PHILIPPINE BIDDING DOCUMENTS Procurement of INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Government of the Republic of the Philippines Contract ID: 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao (Contract Name) Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways REGION XII OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Cotabato City District Engineering Office 008 Ramon H. Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City Telefax No.(064) 552-0719 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1. The Government of the Philippines, through the DPWH intends to invite to bid from Eligible Contractor for (Contract ID: 15MA0019) CLUSTER “B” Construction of MultiPurpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao . 2. The bidding of the above stated project shall be opened only to contractors SPECIFICALLY ELIGIBLE for the project. 3. The application for eligibility and bidding for the project is open to local Contractors already registered and classified by the Inter-Agency Committee on Registration and Classification of Contractors, upon filing of the “Letter of Intent” (LOI) on or before the deadline set for in the “Invitation to Bid”. Late application or filing of LOI will not be entertained or accepted. 4. The Contractor’s Eligibility Statement shall be submitted to the Chairman of the designated procurement unit. Eligibility Statement shall be under oath signifying their correctness and authenticity. These shall be accompanied by a letter from ContractorApplicant authorizing the District Engineer or his duly authorized representative to VERIFY all of these documents submitted. 5. The Contractor’s Eligibility Statement of the above-stated project shall be submitted in its original binding and each page shall be duly signed by the Contractor-Applicant or duly authorized representative in case of Partnership/Corporation. Failure to do so shall DISQUALIFY the application for further consideration. 6. The signing by the Contractor-Applicant or the duly authorized representative in case of Partnership/Corporation of the Eligibility Statements/Documents ACKNOWLEDGE the THRUTH AND CORRECTNESS of all statements made thereon. The information/data submitted by the Contractor/Applicant is to be used by the Government in determining, according to its sole judgment and discretion, the eligibility and qualification of prospective contractors. The contractor is submitting his qualification for review, waives any claims against the government that might arise with respect to the decision rendered hereon. In view hereof, the Contractors/Applicants are encouraged to communicate with DPWH for any clarification or interpretation on the eligibility documents. 7. Eligible Bidders shall submit their bids (i) in the prescribed form, including its annexes, as specified in the bidding documents, (ii) on the specified deadline; and (iii) in two (2) separate sealed bids envelopes, the 1st Envelope containing the eligibility and technical component of the bid and the 2nd Envelope containing the financial component of the bid, the name of the contract to be bid and the name of the bidder in capital letters, addressed to the BAC of the agency concerned. The Bidder shall mark the two envelopes: “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE (date and time of opening of bids)”. Both envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope which shall be addressed to the BAC and shall be marked as specified in the Instruction to Bidders. 8. The evaluation of the submitted eligibility statements of the Contractor-Applicant shall be done in accordance with Republic Act No. 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other pertinent/applicable guidelines and regulations by the DPWH. The evaluation shall be based SOLELY on the eligibility documents submitted not later than the deadline set in the published Invitation to Bid. Late submission of the envelopes containing the technical component of the bid and other documents together with the sealed envelopes containing the bid price proposal and other documents specified in Section 25.3-B of Republic Act No. 9184 shall be returned unopened. 9. The Contractors/Applicants shall not be allowed to improve their documents after failure to qualify, pursuant to Department Order No. 112, series of 1994. All Contractors/Applicants shall be duly informed of the results of their applications on the day of opening of bids. 10. In addendum to Instruction No. 4 hereof, the bid proposal form will be issued only to Contractors/Applicants who have submitted their LOI within the prescribed period as set for in the “Invitation to Bid” upon payment of the required non-refundable specified thereof. In order to ensure the situation whereby “bid price proposal forms” falls to the hands of the rightful Contractors/Applicants, it is made as a POLICY of the DPWH Cotabato City Sub-District Engineering Office that the said “Bid Price Proposal form” shall only be released to and received by the Contractor-Owner and the receipt of the same should likewise be within the period in the aforesaid “Invitation to Bid”. 11. The DPWH-CCSDEO reserves the right to accept or reject any application and to annul the eligibility process and reject all applications without thereby incurring any liability to the affected applicants or any obligations to inform the applicants of the grounds for the action taken thereon. Its decision to accept or reject any application for eligibility will be final. Request for reconsideration will not be entertained. Contractors/Applicants who have on-going project with negative slippage of fifteen percent (15%) or more, need not apply for eligibility. 