DigiTools Digital Workbook Chapter 10 Name: Reminder: Save the CH10 Workbook file under a new name if you plan to key your answers in the document. Use the filename Workbook CH10 and place the file in your DigiTools your name\Chapter 10 folder. Review Questions Instructions: Write or key your answers to the questions below. Peer Check Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate. 1. What are the two primary purposes of presentations? 2. What kind of information can you gather to profile your listeners? 3. Why should you consider listener advantages and objections in planning your presentation? 4. What is the purpose of a storyboard or an outline when preparing a presentation? 5. Explain how audio may be used effectively in a presentation. 6. Describe how handouts may be used for a presentation. 7. What is an advantage of working in a team to prepare a presentation? 8. What type of color scheme works best for overhead transparencies? for computer slides? 9. Why should you limit the use of different text styles, sizes, and colors on slides? 10. Give three examples of types of graphics you can use to enhance slides. 11. Why should you be concerned about resolution and compression settings when working with digital images? 12. Give three examples of information you might include in a footer on a slide. 13. What is a transition in an electronic slide show? 14. How can an AutoContent Wizard help you create a slide show? 15. Describe four considerations in preparing a meeting room for a presentation. 16. Why is maintaining eye contact with listeners important during the presentation? 17. Describe appropriate posture and movement or gestures for a speaker. 18. Describe how you should use visuals effectively when giving a presentation. 19. Why should you anticipate questions your listeners may ask during a presentation? 20. Why should you evaluate yourself and ask the listeners to evaluate you when you give a presentation? DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 10 1 Vocabulary Reinforcement Instructions: Enter the letter of each term at the left beside its definition at the right. Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers at the end of this document. A. audio _____ 1. Description or mental picture of a person or group B. body language _____ 2. Main points or ideas you want to communicate C. digital camera _____ D. handouts _____ 3. Contains the main points and basic organization for a presentation 4. Reasons to disapprove or reject ideas E. media _____ F. message _____ 5. Image that helps the listener understand or draws the listener's attention 6. Materials or means used to communicate G. objections _____ 7. Related to the reproduction of sound H. profile _____ 8. Printed documents used to summarize information or provide more details 9. Blank area on a document or slide I. scanner _____ J. storyboard _____ K. visual aid _____ L. white space _____ DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 10 10. Device that creates photographs in an electronic format 11. Device that makes an electronic image of a document or other object, such as a photograph or a slide 12. Posture, movements, gestures, and facial expressions that serve as nonverbal communication 2 From the Editor’s Desk: Confusing Usage Instructions: 1. Open your browser software. Use the bookmark on your Favorites list to access the From the Editor’s Desk page on the Corporate View intranet. (If you do not have a bookmark, access the Corporate View intranet. Choose Corporate Communications, From the Editor’s Desk.) 2. Choose the Confusing Usage link. Under Confusing Usage, choose the Asking Questions: What, Who, When, Where, How link. Read the information provided and follow the directions for completing the practice exercise. Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the intranet page. Math Practice: Calculating Currency Conversions Instructions: You work in the Cashier’s Department of your company. Your company deals with several foreign companies. These companies make payments in their own currencies. You will convert the foreign currency amounts into U.S. dollars so their accounts can be updated. Refer to the chart below to find the exchange rate. Example: 100 Canadian dollars x .6273 = 62.73 U.S. dollars Convert the following currency amounts to U.S. dollar. Round U.S. dollar amounts up to the nearest whole cent. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1,453 Euros 1,254,000 Yen 2,983 Australian dollars 3,289.56 Canadian dollars 10,429.39 Great Britain Pounds SAMPLE CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES Base Currency Euro Canadian Dollars Australian Dollars Great Britain Pounds Japanese Yen Self Check Exchange Rates for U.S. Dollars 0.8837 0.6273 0.5224 1.4155 0.0081 Check your answers by comparing them with the deposit slips at the end of this document. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 10 3 Keyboarding Practice: Reach Technique Instructions: 1 Home position 2 3 4 Down reaches 5 6 7 Up Reaches 8 9 Print this page. Key each line once at a comfortable, constant rate. Determine lines that need more practice. Repeat those lines. Hall left for Dallas; he is glad Jake fed his dog. Ada had a glass flask; Jake had a sad jello salad. Lana Hask had a sale; Gala shall add half a glass. Did my banker, Mr. Mavann, analyze my tax account? Do they, Mr. Zack, expect a number of brave women? Zach, check the menu; next, beckon the lazy valet. Prue truly lost the quote we wrote for our report. Teresa quietly put her whole heart into her words. There were two hilarious jokes in your quiet talk. Keyboarding Practice: Speed Building Instructions: Key two 3' timings on the writing. Strive for accuracy. gwam 3' The term careers to 3 51 As you know, a career is much more than a 8 55 12 59 16 63 20 67 23 71 A career 27 74 can help us to reach unique goals, such as to make a living 31 79 or to help others. 35 83 For example, it can determine where 39 87 you live, the money you make, and how you feel about yourself. 44 91 A good choice can thus help you realize the life you want. 47 95 different people. job. can mean many different things It is the kind of work a person has through life. It includes the jobs a person has over time. It also involves how the work life affects the other parts of our life. There are as many types of careers as there are people. Almost all people have a career of some kind. The kind of career you have will affect your life in many ways. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 10 4 Answers to Vocabulary Reinforcement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. H F J G K E A D L C I B Answers to Math Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1,453 Euros = $1,284.02 U.S. 1,254,000 Yen = $10,157.40 U.S. 2,983 Australian Dollars = $1,558.32 3,289.56 Canadian Dollars = $2,063.54 U.S. 10,429.39 Great Britain Pounds = $14,762.80 DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 10 5