CCEA Exemplar of Work: GCE ICT Unit A2 3.3: Software Development 1 CCEA Exemplar of Work: GCE ICT Specification: A2 GCE ICT Unit: 3.3: Software Development Introduction: This unit of work may cover the objective(s): AO2 Skills Candidates should be able to: investigate and analyse problems and produce a specification; design effective solutions; select and use appropriate application software; test and implement an effective ICT related system; document specifications and solutions; and evaluate solutions and their own performance. AO1 Knowledge and understanding Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of: the components, characteristics and functions of ICT systems (including hardware, software and communication) which allow effective solutions to be achieved; and the systematic development of high quality ICT related solutions to problems. Prior learning: Successful completion of the first part of the full advanced GCE course especially unit 2. 2 CCEA Exemplar of Work: GCE ICT Specification Content Approaches to development Learning Outcomes Resources Teaching and Learning Activities Students should be able to: describe common approaches to the Produce a table comparing different system life cycle: the waterfall model, nline/cs22l/waterfall_model.htm approaches to the system life cycle prototyping and rapid application (waterfall model) development; describe the role of the ICT specialist, the client, and the end user menttopics/development/story/0,1 in the development of a software 0801,71151,00.html system; (system development life cycle) The software development process Specification Content describe the role of analysis and design in the development of an ICT system; uter-aided_software_engineering (CASE tools) explain the need for both technical and non-technical documentation; and Etools.ppt (CASE tools PowerPoint) describe the purpose and typical contents of the requirements specification and the design specification. oftware_management_and_legal_is sues.asp (software assistance notes) Interview several people in terms of how they install software and evaluate the different methods used Resources Teaching and Learning Activities Learning Outcomes 3 You have been asked to install a computer system at home to include a PC and a wireless laptop. Write a report describing the costs of developing, implementing and using this system with regard to hardware, software etc CCEA Exemplar of Work: GCE ICT The software development process (cont.) Students should be able to: describe the role of project management and the use of CASE tools in software development; Research the CASE tools available on the market and their purpose describe and evaluate for some typical scenarios, different approaches to installing new software; describe the costs of developing, implementing and using an ICT system: hardware, software and personnel costs; Software quality describe methods of ensuring the quality of software: black box and white box testing, application testing and acceptance testing, alpha and beta testing; and lectures/lecture5_s06.ppt (testing PowerPoint) explain the process of review and software maintenance, describing how each should be managed and implemented. 4