DigiTools Digital Workbook Chapter 5 Name: Reminder: Save the CH05 Workbook file under a new name if you plan to key your answers in the document. Use the filename Workbook CH05 and place the file in your DigiTools your name\Chapter5 folder. Review Questions Instructions: Write or key your answers to the questions below. Peer Check Check your answers by comparing them with those of a classmate. 1. An informal document most often used to communicate within an organization, such as a company or a club, is called a(n) _______________. 2. What heading information is included in a memo? What side margins should you use for a memo? 3. Line spacing can be changed using the ____________command on the Format menu. Line spacing can also be changed using the Line Spacing button on the ________________ toolbar. 4. Word sets a left tab every _____________ from the left margin by default. 5. Click the ___________ button on the Standard toolbar to reverse a change in formatting. 6. To insert the current date in a document, select ________________ from the Insert menu. 7. The name of a book is often emphasized by using ___________ format. 8. The ___________ command deletes selected text or objects, such as pictures, from a document. 9. The ________________ command places cut or copied text or objects in a document at the cursor location. 10. A letter written by an individual to a business or organization is called a(n) _________________ ________. 11. _________________________ is good quality paper that has company information printed on it. 12. How should the paragraphs of a letter be spaced? In block letter style, where do all lines begin? 13. In open punctuation style, what punctuation is placed after the salutation? after the closing? 14. Word checks spelling and grammar automatically as you key. ____________________________ show possible spelling errors. __________________________ show possible grammatical errors. 15. To create and print envelopes for letters, use Word’s ________________________ feature. 16. Describe the address style the U.S. Postal Service recommends using for the delivery address on an envelope. 17. A(n) ____________________ is a machine that prints postage in the amount needed onto an envelope or a label. 18. A(n) ____________ is a vertical list of data in a table. A(n) ____________ is a horizontal list of data in a table. A(n) ____________ is one block of data in a table. 19. Describe how to adjust column widths in a table using the mouse or a digital pen. 20. Cells in a table can be ___________ (joined) or _____________ (divided) to better fit your data. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 1 21. A short report with the pages fastened together in the upper left corner with a staple or paper clip is called a(n) ________________________. 22. A(n) _______________________or section at the end of the report gives complete information for each reference used in the report. 23. When should you use a numbered list rather than a bulleted list in a report? 24. Microsoft Office provides a collection of images called _____________ that you can use in documents. 25. Explain how to change the size of an image in a document using the mouse. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 2 Vocabulary Reinforcement Instructions: Enter the letter of each term at the left beside its definition at the right. Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last page of this document. A. AutoFit _____ 1. An image such as a photo, a drawing, or a chart B. Change Case command _____ 2. Aligns text at the left, right, center, or decimal point C. character format _____ 3. Displays nonprinting characters on the screen D. Click and Type _____ 4. Adjusts column widths to the length of the data in the columns E. confidential _____ 5. Blank space between the edge of the paper and the printed text F. font style G. graphic _____ _____ 6. Colored background that can be added to cells 7. Command that changes the normal appearance of text H. Hanging command _____ 8. Determines the look or artistic style of the letters. I. header _____ 9. Document that shows data arranged in a grid of columns and rows J. justified text _____ 10. Ends evenly at both left and right margins K. letter _____ 11. Feature that automatically applies paragraph formatting using the position of the insertion point L. margin _____ 12. Gives credit for quoted or paraphrased material in a report M. report _____ 13. Information placed at the top of each page in a document N. shading _____ 14. Private or secret O. Show/Hide command _____ 15. Sets the first line of a paragraph to begin at the left margin and all other lines to be indented P. tab stop _____ 16. Allows you to format selected text for small or capital letters Q. table _____ 17. Document that provides information on a certain topic R. textual citation _____ 18. Formal type of correspondences, usually sent outside the company DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 3 Math Practice: Calculating Mailing Volumes Instructions: Calculate answers to the following questions. Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the last page of this document. Based on records kept by the mailroom supervisor, about 3,000 pieces of incoming mail are sorted and distributed each month in your company. Additionally, the volume of mail is expected to increase by 6 percent next year. 1. How many pieces of mail that will be processed this year? 2. How many more pieces of mail will be processed next year than will be processed this year? An envelope has been prepared for each address on a mailing list of 18,000 names. The mailing machine can feed, seal, meter-stamp, count, and stack 200 envelopes a minute. Of the 18,000 envelopes being processed, 20% are being sent to Minnesota, 30% to Wyoming, 15% to Wisconsin, and 35% to Nebraska. 3. How long it will take to process all the envelopes using the mailing machine? 4. How many envelopes will be sent to each state? From the Editor’s Desk: Subject and Verb Agreement Instructions: 1. Open your browser software. Use the bookmark on your Favorites list to access the From the Editor’s Desk page on the Corporate View intranet. (If you do not have a bookmark, access the Corporate View intranet. Choose Corporate Communications, From the Editor’s Desk.) 2. Choose the Sentence Structure link. Under Sentence Structure, choose the Subject and Verb Agreement link. Read the information provided and follow the directions for completing the practice exercise. Self Check Check your answers by comparing them with the correct answers on the intranet page. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 4 Keyboarding Practice: Opposite Hand Reaches Instructions: Print this page. Key each line once at a comfortable, constant rate. Determine lines that need more practice. Repeat those lines. b/h 1 2 3 4 bf but job fibs orb bow able bear habit boast rabbit brother nj not and one now fun next pony month notice runner quicken bin bran knob born cabin number botany nibble blank neighbor A number of neighbors banked on bunking in the brown cabins. g/h 5 6 7 8 gag go gee god rig gun log gong cog gig agog gage going gang huh oh hen the hex ash her hash ah hush shah hutch hand ache ugh high ghoul rough ghosts cough night laugh ghee bough ghi Hush; Greg hears rough sounds. Has Hugh laughed or coughed? r/u 9 10 11 12 row or rid air rap par rye rear ark jar rip nor are right or cut us auk out tutu sun husk but fun cub gun nut mud tug hug rut aura run your rub cure rum our rue cur rug urn true pure Ryan is sure you should pour your food from an urn or cruet. Keyboarding Practice: Speed Building Instructions: Print this page. Key 1' timings on each paragraph. Key a 3' timing on the entire writing. Try to maintain the speed and accuracy you achieve on the 1' timings on the 3' timing. gwam 1' 3' 13 4 25 8 38 13 13 17 for 26 22 Read word for 39 26 40 26 13 31 Only then, 26 35 print or remove the work and scrutinize to see how it might look to a 39 39 recipient. 42 40 Isn’t it great just to untangle and relax after you have keyed a completed document? Complete, or just done? No document is quite complete until it has left you and passed to the next step. There are desirable things that must happen to a document before you surrender it. It must be read carefully, first meaning to find words that look right but aren’t. of all, word. Check all figures and exact data, like a date or time, with your principal copy. Make sure format details are right. DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 5 Answers to Vocabulary Reinforcement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. G P O A L N C F Q J D R I E H B M K Answers to Math Practice 1. 36,000 pieces 2. 2,160 pieces 3. 90 minutes 4. Minnesota: 3,600 envelopes Wyoming: 5,400 envelopes Wisconsin: 2,700 envelopes Nebraska: 6,300 envelopes DigiTools Digital Workbook, Chapter 5 6