RCMP Historical Bibliography

RCMP Bibliography
Government Publications
Report of a Public Inquiry into Royal American Shows Inc. and Its Activities in Alberta,
Edmonton, 1978.
Butcher, Staff Sergeant H.R. Finger Prints in Relation to Crime, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1934,
Commission of Inquiry Concerning Activities of the RCMP Second Reports, Vols. 1 - 3
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. (Pamphlet) Battleford National
Historic Park, Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, 1969. 6 p. Booklet describing buildings and history of
the force at Fort Battleford, 1876-1924.
Sessional papers, Report on the State of the Militia of the Dominion of Canada, 1872; Ottawa,
1873 (Report of the Col. Robertson-Ross) (Sessional Papers are also available in French).
Parliament, Sessional Papers, Annual Reports of the Commissioner of the N.W.M.P. (1874 1903), R.N.W.M.P. (1904-1919), and the R.C.M.P. (1920 plus). An annual report of the Force’s
activities has been published every year since 187, with the exception of 1875 and 1933. A report
of 1875 was prepared but it was not printed until 1975 - A Chronicle of the Canadian West. In
1973 Coles Publishing Co., Toronto, reprinted the annual reports for the years 1874 to 1889 in
four volumes entitled: Opening Up the West, 1874 - 1881; Settlers and Rebels, 1882 - 1885; Law
and Order, 1886 - 1937; The New West, 1888 - 1889. (Sessional Papers are also available in
Sessional Papers, Reports on the State of the Militia of the Dominion of Canada, 1875; Ottawa,
1876. (Report of Major General Selby Smyth) (Sessional Papers are also available in French.)
Regulations and Orders for the Government and Guidance of the North-West-Mounted Police,
1839; Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1889.
Revised General Orders for the North West Mounted Police: 1895, Ottawa, 1895.
Rules and Regulations for the Government and Guidance of the Royal Northwest Mounted
Police Force of Canada, 1901; Ottawa, 1909.
Rules and Regulations for the Government and Guidance of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Force, 1920; Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1928.
Report of the Hon. John D.M. Baxter upon Certain Allegations Made by Hon. P.J. Veniot, M.P.;
Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1935.
Police Work in Canada, Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, 1952, 273 p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. R.C.M.P. “Air” Division, 1937 - 1973, Queen’s Printer,
Ottawa, 1973.
Royal Commission on Security. Report (abridged), Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, 1969, 159 p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Reserve: Official handbook, 1938.
Rules and Regulations Standing Orders, Etc. for the Governance and Guidance of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police Force, 1933; Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1938.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Rules and Regulations and Commissioner’s Standing Orders,
Headquarters, Ottawa, 1942.
Reports of the Royal Commission to Investigate the Facts Relating to and the Circumstances
Surrounding the Communication by Public Officials and other Persons of Trust to Agents of a
Foreign Power, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1946.
Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Complaints Made by George Victor Spencer, Ottawa,
Report of the Commision of Inquiry into Matters Relating to One Gerda Munsinger, Ottawa,
Report of the Royal Commission on Security, (Abridged) Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1969.
Report of the Commission of Inquiry Relating to Public Complaints, Internal Discipline and
Grievance Procedure Within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, Information Canada,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Law and Order in Canadian Democracy; Crime and
Sessional Papers
Dept. of the Interior
Canada’s Arctic Islands. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1927. Canadian expeditions 1922 - 1926, the
part played by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in these expeditions is related.
Dept. of the Interior
Canada’s Western Arctic. King’s Printer, 1921. Investigations on the health, and welfare of the
Eskimo, the climate, travel and transportation in the neighbourhoods of the Magnetic Pole. Part
played by the R.C.M.P. is mentioned.
Dept. of the Interior
Canada’s Western Northland. King’s Printer, 1937. Its history, resources, population and
administration. The R.C.M.P. was a key component of the administration of the region.
Dept. of the Interior
Canada’s Eastern Arctic. King’s Printer, Ottawa 1934. Its history, resources, population and
administration. The R.C.M.P. acted as Minister of Justice in the Territory.
Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys
The Canadian Arctic. Ottawa, 1951. An introduction to the geography of the Canadian Arctic. It
describe the way of life of the Native Eskimo, the routes by which the white man has penetrated
northwards to develop and administer this vast area, this administration being undertaken by the
Dept. of the Interior
The North West Territories. King’s Printer, Ottawa. 1930. A description of the geographical and
historical features of the North West Territories and the administration by the R.C.M.P.
La Gendarmerie royale du Canada, Ottawa, 1965.
La Gendarmerie au Yukon, Ottawa, nd.
A Brief Outline of the Activities of the Force, 1873 - 1940, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1941.
Reports and Other Papers Relating to the Two Voyages of the R.C.M.P. Police Schooner “St.
Roch”, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1945.
Information for Prospective Recruits, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1946 & 1951.
The Influence of the Force in the Building of Canada, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1949.
A Career in Scarlet, Ottawa, 1952.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Bands, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1955.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Cavalry Drill (Dismounted) Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1956.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Sword Drill, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1956.
Auxiliary Police Manual, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1961.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada’s North, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1961.
The Identification Branch, Ottawa, 1962.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Dress Regulations, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1962.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1965.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1965.
An Historical Outline of the Force, Ottawa, 1967.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Dog Section, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1967.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Equitation Manual, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., 1967.
R.C.M.P. “C” Division
Expo ‘67 - “C” Division Album-Souvenir Book, Montreal, R.C.M.P. Identification Section,
A Career in Scarlet, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1969.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Band, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1969.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Guide to “N” Division, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., circa 1969.
Service Dog Section, Ottawa, Information Canada, 1972.
A ‘Backgrounder’ for Editors, Ottawa, 1973.
Catalogue of Commemorative Products, Ottawa, 1973.
RCMP “Air” Division, 1937-1973, Ottawa, Information Canada, 1973.
R.C.M.P. “E” Division
Royal Canadian Mounted Police; “E” Division Centennial Photo Album, 1873-1973, Victoria,
Morris Printing, 1973.
Outline of the RCMP Breeding Programme, Ottawa, 1977.
A Brief Outline of the History and Organization of the R.C.M.P. Musical Ride, 1978.
A Continuing Education Program for the Police Profession, Ottawa, 1978. (Bilingual).
The R.C.M.P. . . . Its Horses, Its Riders, Ottawa, 1978. (Bilingual).
The RCMP in Manitoba, Winnipeg, 1979. (Bilingual).
RCMP Native Special Constables, Ottawa, 1979. (Bilingual).
Canadian Police Information Centre, Ottawa, nd. (Bilingual).
Career Opportunities with the RCMP, Ottawa, nd. (Bilingual).
Dynamic Sound, Ottawa, nd.
50 Years of Fingerprinting, Ottawa, nd.
The ‘Force’ in the Yukon, Ottawa, nd.
A Guide to Success: Basic Recruit Training, nd. (Bilingual).
The North-West passage; The Famous Voyages of the RCMP Schooner “St. Roch”, Ottawa, nd.
The Origins of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, nd. (Bilingual)
RCMP Career Opportunities for University Graduates, Ottawa, nd. (Bilingual)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, nd.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, Ottawa, R.C.M.P., nd.
Questions and Answers - Criminal Code of Canada, np, nd.
Royal Northwest Mounted Police - Constables Manual, Ottawa, King’s Printer, 1907.
Books (includes Pamphlets and Manuscripts)
Adam, G. Mercer. The Canadian North-West: Its History and Its Troubles. Toronto: Rose
Publishing Company, 1885. 390p.
Adams, Ian. S: A Portrait of a Spy. Toronto: Gage Publishing, 1977. 176p.
Alberta - RCMP Century Celebrations Committee, Committee Report, Edmonton, Above
Committee, May 30th 1975.
Allan, Iris Constance. White Sioux: Major Walsh of the Mounted Police. Sidney, B.C.: Grays
Publishing Ltd., 1969. 209 p.
Anderson, Frank Wesley. Approved RCMP Paint and Colour Book. Calgary: Frontier Publishing
Ltd., 1973. 26 p.
____________________. Almighty Voice. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1971. 47 p.
(Frontier Book No. 25)
____________________. Bill Miner, Train Robber. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1963. 56
p. (Frontier Book No. 7)
___________________. The Cook Murder Case. Saskatoon; Frontiers Unlimited, 1938. 106p.
___________________. Death of Albert Johnson. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1968. 56 p.
(Frontier Book No. 16)
___________________. The Frank Slide Story. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., (Frontier Book
No. 1)
___________________. Hillcrest Mine Disaster. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1969. 48 p.
(Frontier Book No. 18)
___________________. Ka Manito Woew: Voice of the Great Spirit: Known as Almighty Voice,
Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, published by author, nd. 7p.
___________________. Outlaws of Manitoba. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1971. (Frontier
Book No. 26)
___________________. “1885"’ The Riel Rebellion. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1962.
83p. (Frontier Book No. 3)
___________________. The Rum Runners. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., (Frontier Book
No. 11)
___________________. Saskatchewan Provincial Police. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd.,
1971. (Frontier Book No. 28)
___________________. Sergeant Harry Morgan, Royal North West Mounted Police. Calgary:
Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1969. 56 p. (Frontier Book No. 21) Biography of a member of the force.
Anderson, Ian. Men in the Shadows - The RCMP Security Services. Toronto: Doubleday, 1980.
___________. The Scarlet Riders # 3 Beyond the Stone Heaps. Toronto: Bantam Seal Books,
1984. 150p. (Fiction)
___________.The Scarlet Riders # 1 Corporal Cavannagh. Toronto: Seal Books, 1983. (Fiction)
___________. The Scarlet Riders # 2 The Return of Cavannagh. Toronto: Seal Books, 1984.
148p. (Fiction)
Arnold, Phyllis. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Edmonton: Canadian Social Science
Services Ltd, 1974. 59p.
___________. The March West: The North West Mounted Police. Edmonton: Canadian Social
Science Services Ltd., 1981. 24p.
Atkin, Ronald. Maintain The Right. New York: John Day Co., 1973. 400p.
Barnett, Donald C. Poundmaker. Don Mills, Ontario: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, 1976. 61 p.
Beckett, Lalie. Peach Davis: The Mountie Who Thrilled Two Continents. Calgary: The Albertan
Job Press Ltd, 1927. 32p.
Bennett, Billy. Danger Trails North. New York: Cupples & Leon Publishing Co., nd. (Fiction)
Berry, Gerald Lloyd. The Whoop-Up Trail. Edmonton: Applied Art Produce Ltd., 1953. 143 p.
Berton, Pierre. Hollywood’s Canada: The Americanization of our National Image. Toronto:
McClelland & Stewart, 1975. 303p.
____________. Klondike. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1963. 457p.
____________. Wild Frontier. Toronto: McClelland Stewart, 1978. 250p.
Bettany, George. The Black Horseman. London: Skoffington and Sons.
Binns, Ottwell. Clancy of the Mounted Police. London: Ward, Locke and Co., 1924. 256p.
___________. A Hazard of the Snow. London: Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, 1921. 256p.
___________. The Lady of North Star, London: Ward, Lock & Co. Limited, 1919. 253p.
Bishop, Ernest Franklin. The Timberwolf [of the Yukon]. Chicago: Digest Press, 1925. 278p.
_____________________. Mixed Trails. (Fiction)
_____________________. The Timberwolf. (Fiction)
Blindloss, Harold. Winston of the Prairies. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1907.
340p. (Also published in England as The Importer).
