Niri-gayanduma Aboriginal Resource Collection Kempsey Campus Library Djigay Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Education TAFE NSW - North Coast Institute Aboriginal Education & Training Unit NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 1 LIST OF RESOURCES (Items in the TAFENSW Library Catalogue have APU as a Suffix) (Items on the shelves are labelled APU with a red dot) 016- BIBLIOGRAPHIES 027.630899/ARCH Guide to NSW state archives relating to Aboriginal people 070- JOURNALISM 070.484/FORT For the record: 160 years of Aboriginal print journalism 150- PSYCHOLOGY 152.47089/ANGE 155.93/ATKI Anger and indigenous men Trauma trails, recreating songlines 200- RELIGION 232.960899915/ABOR 266.29414/SIST 291.4/TACE 291.440994/HABE 299.92/COWA 299.92/COWA KIT 299.92/HAKA 299.92/LAWL 299.92/NOON Aboriginal Stations of the Cross (+ CD) Sisters, pearls & mission girls (56 min,) Re-enchantment: the new Australian spirituality Reconciliation: searching for Australia’s soul Elements of the Aborigine tradition Mysteries of the dreaming: spiritual life of Australian Aborigines (2 copies) Oracle of the dreamtime (Book + cards) Voices of the first day: awakening in the Aboriginal dreamtime Rainbow serpent/Oodgeroo Noonuccal 300- SOCIAL SCIENCES (SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, SOCIAL GROUPS, CULTURE & INSTITUTIONS) 302.089991/CHRI DVD 302.23089/FIFT 302.23089/MICK DVD 302.23089/SOME Aboriginal business: alliances in a remote Australian town 50 years of Indigenous television (Off-air, Message stick, 27 min.) Myth of privilege: Aboriginal status, media visions, public ideas Message Stick 10th Birthday Pt. 1 Something to Celebrate and Pt.2 Movers and Shakers- inspirational moments from the series (Off-air, 2 x 29 min.) Unsettled places: Aboriginal people and urbanization in NSW Faith: Faith Bandler, gentle activist Six at the crossroads (Off-air, Message Stick, 28 min.) Prime Time Women: Our Hopes, Our Goals, Our Achievements Surviving the frontier: the role and contribution of indigenous women Holding up the sky: Aboriginal women speak Women of the earth (Off-air, 50 min.) KIT DVD 303.482089/MORG 303.484092/BAND DVD 305.235/SIXA 305.486/PRIM 305.488991/FIRE 305.488991/HOLD DVD 305.488991/WOME NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 2 305.488991/WOME DVD 305.488991/WOME DVD 305.488991/WOME 305.488991/WOME DVD 305.4889915/PILK 305.489915/WEAR 305.800712/COUN 305.800809/JEBB 305.800994/LOST 305.800994/TALK 305.846/TONK 305.890099/WHIT 305.89915/ABOR 305.89915/ABOR 305.89915/ABOR 305.89915/ABOR DVD 305.89915/ABOR 305.89915/AUST 305.89915/ASAM 305.89915/ATTW DVD 305.89915/BABA 305.89915/BAND 305.89915/BARL 305.89915/BEHR 305.89915/BEIN 305.89915/BENN DVD 305.89915/BIGB DVD 305.89915/BLAC 305.89915/BLAC 305.89915/BLAK 305.89915/BLAN 305.89915/BLOM 305.89915/BOWD 305.89915/BREE DVD 305.89915/BRIN 305.89915/BROD 305.89915/BROO 305.89915/BROO 305.89915/BURA 305.89915/BURG 305.89915/BURG 305.89915/BURG 305.89915/BURG 305.89915/BURG DVD Women of the sun/Hyllus Maris & Sonia Borg (text) Women of the sun: 25 years later (+ study guide) Women of the sun (4 episodes on 2 DVDs) Women of the sun: Study guide Doris Pilkington (Off-air, Message Stick, 26 min.) We are bosses ourselves-status & role of Aboriginal women today Countering racism Mowanjum : 50 years community history Lost in the whitewash Talking identity: teacher booklet Jackson’s track: memoir of a dreamtime place Whitening race: essays in social and cultural criticism Aboriginal Australia: an introductory reader Aboriginal cultural education program : participant’s guide Aboriginal disadvantage (Issues in Society series, Vol. 175) Aboriginal reconciliation (Issues in Society series, Vol. 234) Aboriginal studies: windows on indigenous Australia (Off-air, 13 ep. x 28 min.) A different inequality : the politics of debate about remote Aboriginal Australia As a matter of fact: answering the myths & misconceptions about Indigenous Australians The making of the Aborigines Babakuieria (satirical reversal of Cook’s landing; Off-air, 54 min.). Turning the tide: a personal history/Faith Bandler (2 copies) Heroes of the Aboriginal struggle Indigenous Australia for dummies Being whitefella Aborigines and political power Big Boss (Off-air, 26 min. + study guide) Black Chicks Talking: 5 women discuss Black identity (Off-air, 50 min. + study guide) Blackfella, whitefella (Tasmanian Aboriginality, 48 min.) Dumping ground: history of the Cherbourg settlement Australia: William Blandowski's illustrated encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia Baal Belbora: the end of the dancing (3 copies, 1 Reference, 2 for loan) Being Aboriginal: comments, observations & stories from Aboriginal Australians Sharing culture: Kakadu Bringing Uncle home (Message Stick, Off-air, 26 min. + study guide) My side of the bridge Aboriginal Australians : a history since 1788 Aboriginal Australians : black responses to white dominance Welcome to My Country Colonisation Invasion Land Land rights Please explain NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 3 305.89915/BURG 305.89915/CAHI 305.89915/CAHI DVD 305.89915/CONT 305.89915/COOP DVD 305.89915/CORO 305.89915/COWL 305.89915/CRAW DVD 305.89915/CROK DVD 305.89915/DANC DVD 305.89915/DAWN 305.89915/DESE 305.89915/EDMU 305.89915/EDWA DVD 305.89915/EIGH DVD 305.89915/EIGH DVD 305.89915/ELDE 305.89915/ELLI 305.89915/ELLI 305.89915/ELLI DVD 305.89915/EMBA DVD 305.89915/ENDA DVD 305.89915/FIND 305.89915/FIRS DVD 305.89915/FIRS DVD 305.89915/FIRS DVD 305.89915/FIVE 305.89915/FOUR 305.89915/FROM DVD 305.89915/FRON 305.89915/GAMM 305.89915/GILB DVD 305.89915/GODS 305.89915/GOLD DVD 305.89915/GOOD 305.89915/GROO DVD 305.89915/GROW 305.89915/GWIO 305.89915/HALE 305.89915/HEAR DVD 305.89915/HOFM 305.89915/HUME KIT 305.89915/INDI KIT 305.89915/INDI 305.89915/INDI DVD DVD Protests Aboriginal studies - reconciliation Aboriginal studies - Traditional technologies/literacy Contact (Off-air, 52 min.) Thinking black: William Cooper and Australian Aborigines League Talking stick: education (Off-air, Message stick, 25 min.) Black, white or brindle: race in rural Australia We won the victory: Aborigines & outsiders on the NW coast of the Kimberley Croker Island exodus (Off-air, 57 min. + study guide) Dancing with the Prime Minister (Off-air, Message stick, 24 min.) Dawn and New Dawn magazine: 1952-1975 Desert healing They get heaps: a study in attitudes in Roebourne An introduction to Aboriginal societies Eight ladies (Off-air, Message Stick, 22 min.) 88 [Eighty-eight] (Off-air, 56 min. + study guide) Elders with Andrew Denton: Rosalie Kunoth–Monks (Off-air, 27 min.) Aboriginal Australia: the Dreaming, traditional lifestyle, traditional art, language Aboriginal Australians: their journey The trauma and triumph of early white contact Embassy days (0ff-air, Message stick, 2x 27 min.) Endangered (Off air, Loved up, 30 min. + study guide) Finding place (Off-air, Message stick, 25 min.) First footprints : the epic story of the first Australians First footprints A First Step: an excursion into Dhanggaati country & culture (Off-air, 26 min.) Five seasons: the Numurindi people from SE Arnhemland (Off-air, 21 min. + study guide) 480: NAIDOC (Off-air, 40 min.) From the western frontier (Off-air, 3 x 27 min. + study guide) A Frontier conversation (Off-air, 53 min. + study guide) Biggest estate on earth : how Aborigines made Australia Living Black Gods of Wheat Street (Off-air, 6 x 51 min. + study guide) Raft Good-bye old man, or, The film of Tukuliyangenila (66 min.) Teaching Aboriginal studies effectively Growing up Koori (26 min.) Gwion Gwion Kurlumarniny : We come from the desert Heartsick for country: stories of love , spirit and creation Walk talking country (26 min.) Ancestral power: Dreaming, consciousness and Aboriginal Australians Indigenous Australia (11 booklets) Indigenous Australia (book + CDRom) Indigenous rights NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 4 305.89915/INMY DVD 30589915/INTH 305.89915/ISSU 305.89915/IVOR DVD 305.89915/KANY 305.89915/KEEF DVD 305.89915/KEMP 305.89915/KIDD DVD 305.89915/LAND 305.89915/LAND DVD 305.89915/LAST 305.89915/LIPP 305.89915/LITT DVD 305.89915/LIVI 305.89915/LIVI DVD 305.89915/LOUS DVD 305.89915/LOVE DVD 305.89915/MABO DVD 305.89915/MADM REF 305.89915/MACQ DVD 305.89915/MAKI DVD 305.89915/MANY DVD 305.89915/MORE 305.89915/MORI 305.89915/MORR 305.89915/MUDR 305.89915/MUEC DVD 305.89915/MYLI DVD 305.89915/MYSU KIT 305.89915/NAPC DVD 305.89915/NATI DVD 305.89915/NING DVD 305.89915/NOTH 305.89915/PAIS 305.89915/PAST DVD 305.89915/PERK DVD 305.89915/PERK 305.89915/PREN DVD 305.89915/PROT 305.89915/PURC 305.89915/RAMS 305.89915/RAND 305.89915/RECO 305.89915/RECO 305.89915/REIN DVD 305.89915/RETU DVD In my father’s country (Off-air, Hot documents, 42 min.) In the frame : Gail Mabo Indigenous disadvantage (Issues in society series; 2 copies) Ivory scales Kanyini (Off air, 53 min. + study guide) Paddy’s road life stories of Patrick Dodson Kempsey Ball (Off-air, 28 min.) Way we civilize: Aboriginal affairs – the untold story Land of the little kings (78 min.) Land of promises: Aborigines & development in the East Kimberley Last of the nomads, Last of the Mandildjara people of the Gibson Desert (52 min.) Generations of resistance Little red yellow black book : an introduction to Indigenous Australia Living Black: in conversation with John Pilger (Off-air, 27 min.) Living in harmony: fact sheets Lousy little sixpence (Aboriginal Protection Board in the 1930s, Off-air, 53 min.) Loved Up (Off-air, 4 x 25 min.) Mabo: Life of an Island Man (Off-air, 86 min. + study guide) Mad Morro (Off-air, 48 min.) Macquarie atlas of Indigenous Australia Making of Ten Canoes (+ study guide) Many nations, one people (Off-air, 105 min.) More than enough rope (Off-air, 52 min) Listening to country Protest land rights and riots : postcolonial struggles in Australia in the 1980s Us mob: history culture, struggle: an intro to Indigenous Australia Aboriginal Australians: first nations… My life as I live it (Essie Coffey, 56 min. + study guide) My survival as an Aboriginal (Essie Coffey, 50 min. + study guide) Using Aboriginal stories to teach (10 posters + booklets) National apology to Indigenous Australians (Off-air, 82 min.) Ningla A-Na (Off-air, 72 min.) Nothing rhynes with Ngapartji (Off-air, 56 min. + study guide) Lone protestor : AM Fernando in Australia and Europe Past and present: the construction of Aboriginality Firetalker: the life and times of Charles Perkins (Off-air, 54 min.) Freedom ride (Charles Perkins, Off-air, 53 min.) A study in black and white : the Aborigines in Australian history Protected (Off-air, 49 min.) Black chics talking Remembering Aboriginal heroes: struggle, identity & the media Songman: the story of an Aboriginal elder Recognition, rights and reform Reconciliation: essays Kempsey, a study of conflict: the Reiner report Return to Arukun (Off-air, Four Corners) NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 5 305.89915/REYN 305.89915/REYN DVD 305.89915/RIVE 305.89915/ROSE 305.89915/ROWS DVD 305.89915/SACR DVD 305.89915/SALT DVD 305.89915/SCHO DVD 305.89915/SHAR 305.89915/SIMO 305.89915/SIMO DVD 305.89915/SMAL DVD 305.89915/SPEC DVD 305.89915/SPIR 305.89915/SULL 305.89915/SUTT DVD 305.89915/SWEP DVD 305.89915/TALL 305.89915/TEAC DVD 305.89915/TIME DVD 305.89915/THIS DVD 305.89915/TOOM 305.89915/TRUD 305.89915/TURB 305.89915/TWEE DVD 305.89915/TWOL 305.89915/UNDE 305.89915/URAB DVD 305.89915/VANI DVD 305.89915/WAMU DVD 305.89915/WATC DVD 305.89915/WAYS DVD 305.99915/WHEN DVD 305.89915/WHER 305.89915/WILL DVD 305.89915/WILL 305.89915/WORK DVD 305.89915/YOLN 305.899159/CLEM 306.0833315/NAYU 306.089/MACG 306.089/MCCL DVD 306.08991/FOOT DVD Nowhere people Why weren’t we told (2 copies) River of no return: Story of Frances Daingangan (Off-air, 53 min. + notes) Country of the heart : an indigenous Australian homeland Indigenous futures: choice & development … Sacred ground: Episodes 1 & 2 (Off-air, Message stick, 2 x 30 min.) Salt water & sand tracks (DVD + teaching activities) Scholar, athlete, warrior: tribute to Dr. Kumantjayi Perkins (Off-air, 26 min.) Sharing our culture: Aboriginal and Islander ways (22 min.) Back on the block : Bill Simon’s story Through my eyes/ Ella Simon Small Island, big fight (Off-air, 25 min. + study guide) Special treatment: locking up Aboriginal children (Off-air, 56 min.) Spirit stones (Off-air, 56 min.) Belonging together : dealing with the politics of disenchantment in Australian indigenous policy Politics of suffering : Indigenous Australia and the end of the liberal consensus Swept away (Off-air, Message Stick, 30 min.) Tall man (Off-air, 78 min. + study guide) Teaching Aboriginal Studies Timeframe: 1967- citizens at last (Off-air, 28 min.) This is our country too (Off-air, 79 min.) Toomelah Aboriginal reserve (20 min.) Why warriors lie down and die Aborigines of the Sydney district before 1788 Indigenous Australia: standing strong Two laws (Off-air, 132 min.) Understanding country: the importance of land and sea in Aboriginal & Torres Strait islander societies Urab dancers (Off-air, Message Stick, 27 min.) Vanish (Off-air, 27 min.) Wamud Namok : Indelible link (Off-air, Message stick, 26 min.) Watch this space (Off-air, Message Stick, 27 min.) Ways of thinking (29 min.) When the natives get restless (Off-air, 25 min.) Where the two rivers meet (reconciliation issues, Off-air, On the Edge, 30 min.) Nganyundiya Miimingundiya Jagunda: into my mother’s country Willie Leslie: Kamilaroi (Off-air, Our Footsteps, 