12. In submitting a bid price proposal, the bidders is considered to have familiarized himself with all laws, acts and regulations of the Philippines which in any manner may affect or apply to the operation and activities of the Contractor under the Contract or in connection therewith. The Contractor shall be the employer of the personnel whom he will engage the prosecution of the Contract Work and is under obligation to comply with the Labor Laws of the Philippines. 13. Likewise, the bidder is considered to have familiarized himself with his RESPONSIBILITIES as enumerated in responsibility of Prospective Eligible Bidders of the Republic Act No. 9184. The government assumes no obligations whatsoever to compensate or indemnify the bidders for any expenses or loss they may incur in the preparation of their bid nor thus the Government guarantee that an award will be made. Submission of Bids shall be in accordance with Republic Act No. 9184 and it shall be received ON or BEFORE the designated time and date to be eligible for consideration. 14. If a prospective bidder is in doubt, he may submit a written request for an interpretation to the BAC and/or to the District Engineer allowing sufficient time for a reply to reach him before submission of his bid. Any substantive interpretation given will be issued by the government in the form of Supplemental Notice, furnishing copies to al prospective bidders. 15. The government may also issue to all prospective bidders Supplemental Notice at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of opening of bids for purposes of clarifications or modification of the bid documents. Receipt of all Supplemental Notices shall be duly acknowledged by each prospective bidders prior to submittal of bids and compliance thereto shall be indicated on the bid form. Oral interpretation of the bid documents shall not be binding. 16. Pre-bid Conference(s) may be conducted in accordance with Republic Act No. 9184 and/or considered at the discretion of the Government or upon written request by any or all the prospective bidders subject to the approval of the District Engineer for the project falls under his authority. Said pre-bid conference(s) shall be held at the place and time to be designated by the District Engineer/BAC Chairman which shall not be later than twelve (12) calendar days before the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids. 17. A bid which is not accompanied by the required Bid Security at the time of the opening of bids specified in the advertisement by the BAC, shall be REJECTED OUTRIGHT. Bids maybe withdrawn ONLY in writing, five (5) working days BEFORE the DEADLINE of SUBMISSION OF BIDS. No Bid Securities in the form of sureties of all complying bidders shall be returned after the opening of the bids. 18. The Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) is Php 3,481,091.94 19. A bid which does not comply with the conditions or requirements of the bid documents shall be rejected by the BAC giving the reason or reasons for its rejection. The Government, however, in the evaluation of bids receives, reserves the right to waive the consideration of minor deviation in the bids received which do not affect the substance and validity of the bids. 20. Bids with submitted bid prices that are higher than the Approved Budget for the Contract under bidding shall be REJECTED OUTRIGHT. 21. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to declare a failure of bidding if there is, among others, reason to suspect an evident collusion among contractors resulting in no competition; to waive any required formality in the bids received; and disregard any bid which is obviously unbalanced particularly in the major items. 22. The right is also reserved to reject the bid if any bidders who (1) has previously failed to satisfactorily perform or complete any construction contract undertaken by him or (2) was eligible on the basis of suppressed or false information. 23. The Government further reserves the right to conduct its own verification of the equipment pledged by the Contractors/Applicants for the project pursuant to Department Order No. 161, series of 1991. In relation hereof, the minimum equipment requirement for the project are indicated in the Contractors Confidential Eligibility Statement which will be issued to Contractors/Applicants as provide for in the Instruction No. 4 hereof. 24. Likewise, the Government reserves the right to conduct its own verification of the minimum testing apparatus owned by the Contractors/Applicants which are pledged to be used in the project, pursuant to Department Order No. 80, series of 1990 as reiterated under DPWH MC No. 136 dated September 29, 1975. MANUEL QUEZON LUIS VILORIA BAC-Chairman Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways REGION XII OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Cotabato City District Engineering Office 008 Ramon H. Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City Telefax No.