______________. Prairie Gold. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1925. 312p.
______________. Wilderness Patrol. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1925. 330p.
Blankenship, William D. Yukon Gold. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977. 280p.(Fiction)
Block, Irvin. The Real Book About the Mounties. New York: Garden City Books, 1952. 183 p.
Boulton, Major Charles A. Reminiscences of the North-West Rebellions. Toronto: Grip Printing
& Publishing Co., 1886. 531p.
Braithwaite, Max. The Night We Stole the Mounties Car. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Ltd.,
1971. 220p. (Fiction)
Breen, D.H. “The Mounted Police and the Ranching Frontier”(115-137), in Men in Scarlet
Calgary: McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Brinkworth, G.W. Royal North West Mounted Police, Regina, 1910.
Bridges, T.C. Marlowe of the Mounties. London: Fred Warne & Co. Ltd., 1946. 256p. (Fiction)
Brockie, William. Tales of the Mounted. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1949. 182p. (Fiction)
Brown, Lorne and Caroline. An Unauthorized History of the RCMP. Toronto: James, Lewis and
Samuel, 1973. 193p.
______________________. An Unauthorized History of the RCMP. Toronto: James Lorimar &
Company, 1978. 193p. Paperback.
Butler, Kenneth Cashimer. Igloo Killinek, Toronto: Longman’s, 1963. 164 p. Account of a year at
Port Burwell, N.W.T.
Butler, Sir William Francis. The Great Lone Land; a Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the
North-West of the America. London: Sampson, Low and Searle, 1872. 388p., 19th ed. By
Musson, 1924. Reprinted by Hurtig, Calgary, 1968. Description of the Northwest territory and the
author submitted a proposal to the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba for the North West Mounted
Cahill, James. Flying With The Mounties. London: A. & C. Black Ltd., 1937. 248 p.
Cameron, William Bleasdell. Blood Red The Sun. With a foreword by Owen Wister. [4th ed.,
rev.] Calgary: Kenway Publishing Co., 1950. 225 p. First published in 1926 under the title: The
War Trail of Big Bear.
____________. The Law Marches West, London, np, 1939.
____________. The War Trail of Big Bear, being the story of the connection of Big Bear and
other Cree Indian chiefs and their followers with the Canadian North-west rebellion of 1885, the
Frog Lake massacre and events leading up to and following it, and of two month’s imprisonment
in the camp of the hostiles by William Beleasdell Cameron. Duckworth [1927] 256p. First
published 1926. Second edition (revised) 1927. Reprinted 1950 in a revised edition with title
Blood Red the Sun.
Campbell, R. Spud Tamson Out West. London: W.R. Chambers, 1920. 247p.
Campbell, R.W. A Policeman From Eton - His Praire Diary. London: John Murray, 1923.
Campbell, William. Arctic Patrols. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1936. 335p.
_______________. Knight of the North. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1943. 154p.
_______________. The Scarlet Riders. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co, 1937. 264p. (Fiction)
Carter, Alixie. No Tears for Peggy Perle. Toronto: Virgo Press, 1979. 174p. Paperback.
Chalmers, John West. Horseman in Scarlet. Toronto: W.J. Gage Limited, 1961. 165p. (Juvenile)
This historical novel is based on the life of one of the original members of the Northwest
Mounted Police, Sam Steele.
Chambers, Ernest John. The Canadian Militia: a history of the origin and development of the
force. Montreal, L.M. Fresco, 1907. 115p.
__________________. The Origin and Services of the Prince of Wales Regiment, including a
brief history of the militia of French Canada and of the Canadian militia since Canada became a
British colony, with an account of the different actions in which they have engaged, including the
Northwest rebellion of 1885. Montreal: E.L. Ruddy, 1897. 99 p.
__________________. The Royal Northwest Mounted Police, a Corps History, Mortimer Press,
Montreal, 1906, 160 p. reprinted by Coles Publishing Ltd., Toronto, 1973.
Chambers, Jack and Jan Truss. A Very Small Rebellion. Edmonton: J.M. Lebel, 1977.
Chambers, Jack. Danger Trails North. New York: Saafield Publishing Co., nd, 392p.
Charbonneau, Jean Pierre. The Canadian Connection. Montreal: Optimum Publishing Company
Ltd., 1976. 542p.
Charlebois, Dr. Peter. The Life of Louis Riel. Toronto: New Canada Publications, 1975. 254p.
Charters, Dean. Canada’s Mountie. Don Mill:, Collier-Macmillan, 1973. 253 p. Dean Charters, a
prominent Canadian designer, amassed an impressive collection of rare historical photographs
and memorabilia to create an annotated photo album in honour of the centennial celebration of the
Chisholm, W.V.C. Chisholm’s Trail Across Canada and the USA. New York: Vantage Press,
1976. 207p.
Chronicle of the Canadian West, Historical Society of Alberta, 1975 (NWMP Annual Report for
1875) Introduction by S.W. Horrall
Clark, Cecil. Tales of the British Columbia Police. Sydney, B.C.: Gray’s Publishing Ltd., 1971.
183 p. Revised versions of articles originally published in the Islander, Sunday Magazine of the
Victoria Daily Colonist.
Clarke, Tom E. The Mounties Patrol The Sea. Philadelphia: Westminister Press, 1969. 191 p.
Discovery and first navigation of the Northwest passage.
Cody, H.A. The Long Patrol. Toronto: William Briggs, 1912. 310p. (Fiction)
_________. The Trail of the Golden Horn, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Publishers, 1923.
320p. (Fiction)
Collins, Joseph. Annette, The Metis Spy. Toronto: Rose Publishing Company, 1886. 155p.
Committee on International Relations of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Law
and Order in Canadian Democracy. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1949. A series of 20 lectures prepared
by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Crime and Police Work in Canada.
Connor, Ralph. (Pseudonym of Charles William Gordon) Corporal Cameron of the North West
Mounted Police. New York: Holder & Stoughton, 1912. 454 p. (Fiction)
____________. The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1914. 363 p.
Constantine, C.P. I Was a Mountie. New York: Exposition Press, 1958. 76 p. (Juvenile)
Cookson, Arthur G. From Harrow to Hawk. New York: Vantage Press Inc., 1978. 171p.
Cramer, James. The World’s Police. London: Cassell and Co. Ltd., 1964. 477p.
Cross, Genenieve. West With the Mounties. New York: Cross Publications, 1951. 30p.
Crump, Irving. The Boys Book of Mounted Police. New York: Dodd Mead, 1917. 297p.
Culhan, T.A. “The R.C.M.P. in Literature”, Phd. Thesis (unpublished), University of Ottawa,
Cullum, Ridgewell, The Wolf Pack. Toronto: The Copp Clark Co., Ltd., 1927. 320p. (Fiction)
_______________. The Law Breakers. New York: A.L. Burt Publishing Company, 1914. 308p.
_______________. The Law of the Gun. New York: A.L. Burt Publishing Co, 1918. 420p.
_______________. The Story of Foss River Ranch. New York: A.L. Burt Publishing Co., 1903.
Curwood, James Oliver. The Country Beyond. New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corporation,
1922. 340p. (Fiction)
___________________. The Flaming Forest. New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1921. 296 p.
___________________. God’s Country and the Woman. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1915.
347 p. (Fiction)
___________________. The Golden Snare. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1921. 257p.
___________________. The River’s End. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1919. 303p. (Fiction)
___________________. Steele of the Royal Mounted. New York: A.L. Burt, 1911. 306p.
(Fiction) (Also known as Phillip Steele - Royal North West Mounted Police, London, Everett &
Co., Ltd, 1912, 254p.) Paperback Edition, np, Pocket books of Canada Ltd., 1946, 188p.;
Paperback Edition, Winnipeg, Harlequin Books, 1958, 160p.
_____________________. The Valley of Silent Men. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1923.
298p. (Fiction) Paperback Edition, Winnipeg, Harlequin books, 1952, 222p.
Darling, Inspector J. H. Canadian Constables Manual. Toronto: The Carswell Co., 1933. 317p.
(Revised edition of similar work by Inspector H. Townsend)
D’Artigue, Jean. Six Years in the Canadian Northwest. Toronto: Hunter, Rose and Company,
1882. 206 p. Trans. From French into English by L.C. Corbett and S. Smith. Reprinted by Mika
Publishing, Belleville, Ontario, 1973. The author was one of the original members of the North
West Mounted Police. This was the first autobiographical sketch of police life to appear in print.
Daw, Ruth M. “Sgt-Major J.H.G. Bray, the Forgotten Horseman” (152-162), in Men in Scarlet,
Calgary: McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Dean, Richard Burton. Mounted Police Life in Canada, a Record of Thirty-One Year’s Service,
London, Cassell and Company Ltd., 1916. 311 p. Reprinted by Coles Publishing Ltd., Rexdale,
1973. A candid account of the author’s experiences in administrative work within the force.
Dempsey, Hugh Aylmer. Men in Scarlet, edited by H.A. Dempsey, Calgary: McClelland and
Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
___________________. “Brisebois: Calgary’s Forgotten Founder” (28-40), in Frontier Calgary,
Calgary: McClelland & Stewart West, 1975. 306p.
___________________. Charcoal’s World. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1978.
___________________. “The Red Coats” (77-86) in Crowfoot; Chief of the Blackfeet,
Edmonton, Hurtig Publishers, 1972. 226 p.
___________________. Jerry Potts, Plainsman, Glenbow Foundation, (Occasional Paper, No. 2),
Calgary, 1966, 23 p.
___________________. William Parker Mounted Policeman, edited by H.A. Dempsey,
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, 1973. 163p.
Dempsey, Hugh A. ed. The Reminiscences and Papers of Captain William Parker, Calgary,
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1973. 163p
__________________. Men in Scarlet. Calgary: McLellan & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
__________________. Red Crow-Warrior Chief. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books,
1980. 247p.
Denison, Muriel. Susannah, Little Girl with the Mounties New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1936.
299 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
_____________. Susannah. (The Shirley Temple Edition) New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1939.
299p. (Juvenile Fiction)
_____________. Susannah of the Yukon. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1937. 343p.(Juvenile
_____________. Susannah at Boarding School. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1938. 344p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
_____________. Susannah Rides Again. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1940. 329p. (Juvenile
Denny, Sir Cecil Edward. The Law Marches West. Toronto: Dent, 1939. 319p. (Originally
published under the title: The Birth of Western Canada, 1924, 499p.). A first-hand account of the
expedition by Inspector Denny who commanded one of the six troops of North-west Mounted
Police that made the famous march in 1874 from Manitoba to the Rockies.
____________________. The Riders of the Plains. Calgary: Calgary Herald, 1905. 223 p.
Deverell, William. Needles. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart., 1979. 351p. (Fiction)
______________. High Crimes. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1982. 391p. (Fiction)
Dickie, Francis. Husky of the Mounties. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1967. 124p. (Fiction)
Dicks, Terrance. The Mounties - Massacre in the Hills. London: Target Books, 1976. 128p.
_____________. The Mounties - The Great March West. London: Target Books, 1976. 128p.
_____________. The Mounties - War Drums of the Blackfoot. London: Allan Wingate, 1976.
Dimmock, Frederick Haydn. Dupree in Alaska. London: Ward, Locke and Co. Ltd., 1939. 256 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
______________________. Dupree’s Tenderfoot. Bath: Venture Books Limited, 1949. 135p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
______________________. The Man From Freezing Point. London: C.A. Pearson, 1923. 252 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
Donkin, John George. Trooper and Redskin: Recollections of life in the Northwest Mounted
Police, Canada, 1884 - 1888. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Scarlet Rivington,1889. 289 p.,
reprinted by Coles Publishing Ltd., Toronto, 1973.
