AGRICULTURE AQUACULTURE PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) Aquaculture is an interactive class that operates a salmon hatchery off campus. Students are involved in all aspects of raising salmon from spawn to release. The class is also involved in habitat restoration and hobby fish production. This class is offered as a Tech Prep class for college. (CROSS CREDIT: Science) ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This course is designed to develop an awareness of the environment in which we live and function. Topics in soil and water systems, air quality, and wildlife management are covered. Natural resources, recycling and waste management are also addressed. Students are encouraged to become involved in environmental issues that directly impact them and their community. (CROSS CREDIT: Science) HORTICULTURE PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) The basic horticulture class is designed to create an awareness of plant growth and care. Soil and plant problems and plant identification are covered. Students will develop competencies in landscape development and management as well as plant production. Students will also explore several avenues for horticultural occupations available in the area. (CROSS CREDIT: Science) HORTICULTURE – ADVANCED PREREQUISITE: Horticulture (9, 10, 11, 12) A continuation of the objectives covered in the basic course with an emphasis on in-depth student and class projects. Hands-on jobs in landscaping and greenhouse production will include opportunities for occupational experience in the local trade. (CROSS CREDIT: Science) TURF MANAGEMENT PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This course is designed to teach students about the environmental issues surrounding golf courses. Students also learn golf course maintenance practices, and develop protocol for collecting grass, wee, disease and insect samples. The class works closely with area golf courses, which act as effective outdoor laboratories. (CROSS CREDIT: Science) BUSINESS & MARKETING ACCOUNTING I PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (10, 11, 12) In this course students will be introduced to basic accounting terminology, concepts, principles, and procedures. Students will learn to keep financial records for a business. Units of study will cover the accounting cycle, journalizing and posting techniques, and financial statements. This class is offered as a Tech Prep class for college. (CROSS CREDIT: Math) ACCOUNTING II PREREQUISITE: Accounting I (10, 11, 12) This course is a continuation of Accounting I. Students will analyze, classify, measure, record and interpret financial information. Students apply learned skills to complete actual financial statements and reports for various types of business organizations. Students also have an opportunity to compare manual and automated accounting procedures. This class is offered as a Tech Prep class for college. (CROSS CREDIT: Math) BUSINESS LAW PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (10, 11, 12) Business Law will introduce you to the world of law. Topics include criminal vs. civil law, crimes and torts, trial procedures and contract law. Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in mock trails. After completing this course, the student will have a better understanding of the legal system, the dynamic nature of law, and its relationship with the business world. This course will assist the student with personal and business decision making and help them effectively perform responsibilities as a citizen. CAREER CHOICES PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (11, 12) Career Choices will introduce the student to the world of work. Topics include career planning, the job search, specific skills need for a career, health and safety requirements per career, legal issues about work, workplace policies and procedures, employee evaluation process, time management, and establishing short and long-term goals as they relate to chose career. This course is a year long class and should be taken simultaneously with Work-Based Learning. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS PREPREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (9, 10, 11, 12) This course is designed to familiarize the student with basic business applications using Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. Applications include word processing, database, spreadsheets, graphics, and desktop publishing. Students may earn MOS certification in this course. COMSUMER ECONOMICS PREREQUISITE: None (9) This course will give students valuable information they will need to make some of the most important consumer decisions of their lives. Some information can be used in their lives today. Some information will probably be useful in a year or two. Some information students will have more use for in about 10 years. All of it is here to introduce students to the impact that being a consumer will have on their lives, and what an impact being a consumer can have on their local, state, and national economy. DIGI-TOOLS PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This is a one-semester course which helps students learn the keyboarding system using the touch method. This course will also introduce students to basic formatting, voice recognition, career awareness, PowerPoint, 10-key pad, spreadsheets and desktop publishing. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (10, 11, 12) With the business world becoming internationally focused, students need to understand business with a global perspective. The content and activities in International Business provide a foundation for continued learning about the global business environment. Issues to be covered include factors that affect international business and the impact of current world events. Upon completion of this course, the student will have a working knowledge of the elements and characteristics of business in our global economy. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) Introduction to Business will introduce you to the world of business and help prepare you for the economic roles of consumer, worker and citizen. This course will also serve as a background for other business courses you may take in high school and in college, assist you with consumer decision making, prepare you for future employment, and help you effectively perform your responsibilities as a citizen. PERSONAL FINANCE PREPREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) The focus of this class is to develop the skills needed to make informed decisions regarding your money and your future. Students will develop strategies on how to manage their resources, explore skills for the wise use of credit, explore their borrowing powers, etc. Some of the major areas of discussions include banking institutions, payroll, checking accounts, credit cards, income tax forms, loans and interests, insurance, making major purchases, etc. (CROSS CREDIT: Math) REAL ENTERPRISES PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools (Recommended: Accounting I or Personal Finance) (10, 11, 12) REAL Enterprises I is a two-semester course designed to offer students the opportunity to empower themselves through the process of experiential education (hands-on learning). During the first semester of the course, students will identify their talents and interests, conduct an in-depth analysis of their community, and identify business opportunities or “niches” that exist therein. This course is designed to help students develop skills, expand their knowledge, and create tangible products, hopefully including new enterprises. The major goal of the class is the development (and potential execution) of a business plan for an enterprise of the student’s choosing. The second semester of REAL Enterprises I is devoted to completion of this comprehensive business plan. This is a year long class and students must make a commitment to stay in it for the entire year. WORK-BASED LEARNING PREREQUISITE: Digi-Tools and Career Choices (11, 12) Work-Based Learning is an exciting way to strengthen your education by making connection between your education at Blaine High School and your future. These learning experiences encourage learning beyond the classroom by connecting you with local employers. These connections will help you get a clearer picture of the skills required for a career field you might be considering. The different experiences can include Internships and Work-Study. You must be either enrolled in Career Choice or have taken it the previous semester. CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION PRE-APPRENTICESHIP PREREQUISITE: Instructor’s Permission (9, 10, 11, 12) The Pre-Apprenticeship program is designed to provide basic knowledge and develop basic skills used in the construction industry. This program is intended to prepare students for entry into an apprenticeship program in the construction trades. The Pre-Apprenticeship program focuses on hands-on activities supported by visual presentations found in the course videos and workbooks. CONSTRUCTION SKILLS PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This is an introductory course in basic building construction and remodeling, engaging the students in building and remodeling techniques with the use of portable power and hand tools. Students will learn the basic principles of foundation, wall framing, and interior and exterior finish. CONSTRUCTION SKILLS – ADVANCED PREREQUISITE: Construction Skills (9, 10, 11, 12) Students are involved in an advanced level of building and remodeling, with an emphasis on high quality craftsmanship in the skilled areas of remodeling, roof framing, stair building and rough-in electrical and plumbing. FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE EDUCATION Family and Consumer Science Education empowers individuals and families to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. The relationship between work and family is our unique focus. This program is divided into the following classes: PERSONAL CHOICES PREREQUISITE: None (Recommended for 9 & 10) This semester long course is designed for students who are interested in facing the challenges of understanding themselves, the people around them, managing their resources and making connections between family, school and community. Practice in problem-solving and decision-making. This course includes an interior design project and sewing projects. FOOD AND NUTRITION PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This semester long class is designed for students who are interested in understanding the principles of nutrition in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Attention will be given to the selection and preparation of food and personal health and well-being. INDEPENDENT LIVING PREREQUISITE: None (Recommended for 11 & 12) This semester long course is designed to focus on the young adult as an individual preparing for the responsibilities of living on their own. Attention will be given to management skills, problem-solving methods, and coping skills as it relates to home, family, and employment. Some meal planning and food preparation included. CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PARENTING PREPREQUISITE: None (Open to 10, 11, 12) This semester long course is designed as an overview of child development from birth to adolescence. It includes the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Students gain the knowledge and skill that will help them become better parents. TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION DIGITAL DESIGN PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) This course is designed for those who have a basic background in computer use and desire to take their interest to the next level. Projects are designed to enable you to take your skills as far as you are willing to challenge yourself. Course content includes an introduction to graphic design, web page design, and 3D modeling. Students will have the opportunity to explore animation, architecture, or Computer Aided Drafting. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION PREREQUISITE: None (9, 10, 11, 12) Students will design and build models and projects to solve problems requiring a solution using technology. The process of design is emphasized as students explore different areas of technology. (CROSS CREDIT: Science or Vocational) VIDEO PRODUCTION I PREREQUISITE: Instructor’s Permission (10, 11, 12) Students learn the basics of production in video and television, while performing the role of each member of a production crew. Students learn to operate cameras, switchers, graphics, lighting, and sound equipment, work “on camera,” and learn to write scripts for their own productions. Daily attendance and participation is a must. (CROSS CREDIT: Fine Arts or Vocational) VIDEO PRODUCTION II PREREQUISITE: Instructor’s Permission (10, 11, 12) Students will manage, write, shoot, and edit stories and features as producers of Blaine High School’s weekly broadcast and video yearbook. Students will also produce other projects as they learn about careers in television and video. (CROSS CREDIT: Fine Arts or Vocational)