15 min.) Working with Aboriginal people and communities Yolngu Boy (Off-air, 85 min. + study guide [3 copies]) Black war : fear, sex and resistance in Tasmania Minjungbal, Aborigines and Islanders of the Tweed Valley Indifferent inclusion: Aboriginal people and the Australian nation Survival dreaming Footprints in the sand (the ‘last of the nomads’ returns to his home; Off-air, Inside Australia, 28 min.) NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 6 306.08999/TRAD 306.089991/ATTE 306.089991/BARL 306.089991/BARL 306.089991/BARL 306.089991/BARL 306.089991/BERN 306.089991/BLAI 306.089991/BURN 306.089991/CLAR DVD 306.089991/DYIN 306.089991/ELDE 306.089991/MCKN 306.089991/SMIT 306.089994/DICK 306.30994/KEEN DVD 306.483099/RUNN DVD 319.406/CENS Traditional Aboriginal Society (2nd ed) Sydney’s aboriginal past… Bosses ourselves: the story of Aboriginal self-government My mob: the story of Aboriginal life Sharing our cultures: the story of Aboriginal cultures You and me living together: the story of Aboriginal land rights World of the first Australians, Aboriginal traditional life (2 copies) Triumph of the nomads: a history of ancient Australia Burnum Burnum: a warrior for peace (2 copies) Where the ancestors walked: Australia as an Aboriginal landscape Dying shame (Off-air, 53 min.) Elders: wisdom from Australia’s indigenous leaders Lardil: keepers of the dreamtime Tiwi, The life and art of Australia’s Tiwi people Aborigines of the Hastings River District (portfolio of photographs) Aboriginal economy and society Running to America (Off-air, 57 min.) Census 2006 (Off-air, Message Stick, 27 min.) 320- POLITICS 323.11/SETT DVD 323.11915/VOTE 323.11991/WATS 323.119912/OSBO 323.119915/ABOR 323.119915/ATTW 323.119915/ATTW 323.119915/AUST 323.119915/BEHR 323.119915/BURG AV 323.119915/CASS DVD 323.119915/FAIR 323.119915/GILB 323.119915/JOHN DVD 323.119915/OURG 323.119915/SOVE 323.119915/WALK Settling with Indigenous people Vote ‘Yes’ for Aborigines (Off-air, 50 min. + study guide) Palm Island: through a long lens Throwing the cloak: reclaiming self-reliance in Torres Strait Aboriginal self determination Rights for aborigines Struggle for Aboriginal rights: a documentary history Australian freedom rides Achieving social justice: Indigenous rights and Australia’s future Reconciliation Freedom ride (Audio CD, 48 min.) The fair go: winning the 1967 referendum (Off-air, 58 min.) Because a white man’ll never do it Waking up to dreamtime: illusion of Aboriginal dreamtime Our generation (73 min.) Sovereign subjects: indigenous sovereignty matters Walk with us : Aboriginal elders call out to Australian people to walk with them in their quest for justice 330- ECONOMICS 331.11734/BERR DVD 331.11734/SUGA 331.699915/BUNB Refined white (Kanakas) Sugar slaves (Kanakas) (Off-air, Big Picture, 60 min.) It’s not the money it’s the land, Aboriginal stockmen and the equal wages case NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 7 331.699915/NORR 333.20994/NAYU 333.20994/NETT 333.209942/PLAN 333.953/CLAR 338.479194/CRAW 338.6422/KAUF The more things change…the origins and impact of Australian Indigenous economic exclusion Invasion to embassy : Land in Aboriginal politics in New South Wales, 1770-1972 On sacred ground (Off-air, 56 min.) Exploring for common ground Aboriginal reconciliation and the Australian mining industry Our land our spirit-Aboriginal sites of North Coast NSW Indigenous peoples and governance structures… Planning for country - 2 copies Discovering Aboriginal plant use: journeys of an Australian anthropologist Australia walkabout: travel experiences in Aboriginal Australia & Torres Strait Islands Travelling Aboriginal Australia 340 LAW 342.0872/SCOT 342.940872/INDI 342.940872/ROWS 343.940769/SEAC 343.9423/INGL 346.940432/CAHI DVD 346.940432/FOUR 346.940432/INTH DVD 346.940432/JUDG 346.940432/NATI 346.940432/READ 346.940432/REYN 346.940432/TREA 346.942904/OURL 347.9409/BEHR Question of justice, challenge: indigenous peoples, 3 unit legal studies Indigenous Australians and the law (Issues in Society series) Rethinking social justice : from ‘peoples’ to ‘populations’ A sea change in land right law Stuart case Aboriginal studies, Land rights 480: Mabo (Off-air, 6 x 8 min.) In the age of Mabo Judgement day (Off-air, 46 min.) Native title and land rights (Issues in Society series) Belonging Law of the land Treaty let’s get it right! Our land, our life Aboriginal dispute resolution 350- MILITARY SERVICES DVD 355.008999151/ANZA 658.402089/FIGU Anzac Day special (off-air, ICAm, 26 min.) Figuring if out : Learners of Governance skills 360- SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND SOCIAL WELFARE 361.61/SKEL 362.108991/FLOU DVD 362.108999/EATS 362.108999/GENA 362.108999/GRAY 362.108999/SAGG 362.108999/TAYL King brown country : the betrayal of Papunya Flour, sugar and tea (Off-air, 25 min.) Eat strong : good food for health Aboriginal healthworkers: primary health care at the margins Health expenditure, income & health status among indigenous & other Australians Aboriginal health and society: the traditional & contemporary struggle for better health Health care and indigenous Australians: cultural safety in practice 333.208999/GOOD DVD 333.208999/ONSA 333.20994/EXPL NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 8 362.175/PALL 362.175/PROV 362.196614/DEVI 362.2089/ABOR 362.2089/PURD 362.208999/NSWA 362.208999/SOCI Palliative care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Providing culturally appropriate palliative care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Living on medicine: a cultural study of end-stage renal disease Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health first aid manual Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice NSW Aboriginal mental health and well being policy 2006-2010 Social and emotional well being framework : a national strategic framework for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples' mental health & social and emotional well-being 2004-2009 362.208999/SWAN "Ways forward": national consultancy report on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health 362.25/SAUN Talk good to yaself! 362.280899/TATZ Aboriginal suicide is different 362.29089/BRAD The grog book: strengthening indigenous community action on alcohol 362.290899/PHIL Addictions and healing in Aboriginal country KIT 362.2920899915/BRAD First Taste: how indigenous Australians learned to drink (6 booklets) DVD 362.29675/BREA Breathe strong : tackling smoking in Indigenous communities DVD 362.29286/SIXP Six pack politics, Aurukun community fights alcohol (Off-air, 4 Corners, 42 min.) 362.29286/YOUR Your guide to dealing with grog 362.29286/YOUR Your guide to dealing with teenagers and grog 362.299/BEYO Beyond petrol sniffing: renewing hope… 362.299/BRAD Heavy metal: the social meaning of petrol sniffing 362.299/EVAL An evaluation of the Comgas scheme (petrol sniffing initiative) 362.299/OPAL Opal cost benefit analysis (petrol sniffing initiative) KIT 362.4/LEAR Learning our way: an AV resource packageto support Aboriginal students with a disability DVD 362.7/VOIC Voices from the cape (Off-air, 2 x 30 min.) DVD 362.7089/BOYS Boys from the Bush (alternative sentencing program, Off-air, Message Stick, 27 min.) 362.7089/REED Our place: stories about good practice in youthwork 362.70994/CURR Rural and regional young people and transport DVD 362.76089915//INTE The Intervention (8 month study of Intervention in remote communities, + study guide) DVD 362.76089915/NATI National emergency (Federal intervention in remote communities, 50 min.) 362.768099/THRO Through young black eyes : a handbook to protect children from the impact of family violence and child abuse 362.82089/BRIS The black grapevine: Aboriginal activism… 362.8292/BREN Lani’s story : Not a victim. A survivor. DVD 362.8292/LANI Lani’s story (Off-air, Compass, 48 min.) DVD 362.8292/WETH We the problem we the solution (Off-air, Message Stick, 28 min.) DVD 362.84092/INDI Indigenous mental health (16 min.) 362.849915/ABOR Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health 362.849915/ABOR Aboriginal health and welfare (Issues in Society series, Vol. 129) DVD 362.849915/APOL Apology to the stolen generations (30 min.) 362.849915/BART Aboriginal Health Worker’s guide to family, community & public health (2 copies) NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 9 362.849915/BART 362.8749915/STAY 362.994/BRIS Beyond the maze: proposals for more effective administration of Aboriginal health programs Our state of mind, racial planning and the stolen generations Binan Goonj: Bridging cultures in Aboriginal health Bringing them home : report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families Bringing them home : us taken-away kids (Book, poster, DVD, CDRom) Brown Skin Baby (Off-air, Australian Story, 27 min.) Health (Blackline masters) Community Closed (Off-air, Living Black, 26 min.) Comparative indigenous health studies Sounding the alarm: remote area nurse and Aboriginals at risk Remote Hope (Off-air, Four Corners, 43 min.) Health & welfare of Australia’s Aboriginals & Torres Strait Islanders Health of indigenous Australians Health of indigenous Australians (Issues in Society series, Vol. 308) Saying sorry to the stolen generations : the apology Indigenous health (Issues in Society series, Vol. 200, 2 copies) Intervention : 2 years on (22 min.) Liberating Aboriginal people from violence A fatal conjunction: two laws two cultures Live strong: closing the gap on chronic disease (26 min.) The Lost children: thirteen Australians taken from their Aboriginal families tell of the struggle to find their natural parents Between two worlds: the Commonwealth Government and the removal of Aboriginal children of part descent in the Northern Territory Between two worlds: understanding the stolen generations In denial: the stolen generations and the right Many voices, reflections on experiences of indigenous child separation Saying sorry: the day the nation cried (24 min.) Securing the truth Stolen children: their stories Stolen generations Stolen generations (Issues in society series, Vol. 156) Stolen generations: the way forward (Issues in Society series, Vol. 289) They took the children away: Aboriginal family experiences (19 min.) Advocacy and indigenous people in Australia : a learning package Who was Evelyn Orcher? (stolen generation, Off-air, Message Stick, 25 min.) Down the hole, up the tree, across the sandhills: running from the State & Daisy Bates Unique and valued profession : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers Stay strong: Strong and deadly (26 min.) Social work with indigenous communities 363- OCCUPATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL HAZARDS 362.849915/BERE 362.849915/BINA 362.849915/BRIN 362.849915/BRIN DVD 362.849915/BROW 362.849915/BURG DVD 362.849915/COMM 362.849915/COMP 362.849915/CRAM DVD 362.849915/FOUR 362.849915/HEAL 362.849915/HEAL 362.849915/HEAL 362.849915/HILL 362.849915/INDI DVD 362.849915/INTE 362.849915/JARR 362.849915/KIMM DVD 362.849915/LIVE 362.849915/LOST KIT 362.849915/MACD 362.849915/MACI 362.849915/MANN 362.849915/MANY DVD 362.849915/SAYI 362.849915/SECU 362.849915/STOL DVD 362.849915/STOL 362.849915/STOL 362.849915/STOL DVD 362.849915/THEY 362.849915/WEST DVD 362.849915/WHO 362.849915/WILL DVD 362.849915/WORK NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 10 363.209943/RICH DVD 363.25/UNFI 363.599991/SETT The secret war : a true history of Queensland’s native police Unfinished business (Off-air, Four Corners, 44 min.) Settlement: a history of Australian indigenous housing 364- CRIMINOLOGY 364.1525/DOGA 364.153/MACG 364.349915/ABOR 364.349915/DEAT 364.349915/WILS 364.36/GALE DVD 364.360899/NOFI A dog act (45 min.) Our greatest challenge : Aboriginal children and human rights Aboriginal contact with the criminal justice system and the impact of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Aboriginal deaths in custody (Off-air, ICAM, 26 min.) Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : an overview of its establishment, findings and outcomes Death by neglect (Off-air, 4 corners, 43 min.) Black death, white hands Aboriginal youth and the criminal justice system: the injustice of justice? No fixed address (Off-air. 27 min.) 370- EDUCATION 370.82092/MUMB 370.113089/PART DVD 370.19342/GOIN DVD 371.102/FOUN 371.102/HARR 371.190899/JOUR Long way home : my Dreaming (2 copies) Partners in a learning culture from 2000-2005: A national strategy Going back to Lajamanu (Off-air, Four Corners, 45 min.) Foundation skills for Aboriginal tutors Teaching and learning in indigenous education The journey's just begun : enhancing schools' capacity to partner Aboriginal communities to improve student learning Our story-telling I.T. Waverly’s dream (Off-air, Message Stick, 27 min.) Aboriginal perspectives on the early years of learning Educating Kimberly (Off-air, Four Corners, 55 min.) Green Hill Public School, Kempsey (Off-air, Around the Campfire, 15 min.) Teaching and learning in Aboriginal education Rethinking indigenous education : culturalism, colonialism & the politics of knowing The case for change : a review of contemporary research on Indigenous education outcomes Perspectives on Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Education Reform and resistance in Aboriginal education The way we learn Aboriginal education and training policy Writing workplace documents (Diploma in Aboriginal Studies: Module 8979T) Clean, clad and courteous, a history of Aboriginal education