Tushar Gupta

Tushar Gupta
97 C/3 Hemingway Avenue
East Haven CT 06512
Ph. 203-469-0678(R)
Ph 203-500-0795(M)
No sponsorship required, eligible for work in USA.
To work as a Senior Software Developer/ Architect in a growth oriented company with good
More than Seven years of IT Industry experience in Entire Software Life Cycle
Development, which includes Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, Testing,
Implementation and Maintenance of various system under Client Server / N-tier
Extensively used .NET Framework for Front End, Middle Tier and Back End.
Extensive experience in fields ranging from Finance, Manufacturing and Document
OOPS, OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis, Design and Development).
Experience with Microsoft .NET framework using ASP.NET, ADO.NET.
Strong Experience in Application Development using Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic
and MFC.
Extensive Experience with ActiveX, COM/DCOM, COM+, STL, ATL, Win32 and Crypto
Experience in Web Application development in ASP, JavaScript, VBScript under IIS &
Good experience in developing application using XML, used various XML Parsers to parse
the data in usable form.
Experience with various RDBMS like MS SQL Server 7, Oracle8, Sybase, MS Access.
Experience in Client/Server side Java programming using Java2, Servlet, JSP, EJB
 Self-motivated, worked independently, and as a team player.
 Perform well under pressure and meet deadlines.
 Quick and eager to learn new technology.
 Have strong communication, analytical, and interpersonal skills.
 Attended Graduate Course on Web Based Application Development (.NET, C#, EJB, JSP,
Servlet, Weblogic).
 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (June 1996)
Certifications and Awards
Microsoft Certified Professional in Developing Web Based Applications using C#.NET
Microsoft Certified Professional in Developing Windows Based Applications using C#.NET
 Presently working as Software Engineer for Otis Elevators
 Worked as Software Engineer for Westbrook Technologies Inc.
 Worked as Senior Software Engineer for CAE LLC USA
 Worked as System Analyst for Hasow Automation Pvt. Ltd. India
Operating System
C++, C#, VB.NET, Visual C++ 6.0, Java, Visual
Basic 6.0, XML, HTML, PERL, PHP4
Windows 2000/NT/9.x, Unix
Design Tools
SQL Server7, SQL Server2000 Oracle, Sybase,
Microsoft Access
Rational Rose, UML
MFC, COM/ATL, Windows 32 SDK, Rouge Wave
Objective View Library, ODBC, Bounds Checker,
SMTP, CORBA, TCP/IP, .NET, ADO, Visual Studio,
Visual Café, ACT, MSMQ, COM+, DCOM, ADO.NET,
Web Service, Visual Interdev
ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, JSP, Servlet, JDBC
Web Application
Development Tools
InstallShield, Wise, ClearCase Version Control, Visual
Source Safe
1)Sep2002 – Till Date Otis Elevators
Win NT, Win2000
Language/Tools C#, .NET, C++, VC++ 6.0, Visual Basic, MFC, ATL, ActiveX, STL, ASP,
Bounds Checker, Component One Active X Controls, ACT, Visual Source Safe,
Visual Interdev,IIS
MS SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000
Team Size
Project: Remote Elevator Model
REM System is capable of getting messages inside the SQL Server on any activity of elevator
through COM Server. Messages are processed through REM Server, which is a NT service and
dispatched to clients through another service called Rem Dispatcher.
Designed and Developed Content management Application through which different web
based applications could be updated dynamically. Otis Service group has different sites, like
RemOnline, Web Phone. Contents of news, Explanation Guides for Elevators keep on changing
frequently, previously it was done manually. But after the development of Content Management
application user on the basis of authorization and Role can change the site dynamically. Version
controlling is also provided for the contents.
 Written complex stored procedures and used .NET Framework for debugging
 Optimized many queries so that records could be retrieved efficiently from SQL Server
 Maintenance of RemOnline site
 Created many Web Forms/Pages using ASP, ASP.NET and HTML
 Implemented class for Error Handling and Tracing logging in Event Log
 Converted Remserver Application into service, which was responsible for processing
 Implemented Message Tracker using C# through which at any point of time unprocessed
message could be determined.
 Created Reports using Crystal Reports on .NET platform
 Created Reports by converting Recordset into XML file and then displaying it through
Web Browser using XSL and ASP.
 Responsible for preparing Set up program for Quick installation of Rem Dispatcher
 Used MSMQ for putting messages in the Queue which were delivered to VB Client for
further action, this action was accomplished in the Round Robin manner.
 Used Application Center Test (ACT) for load testing the Web Site.
