Increasing Adaptability of Employees and Employers with a Social

V E R S I O N :
M A N U A L : 5 . 0 – D E C E M B E R , 2 0 1 3
P R O C E D U R E : 1 . 0 – D E C E M B E R , 2 0 1 3
1. Title and number of the Operation:
Increasing Adaptability of Employees and Employers with a Social Dialogue Approach
2. Operating Structure:
Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) - EU Coordination Department
3. Organisation Responsible for the Implementation of the Operation:
HAK-İŞ Trade Union Confederation
Partner Organisation:
The Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD)
4. Compatibility and coherence with the Operational Programme
4.1 Title and number of the Programme: Human Resources Development
Operational Programme - CCI No. 2007TR05IPO001
4.2 Title of the priority axis
Priority Axis 3: To increase adaptability of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs, in
particular by promoting lifelong learning and encouraging investment in human resources by
enterprises and workers.
4.3 Title of the measure
Measure 3.2: To increase adaptability of employees and employers by investing more in human
5. Description of the Operation
5.1 Contribution to the achievement of the Operational Programme:
“Increasing Adaptability of Employees and Employers with a Social Dialogue Approach” operation
will focus on the third priority axis of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme
(HRDOP) which aims “to increase adaptability of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs, in
particular by promoting lifelong learning and encouraging investment in human resources by
enterprises and workers”. More specifically, the operation will contribute to the implementation
of the measure 3.2 of the HRD OP which aims to increase adaptability of employees and
employers by investing more in human resources.
The operation will contribute to the achievement of the HRD OP by means of spreading the
implementation of lifelong learning applications by means of basic and advanced training
programs to enhance adaptability of employees and employers to changing conditions. Besides,
the operation will support the overall objective of HRD OP which is to support the transition to a
knowledge-based economy capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs
and greater social cohesion.
This operation will contribute to the achievement of the priority axes set out jointly in the
Strategic Coherence Framework (SCF) and in the Human Resources Development Operational
Programme (HRD OP) whose priorities are in line with the community priorities addressed by
Renewed Lisbon Strategy, Community Strategic Guidelines, the MIPD (Multi-Annual Indicative
Planning Document) and other policy documents of the EU.
In this operation, the concept of the adaptability is a two-part process: flexibility with versatility. In
a more understandable manner; flexibility is one’s willingness to adapt and his/her attitude and
versatility is one’s ability to adapt and his/her aptitude. In other words, increased institutional and
personal capacity has strong impacts positively for on-going adaptability. Increasing the flexibility
of the labour market by removing existing rigidities is regarded by the trade unions as solely
beneficial to the employers. The trade unions tendency is unfavouring flexibility practices while
employers, on the other hand have pursued the abolishment of rigidities giving insufficient
attention the wellbeing of the labour. Bridging the gap seems difficult, especially in light of the
diverging approaches of the social partners. Social dialogue is a central feature of any effort to
design and legitimise flexicurity policies.
HAK-İŞ Confederation is supporting and proposing alternative solutions in the working life by
giving priority social dialogue mechanisms. In this direction, it suggests that atypical work forms
would be applicable in the business life provided that the flexibility approaches should be on the
agenda together with security measures such as job security, social security, fair wage, decent
work. In brief, HAK-İŞ supports flexicurity.
Atypical work types1 are defined in Labour Law, but they are very limited in the working life. This
operation will be one of key factors to ensure adaptability of employees and employers in the
subject of atypical work types which will increase employment.
Turkey has a Labour Law under the number of 4857 and that was adopted in 2003. The main
feature an innovative characteristic of this Labour Law is to introduce ‘flexible clauses over
working types’ into Turkish labour market. This law brings about around 10 different flexible
clauses over working types and concepts of atypical work forms. These are:
Part-time work,
Indefinite work contracts,
Work on call,
Seasonal work,
Compensational work,
Employee leasing,
Private employment offices
To bring about greater adaptation to change, social partnership needs to built and improved. In
this respect, the strategy of the win-win situation is important. To implement such a strategy the
social partners must reconsider their attitude to the issues on the working life agenda. It is vital to
find the right mix between economic and social concerns as there is no "one size fits all" model.
Specifically the operation will contribute to the achievement of the following result indicators
identified under measure 3.2 in HRD OP:
The current state of play goes beyond a simplistic dichotomy between permanent or full-time contracts and non-standard or
atypical contractual arrangements. Firstly, an open-ended contract no longer ensures a guarantee of job security – various crises
show that even the ‘secure’ permanent contract can be threatened, due in particular to the processes of globalisation and the
‘financialisation’ of the economy, leading to considerable company restructuring. Secondly, non-standard employment contract
arrangements can become more standard – for instance, some ‘atypical’ forms of work that are being increasingly used have been
subject to regulations, bringing them closer to the standard forms. Finally, among the ‘non-standard’ forms of work, new types are
emerging and developing that vary from the more usual ones. The assumption here is that these ‘new’ forms are more ‘nonstandard’ than the others. Within the broader category of ‘non-standard forms of work’, the overview focuses on the ‘very
atypical’ forms of work, namely: part-time that is is regular, voluntary work carried out during working hours distinctly shorter
than normal, short fixed-term contracts, specified purpose, seasonal workers, casual week to week/day to day workers, on-call
working, home working. A number of aspects of the full-time workers such as salaries, paid holidays, paid sickness leave,
maternity/fatherhood leave, working hours, unemployment benefit, pensions, health cost insurance are different from atypical
temporary workers. Broughton A., Biletta I., Kullander M., "Flexible forms of work: very atypical’ contractual arrangements",
Institute for Employment Studies and Eurofound, ID: TN0812019S, Publication date: 05-03-2010, download link:
This operation will contribute to widespread implementation of lifelong learning applications by
means of basic and advanced training programs to enhance adaptability of employees and
employers to changing conditions.
In this way, advanced training program in this operation will strengthen and extend lifelong
learning applications among employees and employers by ensuring partnership with social
partners to improve qualifications and adaptability of employees and employers accordingly.
Employees’ representatives will take a comprehensive, specific and holistic training program to
prompt adaptability, to acquire negotiation and communication skills and to gain representation
and leadership skills.
5.2 Overall Objective:
To increase the adaptability of employers, employees and employees' representatives by
investing more in human capital.
5.3 Operation Purpose:
The purpose of this operation is to increase the adaptability, qualifications and competence of
employers, employees and employee representatives’ through implementing training
programmes and strengthening social dialogue between employees, employers, NGOs, public
institutions and local actors.
5.4 Location(s):
The Operation is based in Ankara. This operation is designed to increase the adaptability of
employers and employees in 15 provinces (Kayseri, Trabzon, Artvin, Samsun, Hatay, Sivas, Şanlıurfa,
Gaziantep, İstanbul, Kocaeli, Antalya, Bursa, Denizli, Ankara and Konya) where HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD are
strongly organized in.
The centre of the operation coordination unit (OCU) will be in Ankara. It is planned to open 4 joint
local coordination units (JLCUs) in Denizli, Hatay, İstanbul and Trabzon where organization density
of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD are strong.
TR 90
TR 90
managed by Ankara OCU
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
managed by Trabzon JLCU
TR 83
TR 63
TR 72
TR 10
TR 42
TR 61
TR 41
TR 32
TR 51
TR 52
managed by Trabzon JLCU
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
managed by Ankara OCU
managed by Hatay JLCU
managed by Hatay JLCU
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
managed by İstanbul JLCU
managed by Denizli JLCU
managed by İstanbul JLCU
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
Operation Coordination Unit (OCU)
managed by Ankara OCU
Geographically and organizationally, 15 target cities are selected within the context of provincial
organizational structures of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD (Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's
Association). Provincial representatives of HAK-İŞ are active and deeply bound up with HAK-İŞ
5.5 Duration: 20 months
5.6 Target group(s):
The Operation targets the following groups mentioned under Measure 3.2 of the HRD OP.
- Enterprises
- Employees and employers in SMEs
- Social partners
Target groups will consist of direct and indirect beneficiaries.
Target group will consist employees and employees’ representatives who are currently working
in the workplaces where affiliates of HAK-IS Confederation have already organized in 19 sectors
(bureau, finance & banking, food, forest, health, hotel & accommodation, local governments and
public services, media, metal, mining, petroleum, security, sports, textiles, transportation, tourism
services, wooden & furniture), and employers which don’t have to bemembers of MÜSİAD or
direct links with MÜSİAD. .
SMEs which are members of MÜSİAD are active in the business life in 18 sectors of printing,
publishing, packaging and advertising, information technology, durable goods, furniture, energy
and environment, food and agriculture, services, construction, chemistry metals and mining,
logistics, machine, automotive, health, textile and leather throughout Turkey2.
Employees will be selected from the voluntary employees who have completed the compulsory
education and have at least 1 year work experience. Employees’ birthdates will be taken under
consideration in case of access demand of the employees. In such cases younger employees will
be prior. Also, there will be %20 female employee-trainers quota to realize the gender quota
Social partners are targeted to improve sectoral dialogue. Increasing the institutional capacity of
the relevant institutions, such as, NGOs, public institutions, local actors will be a positive outcome
of the operation. Employees’ representatives of HAK-İŞ (and its sectoral unions) are active and get
organized in all sectors including textile, health, metal sectors.
Women are around 11% of all HAK-İŞ members.
5.7 Description of the Operation and Background:
Conceptualizing the work, adaptation process begins by recognizing that employees have needs,
values, and interests that has to be covered by their jobs for them to choose to remain employed
and adapt to workplace changes. Simultaneously, a job has knowledge, skill, and ability
requirements that must be fulfilled by an employee for the employer to choose to retain him or
her in parallel with technological challenges.
Social dialogue at local, sectoral and enterprises levels is restricted with collective bargaining in
just unionized work places. But in Turkey, workers' unions mostly are not active in companies and
enterprises in accordance with the low unionization rates. Nevertheless, sectoral union statistics
published by MoLSS on the Official Gazette whose date is 25 July 2014 and number is 29071,
indicate that unionization rate is just 9,68% among 12,2 million registered workers. It presents
that number of unionized employees in Turkey is 1,189,481 million.
Besides, Law No:6356 Collective Labour Relations and Trade Unions, Law No:6331 on
Occupational Health and Safety, Law No:4857 on Labour, Law No:5510 on Social Insurances and
This operation design is made in parallel with MÜSİAD’s organizational structure and sectoral density in selected 15 cities. In
addition this operation is not only limited with MÜSİAD members but available to all enterprises. At the operation preparation
process, discussions with TISK were also made for partnership into this operation. TİSK representatives emphasize (d) that being
applicant in any projects or operations is obligatory, rather than partner, and this is one of indispensable criteria and principles for
TİSK. In addition, TİSK (and its affiliates/member companies) is not organized in the target/selected enterprises in this OIS.
However, TİSK and its representatives will be invited to take active roles in OSC (Operation Steering Committee) meetings and
operation activities. It is expected that this operation will make contributions to ongoing relations between HAK-İŞ and TİSK since
both organizations cooperate in many areas including partnership in EU funded projects.
General Health Insurance have already been enacted in compliance with EU Directives. But,
knowledge of employees and employers over recent regulations and new production techniques
such as automation and robotics are quite limited. Both employees and employers are not
capable to adapt to flexible working forms such as seasonal contracts, part-time work, remote
teleworking which already exist in the Turkish legislation.
A survey was conducted by HAK-İŞ under the title “Expectations from New Trade Union Laws and
Adaptation to Them: Survey on Workers’ Participation into Decision-Making Processes” in 2011
by taking contributions from its sectoral unions. The results are as follows:
3.714 workers from different sectors in 65 provinces were reached in this survey. 13%
were women and 87% were men who answered the survey questions.
Regarding age range of HAK-IS workers; 74% is in the age range of 30-49 years; 20% is
in the age range of 16-29 and 6% are 50 years and above.
Regarding education level of workers; 47% are graduated from high schools and
vocational high schools; 38% is graduated from primary education institutions; 13% is
graduated from higher education
With regards to sectors of HAK-İŞ members; 28% is employed in general public services
(municipalities, street cleaning and refuse collection), 25% is employed in agriculture
and forest sectors; 14% is working in metal sector; 11% is working in food sector and
8% is recruited in textile sector.
HAK-İŞ members (employees) prioritised the working life problems in the aforementioned survey
as such low wage is the main problem with the rate of 75%. 67% of HAK-İŞ members think that
they do not get additional payment in return for their overtime work; 64% thinks that job security
is not strong enough and employers have negative perception and opinion against unions and
unionised workers. Other problems employees meet in the working life are night shift (21%),
absence of kindergarten (19%); short period of maternity leave (19%) and insufficient resting time
To adapt to changing conditions in the workplace for employees and employees’ representatives
definitely depends on a peaceful work environment and development of a sense of belonging to
the work and workplace. The most important factor for these conditions is the right of individuals
to be a part of a union, its free and wide exercise and the creation of a new worker, employees’
representative and/or unionist prototype who have all knowledge, experience and qualifications
in the business life as well as employers who are qualified and competitive approach for a
knowledge-based economy.
The Operation is designed in a way to focus on the idea of developing a new understanding of
partnership between employers and employees, suggesting an up-to-date union model, creating
a new social dialogue model for employees and their representatives and increasing adaptability
of employees and employers. It should firstly be initiated to promote adaptation and competence
capabilities of employers, employees and worker representatives in parallel with changing
conditions in the business life. In this respect, the cooperation between HAK-IS , which is an
labour union confederation and MUSIAD, which is an employer association is an important step
through the better understanding and implementation of social dialog mechanism in Turkey.
This operation aims to actualize its targets directly by means of trainings to increase awareness
and capacities of employees, employers and employees’ representatives and improving physical
and technical capacities of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD. Operation’s service component is designed as a
four-stage training model covering basic training (the labour life skills training), sectoral training
(focusing to food, forest, metal, public services, textile, transportation and tourism sectors),
trainings to experts and trade union leaders and advanced training programmes (just for
employees’ representatives). Supply component is designed to establish and furnish the HAK-İŞ
Lifelong Learning and Research Centre at the HAK-İŞ Confederation Headquarters in Ankara.
Through these trainings for employees, employers, experts and union leaders will advance and
strengthen their adaptation capability for changing and emerging conditions and challenges.
Unionization process will be positively affected by the operation's activities.
Strong bi-partite social dialogue mechanisms, effective usage of social dialogue mechanisms
between employers and employees, sufficient workforce qualification, effective application of
Labour Law, termination of informal employment, sufficient knowledge and effective
implementation in occupational health and safety, proper training and guidance services for the
labour force, gender equality will strengthen economic growth, development, adaptation level as
well industrial peace in line with the problems mentioned in the European Union Progress
Report’s “Chapter 19: Social Policy and Employment”.
The following highlights and remarks were noted in the European Union Progress Report for
Turkey “Chapter 19: Social Policy and Employment” for the above-mentioned problematic areas:
There has been no progress in alignment with the “acquis” in the field of labour
There has been limited progress in the area of social dialogue.
In terms of legislative developments in the field of health and safety at work, in
June 2012 the Parliament approved legislation aiming to align with the EU
Framework Directive on health and safety at work. However, the enforcement of
the legislation remains a key challenge. The number and capacity of inspectors
covering health and safety issues need to be stepped up.
Despite some capacity building efforts, the insufficient engagement of social
partners, and limited awareness of employees and the negligence of employers
result in poor health and safety conditions, particularly in the informal sector.
Turkey is far from the point where it fully complies with EU and ILO norms and
standards in trade unionist rights.
Training and guidance activities targeting SMEs need to be intensified and
expanded to all risky sectors nationwide.
There has been little progress in the field of equal opportunities between women
and men.
The gender gap in trade union activity and in economic and political decisionmaking persists.
The above mentioned findings included in the 2012 European Union Progress Report are the
focus points of this operation. Both organizations of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD give crucial importance
to Turkey’s EU membership. They act individually and/or on common platforms to support
change, adaptation and transformation efforts towards harmonisation of Turkey by transforming
its labour relations on the basis of social dialogue and participatory for a strong and rapid
adaptability process
HAK-İŞ was founded in 1979 in Ankara. It is the 2nd biggest trade union confederation in Turkey
with its around 251.232 members in 19 sectoral unions (Hizmet-İş Trade Union/public services sector,
Çelik-İş Trade Union /metal sector, Öz Orman-İş Trade Union/hunting, fishing, forestry and agriculture
sector, Öz Gıda-İş Trade Union /food sector, Öz İplik-İş Trade Union /weaving, garment and leather sector,
Öz Ağaç-İş Trade Union /wooden and paper sector, Oleyis Trade Union /accommodation and
entertainment sector, Liman-İş Trade Union /ship building, marine transportation and warehousing sector,
Öz Büro-İş Trade Union /commerce, bureau, education and fine arts sector, Öz Finans-İş Trade Union
/banking, finance and insurance sector, Öz Sağlık-İş Trade Union /health and social services, Öz-İş Trade
Union /defence and security sector, Medya-İş Trade Union/press, broadcasting and journalism sector, Öz
Petrol-İş Trade Union /petroleum, chemistry, rubber, plastic and medicine sector, Futbol-Sen Trade
Union/sports sector, Öz Maden-İş Trade Union /mining and quarry sector, Öz Taşıma-İş Trade
Union/transportation sector, Öz Toprak-İş Trade Union /cement, soil and glass sector and Enerji-İş Trade
Union /energy sector). As an affiliate of ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) and ITUC
(International Trade Union Confederation) at international level and member of EU-Turkey Joint
Economic and Social Advisory (Consultative) Committee and IIRA (International Industrial
Relations Association), HAK-İŞ (and its affiliates) has already been in active predominantly in
private sector and multinational enterprises.