in NSW Whitefella school Working purposefully with Aboriginal students Two- way Aboriginal schooling From the centre to the city, Aboriginal education, culture and power DVD 364.349915/ABOR 364.349915/CUNN DVD DVD 371.334/OURS 371.82991/WAVE 371.829991/ABOR DVD 371.829991/EDUC DVD 371.829991/GREE 371.829991/HARR 371.829991/MACC 371.829991/MELL CDROM DVD 371.829991/PERS 371.829991/REFO 371.829991/WAYW 371.979915/ABOR 371.979915/DIPL 371.979915/FLET 371.979915/FOLD 371.979915/GROO 371.979915/HARR 371.979915/KEEF NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 11 CD 371.979915/OVER 371.979915/REPO 372.1829/HEIS VIDEO 372.1829/POOP 372.210899/BUTL 372.6044/FLEE CD 374.013/INDI 378.19829/ABOR Overdrive-multimedia resource for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people working (or interested) in the automotive retail, service and repair industry The Report of the Review of Aboriginal education Poopajyn Boori Norta Norta Boola: Aboriginal resource book for early childhood services Poopajyn Boori Norta Norta Boola: Aboriginal resource video for early childhood services (17 min.) Aboriginal cultural awareness in children’s services Building bridges: literacy development in young indigenous children Aboriginal engagement project Indigenous e-learn=e-skills n work: building capacity through e-learning Aboriginal women by degrees: their stories of the journey towards academic achievement 390- CUSTOMS FOLKLORE 390.088/NEID Kakadu man Bill Neidjie, words of Aboriginal elder who leased tribal land to Kakadu National Park Stradbroke dreamtime Dreaming stories Dreaming of Aboriginal Australia More stories from the Aboriginal Dreaming Kunwinjku spirit: creation stories from western Arnhem land Aboriginal myths, legends and fables Legendary tales of the Australian Aborigines, collected by David Unaipon Gumbaynggirr yuludarra: Stories of Uncle Harry Buchanan (2 copies) Stories from the Nambucca Kootear the echidna: A Hawkesbury story 398.2049915/NOON 398.208999/DREA 398.20994/ELLI 398.20994/MORE 398.20994/NGAN 398.20994/REED 398.20994/UNAI 398.209944/GUMB 398.209944/STOR 398.245292/LAWS LANGUAGE 420.994/EADE 422.49915/DIXO 428.6/MUMS 428.6/NAMA 428.6/OODG 428.6/PEMU 499.15/AIRD DVD 499.15/AUST DVD 499.15/BUCK 499.15/GUMB 499.15/ITSA 499.15/LANG DVD 499.15/LANG 499.15/LISS Aboriginal ways of using English Australian Aboriginal words in English : their origin and meaning Mum Shirl Albert Namatjira Oodgeroo Noonuccal Pemulwuy “I know a few words”: talking about aboriginal languages Australia: Language under attack (Off-air, Series: Finding our talk, 23 min.) Buckskin (Off-air, 57 min.) Gumbaynggir language dictionary It's a hard road to hoe but you gotta start somewhere : designing a community language project (+ DVD) Language and culture in Aboriginal Australia Language Man (Off-air, Compass, 30 min.) Nganhima dhitiyn! Wanha nga'ang nganhimakayi! : a Dhanggati language book NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 12 499.15/MACQ 499.1503/GAMI 499.1503/LISS 499.1503/LISS 499.1503/MORE Macquarie Aboriginal words: words from Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages Paper and talk: a manual for reconstituting materials in Australian indigenous languages A handbook of Aboriginal languages of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay & Yuwaalayaay dictionary Dhanggatti grammar and dictionary: with Dhanggatti stories Grammar and dictionary of Gathang Gumbaynggirr dictionary and learner's grammar 500- NATURAL SCIENCES 577.340994/ASHM 581.63089/GEEB 581.632/CHER 581.634/LASS 581.634/LOW DVD 581.99429/BUSH 591.994291/MING Sharing culture Geebungs and snake whistles: Koori people and plants of Wreck Bay Bushfood handbook: how to gather, grow, process … Australian medicinal plants Bush medicine: a pharmacopoeia of natural remedies Bush Food (growing wild food industry in Australia) Mingkiri: a natural history of Uluru 610- MEDICAL SCIENCES 613.0433/DEAD 613.089991/ABOR CD 613.089991/GOOD 613.6/LIVI 610.73092/INOU 613.8/STOJ 614.42941/MEDI 616.008999/COUZ DVD 616.8527/DEPR Deadly steps: indigenous youth Aboriginal Otitis media Good life : a CD-ROM for Aboriginal health workers Living safely: preventing accidents & injury in Indigenous Communities In our own right: Black Australian Nurses’ Stories Dog ear café: how the Mt Theo program beat the curse of petrol sniffing A medical practitioner's guide to Aboriginal health Aboriginal primary health care: an evidence-based approach Depression yarns : tackling depression, anxiety and related disorders in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities (ca. 64 min.) My Story Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women sharing their experiences of breast cancer All ears : healthy hearing in Indigenous communities 499.15/THIE 499.15/WAFE DVD DVD 616.99449/MYST DVD 617.8/ALLE 620- ENGINEERING AND ALLIED OPERATIONS 623.829/BARL 629.23/CHAM DVD 629.2872/BUSH Aboriginal technology, watercraft Build your own off-road buggy Bush Mechanics (Off-air, Message Stick, 31 min.) 636- ANIMAL HUSBANDRY NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 13 DVD 636.1/RYDI 641.30089/ISAA 641.30089/ISAA DVD 647.95/JAAN 649.157991/HAPP 649.55/HAAG Rydin’ time (Off-air, Message Stick, 30 min.) Companion guide to bush food Bush food Jaaning Tree (Off-air, Living Black, 5 min.) Happy gamambi healthy dhalayi strong burray Bush toys: Aboriginal children at play 650- MANAGEMENT 650.14/JOBS 658.3124/IMPL 658.402089/BUIL 658.402089/FIGU Jobs for our mob - Aboriginal Engagement Project TAFE NSW statement in Aboriginal mentor training : implementation guide for teachers Building skills for indigenous governance Figuring it out: working with indigenous learners of governance 700- THE ARTS 700.899915/GENO 700.899915/OXFO DVD 702.9/ARTF DVD 704.0399/DESE 704.039915/ABOR 704.039915/ABOR DVD 704.039915/ABOR 704.039915/ABOR 704.039915/AFFI 704.039915/ARTO 704.039915/BIDD 704.039915/CARU 704.039915/DAVI 704.039915/GATH 704.039915/GATH 704.039915/INDI 704.039915/KERI 704.039915/LEWI 704.039915/MACC 704.039915/MALA 704.039915/MORP 704.039915/NATI 704.039915/NICH 704.039915/ONES CD 704.039915/ROSE 704.039915/SALT Dollar dreaming: inside the Aboriginal art world Aboriginal art and culture Art for art’s sake (Off-air, Four Corners, 50 min.) Desert heart (Off-air, 28 min. + study guide) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art : collection highlights Aboriginal art collections Aboriginal art (Off-air, 42 min.) Aboriginal art : a portfolio of twelve 42 x 30 cm colour reproductions with notes Affirmations of identity (Visual artists’ resource kit) Art of politics, the politics of art: the place of indigenous contemporary art Breasts, bodies, canvas: central desert art as experience Aboriginal art (2 copies) Collected: 150 yrs