Ch 29 Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates

Ch 29 Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates
29.1 Phylum Echinodermata
A. What is an Echinoderm? - Marine invertebrates w/ spiny skin
1. Echinoderms have endoskeletons – _______________ structures made of calcium carbonate
a). rays –
b). Pedicellariae –
2. Echinoderms have _______________________________ – enables animal to sense
predators and food from all directions
3. Water vascular system used for movement, ________________ exchange, capturing food…
a). Tube feet –
b). Ampulla –
c). Water vascular system –
d). Madreporite –
4. Echinoderms have varied nutrition 5. Echinoderms have a simple nervous system - ________________________ but have a
simple nerve ring. Most have cells that detect light, sea stars have ______________________
at the tips of the rays
6. Echinoderms have bilaterally symmetrical ____________________
B. Diversity of Echinoderms 1. Class_____________________________________________________________– have at
least five tapered rays that extend from a central disk
2. Class _________________________________________ – brittle to the touch, parts will
break off in your hand if you try to pick them up. Propel themselves by “slithering”
3. Class ______________________________________________ – Sand dollars do not have
rays but have a five-petal flower pattern. Sea urchins have long spines used for protection and to aid
4. Class ______________________________________ – use tentacles to feed on the sea floor
5. Class ___________________________________________________ – sea lilies are the
only sessile echinoderm. Adult feather stars use arms to swim from place to place.
29.2 Invertebrate Chordates – Phylum Chordata
A. What is an Invertebrate Chordate? – have a _______________, a dorsal hollow nerve cord,
______________________, muscle blocks, bilateral symmetry, a coelom and segmentation.
1. All chordates have a notochord
a). notochord –
2. All chordates have a dorsal hollow nerve cord – The anterior cells become the brain and the
other nerves are connected to the muscle blocks.
a). dorsal hollow nerve cord –
3. All chordates have gill slits – invertebrates adults keep the gill slits
a). gill slits –
4. All chordates have muscle blocks –
B. Diversity of Invertebrate Chordates
1. Tunicates are sea squirts - Subphylum ________________________________ - filter
feeders w/ free swimming larva and sessile adults
2. Lancelets are similar to fishes – Subphylum _______________________________ – filter
feeders that keep body shape throughout life.