RED 0900 Syllabus Reading 0900-300 Basic Composition II Spring 2012 Illinois Valley Community College Instructor: Tricia Haynes Class Location: E 216 Email: Meeting Times: M/W/F 10:00am – 10:50am Phone: 815-224-2720 ext. 6205 Office Hours: By Appointment Course description: This course is designed to enhance student knowledge of word analysis, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. It explores and practices critical reading and thinking. Students will be introduced to study and test-taking strategies that promote academic success. This course builds on students' strengths and is for those who need greater efficiency in the reading skills necessary for academic success. IVCC college credit is awarded, but no transferable college credit. The course is evaluated by a letter grading system; however, it is not calculated into the GPA. Students must complete the course with a "C" or higher to satisfy the requirement for Basic Reading II. Students must earn 80 percent of the total points available to pass the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Basic Reading I or appropriate score on the Accuplacer Reading Test. Expected Student Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To apply a systematic study plan to all academic work To identify and practice reading strategies that improve reading comprehension To have improved vocabulary To have improved analytical reading skills To work and study both individually and in collaboration with other To appreciate the value of learning, self-improvement and career planning To read and respond to a variety of literature selections Required Text: Henry, D.J. The Effective Reader. 3th Ed. Boston: Pearson, 2011. Required Materials: 3-ring Binder with dividers Three-hole Punch Highlighter The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Assessment: Student will be assessed on the following: Homework Novel Project Portfolio My Reading Lab (Online Lessons) Study Skills Novel Project Final Exam Other (quizzes, daily homework, portfolio, etc.) Grading Scale: A B C F 94+ 87-93 80-86 Less than 80 Expectations: Attendance: You are allowed three excused absences as long as you contact the instructor before each class to explain the absence. Instructor may request documentation regarding the absence and this must be produced at the next class meeting. An unexcused absence will result in a 10 percent deduction in your final grade. Four or more unexcused absences will result in a failing grade or withdrawal from the course. Classes begin promptly at 10:00am. Anyone arriving after the beginning of class is considered tardy. Three late arrivals will equal one absence and will result in the 10 percent deduction from your final grade. We will be covering material at a rapid rate and attending class and being on time will help you succeed. Exceptions may be made at the instructor’s discretion. Assignment Completion: All assignments are due at the beginning of class, and no late work will be accepted unless an extension has been requested and granted. Extension must be requested prior to the class meeting assignment is due via telephone conversation or email. If you are absent, you must make arrangements for a hard copy of your assignment to be turned in or you must request an extension. Assignments missed during an unexcused absence will not be The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus made up. ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS EMAIL ATTACHMENTS. Your success in this class depends on your effort and dedication. Maintain a Portfolio: You are expected to keep all course materials and work in a binder in order to monitor your progression throughout the course. Tabbed dividers should be marked as follows: HOMEWORK, VOCABULARY, RESOURCES, READINGS and STUDY SKILLS Participate: All students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and activities. Read materials and come to class prepared. Do your own work. Plagiarism will result in disciplinary action and possible withdrawal from the course. Withdrawal Policy: Effective Summer 2011, students will have the ability to initiate a withdrawal from classes. By completing the form in the Records Office or at, the student is authorizing IVCC to remove him/her from the course. Entering the student ID number serves as the student’s electronic signature. IVCC has the right to rescind a withdrawal in cases of academic dishonesty or at the instructor’s discretion. Students should be aware of the impact of a withdrawal on full-time status for insurance purposes and for financial aid. It is highly recommended that students meet with their instructor or with a counselor before withdrawing from a class to discuss if a withdrawal is the best course of action for that particular student. Cell phone/Texting/Internet policy: Cell phones should be turned off or made silent during class. Students should focus on class discussions and activities and should not be sending or receiving text messages. This class is held in a lab classroom and work is done on the computers. Students should refrain from visiting Internet sites other than those necessary for class (i.e. Facebook). This behavior is distracting to fellow students and the instructor and inhibits learning. Accommodations for Disabilities: If you need support or assistance because of a disability, you may be eligible for academic accommodations. If you are interested in learning whether you can receive these academic support services, please contact the Disability Services Office or visit room B-204. The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Course Assignments: Week One: Introduction of Instructor Diagnostic Test Review of Syllabus My Reading Lab: Diagnostic Skills Test Lexile Test Week Two: Text: Chapter 1 Assignment: Review Test 2 Mastery Test 2 Novel: Read Chapters 1-3 My Reading Lab: Active Reading Strategies Reading Textbooks Study Skills: College Success Strategies Week Three: Text: Chapter 2 Assignment: Review Test 1 Review Test 4 Mastery Test 3 Novel: Read Chapters 4-6 My Reading Lab: Vocabulary Vocabulary Development Study Skills: Your Learning Style Learning Strategies In-class Strategies Week Four: The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Text: Chapter 3 Assignment: Review Test 3 Mastery Test 4 Novel: Read Chapters 7-9 My Reading Lab: Stated Main Idea Study Skills: Reading Textbooks Week Five: Text: Chapter 4 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 1 Novel: Read Chapters 10-12 My Reading Lab: Implied Main Idea Study Skills: Vocabulary Week Six: Text: Chapter 5 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 1 Novel: Read Chapters 13-15 My Reading Lab: Supporting Details Critical Thinking Study Skills: Taking Notes on Reading Week Seven: Text: Chapter 6 Assignment: Review Test 1 Review Test 2 Mastery Test 3 Novel: Read Chapters 16-18 My Reading Lab: Outlining & Mapping The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Reading Rate Study Skills: Reading Week 8: Text: Chapter 7 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 3 Novel: Read Chapters 19-22 My Reading Lab: Patterns of Organization: Time Order Process Order Spatial Order Simple Listing Classification Study Skills: Week Nine: Text: Chapter 8 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 2 Novel: Read Chapters 23-25 My Reading Lab: Patterns of Organization (cont.): Compare & Contrast Cause & Effect Generalization & Example Definition of Example Study Skills: Study Strategies Week Ten: The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Text: Chapter 9 Assignment: Review Test 2 Mastery Test 2 Novel: Read Chapters 26-28 My Reading Lab: Memorization & Concentration Note Taking & Highlighting Study Skills: Preparing for Exams Week Eleven: Text: Chapter 10 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 1 Novel: Read Chapters 29-31 BOOK REPORT #3 Due (Ch. 25-36) My Reading Lab: Purpose & Tone Week Twelve: Text: Chapter 11 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 1 Novel: Read Chapters 32-34 My Reading Lab: Inference Study Skills: Time Management Week Thirteen: Text: Chapter 12 Assignment: Review Test 1 Mastery Test 1 Novel: Read Chapters 35-37 My Reading Lab: Test Taking The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus Study Skills: Communication Skills Week Fourteen: Text: Chapter 13 Assignment: Review Test 3 Mastery Test 2 Novel: Read Chapters 38-40 My Reading Lab: Combined Skills Week Fifteen: Combined Skills Novel: Read Chapters 38-40 Week Sixteen: Novel: Read Chapters 41-END Novel Project Mapping Skills Graphic Skills Week Seventeen: Diagnostic Testing Week Eighteen: Finals Week TBA The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor. RED 0900 Syllabus How to use voicemail: 1. Dial the College Switchboard (815)224-2720 or (815)223-IVCC. 2. When you hear the IVCC greeting, choose 5 to dial by extension. 3. Enter the 4 digit guest mail box number followed by #. (6205#) 4. After the tone, you may leave a message. The course syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor.