Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology

Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology
Toronto Section
2010 Scholarships
1 Award of $1000 is available to eligible students with high academic standing in
the course specified for the CIFST Toronto Section
Introductory Food Science Award, (FND 100)
and interest and career goals in the food industry and food science field.
This award will be presented at Ryerson’s 2010 School of Nutrition Fall Awards
Criteria for Eligible Students:
1. Students enrolled in Ryerson’s Food and Nutrition program that are
interested and have career goals in the food industry and food science field
and who have completed the course FND 100 in Winter 2010.
2. Students must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants.
3. Students must have achieved a minimum CGPA of B. Students with less
than a CGPA of B may apply for the award; however, they must address the
issue of their academic performance in their application package in Section
B (accomplishments and how they relate to your career goals).
4. Students must complete the attached application and also be student
members of CIFST to qualify.
5. Only those students who have completed the application will be
considered for the CIFST Toronto Section 2009 Award.
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March 7, 2016
Application for the
CIFST Toronto Section Scholarship
Section A;
Please research and prepare a half page report describing CIFST and the
benefits of being a member.
Section B:
Discuss your interest in the food industry or food science experiences and
how they have influenced your current career goals. (500 words max)
Section C:
Please attach your resume with the application.
Please return to Ryerson’s School of Nutrition Office by September 20th, 2010.
Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant?
Consent for the School of Nutrition to provide GPA and grades to the CIFST
Toronto Section Scholarship Committee?
Program Name and Year:
Office Use only: