BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 133 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT ON THIS THE 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2004, THERE WAS BEGUN AND HOLDEN A SPECIAL SESSION OF COMMISSIONERS’ COURT WITH THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS PRESENT: JOHN WILLY COUNTY JUDGE DONALD “DUDE” PAYNE, COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT #1 JAMES D. “JIM” CLAWSON, COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT #2 JACK HARRIS, COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT #3 L.L. STANLEY, COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT #4 JOYCE HUDMAN, COUNTY CLERK and the following proceedings were had: ORDER NO. 1 RE: INVOCATION & PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE Judge Willy convened this Special Session of Commissioners’ Court at 9:00 A.M. and Commissioner Stanley led the audience in the invocation and pledge allegiance. ORDER NO. 2 RE: APPROVING PREVIOUS COMMISSIONERS COURT MINUTES That the following Commissioners’ Court Minutes dated APRIL 13TH, 2004 be approved as presented. Motion carried, all present voting aye. PUBLIC APPEARANCES: A. Florin Vrazel - C.R. 171 Bridge @ Austin Bayou (Pct. 2) B. George Prince - Drainage (Pct. 2) C. Kay Mudd - Appointment of Justice of Peace Pct 3 FORMAL APPEARANCES: A. Brazoria County Detention Center – Siemens Technologies, Inc. B. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FY2003 – Tom Masters of Kennemer, Masters, Koester & Wallace, LLC BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 134 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORDER NO. 3 RE: FREEPORT ENERGY CENTER, LP TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION: ORDER GRANTING TAX ABATEMENT Motion by Commissioner Clawson, seconded by Commissioner Payne that the following action be taken by the Court: That the application for tax abatement of FREEPORT ENERGY CENTER, LP attached hereto be granted in accordance with the Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Tax Abatement in a Reinvestment Zone created in Brazoria County; that the subject location described in the attached application be designated a reinvestment zone for tax abatement purposes in accordance with the guidelines and criteria of Brazoria County and applicable law; and further that the County Judge be authorized to execute a tax abatement with FREEPORT ENERGY CENTER, LP in accordance with the same guidelines and criteria. Motion carried, all present voting aye. CONSENT AGENDA: ORDER NO. 4 RE: PETITION FOR CREATION OF BRAZORIA COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 30 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: The Court hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the Petition for Creation of Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 30 has been received and that no objections exist in regard to the creation of same, and further that the County Judge is authorized to sign the certifications evidencing such receipt on behalf of the Commissioners’ Court. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 5 RE: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PRECINCT 1, PLACE 1; JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PRECINCT 1, PLACE 2; AND THE COUNTY CLERK TRANSFERRING THE REGISTRY OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: 1. The Court finds that the Justice of the Peace Precinct One, Place One; Justice of the Peace Precinct One, Place Two and the County Clerk have agreed to transfer the registry of births and deaths for Precinct One, Place One and Precinct One, Place Two to the County Clerk’s Office and that such transfer would provide a more efficient registry for the citizens of Brazoria County. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 135 2. It is therefore ordered pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code 191.022 (a) that the agreement be approved and that the duties of registering births and deaths in Precinct One, Place One and Precinct One, Place Two be transferred to the County Clerk effective May 11, 2004. It is further ordered that all such records presently in possession of the Justice of the Peace for Precinct One, Place One and Justice of the Peace for Precinct One, Place Two be delivered to the County Clerk on the effective date. 3. That a certified copy of this order be delivered to the Justice of the Peace Precinct One, Place One; Justice of the Peace Precinct One, Place Two and to the County Clerk. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 6 RE: ALTERNATE ELECTION JUDGE APPOINTMENT COUNTING STATION Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following be appointed as Alternate Election Judge for the Counting Station, for the remainder of the unexpired term ending July 31, 2004. COUNTING STATION – Alternate Judge Patricia DeVille, 1270 CR 201A, Angleton, Texas 77515 Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 7 RE: CITY OF MANVEL & BRAZORIA COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: 1. The Court finds that the proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Manvel granting a 25 foot easement along Corporate Drive and a 40 foot easement along State Highway 6 on County property where the Manvel Annex is to be constructed is appropriate and should be approved. 