(064) 552-0719 Contract ID: Contract Name: 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao ----------------------------------------------------------------------------BIDDERS CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS FOR ITS BID, INCLUDING ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS AND FINANCIAL PROPOSALS First Envelope shall contain the following: (a) Eligibility Documents Class “A” Documents: Registration certificate from SEC, Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) for Sole Proprietorship, or CDA for cooperatives, or any proof of such registration as stated in the BDS: Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality where the principal place of business of the prospective bidder is located; Statement of all its on-going and completed government and private contracts within ten (10) years from the submission of bids, including contracts awarded but yet started, if any. The statement shall include, for each contract, the following: 1. Name of the Contract; 2. Date & Status of the Contract; 3. Contract Duration 4. Owner’s name and address 5. Nature’s of work; 6. Contractor’s role 7. Total contract value of award; 8. Date of completion or estimated completion time; 9. Total contract value at completion, if applicable; 10. Percentage of planned and actual accomplishment, if applicable; 11. Value of outstanding works, if applicable; 12. The statement shall be supported by the notices of award and/or notices to proceed issued by the owners; and 13. The statement shall be supported by the Contractor’s Performance Evaluation System (CPES) rating sheet, and/or certificates of completion and owner’s acceptance, if applicable; Contract ID: Contract Name: 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao Valid Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) License and registration for the type and cost of the contract for this project; Audited financial statement, showing among other, the prospective bidders total and current assets and liabilities. Stamped “received” by the BIR or its duly accredited and authorized institutions, for the preceding calendar year which should not be earlier than two (2) years from the date of submission; NFCC computation or CLC in accordance with the ITB Clause 5; and Class “B” Documents: If applicable, valid Joint Ventures Agreement (JVA) or in lieu thereof, duly notarized statement from all the potential joint venture partners stating that they will enter into and abide by the provisions of the JVA in the instance that the bid is successful shall be included in the bid. (b) Technical Documents Bid security as presented in ITB Clause 18; Organizational Chart for the Contract to be bid; List of contractor’s personnel (viz, Project Manager, Project Engineers, Material engineers and Foreman), to be assigned to the contract to be bid, with their complete qualification and experience data; List of Contractors Equipment units, which are owned, leased, and/or under purchased agreements, supported by certification and availability of equipment from the equipment lessor/vendor for the duration of the project; ; Sworn Statement in accordance with Section 25.2(b)(iv) of the RA 9184 using the prescribed forms. Second Envelope shall contain the following: Financial Documents: Bid Forms; Duly Signed Bid Prices in the Bill of Quantities Duly Signed Detailed Estimates; and Duly Signed Cash Flow by Quarter and Payment Schedule Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways REGION XII OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Cotabato City District Engineering Office 008 Ramon H. Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City Telefax No.(064) 552-0719 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT CONTRACT ID : CONTRACT NAME: 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao SPECIAL PROVISIONS-BID SCHEDULE/CONTRACT BONDS This Contract cites extracts modifications of the pertinent provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9184 governing Government Infrastructure Contracts. and SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL OF ADDRESS TO BE OPENED AT DRAFTED BY CHECKED BY REVIEWED BY DPWH - Cotabato City District Engineering Office Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways REGION XII OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Cotabato City District Engineering Office 008 Ramon H. Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City Telefax No.(064) 552-0719 CONTRACT ID : CONTRACT NAME : 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao TABLE OF CONTENTS Front Page, Proposal & Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2-A Standard Government Form of Invitation for Bid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----Instruction to Bidders/Tenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ Bid Schedule and Bid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION NAME OF PROJECT: PROVINCE/CITY MUNICIPALITY ISLAND : Mindanao PROGRAM/CATEGORY: DESCRIPTION OF WORK REQUIREMENT ------ CONTRACT ID : CONTRACT NAME: PROVINCE 15MA0019 CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao : Hereunder is a list of needed and essential equipment of the contractor for this Project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15MA0019 CONTRACT ID : CONTRACT NAME : CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao BID I/WE, make this proposal with a full knowledge of the kind, quality and quantity of articles and services required, and if said proposal is accepted with after receiving written Notice of said acceptance, enter into contract within ( ) days with good sufficient securities for the faithful performance thereof. I/WE, enclose herewith cash, certified check, manager’s check or bank draft or guarantee against any refutable