 Business Rules were encapsulated as COM components written using ATL/VC++
 Implemented Automatic Downloading component, which was responsible for downloading
new versions of client programs (VB Client) from the FTP server using VB.
2)Dec 1999 - Sep 2002
Westbrook Technologies Inc.
Win NT/Windows 98,Win2000
Visual Basic, C#, .NET,C++, VC++ 6.0, MFC,ATL, COM/ActiveX, STL, ASP,
Rogue Wave Objective View Library, Bounds Checker, Protoview ActiveX Controls
Oracle 8.0, MS SQL Server 7.0
Team Size
Product: Fortis
Symposia: Fortis, a comprehensive Document Management Software product, provides
better solutions for document management through the advantages offered by client/server and
web based technology.
As a Software Engineer I was involved in development of following modules:
I)Fortis on .NET
 Evaluated the existing product and proposed how it can be developed using .NET
 I was involved in prototyping of the product using .NET Framework.
 PowerWeb on .NET was prototyped by me using ASP.NET
 GUI was designed using .NET Windows Framework using C#.
 Data Access was provided by ADO.NET.
 For exporting the data as XML used ADO.NET where XML is firmly
entrenched into the ADO.NET.
 Used Rational Rose for designing this product.
II)Feature Access and Security for Fortis & Power Web
The Purpose of Feature Access project is to provide role-based security, password based
authentication for Fortis & Power Web.
 Implemented password based authentication mechanism using Microsoft Crypto API.
 Developed a migration utility to allow old versions of the software to use this feature.
 Written different API’s, which were used throughout the product for Feature Check.
Used Object oriented approach to Design and Develop GUI for the Feature Access using
VC++, C++ and MFC
Provided API’s to store and retrieve the security attributes in Oracle and SQL Database
III) Fortis PowerWeb
It is an add-on option for the Fortis suite of products that provides user base with access to
Fortis documents using the Internet's World Wide Web (WWW).
 Designed and developed PowerWeb Document Viewer ActiveX using VC++ & MFC.
 Designed and developed ASP pages for the PowerWeb front-end, using VBScript,
 Provided security features for ActiveX using VeriSign Digital Certificate, provided
ability for safe scripting and initialization.
 Interacted with clients to solve their technical problems
 Used this ActiveX control at Fortis Quick Find.
 Provided ActiveX Control with preference GUI through which view attributes of document
could be controlled.
IV) Fortis Quick Find
It is an add-on option for the Fortis Suite through which Document can be searched in the
Database and can be viewed.
 Designed the GUI using Visual Basic.
 Connection to the Database was made by using ADO, for the retrieval of documents
 This component searches for all the documents in the database based on query and
through the ActiveX, documents could be viewed.
 Used Visual Basic for Generating Reports by using Microsoft Excel component.
V) Thumbnails ActiveX
 Implemented Thumbnail Viewer for Document Viewer using VC++,MFC.
 Provided functionality to resize, refresh, and rotate the thumbnail.
 Implemented load on demand functionality for thumbnails for efficiency so that only
required thumbnails are loaded for current view.
 Provided ability to cache thumbnails for quick refreshing.
 Exposed different methods so that this component could be used at other places besides
Fortis, currently its been used in Fortis Power Web, a small utility called document viewer
and MagView.ocx which is one of the ActiveX used for viewing the documents by Fortis.
 Interacted with clients to solve their technical problems
 Extensively used Bounds Checker for improving the performance and fixing memory
leaks, Resource leaks
VI) Fortis Workflow
Fortis Workflow is an add on component of the Fortis product suite designed for automation
of document centric procedures within an organization using a rules based approach. The
two main components of Fortis Workflow are the Process Designer and the Workflow Server
 Implemented the functionality to define the business process graphically as a process
map using Rogue Wave Objective View library.
 Used object oriented approach to implement whole functionality, developed GUI and
provided functionality to associate GUI with the rules.
 Implemented Workflow Server that monitors Fortis database executing the rules defined
in the process using VC++, MFC, Win32 API.
 Implemented the Rule Scheduler through which user can specify the time i.e. when to
execute the rules.
 Used SMTP to send e-mail notifications whenever new documents arrive in folder.
 Provided capability to copy the whole process and paste it across processes.
For performance purpose loaded query associated with rules only when user interacted
with Rules not at the time of Process Map loading, it improved the performance a lot.
VI) System Administration
Implemented Inbasket module of the System Administration as regular DLL, allows the
documents to be exported or imported from it. Designed UI and APIs for Inbaskets.
