Road be received. the above CARRIED 50. CWUNION NATION RE: COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN HANDS OFF AUSSIE POST (15) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence regarding the Community Campaign “Hands off Aussie Post” be received and Council discuss with the local Post Office owner and then write supporting the CWUNION Nation in its campaign. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 51. COUNTRY ARTS WA RE:MEMBERSHIP (11) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Kingston that the above membership application from Country Arts WA be received and Council hereby authorise the membership of Country Arts WA. CARRIED BY ABSOLTUE MAJORITY 9/0 PRESIDENT DATE 13 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 10. LATE CORRESPONDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 2.8 OF STANDING ORDER Resolution: Moved Cr Sheen, seconded Cr Romero that Council now deal with Late Correspondence. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 52. RURAL WATER COUNCIL (INC) RE: AGENDA MEETING 28 MARCH 2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Sheen, seconded Cr Romero that the above correspondence regarding Rural Water Council Meeting to be held on 28 March 2014 be received and Council delegate Mr Peter Clarke to attend as Cr Sheen is unable to attend. CARRIED 53. AVON-MIDLAND COUNTRY ZONE RE: MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 21 FEBRUARY 2014 (196-5) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that the above minutes from AMCZ meeting held of 21 February 2014 be received. CARRIED 54. WENDY WILLIAMS, AVON TOURISM INC. RE: MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 2014 (186-1) Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Van Gelderen that the above minutes from Avon Tourism Inc meeting held in February 2014 be received and noted. CARRIED 55. GOOMALLING & DISTRICTS COMMUNIT FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED RE: THANK YOU FOR APPROVAL AND ERECT SIGNAGE AT TOWN ENTRANCES (43) Resolution: Moved Cr Romero, seconded Cr Chester that the above correspondence approval and erection of Goomalling & Districts Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank signage at town entrances be received and acknowledged. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 14 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 56. ANA FERNANDEZ, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION RE: 2014 ASSOCIATION HONOURS (33) Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that the above correspondence WALGA’s 2014 Association honours be received and Council re submit Mrs Williams for the Long and Loyal Honours. CARRIED BY ABSOULTE MAJORITY 9/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Chester that the Council submit Mr John Bird as life member to WALGA. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 57. CORALIE & PETER ENDERSBY RE: INTEREST IN BUYING BLOCK 205 IN THE GRANGE ESTATE (176) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Ryan that the above correspondence regarding expression of interest in purchasing block 205 in the Grange Estate on Toodyay be received and Council hereby approve the application to have horses and no time limit to building requirements. CARIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 58. GOOMALLING HISTORICAL SOCIETY RE: COUNCILLOR DELEGATE TO COMMITTEE MEETINGS (81/45) Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Kingston that the above correspondence seeking nomination of a Council delegate to be represented at the Goomalling Historical Society meeting be received. CARRIED Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Davey that Council nominate Cr Chester to be its representative to the Mens Shed if a requested is made. CARRIED PRESIDENT DATE 15 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. REPORTS AND MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 11.1 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING – WEDNESDAY 19th MARCH 2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 be received and Items 1 to 6 inclusive are hereby adopted as decisions of Council and that it be reiterated that Municipal Fund Cheques number 109605 to 109655 and EFT 282 to EFT 325 and 9269 to 9287and 9288 to 9351 inclusive totalling $ 491,374.72 be passed for payment and the items contained therein be declared as authorised expenditures. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Van Gelderen, seconded Cr Haywood that the additional wording in item no 5.1 add the word “immediately” after arrangement and also add the word (Roman Catholic Church) in the heading and also add in “Carried” for both General Business Item No 5.1 & 5.2. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS 12.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Ryan that the Chief Executive Officer’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.2 WORK FOR THE DOLE Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Chester, that Council write a letter to the Prime Minister stating a disappointment in ceasing the work for the dole program in Goomalling. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 PRESIDENT DATE 16 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.3 59 RAILWAY TERRACE (OLD RENASCENE BEAUTY SALON) Motion: Moved Cr Ryan, Cr Davey that Council offer 3 months rent free and then be reviewed after this time. Amendment: Moved Cr Kingston, seconded Cr Davey that Council offer 6 months rent free and then be reviewed after this time. LOST 2/7 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, Cr Davey that Council offer 3 months rent free and then be reviewed after this time. MOTION WAS PUT AND CARRIED 7/2 12.4 COUNCIL PROPERTIES FOR RENTAL TENDER Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Haywood that Council allocate Unit 41 Throssell St to Harley Forward and Lana Durey. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Chester that Council allocate Unit4 Aged Persons Units to Shirley Cooper and Unit 2 Mortlock Lodge to Wayne Gammond and Unit 1 Mortlock Lodge Iris Guilmartin. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORTIY 9/0 12.5 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING 31 MARCH 2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Romero that Council hold a Special Council Meeting on Monday 31 March 2014 at 8.30 am. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.6 ROAD INSPECION Resolution: Moved Cr Van Gelderen, seconded Cr Chester that Council hold its Road inspection on Friday 11 April 2014 at 7.30 am PRESIDENT CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 DATE 17 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.7 REQUIREMENT OF COUNCIL TO CONDUCT BUDGET REVIEW 2013/2014 Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Van Gelderen that Council has reviewed the 2013/14 Annual Statements/Budget and reported that there are no major changes that require any amendments, deletions or additions and it was also noted the proposed deficit balance is as a result of a reduction in State Local Road Funding to Local Government. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.8 RESTRICTED BURNING PERMIT EXTENTION Resolution: Moved Cr Sheen, seconded Cr Haywood that Council extend the Restricted Burning Period for 14 days to the 12 April 2014 and further extension of another 14 days to the 26 April 2014. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.9 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Chester that the Chief Executive Officer’s Report be received. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Miss Joanna Buegge, Sport and Recreation Officer entered the meeting at 3.29 pm 12.10 SPORT AND RECREATION OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Haywood that the Sport and Recreation Officer’s Report be now dealt with. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.11 GOOMALLING SPORTS RECREATION FACILITY Resolution: Moved Cr Van Gelderen, seconded Cr Chester that Council proceed with this project, and accept the grant from the Department of Sport and Recreation, as well as commit to continue with the project even though Lotterywest has not been announced, and will not be announced until August 2014, to which we aim to start construction / demolition in September / October 2014. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 PRESIDENT DATE 18 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.12 HEALTH WAY FUNDING Resolution: Moved Cr Chester, seconded Cr Romero that Council continue with the Sport and Recreation Officer on the bias of 60/40 between the Shire of Toodyay and Shire of Goomalling from the 2014/2015 financial year. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.13 SPORT AND RECREATION OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Kingston that the Sport and Recreation Officer’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Miss Joanna Buegge, Sport and Recreation Officer left the meeting at 3.46 pm Mr Corry Munson, Community Emergency Service Manager entered the meeting at 3.49 pm Mr Linton Thomas, Environmental Health Officer entered the meeting at 3.49 pm Mr Russell Beck, Works Supervisor entered the meeting at 3.49 pm Mrs Andrea Hardingham, Community Development Officer entered the meeting at 3.49 pm AFTERNOON TEA ADJOURNMENT Resolution: Moved Cr Van Gelderen, seconded Cr Chester that Council do now adjourn for afternoon tea. Time 4.10 pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Resumed at 4.35 pm Mr Corry Munson, Community Emergency Service Manager entered the meeting at 4.35 pm Mr Linton Thomas, Environmental Health Officer entered the meeting at 4.35 pm Mr Russell Beck, Works Supervisor entered the meeting at 4.35 pm 12.14 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/BUILDING SURVEYOR REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Romero that the Environmental Health Officer/Building Officer’s Report be now dealt with. PRESIDENT CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 DATE 19 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.15 KONNONGORRING REFUSE DISPOSAL SITE Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Van Gelderen that Council hold a public meeting in Konnongorring to discuss the refuse disposal site in Konnongorring on Wednesday 16 April 2014 at 7.30 pm. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.16 ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY – FINANCIAL HARDSHIP POLICY Resolution: Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Sheen that Council seeks the endorsement of the proposed Financial Hardship Policy in relation to the supply of Councils water services to the client, from the committee of the Goomalling Lions Club. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Cr Van Gelderen did not vote or participate in the above item. 12.17 BUILDING APPLICATIONS Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that the Building applications 1401 to 1404 be hereby approved. REFERENCE: BP = Building Permit TPA = Town Planning Application R = Record only 1401 C. Attwell of Loc 11578 Goomalling/Wyalkatchem Rd for a 3Brm transportable home. (Builder: WBS Group) 1402 Davina Enterprises of Loc 10856 Byberding Rd, Konnogorring for a chemical storage shed ( Owner Builder) Valuation: 1403 D. J. Farmer of Lot 5 Helena Street for an oversize shed 135sqm (Owner Builder) 1404 R. P. Robert & Son of Lot 1 Loc 22336 Robert Road for a shed extension. (Builder: B. Chattaway) $172,422 Year to Date $519,458 ` Building App’ Fees Financial Year to date Budget Estimate 2013-14 $690.00 $878.38 $5,000 CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 Cr Davey and Cr Romero declared an interest did not vote or participate in the above item. PRESIDENT DATE 20 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.18 PLANNING APPROVAL Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Davey that Council approves the preliminary planning application for 2 houses on Lot 139 High Street for Mr Greg Baird. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 8/0 Cr Kingston declared and interest and did not vote or participate in the above item. 12.19 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER/BUILDING SURVEYOR REPORT Resolution; Moved Cr Haywood, seconded Cr Kingston that the Environmental Health Officer/Building Officer’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Mr Linton Thomas, Environmental Health Officer left the meeting at 5.06 pm 12.20 COMMUNITY EMERGENCY SERVICE MANAGER Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that the Community Emergency Service Manager Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJOARITY 9/0 12.21 RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Ryan that the Council discuss further with Mr Greg Cook the Risk Management Report. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.22 DFES REVIEW ON SES VEHICLE Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that Council write a letter of concern to the Minister for Emergency Services regarding the review of SES in Goomalling and the Wheatbelt district and that Council does not want this service to cease. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.23 COMMUNITY EMERGENCY SERVICE MANAGER Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that the Community Emergency Service Manager Report, be received. PRESIDENT CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 DATE 21 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ Mr Corry Munson, Community Emergency Service Manager left the meeting at 5.32 pm Mrs Andrea Hardingham, Community Development Officer entered the meeting 5.33 pm 12.24 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Davey that the Community Development Officer’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED 12.25 AIRSTRIP Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Kingston that Council request that the completion date be extended from the 31 March 2014 to the 19 May 2014 for Greening Australia to complete the offset proposal. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.26 SLATER HOMESTEAD Resolution: Moved Cr Davey, seconded Cr Kingston that Council approve the installation of the Air Conditioner in the Barn at the Slater Homestead. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.27 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Kingston, seconded Cr Chester that the Community Development Officer’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 Mrs Andrea Hardingham, Community Development Officer left the meeting at 5.52 pm 12.28 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Van Gelderen, seconded Cr Kingston that the Works Supervisor’s Report, be now dealt with. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 PRESIDENT DATE 22 SHIRE OF GOOMALLING Minutes of the Goomalling Shire Council Meeting held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.19 am ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.29 NO PARKING SIGNS IN HODDY STREET Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Van Gelderen that Council erect a no parking sign on the western sign on Hoddy Street between Forward and Quinlan Street and put a no parking bay in on the eastern side near the entry to the church grounds. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 12.30 WORKS SUPERVISOR’S REPORT Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Romero that the Works Supervisor’s Report, be received and adopted. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 9/0 13 NOTICE OF MOTION FOR NEXT MEETING Nil 14 GENERAL BUSINESS 14.1 GOLF CLUB TRACTOR Resolution: Moved Cr Ryan, seconded Cr Sheen that Council purchase a tractor on behalf the golf club and the club will contribute the full amount. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 7/0 Cr Haywood and Cr Chester declared an interest in the above item and did not vote. 1 15 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING It was reconfirmed that the next Meeting is to be held on Wednesday 16th April 2014 in the Goomalling Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.15am. 16 MEETING CLOSURE There being no further business, the Shire President thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the Meeting closed at 6.53 pm. PRESIDENT DATE