MUDFORD PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Sue Graham. Sun View, Babcary Lane, Keinton Mandeville, TA11 6DR Tel: 07874 220140 E-mail: Website: MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL – THURSDAY 25th September at Mudford Village Hall TO: PLEASE NOTE START TIME OF MEETING IS 7 P.M. Members of the Parish Council, District & County Councillors Copies for local newspapers, the Police, and for Parish Noticeboards The Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday at Mudford Village Hall commencing 7.00 p.m. with a public session for parishioners’ participation. Parish Councillors are summoned to attend. Sue Graham Clerk of the Council Attendees are asked to advise the council should they intend to record the meeting. Members are reminded that the Council has general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability) Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights. AGENDA PUBLIC SESSION PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 1. 2 3 4 5 Attendance and to receive any apologies for absence and to consider acceptance of the reasons. Declarations of interest To hear reports from the County and District Councillors, Police, Village Hall Committee, Yarlington Homes, Clerk. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 31 July 2014 and 25th August 2014. To consider the following planning applications: 6 To receive the following determination of planning notices: 7 8 9 10 14/02891/FUL Improvements to existing agricultural vehicular access. Mr Graham Napper, Land OS 6377 (Part), Mudford Road, Yeovil Refuse permission 14/03107/LBC & 14/03106/FUL Demolition of existing rear porch and erection of extension to form porch and utility area Paul Day, 1 Hinton Farm Cottages, Hinton, Mudford. BA22 8BB Grant permission with conditions Other planning matters a) Receive notice of appeal and agree any recommendations arising. 14/01887/OUT Change of use of land for mixed development comprising housing with annexed businesses sports hall and community accommodation. Land East of Hales Meadow, Mudford. b) SSDC 5 year Land Supply. Receive update. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES COUNCIL MATTERS: a) To receive playing field inspection reports from the relevant councillor and agree any actions arising. Consider advice re Skate Park surface. Consider action re Skate Park graffiti. b) To receive reports regarding Highways and agree any actions arising. Receive speed indicator device results. c) To consider adoption of model financial regulations d) To consider adoption of model standing orders e) Councillor Vacancies – receive update. f) Clerk’s Contract - agree FINANCIAL MATTERS: a. To approve the cash book and bank account reconciliation for September 2014 as presented. b. To consider ytd budget expenditure. c. To approve the following accounts for payment and two signatories for cheques:Salaries August 2014 Clerk’s salary 347.32 HMRC Tax August 86.80 Expenses August 2014 Clerks Expenses 49.03 Salaries September 2014 Clerks Salary 409.46 HMRC Tax September 60.00 Expenses September 2014 Clerks expenses 23.81 Grant Thornton External Audit Fee 270.00 SSDC Play Area Inspection and Risk Assessment 94.20 Public Works Loan Board Loan Payment 1,051.29 d. To note the following receipts: No receipts when agenda prepared 11 12 13 e. To receive external auditors report. f. To appoint new bank signatories to replace resigned positions. Correspondence. Community Forum Meeting 19 January 2015. Consider attendance. LIST OF ITEMS DISTRIBUTED AND AVAILABLE SINCE LAST MEETING: Rural Services Network Bulletins, Somerset Community Foundation Newsletter; SSDC Local Plan main modifications consultation; Community Forum Meeting 8 September, 19 January; Somerset Waste Partnership Newsletter; Community Council for Somerset, Community Buildings Networking Event; SST Housing Assembly; Marston Magna Road resurfacing Road Closure; Get Mapping, Parish Online News; Vehicle Activated Speed Signs Marketing material; South West Regional Tree Warden Forum; Speed Indicator Device report; Services of the SCLT Presentation Team; SALC Annual Report; Insight – Policy and Practice Newsletter. NEXT SCHEDULED PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS: Thursday November 27th 2014. Further meetings will be called as necessary usually on the last Thursday of the month.