Brochure - Personal Web Pages

Dr. Toscano
Edward Isenhour
Project 3 - Brochure
Listed below are the various explanations for each designed section as it relates to the brochure. I have outlined
some key features from the brochure that I think are important in order to gain full credit for this week’s
assignment. The dominant element that I put the most emphases on is “Visual Perception”. In order to establish a
visual focal point, I captured multiple images that I positioned throughout the brochure while surrounding them
with creditable content that is relevant to the types of services this brochure illustrates.
I designed this brochure for an audience of computer users that have or may encounter some sort of computer
issue and may need assistance is fixing those issues. This company has dedicated, knowledgeable, and certified
employees that provide onsite service for individual users, college students and small business users.
Brochure Location:
This brochure will be placed in high traffic locations such as “pin-up” boards in the various college builds,
surrounding apartment complexes and I will even drive from house-to-house and slip one in the mailbox.
The content style and font used in the creation of the Brochure is detailed below:
Font type/size:
 Content:
 Company Name Text: Arial, Color - Black
 Computer - 36pt
 MD – 55pt
 Informational Questions: Sanis Serif , 13pt, color - Black
 Services Provided Test: FixedSys – 18pt, Color – Blue
Contact Info:
 Phone numbers: Sanis Serif , 13pt, color - White
 Address: Sanis Serif , 13pt, color - White
 Email: Arial black – 10.5pt, Color – White
Computer Icon:
Microsoft Certifications:
Estimated Cost
I expect the brochure to cost $449.92 and that includes the designing of the brochure by an independent company
as well has having it printed out from the local office supply store.
Design Charge: 150.00 (3 hr. x $50.00)
500 Sheets - $299.98
March 7, 2016
Design Choices
My brochure communicates its overall message through visual perception by way of the large image on the first page
along with the supporting images throughout the brochure. The image of a “Computer with a Stethoscope” informs
the recipient of this brochure that I provide a service that helps fix and/or repair a sick or non-working computer. I
emphasized “WE CAN HELP” in red letters and placed it below the image on the front page illustrating to the user
that I offer a help service. I also added three distinct logos that are widely creditable throughout the technology world,
the Microsoft Certifications and the BBB (better business bureau). I used a special font called “Fixed sys” which
means fixed system, because its glyphs are monospace or fixed-width. It is the oldest font in Windows, and was the
system font in Windows 1.0 and 2.0, where it was simply named "System".
Ethos is represented greatly in this project by the various logos that are placed on the back page of the brochure.
These logos give the company creditability because of the extensive knowledge one must obtain in order to
receive such certification. By having the “BBB” (better business Bureau) logo on the brochure, it further
illustrates the creditability of services provided because individuals can go out to the BBB website and retrieve
user reviews for services performed.
Microsoft Certifications logos
 CompTIA
 MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
Accreditation with the “Better Business Bureau”
Pathos is appealing to ones emotions by invoking emotional response, what’s more emotional than an image of
a sick computer. I captured this particular logo so that when an individual looks at it, they instantly feel a small
bit of emotional attachment with the hope that they will associate all of their computer needs with this brochure.
I used blue as the boarder throughout the document because the color blue emits a since of peace, trustworthy
and stability. In the computer industry, you need your customer base to have complete trust in the service you
provide in order to gain continuous business for them. In some data retrieval cases, you are trying to retrieve the
individual’s confidential information and that trust needs to be established that you will not use the information
found against them in any way.
The Logos definition means to appeals to logic or facts, so I designed this brochure in a way so that each
section provides the reader with important facts that illustrate the services my company provides. I added an
image of a “Bare bone” pc and all its working parts as a way to illustrate a particular service that I can perform
such as “New Assemblies”. I also have a message stated in red text that reads “ALL WORK IS GAURENTEE”
which conveys the meaning that I full stand by the services I provide and will do whatever it takes to make the
customer happy.
Software Used:
Adobe Photoshop
o I used this software to accurately capture all images as well as the blending of the blue
Adobe InDesign
o I used this software as a template which helped me organize the brochure.