of Aboriginal art & artifacts Gatherings: contemporary A.A.T.S.I. art from Queensland Gatherings 11 Indigenous art (Art Gallery of Western Australia) Keringke: contemporary Eastern Arrernte art (2 copies) Beginner’s guide to Aboriginal art Contemporary Aboriginal art No ordinary place: the art of David Malangi Aboriginal art Native born: objects and representations from Ramingining, Arnhem Land Art history place One Sun One Moon, Aboriginal art in Australia, Art Gallery NSW Aboriginal art & culture: resources kit - Volume 1 Saltwater freshwater: contemporary Aboriginal art from the Mid North Coast of NSW Australian indigenous art pack Gong-Wapitja: women and art from Yirrkala Native title business: contemporary indigenous art CD CD 704.0399915/AUST 704.042/HUTC 704.39915/NATI NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 14 706.88/MARK 709.011/BAGL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BARL 709.011/BERN 709.011/CONT 709.011099/BERN 709.011099/ISAA 709.0113/CULT 709.0113/GODD 709.0113/MORW 709.011309/LAMB 709.94/ABOR 709.94/ABOR 709.94/ARTL 709.94/COSS DVD 709.94/DEST 709.94/KALT 709.94/META 709.94/RECO DVD 709.94/SAMU 709.9407/TRAD 709.94074/MARK DVD 709.94074/TRUE KIT 709.94295/CROSS 709.9438/STOR CD 709.994/CULC 730.89915/CARV 730.899915/MENA 738.092/THAN 738.309942/ISAA DVD 741.099429/BEAS 745.58089/HAMB 746.092/MORI 746.09942/PUTT 746.410889/BARL 746.410899/TJAN DVD 746.410994/MERR 759.0113/FLOO Marketing Aboriginal art in the 1990s Aboriginal art of Australia Aboriginal art: a closer look at Aboriginal art Aboriginal art: a first look at Aboriginal art Aboriginal art: art of the desert Aboriginal art: art of Arnhem Land Aboriginal art: artists and their work Aboriginal art: passing on the traditions of Aboriginal art Aboriginal art: the many forms of Aboriginal art Aboriginal Australian art: a visual perspective (2 copies) Contemporary Aboriginal art : from the Robert Holmes a Court Collection Aboriginal Australian art Australia’s living heritage, arts of the Dreaming,includes crafts and sculpture Rock art Rock paintings of Aboriginal Australian art Visions from the past: the archaeology of Australian Aboriginal art Conserving Australian rock art Aboriginal art in modern worlds, exhibition, National Gallery of Australia Aboriginal voices: contemporary Aboriginal artists, writers and performers Artlink: contemporary Australian Aboriginal art Dreampower, art of contemporary Aboriginal Australia, traveling exhibition Destination Australia- Contemporary Australian Indigenous art Kaltja now: indigenous arts Australia (2 copies) Metamorphosis: contemporary Australian Aboriginal photography & sculpture Artlink: Reconciliation? Indigenous art for the 21st Century Jeffrey Samuels (Off-air, Message stick, 26 min.) Tradition today, indigenous art in Australia exhibited at Art Galley NSW Marking our times True stories,artists of the East Kimberley, looks at 10 artists (24 min.) Crossing Country, the alchemy of Western Arnhem land art, Art Gallery NSW (DVD, 25 min. + booklet) Story of place: indigenous art of Cape York & the rainforest Australian indigenous images Vol. 447 Original images Carving and sculpture Menagerie: contemporary indigenous sculpture in Australia Thancoupie the potter Hermannsburg potters: Aranda artists of central Australia Cheekydog (22 min.) Art on a string: Aboriginal threaded objects from the Central Desert Saltwater fella, story of success against the odds of John Moriarty, sportsman, political activist and head of international design studio. Putting in the colour: contemporary Aboriginal textiles (2 copies) Aboriginal technology, fibrecraft Tjanpi desert weavers Merrepen, creative weaving, (26 min.) Rock art of the Dreamtime NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 15 759.994/ABDU 759.994/ABDU 759.994/BALD DVD 759.994/BELL 759.994/BELL DVD 759.994/EMIL 759.994/FINL DVD 759.994/FREN 759.994/INDI 759.994/ISAA 759.994/ISAA 759.994/KALI 759.994/KNGW DVD 759.994/MUSE DVD 759.994/MUSE 759.994/NAMA 759.994/NAMA 759.994/ONUS 759.994/PERK DVD 759.994/PERK 759.994/PETY 759.994/RYAN 759.994/SIMO 759.994/STOK 759.994/TJAP 759.994/TJAP 759.994/WATS 759.994/WATS 759.994/WATS 759.994089/MYER DVD 759.99413/BALG 759.9942/AMAD 759.994291/BARD 759.9943/CONT 760.0994/ISAA 769.9/ISLA DVD770.92/RILE 779.209943/PORT DVD 779.93058/LIGH DVD 780.78/BUSH 780.899015/STUB DVD 781.629915/BURI 781.629915/DUNB DVD 781.629915/MURU 781.642/BURI Ian W. Abdulla: Elvis has entered the building River, land and memory: the work of Ian Abdulla Children of the dreamtime Richard Bell (Off-air, Message Stick, 26 min.) Richard Bell : Uz vs. them Emily in Japan Parts 1& 2 Emily Kngwarreye’s solo exhibition in Japan Aboriginal art of Australia: exploring cultural traditions French connection, Musee Du Quai Branly features Australia’s indigenous art works (Off-air, Message Stick, 30 min.) Indigenous Australian art in the National Gallery of Victoria Australian Aboriginal paintings Spirit country: contemporary Australian Aboriginal art Warialda [Picture – Brett Kali] Emily Kngwarreye paintings Museums of the world: songlines to the Seine (58 min.) Museums of the world: farewell primitive (50 min.) Albert Namatjira Seeing the centre: the art of Albert Namatjira Urban dingo : the art and life of Lin Onus, 1948-1996 Art + soul Art + soul (3 x ca. 55 min. + study guide) Kathleen Petyarre: genius of place Mythscapes, Aboriginal art of the desert, National Gallery exhibit The Aboriginal spirit lives on [Picture – James Simon] Desert dreamings (school library book on desert artists) Art of Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri Corkwood dreaming [Picture - Tjapaltjarri] Judy Watson : blood language Sacred ground beating heart: works by Judy Watson 1989-2003 Yannima Tommy Watson Painting culture Balgo: art of darkness Wildbird dreaming: Aboriginal art from the central deserts of Australia Papunya tula: art of the Western Desert Contemporary Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander art Aboriginality: contemporary Aboriginal paintings and prints (2 copies) Islands in the sun: prints by indigenous artists Sights unseen: moving pictures by Michael Riley Portraits of our elders Light of day (Off-air, Australian Story, 26 min.) Message stick: bush bands bash Singing the land: the power of performance in Aboriginal life Buried country (Off-air, As It Happened, 80 min. + study guide) Deadly sounds, deadly places: contemporary Aboriginal music in Australia Murundak: songs of freedom (122 min.) Buried country: the story of Aboriginal country music NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 16 782.14/BRAN 782.14/CHI DVD 782.42166/AUST DVD 782.42166/VOIC DVD Bran nue dae: a film about the musical (55 min.) Bran nue dae, a musical journey by Jimmy Chi and Kuckles