March 2013 Newsletter Hooksett NH website: “Serving the Children of the World” President Dave’s Message I hope everyone enjoyed the blizzard of 2013 and had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!! I like to share some important news that pertains to our club. Fund Raising-- The procrastination period is over! Please reach out to President-elect Sue Kunkel, VP Judy, Treasurer Sue W or me if you can put in a few hours in March to assist our efforts. Please mark your calendars for our 2013 Kiwanis Golf Open Tournament on Friday, July 12 at Canterbury Woods. After the great time we had at Canterbury last year it was a very easy decision to go back there for 2013. Golf Chairman Steve Creamer has reported that he is already getting commitments of members booking foursomes. On Saturday, March 16 we’ll do a joint service project with the Hooksett Lion’s club that will focus on the KIDS in Hooksett with free vision, hearing and dental exams. Kiwanis will provide volunteers along with the Kids Kloset being open and the Central Key Club providing face painting. Jon Cayton is Vice president at Citizens Bank in Hooksett is our newest member. Jon is a former member. His sponsor is Judy Barrett. There is a special feeling you get when providing service to one community and one child at a time. Thanks for all you do to make Hooksett a better place for our families and neighbors. Welcome New Members: Scott Riley is rejoining the club after a brief absence. Scott manages the Edward Jones office in Hooksett. His new sponsor is Dave Dickson. Congratulations to our own Barb Brennan for being named Hooksett Citizen of the Year for 2013! At our February dinner meeting I announced that VP Judy Barrett was our member of the month for January. Judy has just been all over the place the last few months conducting club business. Judy will be a great club President in 19 months. Schedule of Upcoming Club Meetings: March 7, 2013 (THURSDAY) at 6:00PM in the Penman Room at Southern NH University. Our speaker will be Rachael LaBattaglia who will be talking about Dean Kamen's FIRST Robotics. Our Interclub visit challenge is off to a very strong start. Katie Orlando has been on fire leading this initiative. At the end of February we‘ll have 10 visits accomplished with 20 more to go. Fred, Pauline, Ron and Vivian will be visiting the Aruba club to assist in our efforts. Katie has been communicating the schedule and I’m trying to keep up with her on these visits. Try and join us for a club visit. I can happily report that the meal and value we get at SNHU is superior compared to what has been served so far on our tour. March 20, 2013 at 6:00PM in the Penman Room at Southern NH University. Our speaker will be Lieutenant Lenny O’Keefe from the Merrimack County Department of Corrections in Boscawen. He will speak on Gang activity in NH April 3, 2013 at 6:00PM in the Penman Room at Southern NH University. Our speaker will be Dr. Brian Gilchrist, director of the new Children’s Hospital at the Elliott. Dr. Gilchrest was formerly the director of the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center at New England Medical Center in Boston. 1 May 1, 2003 at 6:00PM in the Penman Room at Southern NH University. Our speaker will be new Hooksett Police Chief Peter Bartlett. employees and equipment in one central location, adding approximately $15 million in assessed valuation Community Leaders Announced An independent group of judges has selected the winners of the 2012 Community Leaders Awards. The following businesses and individuals will be honored at the 4th Annual Community Leaders Celebration event on April 20 in the Dining Center at Southern NH University. Our emcee will be Doug Folsom, Plant Manager at GE Aviation in Hooksett. Following are brief profiles of the winners. We are still awaiting photo of several of the winners. Small Business of the Year: Blue Ribbon Fence & landscaping. Blue Ribbon Fence and Landscaping, a 21-year old firm, with 20 employees, is owned by Dennis and Sean Sweeney. In 2004 it relocated its business to the Hooksett Industrial Park. Four years later it acquired the former NH Landscaping business from Leon Pearson. The company immediately became engaged in the Hooksett community. Over the past year Blue Ribbon has dedicated financial and in-kind resources to Old Home Day, Hooksett Kiwanis, Central Key Club, Hooksett Heritage Commission Hooksett Farmers Market and the Skateboard Park. Business Leader of the Year: Jack Solloway Jack Solloway is the founder and owner of SoilAway Cleaning and restoration services. He is a 23-year veteran in his profession, and holds multiple IICRC Master Certifications, the highest in the industry. In nominating him, his son Josh states that “Jack has forgotten more than the average person in that industry will ever know”. He really shines with his ability to serve and care for his employees. He openly shares his expertise and life to help and counsel younger generations, and is looked upon by many as a “father figure”. Hooksett Educator of the Year: David Fleury. Kevin Fleury has been an educator in the Hooksett School system for 20 years. In thinking about Kevin, his nominator Principal Matthew Benson remarked “I have experienced many educators throughout