3) SEP '97 - DEC '99
I) June’99 – DEC’99 New River Investor Communication Inc
Tools used
Team Size
New River Investor Communication Inc
Window NT4.0, Window NT Server, Window'98
Visual J++, Rational Rose98, Java Mail , JDBC, XML
Java, PL/SQL, Visual Basic 6.0, ActiveX
Oracle 8.05, Stored procedure
Prospectus Express 2000(PE):
Prospectus Express (PE) is a fully automated system for processing and handling of Compliance
and prospectus fulfillment in electronic format for its client in the Mutual fund industry. There are
mainly four modules on which PE has been designed. They are FAX2000 (Filing Acquisition),
SAX2000 (Sell List Acquisition), DAX2000 (Data Acquisition), Deployment and Delivery
 Designed the different modules of PE using Rational Rose.
 Implemented FAX to FTP EDGAR( by Mutual fund companies ), and then download data
to NewRiver’s Oracle database, the system also generates a Report about the status of
the filing and sends this report by Email to all the concerned persons and also a URL to
get the Report by Web. Used Java, JDBC, Java Mail API, Oracle
 Worked on SAX2000 module to acquire the Sell List from the mutual fund companies like
Etrade, Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney, Morning Star, American Express, Charles Swab etc.
 Implemented capability to automatically scans all the FTP sites for each client and
download data, parse it based on some smart method and import all these information to
database (PNET) and then generate number of Reports. The system then sends a Email
to the entire client with a link embedded in it, which directs to the site where all the
Reports are stored. Used Visual Basic, Oracle, Excel, and several ActiveX components
to implement this.
 Worked on DAX2000 to generate HTML or XML based on the request passed by the
Client on the data extracted from above modules.
b)SEP '97- MAY' 99
Flexi International Inc
Flexi International Inc., Shelton, CT, USA.
Win NT/Windows 95
VC++, MFC,C++
SQL Server , Oracle
Team Size
b)Flexi Inventory Control
Flexi Inventory is a Client Server based financial software that adds significantly to the scope and
power of your inventory management functions. Verifies the inventory status of each part or
product, adjusts stock balances, and initiates reorders . Helps you survey, count, and appraise your
inventory. Records, monitors, and reports on a full array of inventory costs. Creates and forwards
journal entry data to your General Ledger.
 Worked as a responsible team member of Flexi Inventory.
 Responsible for Programming, design and implementation of the product.
 I was involved in a major part of coding, using VC++, OOD, MFC, SQL, and COM/ATL
in newer versions and maintaining the older versions of the product.
 Written API’s to support various database platforms like MS SQL Server, Sybase, and
 Developed the business COM objects. Written some stored procedures.
c)Flexi Purchasing
Flexi Purchasing is a part of a Financial Software called Flexi Financials. Flexi Purchasing offers
extensive support to purchasing professionals by automating the production of requisitions;
purchase orders and receipts records by matching purchase orders with invoices and receipts
records and by linking your purchasing
 I was responsible for programming, and implementation of the product using VC++,
MFC, and C++.
 Written API’s to support Various database platforms like MS SQL Server, Sybase, and
4) JUL '96 - AUG '97
Worked at:
Hasow Automation Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
Win NT/Windows 95
VC++, MFC, C++
Team Size
Client Name:
HASOW GmbH, Furth Germany
Installation Software:
INSTALLED SHIELD (To make installation diskettes)
About company:
Hasow Automation is dealing with the automation of plants having CNC
machines through their product called ESPRIT_X for Windows NT and DNC Controllers
a) NC Simulator: CNC machines are used for manufacturing different types of tools. For the
design of these different types of tools CNC machines require NUMERIC CODES, which are
generally called M&G codes for CNC machines. So before downloading these M&G codes to the
CNC machines the CNC programmer can supply these codes to the NC Simulator software which
perform simulation like Milling, turning and WireEdm and show the design of the tool. This
simulated geometry is 2D as well as 3D. The simulated geometry can be scaled, zoomed,
rotated according to the requirement. All the views i.e. front view, side view, top view and
isometric view can be seen. The importance of the software is to save the expenses on the CNC
machine. Presently this software is not real time software but in the coming versions it will be
interfaced to perform the actual real time cutting and machining.
Responsibility: Responsible for coding and testing of the software.
b) NC Editor
Symposia: This special kind of editor has been developed for writing down the M&G codes.
Though we can use other existing editors for writing down the M&G codes but the main feature
of this editor is its build in interpreter. This editor can check the syntax of the M&G codes and
converts these M&G codes into postprocessor word file depending upon the postprocessor used.
Responsibility: Responsible for coding and testing of the software