Australian Story: Gurrumul Yunipingu (Off-air, ) Australian Story: the voice (Off-air, 28 min.) 790- RECREATIONAL AND PERFORMING ARTS 791.071099/BURG 791.408999/BLAC DVD 791.45/EIGH DVD 791.43/CROC 791.43/RABB 791.43/THOM DVD 791.43/TRAC DVD 791.43/YARN 791.430994/COLL DVD 791.45/DEAD DVD 791.45/NEWB DVD 792.802809/TOVE DVD 792.809229/RUSS DVD 796.089991/LION 796.089991/TATZ DVD 796.089991/TENT 796.0922/TATZ 796.342092/CAWL 796.355092/PERI 796.35865/MALL 796.42092/FREE DVD 796.42092/FREE DVD 798.409944/BANC DVD 799.2/ARTO 799.20282/BARL 799.20282/KING Performing arts (Blackline masters) Black list: film & TV projects since 1970 with indigenous Australians in key creative roles 8MMM Aboriginal Radio (Off-air, 6 x 26 min.) Crocodile dreaming (off-air, 30 min.) Rabbit proof fence study guide Rabbit Proof Fence: HSC study guide The Tracker (98 min. + guide) Yarning up (4 films by Indigenous directors, 26 mins. Australian cinema after Mabo Deadly yarns New Black Noel Tovey (Dancer & actor, survived horrific childhood to reinvent himself) Russell Page: a dance tribute (26 min.) Lionel Rose (Off-air, 53 min.) Black diamonds: the Aboriginal & Islander Sports Hall of Fame Tent boxers Aborigines in sport Home: The Evonne Goolagong Story Nova: my story: the autobiography of Nova Peris Black lords of summer: a story of the 1868 Aboriginal tour of England Cathy Freeman: a journey just begun Who do you think you are? Catherine Freeman (Off-air, 56 min.) Sunny and the dark horse (Film set at Collum Collum in NT.) (83 min.) The art of tracking (54 min.) Boomerangs and throwing sticks Boomerang information book 800- LITERATURE 820.808915/INDI 820.808991/MACQ 820.989915/HELL DVD 821/SPOK 823.01088/SKIN A820.808915/MESS A820.808991/THOS A820.9352/BRAD A820.989915/MUDR A821.008089/UNTR Deadly yarns Macquarie PEN anthology of Aboriginal literature Indigenous perspectives through word and image Message Stick : Spoken word Skins - contemporary indigenous writing Message stick : contemporary Aboriginal writing Those who remain will always remember: an anthology of Aboriginal writing Reading race: Aboriginality in Australian children's literature Indigenous literature of Australia Untreated: poems by black writers (2 copies) NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 17 A821.308089/SPIR A821.3/DAVI A821.3/NOON A821.3/PAGE A821.3/WALK A821.308089/INSI A821.308089915/RIMF A821.4/MORE A822/JANS A822.3/DAVI A822.3/HARR A822.3/IREL A822.3/RANK A822.3/STRA A823.2/PRIC A823.3/ADEL A823.3/BAND A823.3/GERM A823.3/MCLA A823.3/MORG A823.3/MORG A823.3/PILK A823.3/PILK A823.3/WELL A823.3/WILL Spirit song : a collection of Aboriginal poetry John Pat and other poems Oodgeroo (Biography of Kath Walker) The great forgetting: poems My people (by Oodgeroo Noonuccal/Kath Walker) Inside black Australia : an anthology of Aboriginal poetry Rimfire: poetry from Aboriginal Australia Post me to the prime minister/Romaine Moreton Black Mary & Gunjies: two plays No sugar/Jack Davis Stolen Image in the clay Box the pony (story of Leah Purcell) State of Shock (play) Coonardoo/Katharine Susannah Prichard (audiocassettes) Serpent dust Welou, my brother Leaving Sweet water: stolen land My place/Sally Morgan Sally Morgan’s my place : study notes for area of study : inner journeys Follow the rabbit-proof fence (2 copies) Rabbit proof fence study guide Going home : stories Pemulwuy: the rainbow warrior 900- GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY 909.049915/PAPU 912.94/HORT 919.4003/LAND DVD 919.404/GOIN 919.40465/FLOO 919.4047/ABOR 919.441/HINK 920.009/WOOD 920.009299/FIGH 920.009299/SYKE DVD 920.009299/WHEN 920.094/DING 920.094/MACC 920.094/MACC 920.094/MACC 920.094/MACC 920.094/MACC 929.108999/SMIT Papunya School book of country and history The major Aboriginal groups in the nineteeth century [cartographic material] Land is a map: place names of indigenous origin Going bush (Deborah Mailman, Catherine Freeman) The riches of ancient Australia (2 copies) Aboriginal Australia & the Torres Strait Islands- guide to Indigenous Australia Aboriginal Sydney: a guide to important places Long time coming home: as recalled by Marjorie Woodrow Fighters and singers: the lives of some Aboriginal women Murawina: Australian women of high achievement When Colin met Joyce ( Mixed race couple devoted to social justice, 52 min.) Ernie Dingo: King of the kids Aussie stars series - Teacher’s guide Cathy Freeman- Aussie stars series Christine Anu- Aussie stars series Ernie Dingo- Aussie stars series Mandawuy Yunupingu and Yothu Yindi- Aussie stars series Looking for your mob: a guide to tracing Aboriginal family trees NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 18 929.20994/RUSS 940.394/INDI 940.394/INDI 940.531503/ABOR DVD 940.531503/FORG 940.531503/HALL 940.531503/HALL DVD 940.531503/LEST 994/ANDE 994/DAY REF 994/GARD 994/NOWA 994/WHIT 994.004/AFTE REF994.004/AUST DVD 994.004/FRON DVD 994.004/PEMU 994.004/PREN DVD 994.00499/KAKA 994.004991/ABOR 994.004991/ATTW 994.004991/BARL 994.004991/BUTL 994.004991/DING 994.004991/ELDE 994.004991/ELLI CD 994.004991/ENCY REF 994.004991/ENCY 994.004991/EVAN 994.004991/FIRS DVD 994.004991/FIVE 994.004991/FLOO 994.004991/GINI 994.004991/GREE 994.004991/INVA 994.004991/MARI 994.004991/MILL 994.004991/MORG AV 994.004991/MORG 994.004991/OGDE 994.004991/PASC 994.004991/PASC 994.004991/REYN 994.004991/REYN A little bird told me: family secrets, necessary lies Indigenous service : Investigating the wartime experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from the first World War to the present : a resource for primary schools Indigenous service : Investigating the wartime experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from the first World War to the present : a resource for secondary schools Aborigines in the defence of Australia Forgotten (Indigenous military personnel, Off-air, Message Stick, 28 min.) Black diggers : Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Second World War Fighters from the fringe Lest we forget (Indigenous veterans, Message Stick, 30 min.) Australian history & citizenship Claiming the continent: a new history of Australia History of Australia (10 volumes) Now and then: Aboriginal History programme Whitefella jumpup: the shortest way to nationhood (Quarterly essay Issue 11 2003) After 200 years: photographic essays of Aboriginal & Islander Australia today Australian people- Encyclopaedia of the nation, its people and their origins Frontier: stories from white Australia’s forgotten war (Off-air, 3 x 57 min.) Pemulwuy: A war of two laws (Off-air, Message stick, 2 x 28 min.) A concise companion to Aboriginal history Kakadu man (Off-air, 49 min.) Aboriginal History (Volume 20, 1996) Telling the truth about Aboriginal history Indigenous heroes and leaders The