bank or surety bond accepted to the government, or any combination thereof as may be required by the Head of Office/Agency Corporation in the sum of _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ (P___________________) Pesos which to be refund if this proposal is rejected and if accepted, as security until the execution and delivery of satisfactory bond in the sum twice the amount of the bidder’s bond for the full and faithful performance of the contract. I/WE build and complete the work in accordance with the program of work, plans and specifications within _________________________ (____) calendar days following the date of the letter notifying us (or me) to proceed. CONTRACTOR : BY : SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways REGION XII OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Cotabato City District Engineering Office 008 Ramon H. Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City Telefax No.(064) 552-0719 STANDARD GOVERNMENT FORM OF INVITATION FOR BID SEALED BIDS. In single copy only, subject to the conditions contained herein, will be received until March 24, 2015 and then publicly opened for furnishing the materials and equipment and performing the work for the Contract ID: 15MA0019: CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao . The principal items of work are approximately as follows: 405 403 404 802 1013 SPL-1 SPL-2 ITEMS 1) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Mao (w/o Sidewalk & Conc. Flooring) Structural Concrete Metal Structures Reinforcing Steel Excavation Roofing Billboard Construction Safety & Health 405 403 404 802 804 704.30 1013 SPL-1 SPL-2 405 403 404 802 804 704.30 1013 SPL-1 SPL-2 APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES 27.83 538.00 3,490.62 90.00 538.00 1.00 1.00 m³ m² kg m³ m² unit LS 2) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Dimampao (w/o Sidewalk) Structural Concrete Metal Structures Reinforcing Steel Excavation Embankment Concrete Masonry Blocks Roofing Billboard Construction Safety & Health 31.80 208.80 2,544.60 84.00 34.00 35.20 208.80 1.00 1.00 m³ m² kg m³ m³ m² m² unit LS 3) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi (w/o Sidewalk) Structural Concrete Metal Structures Reinforcing Steel Excavation Embankment Concrete Masonry Blocks Roofing Billboard Construction Safety & Health 31.80 208.80 2,544.60 84.00 34.00 35.20 208.80 1.00 1.00 m³ m² kg m³ m³ m² m² unit LS Performing of the contract shall not be later than 15th calendar days following the date of the letter from the District Engineer notifying the contractor to proceed and it shall be completed within Sixty Seven (67) calendar days herein provided, includes allowances for Sundays and Nationally observed holidays and bad weather except typhoon. The contractor shall be charged with a penalty for everyday of delay or for each calendar days required to complete the work with rate as set forth in the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, series of 2012. Information for bidders with form and questionnaires could be obtained at the Office of the Bid & Award Committee (BAC-Unit), Cotabato City District Engineering Office, 008 Ramon Rabago Sr. Street, Cotabato City. APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT WORKS (ABC): P 3,481,091.94 EBRAHIM M. LANGEBAN (BAC-Chairman) Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: 15MA0019 Contract Name: CLUSTER “B” Construction of Multi-Purpose Building at: 1)Brgy. Mao, Datu Abdullah; 2)Brgy. Dimaampao, Datu Abdullah Sangki; & 3)Brgy. Poblacion, South Upi, all in Maguindanao BILL OF QUANTITIES These columns are to be filled up by the Procuring Entity Item No. Description Unit These columns are to be filled up by the Bidder Qty. Unit Price (Pesos) In Figure & Words 1) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Mao (w/o Sidewalk & Conc. Flooring) 405 Structural Concrete m³ 27.83 403 Metal Structures m² 538.00 404 Reinforcing Steel kgs 3,490.62 802 Excavation m³ 90.00 1013 Roofing m² 538.00 SPL-1 Billboard unit 1.00 SPL-2 Construction Safety & Health LS 1.00 2) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Dimampao (w/o Sidewalk) 405 Structural Concrete m³ 31.80 403 Metal Structures m² 208.80 404 Reinforcing Steel kgs 2,544.60 802 Excavation m³ 84.00 804 Embankment m³ 34.00 Concrete Masonry Blocks m² 35.20 704.30 Sub-total for this Page: Amount (Pesos) In Figure & Words Sub-total from Previous Page: 1013 Roofing m² 208.80 SPL-1 Billboard unit 1.00 SPL-2 Construction Safety & Health LS 1.00 3) Const. of MPB at Brgy. Pob., South Upi (w/o Sidewalk) 405 Structural Concrete m³ 31.80 403 Metal Structures m² 208.80 404 Reinforcing Steel kgs 2,544.60 802 Excavation m³ 84.00 804 Embankment m³ 34.00 Concrete Masonry Blocks m² 35.20 1013 Roofing m² 208.80 SPL-1 Billboard unit 1.00 SPL-2 Construction Safety & Health LS 1.00 704.30 Total for this Page: Less Discount: (If any) Grand Total: Submitted by: Name & Signature of Bidder’s/Representative: Date: Position: Name of Bidder/Firm Bid Form Date: _________________________ To: BAC-Chairman, DPWH-Cotabato City District Engineering Office Address: 008 Ramon Rabago Sr. St., Cotabato City We, the undersigned, declare that: (a) We have examined and have no reservation to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda, for the Contract [insert name of contract]_____________________ ___________________________ _______________________________; _______________________________; (b) We offer to execute the Works for