my sixteen years in education and Kevin Fleury is one of the finest I have ever observed. Students are highly successful learners in his class because of his personalized instructional strategies, innovative and creativeness and his strong ability to build positive relationships with all students’. He is an expert in communicating his knowledge of science and social studies to all students. Large Business of the Year: PSNH. PSNH has located three major operations in Hooksett. These include the Manchester District Field operations facility serving PSNH’s customers in 12 communitie s in greater Manchester. Second, is its Distribution and repair, housing its electricians, communications, control, and construction. A $4 million upgrade and expansion at this facility was completed in August 2012. Dedicated in October 2012, its new headquarters of the Statewide Transmission Group, a new 70,000 square foot building will provide space to consolidate transmission Hooksett Municipal of the Year: Jon Daigle: In what many call a “crisis year’, Captain Daigle was the glue that held the Hooksett Police Department together. He was able to build morale, positive relationships, and restoring pride in the Hooksett Police Department. Jon worked with many on his staff to recognize He is a professional, team player and overall “nice guy”. He was the lead in implementing many of the management audit recommendations. Hooksett Youth Volunteer of the Year: Vera Lee. Vera Lee, a 17-year old senior at Central High School, is Hooksett’s Youth Volunteer of the Year. In 2012, she completed over 250 2 volunteer hours to the Hooksett community, her high school, and to her church. Vera has served in a leadership position in the Central Key club throughout high school, including director and executive vice president. Vera also serves her community as a regular volunteer at the Manchester Christian church, attended by many Hooksett citizens. In 2012 Vera volunteered for nine 10-hour shifts working in the technology role to ensure that the four Sunday services work seamlessly to provide a very meaningful religious experience for the church’s 5,000 member congregation. February Meeting We had only one meeting in February, with both Builders Clubs and the Central Key Club as our guests. All three spoke and gave us an update on their activities. Vera Lee showed a promotional video that the District Board has prepared for the District Convention (DCON). It featured Three Central Key Club leaders (Vera, Addie and Delaney). Our speaker on February 7 was William Gillett, Chairman of the Board for the International Institute. Mr. Gillett also serves as the Dean of the Business School at SNHU. He spoke about the refugee situation in New Hampshire. About 70,000 refugees settle in the United States each year. Many have spent their entire lives in camps in different parts of Europe. Most that arrive here are dedicated to the education of their children. Hooksett Adult Volunteer of the Year: Mike Horne. It is not the number of committees alone Member of the Month: Judy Barrett President Dave recognized Judy Barrett as member of the month for January. Judy is chairing our first-ever Membership Development Committee. Judy and President Dave are leading the effort to establish a K Kids Club (level below Builders Club) at Hooksett Memorial School. She is also an active member of the Fundraising Committee, liaison with the Hooksett Chamber and an assistant advisor to the Builders Club at Cawley. with which an individual becomes involved, but the manner in which someone volunteers his or her time. Some create a flash and want everyone to be aware of their level of involvement. Others, like Mike Horne simply quietly go about making an impact on others. His military background comes through with his ability to lead with a quiet “follow me” style that draws others in to help. In addition to his full time duties as Director of the NH Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen, Mike excelled in four areas as a volunteer. He served as chair of the supervisors of the checklist, Chair of the Hooksett Cemetery Commission, member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and chair of the Trails Committee. Meal Costs for Guests Questions often arise about meal costs for guests at our Kiwanis meetings. Generally, a member who invites a guest to a club meeting is expected to take care of the guest’s meal. A guest who is seriously considering becoming a Hooksett Kiwanis member, however, receives one complimentary meal paid from the club’s administrative account. This is done with the hope that the prospect will join Kiwanis and pay dues. The speaker’s meal is also paid from the administrative account. All funding for the administrative account comes from dues paid by members. We cannot use any of our fundraising dollars for internal club expenses, including meals for guests at club meetings. Tickets to the Gala event are available for $50 per person (or $320 for a table of 8) with $20 per ticket representing a tax-deductible contribution to the Hooksett Kiwanis Foundation. This is a classy event with choices of Baked Stuffed Haddock or Chicken Marsala. For tickets, please contact David Dickson by calling 627-9773 (email: or Deborah