myth of terra nullius: invasion and resistance - the early years Aboriginal economy : patterns of experience Blood on the wattle: massacres and maltreatment Australia’s Aboriginal heritage Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia (2 copies) Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia (2 volumes) Fighting words-writing about race First Australians: an illustrated history Five short films from the National Indigenous documentary Fund (130 min.) The original Australians: story of the Aboriginal people Real deadly: Ruby Langford Ginibi’s life Whitefella jump up-the shortest way to nationhood/Germaine Greer Invasion and resistance: untold stories Wandjuk Marika: the life story Koori: a will to win Heroic resistance, survival & triumph of Black Australia My Place My Place by Sally Morgan (read by Deborah Mailman, 3 audiocassettes) Portraits from a land without people Convincing Ground: learning to fall in love with your family Dark emu : black seeds agriculture or accident An indelible stain? the question of genocide in Australian history Forgotten war NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 19 994.004991/REYN 994.004991/REYN 994.004991/TAYL 994.004991/TUCK 994.004991/WHIT DVD 994.004991/WHIS 994.004991/YOUN 994.0049915/BART 994.0049915/FITZ CDROM 994.0049915/LOOK REF 994.0049915/MORR 994.01/AUST 994.01/FLOO 994.01/MULV 994.02/JONE 994.04/REYN 994.092/PRYO 994.092/SYKE 994.092/WARD 994.092/WARD 994.100499/MORG 994.100499/MORG 994.100499/PILK 994.10049915/KINN 994.140049/COUN 994.140049/JEBB DVD 994.1403/JAND DVD 994.1403/JAND 994.1403/PEDE 994.2904/MUIR DVD994.291/CONI DVD 994.4/ROCK 994.40049/KIJA 994.410049/CLEN 994.42092/DAVI 994.450049/BAMB 994.500499/NANN 994.6004/REYN DVD 994.600499/HAYD DVD 994.600499/TRUG 994.600499/WIND 994.700499/EGLO DVD 994.9443/NORT Other side of the frontier: Aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia With the white people : the crucial role of Aborigines in the exploration and development of Australia Telling like it is: a guide to making Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history If everyone cared: the autobiography of Margaret Tucker Whitewash: on Keith Windschuttle’s fabrication of Aboriginal history Whispering in our hearts (Off-air, 52 min. + study guide) I give you this story : life stories and the telling of Aboriginal history Aboriginal peoples of Australia Doug Nicholls Looking back, moving forward. Significant dates in Aboriginal history (8 Vols.) Domesticating resistance : the Dhan-gadi Aborigines and the Australian state Australian dreaming; 40,000 years of Aboriginal history Archaeology of the dreamtime Prehistory of Australia Ochre and rust: artefacts and encounters on Australian frontiers North of Capricorn Maybe tomorrow – Boori Pryor Snake dancing (Autobiography of Roberta Sykes, Pt.2) Unna You Fullas (short stories) Wandering girl Sally’s story- My Place for young readers, Part 1 Wanamurraganya: the story of Jack McPhee Under the Wintamarra tree Shadow lines Countrymen : the life histories of four Aboriginal men as told to Bruce Shaw Blood, sweat & welfare Jandamarra (Off-air, 2 x 27 min.) Jandamarra’s war (Off-air, 56 min.) Jandamarra and the Bunuba resistance Very big journey: my life - Hilda Muir Coniston (Off-air, 57 min.) The rock of Yarriabini Revival, renewal & return Ray Kelly & NSW Sites of Significance survey Dancing with strangers Sunrise Station revisited Our stories are our survival Coranderrk : we will show the country Fate of a free people/ Henry Reynolds Last Tasmanian (104 min. + study guide) Truganini 1812-1876 (Off-air, Australians, 5 min.) Fabrication of Aboriginal history: Volume 1 Wreck bay: an Aboriginal fishing community A Northern Town- Living history of Kempsey (0ff-air, 57 min.) (3 copies, 2 with study guides) NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 20 AFTERWORD The establishment of the Niri-Gayanduma Collection was developed through discussions between the Manager and Principal Education Officer VET Services of Aboriginal Programs Unit and myself during 2003. It was envisaged to provide regional TAFE NSW students access to up to date resources in relation to Aboriginal affairs. Locating the collection at Kempsey campus acknowledges the strong relationship the library has with the Djigay Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Education. All TAFE NSW students and local Aboriginal community members will be able to access these resources whenever they require it. The resources that have been purchased including books, CDs and video cover a wide range of topic areas from politics to language, custom folklore through to medical sciences. I’d like to thank the Aboriginal Programs Unit for providing the funding for the purchasing of all the resources in this remarkable collection. Also a Special Thank You to Kay McPhee, Library Manager, Kempsey Campus. Without for her time and patience in purchasing, organising and housing the collection we would not have the NiriGayanduma Collection. Thank you and enjoy Regards Jo-Anne Kelly Manager, Aboriginal Development Aboriginal Education and Training Unit TAFE NSW North Coast Institute July 2004 THE NIRI-GAYANDUMA COLLECTION AT KEMPSEY CAMPUS LIBRARY Over many years, Kempsey Campus Library has built up a good collection of Aboriginal resources which have been well-used. Djigay Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Education has provided many of these resources. However, NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 21 the receipt of additional funding from the Aboriginal Programs Unit in 2004 means our library can now better support all of our student and staff with current and appropriate information. The new Aboriginal collection of approximately 220 books, videos and CDs will be shelved separately to our main collection in the central area of the library, in new shelving provided for the collection. A feature is the large surface area of the shelving which will be used to display student artwork and objects. All students of TAFE NSW will have access to the collection, except where copyright laws do not allow us to share items with another campus or Institute. Aboriginal community groups will also be encouraged to become community members of the library, spreading the benefit of the resources beyond the campus to include the whole community. I would like to acknowledge the support of Jo-Anne Kelly, Aboriginal Development Manager, in organising the funding, and of Ren Perkins, Djigay Centre Manager, and the Kempsey Campus Aboriginal Cultural Resource class in assisting in the development and naming of the collection. Kay McPhee Library Manager Kempsey Campus Library TAFE NSW North Coast Institute June 2004 NCI Library and Information Services Updated 9 June 2015 Page 22