南台科技大學 96 學年度第一學期課程資訊 課程名稱 行銷管理專題 課程編碼 D0M01301 系所代碼 D 開課班級 碩研流通一甲 開課教師 黃盈裕 學分 3.0 時數 上課節次地點 3 三 2 3 4 教室 T0215-1 必選修 必修 課程概述 Understanding Marketing Management, Capturing Marketing Insights, Connecting with Customers, Building Strong Brands, Shaping the Market Offerings, Delivering Value and Communicating Value. 課程目標 This course will provide an overview of marketing management. Marketing theories, practices and operating environments will be emphasized in both the text and the readings. These conceptual tools and applications of these tools will be discussed in both the text and the readings. Each student will be required to be familiar with the readings and be prepared to discuss them in class. 課程大綱 1. 2. Defining Marketing for the Twenty-First Century Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty Analyzing Consumer Markets Identifying Market Segments and Targets Crafting the Brand Positioning Setting Product Strategy Designing and Managing Services Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs Designing and Managing Value Networks and Channels Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics 13. Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events, and Public Relations 14. Managing Personal Communications: Direct Marketing and Personal Selling 英文大綱 1. 2. 3. 4. Defining Marketing for the Twenty-First Century Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty 1 5. 6. Analyzing Consumer Markets Identifying Market Segments and Targets 7. Crafting the Brand Positioning 8. Setting Product Strategy 9. Designing and Managing Services 10. Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs 11. Designing and Managing Value Networks and Channels 12. Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics 13. Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events, and Public Relations 14. Managing Personal Communications: Direct Marketing and Personal Selling 教學方式 課堂講授, 分組討論, 口頭報告, 評量方法 指定用書 Marketing Management 參考書籍 先修科目 Marketing Management of undergraduate level(外系同學需先修大學部行銷管 理) 教學資源 注意事項 全程外語授課 授課語言 1 0 華語 授課語言 2 輔導考照 1 高普考 輔導考照 2 專技人員考試 2