Charest 4853565 (email: Meals for Key Club and Builders Club members who attend our meetings are paid from our Charitable Foundation account. This is part of our obligation of sponsorship to provide leadership education to these 3 young people. These guests learn how to run a meeting, speak in front of an adult group, and hear an interesting speaker. Central Key Club Report by Chandler Tucker I hope everyone has survived the latest snowstorm of this winter. Who knew we needed another foot? This past February has been quite productive for Manchester Central High School Clubbers. As new and old board members wrap up their fundraising for DCON, plans finalizing the SkiA-Thon have been made! On February 7, the 2013-2014 board was elected! The new board is as follows: Brendan O’Neil – President, Hind Chiboub – Vice President of School Service, Ja’Kiea Williams – Vice President of Community Service, Alex Kivikoski – Secretary, Kyle Adams – Treasurer, Bri Furtado – Editor, Grace Martel – Senior Class Director, Dario Vitagliano – Junior Class Director, and Cloe Dickson – Sophomore Class Director. Best of luck to them all! Member Birthdays in March Only five members celebrate birthdays in March: Nicholas Hunt-Bull 5th, Tara Lindh 17th, Mike Horne 18th, Dennis Sweeney 19th, and Richelle Pinard 28th. Happy birthday to all! Cawley Builders Club by Kathy Dickson The month started out with Builders Club members volunteering at the blood drive on January 3rd at Cawley Middle School. The Salvation Army reported to the Builders Club that the total donations for the day(s) the members rang bells at K-Mart was $772.87. Due to school closing because of weather, there was only one general meeting this month. The board met to discuss possible service opportunities as well as the start up of volunteering at Underhill School. This service would involve members traveling via school bus to Underhill twice a week to help teachers there with tutoring and other tasks. The club also discussed was possibly volunteering at the New Horizons Food Kitchen in Manchester and fundraising ideas. One of the board members is working on setting up a Cawley Builders Club blog on the school’s website, where members would be able to view club announcements and see reminders to those who signedup for upcoming events. Hillside Builders Club by Fred Bishop The Builders Club hosted a tube-a-thon at McIntyre Ski area on February 15, with about 20 students participating. The kids had a lot of fun, and the weather was beautiful. Proceeds will benefit Make-awish. Upcoming events include a dance and movie night on March 29 with another school organization “The Green Machine”. Proceeds will help fund the end of the year field day. The club is also planning its elections for 2013-2014 officers and directors. Also, this year’s Ski-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, March 16 from 1pm-9pm at Crotched Mountain. This event benefits the Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports Program (CMARS) which assists those with disabilities in the skiing and riding experiences. Last year we raised over $1,500 for this program making the event a huge success! This is by far the most well known and loved event all year, and we greatly thank the Kiwanis members who are chaperoning to make this event possible! Enjoy the snow and I’ll talk to you soon! Editor’s note: photo taken at Key Club meeting. Vera Lee Hooksett’s, Youth Volunteer of the Year, is second from the right. Update from Key Club Lt. Governor Following is a few excerpts from Key Club Lt. Governor Delaney Roche’s “Roche’s Review newsletter to her division. On January 19, 2013 she held an Officers Council Meeting and a Lieutenant Governor caucus at Panera Bread in Bedford, NH. At this meeting they spoke about New England and Bermuda District Convention, including information about the contests, and a divisional project. At this caucus they also elected 4 Cole Jackson as the new Division 9/10 LTG for the 2013-2014 year. Cole attends Manchester Memorial High School as a freshman. Previously he attended Hillside Middle School and was a charter member of the Builders Club sponsored by Hooksett Kiwanis. This past fall he was one of the students sponsored by Hooksett Kiwanis to the Key Leader weekend in Ossipee, where he obtained many new leadership qualities. were several volunteers helping to sort and hang clothes as well that night. Donations have been very good, and we have kept up with sorting. We are going into a month of vacations, but with the extra volunteers that have joined in the past months, we should be OK. We will monitor, and if needed, will seek club members to help out. Twelve Hooksett Boy Scouts and two moms came to the Kids Kloset for a yearly project on January 29. They helped organize and sort hangers, as well as transfer to new plastic bins, and hung up summer clothes. They will schedule helping in the future around April as we changeover the winter to summer stock. Their help was greatly appreciated and they did a great job. Delaney also writes about the upcoming District Educational Conference (aka DCON). “DCON is following an underwater theme this year with its slogan being: “Just keep swimming into service! On the first night of DCON there will be a