The table below summarises the rationale of the operation per issue to be tackled:
Corresponding activity of the operation
Low education profile of employees
A specific training program that is prepared
in compliance with perception
High risk of occupational accident at nonunionised workplaces
Basic OHS training for employees and
Absence of job description and
occupation standards & qualifications
Awareness raising activity for employees
and employers
Discriminatory applications at the
Training on Industrial Relations and
fundamental rights
Employers’ Prejudice Against
Awareness raising activity over advantages
of being unionised workplaces for
Related Activities
Labour Life Skills
(Activity 1.1 )
Sectoral focused;
- Absence of Definition of Workers’
- Absence of interest for Technological
Changes and Innovations at national and
international levels,
Sectoral Adaptation
- Preparation of Sectoral Guides
- Unclear sectoral competitive capacity
at national and international levels,
(Activity 1.2 )
- Insufficient OHS applications,
- Absent of occupational road map for
-Insufficient knowledge and experience
level of workers’ representatives charged
with workplace OHS committees,
-Insufficient communication and
negotiation skills of employees’
For employees’ representatives;
Comprehensive training program
for prompt adaptability,
Specific training program for
representatives for social dialogue,
-Weakness of adaptability understanding
of employees’ representatives,
-Weakness of Basic English terms relating
to production and technology
-Basic accountancy skills of workers’
representatives for reasonable collective
bargaining process
-Absence of skills of employees’
representatives to define occupational
qualifications and skills,
-Absence of representation and
leadership skills of employees’
representatives for effective social
-Absence of social dialogue at
enterprises, local, sectoral and national
levels for trade union experts and
-Insufficient knowledge and skills of
trade union experts and leaders
(executive committee members)
regarding organizational strategies and
negotiation and communication
Specific training program for
representation and leadership
A holistic training programs
consisting of basic English and
accountancy terms,
Advanced Training
(Activity 2.2)
To strengthen social dialogue at
local, sectoral and enterprise
Training of trade
union experts and
leaders from HAKIS and Its Affiliates
( Activity 2.3 )
Study Visits
Insufficient knowledge and experience
about adaptability issues by employees
and employers.
Exchange knowledge and
experience with EU member
states and organizations,
( Activity 1.3 and
Activity 2.4 )
HAK-İŞ is a member of many high level public institutions such as Economic and Social Council
(ESK), Tripartite Advisory Board (in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security), Vocational
Qualifications Authority (VQA), The Social Security Institution (SGK), Turkish National Consumer
Council, Platform of Civil Initiative Labour, National Council of Safety and Health at Work, İŞKUR
(National Employment Agency) Advisory Committee of National Employment Policy, İŞKUR
Information Committee of Labour Market, İŞKUR General Assembly, MoLSS Commission of
Encouraging Employment, Labour Assembly. VQA is the leading public organization in Lifelong
learning in Turkey as the Vocational Qualifications Authority Law of 5544. One of the Authority
duties is to support and promote life-long learning in Turkey as it is stated in the Article 4 of the
5544 numbered law. In the terms of this law, HAK-İŞ has been representing employees for 3
terms in VQA.
This operation design is made in parallel with HAK-İŞ’ and MÜSİAD’s organizational structures and
sectoral density in selected cities. The reasons to select MÜSİAD as partner are enriched and
reinforced in four aspects. The most important reason is to plan, implement and conclude a huge
project together with an esteemed employer organization with a social dialogue approach in
order to increase adaptability of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs, in particular by
promoting lifelong learning and encouraging investment in human resources. MÜSİAD is familiar
with all aspects of the operation and willing to fulfil all obligations as described in the OIS.
MÜSİAD (The Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association) will also prompt its
members to pay attention and participate to operation activities steadily in order to reach the
envisaged operation targets as per the attached letter of intent by MÜSİAD which is a nongovernmental, non-profit, and voluntary-based, businessmen’s association. It was established in
1990 in Istanbul, is an employer organization with 33 branches and 14 representation offices
throughout Turkey and more than 148 allied contact points in 56 different countries around the
world. Its headquarters is located in Istanbul. MÜSİAD has offices in major cities such as Brussels,
Beijing, Washington, and Addis Ababa. MÜSİAD has over 8000 members representing more than
35000 companies which generate 15% of Turkey’s GDP, invest 5 billion USD per year, contribute
17 billion USD to Turkey’s export revenue while employing 1.5 million employees. Regarding its
membership profile, it has similar features with Turkey's enterprises' structures and scales.
Hence, number and size of SMSE under MÜSİAD umbrella are quite similar with Turkey's general
view. 43 of Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises are affiliated to MÜSİAD as per the Turkey’s
Top 500 Industrial Enterprises Survey announced by İSO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) on 24
June and 22 July 2014.
The Operation consists of service and supply components. Service component will be structured
mainly along a four-stage training programme accompanied by workshops and awareness raising
In the different training stages employees, employer and employee representatives are targeted.
The first stage is consisted of labour life skills training which will be for both the employers and
employees to increase their ability and capacity for adaptability. The second stage is the sectoral
training programme which will be designed in accordance with the necessities of the employers
and employees along seven prioritized sectors to foster sectoral cooperation. The third stage is
the training of trade union experts and trade union leaders. This stage will be conducted with the
aim of strengthening the institutional and human resources capacity of HAK-İŞ and its members.
The last stage will cover the further training programme designed for employee representatives.
All training programs in the operation will be prepared and conducted in the cycle of analysis,
design, development, execution and assessment. Through these trainings for employees,
employers and employee representatives will advance and strengthen their adaptation capability
for changing and emerging conditions and challenges.
The supply component is necessary for furnishing and renovation of the “HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning
and Research Centre” in Ankara. This centre is vital especially for the advanced trainings of the
operation and it’s physical capacity carries utmost importance for the successful implementation
of the training activities and sustainability of the operation. This centre will enable to bring up
potential worker representatives among vibrant, enthusiastic employees who are members of
HAK-İŞ sectoral unions through the country. The centre is expected to help academicians, experts
and students for their studies by maintaining a privileged information centre on socio-economic
and labour market issues as HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research Centre will be evolved into
“Trade Unions Academy of HAK-İŞ” which will be at the service of all trade unions, employer
associations, academicians and students in the long term.
Equipment, such as IT equipment, furniture and air conditioners will be supplied for the office.
Material and renovation needs will be provided within the supply component. The allocated area
for the centre will be designed to be an exclusive feature as “the continuous training centre” for
the labour life in Turkey.
5.8 Results with Measurable Indicators:
Result 1: Adaptability capacity of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD members was increased.
Result 2: Capacity of HAK-İŞ in Policy Development and Lifelong Learning was increased.
Result 3: Public awareness on the importance of improving the adaptability, qualifications and
competence of employers, employees and employee representatives was increased.
5.9 Activities:
Result 1: Adaptability capacity of employees and employers was increased.
Activity 1.1: Training on Labour Life Skills
Life skills are behaviours used appropriately and responsibly in the management of personal
affairs. They are a set of human skills acquired via teaching or direct experience that are used to
handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human life. The subject varies
greatly depending on social norms and community expectations.
Contents of Labour Life Skills training program will be determined through needs analysis
to be conducted ith HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD representatives by focusing on adaptability of
employees and employers in the working life.
Labour Life Skills Training will consist of the following topics:
Legislative Issues : Labour, OHS (Occupational Health and Safety), Collective Bargaining
Vocational Education Training (VET) Issues : Occupations, Qualifications, Assessment,
Certificates, Europass and career Consultancy and Guidance Services,
Industrial Relations: Gender mainstreaming, social inclusion, green jobs.
Activity 1.1.1: Identification of Labour Life Training Topics
Technical Assistance Team will hold a joint workshop with HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD in order to define
and design Training Programme on Labour Life Skills in parallel with changing working life
conditions. Related sectors will be determined by taking into consideration of organizational
capacity of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD. In this connection, food, forest, metal, public services, textile,
transportation, tourism in which HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD are currently active and those sectors have
potential for both organizations in social dialogue, adaptation and cooperation fields selected for
a smooth operation implementation. The workshop will be held in Ankara during a whole day to
discuss and determine the related issues.
Activity 1.1.2: Preparation of Modules for the Training on Labour Life Skills
Training on Labour Life Skills which could be called as basic training or first level modules will be
prepared. All training programs in the operation will be prepared and conducted in the cycle of
analysis, design, development, execution and assessment by experts.
Activity 1.1.3: Implementation of Training on Labour Life Skills
Training program on labour life skills will be conducted at local (in 14 provinces) and central levels
(in Ankara).
All training programs in the operation will be prepared and conducted in the cycle of analysis,
design, development, execution and assessment by experts. Establishing an environment
conducive to training is a critical aspect of starting a training session off on the right foot. All
measures will be taken to ensure that participants feel relaxed and free. The provinces in which
JLCUs and OCU offices are indicated on the following table:
managed by Ankara OCU
TR 90
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
TR 90
managed by Trabzon JLCU
TR 83
managed by Trabzon JLCU
TR 63
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
TR 72
managed by Ankara OCU
managed by Hatay JLCU
managed by Hatay JLCU
TR 10
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
TR 42
managed by İstanbul JLCU
TR 61
managed by Denizli JLCU
TR 41
managed by İstanbul JLCU
TR 32
Joint Local Coordination Unit (JLCU)
TR 51
Operation Coordination Unit (OCU)
TR 52
managed by Ankara OCU
The Labour Life Skills Training Programs will be given to the direct beneficiaries who are
employer, employer representative and employee at local level. The programs will be carried out
as horizontal training programs to employees and employers in classrooms. It is planned to gather
… persons in each classroom.
Training halls will have specific features that will create the best training environment for the
trainees. For example, appropriate size, convenience (readily accessible restrooms, telephones,
snacks, meal accommodations), seating arrangements, furniture (supplies and equipment),
lighting, climate control, and technical equipment such as projector, laptop.
Trainees are such persons who are currently employees’ representatives and worker
representative nominees of HAK-İŞ sectoral unions (affiliates), MÜSİAD members, experts and
executives of sectoral trade unions. First of all, giving permission to employees’ representatives
for training and other unionist activities is obligatory for employers in the framework of “Law
No:6356 Collective Labour Relations and Trade Unions.”
Table : The Labour Life Skills Training Planning in 15 provinces at local level
Provinces for
Number of
Number of
Training Days
Secondly, HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD are determined to take all measures and actions for a smooth
implementation process. Both organizations will also prompt its members to pay attention and
participate to operation activities steadily. MÜSİAD will ensure participation of workers for
training programs. Letter of Intent written by MÜSİAD is obtained and submitted to the
Contracting Authority. This matter is also noted under the title of “Risks and Assumptions” in the
Activity 1.2: Sectoral Adaptation Training and Workshop.
Sectoral adaptation training program will cover … persons from HAK-İŞ (… persons) and MÜSİAD
(… persons) as employee and employer representatives in parallel with priorities and necessities
of employees and employers to foster sectoral cooperation esp. at local level. Technical
Assistance Team and representatives of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD will discuss how to organize the
sectoral adaptation courses in the operation by using and benefitting from ILO, EU, ITUC, and
ETUC resources.
Related Activities
Sectoral focus;
Absence of definition of workers’ qualifications,
- Lack of interest for technological changes and Innovations at national and
international levels,
- Unclear sectoral competitive capacity at national and international levels,
- Insufficient OHS applications,
- Absence of orientation services to VET courses for unemployed who have
lost their jobs due to new technologies in the sector/production.
Sectoral Training
and Guides
The sectoral training program will be designed in parallel with seven prioritized sectors, address
the above issues and serve to remove the inadequacies. This program will focus on 7 common
sectors of food, forestry, metal, public services, textile, transportation and tourism in which HAKİŞ and MÜSİAD are currently active and those sectors have potential for both organizations in
social dialogue, adaptation and cooperation fields. Horizontal issues, particularly work and
occupational safety, industrial relations, gender equality will also be discussed in the workshops.
In total seven workshops will be organized, one for each sector and the outputs will provide the
basis of sectoral guides. In this context, the following issues will be discussed in workshops for a
rapid adaptation process in order to foster sectoral cooperation and coordination through the
- Current situation of the sectors,
- Technological challenges in the sectors,
- Opportunities in the sectors.
Sectoral guides will examine the current situation, reveal the challenges and point out the risks
and opportunities of each sector. Contents of this guide may include the following elements:
cover page
title page and copyright page
contents page
preface, containing details of HRD OP and this operation,
Information on how to navigate the guide
Sectoral Analysis
a) Background of the sector,
b) Current state and challenges of the sector,
c) Potential risks and opportunities in the sector,
d) Qualifications of the labour force in the sector,
e) OHS Policies and Implementations in the sector,
f) Social Dialogue in the sector
g) Gender mainstreaming in the sector
h) Green production and decent job
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Where to find further help, and contact details
A glossary and, for larger documents, an index
Activity 1.2.1: Identification of Sectoral Challenges and Opportunities
Sectoral representatives from 7 common sectors (food, forest, metal, public services, textile,
transportation, tourism) of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD will hold a joint workshop in order to identify
sectoral challenges and opportunities.
Sectoral workshops will be held in 7 cities. Each workshop will be organized related to the leading
sector of that city. Following those, one-day joint workshop will be held in Ankara during a whole
day to discuss and determine the related issues by participation of 7 common sectors (food,
forest, metal, public services, textile, transportation, tourism) representatives from HAK-İŞ and
MÜSİAD sides, plus Training Experts of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD (total ... persons).
Sectoral Representatives of Employees
Sectoral Representatives of Employers
Number of
Identification of sectoral challenges
and opportunities
Identification of sectoral challenges
and opportunities
The Technical Assistance Team will keep the parties informed about EU best practices details
sectoral adaptation and will help develop an exclusive labour life model for Turkey.
Activity 1.2.2 : Preparation of Sectoral Adaptation Courses
Activity Preparation of Modules for Sectoral Adaptation Courses
Modules on Sectoral Adaptation Courses for Challenges and Opportunities will be prepared on
the current situation, technological challenges and opportunities in the sectors as well as a
sectoral panorama of the world.
Sectoral adaptation courses will be carried out with the participation of … trainees (… from
MÜSİAD and … from HAK-İŞ affiliates) in 15 cities during … days (… trainees/each city) in order to
discuss the following issues indicatively:
- Global challenges for each sector,
- Technological innovations in production formats,
- Legal regulations (esp. Labour, OHS, Collective Bargaining and Social Security),
- EU directives for each sector,
- Atypical working types,
- Expected investment and growth in sectors.
Activity Preparation of Materials for Sectoral Adaptation Courses
The module notes will be delivered to the participants after these notes collected in a book. In
addition, other equipment consisting of block notes, pens/pencils and bags which will be required
for a smooth and qualified training will be provided to the trainees, as well as deed of adherences
to the trainees.
Activity 1.2.3: Implementation of Sectoral Adaptation Courses
Sectoral Adaptation Courses will be conducted at local level (in 15 provinces) with the
participation of … employers and … employees/their representatives. This training program will
be designed in conformity with priorities and necessities of employees and employers.
This program will focus on 7 common sectors (food, forest, metal, public services, textile,
transportation, tourism). In this context, the following issues will be discussed in the courses in 15
provinces for a rapid adaptation process in order to foster sectoral cooperation and coordination
through the country:
Current situation of the sectors,
Technological challenges in the sectors
Opportunities in the sectors
Sectoral panorama of the world
HR policies and procedures of enterprises at seven sectors
Fast changing customer expectations in seven sectors.
In the context of the above mentioned joint topics; this activity will contribute to raise sectoral
awareness for adaptation by generating a free discussion environment for employees and
Activity 1.3: Study Visit to a European Union Member State
A study visit will be made in the operation in order to see and analyse the best practices in social
dialogue at sectoral and enterprise levels in EU countries and to exchange knowledge and
experience on best practices in social dialogue at sectoral and enterprise levels in EU for a rapid
adaptation process in Turkey. In addition, this visit will enable the participants from employee and
employer sides to analyse how works councils work, what OHS policies and applications are and
which social dialogue mechanisms are active in an EU Member State. The visit is deemed
necessary to transfer best practices from EU countries to Turkey.
The study visit will be realized with the participation of total of … participants comprised of …
employee representatives and … employer representatives and … persons from OCU. It will last
for 5 days.
Result 2: Capacity of HAK-İŞ in Policy Development and Lifelong Learning was increased.
Activity 2.1: Establishment of HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research Centre
HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research Centre will be established and furnished at the HAK-İŞ
Confederation Headquarters in Ankara.
A continuous training centre named as HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research Centre will be
founded under the operation. As preparation for this action, an adequate area is allocated for this
purpose at HAK-İŞ headquarters building. This area is an independent part of main building of
HAK-İŞ headquarters.
In addition, vocational training programs oriented to adaptation and employment which will be
carried out by HAK-İŞ Confederation and its affiliates in the framework Active Labour Force
Programs will be designed and realized at this centre. Some of theoretical training programs will
become realised in this centre, too.
Activity 2.1.1: Refurbishment of the Area
Initially, a specific area at the HAK-İŞ Confederation Headquarters will be subject to a
refurbishment work to provide a smooth training environment for the direct beneficiaries.
Activity 2.1.2: Purchasing of Equipment for the Centre
This centre will be equipped technically by the operation through the supply component. …
classrooms will be designed at this centre. Furniture and IT equipment will be provided under
supply component.
Activity 2.2: Advanced Training Programme
The advanced training programme consisting of Labour, OHS, Collective Bargaining Acts,
occupations, qualifications, assessment, certificates, Europass and career consultancy and
guidance services, gender mainstreaming, social inclusion, Balance Sheet Reading Skills in
Accountancy, communication and negotiation issues, English Course at basic level, basic
computer and ability to use social media effectively, organisational issues including leadership
and unionist strategies, developing new projects at local level with Project Cycle Management
and making sectoral analysis topics aims to equip shop stewards in order to enable them to play
along with new trade unionist prototype.
In the long term, the new trade unionist model will emerge as a result of training program of this
operation. This model stands for an ideal trade unionist prototype that is able to use social
dialogue mechanisms effectively, free of prejudices, have leadership capabilities etc. New model
of trade unionist is a such profile that they are able to understand the changing conditions, cope
with them, produce new arguments and have innovative working culture with adaptability and
Gender mainstreaming is one of key topics in the operation, which will be covered under the
advanced training programmes as well.
Advanced Training Program will include … trainees. … of … trainees will be women. This
proportionally stands for 22% quota of women in training activities.
Need Analysis for Advanced Training Program
Insufficient knowledge and experience level of workers’
representatives charged with workplace OHS committees,
Insufficient communication and negotiation skills of
employees’ representatives for social dialogue,
Lack of adaptability understanding by employees’
Lack of knowledge of basic English terms relating
production and technology
Lack of basic accountancy skills of workers’ representatives
for a reasonable collective bargaining process
Insufficient skills of employees’ representatives to define
occupational qualifications and skills,
Absence of representation and leadership skills of
employees’ representatives for effective social dialogue.
For employees’ representatives;
Comprehensive training program
for prompt adaptability,
Specific training program for
negotiation and communication
Specific training program for
representation and leadership
A holistic training program
consisting of basic English and
accountancy terms,
Activity 2.2.1: Identification of Advanced Training Subjects
Technical assistance team, Educational Secretaries and training experts of HAK-İŞ and its Sectoral
Unions will hold a joint workshop in order to design the Advanced Training Programme.
A workshop will be held in Ankara to discuss and determine the related issues for a qualified
training programme for the employees who have intent and potential to be union leaders.
Potential union leaders are such persons who are currently workplace union representatives who
have knowledge and experience in electoral process in his/her own unions. Then, prospective
trainees will be selected among current employees’ representatives (union representatives)
sectoral unions’ branch chairpersons by taking consideration their interest level to union activities
and leadership features in the context of employees’ feedbacks.
Educational Secretaries and
Training experts of HAK-İŞ and
its Sectoral Unions
Design of Advanced Training Programme
Number of
Training of 680 worker representatives is be planned in this “central” stage in Ankara. Advanced
trainings will be given in 10 different subjects by experts at HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research
Centre. Female employees will particularly be invited to participate into advanced training
Candidate trainees will be chosen by considering their education levels and work experience. The
criteria will be as follows: At least secondary school and/or technical school graduates, at least 5
years work experience.
Activity 2.2.2: Preparation of Modules to Advanced Training Programme
Modules for the Advanced Training Programme will be prepared. Indicative training subjects for
each field are noted below:
Labour, OHS, Collective Bargaining Acts, occupations, qualifications, assessment, certificates,
Europass and career consultancy and guidance services, gender mainstreaming, social inclusion,
balance sheet reading skills in accountancy, communication and negotiation issues, English course
at basic level, basic computer and ability to use social media effectively, organisational issues
including leadership and unionist strategies, developing new projects at local level with Project
Cycle Management and making sectoral analysis in global and Turkey scope and promoting green
job issues.
Basic English courses are especially important regarding the needs of workers in the field of
occupational health and safety and productivity. Via these courses, workers will learn the
widespread terms of machinery and terms of production processes. For example, knowing those
terms, workers will be much more capable to understand the usage of machinery and expression
of safety. Basic English courses will also provide new skills to workers which they could gain skills
of self-expression in a widely used foreign language.
Activity 2.2.3: Preparation of Materials to Advanced Training Programme
These notes of advanced training modules will be given to the trainees and the trainers after
those notes are compiled in a book. In addition, other equipment consisting of block notes,
pens/pencils and bags which will be required for a smooth and qualified training will be provided
to the trainees and trainers.
In addition, it is planned to give a deed of adherence to direct beneficiaries. The successful
participants who passed the exam at the end of the advanced training program will have to get
certificates and the rest will get only participation document (deed of adherence).
Activity 2.2.4: Implementation of Advanced Training Programme
This training programme will be designed just for employees’ representatives who have an
intention and potential to be distinct union leaders in the future.
Lessons of the Advanced Training Programme will be given in the following 10 topics (please note
that this is an indicative list):
1- Labour Law: Labour, OHS, Collective Bargaining Acts.
2- VET: Occupations, qualifications, assessment, certificates, Europass and career and
guidance services
3- Adaptability and Industrial Relations: Gender mainstreaming, social inclusion
4- Accountancy: Balance Sheet Reading Skills in Accountancy.
5- Communication: Communication and negotiation issues.
6- Basic English: English Course will be given at basic level (A (breakthrough) level at
Europass language passport). Basic level English Course consisting of fundamental
business terms, especially production and technology terms will be one of the advanced
training programme topics. It will be kept on and advanced within web based remote
training method after the operation implementation period. The operation will be a
starting point for Basic English Course for employees’ representatives and sustainability
of this training/topic will be ensured via Trade Union Academy of HAK-İŞ.
7- Information Technology: Basic computer and ability to use social media effectively.
8- Organisational Issues in Trade Unionism including leadership and unionist strategies.
9- Developing New Projects at Local Level: To develop new projects in their own region
in the coming period in compliance with Project Cycle Management (PCM) approach.
10- Labour Life: To make sectoral analysis in global and Turkey scope and promoting
green jobs.
The candidates will be selected by taking consideration of sectoral and local balances and density.
It is planned to give courses in the below mentioned indicative thematic issues at HAK-İŞ Lifelong
Learning and Research Centre in Ankara in a-modular training approach in order to bring potential
unionists up:
Effective implementation of the Labour Law and adaptability to the development in the
working life
Negotiation techniques
Communication techniques
Sectoral analysis and adaptability
Social dialogue mechanisms at sectoral, local and workplace levels
Leadership and representation skills
Organizing strategies in unionist struggle
Introductory accounting training to enable the beneficiaries
To understand balance techniques
Introductory computer usage skills and adaptability to technological developments
Ability to use social networks
Vocational English course at elementary level
Gender mainstreaming
Green Job
Professional/occupational standards and national qualifications
The advanced training will cover … worker representatives. Trainings will be held in Ankara and
take … days for each trainee. Trainees are such persons who are currently employees’
representatives and worker representative nominees of HAK-İŞ sectoral unions (affiliates),
Regarding permissions to trainees; giving permission to employees’ representatives for training
and other unionist activities is obligatory for employers in the framework of “Law No:6356
Collective Labour Relations and Trade Unions.” Moreover, HAK-İŞ and its sectoral affiliates are
going to take all measures and actions for a smooth implementation process. Both organizations
will also prompt its members to pay attention and participate to operation activities steadily. This
training program will be conducted as theoretical and interactive based practical methods.
A measurement and assessment activity will be done to follow up success level of trainees. The
successful worker representatives will have the right to acquire a certificate which will be
designed in the operation. These certificates will be an adaptation indicator for worker leaders.
Advanced training programs will directly contribute to strengthen Turkey’s labour force. This will
lead to increased adaptation level of enterprises. All trainees will be good examples for whole
labour life in the country.
Distribution List of Trainees for Provinces
Provinces in Turkey
Number of Trainees
Activity 2.3: Training of Union Experts and Leaders from HAK-İŞ and Its Affiliates
In Turkey, each city/province and sector has some comparative advantages by comparing with
other cities and sectors. For example, Ankara has comparative advantages in public services,
Samsun has comparative advantages in transportation, Denizli has comparative advantages in
textile, Kocaeli has comparative advantages in automotive, Istanbul has comparative advantages
in media and finance, Kayseri has comparative advantages in wooden and furniture industries,
Antalya has comparative advantages in recreation and tourism sectors.
In this way, 7 provinces are selected for the workshops to which unionist experts and leaders
from 7 sectors will participate.
These participants will take active roles in workshops to discuss a number of 3 vital topics which
are social dialogue at enterprises, local, sectoral and national levels; unionist organizational
strategies; communication and negotiation techniques, leadership, and capability of
representation. It will be implemented as workshops to discuss the following topics in order to
strengthen institutional and human resources capacity of HAK-İŞ and its members (sectoral
affiliates). It is expected to be supported by TAT in order to get information about EU best
practices to train union leaders and experts well.
- Social dialogue at enterprises, local, sectoral and national levels,
- Organizational strategies,
- Capability of representation,
Each workshop will last … days in provinces. Number of participants for each workshop in 7
cities/provinces is shown below:
Number of
Training of
Number of
Training of
Union Leaders
Wooden and
Public Services
Activity 2.4: Study Visits to European Union Member States
Two study visits will be made in the operation in order to see and analyse the best trade unionist
training programs in EU countries to exchange knowledge and experience on the best practices in
trade unionist training applications.
EU Member States
Number of Persons in
Each Delegation
Number of Days in
Each Study Visit
Result 3: Public awareness on the importance of improving the adaptability, qualifications and
competence of employers, employees and employee representatives was increased.
Activity 3.1: Opening and Conclusion Meetings
Two introduction meetings will be organized both at the beginning and final stages of the
operation period to enhance and enrich introduction and visibility dimension on the operation.
Activity 3.1.1: The Operation Introduction and Opening Meeting
The Operation Introduction and Opening Meeting will be held in Ankara by participation of the
related stakeholders. Members of HAK-İŞ Confederation’s and MÜSİAD’s Executive Board, their
experts, Ankara Branches’ chairmen, employers and/or their representatives will participate this
meeting. Related measures will be taken to enable an intensive participation, over … prominent
persons, by inviting executives, officials and representatives from EU Coordination Unit of MoLSS,
General Directorate of Labour of MoLSS, VQA, İŞKUR, TİSK (Confederation of Turkish Employers’
Associations), TOBB (Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges), Labour and Social
Security Training and Research Centre (ÇASGEM), TÜRK-İŞ (Turkish Confederation of Employees’
Unions), DİSK (Revolutionist Confederation of Employees’ Unions), newspapers, radio and TV
Presidents of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD will hold a press conference before the operation introduction
and opening meeting in order to inform public opinion and press representatives about the
operation, its activities and targets.
In the afternoon, a panel will be organized with the participation of related sides (social partners
and academicians).
The Operation Introduction and Opening Meeting
Number of
Activity 3.1.2: Operation Conclusion Meeting
The Operation Conclusion Meeting will be held in Ankara by participation of the related sides.
Members of HAK-İŞ Confederation’s and MÜSİAD’s Executive Boards, their experts, Ankara
Branches’ chairmen, employers and/or their representatives will participate this meeting. Related
measures will be taken to enable an intensive participation, over … prominent persons, by inviting
executives, officials and representatives from EU Coordination Unit of MoLSS, General Directorate
of Labour of MoLSS, VQA, İŞKUR, TİSK (Confederation of Turkish Employers’ Associations), TOBB
(Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges), Labour and Social Security Training and
Research Centre (ÇASGEM), TÜRK-İŞ (Turkish Confederation of Employees’ Unions), DİSK
(Revolutionist Confederation of Employees’ Unions), newspapers, radio and TV stations.
Presidents of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD will hold a press conference before the operation conclusion
meeting in order to share outputs of the operation with public opinion.
In the afternoon, a panel will be organized with the participation of related stakeholders (social
partners and academicians). Bilateral protocols are planned to be signed among HAK-İŞ’ unions
and MÜSİAD committees during the operation conclusion meeting.
Number of Participants
Operation Conclusion Meeting
Activity 3.2: Promotion and Visibility Activities
In this context, a proper website which will be in compliance with all interactive forums and social
networks will be designed accordingly.
…….. signboards will be hung on OCU and JLCU offices; …….. flags on which logos of the
stakeholders including EU, MoLSS logos will be visible will be used during the operation activities.
………. pieces brochures will be published in order to enrich the operation dimension of
introduction and visibility. In addition, all kinds of printed materials and training materials will be
designed, prepared, printed and published in accordance with the EU and visibility rules.
Activity 3.3: Publishing Industrial Relations Guide
A Guidebook will be prepared by compiling training notes, the strategic papers produced, country
experiences from EU and outputs of the operation activities. This publication whose title will be
Industrial Relations Guide will be enriched with visual objects in order to make it easily
understood for everyone. It is planned to print, publish and disseminate …… pcs. Then, it will be
printed, published and disseminated to the employees and employers. This publication will
strengthen multiplier effect of the operation.
For example; it may include those titles and/or chapters: Cover, Table of Contents, List of
Abbreviations, Introduction and Information about the operation and HRD OP, The General
Background, Definitions and Concepts, The Roles of the Government and Social Partners, Sources
of Labour Law, OHS, The Language Used in the Enterprises, Equality of Treatment of Men and
Women, Combating Certain Forms of Discrimination, Adaptability in Business Life, Trade Union
Rights and Freedom, Institutionalized Relations between Employers and Trade Unions, Social
Dialogue, Duties of the Parties in the Course of the Employment Relationship, Working Time and
Leave; Remuneration, The Suspension of the Execution of the Individual Labour Contract,
Settlement of Industrial Disputes, Collective Labour Relations, etc.
Activity 3.4 Interactive Web Site
It is planned to have a purposive website in order to strengthen and enrich visibility and
introductory dimensions of the operation. The suggested website will be bilingual, English and
Turkish, and compatible with commonly used browsers such as Firefox Mozilla, Internet Explorer,
Google Chrome.
The website will be a useful and dynamic tool to disseminate operation activities, to extend public
awareness and to create close links among beneficiaries and stakeholders. The website will be
developed and extended parallel to the developments of the operation and needs aroused from
In this direction, the website will be on the base of menus, parts and informative pages. A menu
will be assigned to include & give information about the operation, its purposes, its target groups,
etc. Another part of the website will be generated for as well as instore links to web sites of HRD
OP, contracting authority, European Union Delegation in Turkey, R.T. European Union Ministry,
and European Commission.
The website will contain several sub-menus such as media, news, logos, and press releases to
reach more employees and employers that are interested in adaptability, social dialogue and
labour peace. Press and media institutions will easily follow operation activities and collect
information about the operation whenever they would like.
There will also be a "contact menu" via which anyone may submit questions, proposals or
critiques to the related organizations and officials in the operation.
6. Implementation arrangements3
6.1 Institutional framework:
The overall management of the Operation will be carried out by the following structures:
Contracting Authority (CA)
Operation Beneficiary (OB),
Senior Representative of the Operation Beneficiary (SROB),
Operation Coordination Unit (OCU).
This operation will be implemented under the Human Resources Development Operational
Programme (HRD OP) which is managed by Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) as the
Operating Structure (OS) which also fulfils tendering and contracting tasks as the HRD Contracting
Authority. The OS will be represented by Deputy Undersecretary of MoLSS as the Head of
Operating Structure while the CA will be represented by the Head of EU Coordination
Contracting Authority: The CA will be responsible for tendering, technical and financial
management of contracts under the operation. It ensures that all the documents, reports
submitted by contractors are duly checked /controlled/ read/ approved by the OB which
cooperates with the CA in managing the operation and any other aspects with relevance to the
implementation of the Operation.
Operation Beneficiary: HAK-İŞ Trade Union Confederation as the operation beneficiary will be
responsible for the implementation of this operation. To that end, HAK-İŞ will assign a high level
manager who will act as SROB that will be the official representative of the OB. OB will establish
an OCU which is the responsible body for supervision of implementation of the operation.
Senior Representative of the Operation Beneficiary: The operation will be implemented under the
authority of the SROB on the side of beneficiary. The SROB will act as the formal representative of
In this part of the OIS the applicant should prove that it has enough capacity to implement and monitor the
operation; upon the selection of the OIS, this part will be developed in accordance with priorities of the OS and the
needs of the operation. The text used under this topic was provided by OS in a standardized format.
the HAK-İŞ and will assume ultimate responsibility for the successful implementation of the
operation against the OS. He/she cooperates with the teams responsible to implement contracts
(such as grant beneficiaries) ensuring that the tasks are performed in accordance with the predefined deadlines and the standards of quality required. He/she will provide preliminary approval
of the reports of the contracts, or any technical and financial documents (such as approval of
invoices with “read and approved” stamp) or deliverables and outputs, before final approval by
the Contracting Authority. He/she will appoint one risk manager and one irregularity officer
among OCU members, responsible for the operation on behalf of the OB. There will be two
delegates of the Senior Representative of the Operation Beneficiary. One delegate will be
appointed by the partner organisation- The Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s
Association (MÜSİAD). This delegate will be responsible for the approval of relevant transactions
which are related to activities mainly designed for MÜSİAD during the implementation of the
Operation. The other delegate will be appointed by the Operation Beneficiary-HAK-İŞ.