Dorrance, Ethel Smith and James French. Get Your Man. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1921.
302 p. (Fiction)
Dorrance, James French. The Long Arm of the Mounted. New York: Macaulay Company, 1926.
321 p. (Fiction)
___________________. Never Fire First. New York: Macaulay Company, 1924. 309 p. (Fiction)
Douthwaite, Louis Charles. Corporal of the Mounted. London: Blackie & Son, 1939. 224 p.
_____________________. Murder Goes West. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1946.
_____________________. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. London: Blackie & Son, 1939.
_____________________. Warden of the North. London: W. & R. Chambers, 1938. 241p.
_____________________. Yellerlegs (A Story of the R.C.M.P.). London: W. & R. Chambers,
1930. 316 p. (Fiction)
_____________________. Yukon Patrol. London: Blackie & Son, 1936. 217 p. (Fiction)
Drago, Henry Sinclair. The Snow Patrol. New York: Macaulay Company, 1925. 255p.
Duncan, Joy. Red Serge Wives. Edmonton: Co-op Press Ltd., 1974. 249p. (Fiction)
Dwight, Charles Prentice. Life in the N.W.M.P. and Other Sketches. Toronto: National
Publishing Co., 1892. 139 p.
Dyker, Bob. Get Your Man. London: S. Low, Marston & Co. Ltd., 1934. 244 p.
Eaglesham, Isabelle. The Big Muddy Valley. Regina: Saskatchewan History and Folklore
Society, 1970. 17p.
Emmott, Norman. Salvador, the Horse That Joined the Mounties. Toronto: Kingswood House,
1957. 30p. (Fiction)
Erskine, Laurie York. Renfrew of the Royal Mounted. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1922. 256
p. (Juvenile Fiction)
_________________. Renfrew’s Long Trail. New York: Appleton-Century, 1933. 302 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
_________________. Renfrew Rides North. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1931. (Juvenile
_________________. Renfrew Flies Again. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1942. 288p. (Juvenile
_________________. Renfrew Rides the Range. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1935. 267p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
_________________. Renfrew Rides the Sky. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1928. 270p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
_________________. Renfrew in the Valley of the Vanished Men. New York: Grosset & Dunlap,
1936. 251p.(Juvenile Fiction)
_________________. Renfrew Rides Again. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1927. 285p. (Juvenile
_________________. The River Trail. Toronto: Frederick D. Goodchild, 1923. 340p. (Juvenile
Evans, R.G. Murder on the Plains. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1968. 64p. (Frontier Book
No. 2)
Farrar, F.S. Arctic Assignment: The Story of the St. Roch. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada
Ltd., 1959. 180 p.
Fetherstonhaugh, Robert Collier. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. New York: Carrick and
Evans Inc., 1938. 322 p.
Filder, Richard. RCMP - The Real Subversives. Toronto: Vanguard Publications, 1978. 95p.
Finnie, Richard. Canada Moves North. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd., 1942. 227 p.
Fitzpatrick, F.J.E. Sergeant 331, The Author, New York, 1921. 126 p. Personal recollections of a
member of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Police from 1879 to 1885.
Footner, Hulbert, At Mile Ninety-Two. The Ridgeway Co., 1913, 54 p.
______________. The Fur Bringers. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1920. 313p.
Forbin, Victor. Les Justiciers du Pole, Editions Baudiniere, Paris, 1933, 246 p.
Fort Macleod - The Story of the Mounted Police. Fort Macleod Historical Association, 103p, nd.
Fossum, Jack. Cop in the Closet. Vancouver: Hancock House Publishers, 1981. 169p.
Fox, Arthur James. The Newfoundland Constabulary. St. John’s: Robinson Blackmore Printing,
1971. 147 p.
Fraser, William Alexander, Bulldog Carney. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1919. 306p.
Freedman, Benedict and Nancy. Mrs. Mike: The Story of Katherine Mary Flannigan. Toronto:
Longmans, Green and Co., 1947. 312p. (Fiction)
Freemasons, Saskatchewan. Northwest Mounted Police Lodge #11 Regina, np. October 28, 1944.
French, Richard & Beliveau, Andre. The RCMP and the Management of National Security.
Toronto: Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., 1979. 79p.
Fryer, Harold. Frog Lake Massacre. Aldeergrove, B.C.: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1975. 56p.
The Frontier Art of R.B. Nevitt Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1974, 28p.
Getty, Ian. “The Role of Mounted Police Outposts in Southern Alberta”(187-197), in Men in
Scarlet, Calgary, McClelland & Stewart West, 1974.
Godsell, Philip Henry. Pilots of the Purple Twilight: The Story of Canada’s Early Bush Flyers,
Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1955. 225 p.
_________________. They Got Their Man. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1939. 287p.
_________________. The Vanishing Frontier. London: Robert Hale, 1939. 285 p.
Goldring, Philip. “The First Contingent: The North-West Mounted Police 1873-74" (5-40) in
Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History, No. 21, Ottawa, Parks
Canada, 1979.
_____________. “Whiskey, Horses and Death: The Cypress Hills Massacre and Its Sequel” (4170) in Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History, No. 21, Ottawa,
Parks Canada, 1979.
_____________. “La Police a cheval du Nord-Quest: premier contingent, 1873-74" in Lieux
historique canadiens: cahiers d’archeologie et d’histoire, No. 21, Ottawa, Parcs Canada, 1979.
_____________. “Whiskey, chevaux et morts: le massacre des collenes Cypres et ses sequelles”
in Lieux historique canadiens: cahiers d’archeologie et d’histoire, No. 21, Ottawa, Parcs Canada,
Goodchild, George. Trooper O’Neil. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1923. 271p. (Fiction)
Gradet, Roger. Images du far-west, Paris, Rider, 1936. 172p.
Gray, James Henry. Booze: The Impact of Whiskey on the Prairie West. Toronto: Macmillan of
Canada, 1972.
_______________. Red Lights on the Prairies. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1971.
Greater Victoria Centennial Committee. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, Athletic
Park, Victoria, B.C., Friday, August 8th Saturday August 9th: Official Souvenir Program, Victoria,
1958, 9 p.
Greaves, Richard (pseud. for Cst. Peter Simmonds) The Case of Constable Shields, Philadelphia,
Dorrance & Co.Inc., 1940, 341 p.
Greenfield, T. E.E. Drugs(Mostly), Meaford, Ontario: The Knight Press, 1976. 74p.
Grey, Zane. King of the Royal Mounted and the Ghost of Roaring River. Racine, Wisconsin:
Whitman Publishing Co., 1946. 248p. (Fiction)
_________. King of the Royal Mounted. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co., 1937.
__________. King of the Royal Mounted (#1103). Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co.,
1936. 424p. (Fiction)
__________. King of the Royal Mounted, The Northern Treasure (#1179). Racine, Wisconsin:
Whitman Publishing Co., 1937. 424p. (Fiction)
__________. King of the Royal Mounted, The Long Arm of the Law (#1405). Racine, Wisconsin,
Whitman Publishing Co., 1942. 424p. (Fiction)
__________. King of the Royal Mounted, Gets His Man (#1452). Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman
Publishing Co., 1938. 424p. (Fiction)
__________. King of the Royal Mounted, Great Jewel Mystery (#1486). Racine, Wisconsin:
Whitman Publishing Co., 1937. 424p. (Fiction)
__________. King of the Royal Mounted, Policing the Frozen North, New York, Dell Publishing,
1938. 192p. (Fiction)
Gribble, Leonard. The True Book About the Mounties. London: Frederick Muller Limited, 1960.
Grierson, Anne I. The Mounties. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1947. 157p. (Juvenile)
Griesbach, William A. I Remember. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1946. 353p.
Haig, Kennethe MacMahon. Col J.B. Mitchell:for whom a Winnipeg School is Named.
Winnipeg, 1957. 32p. (Pamphlet)
Haig-Brown, Roderick. Mounted Police Patrol. New York, William Morrow & Co. Inc. 1954,
248 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
Hamilton, C.F. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1930. 28 p.
Hardin, J.D. Saskatchewan Rising. New York: Berkley Book, 1983. 186p.
Harrison, Dick. Best Mounted Police Stories. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1978. 272p.
____________. “The Mounted Police in Fiction”’(163-174) in Men in Scarlet, Calgary,
McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Harvison, C.W. The Horsemen, McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, 1967, 271 p. The personal
story of a member of the R.C.M.P. who became Commissioner of the force in 1960.
Hatch, F.J. “The British Columbia Police, 1858 - 1871", M.A. Thesis (unpublished), University of
B.C., 1955.
Hayes, J.F. Bugles in the Hills. London: Copp, Clark, 1955. 312p. (Fiction)
Haydon, Arthur Lincoln. The Riders of the Plains: A Record of the Royal North-West Mounted
police of Canada, 1873-1910. London, original ed. 1910. Rev. ed. Copp Clark, 1923. Repr.
Edition by Hurtig, 1971, 385 p.
Hayes, J.F. Bugles in the Hills. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1955. 312 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
Hayne, Murray Henry Edward. The Pioneers of the Klondike, Being an Account of Two Years
Police Services in the Yukon. Narrated by M.H.E. Hayne, and recorded by H.West Taylor.
Sampson Low, Marston and Co., London, 1897, 184 p. The facts and details which were Hayne’s
entirely, were written in the first person by the author as the most graphic method of portraying
the various incidents.
Heming, Eileen. Ted of the Mounties. London: Lutterworth Press, 1955. 95p. (Fiction)
Henderson, John. “The Royal North West Mounted Police”(223-230), in Great Men of Canada,
2nd series, Southam Press, Toronto 1929. 233p.
Hendryx, James Beardsley. At the Foot of the Rainbow. (Fiction)
_____________________. Cpl. Downey Takes the Trail, (Fiction)
_____________________. Badmen on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. Black John of Halfaday Creek.(Fiction)
_____________________. Blood of the North. New York: The Sun Dial Press, nd. (Fiction)
_____________________. Blood on the Yukon Trail. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Gundy,
1930. 305 p. (Fiction)
_____________________. Connie Morgan with the Mounted. New York: G.P. Putman’s Sons,
1918. 293 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
_____________________. Corporal Downey Takes the Trail. New York: Doubleday Dorn and
Gundy, 1931. 320 p. (Fiction)
_____________________. The Czar of Halfaday Creek. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1934.
271p (Fiction)
_____________________. Downey of the Mounted. New York: Hutchinson & Co., nd. 256p.
_____________________. Frozen Inlet Post. (Fiction)
_____________________. Gold and Guns on Halfaday Cree. (Fiction)
_____________________. Gold and the Mounted. New York: Burt, 1928. 278 p. (Fiction)
_____________________. The Gun Brand. (Fiction)
_____________________. Grub Stake Gold.(Fiction)
_____________________. Intrigue on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. Justice on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. Law and Order on Halfaday Creek. New York: Grosset & Dunlap,
1941. 308p. (Fiction)
_____________________. Man of the North. (Fiction)
_____________________. Murder on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. On the Rim of the Arctic. (Fiction)
_____________________. Outlaws of Halfaday Creek. New York: Triangle Books, 1933. 209p.
_____________________. The Saga of Halfaday Creek. New York: Country Life Press, 1936.
189p. (Fiction)
_____________________. Skullduggery on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. Snowdrift. (Fiction)
_____________________. Strange Doings on Halfaday Creek. (Fiction)
_____________________. It Happened on Halfaday Creek.(Fiction)
_____________________. The Way of the North. (Fiction)
_____________________. The Yukon Kid. New York: Triangle Books, 1933. 249p.(Fiction)
Henley, Trevor. “The Siege of Rat River Cabin”(130-142), in Best Adventure Stories. London:
Burke Publishing Co. Ltd., 1958. 255p.
History of the Legion of Frontiersmen, Regina, Dominion Hr, Legion of Frontiersmen, 1974.
Holliday, Joe. Dale of the Mounted. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1951. 150p. (Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Atlantic Assignment. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1959. 158p.
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Atomic Pilot. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1959. 158p. (Juvenile
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Dew Line Duty. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1957. 159p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - In Hong Kong. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1962. 160p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - In Newfoundland. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1955. 160p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - In the Arctic. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1952. 154p. (Juvenile
__________. Dale of the Mounted - In the Northwest. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1952. 154p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Man Hunt at the U.N.. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1961. 159 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - On the West Coast. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1954. 156 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Pursuit on the St. Lawrence. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1960.
160 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
__________. Dale of the Mounted - Sub Hunt. Toronto: Thomas Allen, 1958. 160p. (Juvenile
Holt, Simma. Terror in The Name of God. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1964. 312p.
Home-Gall, Edward Reginald. The Outlaw Mountie and Red Fang, the Wonder Husky.
Middlesex: Panmure Publications, 1947. 192 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
Horan, J.W. On The Side of the Law - Biography of J.D. Nicholson. Edmonton: Institute of
Applied Arts, 1944. 275 p. Drawings by James Nicoll. Experiences of the chief of the Albert
Provincial Police Force.
Horrall, Stanley William. The Pictorial History of the R.C.M.P.. Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 1973.
256p. Written by the R.C.M.P. Historian in Honour of the 100th Anniversary of the Formation of
the Force. Available in French and English.
___________________. Histoire illustree de la Gendarmerie royal du Canada, Toronto, McGrawHill, 1973.
___________________. “The March West”(p. 12-26), in Men in Scarlet, Calgary, McClelland &
Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Hudson, Lynn; Cameron, Wilbert. Murder in Uniform, Riverhurst, Sask., np. 1978, 35p.
Hurt, Leslie J. A History of Writing-on-Stone N.W.M.P. Post, Historic Sites: Occasional Paper
No. 5, Edmonton, Alberta Culture, 1979. 239p.
Hyatt, Ernest. All Over The Place. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1935. 288p.
Jamieson, F.C. (Ed.) The Alberta Field Force of ‘85, Canadian North-West Historical Society
Publications, Vol. I, No. 7, Battleford, 1931, 53 p. This force included Steele’s Scouts of which
the N.W.M.P. formed the nucleus.
Jarvis, William H.P. The Great Gold Rush, Toronto: MacMillan Co. of Canada, 1913. 335p.
Jennings, John. “The Plains Indians and the Law”(50-65), in Men in Scarlet, Calgary, McClelland
& Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
___________. “Policemen and Poachers - Indian Relations on the Ranching Frontier”(87-99), in
Frontier Calgary, Calgary, McClelland & Stewart West, 1975. 306p.
Jerrome, Edward G. Tales of the Mounties. London: Blackie and Son Ltd., 1960. 26p. (Juvenile)
Johnson, Lee. Heads for Death. London: John Gifford Limited, 1966. 192p.
__________. The Medallion. London: John Gifford Limited., 1962. 192p.
Kelley, Thomas Patrick. Rat River Trapper, The Story of Albert Johnson, The Mad Trapper,
Paperjacks, 1972, 141 p. The story of Albert Johnson who defied a force of R.C.M.P. in a 48
hour battle in 40 below temperatures before being killed on Eagle river, Yukon Territory, Feb.
Kelly, L.V. The Range Men. Toronto: Briggs, 1914. 468p.
Kelly, Nora. The Men of the Mounted. Toronto: J.M. Dent, 1949. 398p.
Kelly, Nora and William. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, A Century of History. Edmonton:
Hurtig, 1973. 318p.
___________________. Policing in Canada. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd, 1976. 704p.
Kelly, Sgt. W.H. Youth and the Police. Ottawa: R.C.M.P., 1947.
Kemp, Vernon A.M. Scarlet and Stetson: The R.N.W.M.P. on the Prairies. Toronto: Ryerson
Press, 1964. 280 p. The author records the history of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
between 1900 and 1917, describing barracks life and conditions as well as the murder, robbery
and rustling which necessitated the policeman’s existence.
________________. Without Fear, Favour or Affection. Toronto: Longmans Green and Co.,
1958. 263 p.
Kendall, R.S. Benton of the Royal Mounted. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1918. 318 p.
__________. Luck of the Mounted, S.B. Toronto: Gundy, 1920. 312 p.
Kerby, George W. The Broken Trail. Toronto: William Briggs, 1909. 189p.
Klancher, Donald J. (see also Phillips, Rober F.). Arms and Accoutrements of the Mounted
Police, 1873-1973, Bloomfield, Ontario, Museum Restoration Service, 1982. 212p.
Klassen, Henry C. “The Mounties and the Historians”(175-186) in Men in Scarlet, Calgary,
McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Labelle, Lucille. Aux Avants-Postes Du Canada, Sous Le Signe Du Bison, Editions Beauchemin,
Montreal, 1962, 252 p.
Lachance, Vernon. Diary of Francis Dickens. Kingston: Jackson Press, 1930. 23 p. (Queen’s
University - Dept. of History and Political and Economic Science Bulletin 59)
Lancaster, G.B. The Law Bringers, (also appeared under title The Eternal Struggle) New York:
Hodder & Stoughton, 1913. 487p. (Fiction)
Larsen, Henry Asbjorn. The Big Ship. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1967. 223 p.
Autobiography of Henry A. Larsen in co-operation with Frank R. Sheer and Edvard OmholdJensen.
__________________. The North-West Passage, 1940 - 1942 and 1944. City Archives,
Vancouver, Canada, 1954. The famous voyages of the R.C.M.P. schooner, “St. Roch”.
Lathrop, West. Northern Trail Adventures. New York: Random House, 1944. 217p.
Lee, H.P. Policing the Top of the World. Plymouth, England, 1928. 18 illus., 2 maps. The
experiences of a private in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the most northerly police post
in Canada, Ellesmere land.
_______. Baffin’s Gold. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1932. 252p.
Leighton, Robert. Sergeant Silk, the Prairie Scout. Toronto: Bell & Cockburn, 1929. 239p.
______________. Rattlesnake Ranch. London:, C.A. Pearson (The Scout Library), 1912. 288p.
______________. The Red Patrol. London: Jarrold & Sons, nd. 348p. (Fiction)
Liggett, Walter William. The Frozen Frontier. New York: Macaulay, 1927. 304p. (Fiction)
___________________. Pioneers of Justice. New York: Macaulay, 1930. 249p. (Fiction)
___________________. The True Tales of the Northwest Mounted Police. (Fiction)
___________________. The River Riders. New York: Macaulay Company, 1928. 384p.
Loew, Franklin M. & Wood, Edward. Vet in the Saddle. Saskatoon: Western Producer Books,
1978. 128p.
Loomis, J. Paul. Salto, A Horse of the Canadian Mounties. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company,
1941. 243p.
____________. Horse of the Deep Snow. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1954. 254p.
Long, Harold Gordon. Fort McLeod: The story of the North West Mounted Police 1874-1904.
R.N.W.M.P. 1904-1920. R.C.M.P. 1920 to present time. Fort McLeod Historical Assoc., 1958,
Long Lance, Chief Buffalo Child. Long Lance. New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corporation,
1928. 278p.
Longstreth, Thomas Morris. The Force Carries On. Toronto: Macmillan, 1954. 182p.
______________________. Gersetz in Der Wilnes. Berlin: Verlag Scherl, nd. 295p.
______________________. In Scarlet and Plain Clothes. Toronto: MacMillan Co., 1946. 365p.
______________________. Mounty in a Jeep. New York: Macmillan Company, 1949. 158p.
______________________. Murder at Belly Butte. New York: The Century Company Co., 1931.
______________________. The Scarlet Force. Toronto: Macmillan, 1953. 182p.
______________________. The Silent Force. New York: The Century Co., 1927. 383p.
______________________. Sons of the Mounted Police. New York: The Century Co., 1928.
______________________. Trial By Wilderness. New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1940. 310p.
Longstreth, T.M. and Henry Verson. Murder at Belly Butte and other stories from the Mounted
Police. Toronto: The MacLean Publishing Co. Ltd., 1931.
Lotz, Jim. Death in Dawson, Markham, Ontario: Paperjacks Ltd., 1978. 183p.
Luckhurst, Margaret. Northwest Mounted Police, Lethbridge: Southern Printing Co., Ltd., 1973.
________. The Mounties - The History of the RCMP, Bison Books Corporation, 1984.
_________. North West Mounted Police; Early History of the RCMP, Lethbridge, Lethbridge
Division RCMP Veteran’s Association, 1974.
Lund, T. The Murder of Dave Brandon. London: T. Werner Laurie, 1931. 244p. (Fiction)
_______. Weston of the Royal North-West Mounted Police. Toronto: Longmans, Green and
Company, 1928. 252p. (Fiction)
_______. The Vanished Prospector. London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1937. 284p. (Fiction)
_______. Up North. (Fiction) London: T. Werner Laurie Limited, 1929. 253p.
_______. Robbery at Portage Road. New York: Claude Kendall, 1933. 252p. (Fiction)
_______. The Lone Trail Omnibus. London: T. Werner Laurie Limited, 1936. 702p. (Fiction)
Lutz, Giles. The Magnificent Failure. New York: Doubleday & Company Inc., 1967. 330p.
Lyttleton, Edith Joan. The Law Bringers (by G.B. Lancaster, pseud.) Toronto: Musson Books,
1913. 395 p. (Fiction)
Macadam, George. Carrying White Man’s Justice to the Eskimo, Doubleday Page & Co., 1925.
P. 265 - 377. Excerpt from the World’s Work, July, 1925.
MacBeth, R.G. Policing the Plains. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1921. 320 p.
MacDonald, Malcolm. Down North., Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1943. 274p.
MacDonald, Kelly. The R.C.M.P. Toronto: Macmillan Co., 1973. 32p.
MacEwan, J.W. “The Law on Horseback”(80-92), in West to the Sea, Toronto, McGrawHill/Ryerson, 1968. 163p. Reprinted as A Short History of Canada.
MacEwan, Grant. Sitting Bull. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1973. 223p.
_____________. “Police Scout Jerry Potts”(16-22), in Fifty Mighty Men. Saskatoon: Modern
Press, 1964. 249p.
_____________. “Sitting Bull on Canadian Soil”(103-109) in Fifty Mighty Men. Saskatoon:
Modern Press, 1964. 249p.
MacInnes, C.M. In the Shadow of the Rockies. London: Rivington, 1930. 347p.
Mackie, John. Canadian Jack. Toronto: Bell and Cockburn, 280p. (Fiction)
__________. Devil’s Playground. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1894.
__________. The Heart of the Prairies, London: George Newnes Limited, 1904. 276p.(Fiction)
__________. The Rising of the Red Men, London: Jarrold & Sons Ltd., 1904. 242p. (Fiction)
__________. Sinners Twain, New York: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. 193p.(Fiction)
MacLean, John. McDougall of Alberta. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1927. 282 p.
MacLeod, Roderick Charles. “The Mounted Police and Politics” (95-114) in Men in Scarlet,
Calgary, McClelland & Stewart, 1974. 230p.
_______________________. The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1919, Ottawa, Canadian
Historical Association Booklets, No. 31, 1978. 22p.