2. It is therefore ordered that the proposed interlocal agreement with the City of Manvel is approved. 3. The County Judge is authorized to sign the interlocal agreement and any related documents on behalf of Brazoria County, Texas. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 136 ORDER NO. 8 RE: STATE OF TEXAS DATABASE ACCESS AGREEMENT (OAG CONTRACT NO. 04-0323) Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the State of Texas Database Access Agreement – OAG Contract No. 04-0323 between the Office of the Attorney General and Brazoria County for child support services. Further, that the County Judge be authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the County and that a certified copy of this order be sent to the District Clerk and the Brazoria County Child Support Division. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 9 RE: BRAZORIA COUNTY TAX OFFICE MONTHLY COLLECTIONS REPORT – MARCH, 2004* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Acceptance of the Brazoria County Tax Office Monthly Collections Report for March, 2004. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 10 RE: APPROVE THE CONTRACT FOR TAX COLLECTONS FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES RENDERED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE BRAZORIA COUNTY FRESHWATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approval of the Contract of Tax Collections for the assessment and collection by the Tax Assessor-Collector of the County of Brazoria of taxes rendered for and on behalf of the Brazoria County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1 upon the district’s invocation of Section 6.23 of the Property Tax Code of the State of Texas. Further that the County Judge be authorized to sign said contact on behalf of the County. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 137 ORDER NO. 11 RE: CONSIDER RE-APPOINTING DAVID ROGERS, GARVIN GERMANY AND CLYDE BARTON TO THE BRAZORIA COUNTY AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. DAVID ROGERS be appointed to serve as a member of the Brazoria County Advisory Board as an at-large representative. 2. GARVIN GERMANY be appointed to serve as a member of the Brazoria County Airport Advisory Board as representative of Precinct 4. 3. CLYDE BARTON be appointed to serve as a member of the Brazoria County Airport Advisory Board as a representative of Precinct 2. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 12 RE: APPROVING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following checks payable through MAY 10TH, 2004 be approved as presented: # 76616 THROUGH #78231. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 13 RE: RECORD BUDGETS FOR OTHER FUNDS: FY2004 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That the Brazoria County Fund activity items listed in the detail below be amended in accordance with Local Government Code 111.011 FY 2004: Sheriff Contraband Forfeiture450000 (Capital) 130 430 $30,000 Additional funds are needed for a vehicle replacement and construction of a bullet recovery tank. Reserve funds are available for the expenditures. DA-Juvenile Prosecutor390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) 242 700000(Trans to other fund) 100 County’s local match 260 260 ($3,257) $3,257 DA-Crime Victim Assist 390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) 263 700000(Trans to other fund) 100 County’s local match 260 260 ($8,695) $8,695 FEMA- Hurricane 390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) Claudette 700000(Trans to other funds) County’s local match for expenses through 4/30/04 711 711 ($10,025) $10,025 272 100 Camp Mohawk County 390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) 271 717 ($109,371) Park 700000(Trans to other funds) 100 711 $109,371 County’s 50% match for expenses through 4/30/04. Total project cost $1,000,000 BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 138 Emergency Utility Assistance420000 (Operating) 294 665 $10,000 Record budget amendment for Emergency Utility Assistance program administered by County Welfare. Reserve funds are available for the expenditures. LEOSE – DA 420000 LEOSE – Pct 1 420000 LEOSE – Pct 2 420000 LEOSE – Pct 3 420000 LEOSE – Pct 4 420000 LEOSE – Sheriff 420000 Reserve funds are available (Operating) (Operating) (Operating) (Operating) (Operating) (Operating) CPS – Title IV-E Foster Care 390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) Maintenance 700000(Trans to other funds) County’s local match for 1st & 2nd quarter CPS – Title IV-E Legal Fees 390100(Trans from Gen Fnd) 700000(Trans to other funds) County’s match for 1st and 2nd quarter 324 324 324 324 324 324 260 411 412 413 414 430 $ 2,530.67 $ 1,233.29 $ 1,761.54 $ 2,589.68 $ 5,087.09 $86,377.07 340 100 660 660 ($9,375) $9,375 341 100 260 260 ($8,489.60) $8,489.60 Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 14 RE: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF APPLICANTS FOR HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE UNDER THE BRAZORIA COUNTY FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER PROGRAM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Conditionally approve the following applicants for homebuyer assistance under the Brazoria County First Time Homebuyer Program in an amount up to $5,000 and authorize the County Judge to execute homebuyer agreements with the applicants. Applicant Property to be Purchased Glenn & Michelle Murray Stacy & DeShawna Simple 20954 E Hwy 35, Old Ocean 77463 205 Avenue H, Brazoria 77422 Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 139 ORDER NO. 15 RE: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF APPLICANTS FOR REHABILITATION/RECONSTRUCTION UNDER THE HOME PROGRAM Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Consider approving the following homeowners for rehabilitation/reconstruction assistance under the 2002/2003 Brazoria County HOME Program conditioned upon them meeting all program requirements and authorizing the County Judge to execute reconstruction agreements with the following applicants: Rehabilitation Applicant Property Address Est. Cost Paul Kellie Deborah J. Scott 731 W. Fifth Street, Freeport, TX 1611 Ave. H, Danbury, TX $30,000 $30,000 Reconstruction Applicant Property Address Est. Cost Frankie & Debra Williams Thomas & Blanca Burris 319 Brown, West Columbia, TX 911 W. 11th Street, Freeport, TX $70,000 $70,000 Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 16 RE: APPROVE INTERDEPARTMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR CDBG GRANT FUNDS. Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve blanket Interdepartmental Agreement between Brazoria County Community Development Department and the Brazoria County Engineering Department for CDBG projects within the County. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 17 RE: CONTRACT BETWEEN BRAZORIA COUNTY AND THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS REGARDING STATE CASE REGISTRY AND LOCAL CUSTOMER SERVICE (NO. 04-CO341) Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the Cooperative Agreement between the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas and Brazoria County regarding State Case Registry and Local Customer Service, (No. 04-C0341). Further, that the County Judge be authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the County and that a certified copy of this order be sent to the District Clerk and the Brazoria County Child Support Division. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 140 ORDER NO. 18 RE: PURCHASED CPS SERVICE CONTRACT #23305940 AMENDMENT #1 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Purchased CPS Services Contract with Brazoria County, No. 23305940 to increase the contract by $800.00 for purchasing additional units of service and amend the term to include May 18, 2004 through August 31, 2004. Further that the County Judge be authorized to sign said Amendment on behalf of Brazoria County. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 19 RE: FY 05 SOLID WASTE GRANT APPLICATION* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the FY 05 Solid Waste Grant Application for the Environmental Health Department in the amount of $56,983.00. The Applicant’s share in the amount of $67,758.00 consists of the salaries of two current solid waste inspectors in the department; therefore no additional County funds will be required. Further that a certified copy of this order be sent to the Environmental Health Department. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 20 RE: FLU SHOTS FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approval for the Brazoria County Health Department to administer flu shots to County employees in the fall at an approximate cost of $3,200.00. Funds are available for the vaccine. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 21 RE: BRAZORIA COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT MONTHLY REPORT – APRIL, 2004 Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the Brazoria County Mosquito Control District Monthly Report for the month of April, 2004. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 141 ORDER NO. 22 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR ABATEMENT OF TWO (2) PUBLIC NUISANCES AT 306 GOLIAD COUNTY ROAD 821 IN CLUTE AND 3104 COUNTY ROAD 890 IN ALVIN* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the Brazoria County Environmental Department, the County Purchasing Agent is requesting permission to advertise bids for the abatement of the public nuisance at 306 Goliad County Road 821 in Clute and 3104 County Road 890 in Alvin. The nuisances are two (2) abandoned trailers and one (1) home, respectively, that will be demolished and all debris removed from the property. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 23 RE: TRANSFER OF TWO (2) VEHICLES FROM MOSQUITO CONTROL TO PARKS DEPARTMENT* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested that the Court allow the transfer of ownership on the following Mosquito Control vehicles to the Parks Department for Parks use: 1992 Ford F150, License Plate #615288 1992 Ford F150 4X4, License Plate #615287 Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 24 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR ITB #04-51 ASPHALT, OIL & EMULSIONS Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to advertise for bids on asphalt, oil & emulsions. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 142 ORDER NO. 25 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR REMOVAL OF JUNK VEHICLE(S)* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the Brazoria County Environmental Department, the County Purchasing Agent is requesting permission to advertise bids for the removal of junk vehicle(s) located at 306 Goliad County Road 821 in Clute. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 26 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ITB #04-56 CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE (5) CABINS AND RANGER STATION/OFFICE AT CAMP MOHAWK COUNTY PARK* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to advertise for bids on materials for construction of five (5) cabins and a Ranger station/office at Camp Mohawk County Park. Estimated expenditure is $65,000.00 and will be funded by TPWD Grant. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 27 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR OFFERS FOR RFO #04-57 SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM FOR COUNTY AIRPORT* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to advertise under the State of Texas alternative purchasing procedure for offers on a security camera system for the County Airport. Estimated budget is $35,000.00 and is funded under the Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP). . Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 143 ORDER NO. 28 RE: PERMISSION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ITB #04-58 INSTALLATION OF FENCE, ELECTRONIC GATE AND KEY CARD ENTRY SYSTEM FOR COUNTY AIRPORT* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to advertise for bids on installing fence, electronic gate and key card entry system for the County Airport. Estimated budget is $18,000.00 and is funded under the Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP). Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 29 RE: ACCEPT DONATION OF 800 MHZ RADIO* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Accept donation of one Motorola 800 mhz hand-held radio (MTS 2000, Model 3, Serial No. 466ATS1268, MOD: H01UCH6PW1BN) purchased by Deputy Constable Carlos Bustos with the intent of donating it to the County. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 30 RE: APPROVE PROJECTS UNDER BLANKET INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS FOR DIRECT ASSISTANCE TO CITIES AND TOWNS* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That pursuant to provisions of Ch. 251.012, Transportation Code, as amended by act of the State Legislature on May 26, 1999, this Court hereby finds that the County will receive benefit as a result of the work on the streets or alleys listed below; and the following projects are approved to be completed as Road and Bridge Department schedules permit, and with all materials furnished by the cities, in accordance with Interlocal agreements approved by the Court and the applicable City Councils. Further, that the County Engineer is authorized to sign acceptance statements for the approved projects at the appropriate time and to authorize the work. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 144 Further, that a certified copy of this order be furnished to the County Engineer. CITY Bailey’s Prairie Danbury Jones Creek Manvel Richwood DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Pin Oak Drive – Set culverts Sally Lake Road – Patch potholes Forrest Lane – Clean road ditches Set culverts: 1611 Avenue J 1607 Avenue J 1511 Avenue G 1603 Avenue F 2103 Avenue K 1719 Avenue B Clean ditches and culverts: Avenue I/11th St. 5808 Avenue G Set culverts: 82 Nelson Court 6403 Spencer Lee Avenue Set culverts: 9636 Gates Loop Set culverts: Oyster Creek Court APPRVD DISAPP Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 31 RE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COLUMBIA- BRAZORIA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ASPHALT THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PARKING LOT (PRECINCT 4) No. 040019* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That the Interlocal Agreement with the Columbia-Brazoria Independent School District be approved to furnish labor and equipment to remove the old asphalt and resurface with new asphalt the High School student parking lot east of the gymnasium adjacent to Roughneck Drive, on property owned by the City, and with all materials to be furnished by the City, pursuant to Texas Transportation Code Sec. 251.015, and the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 791.001 et. Seq. Reimbursement shall be made to the County for personnel and equipment, if such costs exceed $5,000. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 145 Further, that under the terms of the Agreement, attached as Exhibit A, the County will supply equipment with operators to asphalt the High School student parking lot. The County Judge is authorized to sign the above-referenced Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the County. A certified copy of this order shall be forwarded to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 32 RE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COLUMBIA- BRAZORIA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO ASPHALT THE HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURT PARKING LOT EAST OF THE COURTS ADJACENT TO ROUGHNECK DRIVE (PRECINCT 4) No. 04-0020* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That the Interlocal Agreement with the Columbia-Brazoria Independent School District be approved to furnish labor and equipment to surface with new asphalt the High School Tennis Court parking lot east of the courts adjacent to Roughneck Drive, on property owned by the City, and with all materials to be furnished by the City, pursuant to Texas Transportation Code Sec. 251.015, and the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 791.001 et. Seq. Reimbursement shall be made to the County for personnel and equipment, if such costs exceed $5,000. Further, that under the terms of the Agreement, attached as Exhibit A, the County will supply equipment with operators to asphalt the High School Tennis Court parking lot. The County Judge is authorized to sign the above-referenced Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the County. Further, that a certified copy of this order shall be forwarded to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 146 ORDER NO. 33 RE: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SWEENY TO TRANSPORT AND LEVEL DIRT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS (PRECINCT 4) No. 04-0021* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Section 251.015 of the Transportation Code, an Interlocal Agreement be approved with the City of Sweeny to transport dirt from its stockpile located on 2nd Street to a Baptist Church in Wild Peach, and level out the remaining dirt, within City limits of Sweeny. Reimbursement shall be made to the County for personnel and equipment, if such costs exceed $5,000. The County Judge is authorized to sign the above-referenced Interlocal Agreement, attached as Exhibit A, on behalf of the County. Further, that a certified copy of this order be furnished to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 34 RE: COOPERATIVE EFFORT TO IMPROVE THE ACCESS ROAD NORTH OF FM 523 TO NORTH TERMINUS NEAR THE WORLD IN NEED* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That whereas the access road on State Highway 288 from the Gulf Coast Car Center north of FM 523 to the north end of the road near the World In Need is presently in an un-surfaced condition, and Whereas the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has requested that Brazoria County work with the World In Need and TxDOT in a cooperative effort to have this road upgraded, and Whereas the World In Need has agreed to pay for material for the upgrade, and Whereas TxDOT has requested, by letter attached as Exhibit “ENG-C”, that Brazoria County assist by providing manpower and equipment to lay hot mix to surface the road, and has agreed to grant a permit to Brazoria County to work within TxDOT right of way, BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 147 Now therefore, this Court hereby authorizes the Brazoria County Road and Bridge Department to perform the requested work upon receipt of: (1) A permit and/or letter from TxDOT acceptable to the District Attorney and (2) Payment from the World In Need of the estimated cost of a sufficient quantity of materials to complete the job, said materials to meet TxDOT’s standards and (3) A document acceptable to the District Attorney by which the World in Need commits to pay for any required material in excess of the estimated cost. Further, that a certified copy of this order shall be forwarded to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 35 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS RESULTING FROM BRINSAP INSPECTIONS* Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That the County Engineer be authorized to advertise for a public hearing pursuant to Section 251.152 of the Transportation Code, regarding the revision of the Bridge Load Postings as presented by TxDOT. Said public hearing to