Name: Linda Iwenofu Program: School and Clinical Child

Name: Linda Iwenofu
Program: School and Clinical Child Psychology
Level of Study: PhD 1
Master’s thesis: Examining student engagement in literacy intervention: Voices of
adolescents living in an urban marginalized community
PhD thesis: Outcomes of literacy intervention with academically at-risk, ethnic minority
urban youth: The interplay of individual, social-contextual and academic factors
I am a 1st year PhD student in the School and Clinical Child Psychology Program. Currently,
I am examining the role of important aspects of adolescents’ social context in accounting for
their ability to demonstrate literacy gains after participating in an intensive, empirically-based
literacy intervention. This goal of this research is to elucidate the critical roles of peer
influences, the student-tutor relationship, home literacy experiences and cultural identity, for
example, on the acquisition of second language academic vocabulary and reading
comprehension among youth who are at-risk of dropping out of high school.
Toplak, M. E., Pitch, A., Flora, D. B., Iwenofu, L., Ghelani, K., Jain, U., &
Tannock, R.(2009). The unity and diversity of inattention and
hyperactivity/impulsivity in ADHD: Evidence for a general factor with
separable dimensions. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37,
Biss, T., Chan, A., Blanchette, V., Iwenofu, L., McLimont, M., Carcao, MD; The
Association of Haemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada (AHCDC); Canadian
Association of Nurses in Hemophilia Care (CANH) (2008). The use of
Prophylaxis in 2,663 Children and Adults with Haemophilia: Results of the
2006 Canadian National Haemophilia Prophylaxis Survey. Haemophilia, 14,
Manuscripts in Preparation or Under Review
Iwenofu, L., & Geva, E. (2013). Examining student engagement in literacy
intervention: voices of adolescents living in an urban, marginalized community.
Manuscript in preparation.
Research Reports
Mishna, F., Bhole, P., & Iwenofu, L. (2013). Counseline: Onsite & Online
Counselling, 2012-2013 Report. Year One Report to the University of Toronto.
Iwenofu, L. (2005). Faith. In Elder and Leemaur (Ed.), Authors of Tomorrow.
Langley: Elder and Leemaur Publishers, 125.
Conference Presentations:
Iwenofu, L., & Geva, E. (2014, July). An examination of at-risk student
engagement in literacy intervention. Poster presented at the Society for the
Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) Annual Conference, Santa Fe, N.M.
Azimi, M., Fraser, C., Iwenofu, L., & Geva, E. (2013, May). Addressing social
justice issues through literacy intervention in a vulnerable urban community.
Presentation at the OISE Conference on Social Justice and Equity in Education,
Toronto, Canada.
Iwenofu, L. & Geva, E. (2013, March). Literacy and the social context: Voices of
immigrant adolescents living in an urban, marginalized community. Poster
presented at the OISE Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference,
Iwenofu, L., Cheng, C., & Naglie, G. (2012, April). Barriers and Facilitators to
Driving Research Participation in Persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Poster
presented at the Annual Canadian Geriatric Society Conference, Quebec,
Biss, T., Chan, A., Blanchette, V., Iwenofu, L., McLimont, M., Carcao, MD; The
Association of Haemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada (AHCDC); Canadian
Association of Nurses in Hemophilia Care (CANH) (2008, June). A Survey of
Factor Prophylaxis in Canadian Patients with Haemophilia. Poster presented at
the XXVIII World Federation of Hemophilia Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Iwenofu, L. (2007, January). An Evaluation of the Barriers to Healthcare in
Developing Countries [PowerPoint Slides]. Presented at the Child Health
Evaluative Sciences Research Rounds, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Ghelani, K., Iwenofu, L., Toplak, M.E., Tannock, R. & Jain, U. (2006, October).
Factor analysis of symptoms in adolescent ADHD. Poster presented at the 53rd
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
San Diego, California.
James, C.A., Hart, T.A., Roberts, K., & Iwenofu, L. (2006, August). Religion
versus ethnicity as predictors of unprotected vaginal intercourse (UVI) among
young Canadian adults. Poster presented at the 16th International AIDS
Conference, Toronto, ON.
Iwenofu, L. (2006, April). Factor Analysis of Symptoms in
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Searching for the Best Model for the
Organization of Symptoms. Poster presented the Ontario Undergraduate Thesis
Conference, Waterloo, ON.
Mary Stager Graduate Student Award, Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, University of Toronto, $6,600
Lora Dolores Antoniette Pallotta Memorial Graduate Scholarship,
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, $7,000
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), University of Toronto, $15,000
Academic Excellence Award, Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, University of Toronto, $2,000
Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS-Master’s Scholarship, Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), $17,500
Academic Excellence Award, Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, University of Toronto, $2,000
Research Fellowship, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
University of Toronto, $5,000
Funding Grant, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of
Certificate of Academic Excellence (Undergraduate Thesis),
Canadian Psychological Association
Member of Dean’s Honour Roll, York University
Volunteer Recognition Award for Dedicated Service, Adult Day
Program, Providence Healthcare
York University Entrance Scholarship, York University, $6000
Faculty of Science and Engineering Entrance Scholarship, York
University, $2000
National Book Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement,
University of Toronto
Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Tuition Scholarship, Ontario
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, $600
Lieutenant Governor General’s Award for Community Involvement,
Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Research Project Award, Summer Mentorship Program, University of