Operation Coordination Unit: The HAK-İŞ will establish an OCU which will be adequately staffed
composing of an Operation Coordinator and at least five HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD experts. Existence of
a professional and stable staff of OCU is guaranteed by HAK-İŞ as a crucial factor for the timely
and proper implementation of the Operation.
This unit will be composed of an Operation Coordinator and five experts from the relevant
departments of HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD.
OCU is responsible for supervising the implementation of the operation which may include
different types of contracts that will be managed by the CA. It will perform the following tasks (it
is not an exhaustive list):
Following operation activities and working in close cooperation with the teams responsible
to implement contracts,
Coordinate and facilitate processes between SROB, the teams responsible to implement
contracts (consultant, contractor, grant beneficiary, TAT, etc. ) and the CA regarding any
kind of reports, requests, documents which need approval of SROB.
Ensuring the required coordination with other departments within the Beneficiary
Institution or other institutions (especially with the partner organisation- The Independent
Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD) related to the implementation of
the operation.
6.2 Proposed Monitoring Structure and Methodology:
The overall monitoring of the Operation will be performed by the following structures and tools
under the daily supervision and secretariat of the OCU:
Operation Steering Committee Meetings,
Operation Monthly Management Meetings (and other if necessary),
Operation Steering Committee (OSC): OSC will be established to serve as a platform to share
results achieved, follow-up of progress of the Operation (including different types of
components/contracts) and exchange experiences, ideas etc. The SROB will initiate the
establishment of a core OSC which will be composed of representatives of OCU, the teams
responsible to implement contracts (consultant, contractor, grant beneficiary, Technical
Assistance Team (TAT) , etc.), the CA, stakeholders such as General Directorate of Labour of
MoLSS, VQA (Vocational Qualifications Authority), İŞKUR, TİSK (Confederation of Turkish
Employers’ Associations), TOBB (Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges), Labour
and Social Security Training and Research Centre (ÇASGEM), TÜRK-İŞ (Turkish Confederation of
Employees’ Unions), DİSK (Revolutionist Confederation of Employees’ Unions). Contracting
Authority and the European Union Delegation in Turkey (EUD) are ex officio members of the
Committee. The OSC will meet on a semi-annual basis. First OSC will be organized 6 months after
the first service or grant contract signed under the Operation. Organization of OSC meetings is
under responsibility of the HAK-İŞ which may use TAT when available. Agenda of the OSC and
brief note on the issues that will be discussed in the meeting will be provided to the members of
the OSC at latest 1 week before. Minutes of OSC meetings will be kept by HAK-İŞ (or TAT when
available) and submitted to the participants in the meetings for their approvals at latest 1 week
after. Minutes, agenda and brief notes can only be sent to the participants after the approval of
the CA.
Operation Monthly Management Meetings: It will be convened in order to monitor the activities
of the operation, discuss and assess the progress of the operation and provide solution to the
problems arising during the implementation of the operation. These meetings will be chaired by
SROB. Contracting Authority, OCU and representatives of the contracts composing the operation
(such as TAT) will be participants of the monthly management meetings. EU Delegation may
participate in these meetings as well. Minutes of OMMM will be kept by HAK-İŞ (or TAT when
available) and submitted to the participants in the meetings for their approvals. OCU may
organize additional meetings with the teams responsible to implement contracts if necessary.
As regards monitoring of operation on the basis of reports;
In terms of entire operation; HAK-İŞ will submit progress reports to the CA on the overall progress
of the operation. The format of the progress reports including irregularity reports will be provided
by the CA. Progress reports (PR) will cover the progress in all components in relation with the
operation, gap analysis in terms of indicators, the strategic contribution of each component of the
operation in terms of quality, efficiency, relevance of intervention to the objectives of Operational
Programme, issues of sustainability, lessons learnt, risks and remedial actions incurred under the
operation. PR will be submitted once in a year. First progress report will be submitted exactly one
year after the first contract under the operation is signed.
HAK-İŞ will prepare Final Component Reports (FCR) when a component (service contract and
supply contract) under the Operation is concluded. The format of the FCR including irregularity
reports will be provided by the CA. FCR will cover an executive summary regarding the finalization
of the related component, output effectiveness diagram, gap analysis regarding gaps in between
the expected and realised results and outputs of the component, strategic contribution of
relevant component in relation with the operation, issues of sustainability, lessons learnt, risks
and remedial actions incurred under the operation. For service component, HAK-İŞ will submit
final component report within two months after the end of service contract. The final component
report for supply contract will be submitted within 2 weeks after the last final acceptance
certificate for relevant contract is officially approved by the CA.
In terms of contracts; HAK-İŞ with its OCU will ensure that the responsibilities regarding delivery,
check, control and approval of documents as stated in 6.1 part of the OIS are duly performed.
Types, frequency and content of the documents and reports will be defined specifically in the
relevant tender documents of the contracts.
HAK-İŞ is aware of its responsibilities as the OB including reporting requirements which will be
defined in the Operational Agreement in detail. HAK-İŞ is also aware that in addition to the
reports mentioned above, ad hoc reports may be requested by the Contracting Authority on
various aspects or issues related to the implementation of the operation. The content and time of
submission of such ad-hoc reports will be agreed between HAK-İŞ and the Contracting Authority
on a case-by-case basis.
6.3 Required procedures and contracts for the implementation of the operation and their
Call for Tendering
Signing Contract
Contract Completion
Service Contract
Supply Contract
7. Risks and assumptions:
A functioning and effective coordination among all relevant parties is provided.
Target groups are willing to participate in the activities of the operation.
Employees, employers and worker representatives are willing to make use of the services
delivered by the professional organizations and training and consultancy centres.
Stakeholders are interested in operation so that they regularly join operation activities.
Probable work stoppages or strikes which may occur in workplaces of direct beneficiaries
during the operation implementation period may negatively affect the operation activities.
Difficulties in getting the unionist leave (permission) for trainings will decrease
participation ratio of target groups.
Reluctance of the Human Resources Units of workplaces – in where the direct
beneficiaries that are currently working- to give the employees unionist leave (permission)
on the grounds that the production may decrease or come to a halt.
Reluctance of non-unionized employees to attend the training programmes.
Hitches in coordination efforts of 15 coordination units may cause delay in the operation
There is a probability that the training program may not produce the expected effects for
personal capacity.
Giving permission to employees and employers for trainings is ensured since co-applicant is an
employer organization and this organization as MÜSİAD gives guarantee that it would enable
workers to attend operation activities by submitting a letter of intent.
A survey of training expectations will be conducted to candidate trainees before Labour life skills
training program starts. Moreover, a survey of training assessment will be made at the end of the
training to measure its consequences. Repeating the trainings will be on the agenda in case it is
identified that feedback is poor and the expected results not be reached.
Regarding advanced training programs; success level of trainees will be measured by using
assessment and evaluation methods such as examination. Only successful trainees will have the
right to acquire certificate, the rest will be able to get participation documents (deed of
Ever-growing organizational structure of applicant and co-applicant organizations will increase
motivation for operation and its activities.
8. Expected impact of the operation on the target group and multiplier/spill over effects:
All training programs in the operation will be prepared and conducted in the cycle of analysis,
design, development, execution and assessment. As a result of improvement in social dialogue
between employees and employers, prejudice will, in advance, decline. Number and content of
collective agreements will get bigger in parallel with increased unionisation level. Those collective
agreements will lead to increase in prosperity, income, job security for employees as well as
decreasing in occupational accidents, creating decent and safety work places, rising sense of
belonging, increasing production and productivity for both sides (employees and employers). For
employers, they will have an advantage to discuss and settle problems of employees with a
unique union representative. This will let employers to save time, energy, money and motivation
for new investments, technologies, innovations and occupational trainings. All of these positive
factors will accelerate adaptation process for both sides in workplaces.
What is increasingly important for the future of labour market and labour relations is
The development of the strategy will focus to LLL, training and education as well as rights.
Therefore, an important expected impact of the operation on the target group is to transform the
traditional understanding of labour relations into more modern understanding with adaptability
skills and capacity. Turkey has a traditional understanding in trade unionism.
As a result of improvement in social dialogue between employees and employers, prejudice will,
in advance, decline. Number and content of collective agreements will get bigger in parallel with
increased unionisation level. Those collective agreements will lead to increase in prosperity,
income, job security for employees as well as decreasing in occupational accidents, creating
decent and safety work places, rising sense of belonging, increasing production and productivity
for both sides (employees and employers). For employers, they will have an advantage to discuss
and settle problems of employees with a unique union representative. This will let employers to
save time, energy, money and motivation for new investments, technologies, innovations and
occupational trainings. All of these positive factors will accelerate adaptation process for both
sides in workplaces.