be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 in the Commissioner’s Courtroom, Room 307 Whereas the following bridges have been repaired and/or replaced, load limits are no longer required and the load limit signs shall be removed from said bridges in accordance with recommendations resulting from the BRINSAP inspections: Precinct 2 CR 143 @ Drainage Ditch - AA0690-001 CR 143 @ Drainage Ditch – AA0690-003 CR 207 @ King Creek – AA0906-001 CR 90 @ Mustang Bayou – AA2025-001 CR 99 @ Chigger Creek – AA0690-006 CR 89 @ S. Fork Mary’s Creek – AA0564-001 Precinct 3 CR 424 @ Drainage Ditch – AA0936-001 Precinct 4 CR 288 @ Drainage Ditch – AA1017-002 CR 59 @ American Canal – AA0546-001 CR 31 @ Oyster Creek – AA0110-001 CR 372 @ Drainage Ditch - AA0379-001 BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 148 Further, load limit changes resulting from the said BRINSAP inspections are required for the bridges listed below in accordance with recommendations resulting from the BRINSAP inspections. Therefore, appropriate signs shall be posted as follows: Precinct 1 Structure ID AA0843-001 AA0859-001 Road CR 167 CR 170 Crosses Gulf Coast Water Canal Drainage Ditch Load Limit 17500 A or T 15000 A or T Precinct 2 Structure ID AA0510-001 AA0691-001 AA0707-002 AA0707-003 AA0765-001 AA0825-001 AA2028-001 Road CR 81 CR 95 CR 541 CR 144 CR 180 CR 192 CR 89 Crosses W. Fork Choc. Bayou Mustang Bayou Chigger Creek Drainage Ditch Drainage Ditch Drainage Ditch American Canal Load Limit 17500 A or T 12500 A or T 12500 A or T 10000 A or T 15000 A or T 17500 A or T 7500 A or T Precinct 3 Structure ID AA0652-002 AA0663-001 AA0920-001 Road CR 128 CR 129 CR 155 Crosses Drainage Ditch Cowart Creek Drainage Ditch Load Limit 12500 A or T 12500 A or T 7500 A or T Crosses Mustang Bayou Oyster Creek Load Limit 17500 A or T 5000 A or T Precinct4 Structure ID AA0084-001 AA0479-001 Road CR 84 CR 290 Further, that a certified copy of this order be furnished to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. END CONSENT AGENDA ORDER NO. 36 RE: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF ALTERNATE ROUTE SOUTH-NEW BE CONSIDERED FOR THE GRAND PARKWAY* Motion by Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Harris that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the Resolution in support of the route designated as South – New be considered as an alternative route for the construction of SH 99 (The Grand Parkway). (See Page:148A) Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 149 ORDER NO. 37 RE: CONSIDER AUTHORIZING LEGAL ACTION TO OPEN RIGHT OF WAY TO PUBLIC Motion by Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: 1. The Court finds that a platted eighty foot wide right of way located between Lots 315, 316, 317 and 318 on its west side and Lots 297, 298, 299 and 300 on its east side in the Brazos Coast Investment Co. Subdivision No. 13 which intersects with County Road 434 cannot be used by the public because of fencing and placement of certain materials. 2. The District Attorney is authorized to institute any legal action necessary to insure that the above described right of way be opened and remain opened to the public. 3. Expenses shall be paid from the court cost fund. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 38 RE: CONSIDER APPOINTING GORDON STARKENBURG TO FILL THE VACANT POSITION OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT THREE, PLACE TWO Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED pursuant to Section 87.041 of the Texas Local Government Code and Article V, Section 28 of the Texas Constitution, that GORDON STAKENBURG be appointed to serve as Justice of the Peace, Precinct Three, Place Two until the next general election. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 39 RE: APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2003 AUDIT Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Stanley that the 2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Brazoria County be approved and filed with the County Clerk. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 40 RE: LINE ITEM TRANSFERS: FY2004 Motion by Commissioner Clawson, seconded by Commissioner Payne that the following action be taken by the Court: That the Brazoria County General Fund activity items listed in the detail below be amended in accordance with Local Government Code 111.011 FY 2004: Juvenile 420000 (Operating) 450000 (Capital) Motion carried, all present voting aye. 100 100 510 510 $3,431 ($3,431) BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 150 ORDER NO. 41 RE: ADDITIONAL FUNDS: FY2004 Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That the Brazoria County General Fund activity items listed in the detail below be amended in accordance with Local Government Code 111.011 FY 2004: Health Department 420000(Operating) 100 651 $3,800 Budget increase in insurance account due to increase in annual Insurance premium (Malpractice) for Dr. O'Gorman. Budget increase in Building Rent account due to increase in rent at the Alvin clinic that includes a maintenance fee. The new contract was approved by Judge Willy in 2002. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 42 RE: OPEN PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CDBG FUNDS Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Open Public Hearing regarding CDBG Grant funds as follows: 2001 CDBG funds Consider request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $10,000.00 from 2001 Pearland Drainage Study to Alvin Community College Pharmacy Technology Program. 2002 CDBG funds Consider request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $1,399.00 from 2002 Pearland Senior Citizen’s Bus to CR 410 Road Improvement Project. 2003 CDBG funds Consider request from City of Brazoria for a contract extension for their 2003 Brazoria Drainage Improvement Project to July 31, 2004 in order to expend their funds. Consider request from City of Lake Jackson to revise their 2003 Lake Jackson Community Development Plan and Income Survey Project to a Household Code Enforcement Inspection Project. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 151 ORDER NO. 43 RE: CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CDBG FUNDS Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: Close Public Hearing regarding CDBG Grant funds as follows: 2001 CDBG funds Request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $10,000.00 from 2001 Pearland Drainage Study to Alvin Community College Pharmacy Technology Program. 2002 CDBG funds Request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $1,399.00 from 2002 Pearland Senior Citizen’s Bus to CR 410 Road Improvement Project. 2003 CDBG funds Request from City of Brazoria for a contract extension for their 2003 Brazoria Drainage Improvement Project to July 31, 2004 in order to expend their funds. Request from City of Lake Jackson to revise their 2003 Lake Jackson Community Development Plan and Income Survey Project to a Household Code Enforcement Inspection Project. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 44 RE: APPROVE REQUESTS REGARDING CDBG FUNDS* Motion by Commissioner Harris, seconded by Commissioner Payne that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve requests regarding CDBG Grant funds as follows: 2001 CDBG funds Approve request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $10,000.00 from 2001 Pearland Drainage Study to Alvin Community College Pharmacy Technology Program. 2002 CDBG funds Approve request from Commissioner Pct. 3 to reallocate $1,399.00 from 2002 Pearland Senior Citizen’s Bus to CR 410 Road Improvement Project. 2003 CDBG funds Approve request from City of Brazoria for a contract extension for their 2003 Brazoria Drainage Improvement Project to July 31, 2004 in order to expend their funds. Approve request from City of Lake Jackson to revise their 2003 Lake Jackson Community Development Plan and Income Survey Project to a Household Code Enforcement Inspection Project. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 152 ORDER NO. 45 RE: REQUEST FOR OUT OF STATE TRAVEL – TEXAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION AGENCY Motion by Commissioner Clawson, seconded by Commissioner Payne that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve request for out of state travel to allow Wendy Monical, Texas Cooperative Extension Agent, to attend the Southern Community Development Educator’s Conference in Tampa, Florida from May 18-21, 2004. There will be no cost to the county for attending or traveling to this conference. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 46 RE: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF STRAIGHTTIME/OVER-TIME REPORTS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2004* Motion by Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Stanley that the following action be taken by the Court: Approve the straight-time/over-time reports for the month of April 2004, which are attached here as Exhibits A and B. Also attached here, as Exhibit C, is a "Special Earnings Report" that shows the additional over-time expenses that were incurred at the Detention Center due to the inoperability of the new jail intercom system. The month of April included two bi-weekly pay periods that began on March 20, 2004 and ended April 16, 2004, during which time a total of $54,516.53 in over-time wages were paid. Of that total, 76.4% ($41,671.43) was due to the inoperability of the new jail intercom system. This means that "other" over-time costs for the month were $12,845.10, which is significantly less than the previous six month average of $18,679.14. Based on the estimated date for completion of the new jail intercom system of April 30 there is at least one remaining bi-weekly pay period that will include additional over-time related expenses. This means that the next monthly report (for May) should reflect the final over-time related expenses for that project. The average of the total straight-time hours paid at the Sheriff's Office (Department 430) per employee per bi-weekly pay period was 83.65. At the Detention Center (Department 500) the average was 85.78 hours, up from an average of 83.53 hours paid during the previous month. The combined average of the two departments was 84.72 hours, which is slightly above the 84.00 hours per employee per bi-weekly payroll that is provided for in the straighttime budget. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 153 ORDER NO. 47 RE: AUTHORIZE DISABLED VETERANS DISCOUNT AT COUNTY OWNED R.V. PARKS Motion by Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Stanley that the following action be taken by the Court: Upon the recommendation of the Board of Park Commissioners, that Commissioners’ Court authorize a 50% discount on user fees at County Owned R.V. Campgrounds for Veterans with a 60% or more service connected disability; Further, that the Parks Department require proof of the 60% service connected disability (certified by the Veterans Administration) prior to granting the discount. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 48 RE: PERMISSION TO AWARD ITB #04-41 FLEET MOWING FOR CENTRAL SERVICE CENTER* Motion by Commissioner Clawson, seconded by Commissioner Payne that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to award ITB #04-41 Fleet Mowing for Central Service Center (Pct. 2) to D&N Contractor of Angleton, Texas , who submitted the lowest and best offer for the hourly rate amount of $35.48 for a tractor and 15-foot mower with operator and $24.60 for a ½ ton pick-up and weed-eater with operator. Further, that the County Judge be authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of Brazoria County. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 49 RE: PERMISSION TO AWARD ITB #04-40 ELEVATOR INSTALLATION AT BRAZORIA COUNTY FACILITY IN FREEPORT* Motion by Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Stanley that the following action be taken by the Court: That upon recommendation of the County Purchasing Agent, permission is requested to award ITB #04-40 Elevator Installation at Brazoria County Facility in Freeport to Thyssen-Krupp, Inc. of Houston, Texas, subject to the review and approval of the District Attorney Civil Division. Thyssen-Krupp submitted the lowest and best offer for the amount of $28,400.00. Further, that the County Judge be authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of Brazoria County. Further, that a certified copy of this order be sent to the County Purchasing Agent. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 154 ORDER NO. 50 RE OPEN PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS RESULTING FROM BRINSAP INSPECTIONS Motion by Commissioner Clawson, seconded by Commissioner Payne, that the following action be taken by the Court: That a public hearing be opened for the revision of the Bridge Load Postings as presented by TxDOT to the Road and Bridge Department. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 51 RE CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS RESULTING FROM BRINSAP INSPECTIONS Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Harris that the following action be taken by the Court: That the public hearing for the revision of the Bridge Load Postings as presented by TxDOT to the Road and Bridge Department be closed. Motion carried, all present voting aye. ORDER NO. 52 RE: AUTHORIZE REMOVAL OF BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS RESULTING FROM BRINSAP INSPECTIONS Motion by Commissioner Stanley, seconded by Commissioner Clawson that the following action be taken by the Court: That after a public hearing held this date to receive public comment; the following Bridge Load Postings as presented by TxDOT for the road and bridge department are hereby authorized to be posted. Where as the following bridge has been replaced and/or repaired, load limits are no longer required and the load limits signs shall be removed for the following bridge in accordance with recommendation resulting from the BRINSAP inspections: CR 48 @ MUSTANG BAYOU – AA05-31-001 – PRECINCT 4 Further, that a certified copy of this order be furnished to the County Engineer. Motion carried, all present voting aye. BRAZORIA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT SPECIAL SESSION – MAY 11, 2004 VOLUME 46 PAGE 155 ANNOUNCEMENTS: At 9:50 A.M. Judge Willy recessed this Special Session of Commissioners’ Court. At 10:00 A.M. Commissioners’ Court entered into Closed Session with all members present pursuant to V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 551 to discuss the following: A. Memorial Herman Hospital System vs. Brazoria County At 10:01 A.M. Commissioners’ Court was again in open session, as no further matters were to be had, Judge Willy adjourned this Special Session of Commissioners’ Court at 10:04 A.M. ____________________________________ JUDGE JOHN WILLY ATTEST: JOYCE HUDMAN, COUNTY CLERK BRAZORIA COUNTY EX-OFFICIO MEMBER COMMISSIONERS’ COURT BY: _________________________ Deputy Shelly Moore