_______________________. The NWMP and Law Enforcement, 1873-1905. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1976. 218p.
______________________. “The North-West Mounted Police”, 1873 - 1905, Phd. (unpublished),
Duke University, 1971.
______________________. “The Problem of Law and Order in the Canadian West, 1870-1905"
(132-215) in The Prairie West to 1915. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1975.
MacMillan, Annie (Norton). Mountie Patrol. Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1960. 160 p. (Juvenile
MacMillan, William. “The Flying Trooper” in The Empire Annual for Boys, London, The “Boys
Own Paper” Office, circa 1932, Vol. 32.
MacNaughton, Sarah Broom. My Canadian Memories. London: Chapman and Hall, 1920. 247 p.
Macoun, John. Manitoba and the Great Northwestern Ontario. World Publishing, Co., 1882,
687 p.
Mccourt, Edward. Walk Through the Valley. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd, 1958. 222p.
______________. The Flaming Hour. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1947. 170p.
______________. Buckskin Brigadier. Toronto: Macmillan, 1955. 150p.
______________. Revolt in the West. Toronto: Macmillan, 1966, 159p.
Malcolm, M.J. The Pursuit of Ernest Cashel. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1984.
Mann, Edward & Lee, John Alan. The R.C.M.P. VS The People. Don Mills: General Publishing,
1979. 290p.
Marshall, Robin. Campbell of the Mounties. Toronto: Musson Books Co. Ltd., 1937. 283p.
Martin, John Julius. Westward Bound. Edited and published by Mrs. Edythe M. Groves, Rosebud,
Alberta, 1968. 96p.
Maxted, Supt. H. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Manual of Horsemanship, R.C.M.P.,
McCall, Ted. Men of the Mounted. Racine, Wisconsin: Big Little Book, 1933. 314p.
McDonald, H. Historical Background and Activities of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(NWMP) (RCMP) from 1873-1952, np, nd, 80p.
McDonald, Jo. The Mounties. Toronto: Saunders of Toronto, 1966. 96p.
McDougall, John. On Western Trails in the Early Seventies. Toronto: Briggs, 1911. 279p.
McFarlane, Leslie. The Snow Hawk. Toronto: Methuen Publications, 1976. 127p.(Fiction)
______________. The Mystery of Spider Lake. Toronto: Methuen Publications, 1975.
______________. Agent of the Falcon. Toronto: Methuen Publications, 1975. 122p. (Fiction)
McKay, Gilbert. Moosomin and the Mounties 1882-1973. Moosomin, Saskatchewan, published
by author, 1973. 80p.
McNamee, James. Them Damn Canadians Hanged Louis Riel. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of
Canada, 1971. 133p.
McNeill, Leishman. Tales of the Old Town. Calgary: Calgary Herald, 1967. 92p.
Merington, Marguerite. Scarlet of the Mounted. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1906. 214p.
Miller, Albert C. Silver Chief’s Big Game Trail. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1961. 191p.
Miller, Basil. Koko and the Mounties. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House,
1956. 57p. (Fiction)
__________. Koko and the Yukon, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1954.
88p. (Fiction)
Mitchell, Kenneth. The Meadowland Connection. Regina: Pile of Bones Publishing, 1975. 130p.
Montague, Sydney Robert. North to Adventure. New York: National Travel Club, 1939. 284p.
_____________________. Riders in Scarlet. Evanston: Row, Peterson & Co., 1941. 64p.
_____________________. I Lived With The Eskimos. New York: Robert M. McBride and Co.,
1939. 222 p.
Moore, Amos. Royce of the Royal Mounted. New York: The Macaulay Company, 1932. 272p.
Moore, Roy. Riel. Markham, Ontario: Paperjacks, 1979. 202p.
Morrison, William.R. “Native People’s of the Northern Frontier”(77-94), in Men in Scarlet,
Calgary, McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Morton, Desmond. Ministers and Generals: Politics and the Canadian Militia 1868-1909.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970. 257p.
_______________. The Last War Drum. Toronto: A.M. Hakkert Ltd., 1972. 193p.
Mowery, William Byron. The Phantom Canoe. New York: A.L. Burt Co., 1935. 291p. (Fiction)
___________________. Sagas of the Mounted Police. New York: Bourgey & Curl, Inc., 1953.
256p. (Fiction)
___________________. Tales of the Mounted Police. New York: Airmont Books, 1962,
___________________. The Black Automatic. New York: Triangle Books, 1936. 284p. (Fiction)
___________________. Heart of the North. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co. Inc. 1929.
331p. (Fiction)
___________________. Forbidden Valley. New York: Ray Long & Richard Smith, Incl, 1933.
294p. (Fiction)
___________________. Long Arms of the Mounted. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.,
1948. 146p. (Fiction)
Mulvaney, Charles Pelham. The History of the North-West Rebellion of 1885. Toronto: A.H.
Hovey & Co., 1885, 424p. (Reprint: Toronto, Coles, 1971)
Munday, Luta. A Mounty’s Wife. Toronto: Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd., 1930. 217p.
Murphy, Rev. William Leo. Trail’s End. New York: Catholic Library Guild, 1941.
Neering, Rosemary. North-West Mounted Police. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd., 1974.
Neuberger, Richard L. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. New York: Random House, 1953. 180p.
Nevitt, R.B. A Winter in Fort Macleod. (edited by H.A. Dempsey) Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta
Institute, McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 134p.
North, Dick. The Lost Patrol. Anchorage, Alaska: Northwest Publishing, 1978. 138p.
_________. The Saga of the Mad Trapper of Rat River, Whitehorse, Yukon: The Midnight Sun
Arctic Series, 1969. 33p.
_________. The Mad Trapper of Rat River. Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1972. 160p
N.W. Mounted Police - Manual and Firing Exercise for the Winchester Carbine and Enfield
Revolver. Ottawa, MacLean, Roger & Co., 1886, 276p.
O’Brien, Jack. Corporal Corey of the Royal Canadian Mounted. Philadelphia: John C. Winston,
1936. 276p. (Fiction)
_____________. Silver Chief, Dog of the North. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1933.
218p. (Fiction)
_____________. Silver Chief to the Rescue. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1937. 235p. (Fiction)
_____________. Return of Silver Chief. Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1943. 211p. (Fiction)
_____________. Silver Chief’s Revenge. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1954. 211p. (Fiction)
_____________. Royal Red. Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1951. 215p. (Fiction)
O’Hagan, Howard. “The Singer in the Willows”(37-79), in Wilderness Men. New York:
Doubleday & Company Inc., 1958. 263p.
_______________. “The Man Who Chose to Die”(81-102), in Wilderness Men. New York:
Doubleday & Company Inc., 1958. 263p.
Olson, Oscar. I Joined the Mounties. New York: Pageant Press, 1956. 188p
__________. Mountie on Trial. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1953. 251p.
Orvis, Kenneth. The Damned and the Destroyed. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd, 1962.
Parker, Sir Gilbert. Pierre and His People. Toronto: Copp Clark Co., 1897. 323 p. (Fiction)
______________. Northern Lights. Toronto: Copp Clark Co., 1909. 375p. (Fiction)
______________. A Romany of the Snow. New York: Stone & Kimball, 1897. 203p. (Fiction)
Pearce, William. “Route Travelled by the North West Mounted Police in 1874" in William Pearce
Manuscript, edited by J.A. Jeffary, Edmonton, np., 1925, 2 Vol.
Peden, Murray. Hearken To The Evidence. Stittsville, Ontario: Canada’s Wings Inc., 1983. 246p.
Perkins, Charles. Molly. Don Mills, Ontario, Longmans Canada Limited, 1966, 130p.
Peterson, Leonard. Almighty Voice. Toronto, Book Society of Canada, 1974. 64p.
Phillips, Alan. The Living Legend. London: Cassell & Company Ltd., 1957. 238p.
Phillips, Roger and Kirby, S.J. Small Arms of the Mounted Police, Museum Restoration Service,
(Historical Arms Series No. 6), Ottawa, 1965, 32 p.
Phillips, Roger F. (see also: Klancher, Donald J.) Mounted Police Arms and Accoutrements: The
First Hundred Years, Museum Restoration Service, Bloomfield, Ontario, 1978.
Plummer, Norman F. The Long Arm. London: Thomas Nelson & Sons. 275p.
Pocock, Roger. The Cheerful Blackguard. Bobbs Merrill, np, 1915, 400 p. (Fiction)
_____________. Following The Frontier. New York: McClure, Phillips, 1903. 338 p.
_____________. A Frontiersman. London: Gay & Hancock Ltd., Popular Shilling Edition, 1903.
308 p.
_____________. Northern Lights. Toronto: Copp, Clark, 1909.
_____________. Tales of Western Life. Lake Superior and The Canadian Prairie, C.W. Mitchell,
1888, 164 p.
Pollock, Sharon. Walsh. Vancouver, Talonbooks, 1973, 116p.
Poole, Colin. “Identification of Mounted Police Outposts in Southern Alberta” (198-211) in Men
in Scarlet. Calgary: McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Powers, John Weston. The History of Regina, Regina: Leader Co., 1887.
Primrose, Thomas. The Cypress Hills. Calgary: Frontier Publishing Ltd., 1969. 48 p. (Frontier
Book No. 22).
Proby, William C. Man Hunters of the North, Being a Recital of Twenty Years in the
R.N.W.M.P., as told to E. Hansell. Tacoma, Washington: The Tacoma Star Publishing Co., 1928.
Raine, William MacLeod. Man Size. New York: Grosset & Dunlap Publisher, 1923.
____________________. Yukon Trail. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1918. 323p. (Fiction)
R.C.M.P. Talks on Youth and Citizenship, Booklet Series, Queen’s Printer.
No. 1 You and the Policeman
No. 2 Policing the North
No. 3 Safety Rules
No. 4 The Policeman’s Niche
No. 5 Discipline and Courtesy
No. 6 The R.C,M.P. Story
No. 7 History of Canadian Law
No. 8 Police Service Dogs
No. 9 Character
No. 10 Be Glad You’re Canadian
R.C.M.P. - G.R.C. 100 Years/Ans Toronto, Danforth Marketing Service, 1973, 10p.
R.C.M.P. Glenbow Archives Series No. 5, Calgary, Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1974.
Ream, Peter T. The Fort on the Saskatchewan. Edmonton: Douglas Printing Co. Ltd., 1957. 155p.
Rennie, A. James. Bob Tanner Joins the Mounties. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter Learning Materials
Company, 1978. 92p. (Fiction)
______________. Bob Tanner Goes Undercover. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter Learning Materials
Company, 1978. 90p.
______________. Bob Tanner and the Swindle. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter Learning Materials
Company, 1978. 100p
______________. Bob Tanner and the Blue Corvette. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter Learning
Materials Company, 1978. 90p. .
Richards, Milton. Dick Kent, Fur Trader. New York: Saalfield Publishing Co., 1927. 223 p.
_____________. Dick Kent, Mounted Police Deputy. New York: A.L. Burt Company, 1933.
256p. (Fiction)
_____________. Dick Kent with the Mounted Police. New York: Saalfield Publishing Co., 1927,
228p. (Fiction)
_____________. Dick Kent with the Malemute Mail. New York: Saalfield Publishing Co., 1927.
230p. (Fiction)
_____________. Dick Kent in the Far North. New York: Saalfield Publishing Co., nd. (Fiction)
_____________. Dick Kent on Special Duty. New York: Saalfield Publishing Co., 1928. 228p.
_____________. Dick Kent with the Eskimos. np, nd. (Fiction)
Ritchie, Mary Edna. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Toronto: Copp Clark Co., 1946. 36p.
Rivett-Carnac, Charles E. Pursuit in the Wilderness. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965. 343p.
Robin, Martin. The Bad and the Lonely. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, 1976. 138p.
Robertson, Douglas S. To The Arctic With The Mounties. Toronto: Macmillan, 1934. 309p
Robertson, Eleanor Herchmer. The Herchmers of Kingston, Kingston, 1967.
Robertson, R.W. (Ed.) The Law Moves West: The North-West Mounted Police. 1873-1878,
Burns and MacEachern, (Adventures in Canada), 1970, 38 p.
Rodney, William. Kootenay Brown. Sidney, B.C.: Gray’s Publishing Ltd., 1969. 251p.
Rosborough, Alexander. The Mountie and the Sourdough. Yreka, California: New Journal
Printshop, nd. 31p.
Ross, P.R. Report of Colonel Robertson-Ross, Adjt-General of Militia on the Northwest
Provinces and Territories of the Dominion, Ottawa, 1872, 33 p. Advocated the establishment of
military posts and units of mounted riflemen to preserve order, an idea which materialized as the
North West Mounted Police.
Rowe, John Gabriel. Sergeant Dick of the Royal Mounted Police. New York: Cupples and Leon,
1929. 296 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
________________. The Carcajou: New York, Cupples & Leon, nd. (Fiction)
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Macmillan Commercial Promotions Unit, Macmillan Co. of
Canada, 1973.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Law and Order in Canadian Democracy. Ottawa, King’s Printer,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1873-1973. Pictorial Calender with text. Regina, Chamber of
Commerce, 1972, 30p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873-1973. Pictorial, With text. Regina, Lion’s Club, 1973m
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Centennial Review, Toronto, Ralph-McNally Limited,
1973, 48p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Centennial 1873-1973. Canadian Bible Society, 1973, 6p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873-1973, Oshawa, Ontario, General Motors, 1973, 16p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873-1973, Winnipeg, Jim Blair Art Glasswork, 1973, 6p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police. New York, View Master Stereo Pictures, G.A.F. Corp., nd, 16p.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Historical Exhibit, Niagra Falls, Ontario, Oneida Community
Developments (Canada) Ltd., nd, 28p.
Russell, E.T. The R.C.M.P., 1873-1973. CFCQ Radio, Saskatoon, 1973.
Russell, Pete. The RCMP - A Year of Memories. Saskatoon, CFCQ Radio, 1973m 120p.
Sandford, Lionel E. Wilson of the Mounted. Lititz, Penn.: The Express Printing & Publishing Co.,
1925. 114p.
Saskatchewan, Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial Corporation. Wood Mountain Historic
Park, Regina, 1965, 12 p. Booklet describing buildings and activities at Wood Mountain police
post, 1876 - 1918.
Sawatsky, John. For Services Rendered. Toronto: Doubleday, 1982. 339p.
_____________. Men in the Shadows. Toronto: Doubleday, 1980.302p.
Sealey, Bruce D. We Built Canada - The Mounties and Law Enforcement. Agincourt, Book
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Selinger, A. “The Saskatchewan Provincial Police, 1913-1928", M.A. Thesis (unpublished),
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Sharp, Paul Frederick. Whoop-Up Country: The Canadian American West, 1865-1885.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1955. 347 p.
Shipley, Nancy. Almighty Voice and the Red Coats. Don Mills, Ontario: Burns and MacEachern,
1967. 19 p. (Juvenile)
Sinclair, Bertrand. Raw Gold. New York: G.W. Dillingham, 1908. 311p.
Sisson, C.K. John Kerr. Toronto, 1946.
Sluman, Norma. Blackfoot Crossing. Toronto: Ryerson, 1959.
Snell, Leroy W. The Lead Death. New York: Cupples & Leon, nd. (Fiction)
____________. The Wolf Cry. New York: Cupples & Leon, nd. (Fiction)
____________. The Spirit of the North. New York: Cupples & Leon, 1935. 204p. (Fiction)
____________. The Challenges of the Yukon. New York: Cupples & Leon, 1935. 204p. (Fiction)
____________. The Phantom of the River. New York: Cupples & Leon, 1936. 203p. (Fiction)
____________. The Shadow Patrol. New York: Cupples & Leon, 1934. 203p. (Fiction)
____________. The Spell of the North. New York: Cupples & Leon, nd.
____________. The Carcajou. New York: Cupples & Leon, 1931. 302p.
Spalding, Frank. Stop The Musical Ride I Want Off!., Sydney, B.C.: Gray’s Publishing, 1972.
110 p.
Spettigue, Douglas. The Friendly Force. Toronto: Longmans, Green & Company, 1956. 134 p.
Stanley, G.F. “The Man Who Sketched the West”(27-49), in Men in Scarlet. Calgary:
McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Starnes, John. Deep Sleepers. Ottawa: Balmuir Book Publishing, 1982. 185p.
Starnes, Thomas. Trapper. Toronto: Doubleday, 1981.
Steele, Harwood. Ghosts Returning. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1950, 260 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
______________. The Marching Call. Toronto: T. Nelson and Sons, 1955. 249 p.
______________. The Ninth Circle. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1927. 312 p. (Fiction)
______________. Policing the Arctic. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1936. 390 p.
______________. The R.C.M.P.. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin and Co. Ltd., 1968. The Jackdaw Series
of Publications, No. C 12. (Pamphlet)
______________. The Red Serge. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1961. 256 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
______________. Spirit of Iron. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1923. 358 p. (Fiction)
______________. To Effect an Arrest. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 947. 311 p. (Juvenile Fiction)
Steele, Samuel Benfield. Forty Years in Canada. Toronto: Dodd, Mead, 1915. 428 p., reprinted by
McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1972 and by Coles Publishing Ltd., 1973.
___________________. Yukon Territory: Report of Superintendent S.B. Steele, commanding the
Northwest Mounted Police in the Yukon territory. (In Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report for
the year 1898. Pt. 3, p. 1 - 139)
Stegner, Wallace. Wolf Willow. New York: Viking Press, 1962.306p.
Stewart, Christina Lamont (See also: Hudson, Lynn C.W.) Murder in Uniform. Riverhurst, Sask.:
Moderen Press Saskatoon, 1978. 35p.
Stoddard, Charles. Devil’s Portage. Winnipeg: Harlequin Books, 1958. 192p. (Fiction)
______________. Malloy of the Royal Mounted. New York: Arcadia House, 1944. 256 p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
______________. The Killer of Fort Norman., New York: Arcadia House, Inc., 1944. (Fiction)
______________. Northwest Trouble. New York: Phoenix Press, 1948. 253p.(Fiction)
______________. Prairie Peril. New York: Arcadia House, 1946. 256 p. (Fiction)
______________. The Trapper of Rat River. New York: Arcadia House, 1941. 256p. (Fiction)
______________. Tundra Trail. New York: Arcadia House, 1947. (Juvenile Fiction)
______________. The Wilderness Patrol. New York: Dodge Publishing Co., 1938. 254 p.
Stotyn, Keith. The Blackfoot Treaty, 1877. Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1972. 6p.
___________. Policing the CPR. Calgary: Glenbow-Alberta Institute, 1972. 6p.
Strange, Thomas B. Gunner Jingo’s Jubilee. Remington and Co., London, 1894.
Striker, Fran. Sergeant Preston and Rex. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1956. 26p.
Strong, C.S. Ranger, Sea Dog of the Royal Mounted Police. Philadelphia: Winston, 1948. 247p.
(Juvenile Fiction)
_________. Ranger’s Arctic Patrol. Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1952. 214p.
_________. Scarlet Riders
Symons, R.D. Still The Wind Blows. Saskatoon: Prairie Books, 1971. 283p. (Fiction)
Talbot, C.K. et al. The Thin Blue Line: An Historical Perspective on Policing in Canada. Ottawa:
Crimcare Inc., 1983. 112p.
Tench, C.W. Tales of the North-West Mounted Police, Daring Adventures of the World-Famous
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Thompson, John Beswarick. The Most Northerly Route. Ottawa: Paarks Canada, 1974. 184p.
Tousey, Sanford. The Northwest Mounted Police. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1941. 34p.
Townsend, Inspector H. Canadian Constables Manual, Toronto, The Carswell Company, 1925,
Tranter, G.J. Plowing The Arctic., Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1945. 311 p.
Tremblay, Jack. The First Mounties: the Story of the North-West Mounted Police. Fredericton:
Brunswick Press, 1967. 23p. Cover Title “A Beaverbrook For Young Canadians”. (Juvenile)
Truss, Jan & Chambers, Jack. A Very Small Rebellion. Edmonton: J.M. Lebel, 1977.
Turner, C. Frank. Across the Medicine Line: the Epic Confrontation Between Sitting Bull and
The North West Mounted Police. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 1973. 270p
_____________. “Sitting Bull Tests the Mettle of the Redcoats”(66-76), in Men in Scarlet.
Calgary: McClelland & Stewart West, 1974. 230p.
Turner, John Peter. The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1893, King’s Printer Ottawa, 1950, 2
Wake The Prairie Echoes, The Mounted Police Story in Verse, Saskatchewan History and
Folklore Society, Western Producer Book Service, Saskatoon, 1973, 87 p.
Walden, Keith. Vision of Order: The Canadian Mounties in Symbol and Myth. Toronto:
Butterworth and Co. Press, 1982.
Walker, Rowland. The Blue Ridge Patrol. Toronto: The Musson Book Co. Ltd, 1928. 192p.
Walsh, P. R.C.M.P. Security & Intelligence Against Communism in Canada. Flesherton, Ontario:
Canadian Intelligence Publications, 1967. 8p.
Walworth, Bob. On the Firing Line, OR, The North-West Mounted Police on the Trail, A.
Westbrook Co., Cleveland, 1910, 64 p., American Indian Series, No. 9.
Ward, W.P. “The Administration of Justice in the North-West Territories, 1870-1887", M.A.
Thesis (unpublished), University of Alberta, 1966.
White, Samuel Alexander. The Code of the Northwest. New York: Phoenix Press, 1940. 255 p.
____________________. Morgan of the Mounted. New York: Phoenix Press, 1938. (Fiction)
____________________. North by the Border. New York: Phoenix Press, 1940. (Fiction)
____________________. Nighthawk of the Northwest. New York: Phoenix Press, 1938. 256 p.
____________________. Northern Trails Omnibus, (Includes Benton of the Royal Mounted;
Luck of the Mounted, by Kendall) New York, Grosset & Dunlap. nd. (Fiction)
____________________. Northwest Crossing. New York: Phoenix Press, 1944. 256p. (Fiction)
____________________. Northwest Law. New York: Phoenix Press, 1942. 256 p.(Fiction)
____________________. Northwest Patrol. New York: Phoenix Press, 1943. (Fiction)
Wiebe, Rudy. The Temptations of Big Bear. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1973.
__________. “Where is the Voice Coming From”(112-121), in Fourteen Stories High, edited by
David Helwig. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1971. 172p.
Williams, Edward Huntington. Red Plume of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police, New York &
London, Harper Brothers Publishers, 1928. 246p.
Wood, Kerry. The Queen’s Cowboy. Toronto: Macmillan, 1960. 157 p. (Juvenile)
Wood Mountain Historic Park. Regina, Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee and Canada Centennial
Corporation, 1965, 12p.
York, Thomas. Trapper. Toronto: Doubleday, 1981. 417p.