Basic training programs (Training on Labour Life Skills) which will be arranged together with
employees and employers in different sectors in 15 cities in this operation will substantially
increase capacity of the target group in subjects of adaptation and creation a culture of working
The knowledge and experience gained and best practice cases witnessed and analysed in this
operation will have positive impacts on workplaces, branches and representatives of HAK-İŞ,
MÜSİAD and other stakeholders. In addition, this activity launched in 17 sectors which might be
considered as a best practice will be extended and disseminated to 20 sectors in the upcoming
As a consequence, multiplier and spill over effects of the gained knowledge, experience and best
practices will be disseminated in 35.000 affiliated companies of MÜSİAD. Number of potential
employees’ representatives of HAK-İŞ and its sectoral affiliates having around 200.000
members/employees is 20.000. Then, ……. employees’ representatives whose personal capacity is
built, knowledge and experience are increased will be good examples for all employees’
representatives of HAK-İŞ, accordingly.
Guide Bookwhich will be written, reproduced and published of ……. pieces under the title of
Industrial Relations Guide will raise awareness on the large masses in the country.
In order to reach the mentioned growth and development targets, workforce adaptation and
competence and qualification to advancing technologies, changing legal regulations and
transforming working types are pretty important.
New trade unionist model which will emerge as a result of this training program stands for an
ideal trade unionist prototype that is able to use social dialogue mechanisms effectively, free of
prejudices, have leadership capabilities, able to understand the changing conditions, able cope
with them, able to produce new arguments and have innovative working culture with adaptability
and partnership. This prototype is going to be idol for other confederations and their affiliates,
Operation’s impact on the employer-employee relations at the workplace may be formulated that
consequences of the operation will lead to build new dialogue mechanisms such as Work Councils
at companies. It is targeted to establish and test .. prototype Work Councils at 7 different sectors
during the operation implementation period.
9. Sustainability:
Institutional Sustainability:
HAK-İŞ Lifelong Learning and Research Centre which will be established in Ankara at HAK-İŞ
Confederation headquarter will be a continuous training centre. New training programs will be
held at this centre on an on-going basis for worker and employer representatives. This centre will
also be helpful in ensuring sustainability of many activities in the operation, such as updating
needs analysis. These analyses are expected to be a basis for future trainings organised in other
Training modules covering ….. employees and employers in 15 cities will be/are applicable to the
rest (of employees and employers) in all sectors and regions in the country after the completion
of the operation. Next training programs will be continued in the framework of employees' and
employer's demands by maintaining training hall and trainers. In other words, training will be
among the services provided by HAK-İŞ and/or MÜSİAD to employees and/or employers who will
pay in return for the services.
The Operation Steering Council will be evolved in a new structure whose name is The Policy
Making and Consultation Platform in Trade Unionist Culture by signing bilateral cooperation
protocols among the stakeholders. The Policy Making and Consultation Platform in Trade Unionist
Culture will consist of 30 members from the stakeholders including 17 sectoral trade unions of
HAK-İŞ except 5 key experts. This platform will keep on its routine works and missions by holding
regular meetings twice a year. The platform will prepare new horizontal training programs and
modules in parallel with the on-going and potential changes, transformations, risks and
opportunities in the working life in order to promote adaptation for employees and employers.
Moreover, MÜSİAD has standing committees at sectoral level such as textile standing committee
and IT standing committee. Similarly, HAK-İŞ Confederation also has sectoral unions such as
HİZMET-İŞ in local governments (municipalities), ÇELİK-İŞ in iron and steel sector. In this direction,
bilateral protocols will be signed among the sectoral unions of HAK-İŞ and the standing
committees of MÜSİAD in order to sustain through efforts for increasing adaptability.
Financial Sustainability:
Both HAK-İŞ Confederation (OB) and its affiliates have sufficient financial capacity to sustain the
operation activities even after its period of 20 months expires. Trade unions have to allocate at
least 10% of their total incomes for training activities as per legal obligations.
Financial sources will be provided by HAK-İŞ Confederation and their affiliate (sectoral unions)
since it is required to allocate at least 10% of their total incomes for training activities. To meet
expenditures of “Trade Unions Academy of HAK-İŞ”, it will probably demand the trainees to pay
reasonable fees after the operation contract period expires.
This will enable to carry out operation activities after the operation contract period.
MÜSİAD is also one of key employer associations in Turkey. MÜSİAD and its member employers
attach great importance to education and training activities since they have already been
continuing similar training activities inside. They also have the required financial sources to
continue horizontal (basic) training courses at the operation sustainability process.
Political Sustainability:
To ensure political sustainability, the lessons learned and results of this operation will be
transferred to the policy makers in all suitable platforms which HAK-İŞ and MÜSİAD take place.
Moreover, there will be a chance to raise the awareness level in business world with the help of
best practices and success stories published. Lastly, it will be possible to transfer the methods and
analyses to the rest of the country.
10. Horizontal Issues:
The operation will take into consideration the horizontal issues referred to in HRD OP. As regards
equal opportunities, the principle of ensuring equal access to services for men and women will be
ensured during the implementation of the operation. A particular importance will be given to the
training of women employees.
Being aware of the fact that the gender gap in trade union activity and in economic and political
decision-making persists, at least 20% female participation/gender quota is fixed for the
Opportunity equalities in gender will strengthen economic growth, development, adaptation level
as well work peace. In this direction, gender mainstreaming is one of Advanced Training Program
topics; and at least … of … trainees attending advanced training program will be female
employees’ representatives.
HAK-İŞ (and its sectoral unions) are active and get organized in all sectors, including health,
finance and textile sectors which are women dominated sectors. Woman members are populated
around 11% of all HAK-İŞ members. Denizli is one of 15 selected (target) provinces by considering
its comparative advantage in textile sector that is generally dominated by woman workers.
However, it is aimed to increase woman participation up to 20% by taking into consideration of
non-unionised women workers. Moreover, woman participation ratio of the operation would
probably be up to 25% in specific sectors such as textile.
Women employers and women employer representatives will particularly be invited by MÜSİAD
to participate and support operation activities.
As regards sustainable development and environmental protection, this operation directly serves
in favour of these issues. Improving adaptability of employees and employers to the changes in
the economy is one of the core issues of sustainability of economic development and insurance of
economic stability.
As regards participation of civil society, partnership approach is a key one taken into
consideration in envisaging the main activities of the Operation. The participation of the social
partners will be ensured particularly in the activities such as surveys, trainings, consultancy
services and networks.
OSC which will be composed of representatives of OCU, TAT, OS, stakeholders such as HAK-İŞ,
MÜSİAD, EU Coordination Unit, VQA, İŞKUR, TİSK, TOBB, TÜRK-İŞ, DİSK etc. will be gathered 8
times in the operation. Those meetings will support civil society dialogue as well as social dialogue
accordingly. It is envisaged that there is no risks for the participation of the aforementioned
organizations since HAK-İŞ cooperates and work together with them at number of national social
dialogue mechanisms. For example: ESK (Economic and Social Council), Tripartite Advisory
Committee, SGK (Social Security Institution) and İŞKUR (National Employment Organization).
As regards geographical, sectoral and thematic concentration, Operation will be implemented in
15 growth centres, as mentioned before. The sectoral concentration will also be achieved by
conducting the trainings, consultancy services and networks on certain sectors which was
selected after examining the relevant surveys, reports and other studies.
As regards disadvantaged persons; during the training needs analyses and configuration of
training modules the special condition of people with disabilities will be taken into consideration
in addition to the women and young employees.
As regards good governance, that issue will be a permanent concern of the Operation at all stages
and levels. All administrative procedures concerned with the award of contracts will strictly follow
the EC standardized rules and procedures, namely those prescribed under the relevant PRAG.
Last, but not least, transparency of procedures and results will be sought at all times.
11. Links with other IPA components/national programs/policies:
This operation has close links with previous IPA components since it aims to support and
strengthen social dialogue. The Government of Turkey had obtained funding from the EuropeAid
(BG-UE-B2004-22.020401-ELARG), in connection with the Technical Assistance for Strengthening
Social Dialogue for Innovation and Change in Turkey. Therefore, it is assessed that this operation
has close links with the Strengthening Social Dialogue for Innovation and Change in Turkey
Program being carried out under IPA I in Turkey. The assignment was to assist the MoLSS and its
social partners in strengthening social dialogue at all levels in order to accelerate the process of
approximation and implementation of the acquis communautaire and to prepare them to fulfil
their future responsibilities in the framework of the EU social policies.
Another project under the title of “Improving Social Dialogue in Working Life” under IPA
component has related objectives with this operation. The main beneficiary of the project is the
General Directorate of Labour of the MoLSS and its specific objective is to increase the capacity of
social partners and relevant public institutions as well as to raise awareness on social dialogue at
all levels. The project also includes pilot interventions at enterprise level and in selected sectors
and among workers and employers will enable the adoption of good practices to improve social
dialogue. Another important aspect of the project is to target workers and employers who are not
unionized as this operation aims to get employees' representatives to gain knowledge and skills.
This operation will establish close cooperation with the subject project.