dance that will be underwater theme, so make sure you bring some underwater themed clothes! Throughout DCON there will be some exciting raffles, donation games, and much more, so I suggest that you budget some money in order to donate to many worthy causes! Most importantly, there are all different kinds of workshops that will be held at DCON. These workshops range all the way from how to be better at the specific position that you hold to the district projects. These workshops are fun, interesting, and very informative. I will be holding two: One about ELIMINATE and one for incoming LTGs.” We have been asked to have the Kids Kloset open from 9 am to 1 pm on March 16 as part of a Vision, Hearing, and Dental Screening Clinic. We are pleased to be part of this project started by the Hooksett Lions Club. The next open house will be March 4th. Hooksett Community Food Pantry (HCFP) update by Barbara Brennan. In January Contributions were received from Granite United Way, HPHC, Lesmerises family, GE Aviation, Planet Aid, for a total of $833. We had 70 client households use the HCFP made up of 166 individuals receiving food, with 42 being children. We distributed 7,280 items including dry goods, frozen meat, bakery & snacks, an average of 104 (usually around 70) items per family. We hosted 262 monthly client appointments (that's 30 over our prior highest), with just 3 no shows! A total of 32 volunteers contributed 265 hours of support for regular client activity, administrative tasks, food shop and pickup, year-end tally and charting, and operating committee meetings. We received 4,454 items of donation from our Hooksett community. Large contributors included Shaw's & Shaw's Spirit of Giving, Market Basket, Hannaford, Walmart, and Freihoffer. We used 2 Salvation Army vouchers at Walmart for food purchases. The next HCFP committee meeting is Wednesday, March 13th 2013 at 6:00 PM at the HCFP. Kid’s Kloset Update by Joan McDonald The monthly open house night was February 4. There were 13 families representi ng 38 children and about 350 pieces of clothes were taken. There Thank you letter received A letter has been received from Joy Buzzell, Hooksett Family services Director thanking Hooksett Kiwanis members for supporting the 2012 Adopt a Family 5 Program, which Enabled Family Services to reach out to the Hooksett Community. Our sponsorship of the BJs Giving Tree resulted in assisting 226 children. Joy also thanks Barb Brennan for her time and effort in coordinating this project. Associates, 1193 Hooksett Road. Since Hooksett Kiwanis is a Chamber member up to two members may attend the event at no cost. Additional Kiwanians will need to pay $5.00. Board Meeting Highlights On February 25, the Hooksett Kiwanis Club and Foundation boards held their monthly meetings. Several agenda items discussed are featured in various articles in this newsletter. A complete copy of the minutes will be found on our club website. Interclub Contest by Katie Orlando Kiwanis Club of Hooksett The Treasurer’s report was approved. As of January 31, 2013 there was $9,636.24 in the Administrative account. From Membership Committee chair, the board learned that the Heritage Family Credit Union will join Kiwanis. They will also be contributing to three upcoming Kiwanis events. Learned that HYAA will post a link to our website on theirs. The Builders Club will send home letters to parents about Kiwanis. An Interclub occurs when 4 or more members of a Kiwanis Club attend a meeting of another Kiwanis Club, Key club or Builders Club. Hooksett Kiwanis participated in several Interclubs in late January and early February, including Central Key Club, Concord, Haverhill, MA, Manchester, Palm Beach Aruba, and Young Professionals Aruba. Listed below is a listing of planned Interclubs for February and early March. Please email Katie Hooksett Kiwanis Foundation The Treasurer’s report was approved. As of January 31, 2013 there was $14,017.40 in the Foundation account and $21,892.00 in the Food Pantry account. Learned that we earned $3,645 from the series of February Gaming Events run by the Granite State Poker Alliance. Approved a donation of $500 to the Kiwanis Foundation of New England. Approve the 2013 Golf tournament to be held at Canterbury Woods on July 12, and to pay required $ 1,000 deposit. The Board approved spending up to $ 100 for supplies and snacks for the joint Lion / Kiwanis event on March 16 at Hooksett Town Hall. Orlando at to let her know what Interclubs you would like to attend. You can also sign up at our upcoming Club meetings! Monday, March 4th: 7PM: Hudson Kiwanis, Hudson Kiwanis Hall 14 Melendy Rd Wednesday, March 6th: 12PM: Peterborough Kiwanis, Monadnock Country Club, 49 High St Monday, March 11th: 6:15PM: Laconia Kiwanis, Pheasant Ridge Country Club, 140 Country Club Road, Gilford Thursday, March 14th: 2:45PM-3:15PM: Central Key Club, Café, 207 Lowell St. The next board meeting will be held from 5:30PM – 7:00PM on March 25 at the Elliott Medical Center on Chambers Rd. in Hooksett. “Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time”. Hooksett Chamber of Commerce On Wednesday March 13, the Chamber will host a Business after hours networking event from 5:30pm 7:30pm at RE/MAX Elite with MJM Editor: Fred Bishop, 6