Three Pigs Students Stories

The three little pigs’ mom said “little pigs you
There were three little dogs and a big bad cat.
have to build your own houses.” So they went to outer
The first little dog wanted to build a house out of
space. The first built her house out of mud. Look Big
metal. The big bad cat came and he said “little dog
Bad Wolf, you can’t knock my house down. But when
little dog let me come in.” “No no not by my hair of my
he smashed in the house he found two pigs which was
chinny chin chin.” “I’ll huff and I’ll puff. I’ll blow your
the pig’s sister and the wolf came and he huffed and
house in.” “No you will not.” So he didn’t. The second
puffed. But the house didn’t fall down. The End.
one said “I’m going to build it out of __poes_______.”
So she did. The big bad cat said “little dog little dog
let me come in.” “No no not by my hair of my chinny
chin chin.” “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow
your house in. He blew the _poes____ in. The dog
said “the big bad cat is very strong.” The second one
ran away so the third one said “I’m going to build mine
out of logs.” The big bad cat came. He blew already
but the dog ate the big bad cat. The end.
Long ago there were three little pigs who lived
with their mother who always tries to keep things
organized and she tries her best. Sometimes the
three little pigs helped too. Well not really. They
just lived in their backyard and did nothing at all. And
their mom did all the work. One day their mom said
“you guys are getting older. I got an idea. Have your
own houses.”
So the three little pigs set off to make their
own houses. One pig made his out of straw and one
made his out of sticks and one made his out of bricks
and the one who made that brick house was the
smartest pig. Then when they were all done they saw
a big bad wolf coming. They were so scared they ran
back in their houses and watched him walk by. He saw
the first little pig in his house so he went inside and
ate the little pig. Then he saw the other pig and ate
him too. He decided he wanted some dessert so he
went in the other pig’s house and this time the pig ate
the big bad wolf and he was surprised of what a big
dinner he ate but it was good anyway. He lived happily
ever after.
Once upon a time there were three little lions
and a big fat mouse. The first one built a house out
of waffles. The second one built his house out of logs.
The third one built his house out of air.
Then the big fat mouse said “let me in. Let me
in.” The lion said “not by the hair on my necky neck
neck.” (said the first lion.) “Then I’ll squeak and I’ll
squeak your house down.” So he squeaked and he
squeaked. The house fell down. The lion ran away.
The mouse went to the next house. The mouse said
“let me in. Let me in” (said the mouse). “Not by the
hair on my necky neck neck” said the lion. “So I’ll
squeak and I’ll squeak your house down.” So he did.
The lion ran away. The mouse ran like a cheetah at
the lion. Quickly the lion grabbed a waffle and
slapped the mouse in one of the holes in the waffle.
The lion ate the mouse. That was the end of the
One day a big bad mouse came to the walls. He
huffed and huffed and blew the little pig’s house
down. Then the mouse went to the next pig’s house.
He huffed and blew the house down. Then the three
little pigs ran out of their house.
Once upon a time there lived three little wolves.
They were old enough to go build their own house and
the three little wolves went to build their house
together. Soon the house was finished. It was made
out of bricks and a big bad pig came along. He saw the
three little wolves. So the big bad pig said “little
wolves let me in” (said the big bad pig). “No we will
not let you in” said the three little wolves. So he went
to go get his big hammer. He got back to the three
little wolves house. He took the hammer and waaaaack
went the hammer. And they went to build another
house. Soon it was finished. It was made out of glass.
The big bad pig came and said “little wolves let me in.”
“No we will not let you in.” So he took his fist and
broke through the glass and they went to build
another house. Finally it was finished. It was made
out of medal. The big bad pig said “little wolves let
me in.” “No we will not let you in.” So he went to get
his chain saw and he was trying to cut through. So he
got a ladder and climbed through the chimney and
looked down but he couldn’t see anything because it
was so dark and dusty. So the three little wolves put
a pot under the chimney and he cooked for supper
that night. They ate him up.
Once upon a time there were three elephants
Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.
and a big bad lion. They had houses. One was made of
There was a big bad wolf. He was hungry so he
bamboo. One was made of pebbles. The last one was
wanted to eat the three little pigs. Then he blew the
made of logs. Crash went the house and there it was
house down and the three little pigs ran until they got
on the ground. “Aw man” said the first elephant.
to their new brick house.
There are two more. The first elephant went to his
sister’s house. It was made out of pebbles. (So the
first little elephant went to his sister’s house.) And
the house was on the ground. So the big bad lion
came. So he (kicked) the log house and it didn’t fall
down. So he ran away. The end.
The Three Little Unicorns and the Big Bad Lion.
There once were three little unicorns and one
mean lion. The unicorns’ mother said to the unicorns
that they will have to move out of the house. “You are
too much trouble. You have to make your own house.”
They set off down the road toward a stream by
a meadow. The first unicorn made his house out of
(straw). The second one made his house out of sticks
and the third one made his out of bricks. Then the
three unicorns saw the big bad lion and he went to one
house. He knocked on the door and said “little unicorn
let me in.” The unicorn said “never” (said the unicorn.)
Then the big bad lion said “I will huff and puff and
blow the house in” and he did. Then he went to the
second house not knowing the first unicorn escaped.
Then he said “little unicorn let me in.” “Never” said
the unicorn. Then the lion said “I will huff and puff
and blow your house in and he did. Then he went to
the third unicorn’s house and he said “little unicorn let
me in.” “Never” said the unicorn. The lion said “I will
huff and puff and blow your house in. He did it but it
didn’t work. Then he thought of a plan. He got a
ladder. The unicorns saw him. They got a pot of
water and put it in the fireplace. The lion came down
and fell in the pot. The unicorns put a lid on it. The
wolf got eaten and never seen again. The end.
