Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3 Activities.doc

Hamlet Act 1 Scene 3 Activities
In order to better understand your readings of Act 1, Scene 3, please read the
summary below before you read the respective scene. Read the carefully,
making sure to use your texts annotations (or the Internet) to uncover the
meaning of words and phrases that you are not familiar with.
Summary of Act 1, Scene 4
Laertes, who is about to leave for France, warns his sister, Ophelia, that Hamlet's
love for her will undoubtedly not last. He will be the next king, and as such his
wants must yield to the demands and interests of the citizens of Denmark. When
it is no longer convenient or appropriate for Hamlet to love her, Laertes cautions,
he will cast her aside. Their father, Polonius, enters the room and agrees that
Ophelia has been seeing far too much of Hamlet. He begins a rant on the state of
young men's morality, insisting that passion causes them to make false vows. He
forbids Ophelia from seeing Hamlet again, and she respectfully obeys.
In Act 1, Scene 3, advice is being freely dispense by both Laertes and
Polonius. Please copy the exact lines from the play that fit with the advice
in question and then put the lines into your own words. Choose no more
than four or five consecutive lines from the play. You will be asked to
submit this to Turnitin, so make sure to try and decipher the lines for
yourself. When asked for lines, please make sure to properly annotate them
i.e. (1.2.31 – 35).
1) Laertes advises Ophelia to be cautious of Hamlet’s romantic advances:
Lines from the Act 3, Scene 1:
Translation into your own words:
2) Transcribe two pieces of advice Polonius give to Laertes as to how he
should conduct himself while in university in France.
Lines from the Act 3, Scene 1:
Translation into your own words:
Lines from the Act 3, Scene 1:
Translation into your own words:
3) Polonius advises Ophelia to be cautious of Hamlet’s romantic advances:
Lines from the Act 3, Scene 1:
Translation into your own words: