Selection - City of DeLand

Chief William E. Ridgway
Departmental Standards Directive
The purpose of this directive is to clearly define the procedures pertaining to the selection of employees as well as their initial training and evaluation.
It is the policy of the DeLand Police Department to employ only those persons who
have reached CJSTC certification including completion of the State Law Enforcement Certification Examination. However, the Department reserves the right to
sponsor an applicant through these processes if, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, it is in the Department’s best interest to do so. The City of DeLand is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
In the law enforcement field, the caliber of men and women entering the profession
has the greatest influence on the ultimate goal of police in a contemporary society
and service to the community. Applicants of all positions within the DeLand Police
Department shall be carefully screened to ensure the most qualified persons are selected. It is therefore essential that the process used to determine the suitability of
applicants be a reasonable indicator of the anticipated behavior of those desiring to
join the law enforcement ranks. The DeLand Police Department will utilize the application, written examination, psychological screening, oral interview boards, physical agility, drug screen and background investigation as a basis for determining the
overall character and potential ability of a police applicant. The DeLand Police Department will strive to ensure a diverse workforce that is representative of the citizens served.
4.3.1 Applications for all positions will be made available upon a position opening.
A City approved application form must be completed in total before a candidate can be considered. A resume may supplement but not replace an application form.
As vacancies occur, the applicants will be notified of the date, time and place
to report for further evaluation.
City applications shall clearly state the “City of DeLand is an Equal Opportunity Employer”.
Applicants must reside in a 45 minute travel time to the Police Department, or
agree to become, within six months after appointment, legal residents of the
City or reside within a 45 minute travel time to the Police Department.
The City of DeLand and the Police Department will provide equal opportunity for all to compete for employment and to use standards and procedures
which are job related, uniformly applied, and comply with all statutes, laws,
rules and guidelines as promulgated by state, local and federal governments
or regulatory agencies. In the case of sworn employees, this includes Criminal
Justice Standards and Training Commission selection and background guidelines.
All elements of the selection process shall be administered, scored, and interpreted in a uniform manner.
Pursuant to Section 943.13, FSS, the City requires that, to be eligible to become a police officer, an applicant must:
 Be at least 19 years of age.
 Be a citizen of the United States.
 Not have been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving perjury or
false statement, or have received a dishonorable or undesirable discharge from
any of the Armed Forces of the United States.
 Any person who, after July 1, 1981, pleads guilty to a felony or to a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement is not eligible for employment or appointment as an officer, notwithstanding suspension of sentence or withholding
of adjudication.
 Have passed a physical examination by a licensed physician, based on specifications established by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission.
 Be of good moral character.
 Have a driving record history acceptable to the City of DeLand and its insurers.
 Have successfully completed the minimum standards course required by the
Florida Police Standards Commission at time of employment.
4.3.8 All applicants for the position of Police Officer must successfully complete
the screening, including:
Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE),
Physical ability test,
Background investigation,
Polygraph examination,
Psychological examination,
Oral Review Board, and
Medical exam and drug screen
4.3.9 All applicants will be required to successfully pass a T.A.B.E. test. Appli-
cants must achieve a passing score to progress to the next phase of processing.
4.3.10 The T.A.B.E. will be paid for by the DeLand Police Department. If the ap-
plicant fails the test, the cost of re-taking the test will be the responsibility
of the applicant.
4.3.11 The results of the T.A.B.E. test will be e-mailed directly to the department.
4.3.13 The test will be given at DBCC West Side Campus—Testing Center Build-
ing # 7 Room 117, 1155 CR 4139, DeLand, Florida 32724
4.3.14 Testing Times-----Monday and Thursdays----800am
day—Wednesday---Friday—800am to 2pm
to 600pm & Tues-
4.3.15 If the applicant has taken the T.A.B.E. test within the past year, and has suc-
cessfully passed it, the agency will honor that test.
4.3.16 The physical ability test will be given after an applicant has successfully
passed the exam. Applicants must pass the test to move to the next phase of
the application process.
4.3.17 The physical ability test will be job-related, and uniformly applied.
4.3.18 The physical ability test was designed to simulate actual tasks and essential
knowledge, skills and abilities required of the job. These skills were identified through job task analysis and a review of critical job responsibilities requiring physical proficiency.
4.3.19 The City of DeLand will use only FDLE designed and approved physical
ability courses. The current course used will measure the following jobrelated elements:
Jumping and hurdles,
Dragging a dummy,
Flexibility, and
Finger strength.
4.3.20 Background checks will be performed on all personnel, sworn, non-sworn
and volunteers, hired to work for the police department, prior to appointment. Other personnel not specifically working for the police department
may be subject to background checks prior to gaining unrestricted or restricted access to police department facilities.
4.3.21 Sworn employee background checks shall be done prior to the start of their
employment by Detectives trained in collecting required information related
to background investigations.
4.3.22 At the discretion of the Chief of Police, if sufficient time has lapsed since
the completion of the original background check, a second background
check shall be secured.
4.3.23 All sworn employee background investigations shall be conducted in ac-
cordance with CJSTC guidelines prior to appointment to probationary status.
4.3.24 The sworn employee backgrounds will consist, at a minimum, of the follow-
NCIC/FCIC/PCJIS criminal history check;
Fingerprint check through FDLE and the FBI;
Polygraph examination;
Credit check;
Application for employment;
Education verification and transcripts;
Employment history verification and recommendations;
Personal references;
Neighborhood check;
Driver license history;
Military service verification;
Intelligence, internal and area Law Enforcement records check
4.3.25 The non-sworn employee and volunteer backgrounds will consist of, at a
minimum, the following:
NCIC/FCIC/PCJIS criminal history checks;
Application for employment;
Driver license history, if applicable;
Credit check, if applicable;
Intelligence, internal and area Law Enforcement records check.
Fingerprint check through FDLE and the FBI
Employment history and verification and recommendations
4.3.26 Background investigations completed by the agency shall be supervised, re-
viewed and approved by members who have completed a CJSTC approved
course of instruction and are trained in collecting the required background
4.3.27 A polygraph examination shall be completed on all sworn applicants, and
may be completed on non-sworn applicants as the Chief of Police deems
necessary. Such examination shall only be processed by an examiner who is
certified by the National Institute for Truth Verification.
4.3.28 Subsequent to successful completion of the selection process, applicants
will undergo further evaluation to more completely ascertain their psychological suitability for law enforcement.
4.3.29 Psychological evaluations will be job-related and nondiscriminatory.
4.3.30 Such procedures will be under the direction of a licensed doctor of psychia-
try contracted by the Personnel Department.
Examinations utilized will include:
An intellect inventory,
A personality inventory,
A performance of position measurement,
A personality/longevity exam,
A risk factor determination,
Work integrity,
Use of firearms,
Emotional control in public settings, and
Any other evaluation instruments designated as appropriate by the psychological consultants.
4.3.31 Such examinations shall be designed to be job related and non-
4.3.32 Only licensed professionals shall be utilized to determine the emotional sta-
bility and psychological fitness of candidates.
4.3.33 Any and all records which are the result of emotional stability and psycho-
logical fitness examinations shall be maintained by the Personnel Department:
 Such records shall be maintained in a limited access, secure area.
 Such records shall be maintained in accordance with Florida Public Records
4.3.34 The Oral Review Board shall consist of personnel assigned by the Police
Department and who have received interview training approved by the Personnel Department.
4.3.35 Each member of the Oral Review board has a responsibility to be familiar
with and assure the fulfillment of the City's policy of non-discrimination
and equal opportunity in employment.
4.3.36 Oral Review Board Procedures: Applicants appearing for the Oral Board
will be evaluated on factors to include:
 Demeanor;
 Command presence; and,
 Ability to respond to technical questions based on academy training, ethical
and hypothetical situations.
 The purpose of the Oral Review Board will be explained to each applicant for
employment prior to their appearance.
4.3.37 Questions utilized by Board members will be the same for all candidates.
4.3.38 Questions shall not require only a "yes" or "no" answer; elaboration is nec-
essary for adequate insight.
4.3.39 Follow-up questions may be asked when necessary.
4.3.40 If an applicant's responses are not clear, any member may ask for an imme-
diate explanation or clarification.
4.3.41 Argumentative questioning has no place in the interview.
4.3.42 Oral Review Boards will consist of three (3) members. The department
shall make a concerted effort to ensure the board reflects an accurate account of the department’s gender and race composition.
4.3.43 The Interview Rating Form used by this Department will be designed to as-
sist each member of the Board in deciding how to rate an applicant.
4.3.44 Each member of the Oral Review Board will complete the Interview Rating
Form without discussion with other members. Discussion on each applicant
will be conducted following the conclusion of the review.
4.3.45 The Support Division shall be responsible for scoring the Interview Rating
Forms and determining a score for each candidate.
4.3.46 Upon completion of the interview process, all completed Interview Rating
Forms shall be maintained in a file in the Support Division.
4.3.47 Questions asked in the Oral Board are not a public record, but the results are
a matter of public record.
4.3.48 Upon approval of the Chief of Police, the candidate will be scheduled by the
Personnel Department to undergo a CJSTC approved medical and drug
4.3.49 Applicants will be ranked according to their total score based on the written
exam and oral review board.
4.3.50 Final selection of police candidates to fill positions of Police Officer shall
be recommended by the Chief of Police. The City Manager shall appoint
4.3.51 This decision shall be based on a candidate's performance in all phases of
the selection process.
4.3.52 The work performance of each newly hired member shall be evaluated
monthly (for a period of one year), in writing, using job-related and nondiscriminatory measures and procedures.
 Sworn and Communication members shall be on probation one year from the
hire date.
 Non-Sworn members shall be on probationary status six months from the hire
4.3.53 Satisfactory completion of a specified probationary period and of all entry
level training is required prior to any member being appointed to permanent
4.3.54 Probationary employees do not have access to the grievance process for per-
formance evaluations. However, the member shall have an opportunity to
sign and to make comments therein. The probationary member may add any
comments to the evaluation form deemed necessary.
4.3.55 Original records of those personnel hired are maintained in the Personnel
Department. Additionally an FTO training file is compiled and maintained
in the Training Division Files.
4.3.56 Applications, interview questionnaires and related paperwork of personnel
not selected are maintained by the Personnel Department.
4.3.57 Files of those candidates not selected shall be purged after a period of two
4.3.58 All related records will be maintained and destroyed in accordance with ap-
plicable records retention laws.
DRAFTED: PCG-05/2003
REVISED: GRB—11/2006
REVISED: JFA—01/2008