Young, Delbert.A. Mounties. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1968. 158 p.
Young, Madeline. The Mountie, Toronto, J.M. Dent & Son (Canada) Ltd., 1956, 32p.
Periodicals and Newspaper Articles
Aitken, J. “Does Anyone remember Rose Marie?” in Int. Wildlife, May, 1978.
Allen, Robert T. “I Know You, Woman Said, You Were Killed in the Arctic” in Canadian
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Amroy, C. “Curmudgeon-at-Large” in Saturday Review World, October, 1973.
Anderson, Frank (ed.) Sagas of the West Magazine, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, 1971.
Anderson, I.S. “Bathurst Inlet Patrol (1914-1918)” in Beaver, Spring 1972.
___________. “Escape from Fort Pitt” in Beaver, Spring 1974.
Andrews, Lela. “Encounter at Crawley’s Coulee” in Free Press Weekly Report on Farming, series
ran from September 15 to December 22, 1973.
Antrobus, W.D. “A Mounties Diary, 1875" in Historical Society of Alberta, 1957.
Arrival of the Mounties, The in The Canadian, Time-Life Books, 1977, 157p.
Atkin, Ronald. “The March West” in Great Canadian Adventures, Reader’s Digest, 1976.
Bagley, Fred A. “The ‘74 Mounties - The Great March Across the Plains” in Canadian Cattleman,
Vol. 13, Nos. 1-8, 1950.
Barker, Bertram. “The Mounties” in North of ‘53, London, Methuen & Co., 1934.
Barkway, M. “Mounties Must Get Their Men” in Financial Post 48: 19 February 13, 1954.
__________. “Police Contacts at Stake: Could This Doom the R.C.M.P.?” in Financial Post 53:
30 April 4, 1959.
Barrass, Georgeen. “The March West” in Glenbow, March-April, 1973, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Beahen, William. “Tribulations of a Frontier Police: The RNWMP Detachment at Edson, Alberta,
1910 - 1913", in RCMP Quarterly, Autumn 1982 (Vol. 47 No. 4).
_____________. “The Arctic Islands - the RCMP and 100 Years of Canadian Sovereignty” in
RCMP Quarterly, Summer 1980 (Vol. 45, No. 3).
_____________. “Mob Law Could Not Prevail - The Mounted Police and Law Enforcement in
Calgary, 1882" in Alberta History, Summer, 1981.
_____________. “For the Sake of Discipline: The Strange Case of Constable Basil Nettleship,
Deserter” in RCMP Quarterly, Summer, 1984.
Bending, Frederick. “The Shadow’s Edge - Tales of the Royal Mounted Police” in McClary’s
Magazine, April, 1923, Vol. 3, No. 1.
Benedict, Michael. “Past Imperfect - Future Tense” in The Canadian, February 3, 1979.
Betke, Carl. “The Mounted Police and the Doukhobors in Saskatchewan, 1899-1909" in
Saskatchewan History, Winter, 1974.
_________. “Pioneers and Police on the Canadian Prairies, 1885 - 1914", Historical Papers,
Canadian Historical Association, Montreal, 1980.
Black, J. “Our Other War” in Saturday Night 55: p.5, December 30, 1939.
Blaikie, Dave. “Straggly Group Changed Canadian History” in Leader Post, Regina, January 6,
1973. P.4 Straggly group changed Canadian history: a series of three stories of how the force was
created and also tells how it brought law and order to the west.
“Blondes and the Men of the R.C.M.P.” in Saturday Night 63: p. 22-23 March 6, 1965.
Bourne, George. “The Mounties” in The Legion Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 12 May, 1973.
Bride, W.W. “The Founding of Fort Steele” in Western Canada Police Review, nd, Vol. 8, No. 2,
p. 8, 14.
Brown, Dorothy Foster. “Royal Canadian Mounted Police: Button Collecting” in Hobbies:The
Magazine for Collectors, Vol 70, No 1 March, 1965, p46.
“Burke Family Legend in the North West Mounted Police” in The New Optimist, Friday, June 28,
1968. P. 19.
Bush, Edward F. “The North West Mounted in Klondike Days’ in Canadian Geographical
Journal, Vol 92, No 1 1976, p22.
_____________. “Policing the border in the Klondike Days”, in Canadian Geographic, Vol 100,
No 5 October/ November 1980.
Bussard, Lawrence H. “The Establishment of Fort Calgary” in Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 3,
No. 1, Winter 1955.
Cameron, Agnes Dean. “Sentinels of the Silence; Canada’s Royal Northwest Mounted Police”, in
Century Magazine, Vol 79, November, 1909, p289-299.
Cameron, Irving H. “Richard Barrington Nevitt” in Canadian Medical Association Journal,
September 1928.
Cameron, William Bleasdell. “Peaceful Invasion” in Beaver 278: p. 36-39, March, 1948.
Campbell, A.J. “Whole and Restorable Container Glass from the 1975 Excavations at Fort
Walsh” in Manuscript Report Series No. 286, Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1977.
Campbell, Gray. “Oak and Shapanappi” in Canadian Cattleman, Vol. 24, No. 12, nd.
_____________. “Fisk of the Mounted” in Canadian Cattleman, Vol. 24, No. 6, nd.
Canada’s Mounted Police: A Century of Law and Order” in Our Sunday Visitor, May 20, 1973.
Carmichael, David. “The Day the Mounties Made a Bee Hair Talk” in The Canadian, Vol 3, No
12, March 25, 1967.
“A Century in Scarlet” in Centennial Edition of the Leader Post, Regina, May 22, 1973.
“A Century in Scarlet” in Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Newsletter, May, 1973, 4p.
Chalmers, John W. “Charles M. Russell - The Year in Canada” in Canadian Frontier Annual
1976, p95.
Chamberlain, W.H.J. “N.W.M.P. Small Arms - Miscellaneous Notes” in Canadian Journal of
Arms Collecting, Vol. 9, No. 4, November, 1971.
Chrysler, K.M. (Ed.) “Crime Problem in Canada: How the Mounties Handle It” in U.S. News,
July, 1973.
“Clothes Make ‘The Man’” in Weekend Magazine, September 2, 1972.
Cody, Hiram Alfred. “The Guardians of the North” in Canadian Magazine, Vol. 26, No. 5,
March, 1906. P. 403-407.
Collins, David (see also Miller, David) “Police Eyes in the Sky” in Canadian Aviation, January,
Couglin, Flt. Lt. T.G. “Scarlet and Gold Air Force” in The Roundel, Vol 8, No 2, March, 1956,
Cumbaa, S.L. “Fort Walsh: A Study of Late 19th Century Mounted Police Diet” in Manuscript
Report Series No. 268, Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1978.
Creighton, J.G.A. “The Northwest Mounted Police of Canada” in Scribner’s Magazine, Vol 4, No
4, October, 1893, p399-417.
Crofton, George J. “A Poet in Scarlet” in Alberta Historical Review, Vol 15, No 3, Summer,
1967, p17-23.
“Cross-Culture Training Alerts RCMP Recruits to Cultural Problems” in Liaison, Vol. 3, No. 6,
June, 1977.
Curwood, James Oliver. “Unknown Canada” in The Wide World Magazine, October, 1913.
David, Lee. “Report on Fort Battleford” in Miscellaneous Historical Reports in Manuscript
Report Series No. 167, Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1965 - 1970.
Day, Cpl. Gary. “100 Years of ‘Upholding the Right’” in Beautiful British Columbia Magazine,
Vol 14, No 4, Spring, 1973.
Deane, Reginald B. “Augustus L. Jukes” in Calgary Associate Clinic Historical Bulletin, Vol. 2,
No. 4, February, 1938. P. 1- 4
Dempsey, Hugh Aylmer. “Jerry Potts, Plainsman” in Montana, The Magazine of Western
History, Vol. 17, No. 4, October 1967 p.2-17. Reprinted from Glenbow Foundation Occasional
paper no. 2.
____________________. “A Letter From Fort Whoop-Up” in Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 4,
No. 4, Fall, 1956, p27.
____________________. “The Redcoat Detachment at Writing-on-Stone” in Montana, The
Magazine of Western History, Vol. 24, No. 4, October 1974, p2.
Dempster, W.J.D. “The Lost Patrol” in British Columbia Digest, Vol. 21, No. 2, NovemberDecember, 1965. P. 22-27
Denny, Sir Cecil Edward. “Trail to the Yukon” in Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 15, No. 3,
Summer, 1967. p. 24-28
Dewar, Elaine. “The True North Strong and Free” in The Canadian, September 16 and 23, 1978.
Dexter, S. “Background on the Nine Month Prowl of Two Rookie Mounties Through Sordid
Narcotics Jungle in Toronto and Montreal” in Maclean’s Magazine Vol. 78, No. 22, Novbember
15, 1965, p 64.
Dickie, Francis. “Northwest Passage” in Overseas, April 1, 1961.
Drew, Bernard. “The Land of the Midnight Pulps” in Canadian Magazine, August, 27, 1977.
Duncan, H.G. “The Battle of Duck Lake” in Canadian Frontier, August, 1973.
Ebbs-Canavan, Frances. “He Planned the R.N.W.M.P.” [Louis Frasse, Viconte de Plain Val] in
Maclean’s Magazine 47: p. 50-51, March 15, 1934.
Edmonds, W.E. “The Establishment of the North-West Mounted Police in Northern Alberta” in
Alberta Historical Review, vol. 2, No. 4, 1954. P. 4-10.
_____________. “The Rebellion of 1885" in Edmonton - Past and Present, nd.
Elliot, Jack. Tradition and Fact: Archaeological Examination of the Cypress Hills Massacre,
Manuscript Report Series, No. 92, Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1973.
Ellis, George L. “‘Alky’ Racket” in Maclean’s Magazine Vol. 51, No. 15, August 1, 1938, p8.
Farrar, F.S. “I Sailed Around North America” in Western Canada Police Review Vol 14, No 1,
1959, p22.
Ferris, E.E. “A Land of Law and Order” in Outlook, July 22, 1911.p. 685-693.
Fetherstonhaugh, R.C. “March of the Mounties” in Beaver, June, 1940.p. 23-25.
Forrest, D.O. “Stamix Otokan” in RCMP Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4.
“Found: A Mountie’s Pictures of the Fabulous Gold Rush” in Canadian Magazine, nd.
Fraser, Capt. H.L. “Breaking Trail in the Sub-Arctic” in Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. 222, no.
1346, December, 1927. P. 752-763/
Fraser, R.B. “Will the Provinces Reject the R.C.M.P.?” in Maclean’s Magazine Vol 72, No 9,
April 25, 1959, p2.
Fraser, William Alexander. “Soldier Police in the Canadian Northwest” in The Canadian
Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 4, February, 1900. P. 362-374.
Freeman, L.R. “The Northwest Mounted Police, The Splendid Force on the Canadian Frontier” in
Overland Monthly, March, 1904 p. 217-222.
Friesen, Victor C. “The Short and Dramatic Life of Almighty Voice” in Canadian Frontier,
Spring, 1974.
Friggens, Paul. “World’s Most Versatile Police’ in Reader’s Digest, Vol. 97, No. 57, July, 1970,
“The Gang That Couldn’t Spook Straight, The” in Maclean’s Magazine, November 14, 1977.
Gardiner, E.P. “Winged Mounties” in The Canadian Aviation Historical Society Journal, Vol. 6,
No. 4, Winter, 1968.
“General Perry Dies in Ottawa” in The Ottawa Journal, February 15, 1956.
Gershaw, F.W. “Crowfoot, Famous Blackfoot Chief’ in Alberta Historical Review, Vol. 2, No. 1,
____________. “Law Comes to the Prairies” in Farm and Ranch Review, October, 1957.
____________. “Law Reaches the Cypress Hills” in Canadian Cattlemen, Vol. 13, No. 10, nd.
____________. “Rufus, The Outlaw” in Canadian Cattleman, Vol. 14, No. 3, March, 1951, p46.
____________. “Trek West and Creation of Cypress Hills Detachment 1874-75" in Canadian
Cattleman, nv, nd.
Godsell, Philip Henry. “Birthplace of the Royal Mounties” in Canadian Magazine, Vol. 81, No.
2, February, 1934.
__________________. “The Law Goes North” in Canadian Magazine, Vol. 80, No. 5, November
__________________. “One Brave Against the North West Mounted Police” in Canadian
Cattleman, Vol. 19, No. 3 and 5, March, May 1956 (reprint: in Frontier Times, February-March,
__________________. “Sea-Going Mounties Cross Roof of the World” in Dalhousie Review,
July 23, 1943.
__________________. “Seventy-Eight Years of the Mounted Police” in Shoulder Strap No 24,
Winter, 1951.
__________________. “They Blazed the Musk-Ox Trail” in Shoulder Strap, No 17, SeptemberApril, 1946-47.
__________________. “Trailing The Killers of Sap-was-te” & “Corporal Doak Talks of The
Cogmollacks” in Arctic Trader London, Putman Covent Garden, 1935, 305p.
Golden, L.L.L. “Mr. Lapointe and Some Non-Journalists” in Saturday Night, Vol. 56, March 15,
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_______________________. “The Mounties in the Arctic” in Canadian Geographical Journal,
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______________. Prairie letter; in Saturday Night 54: March 11, 1939, p. 7.
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Thompson, John B. St. Roch: 1944 - A Photographic Study, Manuscript Report Series No. 86,
Ottawa, Parks Canada, 1972.
Thorner, T. “The Not-So-Peaceful Kingdom” Crime and Justice in Frontier Calgary: Town City
and Regina, 1875-1914, edited by A.W. Rasporich and H..C. Klasser, Calgary, McClelland and
Stewart West, 1975.
Thornton, E.R. “Rescue” in Field and Stream, March, 1963.
“Tourist Bait” in Time (Canadian Edition), 56, July 17, 1950, p. 27.
Turner, A.R. “Scarlet Tunics of the North-West Mounted” in Western Canada Police Review,
Vol. 6, No. 2, nd, p. 14-19.
Turner, John Peter. “When the Mounted Police Went West” in Canadian Geographic Journal,
vol. 10, No. 2, February, 1935, p. 52-61; Vol. 10, No. 3, March, 1935, p. 107-114.
Twilley, F.A. “Abandoned Police Camp” in Farm and Ranch Review, Vol. 54, No. 7, nd.
__________. “Heading West With John Oliver - 1874" in Farm and Ranch Review, September,
October, November, December, 1965 and January, 1966.
__________. “Prairie Bands for Prairie Tastes” in Farm and Ranch Review, vol. 55, No. 7, nd.
__________. “A Policeman’s Lot” in Life in the West, nd.
__________. “Sam Steele - Soldier, Policeman” in Life in the West, nd.
__________. “Young Dickens of the Mounties” in Life in the West, nd.
Urquhart, Ian. “Canada - Sovereign State of the R.C.M.P.?” in Maclean’s Magazine, May 31,
___________. “The Case Against the RCMP” in Maclean’s Magazine, May 31, 1976.
___________. “Mounties Still Can Get Their Man, or 13, If Need Be: Trapping KGB Agents” in
Maclean’s Magazine, February, 1978.
Wake, Malcolm. “RCMP Museum” in Canadian Collector, July/August, 1973.
Walden, Keith. “The Great March of the Mounted Police in Popular Literature, 1873-1973",
Historical Papers, Canadian Historical Association, Montreal, 1980.
Walker, Col. James. “My Life in the North-West Mounted Police” in Alberta Historical Review,
8, Winter, 1960, p. 1-14.
“What Provinces and Cities Paying for RCMP Policing” in Financial Post 53: April 4, 1959, p.
White, B.L. “Four-Footed Policeman” in Maclean’s Magazine 52: March 1, 1939, p. 13, 27+.
Whitfield, K.T. “Early Days of the North-West Mounted Police” in Western Canada Police
Review, vol. 6, nd, p. 8, 34.
Wicker, Tom. “RCMP, The New Untouchables’” in Reader’s Digest, January, 1979. (Condensed
from Maclean’s Magazine, September 25, 1978)
__________. “Watergate’s Lessons Do Not Travel well” in Maclean’s Magazine, September,
Wiebe, Rudy. “The Naming of Albert Johnson” in Queen’s Quarterly, August, 1973.
Williams, Jan. “Almighty Voice” in Westworld, Vol. 2, No. 2, March/April, 1976.
Wills, G.E. “The Royal North West Mounted Police of Canada” in Appleton’s, January, 1906,
Wilson, C. “Arctic Odyssey - the Voyages of the St. Roch” in The Beaver 275: March, 1945, p.
Wood, Fred (see also Hearn, Don) “The Million Dollar Mounties” in Saskatchewan Business
Journal, Summer, 1971.
Wood, Kerry. “The Frightened Mountie” in Canadian Cattleman, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1950, p22.
Wood, S.T. “The Influence of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the Building of Canada” in
Canadian Year Book, 1950, p. 317-331.
Wood, Z.T. “Early Law and Order in the Yukon” in Alaska-Yukon Magazine, 1907, p. 408-413.
Wright, Charles E. “RCMP Centennial” in Carillon Canada, July/August, 1973.
“Yorkton and the RCMP have Grown Up Together” in The Yorkton Enterprise, July 25, 1973.
Yeigh, Frank. “The Police Patrol of Half a Continent” in Through The Heart of Canada, Toronto,
Henry Frowde, 1910, 319p.
The Mountie. Vol. 1, 1963 - Official Publication of the R.C.M.P. Veteran’s Association, Calgary,
published six times a year.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Quarterly. Vol. 1, 1933-1942, 1945 - Royal Canadian Mounted
Police, Ottawa, published four times a year.
Scarlet and Gold. Vol. 1, 1919 - R.C.M.P. Veteran’ Association, Vancouver.
Shoulder Strap. No. 1 - 26, 1938-1956, British Columbia Provincial Police, Vancouver
Theses, Catalogues, Bibliographies and Unpublished Papers
Adams, Ronald A. “The Anti-Communist Role of the RCMP in the Depression.” Paper
submitted to 1978 convention of Canadian Historical Association; London, Ontario, June, 1978.
Arora, Ved. P. “Royal Canadian Mounted Police - A Bibliography” Regina, Saskatchewan,
Provincial Library, 1973, 42p.
Culham, T.A. “The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Literature.” Unpublished Thesis,
University of Ottawa, 1947.
Glenbow-Alberta Institute. “Royal Canadian Mounted Police.” Glenbow Archives Series, No. 5,
A Bibliography of resource material, Calgary, 1973. (List under RCMP as author)
MacLeod, R.C. “Arms and Class: Some Aspects of Law Enforcement in the Canadian NorthWest, 1885-1905.” Unpublished paper delivered to the annual conference of the Western History
association, Santa Fe, 1971.
____________. “Canadianizing the West: The N.W.M.P. as Agents of National Policy, 1873-
1905" Unpublished paper delivered to the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association,
Kingston, 1973.
Morgan, E.C. “The North-West Mounted Police, 1873-1883" Unpublished M.A. Thesis,
University of Saskatchewan, 1970.
Morrison, W.R. “The Mounted Police on Canada’s Northern Frontier.” Unpublished Phd. Thesis,
University of Western Ontario, 1973, 396p.
Parker, Keith A. “The Constitution and the Regina Riot.” Paper submitted to the Canadian
Historical Association, University of Western Ontario, Spring, 1978.
Public Archives of Canada. “Records of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RG 18) in Public
Archives Division General Inventory Series, Ottawa, 1975.
Reynolds, T.M. “Justices of the Peace in the NWT, 1870-1905", Unpublished M.A. Thesis,
University of Saskatchewan, 1970.
Ward, W.P. “The Administration of Justice in the North-West Territories, 1870-1887.”
Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Alberta, 1966.
Thorner, T. “The Not So Peaceable Kingdom: A Study of Crime in Southern Alberta, 18741905.” Unpublished M.A. Thesis, University of Calgary, 1978.
I Canada
Report of the N.W. Mounted Police, 1897. Queen’s Printer, Ottawa, 1898.
Interesting accounts of the early days of the Force.
II Canada
Report of the R.N.W. Mounted Police, 1917 - 18. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1918.
This report contains the report of the Bathurst Inlet Patrol. This is a fascinating
account of the trip made from Baker lake, N.W.T. to Bernard Harbour on the
Arctic Coast between June 16, 1917 - January 32, 1918. This report describes the
route, the crimes investigated, which included Eskimo infanticide, Eskimo wife
murder, the murder of two traders and the murder of two missionaries. It is
interesting to note the absolute candour of the guilty Eskimo when questioned. It
leads one to think that perhaps the white man’s justice could be changed to meet
the Eskimo’s code.
III Canada
Report of the R.N.W. Mounted Police, 1911. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1919. This
report contains the tragic death by exposure of Inspector Frances J. Fitzgerald and
all members of this patrol in the vicinity of Fort McPherson, N.W.T.
R.C.M.P. Annual Report 1921 - 22. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1923. Accounts of
illicit liquor smuggling off the East Coast of Canada, during the era of prohibition
in the U.S.A. 1920 - 1933.
IV Canada
V Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report 1922 - 23. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1924. Interesting
account of the seizure of a whole cargo of liquor - p. 17 of above report.
VI Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1927 - 28. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1929. A case is
recorded of a Canadian Ex-Serviceman accused in August, 1928, by a Los
Angeles Count, of a murder committed in Ohio, in 1927. Through the intervention
of the Canadian Legion who solicited the aid of the R.C.M.P. the man was proven
VII Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1930 - 31. King’s printer, Ottawa, 1932. An account is
given of the search made by Inspector. H.A. Joyce, for a German explorer Dr.
H.K.E. Krueger in the Arctic.
VIII Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1934 - 35 – 1936 - 37. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1936 1938. Most of these reports contain excellent material for novel or story writing.
The reports are accounts of patrons made into the Northlands among the Eskimos,
to bring murderers to justice, most of the murders are the result of jealousies and
there is usually an Eskimo woman involved.
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1938 - 39. King’s Printer, 1940. This report contains an
account of a woman in Nova Scotia driven to suicide by the brutality of here
husband, who had previously tried to murder her. The man though not actually
killing her paid for the death with ten years imprisonment, having been
instrumental in her death.
IX Canada
X Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1939 - 40, 1949 - 50. King’s Printer, 1941, 1951. On p.
145 of the first report “Cliffe”, a police dog was credited with finding a cache of
liquor, a faint old trail was followed from the beer to the back gate of the illegal
brewer. In the 1949 - 50 report “Smoky”, finds a wallet buried under straw and
“Wolf” disarms an armed lunatic. On p. 53, of the same report there are amazing
accounts of police work done by dogs. Ten accounts of ten different dogs are
XI Canada
R.C.M.P. Annual Report, 1945. King’s Printer, Ottawa, 1946. This is a report
actually devoted to the voyages made by the R.C.M.P. Schooner “St. Roch”,
through the North West Passage from Vancouver, B.C. to Sydney, N.S. and from
Dartmouth N.S. to Vancouver, B.C.