California State University, San Bernardino President’s Office
Administrative Council Minutes
January 23, 2006
Aguilar, Arlin, Bowerman, Carlson, Clark, Conley, Fernandez, Frost, Jandt, Kamusikuri,
Karnig, Kray, Langford, McGowan, Marian, Moran, Peake, Ralph, Rincon, Takehara,
Thompson, Vicknair, Yasuhara, Zorn
Aylmer, DeMauro, Diaz, Joshee, Robinson, West
Jimmie Brown, Jiggs Gallagher, Tina Morse, Susan Summers
Informational Handouts
President Karnig discussed the following handouts:
A memorandum from Chancellor Reed, dated January 10, regarding the
Governor’s Budget Proposal.
A press release from the CSU Office of Public Affairs, entitled “Governor’s
Budget Honors Higher Education Compact, Protects Students from Fee
An article from The Sacramento Bee entitled “Cutting Student Fees Doesn’t
Really Help the Poor.”
A memorandum from Allison Jones, dated January 12, entitled “Financial Aid –
2006-07 Cost of Attendance Allowances.”
A letter from Trustee Murray Galinson to John Travis dated December 20.
An article from The Sacramento Bee entitled “’Radical’ UCLA Professors
Targeted by Alumni Group.”
An article from The Chronicle of Higher Education, dated September 23, entitled
“Crossing Over to the Dark Side.”
Ad hoc President’s Committee on CSU Enrollments in L.A. Basin
President Karnig’s summary of the January 11 meeting included:
In addition to CSU Presidents in the Los Angeles area, the meeting was
also attended by Presidents from Humboldt, Sonoma and Hayward.
The Chancellor stated that they’ve tried to predict growth out 10 years but
there have been little effects of reform to keep students in high school.
Currently one-third of students in high school drop out of school and onethird of those who graduate go on to college.
The Campus Compact is based on growth and there is currently less
growth than anticipated.
The Chancellor stated there is a statewide 5% reduction in community
college enrollment.
There is a need to have increased attention to student retention and
President Karnig stated that CSUSB should review our practices and
identify archaic rules that could be altered.
The Chancellor will soon ask for campus enrollment management plans.
Enrollment targets may need to be revised.
The Chancellor will reconsider the “forbidden four elements” and the
CTEST requirement.
There will be recalibration of FTES based on the new value of graduate
student hours.
The Chancellor proposed that campuses obtain community college mail
labels to use for marketing the institution. Dr. McGowan will investigate
the possibility of obtaining labels from the local community colleges.
The Chancellor indicated that Fullerton is willing to redirect 3,000 FTES to
those who contact them. President Karnig stated we should contact
Fullerton if we have not already done so.
Academic Calendar 2007
Dr. Zorn stated that with the revised calendar, the number of CTO or vacation days will
be three: July 5, November 23 and December 24.
The Administration Council recommended to President Karnig that the 2007 Academic
Calendar be approved.
Campus Crime Statistics
Vice President DeMauro announced that Bob Miller will begin his duties as Chief of
University Police on February 1. He introduced Lt. Jimmie Brown and Ms. Tina Morse
who provided a PowerPoint presentation on campus crime statistics.
The presentation included the following:
2000 – 2004 Total System wide Crime Reported
2002—2004 Comparison Between Campuses, Total Crime Reported for
Part I and Part II Offenses.
2002 – 2004 Part I Offenses Campus Comparison
2002 – 2004 Part II Offenses Campus Comparison
2004 – 2205 CSUSB Part I and II Data Comparison
10 year distribution of offenses
5 year report of offenses
2002 – 2004 Campus Comparison for Arrests and Citations
2004 – 2005 CSUSB Arrests and Citations Data Comparison
Crime Statistics for City of San Bernardino
2005 Vehicle Theft by Location on campus
2005 Vehicle Burglary by Location on campus
Lt. Brown reviewed the Short Term Action Plan that includes:
Increase parking lot patrol during non-daylight hours.
Implement bicycle patrol program.
Increase community service officer’s presence on campus.
Conduct quarterly tactical action plan and surveillance.
Train and educate departments to identify and report suspicious activity.
Parking officers to patrol lots with amber lights flashing.
Network with San Bernardino Police Department, San Bernardino School
Police and Sunrise Apartments.
Create special operations unit within campus police department.
Implement transient enforcement program.
Solicit grant funding to support overtime and equipment expenses.
Long Term Action Plan
Hire additional police officers.
Implement a campus-wide security camera system.
Open a police storefront office.
Purchase high-rise guard shacks for parking lots.
Crime Prevention
Assign an officer as Crime Prevention Officer.
Implement yearly campus-wide crime prevention training schedule.
Post crime prevention posters throughout campus buildings.
Conduct quarterly public safety/community forums.
Conduct quarterly training sessions at resident halls on crime prevention.
Crime prevention tips distributed through campus email system.
It was recommended that there be a tighter linkage of checking buildings on the
Watson Project (Needles/Havasu)
Dr. Zorn distributed a handout regarding the Colorado River Projects. Units expressing
interest include the College of Extended Learning, Departments of Anthropology, Art,
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geological Sciences, Tribal Management, Literacy,
Computer Sciences and Geography and Environmental Studies.
Concerns expressed include long-term costs of a caretaker, upkeep of the facilities and
security at the site. There was also concern expressed about the distance from campus
for faculty and students to travel.
President Karnig stated that this is proposed to be an eco park with an interpretive
center. Mr. Watson would set aside 1,000 to 5,000 acres for this purpose, with $1
million for research facilities. The possibilities are substantial.
President Karnig requested that Drs. Zorn and Thompson provide to him specifics on
what will work and Dean Arlin on how the College of Education might use the facility.
He also requested that Dean Bowerman provide bullets on how the Center for
Entrepreneurship might interface with the groups. He requested that the bullets be
provided to him by Wednesday, January 24.
Watson Project (San Bernardino) Building Uses
Dr. Fernandez distributed a list of proposed uses for the space that included:
Training Center for CEL
Expanded Children’s Center
Conference Center
Tutoring center for parents and students
GEAR-UP expansion
Faculty Club
Institute for Child Development
Suite for Centers and Institutes
Student Innovation Programs (BPA)
Meeting areas for 40-50 people (with ice machine and food preparation
House Office of University Advancement
Community-based Wellness Clinic (in conjunction with Nursing,
Kinesiology and Health Science and Human Ecology)
Social Work Training Academy
President Karnig will discuss the proposed uses with the Vice Presidents.
President Karnig requested that suggestions be forwarded to him of people to
serve on the Augie Award committee. He also requested that names of streets in
the subdivision across from campus be forwarded to him.