*Behind the Curtain* Sofia, 7 June 2012

Project: Social dialogue in the live performance sector in the EU.
Strengthening capacities of national employers organisations in the EU
and candidate countries to support a sustainable environment for
European sectoral social dialogue.
Agreement ref. no. VS/2011/0416
With the financial support of the European Commission
European social dialogue
What is social dialogue? Who are the players?
2. The international treaties
3. Role of European social dialogue
4. The European sectoral social dialogue committee
‘live performance’
What is social dialogue
= all types of negotiation, consultation and simple
exchanges of information between or among
representatives of governments, employers and
workers on issues of common interest relating to
economic and social policy.
Who are the players?
(ministry of
(employers assoc)
European Treaty (TFEU)
 Article 154TFEU provides that the Commission, before
submitting proposals in the social policy field, has to
consult management and labour on the possible
direction of the proposals concerned.
Moreover, if, after such consultation, the Commission
considers Community action advisable, it is obliged to
consult management and labour on the content of the
envisaged proposal.
 Article 155 TFEU provides that social partners have the
right to negotiate with a view to establish agreements
European social partners
 Concluded a number of agreements with binding force
 Parental leave (right to take 3 months of leave)
 Part-time work (same rights as full-time workers)
 Fixed term work (same rights as workers with open-
ended contracts)
Concluded in the 90’ies
 2009 revised parental leave (right to 4 months of leave)
European social partners
 Concluded a number of framework (voluntary)
 Telework
 Work-related stress
 Harassment and violence at work
 Inclusive labour markets
 Concluded in the years 2000-2010
Levels of European social dialogue
Cross-industry social partners
• Employers: Businesseurope, UEAPME, CEEP
• Trade-union: ETUC
Sectoral social dialogue
• 41 sectoral social dialogue committees
• Committee ‘live performance’
European sectoral social dialogue
committee ‘live performance’
 Set up in 1998-1999
 Trade-union : FIM – FIA – Uni-Mei = EAEA
 Employers : Pearle*
 Meetings in Brussels facilitated by the DG
Employment of the European Commission
 Approx 5 meetings per year (working groups,
 Working group: up to 15 delegates on each side
 Plenary: in principle 1 delegate per country
Achievements of the SSDCLP
guidance, 1
plan, 1
statements, 6
reports/surveys, 3
positions, 2
conclusions, 5
letters, 2
declarations, 6
social dialogue and capacity building
theatre technics, training, lifelong learning
financial/economic crisis
role of culture/cultural policy
mobility (visas, third-country nationals, info
Pearle*’s role as employers association
 See article 154 TFEU : consultation of the EC
 Responses to consultations such as:
 Working time directive
 Noise directive
 Musculoskeletal disorders
 Reconciliation on professional, private and family life
 Social dialogue
=> Responses drafted on the basis of the national
members feedback, input, opinions and views
European social dialogue :
a two-way model