this Contract in accordance with the Bid and Bid Data Sheet, General and Special Conditions of Contract accompanying this Bid; The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is: [insert information] ___ ___; The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are: [insert information] _________ __________; (c) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of _____________________[insert number] days from the date fixed for the Bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period; (d) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount of ___________________________[insert percentage amount] percent of the Contract Price for the due performance of the Contract; (e) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from the following eligible countries: [insert information] ; (f) We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than alternative offers in accordance with the Bidding Documents; (g) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, has not been declared ineligible by the Funding Source; (h) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed; and (i) We understand that you are not bound to accept the Lowest Evaluated Bid or any other Bid that you may receive. Name: In the capacity of: Signed: Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of: Date: __________ _ Bid Data Sheet The Procuring Entity is Department of Public Works and Highways-Cotabato City District Engineering Office (DPWH-CCDEO) Contract Name: The Funding Source is: The Government of the Philippines (GOP) General Appropriations Act “Bidding is restricted to eligible bidders.” The Procuring Entity’s address is: DPWH-CCSDEO 008 Ramon Rabago Street, Cotabato City UMBRA A. MASUKAT (BAC Chairman) (064) 552-07-19 If the Funding Source is the GOP: The ABC is P_500,000.00___. Any bid with a financial component exceeding this amount shall not be accepted. The Bid prices shall be quoted in Philippine Pesos. Bids Security will be valid until ___one hundred twenty (120) calendar days_________________ Each Bidder shall submit (1) one original and (1) one copies of the first and second components of its bid. The address for submission of bids is 008 Ramon Rabago Street Cotabato City The deadline for submission of bids is _December 3, 2013 at 1:00 PM The place of bid opening is 008 Ramon Rabago Street Cotabato City The date and time of bid opening is __ December 3, 2013 at 2:00 PM Form of Contract Agreement THIS AGREEMENT, made this ____ day of ___________________, 2013 between DPWHCotabato City District Engineering Office, (hereinafter called the“Entity”) and _________________ _______________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the “Contractor”). [name and address of Contractor] WHEREAS, the Entity is desirous that the Contractor execute ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________(hereinafter called “the Works”) and the Entity has accepted the Bid for _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ [insert the amount in specified currency in numbers and words] by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any defects therein. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, to wit: (a) General and Special Conditions of Contract; (b) Drawings/Plans; (c) Specifications; (d) Invitation to Bid; (e) Instructions to Bidders; (f) Bid Data Sheet; (g) Addenda and/or Supplemental/Bid Bulletins, if any; (h) Bid form, including all the documents/statements contained in the Bidder’s bidding envelopes, as annexes; (i) Eligibility requirements, documents and/or statements; (j) Performance Security; (k) Credit line issued by a licensed bank, if any; (l) Notice of Award of Contract and the Bidder’s conforme thereto; (m) Other contract documents that may be required by existing laws and/or the Entity. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Entity to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Entity to execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this Contract in all respects. 4. The Entity hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects wherein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of this Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by this Contract. IN WITNESS whereof the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written. Signed, sealed, delivered by the (for the Entity) Signed, sealed, delivered by the (for the Contractor) Binding Signature of PROCURING ENTITY ________________________________________________ Binding Signature of Contractor ___________________________________________ Omnibus Sworn Statement REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______ ) ) S.S. AFFIDAVIT I, , of legal age, _____________, Filipino, and residing at Name of Affiant Civil Status ______ , after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, Address of Affiant do hereby depose and state that: 1. I am the sole proprietor of ________________________(Bidder) with office address at _______________________________________[address of Bidder]; 2. As the owner and sole proprietor of ___________________________[Name of Bidder], I have full power and authority to do, execute and perform any and all acts necessary to represent it in the bidding for _____________________________________________________________________ [Name of the Project] of the DPWH-Cotabato City Sub-District Enginering Office; 3. ________________________________[Name of Bidder] is not “blacklisted” or barred from bidding by the Government