JIP Meeting Minutes - June 09

Meeting minutes – 11 June 2009
Attending: Oliver Mills (chair), Ian Bainbridge (co-chair), Margaret Geary –
Portsmouth, Sue Hunt – DH South East, Amanda Lloyd –
Improvement & Efficiency South East (IESE), Amit Kumar – Care
Services Efficiency Delivery (CSED), Sue Terry (housing lead),
Graham Woodham – Skills for Care, David Cubey – Skills for
Care, Sarah Tetley – South East Coast SHA, Katherine Foreman
– South East Coast SHA, Steve Fairman – South Central SHA,
Richard Banks –Social Care Institute of Excellence, Tim Parkin –
DH South East
John Jackson – Oxfordshire, Joy Hollister – Brighton & Hove
Minutes and Matters Arising
A correction was made to the previous minutes to the effect the North West
region could potentially offer good practice information not the North East.
It was discussed and agreed that the JIP Board would not be an appropriate
forum to invite PCT representatives and that SHAs should act as the conduit
given their role to engage with PCTs over strategic issues. It was felt that it
would be difficult to find a single or two individuals who could represent the
breadth of PCTs in the region. This amendment will be built into the Terms of
Reference. However it was acknowledged that the group should not be
‘remote’ from the issues of front line delivery and as such links with PCTs
would be made through the JIP Programme and specific projects.
Action: Sue Hunt amend JIP Terms of Reference to this effect
As this was the last meeting that Graham Woodham and Sarah Tetley would
attend before moving on they were thanked for their contribution to the group
and the work programme.
JIP Work Programme
The proposed JIP Programme was presented and discussed. The
programme represents a range of projects across several workstreams
addressing the gaps, risks and challenges identified by Local Authority leads
and a range of support organisations in the region. The programme was
agreed and endorsed by the board with the following comments:
 The project to develop best practice approaches relating to a Resource
Allocation System (RAS) needs to ensure effective linkages with the
national RAS project and cover how health and LA’s are integrating
over the development of RAS
 The Personal Health Budget Pilot project would require input from both
Local Authorities and PCTs to be successful
 The Brokerage & Advocacy project needed to consider the process for
involving brokers and advocates within the project’s scope
 The review of reablement would need to take into consideration the
tools being developed by CSED. It was also agreed that the SHA
representatives would share contacts within the SHAs who had had a
remit of health innovation in intermediate care and joint commissioning.
Action: Steve Fairman & Sarah Tetley to share contacts.
The project to discuss mutual opportunities between Local Government
and Health around the Innovation [QIPP] agenda will require
involvement from SHAs and will need to be linked to the Personal
Health Budget project.
Sarah Tetley & Steve Fairman offered to share contact details of SHA
colleagues who had experience in IT innovation to support background
research for the IT infrastructure project in the programme
Action: Steve Fairman & Sarah Tetley to share contacts.
The setting up of the Workforce group should be chaired by a DASS
and this would be discussed at the ADASS branch meeting on 12
June. Job Centre plus will also need to be linked in.
Action: Sue Hunt to take development of Workforce group forward
It was noted by the board that the JIP Programme currently does not
include specific actions or workstreams relating to leadership and
management and this should not be lost from the role of the JIP. In
time this may be added as the need for specific actions arise.
The Communications Strategy’s success will be dependent on the
information being live and updated and the information on the website
being easily accessible.
Action: Sue Hunt to develop communications agenda
Action: Sue Hunt to update JIP Plan accordingly
The project to accelerate progress around User Led Organisations (ULOs)
was discussed in detail. Tim Parkin will be leading on this area for DH South
East. DH defines a ULO with 21 criteria and has allocated £208k to the
region to accelerate progress towards the target of having one ULO per
locality. It was agreed the funding would e disseminated to 3 – 5
demonstrator sites with formal evaluation, with some money set aside to fund
consultancy support to non demonstrator localities. Skills for Care asked to
be involved in this process due their expertise in practice based training. It
was also agreed the Southampton Centre for Independent Living could be
involved to offer consultative support as part of this project.
It was agreed that regional bids would be judged by the DASS members of
the JIP, Skills for Care and a Health representative from an SHA.
Action: Tim Parkin to action and bring update back to next meeting
A programme of Prevention & Early Intevervention projects was also
discussed. It was agreed the available funding must be used to support both
the achievement of efficiencies and the needs of Transforming Adult Social
Care. The decision on how to distribute the funding would be agreed with
ADASS at the branch meeting on 12 June.
Action: Sue Hunt to act as link with Barry Norman – who is leading on
this within DH South East
IESE call for projects
Amanda Lloyd gave an update on the Priority Needs projects. Local
Authorities were invited to submit projects that either represented a ‘light bulb’
innovation idea requiring a small amount of investment or a larger long term
investment. The overall quality of proposals was high and were assessed by
Amanda Lloyd and Sue Hunt. The shortlisted proposals are subject to
agreement by the IESE Social Care Theme Board, and are:
 A project focussing on telecare and individual service budgets within a
provider organisation in Hampshire
 A project in partnership with Kent University and Kent County Council
to support people with complex needs into employment
 A project in Buckinghamshire to explore insurance options for self
 A project in Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire to support the
development of individual budgets for clients with Mental Health issues
 A lightbulb project to develop a timebank in Bracknell Forest
 A lightbulb project in West Berkshire to provide a community hub
supporting advocacy and brokerage
 A lighbulb project in Isle of Wight to support social care assessment of
older prisoners and probationers
It was also agreed that further exploration would take place into a proposal
from three Berkshire unitaries (led by Slough) to develop Dementia services in
line with the National Dementia Strategy.
Action: Amanda Lloyd & Sue Hunt to take forward subject to IESE board
Update on alignment of JIP and ADASS
Sue Hunt completed a project to consider how the ADASS network of
committees could be developed and aligned with the regional framework. The
core recommendations involved providing support to the ADASS Committees
to formalise and to develop work plans; to ensure the ADASS committees are
providing strategic steer for the JIP work programme and that they play arole
in helping to deliver elements of the JIP work programme.
The presentation was due to be presented at the ADASS Branch on 12 June.
Action: Sue Hunt to take forward
Date of next meeting: 24 September 2009, venue tbc