The Three Little Seals and the Big Bad Penguin
One day in Antarctica there were three seals
living with their mom. “Time for you to move out” said
their mom. But their mom said “watch for the big bad
penguin.” Then they moved out. The first seal built
his house out of bricks. Then the big bad penguin
came along. Then he huffed and puffed and the house
would not come down. Then he hit it with ice. Then
the house fell down. The second one built his house
out of cement. Then the big bad penguin came along.
Then he puffed and huffed but that house didn’t come
down. But they didn’t call him big and bad for nothing.
Then he got his jackhammer. Then the house fell
down. Then the third seal built his house out of
books. Then the big bad penguin came along but didn’t
huff and didn’t blow the house down. But he did read
the books.
One sunny day there were three little
longnecks. Along came a big bad t-rex. Then the
three little longnecks had to build houses. The first
one built his out of mud. The second built his out of
rocks. The third little longneck built his out of pieces
from the volcano. Then the big bad t-rex came along
and chomped the house down. Then the t-rex
chomped the other house down. Then the t-rex tried
the last house but the t-rex couldn’t knock the house
down. Then the three little longnecks thought they
were safe. The t-rex was still coming. One said “get
one of your pieces from the house.” Then the t-rex
was dead. The end.
One day, three kittens were playing hide-andseek. “Boo!” said cat. “Peek!” (Said pokemon?) “Meow
meow meow.” “I will huff and puff and blow your
house down.” Then the cats ran in the house. Picachu!
But the house stayed up. When Ask got there he said
“in.” The end.
One sunny day there were three cats outside
She (the nurse) made the wolf terminator. He
and a big bad wolf. Then mom said “go make your own
woke up. He went to the brick home. He was going to
house!” So they walked to mars. It was a long long
blow down the home but before he did it the pig
trip. On the way they fell asleep. Then the big bad
terminators said “attack.” “Aaahhhh!”
wolf came and said “yum. They look good. I want to
The pigs got and he hit eject and he blew up
eat them.” Then they woke up and ran as fast as they
with a cherry bomb 50,000. But his head was still
could. They ran so fast that they climbed a house!
alive and there was an incoming (cherry bomb) 11.
They asked the cat if they could build three houses.
“Great another 251,000 (pounds) on my head. The
He said no. The big bad wolf ate one pig. Then he ate
the second pig but the other pig ran as fast as he
could and he made it to mars and built a house.
Once upon a time there lived three little wolves
and a big bad pig. The first wolf built his house out of
mud. Then the second wolf built her house out of
cardboard. The third wolf built his house out of pie.
The big bad pig came and said “little wolf little
wolf let me in.” “No not by the hair of my chinny chin
chin” said the little wolf. “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff
and I’ll blow your house down.” So the pig blew the
house down. The little wolf had time to run out the
window but when he ran out the window his tail fell
off. He ran to his sister’s house. “Little wolves little
wolves. Let me in.” “No not by the hair on our chinny
chin chin” said the little wolves. “Then I’ll puff. Then
I’ll huff. Then I’ll blow your house down.” Then the
wolves ran to their brother’s house and the big bad
pig came and said “Little wolves little wolves let me
eat your house.” “Yes yes you may.” And the three
little wolves lived happily ever after.
The Big Bad Wolf and the pigs. The pigs built
their houses out of clocks, washers, and dryers. The
wolf came by. He didn’t say a word. He got in. He ate
the pig. “Blaaaaaaaaa! I’ll try the other pig. He snuck
in. Then he ate it. “Oh no! Blaaaaaaaaa!” Moving on.
He snuck in and the pig ate him! The end.
Once upon a time there lived the three little
The Three Dogs and the Big Bad Cat
seals and the big bad polar bear. One fine day the
three little seals made themselves houses. One was
The dogs were building a house. The first dog
made out of snow and one was made out of sticks and
made a house out of rocks. The second one said “I am
one was made out of rocks. One day the three little
building my house out of hay.” The third one said “I
seals were playing catch the snowball when the polar
was building a house out of bricks.” And then the
bear came along. The three little seals were so
three dogs saw the big bad cat was coming. The three
frightened that all of them pretended to faint. It
dogs ran to their house. The cat said “little dog let
was so gross to the polar bear that the polar bear
me in.” “No” said the dog. The dog ran to his
fainted. And the three little seals lived happily ever
brother’s house. The cat said “let me in.” “No” said
after. The end.
the dog. The two dogs ran to their brother’s house.
The cat said “let me in.” “No” said the dog. The cat
ran away.
One day lived three little dogs and a big bad
The three little pigs were building their houses
cat. The three little dogs met the big bad cat and the
and the first one made his home out of straw. The
big bad cat is very mean and the three little dogs
second pig made his home out of sticks and the third
were terribly scared. One day the three little dogs’
pig made his house out of bricks. The third pig was
mother, named Snowflake because she is white and
the smartest pig of all the pigs that built their homes.
she is so so fluffy, told her little pups that she
The first pig got eaten by the wolf and the second pig
thought it was time to go and make their own houses.
got eaten by the wolf. And the wolf knocked on the
So the three little dogs listened to their mother. And
door and he puffed and puffed and he couldn’t blow
the first little dog built her home out of very very
the (third pig’s) house down.
hard red bricks. Oh I almost forgot. All of the dogs
live together with each other. Their home is so
beautiful like a mansion and the big bad cat got eaten.