Supporting Information Document (SID) Improvement on VITA Website Team 8 Team members Primary Role Secondary Role Youn Kyu Lee Project Manager Feasibility Analyst Melissa Roemmele Operational Concept Engineer Requirements Engineer JungYoun Ku Requirement Engineer Life Cycle Planner Jeonghoon Yun Prototyper Software Architect Woochan Jun Software Architect Prototyper Hiram Garcia IIV&V Shaper 10/21/12 Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 Version History Date Author Versi on Changes made Rationale 10/14/12 Ku; Melissa 1.0 Initial template for use with the project To provide supporting information for the project 10/21/12 Melissa 1.1 Made updates to Document Tailoring Reflect most up-to-date versions of documents ii Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 Table of Contents SUPPORTING INFORMATION DOCUMENT (SID) ....................................................... 1 VERSION HISTORY ....................................................................................................... II TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. III TABLE OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... IV TABLE OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... V 1. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Purpose of the SID Document .................................................................................................................1 1.2 Status of the package ...............................................................................................................................1 1.3 References.................................................................................................................................................1 2. Traceability Matrix .........................................................................................................................................2 3. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................3 4. Document Tailoring .........................................................................................................................................4 iii Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) Template Table of Contents Table of Tables Table 1: Traceability Matrix .........................................................................................................................................2 Table 2: Document Tailoring ........................................................................................................................................4 iv Feasibility Rationale Description (FRD) Template Table of Contents Table of Figures No table of figures entries found. v Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of the SID Document This SID document provides additional necessary supplemental information. 1.2 Status of the package This is the initial draft of the SID document in FC package (Foundations Commitment Package). It contains explanations of terms that are used frequently in the project and the core information in order to move to next valuation phase. Later, this document will be filled. 1.3 References • Operational Concept Description Version 2.0: OCD_FCP_F12a_T08_V2.0.docx • Prototype Version 1.0: PRO_FCP_F12a_T08_V1.1.docx • System and Software Architecture Description Template Version 1.0: SSAD_FCP_F12a_T08_V1.1.docx • Life Cycle Plan Version 1.0: LCP_FCP_F12a_T08_V2.1docx • Feasibility Evidence Description Version 2.0: FED_FCP_F12a_T08_V2.1.docx 1 Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 2. Traceability Matrix Table 1: Traceability Matrix OCD OC-1 Client Appointment Scheduling WinWin Agreement WC_1504, WC_1258, WC_1256, WC_1254 OC-2 Volunteer Work Scheduling WC_1255, WC_1245 OC-3 Volunteer Application Processing WC_1511, WC_1489, WC_1469, WC_1252 OC-4 Schedule Management WC_1247 LOS-1 Preferred Domain Name LOS-2 Professional Design LOS-3 Intuitive UI WC_1480 CO-1 Strict Monetary Budget CO-2 Content Management System WC_1485, WC_1240 SSAD ATF-1, ATF-3, ATF-5, ATF-6, ATF-9, UC-1, UC-2, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-13 ATF-1, ATF-3, ATF-4, ATF-6, ATF-7, UC-1, UC-2, UC-7, UC-8, UC-9, UC-11 ATF-1, ATF-2, ATF-6, ATF-7, UC-10, UC11, UC-12, UC-13 ATF-1, ATF-3, ATF-4, ATF-5, ATF-6, ATF7, ATF-8, ATF-9, UC-1, UC-2, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-7, UC-8, UC-9, UC-10, UC-11, UC-12, UC13, UC-14, UC-15, UC-16 WC_1260, WC_1259, WC_1490, WC_1239, WC_1242, WC_1253, WC_1258, WC_1475, WC_1476 UC-1, UC-2 UC-1, UC-2, UC-3, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-7, UC-8, UC-9, UC-10, UC-11, UC-12, UC13, UC-14, UC-15, UC-16 WC_1248 2 Test Case Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 3. Glossary 1. VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 2. IRS Internal Revenue Service 3. Volunteer An individual (typically a USC student) who becomes trained to providing income tax assistance to individuals at USC VITA 4. Client An individual in the USC community who seeks out help from VITA for income tax assistance 5. Administrator An individual who is charge of managing VITA works via website. 6. Application A procedure for applying to become a USC VITA Volunteer. 7. Appointment A meeting between a client and volunteer at the VITA office in which the volunteer provides income tax assistance to the client 8. Volunteer shift A 4-hour period of time in which a volunteer comes to the VITA office in order to attend appointments with clients 3 Supporting Information Document (SID) for Improvement of VITA Website Version 1.1 4. Document Tailoring Table 2: Document Tailoring OCD Version 1.0: Shared Vision and Information on Current System added Rationale: To organize operational concept design about team #8 project Version 1.1: Shared Vision updated Rationale: To make corrections based on instructor feedback Version 2.0: System Transformation added, All sections have been completed Rationale: Continued organization of operational concept design for foundations phase SSAD Version 1.0: Original SSAD template Rationale: Initial version of the SSAD Version 1.1: Document format has been changed from Architected Agile to NDI_NCS, Section 1 and 2 have been completed. Rationale: To fulfill exit conditions of Draft FC package LCP Version 1.0: Initial template has been made; team member’s skills have been added; project milestones, artifacts, and responsibilities in Exploration phase have been added Rationale: To Identify Lifecycle plan for team #8 Version 1.1: Team member’s skills have been modified and added, table numbers have been modified Rationale: To specify each role and add roles for future team members Version 2.0: Artifacts in Valuation phase have been added. Rationale: To specify artifacts in Valuation phase Version 2.1: Section 1~5 has been updated. Rationale: To fulfill exit conditions of Draft FC package FED Version 1.0: Initial template has been made; risk assessment has been added Rationale: To organize feasibility evidence document about team #8 project Version 1.1: Modified Introduction and Risk Assessment Rationale: To provide a more detailed statement Version 2.0: NDI/NCS Assessment Approach and Assessment Results have been modified Rationale: To provide information about NCSs Version 2.1: Add Process Feasibility, NDI/NCS Feasibility Analysis, and Business Case Analysis, Section 1~5 has been updated Rationale: To fulfill exit conditions of Draft FC package PRO Version 1.0: Changes made from initial prototype template Rationale: Initial prototype report, version 1.0 Version 1.1: Introduction has been modified, All sections have been completed Rationale: Provide more detailed statement on introduction, To fulfill exit conditions of Draft FC package 4