of the Philippines or any of its agencies, offices, corporations, or Local Government Units, foreign government/foreign or international financing institution whose blacklisting rules have been recognized by the Government Procurement Policy Board; 4. Each of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the bidding requirements is an authentic copy of the original, complete, and all statements and information provided therein are true and correct; 5. _________________________________________[Name of Bidder] is authorizing the Head of the Procuring Entity or its duly authorized representative(s) to verify all the documents submitted; 6. I am not related to the Head of the Procuring Entity, members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the Technical Working Group, and the BAC Secretariat, the head of the Project Management Office or the end-user unit, and the project consultants by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree; 7. ___________________________[Name of Bidder] complies with existing labor laws and standards; and 8. ________________________________(Name of Bidder) is aware of and has undertaken the following responsibilities as a Bidder: a) Carefully examine all of the Bidding Documents; b) Acknowledge all conditions, local or otherwise, affecting the implementation of the Contract; c) Made an estimate of the facilities available and needed for the contract to be bid, if any; and d) Inquire or secure Supplemental/Bid Bulletin(s) issued for the _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ [Name of the Project]. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _____ day of ____________________, 2012 at _______________, Philippines. _____________________________________ Bidder’s Representative/Authorized Signatory Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: Contract Name: Location of the Contract: (BAC’s CHECKLIST OF FIRST ENVELOPE) ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS NAME OF BIDDER: Date: APPROVED BUDGET for the CONTRACT (ABC): P Issuing Company: Number : UMBRA A. MASUKAT CHAIRMAN USMAN A. BARAGUIR, CSEE REGULAR MEMBER (VICE-CHAIRMAN) JAMALIA P. MUTIN REGULAR MEMBER DAISY D. AMSITAD PROVISIONAL MEMBER PROVISIONAL MEMBER MANUEL QUEZON LUIS VILLORIA IMP. UNIT Form of Bid Security: Official Receipt No.: Validity Period: Callable on Demand: Bid Security Amount: Initials of BAC Members if document is included. ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS (CLASS “A) Legal Documents Registration Certificate of Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) Mayor’s Permit Technical Documents Statement of On-Going and Completed Projects PCAB License Largest Completed Contract/Project(s) Financial Documents Audited Financial Statement Bank Commitment ELIGIBILITY DOCUMENTS (CLASS “B) Joint Venture Agreement: n/APPLICABLE Note: Any missing document in the abovementioned checklist is a ground for outright rejection of the bid. Remarks: ( ) Passed ( ) Failed Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: Contract Name: Location of the Contract: (BAC’s CHECKLIST OF FIRST ENVELOPE) TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS NAME OF BIDDER: Date: APPROVED BUDGET for the CONTRACT (ABC): P REQUIRED BID SECURITY: Form: a. Cash, Certified Check, Cashier’s Check, Manager’s Check, Bank Draft or Irrevocable Letter of Credit ------2.0% of ABC: b. Bank Guarantee ------------------------ 2.0% of ABC: c. Surety Bond ------------------------------5.0% of ABC: Form of Bid Security: Issuing Company: UMBRA A. MASUKAT CHAIRMAN USMAN A. BARAGUIR, CSEE REGULAR MEMBER (VICE-CHAIRMAN) JAMALIA P. MUTIN REGULAR MEMBER DAISY D. AMSITAD PROVISIONAL MEMBER PROVISIONAL MEMBER MANUEL QUEZON LUIS VILLORIA IMP. UNIT Validity Period --------------------------------- 120 calendar days from bid opening Number : Official Receipt No.: Validity Period: Callable on Demand: Bid Security Amount: Initials of BAC Members if document is included. 1. Bid Security ( ( ) Sufficient ) Insufficient 2. Duly signed Project Contract Organizational Chart 3. Duly signed Contractor’s Certification of Key Personnel for the Contract, with Key Personnel’s Affidavits of Commitment to Work on the Contract 4. Duly signed List of Contractor’s Equipment Pledged to the Contract 5. Duly signed Construction Schedule and S-Curve 6. Duly signed Manpower and Equipment Schedule 7. Duly signed and notarized Affidavit of Site Inspection 8. Duly signed Construction Methods in narrative form 9. Duly signed Construction Safety and Health Program 10. Omnibus Statement Note: Any missing document in the abovementioned checklist is a ground for outright rejection of the bid. Remarks: ( ) Passed ( ) Failed Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Contract ID: Contract Name: Location of the Contract: (BAC’s CHECKLIST OF SECOND ENVELOPE) FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS NAME OF BIDDER: Date: P UMBRA A. MASUKAT CHAIRMAN USMAN A. BARAGUIR, CSEE REGULAR MEMBER (VICE-CHAIRMAN) JAMALIA P. MUTIN REGULAR MEMBER DAISY D. AMSITAD PROVISIONAL MEMBER MANUEL QUEZON LUIS VILLORIA PROVISIONAL MEMBER IMP. UNIT APPROVED BUDGET for the CONTRACT (ABC): Initials of BAC Members if document is included. 1. Bid Form 2. Duly signed Bid Prices in the Bill of Quantities 3. Duly signed Detailed Estimates 4. Duly signed Cash Flow by Quarter and Payment Schedule Note: Any missing document in the abovementioned checklist is a ground for outright rejection of the bid. Remarks: ( ) Passed ( ) Failed