Hamlet Lesson Plan #11 Stage Fighting and Blocking Date: April 8, 2004 Objectives: To allow students to practise manipulating their To allow students to practise reading and rereading for comprehension and fluency. Curriculum Expectations: Read aloud, speaking clearly and with expression - L4; Read aloud, adjusting speed to purpose and audience – L5; Read aloud, showing understanding of the material and awareness of the audience – L6 Use knowledge of oral and written language structures and of elements of grammar to understand the meaning of sentences – L4, L5, L6 Enact or create, rehearse, and present drama works based on a play – D4 Interpret and communicate the meaning of stories and plays, using a variety of drama techniques – D4 Communicate, orally, their response to their own and others’ work in drama – D4 Demonstrate an understanding of voice and audience by speaking in role as characters in a story – D4 Demonstrate control of voice by using appropriate techniques (projection and enunciation)– D4 Demonstrate the ability to maintain concentration while in role - D4 Explain how elements of drama work together to create an effect on the audience – D4 Represent and interpret main characters by speaking and moving in role – D4 Create and present a short choreography – D4 Materials: Students sitting on carpets Student scripts for scenes 8 & 9 Newspaper swords for each student VCR and Princess Bride Steps written on the board for duel Mental Set and Sharing the Purpose: Going to be working with the last few Hamlet scenes today – and learning some stage fighting techniques: first going to read scenes, then practise acting out the last duelling scene 1) Review Previous scene – 2-5 min. Have a student summarize events 3) Introduce new scene and Scene Related Activity Reader’s Theatre with Scene 8: o I read – students read silently All read together – someone summarizes scene Watch Princess Bride duelling scene – to give them an idea of a duel o Warm-Up: Write names with swords in sky (show me they can concentrate and use sword responsibly) o Demonstrate some stage fighting techniques – (overhand, underhand, jab) Pair students up and have students try one at a time, demo next, they try again etc. o Scene 9: I read – students read silently and think of actions that go along with it All read together – someone summarizes scene Partner students up and have them choreograph a duel scene Write steps on board: o Hamlet and Laertes duel o Hamlet wounds Laertes o Laertes attacks Hamlet from behind and cuts him on the arm o Hamlet knocks Laerte’s sword down and picks it up o Laertes grabs Hamlet’s arms o Hamlet stabs Laertes in the stomach Conclusion: On Tuesday – will be practising tableaux for scenes 1,2,3 and scenes 5 and 9 for our presentation I will be assigning roles Some people will be asked to narrate the tableau scenes Will practise on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning for the Friday afternoon show Like to invite anyone? Assessment/Evaluation: Rubric to observe participation and group work: communication of ideas, quality of ideas, listening, cooperation, on-task Anecdotal notes on acquisition of dramatic elements of lesson Self-Evaluation: